- Jun 06, 2014
David Bigagli authored
last epilog completes, either slurmd epilog or slurmctld epilog, whichever comes last.
David Bigagli authored
don't clear the dependency if the job is completing.
- Jun 05, 2014
Danny Auble authored
(Also remove extra pending check, no reason to check it twice ;))
Morris Jette authored
If the backup slurmctld assumes primary status, then do NOT purge any job state files (batch script and environment files) but if any attempt is made to re-use them consider this a fatal error. It may indicate that multiple primary slurmctld daemons are active (e.g. both backup and primary are functioning as primary and there is a split brain problem).
Danny Auble authored
Morris Jette authored
Replace printing of job_id using %d with %u
Danny Auble authored
Morris Jette authored
Test time when job_state file was written to detect multiple primary slurmctld daemons (e.g. both backup and primary are functioning as primary and there is a split brain problem).
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Stephen Trofinoff authored
Danny Auble <da@schedmd.com>
Morris Jette authored
David Bigagli authored
when specified escaped.
- Jun 04, 2014
Morris Jette authored
A configuration change trigger event occurs when a node state changes (e.g. Up, Down, Drain, etc.)
Morris Jette authored
Attempt to create duplicate event trigger now generates ESLURM_TRIGGER_DUP ("Duplicate event trigger").
Morris Jette authored
Modify strigger to accept arguments to the program to execute when an event trigger occurs.
Morris Jette authored
Added strigger option of -N, --noheader to not print the header when displaying a list of triggers.
Morris Jette authored
batch jobs have cpus_per_task set to zero, which resulted in an error of "task/cgroup: task[0] unable to set taskset '0x0'"
- Jun 03, 2014
David Bigagli authored
requeue, requeuehold and release operations.
David Bigagli authored
Morris Jette authored
Do not purge the script and environment files for completed jobs on slurmctld reconfiguration or restart (they might be later requeued). Purge the files only when the job record is purged. bug 834
Morris Jette authored
Morris Jette authored
If a job --mem-per-cpu limit exceeds the partition or system limit, then scale the job's memory limit and CPUs per task to satisfy the limit. bug 848
David Bigagli authored
not finished yet otherwise if requeued the job may enter an invalid COMPLETING state.
- May 30, 2014
Morris Jette authored
If shutdown of the slurmctld daemon is in progress, then stop trying to schedule jobs or process reconfigure requests. These are the only operations that take a significant amount of time and only service to slow down the shutdown process. We want the daemon to stop processing incoming RPCs and save state as soon as possible.
- May 29, 2014
Morris Jette authored
Morris Jette authored
Morris Jette authored
Previous limit was 4 secs, raised to 10.
Morris Jette authored
select/cons_res plugin: Fix memory leak related to job preemption. bug 837
Danny Auble authored
- May 28, 2014
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Morris Jette authored
Show exactly waht the bad ProfileHDF5Default value is.
Morris Jette authored
ProfileHDF5Default=Filesystem should be ProfileHDF5Default=Lustre
Morris Jette authored
Added double brackets so brackets could be used within test program
Morris Jette authored
Fix for commit 3f7bd421
Morris Jette authored
Replace AC_TRY_RUN with more modern AC_RUN_IFELSE and assume printf of NULL does not seg fault
Morris Jette authored
This give system administrators the option on AMD Opteron 6000 series processors of either considering each NUMA node on a socket as a separate socket (resulting in some incorrect logging of socket count information) or not (resulting in sub-optimal job allocations since each core in the socket will be considered equivalent, even if on different NUMA nodes within the socket). bug 838
Danny Auble authored
Morris Jette authored
When a batch job requeue completes, clear it's bitmap of completing nodes. If the bitmap were to persist, and nodes are added/remove in slurm.conf, and "scontrol reconfigure" is executed, and one of the bits in that bitmap now point to a DOWN node, avoid killing the job. bug 805