**Step 3:** Specify the workspace. The rest of the guide is based on it. Please create an
**Step 3:** Specify the workspace. The rest of the guide is based on it. Please create an
environment variable called `WORKSPACE` with the path to your workspace:
environment variable called `WORKSPACE` with the path to your workspace:
_The module environments /hiera, /scs5, /classic and /ml originated from the taurus system are momentarily under construction. The script will be updated after completion of the redesign accordingly_
marie@compute$export WORKSPACE=/horse/ws/1/marie-EasyBuild #see output of ws_list above
marie@compute$export WORKSPACE=/data/horse/ws/1/marie-EasyBuild #see output of ws_list above
**Step 4:** Load the correct module environment `modenv` according to your current or target
**Step 4:** Load the correct module environment `modenv` according to your current or target