Add flow of job allocation
Add an overview over job allocation similar to the following diagram, perhaps using mermaid (see also its integration page or directly the corresponding plugin page):
user ->>+ login node: run programm
login node ->> login node: kill after 5 min
login node ->>- user: Killed!
user ->> login node: salloc [...]
login node ->> Slurm: Request resources
Slurm ->> user: resources
user ->>+ allocated resources: srun [options] [command]
allocated resources ->> allocated resources: run command (on allocated nodes)
allocated resources ->>- user: program finished
user ->>+ allocated resources: srun [options] [further_command]
allocated resources ->> allocated resources: run further command
allocated resources ->>- user: program finished
user ->>+ allocated resources: srun [options] [further_command]
allocated resources ->> allocated resources: run further command
Slurm ->> allocated resources: Job limit reached/exceeded
allocated resources ->>- user: Job limit reached
Edited by Jan Frenzel