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 -- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 add IWD (Initial Working Directory) to the
    information reported about jobs.
 -- Fix bug in calculating a daily or weekly reservation start time when the
    reservation is updated. Patch from Per Lundqvist (National Supercomputer
    Centre, Linköping University, Sweden).
 -- Fix bug in how job step memory limits are calculated when the --relative
    option is used.
 -- Restore operation of srun -X option to forward SIGINT to spawned tasks
    without killing them.
 -- Fixed a bug in calculating the root account's raw usage reported by Par
 -- Fixed a bug in sshare displaying account hierarchy reported by Per
 -- In select/linear plugin, when a node allocated to a running job is removed
    from a partition, only log the event once. Fixes problem reported by Per
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.14
 -- Fixed coding mistakes in _slurm_rpc_resv_show() and job_alloc_info() found
    while reviewing the code.
 -- Fix select/cons_res logic to prevent allocating resources while jobs
    previously allocated resources on the node are still completing.
 -- Fixed typo in job_mgr.c dealing with qos instead of associations.
 -- Make sure associations and qos' are initiated when added.
 -- Fixed wrong initialization for wckeys in the association manager.
 -- Added wiki.conf configuration parameter of HidePartitionNodes. See 
    "man wiki.conf" for more information.
 -- Add "JobAggregationTime=#" field SchedulerParameter configuration parameter
 -- Modify init.d/slurm and slurmdbd scripts to prevent the possible
    inadvertent inclusion of "." in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
    To fail, the script would need to be executed by user root or SlurmUser
    without the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable set and there would
    have to be a maliciously altered library in the working directory.
    Thanks to Raphael Geissert for identifying the problem. This addresses
    security vulnerability CVE-2010-3380.

* Changes in SLURM 2.1.13
 -- Fix race condition which can set a node state to IDLE on slurmctld startup
    even if it has running jobs.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.12
 -- Fixes for building on OS X 10.5.
 -- Fixed a few '-' without a '\' in front of them in the man pages.
 -- Fixed issues in client tools where a requeued job did get displayed
 -- Update typos in doc/html/accounting.shtml doc/html/resource_limits.shtml
    doc/man/man5/slurmdbd.conf.5 and doc/man/man5/slurm.conf.5
 -- Fixed a bug in exitcode:signal display in sacct
 -- Fix bug when request comes in for consumable resources and the -c option
    is used in conjunction with -O
 -- Fixed squeue -o "%h" output formatting
 -- Change select/linear message "error: job xxx: best_fit topology failure"
    to debug type.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix for sinfo -R to group all midplanes together in a single
    line for midplanes in an error state instead of 1 line for each midplane.
 -- Fix srun to work correctly with --uid when getting an allocation
    and creating a step, also fix salloc to assume identity at the correct
    time as well.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue with jobs being refused when running dynamic mode
    and every job on the system happens to be the same size.
 -- Removed bad #define _SLURMD_H from slurmd/get_mach_stat.h.  Didn't appear
    to cause any problems being there, just incorrect syntax.
 -- Validate the job ID when salloc or srun receive an SRUN_JOB_COMPLETE RPC to
    avoid killing the wrong job if the original command exits and the port gets
    re-used by another command right away.
 -- Fix to node in correct state in accounting when updating it to drain from
 -- BLUEGENE - Removed incorrect unlocking on error cases when starting jobs.
 -- Improve logging of invalid sinfo and squeue print options.
 -- BLUEGENE - Added check to libsched_if to allow root to run even outside of
    SLURM.  This is needed when running certain blocks outside of SLURM in HTC
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.11-2
 -- BLUEGENE - make it so is named correctly on 'L' it is and on 'P' it is

* Changes in SLURM 2.1.11
 -- BLUEGENE - fix sinfo to not get duplicate entries when running command
    sinfo -e -o "%9P %6m %.4c %.22F %f"
 -- Fix bug that caused segv when deleting a partition with pending jobs.
 -- Better error message for when trying to modify an account's name with
 -- Added back removal of #include "src/common/slurm_xlator.h" from
 -- Fix incorrect logic in global_accounting in regression tests for
    setting QOS.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where removing a small block in dynamic mode,
    and other blocks also in that midplane needed to be removed and were in
    and error state.  They all weren't removed correctly in accounting.
 -- Prevent scontrol segv with "scontrol show node <name>" command with nodes
    in a hidden partition.
 -- Fixed sizing of popup grids in sview.
 -- Fixed sacct when querying against a jobid the start time is not set.
 -- Fix configure to get correct version of pkg-config if both 32bit and 64bit
    libs are installed.
 -- Fix issue with sshare not sorting correctly the tree of associations.
 -- Update documentation for sreport.
 -- BLUEGENE - fix regression in 2.1.10 on assigning multiple jobs to one block.
 -- Minor memory leak fixed when killing job error happens.
 -- Fix sacctmgr list assoc when talking to a 2.2 slurmdbd.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.10
 -- Fix memory leak in sched/builtin plugin.
 -- Fixed sbatch to work correctly when no nodes are specified, but
    --ntasks-per-node is.
 -- Make sure account and wckey for a job are lower case before inserting into
 -- Added note to squeue documentation about --jobs option displaying jobs
    even if they are on hidden partitions.
 -- Fix srun to work correctly with --uid when getting an allocation
    and creating a step.
 -- Fix for when removing a limit from a users association inside the
    fairshare tree the parents limit is now inherited automatically in
    the slurmctld.  Previously the slurmctld would have to be restarted.
    This problem only exists when setting a users association limit to -1.
 -- Patch from Matthieu Hautreux (CEA) dealing with possible overflows that
    could come up with the select/cons_res plugin with uint32_t's being treated
    as uint16_t's.
 -- Correct logic for creating a reservation with a Duration=Infinite (used to
    set reservation end time in the past).
 -- Correct logic for creating a reservation that properly handles the OVERLAP
    and IGNORE_JOBS flags (flags were ignored under some conditions).
 -- Fixed a fair-share calculation bug in the priority/multifactor plugin.
 -- Make sure a user entry in the database that was previously deleted is
    restored clean when added back, i.e. remove admin privileges previously
 -- BLUEGENE - Future start time is set correctly when eligible time for a job
    is in the future, but the job can physically run earlier.
 -- Updated Documentation for sacctmgr for Wall and CPUMin options stating when
    the limit is reached running jobs will be killed.
 -- Fix deadlock issue in the slurmctld when lowering limits in accounting to
    lower than that of pending jobs.
 -- Fix bug in salloc, sbatch and srun that could under some conditions process
    the --threads-per-core, --cores-per-socket and --sockets-per-node options
 -- Fix bug in select/cons_res with memory management plus job preemption with
    job removal (e.g. requeue) which under some conditions failed to preempt
 -- Fix deadlock potential when using qos and associations in the slurmctld.
 -- Update documentation to state --ntasks-per-* is for a maximum value
    instead of an absolute.
 -- Get ReturnToService=2 working for front-end configurations (e.g. Cray or
 -- Do not make a non-responding node available for use after running
    "scontrol update nodename=<name> state=resume". Wait for node to respond
    before use.
 -- Added slurm_xlator.h to jobacct_gather plugins so they resolve symbols
    correctly when linking to the slurm api.
 -- You can now update a jobs QOS from scontrol.  Previously you could only do
    this from sview.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed bug where if running in non-dynamic mode sometimes the
    start time returned for a job when using test-only would not be correct.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.9
 -- In select/linear - Fix logic to prevent over-subscribing memory with shared
    nodes (Shared=YES or Shared=FORCE).
 -- Fix for handling -N and --ntasks-per-node without specifying -n with
    salloc and sbatch.
 -- Fix jobacct_gather/linux if not polling on tasks to give tasks time to
    start before doing initial gather.
 -- When changing priority with the multifactor plugin we make sure we update
    the last_job_update variable.
 -- Fixed sview for gtk < 2.10 to display correct debug level at first.
 -- Fixed sview to not select too fast when using a mouse right click.
 -- Fixed sacct to display correct timelimits for jobs from accounting.
 -- Fixed sacct when running as root by default query all users as documented.
 -- In proctrack/linuxproc, skip over files in /proc that are not really user
    processes (e.g. "/proc/bus").
 -- Fix documentation bug for slurmdbd.conf
 -- Fix slurmctld to update qos preempt list without restart.
 -- Fix bug in select/cons_res that in some cases would prevent a preempting job
    from using of resources already allocated to a preemptable running job.
 -- Fix for sreport in interactive mode to honor parsable/2 options.
 -- Fixed minor bugs in sacct and sstat commands
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue if the slurmd becomes unresponsive and you have
    blocks in an error state accounting is correct when the slurmd comes
    back up.
 -- Corrected documentation for -n option in srun/salloc/sbatch
 -- BLUEGENE - when running a willrun test along with preemption the bluegene
    plugin now does the correct thing.
 -- Fix possible memory corruption issue which can cause slurmctld to abort.
 -- BLUEGENE - fixed small memory leak when setting up env.
 -- Fixed deadlock if using accounting and cluster changes size in the
    database.  This can happen if you mistakenly have multiple primary
    slurmctld's running for a single cluster, which should rarely if ever
 -- Critical bug fix in sched/backfill plugin that caused memory corruption.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.8
 -- Update BUILD_NOTES for AIX and bgp systems on how to get sview to
    build correctly.
 -- Update man page for scontrol when nodes are in the "MIXED" state.
 -- Better error messages for sacctmgr.
 -- Fix bug in allocation of CPUs with select/cons_res and --cpus-per-task
 -- Fix bug in dependency support for afterok and afternotok options to insure
    that the job's exit status gets checked for dependent jobs prior to puring
    completed job records.
 -- Fix bug in sched/backfill that could set an incorrect expected start time
    for a job.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix for systems that have midplanes defined in the database
    that don't exist.
 -- Accounting, fixed bug where if removing an object a rollback wasn't
 -- Fix possible scontrol stack corruption when listing jobs with very a long
    job or working directory name (over 511 characters).
 -- Insure that SPANK environment variables set by salloc or sbatch get
    propagated to the Prolog on all nodes by setting SLURM_SPANK_* environment
    variables for srun's use.
 -- In sched/wiki2 - Add support for the MODIFYJOB command to alter a job's
    comment field
 -- When a cluster first registers with the SlurmDBD only send nodes in an
    non-usable state.  Before all nodes were sent.
 -- Alter sacct to be able to query jobs by association id.
 -- Edit documentation for scontrol stating ExitCode as something not alterable.
 -- Update documentation about ReturnToService and silently rebooting nodes.
 -- When combining --ntasks-per-node and --exclusive in an allocation request
    the correct thing, giving the allocation the entire node but only
    ntasks-per-node, happens.
 -- Fix accounting transaction logs when deleting associations to put the
    ids instead of the lfts which could change over time.
 -- Fix support for salloc, sbatch and srun's --hint option to avoid allocating
    a job more sockets per node or more cores per socket than desired. Also
    when --hint=compute_bound or --hint=memory_bound then avoid allocating more
    than one task per hyperthread (a change in behavior, but almost certainly
    a preferable mode of operation).
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.7
 -- Modify srun, salloc and sbatch parsing for the --signal option to accept
    either a signal name in addition to the previously supported signal
    numbers (e.g. "--signal=USR2@200").
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed sinfo --long --Node output for cpus on a single cnode.
 -- In sched/wiki2 - Fix another logic bug in support of Moab being able to
    identify preemptable jobs.
 -- In sched/wiki2 - For BlueGene systems only: Fix bug preventing Moab from
    being able to correctly change the node count of pending jobs.
 -- In select/cons_res - Fix bug preventing job preemption with a configuration
    of Shared=FORCE:1 and PreemptMode=GANG,SUSPEND.
 -- In the TaskProlog, add support for an "unset" option to clear environment
    variables for the user application. Also add support for embedded white-
    space in the environment variables exported to the user application
    (everything after the equal sign to the end of the line is included without
 -- Do not install /etc/init.d/slurm or /etc/init.d/slurmdbd on AIX systems.
 -- BLUEGENE - fixed check for small blocks if a node card of a midplane is
    in an error state other jobs can still run on the midplane on other
 -- BLUEGENE - Check to make sure job killing is in the active job table in
    DB2 when killing the job.
 -- Correct logic to support ResvOverRun configuration parameter.
 -- Get --acctg-freq option working for srun and salloc commands.
 -- Fix sinfo display of drained nodes correctly with the summarize flag.
 -- Fix minor memory leaks in slurmd and slurmstepd.
 -- Better error messages for failed step launch.
 -- Modify srun to insure compatability of the --relative option with the node
    count requested.

* Changes in SLURM 2.1.6-2
 -- In sched/wiki2 - Fix logic in support of Moab being able to identify
    preemptable jobs.
 -- Applied fixes to a debug4 message in priority_multifactor.c sent in by
    Per Lundqvist
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where incorrect nodecards could be picked when
    looking at combining small blocks to make a larger small block.

* Changes in SLURM 2.1.6
 -- For newly submitted jobs, report expected start time in squeue --start as
    "N/A" rather than current time.
 -- Correct sched/backfill logic so that it runs in a more timely fashion.
 -- Fixed issue if running on accounting cache and priority/multifactor to
    initialize the root association when the database comes back up.
 -- Emulated BLUEGENE - fixed issue where blocks weren't always created
    correctly when loading from state.  This does not apply to a real
    bluegene system, only emulated.
 -- Fixed bug when job is completing and its cpu_cnt would be calculated
    incorrectly, possibly resulting in an underflow being logged.
 -- Fixed bug where if there are pending jobs in a partition which was
    updated to have no nodes in it the slurmctld would dump core.
 -- Fixed smap and sview to display partitions with no nodes in them.
 -- Improve configure script's logic to detect LUA libraries.
 -- Fix bug that could cause slurmctld to abort if select/cons_res is used AND a
    job is submitted using the --no-kill option AND one of the job's nodes goes
    DOWN AND slurmctld restarts while that job is still running.
 -- In jobcomp plugins, job time limit was sometimes recorded improperly if not
    set by user (recorded huge number rather than partition's time limit).
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.5
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed display of draining nodes for sinfo -R.
 -- Fixes to scontrol and sview when setting a job to an impossible start time.
 -- Added -h to srun for help.
 -- Fix for sacctmgr man page to remove erroneous 'with' statements.
 -- Fix for unpacking jobs with accounting statistics, previously it appears
    only steps were unpacked correctly, for the most case sacct would only
    display this information making this fix a very minor one.
 -- Changed scontrol and sview output for jobs with unknown end times from
    'NONE' to 'Unknown'.
 -- Fixed mysql plugin to reset classification when adding a
    previously deleted cluster.
 -- Permit a batch script to reset umask and have that propagate to tasks
    spawed by subsequent srun. Previously the umask in effect when sbatch was
    executed was propagated to tasks spawed by srun.
 -- Modify slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node_id() and 
    slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node() functions to not write explanation of 
    failures to stderr. Only return -1 and set errno.
 -- Correction in configurator.html script. Prolog and Epilog were reversed.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed race condition where if a nodecard has an error on an
    un-booted block when a job comes to use it before the state checking
    thread notices it which could cause the slurmctld to lock up on a
    non-dynamic system.
 -- In select/cons_res with FastSchedule=0 and Procs=# defined for the node, 
    but no specific socket/core/thread count configured, avoid fatal error if 
    the number of cores on a node is less than the number of Procs configured.
 -- Added ability for the perlapi to utilize opaque data types returned from
    the C api.
 -- BLUEGENE - made the perlapi get correct values for cpus per node,
    Previously it would give the number of cpus per cnode instead of midplane.
 -- BLEUGENE - Fixed issue where if a block being selected for a job to use
    and during the process a hardware failure happens, previously the block
    would still be allowed to be used which would fail or requeue the job
    depending on the configuration.
 -- For SPANK job environment, avoid duplicate "SPANK_" prefix for environment
    set by sbatch jobs.
 -- Make squeue select jobs on hidden partitions when requesting more than one.
 -- Avoid automatically cancelling job steps when all of the tasks on some node
    have gracefully terminated.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.4
 -- Fix for purge script in accounting to use correct options.
 -- If SelectType=select/linear and SelectTypeParameters=CR_Memory fix bug that
    would fail to release memory reserved for a job if "scontrol reconfigure" 
    is executed while the job is in completing state.
 -- Fix bug in handling event trigger for job time limit while job is still 
    in pending state.
 -- Fixed display of Ave/MaxCPU in sacct for jobs. Steps were printed
 -- When node current features differs from slurm.conf, log the node names
    using a hostlist expression rather than listing individual node names.
 -- Improve ability of srun to abort job step for some task launch failures.
 -- Fix mvapich plugin logic to release the created job allocation on 
    initialization failure (previously the failures would cancel job step, 
    but retain job allocation).
 -- Fix bug in srun for task count so large that it overflows int data type.
 -- Fix important bug in select/cons_res handling of ntasks-per-core parameter
    that was uncovered by a bug fixed in v2.1.3. Bug produced fatal error for
    slurmctld: "cons_res: cpus computation error".
 -- Fix bug in select/cons_res handling of partitions configured with 
    Shared=YES. Prior logic failed to support running multiple jobs per node.

* Changes in SLURM 2.1.3-2
 -- Modified spec file to obsolete pam_slurm when installing
    the slurm-pam_slurm rpm.

* Changes in SLURM 2.1.3-1
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix issues on static/overlap systems where if a midplane
    was drained you would not be able to create new blocks on it.
 -- In sched/wiki2 (for Moab): Add excluded host list to job information
    using new keyword "EXCLUDE_HOSTLIST".
 -- Correct slurmd reporting of incorrect socket/core/thread counts.  
 -- For sched/wiki2 (Moab): Do not extend a job's end time for suspend/resume
    or startup delay due to node boot time. A job's end time will always be
    its start time plus time limit.
 -- Added build-time option (to configure program) of --with-pam_dir to 
    specify the directory into which PAM modules get installed, although it
    should pick the proper directory by default. "make install" and "rpmbuild"
    should now put the file in the proper directory.
 -- Modify PAM module to link against SLURM API shared library and use exported
    slurm_hostlist functions.
 -- Do not block new jobs with --immediate option while another job is in the
    process of being requeued (which can take a long time for some node failure
 -- For topology/tree, log invalid hostnames in a single hostlist expression
    rather than one per line.
 -- A job step's default time limit will be UNLIMITED rather than partition's 
    default time limit. The step will automatically be cancelled as part of the
    job termination logic when the job's time limit is reached.
 -- sacct - fixed bug when checking jobs against a reservation
 -- In select/cons_res, fix support for job allocation with --ntasks_per_node
    option. Previously could allocate too few CPUs on some nodes.  
 -- Adjustment made to init message to the slurmdbd to allow backwards
    compatibility with future 2.2 release. YOU NEED TO UPGRADE SLURMDBD
 -- Fix accounting when comment of down/drained node has double quotes in it.
 -- Added nodelist to sview for jobs on non-bluegene systems
 -- Correction in value of batch job environment variable SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE
    under some conditions.
 -- When a node silently fails which is already drained/down the reason
    for draining for the node is not changed.
 -- Srun will ignore SLURM_NNODES environment variable and use the count of 
    currently allocated nodes if that count changes during the job's lifetime 
    (e.g. job allocation uses the --no-kill option and a node goes DOWN, job 
    step would previously always fail).
 -- Made it so sacctmgr can't add blank user or account.  The MySQL plugin
    will also reject such requests.
 -- Revert version for compatibility with SLURM version 2.0 and
    earlier to avoid forcing applications using a specific version to
    rebuild unnecessarily (revert from to
 -- Restore support for a pending job's constraints (required node features) 
    when slurmctld is restarted (internal structure needed to be rebuilt).
 -- Removed from the plugin rpm in the slurm.spec since
    it is also in the blcr rpm.
 -- Fixed issue in sview where you were unable to edit the count
    of jobs to share resources.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where tasks on steps weren't being displayed
    correctly with scontrol and sview.
 -- BLUEGENE - fixed wiki2 plugin to report correct task count for pending 
 -- BLUEGENE - Added /etc/ to point to the
    directory holding when building rpms.
 -- Adjust get_wckeys call in slurmdbd to allow operators to list wckeys.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.1
 -- Fix for case sensitive databases when a slurmctld has a mixed case
    clustername to lower case the string to easy compares.
 -- Fix squeue if job is completing and failed to print remaining
    nodes instead of failed message.
 -- Fix sview core when searching for partitions by state.
 -- Fixed setting the start time when querying in sacct to the
    beginning of the day if not set previously.
 -- Defined slurm_free_reservation_info_msg and slurm_free_topo_info_msg
    in common/slurm_protocol_defs.h
 -- Avoid generating error when a job step includes a memory specification and 
    memory is not configured as a consumable resource.
 -- Patch for small memory leak in src/common/plugstack.c
 -- Fix sview search on node state.
 -- Fix bug in which improperly formed job dependency specification can cause
    slurmctld to abort.
 -- Fixed issue where slurmctld wouldn't always get a message to send cluster
    information when registering for the first time with the slurmdbd.
 -- Add slurm_*_trigger.3 man pages for event trigger APIs.
 -- Fix bug in job preemption logic that would free allocated memory twice.
 -- Fix spelling issues (from Gennaro Oliva)
 -- Fix issue when changing parents of an account in accounting all childern
    weren't always sent to their respected slurmctlds until a restart.
 -- Restore support for srun/salloc/sbatch option --hint=nomultithread to 
    bind tasks to cores rather than threads (broken in slurm v2.1.0-pre5).
 -- Fix issue where a 2.0 sacct could not talk correctly to a 2.1 slurmdbd.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where no partitions have any nodes assigned them to
    alert user no blocks can be created.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix smap to put BGP images when using -Dc on a Blue Gene/P 
 -- Set SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR environment variable for srun and salloc commands to
    match behavior of sbatch command.
 -- Report WorkDir from "scontrol show job" command for jobs launched using
    salloc and srun.
 -- Update correctly the wckey when changing it on a pending job.
 -- Set wckeyid correctly in accounting when cancelling a pending job.
 -- BLUEGENE - critical fix where jobs would be killed incorrectly.
 -- BLUEGENE - fix for sview putting multiple ionodes on to nodelists when
    viewing the jobs tab.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0
 -- Improve sview layout of blocks in use.
 -- A user can now change the dimensions of the grid in sview.
 -- BLUEGENE - improved startup speed further for large numbers of defined
 -- Fix to _get_job_min_nodes() in wiki2/get_jobs.c suggested by Michal Novotny
 -- BLUEGENE - fixed issues when updating a pending job when a node 
    count was incorrect for the asked for connection type.
 -- BLUEGENE - fixed issue when combining blocks that are in ready states to
    make a larger block from those or make multiple smaller blocks by
    splitting the larger block.  Previously this would only work with block
    in a free state.
 -- Fix bug in wiki(2) plugins where if HostFormat=2 and the task list is
    greater than 64 we don't truncate.  Previously this would mess up Moab
    by sending a truncated task list when doing a get jobs.
 -- Added update slurmctld debug level to sview when in admin mode.
 -- Added logic to make sure if enforcing a memory limit when using the
    jobacct_gather plugin a user can no longer turn off the logic to enforce
    the limit.
 -- Replaced many calls to getpwuid() with reentrant uid_to_string()
 -- The slurmstepd will now refresh it's log file handle on a reconfig,
    previously if a log was rolled any output from the stepd was lost.
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Danny Auble committed

Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre9
 -- Added the "scontrol update SlurmctldDebug" as the preferred alternative to
    the "scontrol setdebug" command.
 -- BLUEGENE - made it so when removing a block in an error state the nodes in
    the block are set correctly in accounting as not in error.
 -- Fixed issue where if slurmdbd is not up qos' are set up correctly for
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
    associations off of cache.
 -- scontrol, squeue, sview all display the correct node, cpu count along with
    correct corresponding nodelist on completing jobs.
 -- Patch (Mark Grondona) fixes serious security vulnerability in SLURM in
    the spank_job_env functionality.
 -- Improve spank_job_env interface and documentation
 -- Add ESPANK_NOT_LOCAL error code to spank_err_t
 -- Made the #define DECAY_INTERVAL used in the priority/multifactor plugin
    a slurm.conf variable (PriorityCalcPeriod)
 -- Added new macro SLURM_VERSION for use in autoconf scripts to determine
    current version of slurm installed on system when building against the api.
 -- Patch from Matthieu Hautreux that adds an entry into the error file when
    a job or step receives a TERM or KILL signal.
 -- Make it so env var SLURM_SRUN_COMM_HOST is overwritten if already in 
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Danny Auble committed
    existence in the slurmd.
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Danny Auble committed

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Danny Auble committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre8
 -- Rearranged the "scontrol show job" output into functional groupings
 -- Change the salloc/sbatch/srun -P option to -d (dependency)
 -- Removed the srun -d option; must use srun --slurmd-debug instead
 -- When running the mysql plugin natively MUNGE errors are now eliminated 
    when sending updates to slurmctlds.
 -- Check to make sure we have a default account before looking to 
    fill in default association. 
 -- Accounting - Slurmctld and slurmdbd will now set uids of users which were 
    created after the start of the daemons on reconfig.  Slurmdbd will 
    attempt to set previously non-existant uids every hour.
 -- Patch from Aaron Knister and Mark Grondona, to parse correctly quoted 
    #SBATCH options in a batch script.
 -- job_desc_msg_t - in, out, err have been changed to std_in, std_out, 
    and std_err respectfully.  Needed for PySLURM, since Python sees (in) 
    as a keyword.
 -- Changed the type of addr to struct sockaddr_in in _message_socket_accept()
    in sattach.c, step_launch.c, and allocate_msg.c, and moved the function 
    into a common place for all the calls since the code was very similar.
 -- proctrack/lua support has been added see contribs/lua/protrack.lua
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- replaced local gtk m4 test with AM_PATH_GTK_2_0
 -- changed AC_CHECK_LIB to AC_SEARCH_LIBS to avoid extra libs in
    compile lines.
 -- Patch from Matthieu Hautreux to improve error message in slurmd/req.c
 -- Added support for split groups from (Matthiu Hautreux CEA)
 -- Patch from Mark Grondona to move blcr scripts into pkglibexecdir
 -- Patch from Doug Parisek to calculate a job's projected start time under the
    builtin scheduler.
 -- Removed most global variables out of src/common/jobacct_common.h
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed

Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre7
 -- BLUEGENE - make 2.1 run correctly on a real bluegene cluster
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- sacctmgr - Display better debug for when an admin specifies a non-existant 
    parent account when changing parent accounts.
 -- Added a mechanism to the slurmd to defer the epilog from starting until
    after a running prolog has finished.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- If a node reboots inbetween checking status the node is marked down unless 
 -- Added -R option to slurmctld to recover partition state also when 
    restarting or reconfiguring.
Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre6
 -- When getting information about nodes in hidden partitions, return a node
    name of NULL rather than returning no information about the node so that 
    node index information is still valid.
 -- When querying database for jobs in certain state and a time period is 
    given only jobs in that state during the period will be returned,
    previously if a time period was given in sacct jobs eligible to run or 
    running would be displayed, which is still the default if no states are 
 -- One can now query jobs based on size (nodes and or cpus) (mysql plugin only)
 -- Applied patch from Mark Grondona that tests for a missing config file before
    any other processing in spank_init().  This now prevents fatal errors from
    being mistakenly treated as recoverable.
 -- --enable-debug no longer has to be stated at configure time to have 
    the slurmctld or slurmstepd dump core on a seg fault.
 -- Moved the errant slurm_job_node_ready() declaration from job_info.h to
    slurm.h and deleted job_info.h.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- Added the slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node_id() 
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
    slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node() API for working with the 
    job_resources_t structure.
 -- BLUEGENE - speed up start up for systems that have many blocks (100+)
    configured on the system.
Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre5
 -- Add squeue option "--start" to report expected start time of pending jobs.
 -- Sched/backfill plugin modified to set expected start time of pending jobs.
 -- Add SchedulerParameters option of "max_job_bf=#" to control how far down
    the queue of pending jobs that SLURM searches in an attempt backfill 
    schedule them. The default value is 50 jobs.
 -- Fixed cause of squeue -o "%C" seg fault.
 -- Add -"-signal=<int>@<time>" option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands to
    notify programs before reaching the end of their time limit.
 -- Add scontrol option to update a running job's EndTime (also resets the 
    job's time limit).
 -- Add new job wait reason, ReqNodeNotAvail: Required node is not available 
    (down or drained).
 -- Log when slurmctld or slurmd are started with small core file limit.
 -- Permit job's owner to change features, processor count, minimum and 
    maximun node counts of pending jobs (the operation was previously 
    restricted to user root)
 -- Applied patch from Chuck Clouston for scontrol man page with clarifications
    and additional info
 -- Change slurm errno name from ESLURM_TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_NODES to 
    ESLURM_INVALID_NODE_COUNT to better reflect its meaning.
 -- Fix bug in sched/backfill which could result in invalid memory reference
    when trying to schedule jobs submitted with --exclude option.
 -- Fix for slurmctld deadlock at startup with PreemptMode=SUSPEND,GANG.
Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed
 -- Added preemption plugins to RPM.
 -- Completely disable logging of sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 (Maui & Moab) 
    message traffic unless DebugFlag=Wiki is configured.
 -- Change scontrol show job info: ReqProcs (number of processors requested) 
    is replaced by NumProcs (number of processors requested or actually 
    allocated) and ReqNodes (number of nodes requested) is replaced by 
    NumNodes (number of nodes requested or actually allocated).
 -- Fixed issue when max nodes wasn't specified and was later set by limit 
    to not request that as the actual maximum.
 -- Move job preemption (for requeue, checkpoint and kill modes only) out of
    gang scheduling module. Make identification of preemptable jobs an argument
    to the select_g_job_test function rather than calling preempt plugin from
    the select plugin. Make output of srun --test-only option include a list
    of preempted job IDs. 
 -- Better record keeping for front end systems when registering.
 -- Enable memory allocation logic for jobs step (i.e. allocate resources
    within the job's memory allocation and enforce limits).
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- handle error state in sinfo
 -- sview and "scontrol show config" now report as SLURM_VERSION the version 
    of slurmctld rather than that of the command.
 -- Change SuspendTime configuration parameter from 16-bits to 32-bits.
 -- Add environment variable support to sattach, salloc, sbatch and srun
    to permit user control over exit codes so application exit codes can be
    distiguished from those generated by SLURM. SLURM_EXIT_ERROR specifies the
    exit code when a SLURM error occurs. SLURM_EXIT_IMMEDIATE specifies the 
    exit code when the --immediate option is specified and resources are not
    available. Any other non-zero exit code would be that of the application
    run by SLURM.
 -- Added a Quality of Service (QOS) html page.
 -- In sched/wiki2, JOBWILLRUN command, add support for identification of 
    preemptable and preempted jobs (both new and old format of commands are
 -- Remove contribs/python/hostlist files. Download the materials as needed
    directly from
 -- BLUEGENE - Preemption now works on bluegene systems
 -- For salloc, sbatch and srun commands, ignore _maximum_ values for
    --sockets-per-node, --cores-per-socket and --threads-per-core options.
    Remove --mincores, --minsockets, --minthreads options (map them to 
    minimum values of -sockets-per-node, --cores-per-socket and 
    --threads-per-core for now).
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre4
 -- Move processing of node configuration information in slurm.conf and 
    topology information in topology.conf from slurmctld into common and load 
    that information into slurmd. Use it to set environment variables for jobs
    topology for each task. Based upon patch from Mattheu Hautreux (CEA).
Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed
 -- Correction in computing a job's TotalProcs value when ThreadsPerCore>1 and
    allocating by cores or sockets.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre3
 -- Removed sched/gang plugin and moved the logic directly into the slurmctld
    daemon so that job preemption and gang scheduling can be used with the
    sched/backfill plugin. Added configuration parameter:
    to enable/disable gang scheduling and job preemption logic (both are 
    disabled by default).
    (NOTE: There are some problems with memory management which could prevent a
    job from starting when memory would be freed by a job being requeued or 
    otherwise removed, these are being worked on)
 -- Added PreemptType configuration parameter to identify preemptable jobs.
    Former users of SchedType=sched/gang should set SchedType=sched/backfill,
    PreemptType=preempt/partition_prio and PreemptMode=gang,suspend. See
    web and slurm.conf man page for other options.
    PreemptType=preempt/qos uses Quality Of Service information in database.
 -- In select/linear, optimize job placement across partitions.
 -- If the --partition option is used with the sinfo or squeue command then
    print information about even hidden partitions.
 -- Replaced misc cpu allocation members in job_info_t with select_job_res_t
    which will only be populated when requested (show_flags & SHOW_DETAIL)
 -- Added a --detail option to "scontrol show job" to display the cpu/mem
    allocation info on a node-by-node basis.
 -- Added logic to give correct request uid for individual steps that 
    were cancelled.
 -- Created a spank_get_item() option (S_JOB_ALLOC_MEM) that conveys the memory
    that the select/cons_res plugin has allocated to a job.
 -- BLUEGENE - blocks in error state are now handled correctly in accounting.
 -- Modify squeue to print job step information about a specific job ID using
    the following syntax: "squeue -j <job_id> -s".
 -- BLUEGENE - scontrol delete block and update block can now remove blocks 
    on dynamic laid out systems.
 -- BLUEGENE - Vastly improve Dynamic layout mode algorithm.
 -- Address some issues for SLURM support of Solaris.
 -- Applied patch from Doug Parisek ( for speeding up 
    start of sview by delaying to creation of tooltips until requested.
 -- Changed GtkToolTips to GtkToolTip for newer versions of GTK.
 -- Applied patch from Rod Schultz ( that eliminates
    ambiguity in the documentation over use of the terms "CPU" and "socket".
 -- Modified get_resource_arg_range() to return full min/max values when input
    string is null.  This fixes the srun -B option to function as documented.
 -- If the job, node, partition, reservation or trigger state file is missing 
    or too small, automatically try using the previously saved state (file 
    name with ".old" suffix).
 -- Set a node's power_up/configuring state flag while PrologSlurmctld is
    running for a job allocated to that node.
 -- If PrologSlurmctld has a non-zero exit code, requeue the job or kill it.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- Added sacct ability to use --format NAME%LENGTH similar to sacctmgr.
 -- Improve hostlist logic for multidimensional systems.
 -- The pam_slurm Pluggable Authentication Module for SLURM previously
    distributed separately has been moved within the main SLURM distribution
    and is packaged as a separate RPM.
 -- Added configuration parameter MaxTasksPerNode.
 -- Remove configuration parameter SrunIOTimeout.
 -- Added functionality for sacctmgr show problems.  Current problems include
    Accounts/Users with no associations, Accounts with no users or subaccounts
    attached in a cluster, and Users with No UID on the system.
 -- Added new option for sacctmgr list assoc and list cluster WOLimits.  This 
    gives a smaller default format without the limit information.  This may 
    be the new default for list assocations and list clusters.
 -- Users are now required to have an association with there default account.
    Sacctmgr will now complain when you try to modify a users default account
    which they are not associated anywhere.
 -- Fix select/linear bug resulting in run_job_cnt underflow message if a 
    suspended job is cancelled.
 -- Add test for fsync() error for state save files. Log and retry as needed.
 -- Log fatal errors from slurmd and slurmctld to syslog.
 -- Added error detection and cleanup for the case in which a compute node is 
    rebooted and restarts its slurmd before its "down" state is noticed.
 -- BLUEGENE systems only - remove vestigal start location from jobinfo.
 -- Add reservation flag of "OVERLAP" to permit a new reservation to use
    nodes already in another reservation.
 -- Fix so "scontrol update jobid=# nice=0" can clear previous nice value.
 -- BLUEGENE - env vars such as SLURM_NNODES, SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES, and
    SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE now reference cnode counts instead of midplane
    counts.  SLURM_NODELIST still references midplane names.
 -- Added qos support to salloc/sbatch/srun/squeue
 -- Added to scancel the ability to select jobs by account and qos
 -- Recycled the "-A" argument indicate "account" for all the commands that
    accept the --account argument (srun -A to allocate is no longer supported.)
 -- Change sbatch response from "sbatch: Submitted batch job #" written to 
    stderr to "Submitted batch job #" written to stdout.
 -- Made shutdown and cleanup a little safer for the mvapich and mpich1_p4
 -- QOS support added with limits, priority and preemption
    (no documentation yet).
 -- If a slurmd does not have a node listed in it's slurm.conf (slurm.conf's 
    should be kept the same on all nodes) an error message is printed in the 
    slurmctld log along with the message already being printed in the slurmd 
    log for easier debugging.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre2
 -- Added support for smap to query off node name for display.
 -- Slurmdbd modified to set user ID and group ID to SlurmUser if started as 
    user root.
 -- Configuration parameter ControlMachine changed to  accept multiple comma-
    separated hostnames for support of some high-availability architectures.
 -- ALTERED API CALL slurm_get_job_steps 0 has been changed to NO_VAL for both
    job and step id to recieve all jobs/steps.  Please make adjustments to
    your code.
 -- salloc's --wait=<secs> option deprecated by --immediate=<secs> option to 
    match the srun command.
 -- Add new slurmctld list for node features with node bitmaps for simplified
    scheduling logic.
 -- Multiple features can be specified when creating a reservation. Use "&" 
    (AND) or "|" (OR) separators between the feature names.
 -- Changed internal node name caching so that front-end mode would work with
    multiple lines of node name definitions. 
 -- Add node state flag for power-up/configuring. Represented by "#" suffix
    on the node state name (e.g. "ALLOCATED#") for command output.
 -- Add CONFIGURING/CF job state flag for node power-up/configuring.
 -- Modify job step cancel logic for scancel and srun (on reciept of SIGTERM 
    or three SIGINT) to immediately send SIGKILL to spawned tasks.  Previous 
    logic would send SIGCONT, SIGTERM, wait KillWait seconds, SIGKILL.
 -- Created a spank_get_item() option (S_JOB_ALLOC_CORES) that conveys the cpus
    that the select/cons_res plugin has allocated to a job.
 -- Improve sview performance (outrageously) on very large machines.
 -- Add support for licenses in resource reservation.
 -- BLUEGENE - Jobs waiting for a block to boot will now be in Configuring
 -- bit_fmt now does not return brackets surrounding any set of data.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre1
 -- Slurmd notifies slurmctld of node boot time to better clean up after node
 -- Slurmd sends node registration information repeatedly until successful
 -- Change job_state in job structure to dedicate 8-bits to state flags. 
    Added macros to get state information (IS_JOB_RUNNING(job_ptr), etc.)
 -- Added macros to get node state information (IS_NODE_DOWN(node_ptr), etc).
 -- Added support for Solaris. Patch from David Hoppner.
 -- Rename "slurm-aix-federation-<version>.rpm" to just 
    "slurm-aix-<version>.rpm" (federation switch plugin may not be present).
 -- Eliminated the redundant squeue output format and sort options of 
    "%o" and "%b". Use "%D" and "%S" formats respectively. Also eliminated 
    "%X" and "%Y" and "%Z" formats. Use "%z" instead.
 -- Added mechanism for SPANK plugins to set environment variables for
    Prolog, Epilog, PrologSLurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld programs using
    the functions spank_get_job_env, spank_set_job_env, and 
    spank_unset_job_env. See "man spank" for more information.
 -- Completed the work to begun in 2.0.0 to standardize on using '-Q' as the
    --quiet flag for all the commands.
 -- BLUEGENE - sinfo and sview now display correct cpu counts for partitions
 -- Cleaned up the cons_res plugin.  It now uses a ptr to a part_record
    instead of having to do strcmp's to find the correct one.
 -- Pushed most all the plugin specific info in src/common/node_select.c 
    into the respected plugin.
 -- BLUEGENE - closed some corner cases where a block could had been removed 
    while a job was waiting for it to become ready because an underlying 
    part of the block was put into an error state.
 -- Modify sbcast logic to prevent a user from moving files to nodes they
    have not been allocated (this would be possible in previous versions
    only by hacking the sbcast code).
 -- Add contribs/sjstat script (Perl tool to report job state information).
    Put into new RPM: sjstat.
 -- Add sched/wiki2 (Moab) JOBMODIFY command support for VARIABLELIST option
    to set supplemental environment variables for pending batch jobs.
 -- BLUEGENE - add support for scontrol show blocks.
 -- Added support for job step time limits.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.10

* Changes in SLURM 2.0.9
 -- When running the mysql plugin natively MUNGE errors are now eliminated 
    when sending updates to slurmctlds.
 -- Check to make sure we have a default account before looking to 
    fill in default association. 
 -- Fix to make it so sched/wiki2 can modify a job's partition or hostlist of 
    non-pending jobs.
 -- Applied slurmctld prolog bug fix from Dennis Leepow to backfill.c
 -- fixed quite a few typos (needed for debian packages)
 -- make it so slurmctld will core dump without --enable-debug set
 -- Fix issue when doing a rollup on reservations before a cluster has been 
 -- MySQL plugin - When doing archiving end time is now decreased by 1 
    which should be more correct.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where --no-rotate didn't work correctly on job
 -- BLUEGENE - made the buffer longer when submitting jobs to get the entire 
    line.  Previously the line could be shortened prematurely.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix to make sure we don't erroneously set a connection type
    to SMALL.
 -- Type cast a negative uint64_t to int64_t to avoid confusion when doing 
    arithmetic with it in accounting dealing with over commit time.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.8
 -- BLUEGENE - added dub2 of stderr to put error messages sent from underlying 
    libraries of the bridge api to the bridgeapi.log
 -- Fixed issue with sacctmgr when modifing a user and specifying 'where'
    after giving the user name also.
 -- -L, --allclusters now works with sacct
 -- Modified job table to use 32bit u/gids for those with ids greater 
    than 16 bits.
 -- Made minor changes for slurm to compile cleanly under gcc 4.4.1
 -- Fixed issue with task/affinity when an allocation would run multiple sruns 
    with the --exclusive flag in an allocation with more than 1 node.  
    Previously when the first node was filled up no tasks would ever run 
    on the other nodes.
 -- Fixed sview and sacct to display correct run time and suspend time when 
    job has been suspended.
 -- Applied patch from Mark Grondona that fixes the validation of the
    PluginDir to support the colon separated list of directories as documented.
 -- BLUEGENE - squeue -o %R now prints more readable info for small blocks
 -- sacct - fixed garbage being printed out on uninitialized variable.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 -- Fix for mysql plugin when used without slurmdbd to register the 
    slurmctld properly.
 -- Fix for mysql plugin putting correct hostnames in for running steps.

* Changes in SLURM 2.0.7
 -- Fix bug in select/cons_res when nodes are configured in more than one 
    partition and those partitions have different priorities and sched/gang
    is not configured. CPUs were previously over-allocated.
 -- Fix core of smap when specifying -i option with invalid argument.
 -- Fix issue when using srun --test-only to not put an entry of test 
    job into accounting.
 -- For OpenMPI use of SLURM reserved ports. If any of the tasks fails to 
    acquire a reserved port and has an exit code of 108 then srun will 
    kill all remaining tasks and respawn the tasks. Previous code waited 
    for tasks to exit.
 -- MySQL plugin - When doing archiving we now get a correct end time.  
    Previously it would grab an extra day to archive.
 -- BLUEGENE - Handle initial state correctly, previously was setting initial 
    state to IDLE if UNKNOWN which would make it not set a registration 
    message to accounting, which could lead to nodes not being listed as up 
    when they really were.
 -- Fixed buffer size issue with scontrol show hostlist.
 -- Fixed issue with copy in smap -Dc previously command wouldn't work.
 -- BLUEGENE - Update documentation about small blocks in the bluegene.conf 
 -- In sched/wiki plugin (for Maui) fix possible message truncation on very 
    large cluster.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix for handling undocumented Deallocating to Configuring to 
    Free block transition state.
 -- BLUEGENE - Fix for overlap mode loading blocks when midplane is in an
    error state.
 -- Add range check for SuspendTime configuration parameter.
 -- Moved unzipped python-hostname tarball out and the tarball in.
 -- BLUEGENE - Patched memory leak when running state test.
 -- BLUEGENE - fixed slow down generated by slow call rm_get_BG 
    and polling thread.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.6
 -- Fixed seg fault when "scontrol listpids" is invoked for a specific job step
    on a node on which a stepd is not running.
 -- Fix bug in sched/backfill which could result in invalid memory reference 
    when trying to schedule jobs submitted with --exclude option.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.5
 -- BLUEGENE - Added support for emulating systems with a X-dimension of 4.
 -- BLUEGENE - When a nodecard goes down on a non-Dynamic system SLURM will 
    now only drain blocks under 1 midplane, if no such block exists then SLURM 
    will drain the entire midplane and not mark any block in error state.  
    Previously SLURM would drain every overlapping block of the nodecard 
    making it possible for a large block to make other blocks not work since 
    they overlap some other part of the block that really isn't bad.
 -- BLUEGENE - Handle L3 errors on boot better.
 -- Don't revoke a pending batch launch request from the slurmctld if the
    job is immediately suspended (a normal event with gang scheduling).
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue with restart of slurmctld would allow error block 
    nodes to be considered for building new blocks when testing if a job would 
    run.  This is a visual bug only, jobs would never run on new block, but 
    the block would appear in slurm tools.
 -- Better responsiveness when starting new allocations when running with the 
 -- Fixed race condition when reconfiguring the slurmctld and using the 
    consumable resources plugin which would cause the controller to core.
 -- Fixed race condition that sometimes caused jobs to stay in completing
    state longer than necessary after being terminated.
 -- Fixed issue where if a parent account has a qos added and then a child
    account has the qos removed the users still get the qos.
 -- BLUEGENE - New blocks in dynamic mode will only be made in the system
    when the block is actually needed for a job, not when testing.
 -- BLUEGENE - Don't remove larger block used for small block until job starts.
 -- Add new squeue output format and sort option of "%L" to print a job's time 
    left (time limit minus time used).
 -- BLUEGENE - Fixed draining state count for sinfo/sview.
 -- Fix for sview to not core when viewing nodes allocated to a partition 
    and the all jobs finish.
 -- Fix cons_res to not core dump when finishing a job running on a 
    defunct partition.
 -- Don't require a node to have --ntasks-per-node CPUs for use when the 
    --overcommit option is also used.
 -- Increase the maximum number of tasks which can be launched by a job step
    per node from 64 to 128. 
 -- sview - make right click on popup window title show sorted list.
 -- scontrol now displays correct units for job min memory and min tmp disk.
 -- better support for salloc/sbatch arbitrary layout for setting correct 
 -- Env var SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE is now set correctly depending on the 
    FastSchedule configuration parameter.
 -- Correction to topology/3d_torus plugin calculation when coordinate value 
    exceeds "9" (i.e. a hex value).
 -- In sched/wiki2 - Strip single and double quotes out of a node's reason 
    string to avoid confusing Moab's parser.
 -- Modified scancel to cancel any pending jobs before cancelling any other
 -- Updated sview config info
 -- Fix a couple of bugs with respect to scheduling with overlapping 
    reservations (one with a flag of "Maintenance").
 -- Fix bug when updating a pending job's nice value after explicitly setting
    it's priority.
 -- Fix task affinity for systems running fastschedule!=0 and they have less 
    resources configured than in existence.
 -- loads without warning now on AIX systems
 -- modified pmi code to do strncpy's on the correct len
 -- Fix for filling in a qos structure to return SLURM_SUCCESS on success.
 -- BLUEGENE - Added SLURM_BG_NUM_NODES with cnode count of allocation, 
    SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES represents midplane counts until 2.1.
 -- BLUEGENE - Added fix for if a block is in error state and the midplane 
    containing the block is also set to drain/down.  This previously 
    prevented dynamic creation of new blocks when this state was present.
 -- Fixed bug where a users association limits were not enforced, only 
    parent limits were being enforced.
 -- For OpenMPI use of SLURM reserved ports, reserve a count of ports equal to 
    the maximum task count on any node plus one (the plus one is a correction).
 -- Do not reset SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE when srun --preserve-env option is used
    (needed by OpenMPI).
 -- Fix possible assert failure in task/affinity if a node is configured with
    more resources than physically exist.
 -- Sview can now resize columns.
 -- Avoid clearing a drained node's reason field when state is changed from
    down (i.e. returned to service). Note the drain state flag stays set.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.4
 -- Permit node suspend/resume logic to be enabled through "scontrol reconfig"
    given appropriate changes to slurm configuration file.
 -- Check for return codes on functions with warn_unused_result set.
 -- Fix memory leak in getting step information (as used by squeue -s).
 -- Better logging for when job's request bad output file locations.