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 * src/srun/allocate.c - srun functions for managing node allocations
 * $Id$
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2006 The Regents of the University of California.
 *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
 *  Written by Mark Grondona <>.
 *  This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
 *  For details, see <>.
 *  SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission 
 *  to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
 *  certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and 
 *  distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU 
 *  General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than 
 *  OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this 
 *  exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do 
 *  so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
 *  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source files in 
 *  the program, then also delete it here.
 *  SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 *  details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.

#  include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "src/common/macros.h"
#include "src/common/slurm_auth.h"
#include "src/common/slurm_protocol_api.h"
#include "src/common/xmalloc.h"
#include "src/common/xsignal.h"
#include "src/common/xstring.h"
#include "src/common/forward.h"

#include "src/srun/allocate.h"
#include "src/srun/opt.h"
#define MAX_ALLOC_WAIT 60	/* seconds */
#define MIN_ALLOC_WAIT  5	/* seconds */
pthread_mutex_t msg_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t msg_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
allocation_msg_thread_t *msg_thr = NULL;
resource_allocation_response_msg_t *global_resp = NULL;
struct pollfd global_fds[1];

static bool exit_flag = false;
static uint32_t pending_job_id = 0;

static void _set_pending_job_id(uint32_t job_id);
static void _ignore_signal(int signo);
static void _exit_on_signal(int signo);
static void _signal_while_allocating(int signo);
static void  _intr_handler(int signo);

static sig_atomic_t destroy_job = 0;
static void _set_pending_job_id(uint32_t job_id)
	info("Pending job allocation %u", job_id);
	pending_job_id = job_id;
static void _signal_while_allocating(int signo)
	destroy_job = 1;
	if (pending_job_id != 0) {
		slurm_complete_job(pending_job_id, 0);
static void _ignore_signal(int signo)
	/* do nothing */
static void _exit_on_signal(int signo)
	exit_flag = true;
/* This typically signifies the job was cancelled by scancel */
static void _job_complete_handler(srun_job_complete_msg_t *msg)
 * Job has been notified of it's approaching time limit. 
 * Job will be killed shortly after timeout.
 * This RPC can arrive multiple times with the same or updated timeouts.
 * FIXME: We may want to signal the job or perform other action for this.
 * FIXME: How much lead time do we want for this message? Some jobs may 
 *	require tens of minutes to gracefully terminate.
static void _timeout_handler(srun_timeout_msg_t *msg)
	static time_t last_timeout = 0;
	if (msg->timeout != last_timeout) {
		last_timeout = msg->timeout;
		verbose("job time limit to be reached at %s", 
static void _user_msg_handler(srun_user_msg_t *msg)
static void _ping_handler(srun_ping_msg_t *msg) 
	/* the api will respond so there really isn't anything to do
	   here */
static void _node_fail_handler(srun_node_fail_msg_t *msg)
	error("Node failure on %s", msg->nodelist);

static bool _retry()
	static int  retries = 0;
	static char *msg = "Slurm controller not responding, "
		           "sleeping and retrying.";

		if (retries == 0)
			error (msg);
		else if (retries < MAX_RETRIES)
			debug (msg);
			return false;
		sleep (++retries);
	} else {
		error("Unable to allocate resources: %m");
		return false;

	return true;

 * SIGINT handler while waiting for resources to become available.
static void
_intr_handler(int signo)
	int rc;
	job_desc_msg_t *j = job_desc_msg_create_from_opts();
		return SLURM_ERROR;
	rc = slurm_job_will_run(j);
	return rc;

resource_allocation_response_msg_t *
	resource_allocation_response_msg_t *resp = NULL;
	job_desc_msg_t *j = job_desc_msg_create_from_opts();

		return NULL;
	/* Do not re-use existing job id when submitting new job
	 * from within a running job */
	if ((j->job_id != NO_VAL) && !opt.jobid_set) {
		info("WARNING: Creating SLURM job allocation from within "
			"another allocation");
		info("WARNING: You are attempting to initiate a second job");
		if (!opt.jobid_set)	/* Let slurmctld set jobid */
			j->job_id = NO_VAL;
	} = _ping_handler;
	callbacks.timeout = _timeout_handler;
	callbacks.job_complete = _job_complete_handler;
	callbacks.user_msg = _user_msg_handler;
	callbacks.node_fail = _node_fail_handler;

	/* create message thread to handle pings and such from slurmctld */
	msg_thr = slurm_allocation_msg_thr_create(&j->other_port, &callbacks);

	xsignal(SIGHUP, _signal_while_allocating);
	xsignal(SIGINT, _signal_while_allocating);
	xsignal(SIGQUIT, _signal_while_allocating);
	xsignal(SIGPIPE, _signal_while_allocating);
	xsignal(SIGTERM, _signal_while_allocating);
	xsignal(SIGUSR1, _signal_while_allocating);
	xsignal(SIGUSR2, _signal_while_allocating);

	while (!resp) {
		resp = slurm_allocate_resources_blocking(j, 0,
		if (destroy_job) {
			/* cancelled by signal */
		} else if(!resp && !_retry()) {
	xsignal(SIGHUP, _exit_on_signal);
	xsignal(SIGINT, _ignore_signal);
	xsignal(SIGQUIT, _ignore_signal);
	xsignal(SIGPIPE, _ignore_signal);
	xsignal(SIGTERM, _ignore_signal);
	xsignal(SIGUSR1, _ignore_signal);
	xsignal(SIGUSR2, _ignore_signal);

resource_allocation_response_msg_t *
	uint32_t old_job_id;
        resource_allocation_response_msg_t *resp = NULL;

	if (opt.jobid != NO_VAL)
		old_job_id = (uint32_t)opt.jobid;
                return NULL;

        if (slurm_allocation_lookup_lite(old_job_id, &resp) < 0) {
                if (opt.parallel_debug || opt.jobid_set)
                        return NULL;    /* create new allocation as needed */
                if (errno == ESLURM_ALREADY_DONE)
                        error ("SLURM job %u has expired.", old_job_id);
                        error ("Unable to confirm allocation for job %u: %m",
                info ("Check SLURM_JOBID environment variable "
                      "for expired or invalid job.");

        return resp;

/* Set up port to handle messages from slurmctld */
	slurm_addr slurm_address;
	uint16_t port;
	static slurm_fd slurmctld_fd   = (slurm_fd) NULL;

	if (slurmctld_fd)	/* May set early for queued job allocation */
		return slurmctld_fd;

	slurmctld_fd = -1;
	slurmctld_comm_addr.hostname = NULL;
	slurmctld_comm_addr.port = 0;

	if ((slurmctld_fd = slurm_init_msg_engine_port(0)) < 0)
		fatal("slurm_init_msg_engine_port error %m");
	if (slurm_get_stream_addr(slurmctld_fd, &slurm_address) < 0)
		fatal("slurm_get_stream_addr error %m");
	/* hostname is not set,  so slurm_get_addr fails
	   slurm_get_addr(&slurm_address, &port, hostname, sizeof(hostname)); */
	port = ntohs(slurm_address.sin_port);
	slurmctld_comm_addr.hostname = xstrdup(opt.ctrl_comm_ifhn);
	slurmctld_comm_addr.port     = port;
	debug2("slurmctld messages to host=%s,port=%u", 

	return slurmctld_fd;
 * Create job description structure based off srun options
	job_desc_msg_t *j = xmalloc(sizeof(*j));
	char buf[8192];
	hostlist_t hl = NULL;
	j->contiguous     = opt.contiguous;
	j->features       = opt.constraints;
	j->immediate      = opt.immediate;
	j->name           = opt.job_name;
	j->req_nodes      = xstrdup(opt.nodelist);
	/* simplify the job allocation nodelist, 
	  not laying out tasks until step */
	if(j->req_nodes) {
		hl = hostlist_create(j->req_nodes);
		hostlist_ranged_string(hl, sizeof(buf), buf);
		opt.nodelist = xstrdup(buf);
		hostlist_ranged_string(hl, sizeof(buf), buf);

		j->req_nodes = xstrdup(buf);
	if(opt.distribution == SLURM_DIST_ARBITRARY
	   && !j->req_nodes) {
		error("With Arbitrary distribution you need to "
		      "specify a nodelist or hostfile with the -w option");
		return NULL;
	j->exc_nodes      = opt.exc_nodes;
	j->partition      = opt.partition;
	j->min_nodes      = opt.min_nodes;
	if (opt.min_sockets_per_node != NO_VAL)
		j->min_sockets    = opt.min_sockets_per_node;
	if (opt.min_cores_per_socket != NO_VAL)
		j->min_cores      = opt.min_cores_per_socket;
	if (opt.min_threads_per_core != NO_VAL)
		j->min_threads    = opt.min_threads_per_core;
	j->dependency     = opt.dependency;
	if (opt.nice)
		j->nice   = NICE_OFFSET + opt.nice;
	j->task_dist      = opt.distribution;
	if (opt.plane_size != NO_VAL)
		j->plane_size     = opt.plane_size;
	j->mail_type      = opt.mail_type;
	if (opt.ntasks_per_node != NO_VAL)
		j->ntasks_per_node   = opt.ntasks_per_node;
	if (opt.ntasks_per_socket != NO_VAL)
		j->ntasks_per_socket = opt.ntasks_per_socket;
	if (opt.ntasks_per_core != NO_VAL)
		j->ntasks_per_core   = opt.ntasks_per_core;
	if (opt.mail_user)
		j->mail_user = xstrdup(opt.mail_user);
	if (opt.begin)
		j->begin_time = opt.begin;
	if (opt.licenses)
		j->licenses = xstrdup(opt.licenses);
	if (
		j->network = xstrdup(;
	if (opt.account)
		j->account = xstrdup(opt.account);
	if (opt.comment)
		j->comment = xstrdup(opt.comment);
	if (opt.hold)
		j->priority     = 0;
	if (opt.jobid != NO_VAL)
		j->job_id	= opt.jobid;
	if (opt.geometry[0] > 0) {
		int i;
		for (i=0; i<SYSTEM_DIMENSIONS; i++)
			j->geometry[i] = opt.geometry[i];
	if (opt.conn_type != (uint16_t) NO_VAL)
	if (opt.blrtsimage)
		j->blrtsimage = xstrdup(opt.blrtsimage);
	if (opt.linuximage)
		j->linuximage = xstrdup(opt.linuximage);
	if (opt.mloaderimage)
		j->mloaderimage = xstrdup(opt.mloaderimage);
	if (opt.ramdiskimage)
		j->ramdiskimage = xstrdup(opt.ramdiskimage);

	if (opt.max_nodes)
		j->max_nodes    = opt.max_nodes;
	if (opt.max_sockets_per_node)
		j->max_sockets  = opt.max_sockets_per_node;
	if (opt.max_cores_per_socket)
		j->max_cores    = opt.max_cores_per_socket;
	if (opt.max_threads_per_core)
		j->max_threads  = opt.max_threads_per_core;

	if (opt.job_min_cpus != NO_VAL)
		j->job_min_procs    = opt.job_min_cpus;
	if (opt.job_min_sockets != NO_VAL)
		j->job_min_sockets  = opt.job_min_sockets;
	if (opt.job_min_cores != NO_VAL)
		j->job_min_cores    = opt.job_min_cores;
	if (opt.job_min_threads != NO_VAL)
		j->job_min_threads  = opt.job_min_threads;
	if (opt.job_min_memory != NO_VAL)
		j->job_min_memory   = opt.job_min_memory;
	if (opt.job_min_tmp_disk != NO_VAL)
		j->job_min_tmp_disk = opt.job_min_tmp_disk;
	if (opt.overcommit) {
		j->overcommit	= opt.overcommit;
	} else
		j->num_procs    = opt.nprocs * opt.cpus_per_task;
	if (opt.nprocs_set)
		j->num_tasks    = opt.nprocs;
	if (opt.cpus_set)
		j->cpus_per_task = opt.cpus_per_task;

	if (opt.no_kill)
		j->kill_on_node_fail   = 0;
	if (opt.time_limit != NO_VAL)
		j->time_limit          = opt.time_limit;
	/* srun uses the same listening port for the allocation response
	 * message as all other messages */
	j->alloc_resp_port = slurmctld_comm_addr.port;
	j->other_port = slurmctld_comm_addr.port;
	return (j);

job_desc_msg_destroy(job_desc_msg_t *j)
	int i, rc;
	SigFunc *oquitf = NULL, *ointf = NULL, *otermf = NULL;

	job->ctx_params.job_id = job->jobid;
	job->ctx_params.uid = opt.uid;

	/* set the jobid for totalview */
	totalview_jobid = NULL;
	xstrfmtcat(totalview_jobid, "%u", job->ctx_params.job_id);

	job->ctx_params.node_count = job->nhosts;
	if (!opt.nprocs_set && (opt.ntasks_per_node != NO_VAL))
		 opt.nprocs = job->nhosts * opt.ntasks_per_node;
	job->ctx_params.task_count = opt.nprocs;
	job->ctx_params.cpu_count = opt.overcommit ? job->ctx_params.node_count
		: (opt.nprocs*opt.cpus_per_task);
	job->ctx_params.relative = (uint16_t)opt.relative;
	if (opt.task_mem != NO_VAL)
		job->ctx_params.mem_per_task = (uint16_t)opt.task_mem;
	job->ctx_params.ckpt_interval = (uint16_t)opt.ckpt_interval;
	job->ctx_params.ckpt_path = opt.ckpt_path;
	job->ctx_params.exclusive = (uint16_t)opt.exclusive;
	job->ctx_params.immediate = (uint16_t)opt.immediate;
	job->ctx_params.verbose_level = (uint16_t)_verbose;
		job->ctx_params.task_dist = opt.distribution;
		job->ctx_params.task_dist = SLURM_DIST_PLANE;
		job->ctx_params.plane_size = opt.plane_size;
		job->ctx_params.task_dist = (job->ctx_params.task_count <= 
	job->ctx_params.overcommit = opt.overcommit ? 1 : 0;
	job->ctx_params.node_list = opt.nodelist;
	job-> =;
	job-> = opt.job_name;
	debug("requesting job %u, user %u, nodes %u including (%s)", 
	      job->ctx_params.job_id, job->ctx_params.uid,
	      job->ctx_params.node_count, job->ctx_params.node_list);
	debug("cpus %u, tasks %u, name %s, relative %u", 
	      job->ctx_params.cpu_count, job->ctx_params.task_count,
	      job->, job->ctx_params.relative);
	for (i=0; (!destroy_job); i++) {
		if(opt.no_alloc) {
			job->step_ctx = slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc(
				&job->ctx_params, job->stepid);
		} else
			job->step_ctx = slurm_step_ctx_create(
		if (job->step_ctx != NULL) {
			if (i > 0)
				info("Job step created");
		if (opt.immediate ||
		    ((rc != ESLURM_NODES_BUSY) && (rc != ESLURM_DISABLED))) {
			error ("Unable to create job step: %m");
			return -1;
		if (i == 0) {
			info("Job step creation temporarily disabled, retrying");	
			ointf  = xsignal(SIGINT,  _intr_handler);
			otermf  = xsignal(SIGTERM, _intr_handler);
			oquitf  = xsignal(SIGQUIT, _intr_handler);
			info("Job step creation still disabled, retrying");
	if (i > 0) {
		xsignal(SIGINT,  ointf);
		xsignal(SIGQUIT, oquitf);
		xsignal(SIGTERM, otermf);
		if (destroy_job) {
			info("Cancelled pending job step");
			return -1;

	slurm_step_ctx_get(job->step_ctx, SLURM_STEP_CTX_STEPID, &job->stepid);
	/*  Number of hosts in job may not have been initialized yet if 
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
	 *    --jobid was used or only SLURM_JOBID was set in user env.
	 *    Reset the value here just in case.
	slurm_step_ctx_get(job->step_ctx, SLURM_STEP_CTX_NUM_HOSTS,
	 * Recreate filenames which may depend upon step id

	return 0;