-- Fix for handling a 2.3 system talking to a 2.2 slurmctld.
-- Add contribs/lua/job_submit.license.lua script. Update job_submit and Lua
related documentation.
-- Test if _make_batch_script() is called with a NULL script.
-- Increase hostlist support from 24k to 64k nodes.
-- Renamed the Accounting Storage database's "DerivedExitString" job field to
"Comment". Provided backward compatible support for "DerivedExitString" in
the sacctmgr tool.
-- Added the ability to save the job's comment field to the Accounting
Storage db (to the formerly named, "DerivedExitString" job field). This
behavior is enabled by a new slurm.conf parameter:
-- Test if _make_batch_script() is called with a NULL script.
-- Increase hostlist support from 24k to 64k nodes.
-- Fix srun to handle signals correctly when waiting for a step creation.
-- Preserve the last job ID across slurmctld daemon restarts even if the job
state file can not be fully recovered.

Danny Auble
-- Made the hostlist functions be able to arbitrarily handle any size
dimension no matter what the size of the cluster is in dimensions.
* Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre4
-- Add GraceTime to Partition and QOS data structures. Preempted jobs will be
given this time interval before termination. Work by Bill Brophy, Bull.
-- Add the ability for scontrol and sview to modify slurmctld DebugFlags
-- Various Cray-specific patches:
- Fix a bug in distinguishing XT from XE.
- Avoids problems with empty nodenames on Cray.
- Check whether ALPS is hanging on to nodes, which happens if ALPS has not
yet cleaned up the node partition.
- Stops select/cray from clobbering node_ptr->reason.
- Perform 'safe' release of ALPS reservations using inventory and apkill.
- Compile-time sanity check for the apbasil and apkill files.
- Changes error handling in do_basil_release() (called by
- Warn that salloc --no-shell option is not supported on Cray systems.
-- Add a reservation flag of "License_Only". If set, then jobs using the
reservation may use the licenses associated with it plus any compute nodes.
Otherwise the job is limited to the compute nodes associated with the
-- Change slurm.conf node configuration parameter from "Procs" to "CPUs".
Both parameters will be supported for now.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - fix for when user requests only midplane names with no count at
job submission time to process the node count correctly.
-- Fix job step resource allocation problem when both node and tasks counts
are specified. New logic selects nodes with larger CPU counts as needed.

Danny Auble
-- BGQ - make it so srun wraps runjob (still under construction, but works
for most cases)
-- Permit a job's QOS and Comment field to both change in a single RPC. This
was previously disabled since Moab stored the QOS within the Comment field.
-- Add support for jobs to expand in size. Submit additional batch job with
the option "--dependency=expand:<jobid>". See web page "faq.html#job_size"
for details. Restrictions to be removed in the future.

Danny Auble
-- Added --with-alps-emulation to configure, and also an optional cray.conf
to setup alps location and database information.
-- Modify PMI data types from 16-bits to 32-bits in order to support MPICH2
jobs with more than 65,536 tasks. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Set slurmd's soft process CPU limit equal to it's hard limit and notify the
user if the limit is not infinite.
-- Added proctrack/cgroup and task/cgroup plugins from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Fix slurmctld restart logic that could leave nodes in UNKNOWN state for a
longer time than necessary after restart.
* Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre3
-- BGQ - Appears to work correctly in emulation mode, no sub blocks just yet.
-- Minor typos fixed
-- Various bug fixes for Cray systems.
-- Fix bug that when setting a compute node to idle state, it was failing to
set the systems up_node_bitmap.
-- BLUEGENE - code reorder
-- BLUEGENE - Now only one select plugin for all Bluegene systems.
-- Modify srun to set the SLURM_JOB_NAME environment variable when srun is
used to create a new job allocation. Not set when srun is used to create a
job step within an existing job allocation.
-- Modify init.d/slurm script to start multiple slurmd daemons per compute
node if so configured. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Change license data structure counters from uint16_t to uint32_t to support
larger license counts.
* Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre2
-- Log a job's requeue or cancellation due to preemption to that job's stderr:
"*** JOB 65547 CANCELLED AT 2011-01-21T12:59:33 DUE TO PREEMPTION ***".
-- Added new job termination state of JOB_PREEMPTED, "PR" or "PREEMPTED" to
indicate job termination was due to preemption.
-- Optimize advanced reservations resource selection for computer topology.
The logic has been added to select/linear and select/cons_res, but will
not be enabled until the other select plugins are modified.
-- Disable deletion of partitions that have unfinished jobs (pending,
running or suspended states). Patch from Martin Perry, BULL.
-- In sview, disable the sorting of node records by name at startup for
clusters over 1000 nodes. Users can enable this by selecting the "Name"
tab. This change dramatically improves scalability of sview.
-- Report error when trying to change a node's state from scontrol for Cray
-- Do not attempt to read the batch script for non-batch jobs. This patch
eliminates some inappropriate error messages.
-- Preserve NodeHostName when reordering nodes due to system topology.
-- On Cray/ALPS systems do node inventory before scheduling jobs.
-- Disable some salloc options on Cray systems.
-- Disable scontrol's wait_job command on Cray systems.
-- Disable srun command on native Cray/ALPS systems.

Danny Auble
-- Updated configure option "--enable-cray-emulation" (still under
development) to emulate a cray XT/XE system, and auto-detect a real
Cray XT/XE systems (removed no longer needed --enable-cray configure
option). Building on native Cray systems requires the
cray-MySQL-devel-enterprise rpm and expat XML parser library/headers.
* Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre1
-- Added that when a slurmctld closes the connection to the database it's
registered host and port are removed.
-- Added flag to slurmdbd.conf TrackSlurmctldDown where if set will mark idle
resources as down on a cluster when a slurmctld disconnects or is no
longer reachable.
-- Added support for more than one front-end node to run slurmd on
architectures where the slurmd does not execute on the compute nodes
(e.g. BlueGene). New configuration parameters FrontendNode and FrontendAddr
added. See "man slurm.conf" for more information.
-- With the scontrol show job command when using the --details option, show
a batch job's script.
-- Add ability to create reservations or partitions and submit batch jobs
using sview. Also add the ability to delete reservations and partitions.
-- Added new configuration parameter MaxJobId. Once reached, restart job ID
values at FirstJobId.
-- When restarting slurmctld with priority/basic, increment all job priorities
so the highest job priority becomes TOP_PRIORITY.
-- Prevent background salloc disconnecting terminal at termination. Patch by
Don Albert, Bull.
-- Fixed issue where preempt mode is skipped when creating a QOS. Patch by
Bill Brophy, Bull.
-- Fixed documention (html) for PriorityUsageResetPeriod to match that in the
man pages. Patch by Nancy Kritkausky, Bull.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.7
-- Eliminate zombie process created if salloc exits with stopped child
process. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- With default configuration on non-Cray systems, enable salloc to be
spawned as a background process. Based upon work by Don Albert (Bull) and
Gerrit Renker (CSCS).
-- Fixed Regression from 2.2.4 in accounting where an inherited limit
would not be set correctly in the added child association.
-- Fixed issue with accounting when asking for jobs with a hostlist.
-- Avoid clearing a node's Arch, OS, BootTime and SlurmdStartTime when
"scontrol reconfig" is run. Patch from Martin Perry, Bull.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.6
-- Fix displaying of account coordinators with sacctmgr. Possiblity to show
deleted accounts. Only a cosmetic issue, since the accounts are already
deleted, and have no associations.
-- Prevent opaque ncurses WINDOW struct on OS X 10.6.

Danny Auble
-- Fix issue with accounting when using PrivateData=jobs... users would not be
able to view there own jobs unless they were admin or coordinators which is
obviously wrong.
-- Fix bug in node stat if slurmctld is restarted while nodes are in the
process of being powered up. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko.
-- Change maximum batch script size from 128k to 4M.
-- Get slurmd -f option working. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko.
-- Fix for linking problem on OSX. Patches from Jon Bringhurst (LANL) and
Tyler Strickland.
-- Reset a job's priority to zero (suspended) when Moab requeues the job.
Patch from Par Andersson, NSC.

Danny Auble
-- When enforcing accounting, fix polling for unknown uids for users after
the slurmctld started. Previously one would have to issue a reconfigure
to the slurmctld to have it look for new uids.
-- BLUEGENE - if a block goes into an error state. Fix issue where accounting
wasn't updated correctly when the block was resumed.
-- Synchronize power-save module better with scheduler. Patch from
Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited).
-- Avoid SEGV in association logic with user=NULL. Patch from
Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited).
-- Fixed issue in accounting where it was possible for a new
association/wckey to be set incorrectly as a default the new object
was added after an original default object already existed. Before
the slurmctld would need to be restarted to fix the issue.
-- Updated the Normalized Usage section in priority_multifactor.shtml.
-- Disable use of SQUEUE_FORMAT env var if squeue -l, -o, or -s option is
used. Patch from Aaron Knister (UMBC).
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.5
-- Correct init.d/slurm status to have non-zero exit code if ANY Slurm
damon that should be running on the node is not running. Patch from Rod
Schulz, Bull.
-- Improve accuracy of response to "srun --test-only jobid=#".
-- Correct logic to properly support --ntasks-per-node option in the
select/cons_res plugin. Patch from Rod Schulz, Bull.
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res with respect to generic resource (gres)
scheduling which prevented some jobs from starting as soon as possible.
-- Fix memory leak in select/cons_res when backfill scheduling generic
resources (gres).

Danny Auble
-- Fix for when configuring a node with more resources than in real life
and using task/affinity.

Danny Auble
-- Fix so slurmctld will pack correctly 2.1 step information. (Only needed if
a 2.1 client is talking to a 2.2 slurmctld.)
-- Set powered down node's state to IDLE+POWER after slurmctld restart instead
of leaving in UNKNOWN+POWER. Patch from Andrej Gritsenko.
-- Fix bug where is srun's executable is not on it's current search path, but
can be found in the user's default search path. Modify slurmstepd to find
the executable. Patch from Andrej Gritsenko.
-- Make sview display correct cpu count for steps.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - when running in overlap mode make sure to check the connection
type so you can create overlapping blocks on the exact same nodes with
different connection types (i.e. one torus, one mesh).
-- Fix memory leak if MPI ports are reserved (for OpenMPI) and srun's
--resv-ports option is used.
-- Fix some anomalies in select/cons_res task layout when using the
--cpus-per-task option. Patch from Martin Perry, Bull.
-- Improve backfill scheduling logic when job specifies --ntasks-per-node and
--mem-per-cpu options on a heterogeneous cluster. Patch from Bjorn-Helge
Mevik, University of Oslo.
-- Print warning message if srun specifies --cpus-per-task larger than used
to create job allocation.
-- Fix issue when changing a users name in accounting, if using wckeys would
execute correctly, but bad memcopy would core the DBD. No information
would be lost or corrupted, but you would need to restart the DBD.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.4
-- For batch jobs for which the Prolog fails, substitute the job ID for any
"%j" in the job's output or error file specification.
-- Add licenses field to the sview reservation information.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for handling extremely overloaded system on Dynamic system
dealing with starting jobs on overlapping blocks. Previous fallout
was job would be requeued. (happens very rarely)
-- In accounting_storage/filetxt plugin, substitute spaces within job names,
step names, and account names with an underscore to insure proper parsing.
-- When building contribs/perlapi ignore both INSTALL_BASE and PERL_MM_OPT.
Use PREFIX instead to avoid build errors from multiple installation
-- Add job_submit/cnode plugin to support resource reservations of less than
a full midplane on BlueGene computers. Treat cnodes as liceses which can
be reserved and are consumed by jobs. This reservation mechanism for less
than an entire midplane is still under development.
-- Clear a job's "reason" field when a held job is released.
-- When releasing a held job, calculate a new priority for it rather than
just setting the priority to 1.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for sview started on a non-bluegene system to pick colors correctly
when talking to a real bluegene system.
-- Improve sched/backfill's expected start time calculation.
-- Prevent abort of sacctmgr for dump command with invalid (or no) filename.

Danny Auble
-- Improve handling of job updates when using limits in accounting, and
updating jobs as a non-admin user.
-- Fix for "squeue --states=all" option. Bug would show no jobs.
-- Schedule jobs with reservations before those without reservations.
-- Fix squeue/scancel to query correctly against accounts of different case.
-- Abort an srun command when it's associated job gets aborted due to a
dependency that can not be satisfied.
-- In jobcomp plugins, report start time of zeroif pending job is cancelled.
Previously may report expected start time.
-- Fixed sacctmgr man to state correct variables.
-- Select nodes based upon their Weight when job allocation requests include
a constraint field with a count (e.g. "srun --constraint=gpu*2 -N4 a.out").
-- Add support for user names that are entirely numeric and do not treat them
as UID values. Patch from Dennis Leepow.
-- Patch to un/pack double values properly if negative value. Patch from

Danny Auble
Dennis Leepow
-- Do not reset a job's priority when requeued or suspended.
-- Fix problemm that could let new jobs start on a node in DRAINED state.

Danny Auble
-- Fix cosmetic sacctmgr issue where if the user you are trying to add
doesn't exist in the /etc/passwd file and the account you are trying
to add them to doesn't exist it would print (null) instead of the bad
account name.
-- Fix associations/qos for when adding back a previously deleted object
the object will be cleared of all old limits.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Added back a lock when creating dynamic blocks to be more thread
safe on larger systems with heavy load.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.3
-- Update srun, salloc, and sbatch man page description of --distribution
option. Patches from Rod Schulz, Bull.
-- Applied patch from Martin Perry to fix "Incorrect results for task/affinity
block second distribution and cpus-per-task > 1" bug.
-- Avoid setting a job's eligible time while held (priority == 0).
-- Substantial performance improvement to backfill scheduling. Patch from
Bjorn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo.
-- Make timeout for communications to the slurmctld be based upon the
MessageTimeout configuration parameter rather than always 3 seconds.
Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Add new scontrol option of "show aliases" to report every NodeName that is
associated with a given NodeHostName when running multiple slurmd daemons
per compute node (typically used for testing purposes). Patch from
Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Fix for handling job names with a "'" in the name within MySQL accounting.
Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Modify condition under which salloc execution delayed until moved to the
foreground. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
Job control for interactive salloc sessions: only if ...
a) input is from a terminal (stdin has valid termios attributes),
b) controlling terminal exists (non-negative tpgid),
c) salloc is not run in allocation-only (--no-shell) mode,
d) salloc runs in its own process group (true in interactive
shells that support job control),
e) salloc has been configured at compile-time to support background
execution and is not currently in the background process group.
-- Abort salloc if no controlling terminal and --no-shell option is not used
("setsid salloc ..." is disabled). Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Fix to gang scheduling logic which could cause jobs to not be suspended
or resumed when appropriate.
-- Applied patch from Martin Perry to fix "Slurmd abort when using task
affinity with plane distribution" bug.
-- Applied patch from Yiannis Georgiou to fix "Problem with cpu binding to
sockets option" behaviour. This change causes "--cpu_bind=sockets" to bind
tasks only to the CPUs on each socket allocated to the job rather than all
CPUs on each socket.
-- Advance daily or weekly reservations immediately after termination to avoid
having a job start that runs into the reservation when later advanced.
-- Fix for enabling users to change there own default account, wckey, or QOS.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - If using OVERLAP mode fixed issue with multiple overlapping
blocks in error mode.
-- Fix for sacctmgr to display correctly default accounts.
-- scancel -s SIGKILL will always sent the RPC to the slurmctld rather than
the slurmd daemon(s). This insures that tasks in the process of getting
spawned are killed.
-- BLUEGENE - If using OVERLAP mode fixed issue with jobs getting denied
at submit if the only option for their job was overlapping a block in
error state.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.2
-- Correct logic to set correct job hold state (admin or user) when setting
the job's priority using scontrol's "update jobid=..." rather than its
"hold" or "holdu" commands.
-- Modify squeue to report unset --mincores, --minthreads or --extra-node-info
values as "*" rather than 65534. Patch from Rod Schulz, BULL.
-- Report the StartTime of a job as "Unknown" rather than the year 2106 if its
expected start time was too far in the future for the backfill scheduler
to compute.
-- Prevent a pending job reason field from inappropriately being set to
-- In sched/backfill with jobs having QOS_FLAG_NO_RESERVE set, then don't
consider the job's time limit when attempting to backfill schedule. The job
will just be preempted as needed at any time.
-- Eliminated a bug in sbatch when no valid target clusters are specified.
-- When explicitly sending a signal to a job with the scancel command and that
job is in a pending state, then send the request directly to the slurmctld
daemon and do not attempt to send the request to slurmd daemons, which are
not running the job anyway.
-- In slurmctld, properly set the up_node_bitmap when setting it's state to
IDLE (in case the previous node state was DOWN).

Danny Auble
-- Fix smap to process block midplane names correctly when on a bluegene
-- Fix smap to once again print out the Letter 'ID' for each line of a block/
partition view.
-- Corrected the NOTES section of the scancel man page

Danny Auble
-- Fix for accounting_storage/mysql plugin to correctly query cluster based
-- Fix issue when updating database for clusters that were previously deleted
before upgrade to 2.2 database.
-- BLUEGENE - Handle mesh torus check better in dynamic mode.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Fixed race condition when freeing block, most likely only would
happen in emulation.
-- Fix for calculating used QOS limits correctly on a slurmctld reconfig.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for bad conn-type set when running small blocks in HTC mode.
-- If salloc's --no-shell option is used, then do not attempt to preserve the
terminal's state.

Moe Jette
-- Add new SLURM configure time parameter of --disable-salloc-background. If
set, then salloc can only execute in the foreground. If started in the
background, then a message will be printed and the job allocation halted
until brought into the foreground.
-- Added the Multi-Cluster Operation web page.
-- Removed remnant code for enforcing max sockets/cores/threads in the
cons_res plugin (see last item in 2.1.0-pre5). This was responsible
for a bug reported by Rod Schultz.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Set correct env vars for HTC mode on a P system to get correct
-- Correct RunTime reported by "scontrol show job" for pending jobs.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.1
-- Fix setting derived exit code correctly for jobs that happen to have the
same jobid.
-- Better checking for time overflow when rolling up in accounting.
-- Add scancel --reservation option to cancel all jobs associated with a
specific reservation.
-- Treat reservation with no nodes like one that starts later (let jobs of any
size get queued and do not block any pending jobs).
-- Fix bug in gang scheduling logic that would temporarily resume to many jobs
after a job completed.
-- Change srun message about job step being deferred due to SlurmctldProlog
running to be more clear and only print when --verbose option is used.

Danny Auble
-- Made it so you could remove the hold on jobs with sview by setting the
priority to infinite.
-- BLUEGENE - better checking small blocks in dynamic mode whether a full
midplane job could run or not.
-- Decrease the maximum sleep time between srun job step creation retry
attempts from 60 seconds to 29 seconds. This should eliminate a possible
synchronization problem with gang scheduling that could result in job

Danny Auble
step creation requests only occuring when a job is suspended.
-- Fix to prevent changing a held job's state from HELD to DEPENDENCY
until the job is released. Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull.
-- Fixed sprio -M to reflect PriorityWeight values from remote cluster.
-- Fix bug in sview when trying to update arbitrary field on more than one
job. Formerly would display information about one job, but update next
selected job.

Danny Auble
-- Made it so QOS with UsageFactor set to 0 would make it so jobs running
under that QOS wouldn't add time to fairshare or association/qos

Danny Auble
-- Fixed issue where QOS priority wasn't re-normalized until a slurmctld
restart when a QOS priority was changed.

Danny Auble
-- Fix sprio to use calculated numbers from slurmctld instead of
calulating it own numbers.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - fixed race condition with preemption where if the wind blows the
right way the slurmctld could lock up when preempting jobs to run others.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - fixed epilog to wait until MMCS job is totally complete before
-- BLUEGENE - more robust checking for states when freeing blocks.
-- Added correct files to the slurm.spec file for correct perl api rpm
-- Added flag "NoReserve" to a QOS to make it so all jobs are created equal
within a QOS. So if larger, higher priority jobs are unable to run they
don't prevent smaller jobs from running even if running the smaller
jobs delay the start of the larger, higher priority jobs.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Check preemptees one by one to preempt lower priority jobs first
instead of first fit.
-- In select/cons_res, correct handling of the option

Danny Auble
-- Fix for checking QOS to override partition limits, previously if not using
QOS some limits would be overlooked.
-- Fix bug which would terminate a job step if any of the nodes allocated to
it were removed from the job's allocation. Now only the tasks on those
nodes are terminated.
-- Fixed issue when using a storage_accounting plugin directly without the
slurmDBD updates weren't always sent correctly to the slurmctld, appears to
OS dependent, reported by Fredrik Tegenfeldt.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0
-- Change format of Duration field in "scontrol show reservation" output from
an integer number of minutes to "[days-]hours:minutes:seconds".
-- Add support for changing the reservation of pending or running jobs.
-- On Cray systems only, salloc sends SIGKILL to spawned process group when
job allocation is revoked. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for sacctmgr to work correctly when modifying user associations where
all the associations contain a partition.
-- Minor mods to salloc signal handling logic: forwards more signals and
releases allocation on real-time signals. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Add salloc logic to preserve tty attributes after abnormal exit. Patch
from Mark Grondona, LLNL.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for issue in dynamic mode when trying to create a block
overlapping a block with no job running on it but in configuring state.
-- BLUEGENE - Speedup by skipping blocks that are deallocating for other jobs
when starting overlapping jobs in dynamic mode.
-- Fix for sacct --state to work correctly when not specifying a start time.
-- Fix upgrade process in accounting from 2.1 for clusters named "cluster".
-- Export more jobacct_common symbols needed for the slurm api on some systems.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc4
-- Correction in logic to spread out over time highly parallel messages to
minimize lost messages. Effects slurmd epilog complete messages and PMI
key-pair transmissions. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Fixed issue where if a system has unset messages to the dbd in 2.1 and
upgrades to 2.2. Messages are now processed correctly now.
-- Fixed issue where assoc_mgr cache wasn't always loaded correctly if the
slurmdbd wasn't running when the slurmctld was started.

Danny Auble
-- Make sure on a pthread create in step launch that the error code is looked
at. Improves fault-tolerance of slurmd.
-- Fix setting up default acct/wckey when upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2.
-- Fix issue with associations attached to a specific partition with no other
association, and requesting a different partition.
-- Added perlapi to the slurmdb to the slurm.spec.
-- In sched/backfill, correct handling of CompleteWait parameter to avoid
backfill scheduling while a job is completing. Patch from Gerrit Renker,
-- Send message back to user when trying to launch job on computing lacking
that user ID. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix it so 1 midplane clusters will run small block jobs.
-- Add Command and WorkDir to the output of "scontrol show job" for job
allocations created using srun (not just sbatch).
-- Fixed sacctmgr to not add blank defaultqos' when doing a cluster dump.
-- Correct processing of memory and disk space specifications in the salloc,
sbatch, and srun commands to work properly with a suffix of "MB", "GB",
etc. and not only with a single letter (e.g. "M", "G", etc.).
-- Prevent nodes with suspended jobs from being powered down by SLURM.
-- Normalized the way pidfile are created by the slurm daemons.

Danny Auble
-- Fixed modifying the root association to no read in it's last value
when clearing a limit being set.
-- Revert some resent signal handling logic from salloc so that SIGHUP sent
after the job allocation will properly release the allocation and cause
salloc to exit.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for recreating a block in a ready state.
-- Fix debug flags for incorrect logic when dealing with DEBUG_FLAG_WIKI.
-- Report reservation's Nodes as a hostlist expression of all nodes rather
than using "ALL".
-- Fix reporting of nodes in BlueGene reservation (was reporting CPU count
rather than cnode count in scontrol output for NodeCnt field).
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc3
-- Modify sacctmgr command to accept plural versions of options (e.g. "Users"
in addition to "User"). Patch from Don Albert, BULL.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - make it so reset of boot counter happens only on state change
and not when a new job comes along.
-- Modify srun and salloc signal handling so they can be interrupted while
waiting for an allocation. This was broken in version 2.2.0.rc2.
-- Fix NULL pointer reference in sview. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Fix file descriptor leak in slurmstepd on spank_task_post_fork() failure.
Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Fix bug in preserving job state information when upgrading from SLURM
version 2.1. Bug introduced in version 2.2.0-pre10. Patch from Par
Andersson, NSC.

Danny Auble
-- Fix bug where if using the slurmdbd if a job wasn't able to start right
away some accounting information may be lost.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - when a prolog failure happens the offending block is put in
an error state.
-- Changed the last column heading of the sshare output from "FS Usage" to
"FairShare" and added more detail to the sshare man page.
-- Fix bug in enforcement of reservation by account name. Used wrong index
into an array. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Modify job_submit/lua plugin to treat any non-zero return code from the
job_submit and job_modify functions as an error and the user request should
-- Fix bug which would permit pending job to be started on completing node
when job preemption is configured.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc2
-- Fix memory leak in job step allocation logic. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- If a preempted job was submitted with the --no-requeue option then cancel
rather than requeue it.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for problems when adding a user for the first time to a new cluster
with a 2.1 sacctmgr without specifying a default account.
-- Resend TERMINATE_JOB message only to nodes that the job still has not
terminated on. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Treat time limit specification of "0:300" as a request for 300 seconds
(5 minutes) instead of one minute.
-- Modify sched/backfill plugin logic to continue working its way down the
queue of jobs rather than restarting at the top if there are no changes in
job, node, or partition state between runs. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Improve scalability of select/cons_res logic. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux,

Danny Auble
-- Fix for possible deadlock in the slurmstepd when cancelling a job that is
also writing a large amount of data to stderr.
-- Fix in select/cons_res to eliminate "mem underflow" error when the
slurmctld is reconfigured while a job is in completing state.
-- Send a message to the a user's job when it's real or virual memory limit
is exceeded. :

Danny Auble
-- Apply rlimits right before execing the users task so to lower the risk of
the task exiting because the slurmstepd ran over a limit (log file size,
-- Add scontrol command of "uhold <job_id>" so that an administrator can hold
a job and let the job's owner release it. The scontrol command of
"hold <job_id>" when executed by a SLURM administrator can only be released
by a SLURM administrator and not the job owner.
-- Change atoi to slurm_atoul in mysql plugin, needed for running on 32-bit
systems in some cases.
-- If a batch job is found to be missing from a node, make its termination
state be NODE_FAIL rather than CANCELLED.

Danny Auble
-- Fatal error put back if running a bluegene or cray plugin from a controller
not of that type.

Danny Auble
-- Make sure jobacct_gather plugin is not shutdown before messing with the
proccess list.

Moe Jette
-- Modify signal handling in srun and salloc commands to avoid deadlock if the
malloc function is interupted and called again. The malloc function is
thread safe, but not reentrant, which is a problem when signal handling if

Moe Jette
the malloc function itself has a lock. Problem fixed by moving signal
handling in those commands to a new pthread.
-- In srun set job abort flag on completion to handle the case when a user
cancels a job while the node is not responding but slurmctld has not yet
the node down. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Streamline the PMI logic if no duplicate keys are included in the key-pairs
managed. Substantially improves performance for large numbers of tasks.
Adds support for SLURM_PMI_KVS_NO_DUP_KEYS environment variable. Patch
from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.

Danny Auble
-- Fix issues with sview dealing with older versions of sview and saving
-- Remove references to --mincores, --minsockets, and --minthreads from the
salloc, sbatch and srun man pages. These options are defunct, Patch from
Rod Schultz, Bull.

Danny Auble
-- Made openssl not be required to build RPMs, it is not required anymore
since munge is the default crypto plugin.

Danny Auble
-- sacctmgr now has smarts to figure out if a qos is a default qos when
modifing a user/acct or removing a qos.
-- For reservations on BlueGene systems, set and report c-node counts rather
than midplane counts.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc1
-- Add show_flags parameter to the slurm_load_block_info() function.
-- perlapi has been brought up to speed courtesy of Hongjia Coa. (make sure to
run 'make clean' if building in a different dir than source)
-- Fixed regression in pre12 in crypto/munge when running with
--enable-multiple-slurmd which would cause the slurmd's to core.
-- Fixed regression where cpu count wasn't figured out correctly for steps.
-- Fixed issue when using old mysql that can't handle a '.' in the table
-- Mysql plugin works correctly without the SlurmDBD

Danny Auble
-- Added ability to query batch step with sstat. Currently no accounting data
is stored for the batch step, but the internals are inplace if we decide to
do that in the future.
-- Fixed some backwards compatibility issues with 2.2 talking to 2.1.

Danny Auble
-- Fixed regression where modifying associations didn't get sent to the
-- Made sshare sort things the same way saccmgr list assoc does
-- Fixed issue with default accounts being set up correctly.

Danny Auble
-- Changed sortting in the slurmctld so sshare output is similar to that of
sacctmgr list assoc.
-- Modify reservation logic so that daily and weekly reservations maintain
the same time when daylight savings time starts or ends in the interim.
-- Edit to make reservations handle updates to associations.
-- Added the derived exit code to the slurmctld job record and the derived
exit code and string to the job record in the SLURM db.
-- Added slurm-sjobexit RPM for SLURM job exit code management tools.
-- Added ability to use sstat/sacct against the batch step.
-- Added OnlyDefaults option to sacctmgr list associations.
-- Modified the fairshare priority formula to F = 2**(-Ue/S)
-- Modify the PMI functions key-pair exchange function to support a 32-bit
counter for larger job sizes. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- In sched/builtin - Make the estimated job start time logic faster (borrowed
new logic from sched/backfill and added pthread) and more accurate.
-- In select/cons_res fix bug that could result in a job being allocated zero
CPUs on some nodes. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Fix bug in sched/backfill that could set expected start time of a job too
far in the future.

Danny Auble
-- Added ability to enforce new limits given to associations/qos on
pending jobs.
-- Increase max message size for the slurmdbd from 1000000 to 16*1024*1024
-- Increase number of active threads in the slurmdbd from 50 to 100
-- Fixed small bug in src/common/slurmdb_defs.c reported by Bjorn-Helge Mevik
-- Fixed sacctmgr's ability to query associations against qos again.
-- Fixed sview show config on non-bluegene systems.
-- Fixed bug in selecting jobs based on sacct -N option
-- Fix bug that prevented job Epilog from running more than once on a node if
a job was requeued and started no job steps.
-- Fixed issue where node index wasn't stored correcting when using DBD.
-- Enable srun's use of the --nodes option with --exclusive (previously the
--nodes option was ignored).
-- Added UsageThreshold and Flags to the QOS object.
-- Patch to improve threadsafeness in the mysql plugins.
-- Add support for fair-share scheduling to be based upon resource use at
the level of bank accounts and ignore use of individual users. Patch by
Par Andersson, National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre12
-- Log if Prolog or Epilog run for longer than MessageTimeout / 2.
-- Log the RPC number associated with messages from slurmctld that timeout.
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res logic when job allocation includes --overcommit
and --ntasks-per-node options and the node has fewer CPUs than the count
specified by --ntasks-per-node.
-- Fix bug in gang scheduling and job preemption logic so that preempted jobs
get resumed properly after a slurmctld hot-start.
-- Fix bug in select/linear handling of gang scheduled jobs that could result
in run_job_cnt underflow error message.
-- Fix bug in gang scheduling logic to properly support partitions added
using the scontrol command.
-- Fix a segmentation fault in sview where the 'excluded_partitions' field
was set to NULL, caused by the absence of ~/.slurm/sviewrc.
-- Rewrote some calls to is_user_any_coord() in src/plugins/accounting_storage
modules to make use of is_user_any_coord()'s return value.
-- Add configure option of --with=dimensions=#.
-- Modify srun ping logic so that srun would only be considered not responsive
if three ping messages were not responded to. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- Preserve a node's ReasonTime field after scontrol reconfig command. Patch
from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- Added the authority for users with AdminLevel's defined in the SLURM db
(Operators and Admins) and account coordinators to invoke commands that
affect jobs, reservations, nodes, etc.
-- Fix for slurmd restart on completing node with no tasks to get the correct
state, completing. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- Prevent scontrol setting a node's Reason="". Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- Add new functions hostlist_ranged_string_malloc,
hostlist_ranged_string_xmalloc, hostlist_deranged_string_malloc, and
hostlist_deranged_string_xmalloc which will allocate memory as needed.
-- Make the slurm commands support both the --cluster and --clusters option.
Previously, some commands support one of those options, but not the other.
-- Fix bug when resizing a job that has steps running on some of those nodes.
Avoid killing the job step on remaining nodes. Patch from Rod Schultz
(BULL). Also fix bug related to tracking the CPUs allocated to job steps
on each node after releasing some nodes from the job's allocation.
-- Applied patch from Rod Schultz / Matthieu Hautreux to keep the Node-to-Host
cache from becoming corrupted when a hostname cannot be resolved.
-- Export more symbols in libslurm for job and node state information
translation (numbers to strings). Patch from Hongia Cao, NUDT.
-- Add logic to retry sending RESPONSE_LAUNCH_TASKS messages from slurmd to
srun. Patch from Hongia Cao, NUDT.
-- Modify bit_unfmt_hexmask() and bit_unfmt_binmask() functions to clear the
bitmap input before setting the bits indicated in the input string.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_window to control how far into the
future that the backfill scheduler will look when considering jobs to start.
The default value is one day. See "man slurm.conf" for details.
-- Fix bug that can result in duplicate job termination records in accounting
for job termination when slurmctld restarts or reconfigures.
-- Modify plugin and library logic as needed to support use of the function
slurm_job_step_stat() from user commands.
-- Fix race condition in which PrologSlurmctld failure could cause slurmctld
to abort.
-- Fix bug preventing users in secondary user groups from being granted access
to partitions configured with AllowGroups.
-- Added support for a default account and wckey per cluster within accounting.
-- Modified select/cons_res plugin so that if MaxMemPerCPU is configured and a
job specifies it's memory requirement, then more CPUs than requested will
automatically be allocated to a job to honor the MaxMemPerCPU parameter.
-- Added the derived_ec (exit_code) member to job_info_t. exit_code captures
the exit code of the job script (or salloc) while derived_ec contains the
highest exit code of all the job steps.
-- Added SLURM_JOB_EXIT_CODE and SLURM_JOB_DERIVED_EC variables to the
EpilogSlurmctld environment

Danny Auble
-- More work done on the accounting_storage/pgsql plugin, still beta.
Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- Major updates to sview from Dan Rusak (Bull), including:
- Persistent option selections for each tab page
- Clean up topology in grids
- Leverage AllowGroups and Hidden options
- Cascade full-info popups for ease of selection
-- Add locks around the MySQL calls for proper operation if the non-thread
safe version of the MySQL library is used.
-- Remove libslurm.a, libpmi.a and libslurmdb.a from SLURM RPM. These static
libraries are not generally usable.
-- Fixed bug in sacctmgr when zeroing raw usage reported by Gerrit Renker.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre11
-- Permit a regular user to change the partition of a pending job.
-- Major re-write of the job_submit/lua plugin to pass pointers to available
partitions and use lua metatables to reference the job and partition fields.
-- Add support for serveral new trigger types: SlurmDBD failure/restart,
Database failure/restart, Slurmctld failure/restart.
-- Add support for SLURM_CLUSTERS environment variable in the sbatch, sinfo,
squeue commands.
-- Modify the sinfo and squeue commands to report state of multiple clusters
if the --clusters option is used.
-- Added printf __attribute__ qualifiers to info, debug, ... to help prevent
bad/incorrect parameters being sent to them. Original patch from
Eygene Ryabinkin (Russian Research Centre).
-- Fix bug in slurmctld job completion logic when nodes allocated to a
completing job are re-booted. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- In slurmctld's node record data structure, rename "hilbert_integer" to
-- Add topology/node_rank plugin to sort nodes based upon rank loaded from
BASIL on Cray computers.
-- Fix memory leak in the auth/munge and crypto/munge plugins in the case of
some failure modes.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre10

Danny Auble
-- Fix issue when EnforcePartLimits=yes in slurm.conf all jobs where no nodecnt
was specified the job would be seen to have maxnodes=0 which would not
allow jobs to run.

Danny Auble
-- Fix issue where if not suspending a job the gang scheduler does the correct
kill procedure.

Danny Auble
-- Fixed some issues when dealing with jobs from a 2.1 system so they live
after an upgrade.
-- In srun, log if --cpu_bind options are specified, but not supported by the
current system configuration.

Danny Auble
-- Various Patchs from Hongjia Cao dealing with bugs found in sacctmgr and
the slurmdbd.
-- Fix bug in changing the nodes allocated to a running job and some node
names specified are invalid, avoid invalid memory reference.
-- Fixed filename substitution of %h and %n based on patch from Ralph Bean
-- Added better job sorting logic when preempting jobs with qos.
-- Log the IP address and port number for some communication errors.
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res when --cpus_per_task option is used, could
oversubscribe resources.
-- In srun, do not implicitly set the job's maximum node count based upon a
required hostlist.
-- Avoid running the HealthCheckProgram on non-responding nodes rather than
DOWN nodes.
-- Fix bug in handling of poll() functions on OS X (SLURM was ignoring POLLIN
if POLLHUP flag was set at the same time).

Danny Auble
-- Pulled Cray logic out of common/node_select.c into it's own
select/cray plugin cons_res is the default. To use linear add 'Linear' to
-- Fixed bug where resizing jobs didn't correctly set used limits correctly.
-- Change sched/backfill default time interval to 30 seconds and defer attempt
to backfill schedule if slurmctld has more than 5 active RPCs. General
improvements in logic scalability.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of default_sched_depth=# to control how
many jobs on queue should be tested for attempted scheduling when a job
completes or other routine events. Default value is 100 jobs. The full job
queue is tested on a less frequent basis. This option can dramatically
improve performance on systems with thousands of queued jobs.
-- Gres/gpu now sets the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment to control which
GPU devices should be used for each job or job step and CUDA version 3.1+
is used. NOTE: SLURM's generic resource support is still under development.
-- Modify select/cons_res to pack jobs onto allocated nodes differently and

Moe Jette
minimize system fragmentation. For example on nodes with 8 CPUs each, a
job needing 10 CPUs will now ideally be allocated 8 CPUs on one node and
2 CPUs on another node. Previously the job would have ideally been
allocated 5 CPUs on each node, fragmenting the unused resources more.
-- Modified the behavior of update_job() in job_mgr.c to return when the first
error is encountered instead of continuing with more job updates.
-- Removed all references to the following slurm.conf parameters, all of which
have been removed or replaced since version 2.0 or earlier: HashBase,
HeartbeatInterval, JobAcctFrequency, JobAcctLogFile (instead use
AccountingStorageLoc), JobAcctType, KillTree, MaxMemPerTask, and
-- Fix bug in slurmctld restart logic that improperly reported jobs had
invalid features: "Job 65537 has invalid feature list: fat".

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Removed thread pool for destroying blocks. It turns out the
memory leak we were concerned about for creating and destroying threads
in a plugin doesn't exist anymore. This increases throughput dramatically,
allowing multiple jobs to start at the same time.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Removed thread pool for starting and stopping jobs. For similar
reasons as noted above.
-- BLUEGENE - Handle blocks that never deallocate.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre9

Danny Auble
-- sbatch can now submit jobs to multiple clusters and run on the earliest
-- Fix bug introduced in pre8 that prevented job dependencies and job
triggers from working without the --enable-debug configure option.
-- Replaced slurm_addr with slurm_addr_t
-- Skeleton code added for BlueGeneQ.
-- Jobs can now be submitted to multiple partitions (job queues) and use the
one permitting earliest start time.

Danny Auble
-- Change slurmdb_coord_table back to acct_coord_table to keep consistant
with < 2.1.
-- Introduced locking system similar to that in the slurmctld for the
-- Added ability to change a users name in accounting.
-- Restore squeue support for "%G" format (group id) accidentally removed in
-- Added preempt_mode option to QOS.
-- Added a grouping=individual for sreport size reports.
-- Added remove_qos logic to jobs running under a QOS that was removed.
-- scancel now exits with a 1 if any job is non-existant when canceling.
-- Better handling of select plugins that don't exist on various systems for
cross cluster communication. Slurmctld, slurmd, and slurmstepd now only
load the default select plugin as well.
-- Better error handling when loading plugins.
-- Prevent scontrol from aborting if getlogin() returns NULL.
-- Prevent scontrol segfault when there are hidden nodes.
-- Prevent srun segfault after task launch failure.
-- Added job_submit/lua plugin.
-- Fixed sinfo on a bluegene system to print correctly the output for:

Danny Auble
sinfo -e -o "%9P %6m %.4c %.22F %f"
-- Add scontrol commands "hold" and "release" to simplify setting a job's
priority to 0 or 1. Also tests that the job is in pending state.
-- Increase maximum node list size (for incoming RPC) from 1024 bytes to 64k.
-- In the backup slurmctld, purge triggers before recovering trigger state to
avoid duplicate entries.
-- Fix bug in sacct processing of --fields= option.
-- Fix bug in checkpoint/blcr for jobs spanning multiple nodes introduced when
changing some variable names in version 2.2.0.pre5.
-- Removed the vestigal set_max_cluster_usage() function from the Priority
Plugin API.
-- Modify the output of "scontrol show job" for the field ReqS:C:T=. Fields
not specified by the user will be reported as "*" instead of 65534.
-- Added DefaultQOS option for an association.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Added -B option to the slurmctld to clear created blocks from
the system on start.
-- BLUEGENE - Added option to scontrol & sview to recreate existing blocks.

Danny Auble
-- Fixed flags for returning messages to use the correct munge key when going

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Added option to scontrol & sview to resume blocks in an error
state instead of just freeing them.

Danny Auble
-- sview patched to allow multiple row selection of jobs, patch from Dan Rusak
-- Lower default slurmctld server thread count from 1024 to 256. Some systems
process threads on a last-in first-out basis and the high thread count was
causing unexpectedly high delays for some RPCs.
-- Added to sacctmgr the ability for admins to reset the raw usage of a user
or account
-- Improved the efficiency of a few lines in sacctmgr
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre8
-- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Backfill" for sched/backfill detailed logging.
-- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Gang" for detailed logging of gang scheduling
-- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Priority" for detailed logging of priority
multifactor activities.
-- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Reservation" for detailed logging of advanced
-- Add run time to mail message upon job termination and queue time for mail
message upon job begin.
-- Add email notification option for job requeue.
-- Generate a fatal error if the srun --relative option is used when not
within an existing job allocation.
-- Modify the meaning of InactiveLimit slightly. It will now cancel the job
allocation created using the salloc or srun command if those commands
cease responding for the InactiveLimit regardless of any running job steps.
This parameter will no longer effect jobs spawned using sbatch.
-- Remove AccountingStoragePass and JobCompPass from configuration RPC and
scontrol show config command output. The use of SlurmDBD is still strongly
recommended as SLURM will have limited database functionality or protection
-- Add sbatch options of --export and SBATCH_EXPORT to control which
environment variables (if any) get propagated to the spawned job. This is
particularly important for jobs that are submitted on one cluster and run
on a different cluster.
-- Fix bug in select/linear when used with gang scheduling and there are
preempted jobs at the time slurmctld restarts that can result in over-
subscribing resources.
-- Added keeping track of the qos a job is running with in accounting.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for handling correctly jobs that resize, and also reporting correct
stats on a job after it finishes.

Danny Auble
-- Modify gang scheduler so with SelectTypeParameter=CR_CPUS and task
affinity is enabled, keep track of the individual CPUs allocated to jobs
rather than just the count of CPUs allocated (which could overcommit
specific CPUs for running jobs).
-- Modify select/linear plugin data structures to eliminate underflow errors
for the exclusive_cnt and tot_job_cnt variables (previously happened when
slurmctld reconfigured while the job was in completing state).
-- Change slurmd's working directory (and location of core files) to match
that of the slurmctld daemon: the same directory used for log files,
SlurmdLogFile (if specified with an absolute pathname) otherwise the
directory used to save state, SlurmdSpoolDir.
-- Add sattach support for the --pty option.
-- Modify slurmctld communications logic to accept incoming messages on more
than one port for improved scalability.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of "defer" to avoid trying to schedule a
job at submission time, but to attempt scheduling many jobs at once for
improved performance under heavy load.
-- Correct logic controlling slurmctld thread limit eliminating check of
-- Make slurmctld's trigger logic more robust in the event that job records
get purged before their trigger can be processed (e.g. MinJobAge=1).
-- Add support for users to hold/release their own jobs (submit the job with
srun/sbatch --hold/-H option or use "scontrol update jobid=# priority=0"
to hold and "scontrol update jobid=# priority=1" to release).
-- Added ability for sacct to query jobs by qos and a range of timelimits.
-- Added ability for sstat to query pids of steps running.
-- Support time specification in UTS format with a prefix of "uts" (e.g.
"sbatch --begin=uts458389988 my.script").
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre7
-- Fixed issue with sacctmgr if querying against non-existent cluster it

Danny Auble
works the same way as 2.1.
-- Added infrastructure to support allocation of generic node resources (gres).
-Modified select/linear and select/cons_res plugins to allocate resources
at the level of a job without oversubcription.
-Get sched/backfill operating with gres allocations.
-Get gres configuration changes (reconfiguration) working.
-Have job steps allocate resources.
-Modified job step credential to include the job's and step's gres
allocation details.
-Integrate with HWLOC library to identify GPUs and NICs configured on each
-- SLURM commands (squeue, sinfo, etc...) can now go cross-cluster on like
linux systems. Cross-cluster for bluegene to linux and such should
-- Added the ability to configure PreemptMode on a per-partition basis.
-- Change slurmctld's default thread limit count to 1024, but adjust that down
as needed based upon the process's resource limits.
-- Removed the non-functional "SystemCPU" and "TotalCPU" reporting fields from
sstat and updated man page
-- Correct location of apbasil command on Cray XT systems.
-- Fixed bug in MinCPU and AveCPU calculations in sstat command
-- Send message to srun when the Prolog takes too long (MessageTimeout) to
-- Change timeout for socket connect() to be half of configured MessageTimeout.
-- Added high-throughput computing web page with configuration guidance.
-- Use more srun sockets to process incoming PMI (MPICH2) connections for
better scalability.
-- Added DebugFlags for the select/bluegene plugin: DEBUG_FLAG_BG_PICK,
-- Remove vestigial job record field "kill_on_step_done" (internal to the
slurmctld daemon only).
-- For MPICH2 jobs: Clear PMI state between job steps.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre6
-- sview - added ability to see database configuration.
-- sview - added ability to add/remove visible tabs.
-- sview - change way grid highlighting takes place on selected objects.
-- Added infrastructure to support allocation of generic node resources.
-Added node configuration parameter of Gres=.
-Added ability to view/modify a node's gres using scontrol, sinfo and sview.
-Added salloc, sbatch and srun --gres option.
-Added ability to view a job or job step's gres using scontrol, squeue and
-Added new configuration parameter GresPlugins to define plugins used to
manage generic resources.
-Added DebugFlags option of "gres" for detailed debugging of gres actions.
-- Slurmd modified to log slow slurmstepd startup and note possible file system
-- sview - There is now a .slurm/sviewrc created when running sview.

Danny Auble
Defaults are put in there as to how sview looks when first launched.
You can set these by Ctrl-S or Options->Set Default Settings.
-- Add scontrol "wait_job <job_id>" option to wait for nodes to boot as needed.

Moe Jette
Useful for batch jobs (in Prolog, PrologSlurmctld or the script) if powering
down idle nodes.
-- Added salloc and sbatch option --wait-all-nodes. If set non-zero, job
initiation will be delayed until all allocated nodes have booted. Salloc
will log the delay with the messages "Waiting for nodes to boot" and "Nodes

Danny Auble
-- The Priority/mulitfactor plugin now takes into consideration size of job
in cpus as well as size in nodes when looking at the job size factor.
Previously only nodes were considered.

Danny Auble
-- When using the SlurmDBD messages waiting to be sent will be combined