This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.9
-- If slurmd fails to stat(2) the configuration print the string describing
the error code.
-- Fix for mixing core base reservations with whole node based reservations
to avoid overlapping erroneously.
-- BLUEGENE - Remove references to Base Partition.
-- sview - If compiled on a non-bluegene system then used to view a BGQ fix
to allow sview to display blocks correctly.
-- Fix bug in update reservation. When modifying the reservation the end time
was set incorrectly.
-- The start time of a reservation that is in ACTIVE state cannot be modified.
-- Update the cgroup documentation about release agent for devices.
-- MYSQL - fix for setting up preempt list on a QOS for multiple QOS.
-- Correct a minor error in the scancel.1 man page related to the
--signal option.
-- Enhance the scancel.1 man page to document the sequence of signals sent
-- Fix slurmstepd core dump if the cgroup hierarchy is not completed
when terminating the job.
-- Fix hostlist_shift to be able to give correct node names on names with a
different number of dimensions than the cluster.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix invalid pointer in corner case in the plugin.
-- Make sure on a reconfigure the select information for a node is preserved.
-- Correct logic to support job GRES specification over 31 bits (problem
in logic converting int to uint32_t).
-- Remove logic that was creating GRES bitmap for node when not needed (only
needed when GRES mapped to specific files).
-- BLUEGENE - Fix sinfo -tr before it would only print idle nodes correctly.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for licenses_only reservation on bluegene systems.
-- sview - Verify pointer before using strchr.
-- -M option on tools talking to a Cray from a non-Cray fixed.
-- CRAY - Fix rpmbuild issue for missing file slurm.conf.template.
-- Fix race condition when dealing with removing many associations at
different times when reservations are using the associations that are
being deleted.
-- When a node's state is set to power_down/power_up, then execute
SuspendProgram/ResumeProgram even if previously executed for that node.
-- Fix logic determining when job configuration (i.e. running node power up
logic) is complete.
-- Setting the state of a node in powered down state node to "resume" will
no longer cause it to reboot, but only clear the "drain" state flag.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix srun documentation to remove SLURM_NODELIST being equivalent as the -w
option (since it isn't).
-- Fix issue with --hint=nomultithread and allocations with steps running
arbitrary layouts (test1.59).
-- PrivateData=reservation modified to permit users to view the reservations
which they have access to (rather then preventing them from seeing ANY
reservation). Backport from 14.11 commit 77c2bd25c.
-- Fix PrivateData=reservation when using associations to give privileges to
a reservation.
-- Better checking to see if select plugin is linear or not.
-- Add support for time specification of "fika" (3 PM).
-- Provide better estimate of minimum node count for pending jobs using more
job parameters.
-- ALPS - Add SubAllocate to cray.conf file for those who like the way <=2.5
did the ALPS reservation.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.8
-- Fix minor memory leak when Job doesn't have nodes on it (Meaning the job
has finished)
-- Fix sinfo/sview to be able to query against nodes in reserved and other
-- Make sbatch/salloc read in (SLURM|(SBATCH|SALLOC))_HINT in order to
handle sruns in the script that will use it.
-- srun properly interprets a leading "." in the executable name based upon
the working directory of the compute node rather than the submit host.
-- Fix Lustre misspellings in hdf5 guide

Kilian Cavalotti
-- Fix wrong reference in slurm.conf man page to what --profile option should
be used for AcctGatherFilesystemType.
-- Update HDF5 document to point out the SlurmdUser is who creates the
ProfileHDF5Dir directory as well as all it's sub-directories and files.
-- CRAY NATIVE - Remove error message for srun's ran inside an salloc that
had --network= specified.
-- Defer job step initiation of required GRES are in use by other steps rather
than immediately returning an error.
-- Deprecate --cpu_bind from sbatch and salloc. These never worked correctly
and only caused confusion since the cpu_bind options mostly refer to a
step we opted to only allow srun to set them in future versions.
-- Modify sgather to work if Nodename and NodeHostname differ.
-- Changed use of JobContainerPlugin where it should be JobContainerType.
-- Fix for possible error if job has GRES, but the step explicitly requests a
GRES count of zero.
-- Make "srun --gres=none ..." work when executed without a job allocation.
-- Change the global eio_shutdown_time to a field in eio handle.
-- Advanced reservation fixes for heterogeneous systems, especially when
reserving cores.
-- If --hint=nomultithread is used in a job allocation make sure any srun's
ran inside the allocation can read the environment correctly.
-- If batchdir can't be made set errno correctly so the slurmctld is notified
-- Remove repeated batch complete if batch directory isn't able to be made
since the slurmd will send the same message.
-- sacctmgr fix default format for list transactions.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix backfill issue with backfilling jobs on blocks already
reserved for higher priority jobs.
-- When creating job arrays the job specification files for each elements
are hard links to the first element specification files. If the controller
fails to make the links the files are copied instead.
-- Fix error handling for job array create failure due to inability to copy
job files (script and environment).
-- Added patch in the contribs directory for integrating make version 4.0 with
Slurm and renamed the previous patch "make-3.81.slurm.patch".
-- Don't wait for an update message from the DBD to finish before sending rc
message back. In slow systems with many associations this could speed
responsiveness in sacctmgr after adding associations.
-- Eliminate race condition in enforcement of MaxJobCount limit for job arrays.
-- Fix anomaly allocating cores for GRES with specific device/CPU mapping.
-- cons_res - When requesting exclusive access make sure we set the number
of cpus in the job_resources_t structure so as nodes finish the correct
cpu count is displayed in the user tools.
-- If the job_submit plugin calls take longer than 1 second to run, print a
-- Make sure transfer_s_p_options transfers all the portions of the
s_p_options_t struct.
-- Correct the srun man page, the SLURM_CPU_BIND_VERBOSE, SLURM_CPU_BIND_TYPE
SLURM_CPU_BIND_LIST environment variable are set only when task/affinity
plugin is configured.
-- sacct - Initialize variables correctly to avoid incorrect structure
-- Performance adjustment to avoid calling a function multiple times when it
only needs to be called once.
-- Give more correct waiting reason if job is waiting on association/QOS
MaxNode limit.
-- DB - When sending lft updates to the slurmctld only send non-deleted lfts.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix documentation on how to build a reservation less than
a midplane.
-- If Slurmctld fails to read the job environment consider it an error
and abort the job.
-- Add the name of the node a job is running on to the message printed by
slurmstepd when terminating a job.
-- Remove unsupported options from sacctmgr help and the dump function.
-- Update sacctmgr man page removing reference to obsolete parameter
-- Added more validity checking of incoming job submit requests.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.7
-- Add note to MaxNodesPerUser and multiple jobs running on the same node
counting as multiple nodes.
-- PerlAPI - fix renamed call from slurm_api_set_conf_file to
-- Fix gres race condition that could result in job deallocation error message.
-- Correct NumCPUs count for jobs with --exclusive option.
-- When creating reservation with CoreCnt, check that Slurm uses
SelectType=select/cons_res, otherwise don't send the request to slurmctld
and return an error.
-- Save the state of scheduled node reboots so they will not be lost should the
slurmctld restart.
-- In select/cons_res plugin - Insure the node count does not exceed the task
-- switch/nrt - Unload tables rather than windows at job end, to release CAU.
-- When HealthCheckNodeState is configured as IDLE don't run the
HealthCheckProgram for nodes in any other states than IDLE.
-- Minor sanity check to verify the string sent in isn't NULL when using
-- CRAY NATIVE - Fix issue on heavy systems to only run the NHC once per
job/step completion.
-- Remove unneeded step cleanup for pending steps.
-- Fix issue where if a batch job was manually requeued the batch step
information wasn't stored in accounting.
-- When job is release from a requeue hold state clean up its previous
exit code.
-- Correct the srun man page about how the output from the user application
is sent to srun.
-- Increase the timeout of the main thread while waiting for the i/o thread.
Allow up to 180 seconds for the i/o thread to complete.
-- When using sacct -c to read the job completion data compute the correct
job elapsed time.
-- Perl package: Define some missing node states.
-- When using AccountingStorageType=accounting_storage/mysql zero out the
database index for the array elements avoiding duplicate database values.
-- Reword the explanation of cputime and cputimeraw in the sacct man page.
-- JobCompType allows "jobcomp/mysql" as valid name but the code used
"job_comp/mysql" setting an incorrect default database.
-- Try to load only when necessary.
-- When nodes scheduled for reboot, set state to DOWN rather than FUTURE so
they are still visible to sinfo. State set to IDLE after reboot completes.
-- Apply BatchStartTimeout configuration to task launch and avoid aborting
srun commands due to long running Prolog scripts.
-- Fix minor memory leaks when freeing node_info_t structure.
-- If a batch script is requeued and running steps get correct exit code/signal
previous it was always -2.
-- If step exitcode hasn't been set display with sacct the -2 instead
of acting like it is a signal and exitcode.
-- Send calculated step_rc for batch step instead of raw status as
done for normal steps.
-- If a job times out, set the exit code in accounting to 1 instead of the
signal 1.
-- Update the acct_gather.conf.5 man page removing the reference to
-- Fix gang scheduling for jobs submitted to multiple partitions.
-- Enable srun to submit job to multiple partitions.
-- Update slurm.conf man page. When Epilog or Prolog fail the node state
-- Start a job in the highest priority partition possible, even if it requires
preempting other jobs and delaying initiation, rather than using a lower
priority partition. Previous logic would preempt lower priority jobs, but
then might start the job in a lower priority partition and not use the
resources released by the preempted jobs.
-- Fix SelectTypeParameters=CR_PACK_NODES for srun making both job and step
resource allocation.
-- BGQ - Make it possible to pack multiple tasks on a core when not using
the entire cnode.
-- MYSQL - if unable to connect to mysqld close connection that was inited.
-- DBD - when connecting make sure we wait MessageTimeout + 5 since the
timeout when talking to the Database is the same timeout so a race
condition could occur in the requesting client when receiving the response
if the database is unresponsive.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.6
-- Added examples to demonstrate the use of the sacct -T option to the man
-- Fix for regression in 14.03.5 with sacctmgr load when Parent has "'"
around it.
-- Update comments in sacctmgr dump header.
-- Fix for possible abort on change in GRES configuration.
-- CRAY - fix modules file, (backport from 14.11 commit 78fe86192b.
-- Fix race condition which could result in requeue if batch job exit and node
registration occur at the same time.
-- switch/nrt - Unload job tables (in addition to windows) in user space mode.
-- Differentiate between two identical debug messages about purging vestigial
job scripts.
-- If the socket used by slurmstepd to communicate with slurmd exist when
slurmstepd attempts to create it, for example left over from a previous
requeue or crash, delete it and recreate it.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.5
-- If a srun runs in an exclusive allocation and doesn't use the entire
allocation and CR_PACK_NODES is set layout tasks appropriately.
-- Correct Shared field in job state information seen by scontrol, sview, etc.
-- Print Slurm error string in scontrol update job and reset the Slurm errno
before each call to the API.
-- Fix task/cgroup to handle -mblock:fcyclic correctly
-- Fix for core-based advanced reservations where the distribution of cores
across nodes is not even.
-- Fix issue where association maxnodes wouldn't be evaluated correctly if a
QOS had a GrpNodes set.
-- GRES fix with multiple files defined per line in gres.conf.
-- When a job is requeued make sure accounting marks it as such.
-- Print the state of requeued job as REQUEUED.
-- Fix if a job's partition was taken away from it don't allow a requeue.
-- Make sure we lock on the conf when sending slurmd's conf to the slurmstepd.
-- Fix issue with sacctmgr 'load' not able to gracefully handle bad formatted
-- sched/backfill: Correct job start time estimate with advanced reservations.
-- Error message added when in proctrack/cgroup the step freezer path isn't
able to be destroyed for debug.
-- Added extra index's into the database for better performance when
deleting users.
-- Fix issue with wckeys when tracking wckeys, but not enforcing them,
you could get multiple '*' wckeys.
-- Fix bug which could report to squeue the wrong partition for a running job
that is submitted to multiple partitions.
-- Report correct CPU count allocated to job when allocated whole node even if
not using all CPUs.
-- If job's constraints cannot be satisfied put it in pending state with reason
BadConstraints and don't remove it.
-- sched/backfill - If job started with infinite time limit, set its end_time
one year in the future.
-- Clear QOS GrpUsedCPUs when resetting raw usage if QOS is not using any cpus.
-- Remove log message left over from debugging.
-- When using CR_PACK_NODES fix make --ntasks-per-node work correctly.
-- Report correct partition associated with a step if the job is submitted to
multiple partitions.
-- Fix to allow removing of preemption from a QOS
-- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error
message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds.
-- Make srun obey POSIX convention and increase the exit code by 128 when the
process terminated by a signal.
-- Sanity check for acct_gather_energy/rapl
-- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error
message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds.
-- If the sbatch command specifies the option --signal=B:signum sent the signal
to the batch script only.
-- If we cancel a task and we have no other exit code send the signal and
exit code.
-- Added note about InnoDB storage engine being used with MySQL.
-- Set the job exit code when the job is signaled and set the log level to
debug2() when processing an already completed job.
-- Reset diagnostics time stamp when "sdiag --reset" is called.
-- squeue and scontrol to report a job's "shared" value based upon partition
options rather than reporting "unknown" if job submission does not use
--exclusive or --shared option.
-- task/cgroup - Fix cpuset binding for batch script.
-- sched/backfill - Fix anomaly that could result in jobs being scheduled out
of order.
-- Expand pseudo-terminal size data structure field sizes from 8 to 16 bits.
-- Set the job exit code when the job is signaled and set the log level to
-- Distinguish between two identical error messages.
-- If using accounting_storage/mysql directly without a DBD fix issue with
start of requeued jobs.
-- If a job fails because of batch node failure and the job is requeued and an
epilog complete message comes from that node do not process the batch step
information since the job has already been requeued because the epilog
script running isn't guaranteed in this situation.
-- Change message to note a NO_VAL for return code could of come from node
failure as well as interactive user.
-- Modify test4.5 to only look at one partition instead of all of them.
-- Fix sh5util -u to accept username different from the user that runs the
-- Corrections to man pages:salloc.1 sbatch.1 srun.1 nonstop.conf.5
-- Have sacctmgr dump cluster handle situations where users or such have
special characters in their names like ':'
-- Add more debugging for information should the job ran on wrong node
and should there be problems accessing the state files.
-- Fix issue where not enforcing QOS but a partition either allows or denies
-- CRAY - Make switch/cray default when running on a Cray natively.
-- CRAY - Make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively.
-- Disable job time limit change if it's preemption is in progress.
-- Correct logic to properly enforce job preemption GraceTime.
-- Fix sinfo -R to print each down/drained node once, rather than once per
-- If a job has non-responding node, retry job step create rather than
returning with DOWN node error.
-- Support SLURM_CONF path which does not have "slurm.conf" as the file name.
-- CRAY - make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively
-- Fix issue where batch cpuset wasn't looked at correctly in
-- Correct squeue's job node and CPU counts for requeued jobs.
-- Correct SelectTypeParameters=CR_LLN with job selecition of specific nodes.
-- Only if ALL of their partitions are hidden will a job be hidden by default.
-- Run EpilogSlurmctld for a job is killed during slurmctld reconfiguration.
-- Close window with srun if waiting for an allocation and while printing
something you also get a signal which would produce deadlock.
-- Add SelectTypeParameters option of CR_PACK_NODES to pack a job's tasks
tightly on its allocated nodes rather than distributing them evenly across
the allocated nodes.
-- cpus-per-task support: Try to pack all CPUs of each tasks onto one socket.
Previous logic could spread the tasks CPUs across multiple sockets.
-- Add new distribution method fcyclic so when a task is using multiple cpus
it can bind cyclically across sockets.
-- task/affinity - When using --hint=nomultithread only bind to the first
thread in a core.
-- Make cgroup task layout (block | cyclic) method mirror that of
-- If TaskProlog sets SLURM_PROLOG_CPU_MASK reset affinity for that task
based on the mask given.
-- Keep supporting 'srun -N x --pty bash' for historical reasons.
-- If EnforcePartLimits=Yes and QOS job is using can override limits, allow
-- Fix issues if partition allows or denies account's or QOS' and either are
not set.
-- If a job requests a partition and it doesn't allow a QOS or account the
job is requesting pend unless EnforcePartLimits=Yes. Before it would
always kill the job at submit.
-- Fix format output of scontrol command when printing node state.
-- Improve the clean up of cgroup hierarchy when using the
jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin.
-- Added SchedulerParameters value of Ignore_NUMA.
-- Fix issues with code when using automake 1.14.1
-- select/cons_res plugin: Fix memory leak related to job preemption.
-- After reconfig rebuild the job node counters only for jobs that have
not finished yet, otherwise if requeued the job may enter an invalid
-- Do not purge the script and environment files for completed jobs on
slurmctld reconfiguration or restart (they might be later requeued).
-- scontrol now accepts the option job=xxx or jobid=xxx for the requeue,
requeuehold and release operations.
-- task/cgroup - fix to bind batch job in the proper CPUs.
-- Added strigger option of -N, --noheader to not print the header when
displaying a list of triggers.
-- Modify strigger to accept arguments to the program to execute when an
event trigger occurs.
-- Attempt to create duplicate event trigger now generates ESLURM_TRIGGER_DUP
("Duplicate event trigger").
-- Treat special characters like %A, %s etc. literally in the file names
when specified escaped e.g. sbatch -o /home/zebra\\%s will not expand
%s as the stepid of the running job.
-- CRAYALPS - Add better support for CLE 5.2 when running Slurm over ALPS.
-- Test time when job_state file was written to detect multiple primary
slurmctld daemons (e.g. both backup and primary are functioning as
primary and there is a split brain problem).
-- Fix scontrol to accept update jobid=# numtasks=#
-- If the backup slurmctld assumes primary status, then do NOT purge any
job state files (batch script and environment files) and do not re-use them.
This may indicate that multiple primary slurmctld daemons are active (e.g.
both backup and primary are functioning as primary and there is a split
brain problem).
-- Set correct error code when requeuing a completing/pending job
-- When checking for if dependency of type afterany, afterok and afternotok
don't clear the dependency if the job is completing.
-- Cleanup the JOB_COMPLETING flag and eventually requeue the job when the
last epilog completes, either slurmd epilog or slurmctld epilog, whichever
comes last.
-- When attempting to requeue a job distinguish the case in which the job is
JOB_COMPLETING or already pending.
-- When reconfiguring the controller don't restart the slurmctld epilog if it
is already running.
-- Email messages for job array events print now use the job ID using the
format "#_# (#)" rather than just the internal job ID.
-- Set the number of free licenses to be 0 if the global license count
decreases and total is less than in use.
-- Add DebugFlag of BackfillMap. Previously a DebugFlag value of Backfill
logged information about what it was doing plus a map of expected resouce
use in the future. Now that very verbose resource use map is only logged
with a DebugFlag value of BackfillMap
-- Modify the description of -E and -S option of sacct command as point in time
'before' or 'after' the database records are returned.
-- Correct support for partition with Shared=YES configuration.
-- If job requests --exclusive then do not use nodes which have any cores in an
advanced reservation. Also prevents case where nodes can be shared by other
-- For "scontrol --details show job" report the correct CPU_IDs when thre are
multiple threads per core (we are translating a core bitmap to CPU IDs).
-- If DebugFlags=Protocol is configured in slurm.conf print details of the
connection, ip address and port accepted by the controller.
-- Fix minor memory leak when reading in incomplete node data checkpoint file.
-- Enlarge the width specifier when printing partition SHARE to display larger
sharing values.
-- sinfo locks added to prevent possibly duplicate record printing for
resources in multiple partitions.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.3-2
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.3
-- Correction to default batch output file name. In version 14.03.2 was using
"slurm_<jobid>_4294967294.out" due to error in job array logic.
-- In slurm.spec file, replace "Requires cray-MySQL-devel-enterprise" with
"Requires mysql-devel".
-- Fix race condition if PrologFlags=Alloc,NoHold is used.
-- Cray - Make NPC only limit running other NPC jobs on shared blades instead
of limited non NPC jobs.
-- Fix for sbatch #PBS -m (mail) option parsing.
-- Fix job dependency bug. Jobs dependent upon multiple other jobs may start
-- Set "Reason" field for all elements of a job array on short-circuited
scheduling for job arrays.
-- Allow -D option of salloc/srun/sbatch to specify relative path.
-- Added SchedulerParameter of batch_sched_delay to permit many batch jobs
to be submitted between each scheduling attempt to reduce overhead of
scheduling logic.
-- Added job reason of "SchedTimeout" if the scheduler was not able to reach
the job to attempt scheduling it.
-- Add job's exit state and exit code to email message.
-- scontrol hold/release accepts job name option (in addition to job ID).
-- Handle when trying to cancel a step that hasn't started yet better.
-- Add --priority option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands.
-- Honor partition priorities over job priorities.
-- Fix sacct -c when using jobcomp/filetxt to read newer variables
-- Fix segfault of sacct -c if spaces are in the variables.
-- Release held job only with "scontrol release <jobid>" and not by resetting
the job's priority. This is needed to support job arrays better.
-- Correct squeue command not to merge jobs with state pending and completing
-- Fix issue where user is requesting --acctg-freq=0 and no memory limits.
-- Fix issue with GrpCPURunMins if a job's timelimit is altered while the job
is running.
-- Temporary fix for handling our typemap for the perl api with newer perl.
-- Fix allowgroup on bad group seg fault with the controller.
-- Handle node ranges better when dealing with accounting max node limits.
-- Update configure to set correct version without having to run
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.1
-- Add support for job std_in, std_out and std_err fields in Perl API.
-- Add "Scheduling Configuration Guide" web page.
-- BGQ - fix check for jobinfo when it is NULL
-- Do not check cleaning on "pending" steps.
-- task/cgroup plugin - Fix for building on older hwloc (v1.0.2).
-- In the PMI implementation by default don't check for duplicate keys.
Set the SLURM_PMI_KVS_DUP_KEYS if you want the code to check for
duplicate keys.
-- Permit user root to propagate resource limits higher than the hard limit
slurmd has on that compute node has (i.e. raise both current and maximum
-- Fix issue with license used count when doing an scontrol reconfig.
-- Fix the PMI iterator to not report duplicated keys.
-- Fix issue with sinfo when -o is used without the %P option.
-- Rather than immediately invoking an execution of the scheduling logic on
every event type that can enable the execution of a new job, queue its
execution. This permits faster execution of some operations, such as
modifying large counts of jobs, by executing the scheduling logic less
frequently, but still in a timely fashion.
-- If the environment variable is greater than MAX_ENV_STRLEN don't
set it in the job env otherwise the exec() fails.
-- Optimize scontrol hold/release logic for job arrays.
-- Modify srun to report an exit code of zero rather than nine if some tasks
exit with a return code of zero and others are killed with SIGKILL. Only an
exit code of zero did this.
-- Avoid slurmctld crash getting job info if detail_ptr is NULL.
-- Fix sacctmgr add user where both defaultaccount and accounts are specified.
-- Added SchedulerParameters option of max_sched_time to limit how long the
main scheduling loop can execute for.
-- Added SchedulerParameters option of sched_interval to control how frequently
the main scheduling loop will execute.
-- Move start time of main scheduling loop timeout after locks are aquired.
-- Add squeue job format option of "%y" to print a job's nice value.
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