All steps for an application are documented in detail below.
{: align="center"}
=== "Type of Application"
### Type of Application
Since January 2021 ZIH, TU Dresden is a NHR-center (Nationales Hochleistungsrechnen).
More details can be found in [](
@@ -54,12 +73,18 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
#### NHR
This application is:
This application kind is recommended for:
* for researchers from all over Germany there is the possibility
to apply for HPC resources at the NHR Center of the TU Dresden
* for all research projects related to our focus topics
[](, application to our NHR center is recommended
* Life Sciences
* Earth System Science
* Methods for big data and data analysis and management
* Machine Learning
* Tiered storage architectures and I/O optimization
* Performance and energy efficiency analysis and optimization
Further information can be found in []( If your research topic fits the above focus topics, the application kind 'NHR' is recommended.
* for other focuses other NHR centers are available [](
Application Login:
@@ -72,7 +97,8 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
This application is:
* for researchers from Saxon universities
* only applicable for researchers from universities in Saxony.
* If you are from Saxony and your project matches the NHR focus topics mentioned above, then either application kind is feasible and there are no differences for the resulting project between the two. We recommend to choose the NHR type.
* to apply at the NHR Center of the TU-Dresden for further focus topics
which are not covered by an NHR application
@@ -86,8 +112,9 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
This application is:
* for researchers of the TU Dresden with entitlement to special HPC contingents of the TU Dresden.
(This includes, for example, appointment commitments)
* Only for researchers at TU Dresden entitled
to special HPC contingents, either from TU Dresdens
own contribution to the funding of the NHR center or from own HPC funding.
Application Login:
@@ -97,14 +124,30 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
### ScaDS.AI
ScaDS.AI is not a NHR Type. If you need an application for ScaDS.AI, you know how.
This is a separate type of application for ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig
only applicable for members, assiciated members and partners of ScaDS.AI.
The following application steps are the same as for the others, though.
!!! hint "Taurus Application:"
### Taurus
The Taurus type is deprecated, don't use anymore.
=== "Login"
### Login
!!! info ZIH login
For the application of a project no ZIH Login is necessary. Only if you want to use the resources yourself, a login is required: [](
For the application of a project no ZIH Login is necessary.
If you have a TU Dresden account already, then use the first option. Otherwise use the E-Mail callback option.
#### With TU Dresden Account
@@ -152,7 +195,7 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
![New Application][8]
!!! info New Application Type
!!! info New Application Kind
Please pay attention to the title of the page and what type of request you are making
#### Finalized Applications
@@ -169,9 +212,25 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
??? abstract "Project Type"
Choose the project type. Please note the information about the project types on the page.
The project application differs depending on the type of application - and thus which components of our HPC system - resources are applied for.
After a new project application is created you can choose a
* **Trial project**: With a trial projects you can test
whether the HPC resources meet your requirements.
Trial projects are all applications with up to 3500 CPUh/month
or 250 GPUh/month. No detailed project description is required.
* **Regular project**: A regular project are for data intensive and
compute intensive HPC applications, e.g. FEM, CFD and MD simulations.
Regular projects have higher resource requirements than the trial projects.
A detailed project description is required in addition to the online application.
* **Courses**: Courses is a project type for teaching courses,
where you can enable up to 5000 CPUh/month, without additional
communication. If there is a higher resource requirement needed,
it can be enabled after consultation the HPC support.
No detailed project description is required.
Please be aware, that in exceptional cases, ZIH reserves the right
to request a more detailed abstract.
The project application differs depending on the type of
application - and thus which components of our HPC system - resources are applied for.
![Project Type Selection][21]
@@ -182,18 +241,18 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
Keep in mind that the principal investigator (PI) has to be:
* institute director
* chair holder
* Professors
* research group leader
![Principal Investigator (PI)][22]
If you have not yet submitted an application to us, you will be asked to provide your information.
If you have not yet submitted an application to us, you will be asked to provide your personal information.
![Principal Investigator (PI)][23]
![Principal Investigator (PI)][24]
??? abstract "Resources"
Choose the needed resources. Typically, you can choose between GPU and CPU.
Choose the needed resources. Typically, you can choose between GPU and CPU. If you are unsure about some of the detail questions here and below, please provide a rough estimate or your best guess instead of specifiying 0 or no data.
!!! info
You can only choose after you have specified a project type.
@@ -285,10 +344,13 @@ click D href "http://localhost:8000/application/project_request_form_jards/#with
??? abstract "Upload Full Projectdescription"
On some project types a detailed project description is needed to complete the application.
??? abstract "Upload Full Project description"
If you are choosing the project type 'Regular project' a
detailed project description is needed to complete the application.
You can save the application form and add the detailed description later,
before submitting and finalize the HPC project application.