This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in SLURM 0.7.0-pre5
-- Enhanced performance and debugging for slurmctld reconfiguration.
-- Add "scontrol update Jobid=# Nice=#" support.
-- Basic slurmctld and tool functionality validated to 16k nodes.
-- squeue and smap now display correct info for jobs in bluegene enviornment.
* Changes in SLURM 0.7.0-pre4
-- Remove BNR libary functions and add those for PMI (KVS and basic
MPI-1 functions only for now)
-- Added Hostfile support for POE and srun. MP_HOSTFILE env var to set
location of hostfile. Tasks will run from list order in the file.
-- Removes the slurmd's use of SysV shared memory. Instead the slurmd
communicates with the slurmstepd processes through the slurmstepd's
new named unix domain socket. The "stepd_api" is used to talk to the
slurmstepd (src/slurmd/common/stepd_api.[ch]).
-- Bluegene specific - bluegene block allocator will find most any
partition size now. Added support to start at any point in smap
to request a partition instead of always starting at 000.
-- Bluegene specific - Support to smap to down or bring up nodes in
configure mode. Added commands include allup, alldown,
up [range], down [range]
-- Time format in sinfo/squeue/smap/sacct changed from D:HH:MM:SS to
D-HH:MM:SS per POSIX standards document.
-- Treat scontrol update request without any requested changes as an
error condition.
-- Bluegene plugin renamed with BG instead of BGL. partition_allocator moved
into bluegene plugin and renamed block_allocator. Format for bluegene.conf
file changed also. Read bluegene html page. Code is backwards compatable
smap will generate in new form
-- Add srun option --nice to give user some control over job priority.
* Changes in SLURM 0.7.0-pre3
-- Restructure node states: DRAINING and DRAINED states are replaced
with a DRAIN flag. COMPLETING state is changed to a COMPLETING flag.
-- Test suite moved into testsuite/expect from separate repository.
-- Added new document describing slurm APIs (doc/html/api.html).
-- Permit nodes to be in multiple partitions simultaneously.
* Changes in SLURM 0.7.0-pre2
-- New stdio protocol. Now srun has just a single TCP stream to each node
of a job-step. srun and slurmd comminicate over the TCP stream using a
simple messaging protocol.
-- Added task plugin and use task prolog/epilog(s).
-- New slurmd_step functionality added. Fork exec instead of using shared
memory. Not completely tested.
-- BGL small partition logic in place in plugin and smap. Scheduler needs
to be rewritten to handle multiple partitions on a single node. No
documentation written on process yet.
-- If running select/bluegene plugin without access to BGL DB2, then
full-system bglblock is of system size defined in bluegene.conf.
* Changes in SLURM 0.7.0-pre1
-- Support defered initiation of job (e.g. srun --begin=11:30 ...).
-- Add support for srun --cpus-per-task through task allocation in
-- fixed partition_allocator to work without curses
-- made change to srun to start message thread before other threads
to make sure localtime doesn't interfere.
-- Added new RPCs for slurmctld REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB or TASKS,
-- Add support for e-mail notification on job state changes.
-- Some infrastructure added for task launch controls (slurm.conf:
TaskProlog, TaskEpilog, TaskPlugin; srun --task-prolog, --task-epilog).
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.10
-- Sacct bug fixes: Report correct user name for job step, show "uid.gid"
as fifth field of job step record (Andy Riebs, slurm.hp.sacct_uid.patch).
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.9
-- Fix bug in mpi plugin to set the ID correctly
-- Accounting bug causing segv fixed (Andy Riebs, 14oct.jobacct.patch)
-- Fix for failed launch of a debugged job (e.g. bad executable name).
-- Wiki plugin fix for tracking allocated nodes (Ernest Artiaga, BSC).
-- Fix memory leaks in slurmctld and federation plugin.
-- Fix sefault in federation plugin function fed_libstate_clear().
-- Align job accounting data (Andy Riebs, slurm.hp.unal_jobacct.patch)
-- Restore switch state in backup controller restarts
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.8
-- Invalid AllowGroup value in slurm.conf to not cause seg fault.
-- Fix bug that would cause slurmctld to seg-fault with select/cons_res
and batch job containing more than one step.

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.7
-- Make proctrack/linuxproc thread safe, could cause slurmd seg fault.
-- Propagate umask from srun to spawned tasks.
-- Fix problem in switch/elan error handling that could hang a slurmd
step manager process.
-- Build on AIX with -bmaxdata:0x70000000 for memory limit more than 256MB.
-- Restore srun's return code support.

Moe Jette

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.6
-- Fix for bad socket close() in the spawn-io code.

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.5
-- Sacct to report on job steps that never actually started.
-- Added proctrack/rms to elan rpm.
-- Restructure slurmctld/agent.c logic to insure timely reaping of
terminating pthreads.
-- Srun not to hang if job fails before task launches not all completed.

Moe Jette
-- Fix for consumable resources properly scheduling nodes that have more
nodes than configured (Susanne Balle, HP, cons_res_patch.10.14.2005)

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.4
-- Bluegene plugin drains an entire bglblock on repeated boot failures
only if it has not identified a specific node as being bad.
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.3
-- Fix slurmctld mem leaks (step name and hostlist struct).
-- Bluegene plugin sets end time for job terminated due to removed
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.2
-- Fix sinfo and squeue formatting to properly handle slurm nodes,
jobs, and other names containing "%".
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.1
-- Fixed smap -Db to display slurm partitions correctly (take 2).
-- Add srun fork() retry logic for very heavily loaded system.
-- Fix possible srun hang on task launch failure.
-- Add support for mvapich v0.9.4, 0.9.5 and gen2.
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.0
-- Add documentation for ProctrackType=proctrack/rms.
-- Make proctrack/rms be the default for switch/elan.
-- Do not preceed SIGKILL or SIGTERM to job step with (non-requested) SIGCONT.
-- Fixed smap -Db to display slurm partitions correctly.
-- Explicitly disallow ProctrackType=proctrack/linuxproc with
SwitchType=switch/elan. They will not work properly together.
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.0-pre8
-- Remove debugging xassert in switch/federation that were accidentally
-- Make slurmd step manager retry slurm_container_destroy() indefinitely
instead of giving up after 30 seconds. If something prevents a job
step's processes from being killed, the job will be stuck in the
completing until the container destroy succeeds.
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.0-pre7
-- Disable localtime_r() calls from forked processes (semaphore set
in another pthread can deadlock calls to localtime_r made from
the forked process, this will be properly fixed in the next
major release of SLURM).
-- Added SLURM_LOCALID environment variable for spawned tasks
(Dan Palermo, HP).
-- Modify switch logic to restore state based exclusively upon
recovered job steps (not state save file).
-- Gracefully refuse job if there are too many job steps in slurmd.
-- Fix race condition in job completion that can leave nodes in
COMPLETING state after job is COMPLETED.
-- Added frees for BGL BrigeAPI strdups that were to this point unknown.
-- smap scrolls correctly for BGL systems.
-- slurm_pid2jobid() API call will now return the jobid for a step
manager slurmd process.
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.0-pre6
-- Added logic to return scheduled nodes to Maui scheduler (David
Jackson, Cluster Resources)
-- Fix bug in handling job request with maximum node count.
-- Fix node selection scheduling bug with heterogeneous nodes and
srun --cpus-per-task option
-- Generate error file to note prolog failures.
* Changes in SLURM 0.6.0-pre5
-- Modify sfree (BGL command) so that --all option no longer requires
an argument.
-- Modify smap so it shows all nodes and partitions by default (even
nodes that the user can't access, otherwise there are holes in
its maps).
-- Added module to parse time string (src/common/parse_time.c) for
future use.
-- Fix BlueGene hostlist processing for non-rectangular prisms and
add string length checking.
-- Modify orphan batch job time calculation for BGL to account for
slowness when booting many bglblocks at the same time.
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