-- Fix batch jobs stuck in CF state on FrontEnd mode.
-- Add a separate explicit error message when rejecting changes to active node
-- cons_common/job_test - fix slurmctld SIGABRT due to double-free.
-- Fix updating reservations to set the duration correctly if updating the
start time.
-- Fix update reservation to promiscuous mode.
-- Fix override of job tasks count to max when ntasks-per-node present.
-- Fix min CPUs per node not being at least CPUs per task requested.
-- Fix CPUs allocated to match CPUs requested when requesting GRES and
threads per core equal to one.
-- Fix NodeName config parsing with Boards and without CPUs.
-- Ensure SLURM_JOB_USER and SLURM_JOB_UID are set in SrunProlog/Epilog.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix error messages for certain invalid salloc/sbatch/srun options.
-- pmi2 - clean up sockets at step termination.
-- Fix 'scontrol hold' to work with 'JobName'.
-- sbatch - handle --uid/--gid in #SBATCH directives properly.
-- Fix race condition in job termination on slurmd.

Michael Hinton
-- Print specific error messages if trying to run use certain
priority/multifactor factors that cannot work without SlurmDBD.
-- Avoid partial GRES allocation when --gpus-per-job is not satisfied.
-- Cray - Avoid referencing a variable outside of it's correct scope when
dealing with creating steps within a het job.
-- slurmrestd - correctly handle larger addresses from accept().
-- Avoid freeing wrong pointer with SlurmctldParameters=max_dbd_msg_action
with another option after that.
-- Restore MCS label when suspended job is resumed.
-- slurmrestd - use errno from job submission.
-- Fix "user" filter for sacctmgr show transactions.
-- Fix no_consume GRES for exclusive (whole node) requests.
-- Fix regression in 20.02 that caused an infinite loop in slurmctld when
requesting --distribution=plane for the job.
-- Fix parsing of the --distribution option.
-- Add CONF READ_LOCK to _handle_fed_send_job_sync.
-- prep/script - always call slurmctld PrEp callback in _run_script().
-- Fix node estimation for jobs that use GPUs or --cpus-per-task.
-- Fix jobcomp, job_submit and cli_filter Lua implementation plugins causing
slurmctld and/or job submission CLI tools segfaults due to bad return
handling when the respective Lua script failed to load.
-- Fix propagation of gpu options through hetjob components.
-- Add SLURM_CLUSTERS environment variable to scancel.
-- Fix packing/unpacking of "unlinked" jobs.
-- Connect slurmstepd's stderr to srun for steps launched with --pty.
-- Handle MPS correctly when doing exclusive allocations.
-- slurmrestd - fix compiling against libhttpparser in a non-default path.
-- slurmrestd - avoid compilation issues with libhttpparser < 2.6.
-- Fix compile issues when compiling slurmrestd without --enable-debug.
-- Reset idle time on a reservation that is getting purged.

Danny Auble
-- Fix reoccurring reservations that have Purge_comp= to keep correct
duration if they are purged.
-- scontrol - changed the "PROMISCUOUS" flag to "MAGNETIC"
-- Early return from epilog_set_env in case of no_consume.
-- Fix cons_common/job_test start time discovery logic to prevent skewed
results between "will run test" executions.
-- Ensure TRESRunMins limits are maintained during "scontrol reconfigure".
-- Improve error message when host lookup fails.
* Changes in Slurm 20.02.3
-- Factor in ntasks-per-core=1 with cons_tres.
-- Fix formatting in error message in cons_tres.
-- Fix calling stat on a NULL variable.
-- Fix minor memory leak when using reservations with flags=first_cores.
-- Fix gpu bind issue when CPUs=Cores and ThreadsPerCore > 1 on a node.
-- Fix --mem-per-gpu for heterogenous --gres requests.
-- Fix slurmctld load order in load_all_part_state().
-- Fix race condition not finding jobacct gather task cgroup entry.
-- Suppress error message when selecting nodes on disjoint topologies.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Improve performance of _pack_default_job_details() with large number of job
-- Fix archive loading previous to 17.11 jobs per-node req_mem.
-- Fix regresion validating that --gpus-per-socket requires --sockets-per-node
for steps. Should only validate allocation requests.
-- error() instead of fatal() when parsing an invalid hostlist.
-- nss_slurm - fix potential deadlock in slurmstepd on overloaded systems.
-- cons_tres - fix --gres-flags=enforce-binding and related --cpus-per-gres.
-- cons_tres - Allocate lowest numbered cores when filtering cores with gres.
-- Fix getting system counts for named GRES/TRES.
-- MySQL - Fix for handing typed GRES for association rollups.
-- Fix step allocations when tasks_per_core > 1.
-- Fix allocating more GRES than requested when asking for multiple GRES types.
* Changes in Slurm 20.02.2
-- Fix slurmctld segfault when checking no_consume GRES node allocation counts.
-- Fix resetting of cloud_dns on a reconfigure.

Kilian Cavalotti
-- squeue - change output for dependency column to use "(null)" instead of ""
for no dependncies as documented in the man page, and used by other columns.
-- Clear node_cnt_wag after job update.
-- Fix regression where AccountingStoreJobComment was not defaulting to 'yes'.
-- Send registration message immediately after a node is resumed.
-- Cray - Fix hetjobs when using only a single component in the step launch.
-- Cray - Fix hetjobs launched without component 0.
-- Cray - Quiet cookies missing message which is expected on for hetjobs.
-- Fix handling of -m/--distribution options for across socket/2nd level by
task/affinity plugin.
-- Fix grp_node_bitmap error when slurmctld started before slurmdbd.
-- Fix scheduling issue when there are not enough nodes available to run a job
resulting in possible job starvation.
-- Make it so mpi/cray_shasta appears in srun --mpi=list
-- Don't requeue jobs that have been explicitly canceled.
-- Fix error message for a regular user trying to update licenses on a running
-- Fix backup slurmctld handling for logrotation via SIGUSR2.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Fix reservation feature specification when looking for inactive features
after active features fails.
-- Prevent misleading error messages for reservation creation.
-- Print message in scontrol when a request fails for not having enough nodes.
-- Fix duplicate output in sacct with multiple resv events.

Tim Wickberg
-- auth/jwt - return correct gid for a given user. This was incorrectly
assuming the users's primary group name matched their username.
-- slurmrestd - permit non-SlurmUser/root job submission.
-- Use host IP if hostname unknown for job submission for allocating node.
-- Fix issue with primary_slurmdbd_resumed_operation trigger not happening
on slurmctld restart.
-- Fix race in acct_gather_interconnect/ofed on step termination.
-- Fix typo of SlurmctldProlog -> PrologSlurmctld in error message.
-- slurm.spec - add SuSE-specific dependencies for optional slurmrestd package.
-- Fixed sbatch not processing --ignore-pbs in batch script.
-- Don't clear the qos_id of an invalid QOS.
-- Allow a job that was once FAIL_[QOS|ACCOUNT] to be eligible again if
the qos|account limitation is remedied.
-- Fix core reservations using the FLEX flag to allow use of resources
outside of the reservation allocation.
-- Fix MPS without File with 1 GPU, and without GPUs.
-- Add FreeBSD support to proctrack/pgid plugin.
-- Fix remote dependency testing for meta job in job array.
-- Fix preemption when dealing with a job array.
-- Don't send remote non-pending singleton dependencies on federation update.
-- slurmrestd - fix crash on empty query.
-- Fix race condition which could lead to invalid references in backfill.
-- Fix edge case in _remove_job_hash().
-- Fix exit code when using --cluster/-M client options.
-- Fix compilation issues in GCC10.
-- Fix invalid references when federated job is revoked while in backfill loop.
-- Fix distributing job steps across idle nodes within a job.
-- Fix detected floating reservation overlapping.
-- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres
request resulting in slurmctld hang.
-- Send the current (not the previous) reason for a pending job to client
commands like squeue/scontrol.
-- Fix incorrect lock levels for select_g_reconfigure().
-- Handle hidden nodes correctly in slurmrestd.
-- Allow sacctmgr to use MaxSubmitP[U|A] as format options.
-- Fix segfault when trying to delete a corrupted association.
-- Fix setting ntasks-per-core when using --multithread.
-- Only override job wait reason to priority if Reason=None or
-- Perl API / seff - fix missing symbol issue with accounting_storage/slurmdbd.
-- slurm.spec - add --with cray_shasta option.

Marcin Stolarek
-- Downgrade "Node config differ.." error message if config_overrides enabled.
-- Add client error when using --gpus-per-socket without --sockets-per-node.
-- Fix nvml/rsmi debug statements making it to stderr.
-- NodeSets - fix slurmctld segfault in newer glibc if any nodes have no
defined features.
-- ConfigLess - write out plugstack config to correct config file name in
the config cache.
-- priority/multifactor - gracefully handle NULL list of associations or array
of siblings when calculating FairTree fairshare.
-- Fix cons_tres --exclusive=user to allocate only requested number of CPUs.
-- Add MySQL deadlock detection and automatic retry mechanism.
-- Reject repeating floating reservations as they aren't supported.
-- Fix testing of reservation flags that may be NO_VAL64.
-- Fix _verify_node_state memory requested as --mem-per-gpu DefMemPerGPU.
-- Fix DependencyNeverSatisfied not set as the job's state reason if
kill_invalid_depend or --kill-on-invalid-dep are used.
-- pam_slurm_adopt - explicitly call slurm_conf_init().
-- configless - fix plugstack.conf handling for client commands.
-- Set SLURM_JOB_USER and SLURM_JOB_UID in task_epilog correctly.
-- slurmrestd - authenticate job submissions by SlurmUser properly.
* Changes in Slurm 20.02.1
-- Improve job state reason for jobs hitting partition_job_depth.
-- Speed up testing of singleton dependencies.
-- Fix negative loop bound in cons_tres.
-- srun - capture the MPI plugin return code from mpi_hook_client_fini() and
use as final return code for step failure.
-- Fix --gpu-bind=map_gpu reusability if tasks > elements.
-- Make sure config_flags on a gres are sent to the slurmctld on node
-- Prolog/Epilog - Fix missing GPU information.
-- Fix segfault when using config parser for expanded lines.
-- Don't accrue time if job begin time is in the future.
-- Remove accrue time when updating a job start/eligible time to the future.
-- Fix regression in 20.02.0 that broke --depend=expand.
-- Reset begin time on job release if it's not in the future.
-- Fix for recovering burst buffers when using high-availability.
-- Fix invalid read due to freeing an incorrectly allocated env array.
-- Update slurmctld -i message to warn about losing data.
-- Fix scontrol cancel_reboot so it clears the DRAIN flag and node reason for a
pending ASAP reboot.
* Changes in Slurm 20.02.0
-- Fix minor memory leak in slurmd on reconfig.
-- Fix invalid ptr reference when rolling up data in the database.
-- Change to require python3 for RHEL8 support, and match
-- slurm.spec - override "hardening" linker flags to ensure RHEL8 builds
in a usable manner.
-- Fix type mismatches in the perl API.
-- Prevent use of uninitialized slurmctld_diag_stats.
-- Fixed various Coverity issues.
-- Only show warning about root-less topology in daemons.
-- Fix accounting of jobs in IGNORE_JOBS reservations.
-- Fix issue with batch steps state not loading correctly when upgrading from
-- Deprecate max_depend_depth in SchedulerParameters and move it to
-- Silence erroneous error on slurmctld upgrade when loading federation state.
-- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres
request resulting in slurmctld hang.
-- Improve handling of --gpus-per-task to make sure appropriate number of GPUs
is assigned to job.
-- Fix seg fault on cons_res when requesting --spread-job.
* Changes in Slurm 20.02.0rc1
-- sbatch - fix segfault when no newline at the end of a burst buffer file.
-- Change scancel to only check job's base state when matching -t options.
-- cons_tres - allow jobs to be run on systems with root-less topologies.
-- Restore pre-20.02pre1 PrologSlurmctld synchonization behavior to avoid
various race conditions, and ensure proper batch job launch.
-- Add new slurmrestd command/daemon which implements the Slurm REST API.
* Changes in Slurm 20.02.0pre1
-- Avoid possible race when 2 conf files are read at the same exact time.
-- Add last and mean backfill table size to sdiag output.
-- Add support for additional job submit environment variables:
-- Add 'Agent thread count' stat to sdiag.
-- NodeName configurations with CPUs != Sockets*Cores or
Sockets*Cores*Threads will be rejected with fatal.
-- Add scontrol write config <filename> option.
-- Increase maximum number of hostlist ranges from 64k to 256k.
-- Don't acquire unneeded locks in slurmctld _run_prolog thread.
-- Fix sinfo/squeue sort by nodename/nodeaddr/hostname.
-- Optimize getting wckey and associations usage.
-- Keep SLURM_MPI_TYPE variable in srun when not set to 'none'.
-- pam_slurm_adopt - with action_unknown=newest configured, pick a user job
even when failing to get cgroup mtime.
-- Fix "srun --export=" parsing to handle nested commas.

Brian Christiansen
-- Add default "reboot requested" reason to nodes when rebooting with scontrol.
-- Duplicate PartitionName entries in slurm.conf will now fatal() instead of
printing an error message and ignoring the successive records.
-- Change exclusive behavior of a node to include all GRES on a node as well
as the cpus.
-- Append ": reboot issued" to node reason when reboot is issued from
controller. Previously only happened when nextstate was specified.
-- Add default jobname of "no-shell" for salloc --no-shell.
-- Save reservation state when automatically shrinking nodes.

Danny Auble
-- Add slurm.conf option MaxDBDMsgs to control how many messages will be
stored in the slurmctld before throwing them away when the slurmdbd is down.
-- Change default SLURM_PMIX_TMPDIR to include user id to avoid potential
conflicts on development systems running multiple Slurm instances.
-- Return a newly added ESLURM_DEFER error and set a job state reason to
FAIL_DEFER for immediate alloc requests if defer in SchedulerParameters.
-- Make slurmctld fatal if unable to load a script or a job environment when
building the launch job message.
-- Removed the checkpoint plugin interface and all associated API calls.
-- Add job_get_grace_time() functions to preempt plugins and refactor
slurm_job_check_grace() to use them.
-- Remove --disable-iso8601 configure option.
-- Display StepId=<jobid>.batch instead of StepId=<jobid>.4294967294 in output
of "scontrol show step". (slurm_sprint_job_step_info())
-- Make it so you can have a grace time when preempting by requeue.
-- Translate MpiDefault=openmpi to functionally-equivalent MpiDefault=none,
and remove the mpi/openmpi plugin.
-- burst_buffer/datawarp - add a set of % symbols that will be replaced by
job details. E.g., %d will be filled in with the WorkDir for the job.
-- Fix sacctmgr show events to support node list ranges.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option bf_one_resv_per_job to disallow adding more
than one backfill reservation per job.
-- Allow sacctmgr to filter node events by states that are flags.
-- Allow sacctmgr to filter node events by REBOOT state/flag.
-- Add ability to set MailType and MailUser of job with scontrol.
-- slurm_init_job_desc_msg() initializes mail_type as uint16_t. This allows
mail_type to be set to NONE with scontrol.
-- Add new slurm_spank_log() function to print messages back to the user from
within a SPANK plugin. (This can be done with slurm_error() instead, but
that will always prepend "error: " to every message which may lead to
-- Enforce specification of partition and ALL nodes with PART_NODES flag.
-- Add 'promiscuous' flag to a reservation.
-- Implement the idea of PURGE_COMP=timespec.
-- SPANK - removed never-implemented slurm_spank_slurmd_init() interface. This
hook has always been accessible through slurm_spank_init() in the
S_CTX_SLURMD context instead.
-- sbcast - add new BcastAddr option to NodeName lines to allow sbcast traffic
to flow over an alternate network path.
-- Add new 'scontrol token' subcommand.
-- PMIx - improve performance of proc map generation.
-- For a heterogeneous job to be considered for preemption all components must
be eligible for preemption.
-- Added JobCompParams to slurm.conf.
-- Add configuration parameter DependencyParameters to slurm.conf.
-- Deprecate kill_invalid_depend in SchedulerParameters and move it to new
-- Enable job dependencies for any job on any cluster in the same federation.
-- Stricter escaping of strings sent to Elasticsearch.
-- Allow clusters to be added automatically to db at startup of ctld.
-- Add AccountingStorageExternalHost slurm.conf parameter.
-- Add support for srun -M<cluster> --jobid=# for existing remote allocations.
-- Remove LicensesUsed from 'scontrol show config'.

Marcin Stolarek
-- sbatch - adjusted backoff times for "--wait" option to reduce load on
slurmctld. This results in a steady-state delay of 32s between queries,
instead of the prior 10s delay.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option bf_running_job_reserve to add backfill
reservations for jobs running on whole nodes
-- salloc/sbatch/srun - error on invalid --profile option strings.
-- Remove max_job_bf option and replace with bf_max_job_test.
-- Disable sbatch, salloc, srun --reboot for non-admins.
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch - added connect_timeout and timeout options to
-- SPANK - added support for S_JOB_GID in the job script context with
-- Prolog/Epilog - add SLURM_JOB_GID environment variable.
-- Add gpu/rsmi plugin to support AMD GPUs
-- Make it so you can "stack" the energy plugins
-- Add energy accounting plugin for AMD GPU
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.9
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.8
-- sbatch - handle --uid/--gid in #SBATCH directives properly.
-- Fix HDF5 type version build error.
-- PMIx - fix potential buffer overflows from use of unpackmem().
-- X11 forwarding - fix potential leak of the magic cookie when sent as an
argument to the xauth command. CVE-2020-27746.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.7
-- Fix handling of -m/--distribution options for across socket/2nd level by
task/affinity plugin.
-- Fix grp_node_bitmap error when slurmctld started before slurmdbd.
-- Fix distributing job steps across idle nodes within a job.
-- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres
request resulting in slurmctld hang.
-- priority/multifactor - gracefully handle NULL list of associations or array
of siblings when calculating FairTree fairshare.
-- Fix cons_tres --exclusive=user to allocate only requested number of CPUs.
-- Add MySQL deadlock detection and automatic retry mechanism.
-- Fix _verify_node_state memory requested as --mem-per-gpu DefMemPerGPU.
-- Factor in ntasks-per-core=1 with cons_tres.
-- Fix formatting in error message in cons_tres.
-- Fix gpu bind issue when CPUs=Cores and ThreadsPerCore > 1 on a node.
-- Fix --mem-per-gpu for heterogenous --gres requests.
-- Fix slurmctld load order in load_all_part_state().
-- Fix getting system counts for named GRES/TRES.
-- MySQL - Fix for handing typed GRES for association rollups.
-- Fix step allocations when tasks_per_core > 1.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.6
-- Fix memory leak in scontrol show config.
-- Remove PART_NODES reservation flag after ignoring it at creation.
-- Fix deprecation of MemLimitEnforce parameter.
-- X11 forwarding - alter Xauthority regex to work when "FamilyWild" cookies
are present in the "xauth list" output.
-- Fix memory leak when utilizing core reservations.
-- Fix issue where adding WCKeys and then using them right away didn't always
-- Add cosmetic batch step to correct component in a hetjob.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Fix to make scontrol write config create a usable config without editing.
-- Fix memory leak when pinging backup controller.

Marcin Stolarek
-- Fix issue with 'scontrol update' not enforcing all QoS / Association limits.
-- Fix to properly schedule certain jobs with cons_tres plugin.
-- Fix FIRST_CORES for reservations when using cons_tres.
-- Fix sbcast -C argument parsing.
-- Replace/deprecate max_job_bf with bf_max_job_test and print error message.
-- sched/backfill - fix options parsing when bf_hetjob_prio enabled.
-- Fix for --gpu-bind when no gpus requested.
-- Fix sshare -l crash with large values.
-- Fix printing NULL job and step pointers.
-- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres
request resulting in slurmctld hang.

Marcin Stolarek
-- Improve handling of --gpus-per-task to make sure appropriate number of GPUs
is assigned to job.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.5
-- Fix both socket-[un]constrained GRES issues that would lead to incorrect
GRES allocations and GRES underflow errors at deallocation time.
-- Reject unrunnable jobs submitted to reservations.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Fix misleading error returned for immediate allocation requests when defer
in SchedulerParameters by decoupling defer from too fragmented logic.
-- Fix printf format string error on FreeBSD.
-- Fix parsing of delay_boot in controller when additional arguments follow it.
-- Fix --ntasks-per-node in cons_tres.
-- Fix array tasks getting same reject reason.
-- Ignore DOWN/DRAIN partitions in reduce_completing_frag logic.
-- Fix alloc_node validation when updating a job.
-- Fix for requesting specific nodes when using cons_tres topology.
-- Ensure x11 is setup before launching a job step.
-- Fix incorrect SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME env var in batch step.
-- Perl API - Fix undefined symbol for slurmdbd_pack_fini_msg.
-- Install slurmdbd.conf.example with 0600 permissions to encourage secure
use. CVE-2019-19727.
-- srun - do not continue with job launch if --uid fails. CVE-2019-19728.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.4
-- Don't allow empty string as a reservation name; generate a name if empty
string is provided.
-- Fix salloc segfault when using --no-shell option.
-- Fix divide by zero when normalizing partition priorities.
-- Restore ability to set JobPriorityFactor to 0 on a partition.
-- Fix multi-partition non-normalized job priorities.
-- Adjust precedence between --mem-per-cpu and --mem-per-node to enforce
them as mutually exclusive. Specifying either on the command line will
now explicitly override any value inherited through the environment.
-- Always print node's version, if it exists, in scontrol show nodes.
-- sbatch - ensure SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE is exported when --ntasks-per-node
is set.
-- slurmctld - fix memory leak when using DebugFlags=Reservation.
-- Reset --mem and --mem-per-cpu options correctly when using --mem-per-gpu.
-- Use correct function signature for step_set_env() in gres plugin interface.
-- Restore pre-19.05 hostname handling behavior for AllocNodes by always
truncating to just the host portion and dropping any domain name portion
returned by gethostbyaddr().
-- Fix abort initializing a configuration without acct_gather.conf.
-- Fix GRES binding and CLOUD nodes GRES setup regressions.
-- Make sview work with glib2 v2.62.
-- Fix slurmctld abort when in developer mode and submitting to multiple
partitions with a bad QOS and not enforcing QOS.
-- Enforce PART_NODES if only PartitionName is specified.
-- Remove duplicate log entry on update job.
-- sched/backfill - fix the estimated sched_nodes for multi-part jobs.
-- slurm.spec - fix pmix_version global context macro.
-- Fix cons_tres topology logic incorrectly evaluating insufficient resoruces.
-- Fix job "--switches=count@time" option handling in cons_tres topology.
-- scontrol - allow changes to the WorkDir for pending jobs.
-- Enable coordinators to delete users if they only belong to accounts that
the coordinator is over.
-- Fix regression on update from older versions with DefMemPerCPU.
-- Fix issues with --gpu-bind while using cgroups.
-- Suspend nodes after being down for SuspendTime.
-- Fix rebooting nodes from skipping nextstate states on boot.
-- Fix regression in reservation creation logic from 19.05.3 which would
incorrectly deny certain valid reservations from being created.
-- slurmdbd - process sacct/sacctmgr job queries from older clients correctly.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.3-2
-- Fix missing include for Cray Aries systems.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.3
-- Fix missing check from conversion of cray -> cray_aries.
-- Improve job state reason string when required nodes are not available by
not including those that don't belong to the job partition.
-- Set a more appropriate ESLURM_RESERVATION_MAINT job state reason for jobs
requesting feature(s) and required nodes are in a maintenance reservation.
-- Fix logic to better handle maintenance reservations.
-- Add spank options to cache in remote callback.
-- Enforce the use of spank_option_getopt().
-- Fix select plugins' will run test under-allocating nodes usage for
completing jobs.
-- Nodes in COMPLETING state treated as being currently available for job
will-run test.
-- Cray - fix contribs slurm.conf.j2 with updated cray_aries plugin names.
-- job_submit/lua - fix problem where nil was expected for min_mem_per_cpu.
-- Fix extra, unaccounted TRESRunMins usage created by heterogeneous jobs when
running with the priority/multifactor plugin.
-- Detach threads once they are done to avoid having to join them
in track scripts code.
-- Handle situation where a slurmctld tries to communicate with slurmdbd more
than once at the same time.
-- Fix XOR/XAND features like cpu&fastio&[knl|westmere] to be resolved
-- Don't update [min|max]_exit_code on job array task requeue.
-- Don't assume the first node of a job is the batch host when testing if the
job's allocated nodes are booted/ready.
-- Make --batch=<feature> requests wait for all nodes to be booted so that it
can choose the batch host after the nodes have been booted -- possibly with
different features.
-- Fix talking to batch host on it's protocol version when using --batch.
-- gres/mic plugin - add missing fini() function to clean up plugin state.
-- Move _validate_node_choice() before prolog/epilog check.
-- Look forward one week while create new reservation.
-- Set mising resv_desc.flags before call _select_nodes().
-- Use correct start_time for TIME_FLOAT reservation in _job_overlap().
-- Properly enforce a job's mem-per-cpu option when allocate the node
exclusively to that job.
-- sched/backfill - clear estimated sched_nodes as done for start_time.
-- Have safe_[read|write] handle EAGAIN and EINTR.
-- Fix checking for flag with logical AND.
-- Correct "extern" definition of variable if compiling with __APPLE__.
-- Deprecate FastSchedule. FastSchedule will be removed in 20.02.
The FastSchedule=2 functionality (used for testing and development) has
been retained as the new SlurmdParameters=config_overrides option.
-- Fix preemption issue when picking nodes for a feature job request.
-- Fix race condition preventing held array job from getting a db_index.
-- Fix select/cons_tres gres code infinite loop leaving slurmctld unresponsive.
-- Remove redefinition of global variable in gres.c
-- Fix issue where GPU devices are denied access when MPS is enabled.
-- Fix uninitialized errors when compiling with CFLAGS="--coverage".
-- Fix scancel --full for proctrack/cgroups.
-- Fix sdiag backfill last and mean queue length stats.
-- Do not remove batch host when resizing/shrinking a batch job.
-- nss_slurm - fix file descriptor leaks.
-- Fix preemption for jobs using complex feature requests
(e.g. -C "[rack1*2&rack2*4]").
-- Fix memory leaks in preemption when jobs request multiple features.
-- Allow Operator users to show/fix runaways.
-- Disallow coordinators to show/fix runaways.
-- mpi/pmi2 - increase array len to avoid buffer size exceeded error.
-- Preserve rebooting node's nextstate when updating state with scontrol.
-- Fully merge slurm.conf and gres.conf before node_config_load().
-- Remove FastSchedule dependence from gres.conf's AutoDetect=nvml.
-- Forbid mix of typed and untyped GRES of same name in slurm.conf.
-- cons_tres: Prevent creating a job without CPUs.
-- Prevent underflow when filtering cores with gres.
-- proctrack/cray_aries: use current pid instead of thread if we're in a fork.
-- Fix missing check for prolog launch credential creation failure that can
lead to segfaults.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.2
-- Wrap END_TIMER{,2,3} macro definition in "do {} while (0)" block.
-- Allow account coordinators to add users who don't already have an
association with any account.
-- If only allowing particular alloc nodes in a partition, deny any request
coming from an alloc node of NULL.
-- Prevent partial-load of plugins which can leave certain interfaces in
an inconsistent state.
-- Remove stray __USE_GNU macro definitions from source.
-- Fix loading fed state by backup on subsequent takeovers.
-- Add missing job read lock when loading fed job state.
-- Add missing fed_job_info jobs if fed state is lost.
-- Do not build cgroup plugins on FreeBSD or NetBSD, and use proctrack/pgid
by default instead.
-- Do not build switch/cray_aries plugin on FreeBSD, NetBSD, or macOS.
-- Fix race condition in route/topology plugin.
-- In munge decode set the alloc_node field to the text representation of an
IP address if the reverse lookup fails.
-- Fix infinite loop in slurmstepd handling for nss_slurm REQUEST_GETGR RPC.
-- Fix slurmstepd early assertion fail which prevented batch job launch or
tasks launch on non-Linux systems.
-- Fix regression with SLURM_STEP_GPUS env var being renamed SLURM_STEP_GRES.
-- Fix pmix v3 linking if no rpath is allowed on build.
-- Fix sacctmgr error handling when removing associations and users.

Marcin Stolarek
-- Allow sacctmgr to add users to WCKeys without having TrackWCKey set in the
-- Allow sacctmgr to delete WCKeys from users.
-- Change GRES type set by gpu/gpu_nvml plugin to be more specific - based
on device name instead of brand name.
-- cli_filter - fix logic error with option lookup functions.
-- Fix bad testing of NodeFeatures debug flag in contribs/cray.
-- Cleanup track_script code to avoid race conditions and invalid memory
-- Fix jobs being killed after being requeued by preemption.
-- Make register nodes verify correctly when using cons_tres.
-- Fix srun --mem-per-cpu being ignored.
-- Fix segfault in _update_job() under certain conditions.
-- job_submit/lua - restore slurm.FAILURE as a synonym for slurm.ERROR.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.1-2
-- Fix mistake in QOS time limit calculations for UsageFactor != 0 with any
combination of flags set.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.1

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- accounting_storage/mysql - fix incorrect function names in error messages.
-- accounting_storage/slurmdbd - trigger an fsync() on the dbd.messages state
file to ensure it is committed to disk properly.
-- Avoid JobHeldUser state reason from being updated at allocation time.
-- Fix dump/load of rejected heterogeneous jobs.
-- For heterogeneous jobs, do not count the each component against the QOS or
association job limit multiple times.
-- Comment out documentation for the incomplete and currently unusable
burst_buffer/generic plugin.
-- Add new error ESLURM_INVALID_TIME_MIN_LIMIT to make note when a time_min
limit is invalid based on timelimit.
-- Correct slurmdb cluster record pack with NULL pointer input.
-- Clearer error message for ESLURM_INVALID_TIME_MIN_LIMIT.
-- Fix SchedulerParameter bf_min_prio_reserve error when not the last parameter
-- When fixing runaway jobs, change to reroll from earliest submit time, and
never reroll from Unix epoch.
-- Display submit time when running sacctmgr show runawayjobs and add format
option to display eligible time.
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix minor race related to JobCompLoc setup.
-- For HetJobs, ensure SLURM_PACK_JOB_ID is set regardless of whether
PrologFlags=Alloc is enabled.

Marcin Stolarek
-- Fix PriorityFlags regression with the mutation of FAIR_TREE to NO_FAIR_TREE.

Marcin Stolarek
-- select/cons_res - fix debug flag SelectType handling in select_p_job_test.
-- Fix sacctmgr archive dump commit confirmation.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Prevent extra resources from being allocated when combining certain flags.
-- Cray - fix template generator with update cray_aries plugin names.
-- accounting_storage/slurmdbd - provide additional detail in several error

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Backfill - If a job has a time_limit guess the end time of a job better
if OverTimeLimit is Unlimited.
-- Remove premature call to get system gpus before querying fake gpus that
should override the real.
-- Fix segfault in epilog_set_env() when gres_devices is NULL.
-- Adjust build system to no longer use the AC_FUNC_MALLOC autoconf macro.
-- srun - restore the --cpu_bind option to srun.
-- Add UsageFactorSafe QOS flag to control applying UsageFactor at
submission/scheduling time.
-- Create missing reservations on DBD_MODIFY_RESV.

Danny Auble
-- Add error message when attempting to update association manager and object
doesn't exist.
-- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin on archive file loads
by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2019-12838.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.0
-- Fix deprecated group by clause to use order by.
-- NVML - Git rid of unneeded * when passing nvmlDevice_t to functions.
-- NVML - Fix clang warning about unneeded variable initialization.
-- Add timers to new site_factor plugin APIs to warn of slow-running plugins,
which can lead to issues with throughput and responsiveness.
-- X11 forwarding - ignore screen value for local DISPLAY.
-- Add missing locks protecting slurmctld_config.server_thread_count access.
-- Fix jobs stuck from FedJobLock when requeueing in a federation
-- Fix requeueing job in a federation of clusters with differing associations
-- sacctmgr - free memory before exiting in 'sacctmgr show runaway'.
-- Fix seff showing memory overflow when steps tres mem usage is 0.
-- Fix memory leaks in 'sacctmgr show runawayjobs'.
-- Fix potential deadlock in nss_slurm.
-- Fix memory leaks due to incomplete slurmdb_cluster_cond_t destructor.
-- Alter reservation flags column in slurmdbd to use uint64_t instead of
uint16_t to ensure all current flags are saved correctly. Older releases
unfortunately could not store details for newer flags (using bits 17-32)
due to this field being silently truncated.
-- Modify task layout with --overcommit option plus a heterogeneous job
allocation so that a cyclic task distribution can start happening before
all CPUs on all nodes are fully allocated. The number of tasks per node
will be unchanged from the previous algorithm, but tasks will be distributed
in a cyclic fashion first and then extra tasks placed on nodes with more
CPUs. Previously all CPUs would be fully allocated in a cyclic fashion,
then excess tasks distributed evenly across all allocated nodes.
-- In select/cons_tres: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit
-- In select/cons_res: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit and
--nodelist options.
-- Fix DefMemPer[CPU|Node] assignment on multi-partition job requests.
-- Fix wrongly setting start_time to 0 for multi-part jobs.
-- Upon archive file name collision, create new archive file instead of
overwriting the old one to prevent lost records.
-- Limit archive files to 50000 records per file so that archiving large
databases will succeed.
-- Remove stray newlines in SPANK plugin error messages.
-- Fix archive loading events.
-- In select/cons_res: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit and
--nodelist options.
-- Fix main scheduler from potentially not running through whole queue.
-- Fix variable initiation to avoid slurmctld abort.
-- In partition preemption, sort preemptor jobs only if they overlap a
preemtable partition.
-- cons_tres/dist_tasks - fix variable usage in cyclic distribution.
-- cons_res/job_test - prevent a job from overallocating a node memory.
-- cons_res/job_test - fix to consider a node's current allocated memory when
testing a job's memory request.
-- Fix issue where multi-node job steps on cloud nodes wouldn't finish cleaning
up until the end of the job (rather than the end of the step).
-- Fix packing pack_jobid in an sbcast.
-- Add new job bit_flags of JOB_DEPENDENT.
-- Make it so dependent jobs reset the AccrueTime and do not count against any
AccrueTime limits.
-- Fix sacctmgr --parsable2 output for reservations and tres.
-- In multi-node systems make sure GRES are found on node when not bound to
specific sockets.
-- Fix gres-per-task logic for gres not bound to sockets.
-- Fix issue when --gpus plus --cpus-per-gres was forcing socket binding
-- Change event table's state column to handle 32bits.
-- Prevent slurmctld from potential segfault after job_start_data() called
for completing job.
-- Fix jobs getting on nodes with "scontrol reboot asap".
-- Record node reboot events to database.
-- Fix node reboot failure message getting to event table.
-- Don't write "(null)" to event table when no event reason exists.
-- Fix invalid memory read in cons_tres.
-- Fix minor memory leak when clearing runaway jobs.
-- Avoid flooding slurmctld and logging when prolog complete RPC errors occur.
-- Fix slurmctld node_scheduler's feature_bitmap memory leak.
-- Fatal when reading config if Alloc flag configured on FrontEnd mode.

Danny Auble
-- Modifications needed to run Federations with clusters running
different select/switch plugins.
-- Fix Clang errors for zero initializing struct with nested arrays.
-- MySQL - Fix minor memory leak when quering suspended jobs fails.
-- Fix seff human readable memory string for values below a megabyte.
-- Avoid slurmctld abort if GRES defined in gres.conf, but not in the node
configuration of slurm.conf.

Morris Jette
-- Calculate task count for job with --gpus-per-task option, but no explicit
task count.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.0rc1
-- Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable in Prolog and Epilog for jobs
requesting gres/gpu.
-- Remove '-U' argument - which was deprecated when '-A' was made the single
character option before the Slurm 2.1 release - as an alternative to
'--account' for salloc/sbatch/srun.
-- Remove direct BLCR support and srun_cr.
-- Make slurm_print_node_table only print a node's slurmd version if it is
different to the one reported by slurm_load_ctl_conf.
-- Call gres plugin environment setup even if gres not requested in job.
-- Do not set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=NoDevFiles when no gres requested.
-- If GRES configuration data is unavailable from gres.conf, then use the
node's "Gres=" information slurm.conf. This will eliminate or minimize the
gres.conf file in many situations.
-- Fix checking IPMI XCC raw command response length.
-- jobacct_gather/common - improve lightweight process identification.
-- Cloud/PowerSave Improvements:
- Better repsonsiveness to resuming and suspending.
- Powering down nodes not eligible to be allocated until after
- Powering down nodes put in "Powering Down / %" state until after
-- Add idle_on_node_suspend SlurmctldParameter to make nodes idle regardless
of state when suspended.
-- Add PowerSave DebugFlag for Suspend/Resume debugging.
-- Changed "scontrol reboot" to not default to ALL nodes.
-- Changed "scontrol completing" to include two new fields - EndTime and
-- select/cons_tres - prevent job from overallocating a node memory.
-- Refactor CLI option parsing for salloc/sbatch/srun into a central set of
functions in src/common/slurm_opt.c. Note that this new option parsing can
be stricter in a few specific situations - places that used to ignore
invalid options and still submit/launch a job or job step may return an
error() and refuse to proceed instead.
-- Add preempt_send_user_signal SlurmctldParameter option to send user
signal (e.g. --signal=<SIG_NUM>) at preemption if it hasn't already been
-- Add PreemptExemptTime parameter to slurm.conf and QOS to guarantee a
minimum runtime before preemption.
-- Set job's preempt time for non-grace time preemptions.
-- Add sinfo format option to show used gres.
-- Add reboot_from_controller SlurmctldParameter to allow RebootProgram to be
run from the controller instead of the slurmds.
-- Fix increasing of job size when extern steps exist.

Tim Wickberg
-- Reset GPU-related arguments to salloc/sbatch/srun for each separate
heterogeneous job component.
-- Do not set "(null)" for SLURM_JOB_CONSTRAINTS when no constraints are set
in PrologSlurmctld/EpilogSlurmctld.
-- Add SRUN_EXPORT_ENV as an input environment variable to srun.

Broderick Gardner
-- Return an error for invalid #SBATCH directives, and do not submit the job.
-- Add S_JOB_ARRAY_ID and S_JOB_ARRAY_TASK_ID to spank_get_item().
-- Change container_{g,p}_add_pid() to container_{g,p}_join() and remove the
'pid_t pid' argument.
-- Add new site_factor plugin type to permit sites to build plugins to set
and modify the site priority factor value both initially on job submission,
and periodically every PriorityCalcPeriod.
-- Rename Cray plugins cray_aries in preperation for Cray/Shasta.
-- Add new cli_filter plugin type to permit sites to build plugins to log,
modify, or reject CLI options within the salloc/sbatch/srun commands
-- Allocate nodes that are booting. Previously, nodes that were being booted
were off limits for allocation. This caused more nodes to be booted than
needed in a cloud environment.
-- pam_slurm_adopt - inject SLURM_JOB_ID environment variable into adopted
-- PMIx - use the Tree-based collective for empty fence operations.
-- PMIx - replace use of the non-standard PMIX_VAL_SET macro with the
standardized PMIX_VALUE_LOAD macro.
-- slurm.spec - change --without cray option to set configure option of
-- slurm.spec - add new --with slurmsmwd option.
-- pmi2: add mutex locking to all API calls to ensure thread-safety.
-- Fix QOS usage factor to apply to TRES time limits and usage.
-- Fix multi-cluster srun's with Select/Cray and other_cons_res.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.0pre3
-- Fix RPM packaging for accounting_storage/mysql.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.0pre2
-- Remove 512-character line length limit in slurm_print_topo_record().
(Used by "scontrol show topology".)
-- Tweak the sdiag gettimeofday() line format for greater clarity.
-- Add support for SALLOC/SBATCH/SLURM_NO_KILL environment variables.
Add salloc/sbatch/srun support for optional "--no-kill=off" option to
disable the environment variables.
-- Fix salloc and missing SLURM_NTASKS.
-- Alter the backfill scheduler behavior to prevent it from scheduling lower
priority jobs on resources that become available during the backfill
scheduling cycle when bf_continue is enabled. This behavior was available
as the bf_ignore_newly_avail_nodes option in 18.08.4+, but is now enabled
by default. (The SchedulerParameters option of bf_ignore_newly_avail_nodes
is also now removed, although harmless if still set.)
-- Make LaunchParameters=send_gids the default introducing the reverse option
"disable_send_gids to go back to the original behavior.
-- Limit pam_slurm_adopt to run only in the sshd context by default, for
security reasons. A new module option 'service=<name>' can be used to
allow a different PAM applications to work. The option 'service=*' can be
used to restore the old behavior of always performing the adopt logic
regardless of the PAM application context.
-- pam_slurm_adopt: Use uid to determine whether root is logging.
-- Remove sbatch --x11 option. Slurm's internal X11 forwarding is now only
supported from salloc, or an allocating srun command.
-- Suppressed printing of job id in sbatch when quiet flag is set.
-- Changed sreport 'SizesByAccount' and 'SizesByAccountAndWckey' default
behavior and added new 'AcctAsParent' option.
-- Added printf attribute to setenvf() and corrected related warnings.
-- Kill running/pending job is allocated GRES and that GRES has a "File"
configuration, and the GRES count changes.
-- Add new DebugFlag=Accrue for accrue accounting debugging purposes.
-- Change CryptoType option to CredType, and rename crypto/munge plugin to
-- Add slurmd -G option to print GRES configuration and exit. This is useful
for testing and debugging.
-- Support GRES types that include numbers (e.g. "--gres=gpu:123g:2").
-- Remove MemLimitEnforce parameter and move functionality into
-- sview - disable admin mode option (which would not work anyways) if the
user is not an admin in SlurmDBD.
-- Remove joules reporting from sview and scontrol.
-- Change the default fair share algorithm to "fair tree". The new
PriorityFlags option of NO_FAIR_TREE can be used to revert to "classic"
fair share scheduling instead.
-- libslurmdb has been merged into libslurm.
-- Added -b as a short option for --begin and removed the -b option which
was a left over artifact from the Moab compatibility work.
-- Add ArrayTaskThrottle to "scontrol show job" output.
-- Added SPRIO_FORMAT env variable to the sprio command.
-- Add batch step at the beginning of a batch job so that squeue, sstat, and
sacct will show the batch step.
-- Make -l and -o mutually exclusive in saccct, squeue, sinfo, and sprio
-- Disable running job expansion by default. A new SchedulerParameter of
permit_job_expansion has been added for sites that wish to re-enable it.
-- Permit changing a job array's ArrayTaskThrottle value even if the job is
terminated (for job requeue).
-- Add scontrol requeue option of "Incomplete" which will requeue jobs only if
they failed to complete with an exit code of zero.
-- Modify GrpNodes limit to apply to unique nodes allocated (avoid double
counting nodes allocated to multiple jobs in the same QOS or association).
-- If a job submit does NOT include --cpus-per-task option, then report the
value as "N/A" rather than always mapping the value to 1.
-- X11 forwarding - use the raw value from gethostname() with xauth to avoid
authentication issues when Slurm has internally stripped off the domain
-- Change how slurmd fills in the registration message version string from
PACKAGE_VERSION to SLURM_VERSION_STRING, affecting how the version is
displayed with sview, sinfo, scontrol and through the API.
-- Remove script. Please use the autoreconf command instead.
-- Disable a configuration of SelectTypeParameters=CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE with
SelectType=select/cons_tres. This will be addressed later.
-- job_submit/lua - expose more fields off the partition record.
-- task/cgroup - prevent setting a memory.soft_limit_in_bytes higher than the
memory.limit_in_bytes since the hard limit will take precedence anyway.
-- If a GrpNodes limit is configurated in an association, partition QOS or
job QOS then favor use of nodes already allocated to that entity. This
will result in the configured node "Weight" being incremented by one for
nodes which are not prefered. Consider adjusting configured node "Weight"
values to achieve the desired node preferences.
-- Add full node state debug2 output to slurmdbd node up/down update
variables in Prolog and Epilog for jobs requesting gres/mps.
-- Added thresholds for backfill parameters.
-- Fix for backfill sleep overflow when large values are set.
-- Execute Epilog on nodes reliquished from job (i.e. job resized).
-- Rename burst_buffer/cray plugin to burst_buffer/datawarp.
-- X11 Forwarding - reimplement using new internal network forwarding RPCs.
-- Remove slurm_jobcomp_get_errno and slurm_jobcomp_strerror from jobcomp
plugin API.
-- Optimize backfill for checking max jobs per assoc, partition, user, etc.
* Changes in Slurm 19.05.0pre1
-- Run epilog and clean up allocation when a job is resized to zero and its
resources transferred to another job (--depend=expand).
-- If GRES are associated with specific sockets, identify those sockets in the
output of "scontrol show node". For example if all 4 GPUs on a node are
all associated with socket zero, then "Gres=gpu:4(S:0)". If associated
with sockets 0 and 1 then "Gres=gpu:4(S:0-1)". The information of which
specific GPUs are associated with specific GPUs is not reported, but only
available by parsing the gres.conf file.
-- Add configuration parameter "GpuFreqDef" to control a job's default GPU
-- Add job flags to the database. Currently used to determine which scheduler
scheduled the job.
-- Add constraints/features to the database.
-- Add last reason job didn't run before resources/priority to the database.
-- Make it so we set the alloc_node in a resource allocation based on the auth
plugin instead of the rpc call.
* Changes in Slurm 18.08.10
* Changes in Slurm 18.08.9
-- Wrap END_TIMER{,2,3} macro definition in "do {} while (0)" block.
-- Make Slurm compile on linux after sys/sysctl.h was deprecated.
-- Install slurmdbd.conf.example with 0600 permissions to encourage secure
use. CVE-2019-19727.
-- srun - do not continue with job launch if --uid fails. CVE-2019-19728.
* Changes in Slurm 18.08.8

Paolo Margara
-- Update "xauth list" to use the same 10000ms timeout as the other xauth
-- Fix issue in gres code to handle a gres cnt of 0.
-- Don't purge jobs if backfill is running.
-- Verify job is pending add/removing accrual time.

Danny Auble
-- Don't abort when the job doesn't have an association that was removed
before the job was able to make it to the database.
-- Set state_reason if select_nodes() fails job for QOS or Account.
-- Avoid seg_fault on referencing association without a valid_qos bitmap.
-- If Association/QOS is removed on a pending job set that job as ineligible.
-- When changing a jobs account/qos always make sure you remove the old limits.

Danny Auble
-- Don't reset a FAIL_QOS or FAIL_ACCOUNT job reason until the qos or
account changed.
-- Restore "sreport -T ALL" functionality.
-- Correctly typecast signals being sent through the api.
-- Properly initialize structures throughout Slurm.
-- Sync "numtask" squeue format option for jobs and steps to "numtasks".
-- Fix sacct -PD to avoid CA before start jobs.
-- Fix potential deadlock with backup slurmctld.
-- Fixed issue with jobs not appearing in sacct after dependency satisfied.
-- Fix showing non-eligible jobs when asking with -j and not -s.
-- Fix issue with backfill scheduler scheduling tasks of an array
when not the head job.
-- accounting_storage/mysql - fix SIGABRT in the archive load logic.
-- accounting_storage/mysql - fix memory leak in the archive load logic.
-- Limit records per single SQL statement when loading archived data.
-- Fix unnecessary reloading of job submit plugins.
-- Allow job submit plugins to be turned on/off with a reconfigure.
-- Fix segfault when loading/unloading Lua job submit plugin multiple times.
-- Fix printing duplicate error messages of jobs rejected by job submit plugin.
-- Fix printing of job submit plugin messages of het jobs without pack id.
-- Fix jobs stuck from FedJobLock when requeueing in a federation
-- Fix requeueing job in a federation of clusters with differing associations
-- sacctmgr - free memory before exiting in 'sacctmgr show runaway'.
-- Fix seff showing memory overflow when steps tres mem usage is 0.
-- Upon archive file name collision, create new archive file instead of
overwriting the old one to prevent lost records.
-- Limit archive files to 50000 records per file so that archiving large
databases will succeed.
-- Remove stray newlines in SPANK plugin error messages.
-- In select/cons_res: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit and
--nodelist options.
-- Fix main scheduler from potentially not running through whole queue.
-- cons_res/job_test - prevent a job from overallocating a node memory.
-- cons_res/job_test - fix to consider a node's current allocated memory when
testing a job's memory request.
-- Fix issue where multi-node job steps on cloud nodes wouldn't finish cleaning
up until the end of the job (rather than the end of the step).
-- Fix issue with a 17.11 sbcast call to a 18.08 daemon.
-- Add new job bit_flags of JOB_DEPENDENT.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Make it so dependent jobs reset the AccrueTime and do not count against any
AccrueTime limits.
-- Fix sacctmgr --parsable2 output for reservations and tres.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Prevent slurmctld from potential segfault after job_start_data() called
for completing job.
-- Fix jobs getting on nodes with "scontrol reboot asap".
-- Record node reboot events to database.
-- Fix node reboot failure message getting to event table.
-- Don't write "(null)" to event table when no event reason exists.
-- Fix minor memory leak when clearing runaway jobs.
-- Avoid flooding slurmctld and logging when prolog complete RPC errors occur.
-- Fix seff human readable memory string for values below a megabyte.
-- For heterogeneous jobs, do not count the each component against the QOS or
association job limit multiple times.
-- slurmdbd - avoid reservation flag column corruption with the use of newer
flags, instead preserve the older flag fields that we can still fit in the
smallint field, and discard the rest.
-- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin on archive file loads
by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2019-12838.