This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre6
-- When getting information about nodes in hidden partitions, return a node
name of NULL rather than returning no information about the node so that
node index information is still valid.
-- When querying database for jobs in certain state and a time period is

Danny Auble
given only jobs in that state during the period will be returned,
previously if a time period was given in sacct jobs eligible to run or
running would be displayed, which is still the default if no states are
-- One can now query jobs based on size (nodes and or cpus) (mysql plugin only)

Don Lipari
-- Applied patch from Mark Grondona that tests for a missing config file before
any other processing in spank_init(). This now prevents fatal errors from
being mistakenly treated as recoverable.
-- --enable-debug no longer has to be stated at configure time to have
the slurmctld or slurmstepd dump core on a seg fault.
-- Moved the errant slurm_job_node_ready() declaration from job_info.h to
slurm.h and deleted job_info.h.
-- Added the slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node_inx()
slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node() API for working with the
job_resources_t structure.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - speed up start up for systems that have many blocks (100+)
configured on the system.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre5
-- Add squeue option "--start" to report expected start time of pending jobs.
-- Sched/backfill plugin modified to set expected start time of pending jobs.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of "max_job_bf=#" to control how far down
the queue of pending jobs that SLURM searches in an attempt backfill
schedule them. The default value is 50 jobs.
-- Fixed cause of squeue -o "%C" seg fault.
-- Add -"-signal=<int>@<time>" option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands to
notify programs before reaching the end of their time limit.
-- Add scontrol option to update a running job's EndTime (also resets the
job's time limit).
-- Add new job wait reason, ReqNodeNotAvail: Required node is not available
(down or drained).
-- Log when slurmctld or slurmd are started with small core file limit.
-- Permit job's owner to change features, processor count, minimum and
maximun node counts of pending jobs (the operation was previously
restricted to user root)
-- Applied patch from Chuck Clouston for scontrol man page with clarifications
and additional info
-- Change slurm errno name from ESLURM_TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_NODES to
ESLURM_INVALID_NODE_COUNT to better reflect its meaning.
-- Fix bug in sched/backfill which could result in invalid memory reference
when trying to schedule jobs submitted with --exclude option.
-- Fix for slurmctld deadlock at startup with PreemptMode=SUSPEND,GANG.
-- Completely disable logging of sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 (Maui & Moab)
message traffic unless DebugFlag=Wiki is configured.
-- Change scontrol show job info: ReqProcs (number of processors requested)
is replaced by NumProcs (number of processors requested or actually
allocated) and ReqNodes (number of nodes requested) is replaced by
NumNodes (number of nodes requested or actually allocated).

Danny Auble
-- Fixed issue when max nodes wasn't specified and was later set by limit
to not request that as the actual maximum.
-- Move job preemption (for requeue, checkpoint and kill modes only) out of
gang scheduling module. Make identification of preemptable jobs an argument
to the select_g_job_test function rather than calling preempt plugin from
the select plugin. Make output of srun --test-only option include a list
of preempted job IDs.
-- Better record keeping for front end systems when registering.
-- Enable memory allocation logic for jobs step (i.e. allocate resources
within the job's memory allocation and enforce limits).
-- sview and "scontrol show config" now report as SLURM_VERSION the version
of slurmctld rather than that of the command.
-- Change SuspendTime configuration parameter from 16-bits to 32-bits.
-- Add environment variable support to sattach, salloc, sbatch and srun
to permit user control over exit codes so application exit codes can be
distiguished from those generated by SLURM. SLURM_EXIT_ERROR specifies the
exit code when a SLURM error occurs. SLURM_EXIT_IMMEDIATE specifies the
exit code when the --immediate option is specified and resources are not
available. Any other non-zero exit code would be that of the application
run by SLURM.
-- Added a Quality of Service (QOS) html page.
-- In sched/wiki2, JOBWILLRUN command, add support for identification of
preemptable and preempted jobs (both new and old format of commands are
-- Remove contribs/python/hostlist files. Download the materials as needed
directly from
-- BLUEGENE - Preemption now works on bluegene systems
-- For salloc, sbatch and srun commands, ignore _maximum_ values for
--sockets-per-node, --cores-per-socket and --threads-per-core options.
Remove --mincores, --minsockets, --minthreads options (map them to
minimum values of -sockets-per-node, --cores-per-socket and
--threads-per-core for now).

Danny Auble

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre4
-- Move processing of node configuration information in slurm.conf and
topology information in topology.conf from slurmctld into common and load
that information into slurmd. Use it to set environment variables for jobs
topology for each task. Based upon patch from Mattheu Hautreux (CEA).
-- Correction in computing a job's TotalProcs value when ThreadsPerCore>1 and
allocating by cores or sockets.

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre3
-- Removed sched/gang plugin and moved the logic directly into the slurmctld
daemon so that job preemption and gang scheduling can be used with the
sched/backfill plugin. Added configuration parameter:
to enable/disable gang scheduling and job preemption logic (both are
disabled by default).
(NOTE: There are some problems with memory management which could prevent a
job from starting when memory would be freed by a job being requeued or
otherwise removed, these are being worked on)
-- Added PreemptType configuration parameter to identify preemptable jobs.
Former users of SchedType=sched/gang should set SchedType=sched/backfill,
PreemptType=preempt/partition_prio and PreemptMode=gang,suspend. See
web and slurm.conf man page for other options.

Moe Jette
PreemptType=preempt/qos uses Quality Of Service information in database.
-- In select/linear, optimize job placement across partitions.
-- If the --partition option is used with the sinfo or squeue command then
print information about even hidden partitions.
-- Replaced misc cpu allocation members in job_info_t with select_job_res_t
which will only be populated when requested (show_flags & SHOW_DETAIL)
-- Added a --detail option to "scontrol show job" to display the cpu/mem
allocation info on a node-by-node basis.

Danny Auble
-- Added logic to give correct request uid for individual steps that
were cancelled.
-- Created a spank_get_item() option (S_JOB_ALLOC_MEM) that conveys the memory
that the select/cons_res plugin has allocated to a job.
-- BLUEGENE - blocks in error state are now handled correctly in accounting.
-- Modify squeue to print job step information about a specific job ID using
the following syntax: "squeue -j <job_id> -s".
-- BLUEGENE - scontrol delete block and update block can now remove blocks
on dynamic laid out systems.
-- BLUEGENE - Vastly improve Dynamic layout mode algorithm.
-- Address some issues for SLURM support of Solaris.

Danny Auble
-- Applied patch from Doug Parisek ( for speeding up
start of sview by delaying to creation of tooltips until requested.
-- Changed GtkToolTips to GtkToolTip for newer versions of GTK.
-- Applied patch from Rod Schultz ( that eliminates
ambiguity in the documentation over use of the terms "CPU" and "socket".
-- Modified get_resource_arg_range() to return full min/max values when input
string is null. This fixes the srun -B option to function as documented.
-- If the job, node, partition, reservation or trigger state file is missing
or too small, automatically try using the previously saved state (file
name with ".old" suffix).
-- Set a node's power_up/configuring state flag while PrologSlurmctld is
running for a job allocated to that node.
-- If PrologSlurmctld has a non-zero exit code, requeue the job or kill it.
-- Added sacct ability to use --format NAME%LENGTH similar to sacctmgr.
-- Improve hostlist logic for multidimensional systems.
-- The pam_slurm Pluggable Authentication Module for SLURM previously
distributed separately has been moved within the main SLURM distribution
and is packaged as a separate RPM.
-- Added configuration parameter MaxTasksPerNode.
-- Remove configuration parameter SrunIOTimeout.
-- Added functionality for sacctmgr show problems. Current problems include
Accounts/Users with no associations, Accounts with no users or subaccounts
attached in a cluster, and Users with No UID on the system.
-- Added new option for sacctmgr list assoc and list cluster WOLimits. This
gives a smaller default format without the limit information. This may
be the new default for list assocations and list clusters.
-- Users are now required to have an association with there default account.
Sacctmgr will now complain when you try to modify a users default account
which they are not associated anywhere.
-- Fix select/linear bug resulting in run_job_cnt underflow message if a
suspended job is cancelled.
-- Add test for fsync() error for state save files. Log and retry as needed.
-- Log fatal errors from slurmd and slurmctld to syslog.
-- Added error detection and cleanup for the case in which a compute node is
rebooted and restarts its slurmd before its "down" state is noticed.
-- BLUEGENE systems only - remove vestigal start location from jobinfo.
-- Add reservation flag of "OVERLAP" to permit a new reservation to use
nodes already in another reservation.
-- Fix so "scontrol update jobid=# nice=0" can clear previous nice value.
SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE now reference cnode counts instead of midplane
counts. SLURM_NODELIST still references midplane names.
-- Added qos support to salloc/sbatch/srun/squeue
-- Added to scancel the ability to select jobs by account and qos
-- Recycled the "-A" argument indicate "account" for all the commands that
accept the --account argument (srun -A to allocate is no longer supported.)
-- Change sbatch response from "sbatch: Submitted batch job #" written to
stderr to "Submitted batch job #" written to stdout.
-- Made shutdown and cleanup a little safer for the mvapich and mpich1_p4
-- QOS support added with limits, priority and preemption
(no documentation yet).
-- If a slurmd does not have a node listed in it's slurm.conf (slurm.conf's
should be kept the same on all nodes) an error message is printed in the
slurmctld log along with the message already being printed in the slurmd
log for easier debugging.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre2
-- Added support for smap to query off node name for display.
-- Slurmdbd modified to set user ID and group ID to SlurmUser if started as
user root.
-- Configuration parameter ControlMachine changed to accept multiple comma-
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