This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre3
-- Add srun host & PID to job step data structures.
-- Avoid creating duplicate pending step records for the same srun command.
-- Rewrite srun's logic for pending steps for better efficiency (fewer RPCs).
-- Added new SchedulerParameters options step_retry_count and step_retry_time
to control scheduling behaviour of job steps waiting for resources.
-- Optimize resource allocation logic for --spread-job job option.
-- Modify cpu_bind and mem_bind map and mask options to accept a repetition
count to better support large task count. For example:
"mask_mem:0x0f*2,0xf0*2" is equivalent to "mask_mem:0x0f,0x0f,0xf0,0xf0".
-- Add suppoprt for --mem_bind=prefer option to prefer, but not restrict memory
use to the identified NUMA node.
-- Add mechanism to constrain kernel memory allocation using cgroups. New
cgroup.conf parameters added: ConstrainKmemSpace, MaxKmemPercent, and
-- Correct invokation of man2html, which previously could cause FreeBSD builds
to hang.
-- MYSQL - Unconditionally remove 'ignore' clause from 'alter ignore'.
-- Modify service files to not start Slurm daemons until after Munge has been
NOTE: If you are not using Munge, but are using the "service" scripts to
start Slurm daemons, then you will need to remove this check from the
etc/slurm*service scripts.
-- Do not process SALLOC_HINT, SBATCH_HINT or SLURM_HINT environment variables
if any of the following salloc, sbatch or srun command line options are
specified: -B, --cpu_bind, --hint, --ntasks-per-core, or --threads-per-core.
-- burst_buffer/cray: Accept new jobs on backup slurmctld daemon without access
to dw_wlm_cli command. No burst buffer actions will take place.
SLURM_JOB_EXIT_CODE in PrologSlurmctld environment (not available yet).
-- Cray - set task plugin to fatal() if task/cgroup is not loaded after
task/cray in the TaskPlugin settings.
-- Remove separate slurm_blcr package. If Slurm is built with BLCR support,
the files will now be part of the main Slurm packages.
-- Replace sjstat, seff and sjobexit RPM packages with a single "contribs"
-- Remove long since defunct slurmdb-direct scripts.
-- Add SbcastParameters configuration option to control default file
destination directory and compression algorithm.
-- Add new SchedulerParameter (max_array_tasks) to limit the maximum number of
tasks in a job array independently from the maximum task ID (MaxArraySize).
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre2
-- Add new RPC (REQUEST_EVENT_LOG) so that slurmd and slurmstepd can log events
through the slurmctld daemon.
-- Remove sbatch --bb option. That option was never supported.
-- Automically cleanup task/cgroup cpuset and devices cgroups after steps are
-- Limit job purge run time to 1 second at a time.
-- The database index for jobs is now 64 bit. If you happen to be close to
4 billion jobs in your database you will want to update your slurmctld at
the same time as your slurmdbd to prevent roll over of this variable as
it is 32 bit previous versions of Slurm.
-- Optionally lock slurmstepd in memory for performance reasons and to avoid
possible SIGBUS if the daemon is paged out at the time of a Slurm upgrade
(changing plugins). Controlled via new LaunchParameters options of
slurmstepd_memlock and slurmstepd_memlock_all.
-- Add event trigger on burst buffer errors (see strigger man page,
--burst_buffer option).
-- Add job AdminComment field which can only be set by a Slurm administrator.
-- Add salloc, sbatch and srun option of --delay-boot=<time>, which will
temporarily delay booting nodes into the desired state for a job in the
hope of using nodes already in the proper state which will be available at
a later time.
-- Add job burst_buffer_state and delay_boot fields to scontrol and squeue
output. Also add ability to modify delay_boot from scontrol.
-- Fix for node's available tres array getting filled in with configured gres
model types.
-- Log if job --bb option contains any unrecognized content.
-- Display configured and allocated tres for nodes in scontrol show nodes.
-- Change all memory values (in MB) to uint64_t to accommodate > 2TB per node.
-- Add MailDomain option to qualify email addresses.
-- Refactor the persistent connections within the federation code to use
the same logic that was found in the slurmdbd. Now both functionalities
share the same code.
-- Remove BlueGene/L and BlueGene/P support.
-- Add "flag" field to launch_tasks_request_msg. Remove the following fields
(moved into flags): multi_prog, task_flags, user_managed_io, pty,
buffered_stdio, and labelio.
-- Add protocol version to slurmd startup communications for slurmstepd to
permit changes in the protocol.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre1
-- burst_buffer/cray - Add support for rounding up the size of a buffer reqeust
if the DataWarp configuration "equalize_fragments" is used.
-- Rename "in" to "input" in slurm_step_io_fds data structure defined in
slurm.h. This is needed to avoid breaking Python with by using one of its
keywords in a Slurm data structure.
-- Remove eligible_time from jobcomp/elasticsearch.
-- Fix issue where if no clusters were added but yet a QOS needed to be
deleted make it possible.
-- SlurmDBD - change all timestamps to bigint from int to solve Y2038 problem.
-- Add salloc/sbatch/srun --spread-job to distribute tasks over as many nodes
as possible. This also treats the --ntasks-per-node option as a maximum
-- Add ConstrainKmemSpace to cgroup.conf, defaulting to yes, to allow
cgroup Kmem enforcement to be disabled while still using ConstrainRAMSpace.
-- Add support for sbatch --bbf option.
-- Add burst buffer support for job arrays. Add new SchedulerParameters option
of bb_array_stage_cnt=# to indicate how many pending tasks of a job array
should be made available for burst buffer resource allocation.
-- Fix small memory leak when a job fails to load from state save.
-- Fix invalid read when attempting to delete clusters from db with running
-- Fix small memory leak when deleting clusters from db.
-- Add SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT environment variable. Total number of tasks in a
job array (e.g. "--array=2,4,8" will set SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT=3).
-- Add new sacctmgr commands: "shutdown" (shutdown the server), "list stats"
(get server statistics) "clear stats" (clear server statistics).

Tim Wickberg
-- Restructure job accounting query to use 'id_job in (1, 2, .. )' format
instead of logically equivalent 'id_job = 1 || id_job = 2 || ..' .
-- Added start_delay field to jobcomp/elasticsearch.
-- In order to support federated jobs, the MaxJobID configuration parameter
default value has been reduced from 2,147,418,112 to 67,043,328 and its
maximum value is now 67,108,863. Upon upgrading, any pre-existing jobs that
have a job ID above the new range will continue to run and new jobs will get
job IDs in the new range.
-- Added infrastructure for setting up federations in database and establishing
connections between federation clusters.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.6
-- Docs - the correct default value for GroupUpdateForce is 0.
-- mpi/pmix - improve point to point communication performance.
-- SlurmDB - include pending jobs in search during 'sacctmgr show runawayjobs'.
-- Add client side out-of-range checks to --nice flag.
-- Fix support for sbatch "-W" option, previously eeded to use "--wait".
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin and capmc_suspend/resume programs modified to
sleep and retry capmc operations if the Cray State Manager is down. Added
CapmcRetries configuration parameter to knl_cray.conf.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Remove any KNL MCDRAM or NUMA features from
node's configuration if capmc does NOT report the node as being KNL.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: drain any node not reported by
"capmc node_status" on startup or reconfig.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Substantially streamline and speed up logic
to load current node state on reconfigure failure or unexpected node boot.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Add separate thread to interact with capmc
in response to unexpected node reboots.
-- node_features plugin - Add "mode" argument to node_features_p_node_xlate()
function to fix some bugs updating a node's features using the node update
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: If the reconfiguration of nodes for an
interactive job fails, kill the job (it can't be requeued like a batch job).
-- Testsuite - Added srun/salloc/sbatch tests with --use-min-nodes option.
-- Fix typo when an error occurs when discovering pmix version on
-- Fix configuring pmix support when you have your lib dir symlinked to lib64.
-- Fix waiting reason if a job is waiting for a specific limit instead of
always just AccountingPolicy.
-- Correct SchedulerParameters=bf_busy_nodes logic with respect to the job's
minimum node count. Previous logic would not decremement counter in some
locations and reject valid job request for not reaching minimum node count.
-- Fix FreeBSD-11 build by using llabs() function in place of abs().
-- Cray: The slurmd can manipulate the socket/core/thread values reported based
upon the configuration. The logic failed to consider select/cray with
SelectTypeParameters=other_cons_res as equivalent to select/cons_res.
-- If a node's socket or core count are changed at registration time (e.g. a
KNL node's NUMA mode is changed), change it's board count to match.
-- Prevent possible divide by zero in select/cons_res if a node's board count
is higher than it's socket count.
-- Allow an advanced reservation to contain a license count of zero.
-- Preserve non-KNL node features when updating the KNL node features for a
multi-node job in which the non-KNL node features vary by node.
-- task/affinity plugin: Honor a job's --ntasks-per-socket and
--ntasks-per-core options in task binding.
-- slurmd - do not print ClusterName when using 'slurmd -C'.
-- Correct a bitmap test function (used only by the select/bluegene plugin).
-- Do not propagate SLURM_UMASK environment variable to batch script.
-- Added node_features/knl_generic plugin for KNL support on non-Cray systems.
-- Cray: Prevent abort in backfill scheduling logic for requeued job that has
been cancelled while NHC is running.
-- Improve reported estimates of start and end times for pending jobs.
-- pbsnodes: Show OS value as "unknown" for down nodes.
-- BlueGene - correctly scale node counts when enforcing MaxNodes limit take 2.
-- Fix "sbatch --hold" to set JobHeldUser correctly instead of JobHeldAdmin.
-- Cray - print warning that task/cgroup is required, and must be after
task/cray in the TaskPlugin settings.
-- Document that node Weight takes precedence over load with LLN scheduling.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Fix issue where gang scheduling could happen even with OverSubscribe=NO.
-- Expose JOB_SHARED_* values to job_submit/lua plugin.
-- Fix issue where number of nodes is not properly allocated when srun is
requested with -n tasks < hosts from -w hostlist.
-- Update srun documentation for -N, -w and -m arbitrary.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.5
-- Fix accounting for jobs requeued after the previous job was finished.
-- slurmstepd modified to pre-load all relevant plugins at startup to avoid
the possibility of modified plugins later resulting in inconsistent API
or data structures and a failure of slurmstepd.
-- Export functions from parse_time.c in
-- Export unit convert functions from slurm_protocol_api.c in
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