This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.10
-- Fix issue where if a slurmdbd rollup lasted longer than 1 hour the
rollup would effectively never run again.

Matthieu Hautreux
-- Make error message in the pmi2 code to debug as the issue can be expected
and retries are done making the error message a little misleading.
-- Power/cray: Don't specify NID list to Cray APIs. If any of those nodes are
not in a ready state, the API returned an error for ALL nodes rather than
valid data for nodes in ready state.
-- Fix potential divide by zero when tree_width=1.
-- checkpoint/blcr plugin: Fix memory leak.
-- If using PrologFlags=contain: Don't launch the extern step if a job is
cancelled while launching.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.9
-- BurstBuffer/cray - Defer job cancellation or time limit while "pre-run"
operation in progress to avoid inconsistent state due to multiple calls
to job termination functions.
-- Fix issue with resizing jobs and limits not be kept track of correctly.
-- BGQ - Remove redeclaration of job_read_lock.
-- BGQ - Tighter locks around structures when nodes/cables change state.
-- Make it possible to change CPUsPerTask with scontrol.
-- Make it so scontrol update part qos= will take away a partition QOS from
a partition.
-- Fix issue where SocketsPerBoard didn't translate to Sockets when CPUS=
was also given.
-- Add note to slurm.conf man page about setting "--cpu_bind=no" as part
of SallocDefaultCommand if a TaskPlugin is in use.
-- Set correct reason when a QOS' MaxTresMins is violated.
-- Insure that a job is completely launched before trying to suspend it.
-- Remove historical presentations and design notes. Only distribute
maintained doc/html and doc/man directories.
-- Remove duplicate xmalloc() in task/cgroup plugin.
-- Backfill scheduler to validate correct job partition for job submitted to
multiple partitions.
-- Force close on exec on first 256 file descriptors when launching a
slurmstepd to close potential open ones.
-- Step GRES value changed from type "int" to "int64_t" to support larger
-- Fix getting reservations to database when database is down.
-- Fix issue with sbcast not doing a correct fanout.
-- Fix issue where steps weren't always getting the gres/tres involved.
-- Fixed double read lock on getting job's gres/tres.
-- Fix display for RoutePlugin parameter to display the correct value.
-- Fix route/topology plugin to prevent segfault in sbcast when in use.
-- Fix Cray script to use nid as nid, not nic.
-- Fix Cray NHC spawning on job requeue. Previous logic would leave nodes
allocated to a requeued job as non-usable on job termination.
-- burst_buffer/cray plugin: Prevent a requeued job from being restarted while
file stage-out is still in progress. Previous logic could restart the job
and not perform a new stage-in.
-- Fix job array formatting to allow return [0-100:2] display for arrays with
step functions rather than [0,2,4,6,8,...] .
-- FreeBSD - replace Linux-specific set_oom_adj to avoid errors in slurmd log.
-- Add option for TopologyParam=NoInAddrAnyCtld to make the slurmctld listen
on only one port like TopologyParam=NoInAddrAny does for everything else.
-- Fix burst buffer plugin to prevent corruption of the CPU TRES data when bb
is not set as an AccountingStorageTRES type.
-- Surpress error messages in acct_gather_energy/ipmi plugin after repeated
-- Change burst buffer use completion email message from
"SLURM Job_id=1360353 Name=tmp Staged Out, StageOut time 00:01:47" to
"SLURM Job_id=1360353 Name=tmp StageOut/Teardown time 00:01:47"
-- Generate burst buffer use completion email immediately afer teardown
completes rather than at job purge time (likely minutes later).
-- Fix issue when adding a new TRES to AccountingStorageTRES for the first
-- Update gang scheduling tables when job manually suspended or resumed. Prior
logic could mess up job suspend/resume sequencing.
-- Update gang scheduling data structures when job changes in size.
-- Associations - prevent hash table corruption if uid initially unset for
a user, which can cause slurmctld to crash if that user is deleted.
-- Avoid possibly aborting srun on SIGSTOP while creating the job step due to
threading bug.
-- Fix deadlock issue with burst_buffer/cray when a newly created burst
buffer is found.
-- burst_buffer/cray: Set environment variables just before starting job rather
than at job submission time to reflect persistent buffers created or
modified while the job is pending.
-- Fix check of per-user qos limits on the initial run by a user.
-- Fix gang scheduling resource selection bug which could prevent multiple jobs
from being allocated the same resources. Bug was introduced in 15.08.6.
-- Don't print the Rgt value of an association from the cache as it isn't
kept up to date.
-- burst_buffer/cray - If the pre-run operation fails then don't issue
duplicate job cancel/requeue unless the job is still in run state. Prevents
jobs hung in COMPLETING state.
-- task/cgroup - Fix bug in task binding to CPUs.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.8
-- Backfill scheduling properly synchronized with Cray Node Health Check.
Prior logic could result in highest priority job getting improperly
-- Make it so daemons also support TopologyParam=NoInAddrAny.
-- If scancel is operating on large number of jobs and RPC responses from
slurmctld daemon are slow then introduce a delay in sending the cancel job
requests from scancel in order to reduce load on slurmctld.
-- Remove redundant logic when updating a job's task count.
-- MySQL - Fix querying jobs with reservations when the id's have rolled.
-- Perl - Fix use of uninitialized variable in slurm_job_step_get_pids.
-- Launch batch job requsting --reboot after the boot completes.
-- Move debug messages like "not the right user" from association manager
to debug3 when trying to find the correct association.
-- Fix incorrect logic when querying assoc_mgr information.
-- Move debug messages to debug3 notifying a gres_bit_alloc was NULL for
gres types without a file.
-- Sanity Check Patch to setup variables for RAPL if in a race for it.
-- burst_buffer/cray - Increase size of intermediate variable used to store
buffer byte size read from DW instance from 32 to 64-bits to avoid overflow
and reporting invalid buffer sizes.
-- Allow an existing reservation with running jobs to be modified without
-- srun - don't attempt to execve() a directory with a name matching the
requested command
-- Do not automatically relocate an advanced reservation for individual cores
that spans multiple nodes when nodes in that reservation go down (e.g.
a 1 core reservation on node "tux1" will be moved if node "tux1" goes
down, but a reservation containing 2 cores on node "tux1" and 3 cores on
"tux2" will not be moved node "tux1" goes down). Advanced reservations for
whole nodes will be moved by default for down nodes.
-- Avoid possible double free of memory (and likely abort) for slurmctld in
background mode.
-- contribs/cray/csm/ - avoid including repurposed compute
nodes in configs.
-- Support AuthInfo in slurmdbd.conf that is different from the value in
-- Fix hdf5 build on ppc64 by using correct fprintf formatting for types.
-- Fix cosmetic printing of NO_VALs in scontrol show assoc_mgr.
-- Fix perl api for newer perl versions.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix for jobs requesting cpus-per-task (eg. -c3) that exceed the number of
cpus on a core.
-- Remove unneeded perl files from the .spec file.
-- Flesh out filters for scontrol show assoc_mgr.
-- Add function to remove assoc_mgr_info_request_t members without freeing
-- Fix build on some non-glibc systems by updating includes.
-- Add new PowerParameters options of get_timeout and set_timeout. The default
set_timeout was increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds. Also re-read current
power caps periodically or after any failed "set" operation.
-- Fix slurmdbd segfault when listing users with blank user condition.
-- Save the ClusterName to a file in SaveStateLocation, and use that to
verify the state directory belongs to the given cluster at startup to avoid
corruption from multiple clusters attempting to share a state directory.
-- MYSQL - Fix issue when rerolling monthly data to work off correct time
period. This would only hit you if you rerolled a 15.08 prior to this
-- If FastSchedule=0 is used make sure TRES are set up correctly in accounting.
-- Fix sreport's truncation of columns with large TRES and not using
a parsing option.
-- Make sure count of boards are restored when slurmctld has option -R.
-- When determine if a job can fit into a TRES time limit after resources
have been selected set the time limit appropriately if the job didn't
request one.
-- Fix inadequate locks when updating a partition's TRES.
-- Add new assoc_limit_continue flag to SchedulerParameters.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Avoid race in acct_gather_energy_cray if energy requested before available.
-- MYSQL - Avoid having multiple default accounts when a user is added to
a new account and making it a default all at once.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.7
-- sched/backfill: If a job can not be started within the configured
backfill_window, set it's start time to 0 (unknown) rather than the end
of the backfill_window.
-- Remove the 1024-character limit on lines in batch scripts.
-- burst_buffer/cray: Round up swap size by configured granularity.
-- select/cray: Log repeated aeld reconnects.
-- task/affinity: Disable core-level task binding if more CPUs required than
available cores.
-- Preemption/gang scheduling: If a job is suspended at slurmctld restart or
reconfiguration time, then leave it suspended rather than resume+suspend.
-- Don't use lower weight nodes for job allocation when topology/tree used.
-- BGQ - If a cable goes into error state remove the under lying block on
a dynamic system and mark the block in error on a static/overlap system.
-- BGQ - Fix regression in 9cc4ae8add7f where blocks would be deleted on
static/overlap systems when some hardware issue happens when restarting
the slurmctld.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Log if CLOUD node configured without a resume/suspend program or suspend
-- MYSQL - Better locking around g_qos_count which was previously unprotected.
-- Correct size of buffer used for jobid2str to avoid truncation.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix allocation/distribution of tasks across multiple nodes when
--hint=nomultithread is requested.
-- If a reservation's nodes value is "all" then track the current nodes in the
system, even if those nodes change.
-- Fix formatting if using "tree" option with sreport.
-- Make it so sreport prints out a line for non-existent TRES instead of
error message.
-- Set job's reason to "Priority" when higher priority job in that partition
(or reservation) can not start rather than leaving the reason set to
-- Fix memory corruption when a new non-generic TRES is added to the
DBD for the first time. The corruption is only noticed at shutdown.
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