@@ -84,12 +106,21 @@ Specifies the double pointer to the structure to be created and filled with a de
Specifies the pointer to the structure to be created and filled in by the function \fIslurm_submit_batch_job\fP.
Slurm job step id number.
\fBslurm_allocate_resources\fR Request a resource allocation for a job. If successful, a job entry is created. Always release the response message when no longer required using the function \fBslurm_free_resource_allocation_response_msg\fR.
\fBslurm_cancel_job\fR Request the cancellation of a running or pending job. This function may only be successfully executed by the job's owner or user root.
\fBslurm_cancel_job_step\fR Request the cancellation of a running job step. This function may only be successfully executed by the job's owner or user root.
\fBslurm_complete_job\fR Note the termination of a job. This function may only be successfully executed by the job's owner or user root.
\fBslurm_complete_job_step\fR Note the termination of a job step. This function may only be successfully executed by the job's owner or user root.
\fBslurm_free_resource_allocation_response_msg\fR Release the storage generated in response to a call of the function \fBslurm_allocate_resources\fR or \fBslurm_job_will_run\fR.
\fBslurm_free_submit_response_msg\fR Release the storage generated in response to a call of the function \fBslurm_submit_batch_job\fR.