sed -i "s|.*Key for the VM on the partition ml.*|ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3siZfQ6vQ6PtXPG0RPZwtJXYYFY73TwGYgM6mhKoWHvg+ZzclbBWVU0OoU42B3Ddofld7TFE8sqkHM6M+9jh8u+pYH4rPZte0irw5/27yM73M93q1FyQLQ8Rbi2hurYl5gihCEqomda7NQVQUjdUNVc6fDAvF72giaoOxNYfvqAkw8lFyStpqTHSpcOIL7pm6f76Jx+DJg98sXAXkuf9QK8MurezYVj1qFMho570tY+83ukA04qQSMEY5QeZ+MJDhF0gh8NXjX/6+YQrdh8TklPgOCmcIOI8lwnPTUUieK109ndLsUFB5H0vKL27dA2LZ3ZK+XRCENdUbpdoG2Czz Key for the VM on the partition ml|" "/home/marie/.ssh/authorized_keys"
sed -i "s|.*Key for the VM on the cluster power.*|ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3siZfQ6vQ6PtXPG0RPZwtJXYYFY73TwGYgM6mhKoWHvg+ZzclbBWVU0OoU42B3Ddofld7TFE8sqkHM6M+9jh8u+pYH4rPZte0irw5/27yM73M93q1FyQLQ8Rbi2hurYl5gihCEqomda7NQVQUjdUNVc6fDAvF72giaoOxNYfvqAkw8lFyStpqTHSpcOIL7pm6f76Jx+DJg98sXAXkuf9QK8MurezYVj1qFMho570tY+83ukA04qQSMEY5QeZ+MJDhF0gh8NXjX/6+YQrdh8TklPgOCmcIOI8lwnPTUUieK109ndLsUFB5H0vKL27dA2LZ3ZK+XRCENdUbpdoG2Czz Key for the VM on the cluster power|" "/home/marie/.ssh/authorized_keys"
ssh -i /tmp/marie_2759627/kvm root@
@@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ rm -rf /tmp/sbuild-*
If that does not help, e.g., because one build alone needs more than the available disk memory, then
it will be necessary to use the `tmp` folder on `scratch`. In order to ensure that the files in the
temporary folder will be owned by root, it is necessary to set up an image inside `/scratch/tmp`
it will be necessary to use the `tmp` folder on `/data/horse`. In order to ensure that the files in the
temporary folder will be owned by root, it is necessary to set up an image inside `/data/horse/tmp`
instead of using it directly. E.g., to create a 25 GB of temporary memory image: