due to restrictions coming from data security and software incompatibilities the old "HPC Compendium" is now reachable only from inside TU Dresden campus (or via VPN).
due to restrictions coming from data security and software incompatibilities the old "HPC Compendium" is now reachable only from inside TU Dresden campus (or via VPN).
Internal users should be redirected automatically to the [internal IP address](
Internal users should be redirected automatically to the [internal IP address](
We apologize for this severe action, but we are in the middle of the preparation for a wiki relaunch, so we do not want to redirect resources to fix technical/security issues for a system that will last only a few weeks.
We apologize for this severe action, but we are in the middle of the preparation for a wiki relaunch, so we do not want to redirect resources to fix technical/security issues for a system that will last only a few weeks.