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Contribution Guide

In the following, it is outlined how to contribute to the HPC documentation of TU Dresden/ZIH and which rules should be followed when adding to this project. Although, this document might seem very long describing complex steps, contributing is quite easy - trust us.

Contribute via Issue

Users can contribute to the documentation via the issue tracking system. For that, open an issue to report typos and missing documentation or request for more precise wording etc. ZIH staff will get in touch with you to resolve the issue and improve the documentation.

Reminder: Non-documentation issues and requests need to be send as ticket to


Contributions can be done via editing the repository through GitLab's web interface or following the git-based workflow. Both ways are described in the following.

Fork and Clone Repository

All contributing starts with forking the repository to either or any other git service, e.g.,, or your personal preference. Now, create a local clone of your fork

# SSH based method

# HTTP based method

Install Dependencies

TODO: Description

~ cd hpc-compendium/
~ pip install -r requirements.txt

TODO: virtual environment TODO: What we need for markdownlinter and checks?

Contribute via Web IDE

GitLab offers a rich and versatile web interface to work with repositories. To fix typos and edit source files, just select the file of interest and click the Edit button. A text and commit editor are invoked: Do your changes, add a meaningful commit message and commit the changes.

The more sophisticated integrated Web IDE is reached from the top level menu of the repository or by selecting any source file.

Other git services might have an equivalent web interface to interact with the repository. Please refer to the corresponding documentation for further information.

Contribute via Local Clone

mkdocs Rocks

As mentioned, this documentation bases on markdown files which are translated into static html files using the tool mkdocs. All markdown source files are located in the docs subfolder. The file mkdocs.yml is the single configuration file for the project from layout up to document structure and extensions. The navigation section nav in mkdocs.yml specifies the order, titles and nesting of the documentation pages.

In principle, mkdocs is not mandatory on the local system to contribute to the project. But it also provides a builtin development server that allows to serve the documentation, i.e. it can preview the updated documentation locally before committing the changes to the repository.

To make use of mkdocs, it is necessary to have two commands in mind

~ mkdocs serve - Start the live-reloading docs server.
~ mkdocs build - Build the documentation site.

Preview Using mkdocs

Invokemkdocs serveto build and preview the documentation. The documentation is automatically rerendered and reloaded if the system detects updates (great!). By default, the builtin web server hosts the documentation at

~ cd /PATH/TO/hpc-compendium/
~ mkdocs serve
INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.08 seconds
[I 210127 13:33:30 server:335] Serving on
INFO    -  Serving on
[I 210127 13:33:30 handlers:62] Start watching changes
INFO    -  Start watching changes

Open with a web browser to preview the local copy of the documentation.

Preview Using mkdocs With Dockerfile

You can also use docker to build a container from the Dockerfile, if you are familiar with it. This may take a while, as mkdocs and other necessary software needs to be downloaded. Building a container with the documentation inside could be done with the following steps:

cd /PATH/TO/hpc-compendium
docker build -t hpc-compendium .

If you want to see how it looks in your browser, you can use shell commands to serve the documentation:

docker run --name=hpc-compendium -p 8000:8000 --rm -it -w /docs --mount src="$(pwd)"/,target=/docs,type=bind hpc-compendium bash -c "mkdocs build --verbose && mkdocs serve -a"

You can view the documentation via http://localhost:8000 in your browser, now.

If that does not work, check if you can get the URL for your browser's address bar from a different terminal window:

echo http://$(docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" $(docker ps -qf "name=hpc-compendium")):8000

The running container automatically takes care of file changes and rebuilds the documentation. If you want to check whether the markdown files are formatted properly, use the following command:

docker run --name=hpc-compendium --rm -it -w /docs --mount src="$(pwd)"/,target=/docs,type=bind hpc-compendium markdownlint docs

To check whether there are links that point to a wrong target, use (this may take a while and gives a lot of output because it runs over all files):

docker run --name=hpc-compendium --rm -it -w /docs --mount src="$(pwd)"/,target=/docs,type=bind hpc-compendium bash -c "find docs -type f -name '*.md' | xargs -L1 markdown-link-check"

To check a single file, e. g., use:

docker run --name=hpc-compendium --rm -it -w /docs --mount src="$(pwd)"/,target=/docs,type=bind hpc-compendium markdown-link-check docs/software/

For spell-checking a single file, use:

docker run --name=hpc-compendium --rm -it -w /docs --mount src="$(pwd)"/,target=/docs,type=bind hpc-compendium ./util/ <file>

For spell-checking all files, use:

docker run --name=hpc-compendium --rm -it -w /docs --mount src="$(pwd)"/,target=/docs,type=bind hpc-compendium ./util/

This outputs all words of all files that are unknown to the spell checker. To let the spell checker "know" a word, append it to

Build Static Documentation

To build the documentation, invoke mkdocs build. This will create a new directory named public which holds the generated static html/jss/css files. This command is used to build the documentation within the CI/CD pipeline. Thus, it should exit without error.

~ cd /PATH/TO/hpc-compendium/
~ mkdocs build
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Building documentation to directory: /PATH/to/hpc-compendium.git/
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.09 seconds

Git Workflow

It is crucial to keep your branch synchronized with the upstream repository when you are working locally on the documentation. At first, you should add a remote pointing to the official documentation.

~ git remote add upstream-zih

Now, you have two remotes, namely origin and upstream-zih. The remote origin points to your fork, whereas upstream-zih points to the original documentation repository at GitLab Chemnitz.

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream-zih (fetch)
upstream-zih (push)

Next, you should synchronize your main branch with the upstream.

~ git checkout main
~ git pull upstream main

At this point, your main branch is up-to-date with the original documentation of HPC compendium.

Making Changes and Merge Requests

It is good git-practise to only use the main branch for synchronization with the upstream, not for changes, as outlined in the previous subsection. In order to commit to this documentation, create a new branch (a so-called feature branch) basing on the main branch and commit your changes to it.

~ git checkout main
~ git checkout -b <FEATUREBRANCH>
# Edit file1, file2 etc.
~ git add <file1> <file2>
~ git commit -m <COMMIT MESSAGE>
~ git push origin <FEATUREBRANCH>

The last command pushes the changes to your remote at branch FEATUREBRANCH. Now, it is time to incorporate the changes and improvements into the HPC Compendium. For this, create a merge request to the main branch.

Important Branches

There are two important branches in this repository:

  • Preview:
    • Branch containing recent changes which will be soon merged to main branch (protected branch)
    • Served at todo url from TUD VPN
  • Main: Branch which is deployed at holding the current documentation (protected branch)

If you are totally sure about your commit (e.g., fix a typo), it is only the following steps:

  1. Synchronize branches
  2. Edit the markdown file of interest
  3. Commit change
  4. Push commit to your fork and probably new branch
  5. Pose Merge Request


We have several checks on the markdown sources to ensure for a consistent and high quality of the documentation. These checks are run within the CI/CD pipeline and changes are only deployed to the HPC compendium, if the checks are passed. Thus, we highly recommend running the checks locally before committing and posing a merge request.

  • Markdown linter
  • Check internal and external links
  • Check code and command examples

Markdown Linter

The markdown linter client helps to keep the markdown source code clean and consistent.


~ [sudo] npm [-g]  install markdownlint-cli

The configuration is stored in .markdownlintrc. The tool markdownlint can be run in dry or fix mode. The dry mode (default) only outputs findings, whereas in fix mode it resolves basic errors directly in the markdown files.

~ cd
~ markdownlint [--fix] docs/
docs/ MD013/line-length Line length [Expected: 130; Actual: 138]

Before committing, invoke the script util/ which calls the markdownlint tool for all (git-)changed markdown files.

~ sh util/
hpc-compendium-2.0-gitlab-tudzih git:(master) ✗ sh util/ MD012/no-multiple-blanks Multiple consecutive blank lines [Expected: 1; Actual: 2] MD012/no-multiple-blanks Multiple consecutive blank lines [Expected: 1; Actual: 3] MD012/no-multiple-blanks Multiple consecutive blank lines [Expected: 1; Actual: 2] MD022/blanks-around-headings/blanks-around-headers Headings should be surrounded by blank lines [Expected: 1; Actual: 0; Below] [Context: "### Why is this not at"]
[8< 8<]

Check Links

No one likes dead links. Therefore, we check the internal and external links within the markdown source files. For that, the script util/ and the tool markdown-link-check can be used.

The tool markdown-link-check checks links within a certain file (or using some shell magic for all markdown files, as depicted below). On the other hand, the script util/ checks only links for files in the repository, which are gifferent (gifferent is a word composition from git and different to main branch).


Installation (see official documentation)

~ [sudo] npm [-g] install markdown-link-check

Run check

~ cd
~ markdown-link-check docs/jobs/

FILE: docs/jobs/
[✖] Slurmgenerator
[✖] Compendium.RunningNxGpuAppsInOneJob
[✖] BindingAndDistributionOfTasks

9 links checked.

ERROR: 3 dead links found!
[✖] Slurmgenerator → Status: 400
[✖] Compendium.RunningNxGpuAppsInOneJob → Status: 400
[✖] BindingAndDistributionOfTasks → Status: 400

In this example, all external links are fine, but three links to internal documents need to be fixed.

To check the links within all markdown files in one sweep, some shell magic is necessary

~ cd
~ find . -name \*.md -exec markdown-link-check {} \;

The script util/ checks links for all gifferent files, i.e., markdown files which are part of the repository and different to the main branch. Use this script before committing your changes to make sure your commit passes the CI/CD pipeline.

Check Code and Commands

The script checks if the code chunks are runnable on a login node. It is invoked as follows ...

TODO: Implement Issue #9

Check Pages Structure

The script util/ first checks the hierarchy depth of the pages structure and the second check tests if every markdown file is included in the navigation section of the mkdocs.yaml file.

The script is invoked and reports as follows

~ sh is not included in nav is not included in nav is not included in nav is not included in nav

Content Rules

Remark: Avoid using tabs both in markdown files and in mkdocs.yaml. Type spaces instead.

New Page and Pages Structure

The pages structure is defined in the configuration file mkdocs.yaml.

  - Home:
  - Application for HPC Login:
  - Request for Resources:
  - Access to the Cluster:
  - Available Software and Usage:
    - Overview: software/

To add a new page to the documentation follow these two steps:

  1. Create a new markdown file under docs/subdir/ and put the documentation inside. The sub directory and file name should follow the pattern
  2. Add subdir/ to the configuration file mkdocs.yml by updating the navigation section.

Make sure that the new page is not floating, i.e., it can be reached directly from the documentation structure.


  1. Please keep things simple, i.e., avoid using fancy markdown dialects.

  2. Do not add large binary files or high resolution images to the repository. See this valuable document for image optimization.

  3. Admonitions may be actively used, especially for longer code examples, warnings, tips, important information that should be highlighted, etc. Code examples, longer than half screen height should collapsed (and indented):

??? example Bash [...] # very long example here [...]

Writing Style

TODO Guide Issue #14

  • Capitalize headings, e.g. Exclusive Reservation of Hardware

Spelling and Technical Wording

To provide a consistent and high quality documentation, and help users to find the right pages, there is a list of conventions w.r.t. spelling and technical wording.

  • Language settings: en_us
  • I/O not IO
  • Slurm not SLURM
  • Filesystem not file system
  • ZIH system and ZIH systems not Taurus, HRSKII, our HPC systems etc.

TODO: Put into file

TODO: Implement checks Issue #13

Code Blocks and Command Prompts

Showing commands and sample output is an important part of all technical documentation. To make things as clear for readers as possible and provide a consistent documentation, some rules have to be followed.

  1. Use ticks to mark code blocks and commands, not italic font.
  2. Specify language for code blocks (see below).
  3. All code blocks and commands should be runnable from a login node or a node within a specific partition (e.g., ml).
  4. It should be clear from the prompt, where the command is run (e.g. local machine, login node or specific partition).


We follow this rules regarding prompts:

Host/Partition Prompt
Login nodes marie@login$
Arbitrary compute node marie@compute$
haswell partition marie@haswell$
ml partition marie@ml$
alpha partition marie@alpha$
alpha partition marie@alpha$
romeo partition marie@romeo$
julia partition marie@julia$
Localhost marie@local$


  • Always use a prompt, even there is no output provided for the shown command.
  • All code blocks should use long parameter names (e.g. Slurm parameters), if available.
  • All code blocks which specify some general command templates, e.g. containing < and > (see Placeholders), should use bash for the code block. Additionally, an example invocation, perhaps with output, should be given with the normal console code block. See also Code Block description below.
  • Using some magic, the prompt as well as the output is identified and will not be copied!
  • Stick to the generic user name marie.

Code Blocks and Syntax Highlighting

This project makes use of the extension pymdownx.highlight for syntax highlighting. There is a complete list of supported language short codes.

For consistency, use the following short codes within this project:

With the exception of command templates, use console for shell session and console:

marie@login$ ls

Make sure that shell session and console code blocks are executable on the login nodes of HPC system.

Command templates use Placeholders to mark replaceable code parts. Command templates should give a general idea of invocation and thus, do not contain any output. Use a bash code block followed by an invocation example (with console):

marie@local$ ssh -NL <local port>:<compute node>:<remote port> <zih login>

marie@local$ ssh -NL 5901:

Also use bash for shell scripts such as jobfiles:

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%j.out

module load foss

srun a.out

!!! important

Use long parameter names where possible to ease understanding.

python for Python source code:

from time import gmtime, strftime
print(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()))

pycon for Python console:

>>> from time import gmtime, strftime
>>> print(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()))
2021-08-03 07:20:33

Line numbers can be added via

```bash linenums="1"

#SBATCH -n 23
#SBATCH -t 02:10:00

srun a.out



Specific Lines can be highlighted by using

```bash hl_lines="2 3"

#SBATCH -n 23
#SBATCH -t 02:10:00

srun a.out



Data Privacy and Generic User Name

Where possible, replace login, project name and other private data with clearly arbitrary placeholders. E.g., use the generic login marie and the corresponding project name p_marie.

marie@login$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x   3 marie p_marie      4096 Jan 24  2020 code
drwxr-xr-x   3 marie p_marie      4096 Feb 12  2020 data
-rw-rw----   1 marie p_marie      4096 Jan 24  2020

Mark Omissions

If showing only a snippet of a long output, omissions are marked with [...].

Mark Placeholders

Stick to the Unix rules on optional and required arguments, and selection of item sets:

  • <required argument or value>
  • [optional argument or value]
  • {choice1|choice2|choice3}

Graphics and Attachments

All graphics and attachments are saved within misc directory of the respective sub directory in docs.

The syntax to insert a graphic or attachment into a page is

![PuTTY: Switch on X11](misc/putty2.jpg)
{: align="center"}

The attribute align is optional. By default, graphics are left aligned. Note: It is crucial to have {: align="center"} on a new line.