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**Passes to the beta version. Almost production-ready.**

- Fixes handling of closed periods (which were considered as open).
- Replaces the `DayPeriods` namedtuples with a `Day` class.
- Renames the `get_day_periods()` method to `get_day()`.
- Fixes regexes in the `sanitize()` function.
- Fixes the `monthday_date_month()` method of the transformer.
- Raises a ParseError when a minute is not between 0 and 60.
- Fixes a sanitization regex for "H:MM" formats.
- Raises a ParseError for `<time_selector> closed` formats, as their parsing does not completely work yet.
- Adds a `temporary_location()` contextmanager.
- Adds a "fake support" of commas as rule separator.