| `BeeGFS` | `/beegfs/global1` | 232 TB | [Alpha](../jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md) and [Power9](../jobs_and_resources/power9.md) | Only accessible via [Workspaces](workspaces.md). Fastest available filesystem, only for large parallel applications running with millions of small I/O operations |
| `BeeGFS` | `/beegfs/global1` | 232 TB | [Alpha](../jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md) and [Power9](../jobs_and_resources/power9.md) | Only accessible via [Workspaces](workspaces.md). Fastest available filesystem, only for large parallel applications running with millions of small I/O operations |
| `ext4` | `/tmp` | 95 GB | node local | Systems: tbd. Is cleaned up after the job automatically. |
| `ext4` | `/tmp` | 95 GB | node local | Systems: tbd. Is cleaned up after the job automatically. |
| Scratch for large data / streaming | `/data/horse` | Lustre | 20 PB | |
??? "Outdated filesystems `/lustre/scratch` and `/lustre/ssd`"
??? "Outdated filesystems `/lustre/scratch` and `/lustre/ssd`"