This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.7
-- sched/backfill: If a job can not be started within the configured
backfill_window, set it's start time to 0 (unknown) rather than the end
of the backfill_window.
-- Remove the 1024-character limit on lines in batch scripts.
-- burst_buffer/cray: Round up swap size by configured granularity.
-- select/cray: Log repeated aeld reconnects.
-- task/affinity: Disable core-level task binding if more CPUs required than
available cores.
-- Preemption/gang scheduling: If a job is suspended at slurmctld restart or
reconfiguration time, then leave it suspended rather than resume+suspend.
-- Don't use lower weight nodes for job allocation when topology/tree used.
-- BGQ - If a cable goes into error state remove the under lying block on
a dynamic system and mark the block in error on a static/overlap system.
-- BGQ - Fix regression in 9cc4ae8add7f where blocks would be deleted on
static/overlap systems when some hardware issue happens when restarting
the slurmctld.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Log if CLOUD node configured without a resume/suspend program or suspend
-- MYSQL - Better locking around g_qos_count which was previously unprotected.
-- Correct size of buffer used for jobid2str to avoid truncation.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix allocation/distribution of tasks across multiple nodes when
--hint=nomultithread is requested.
-- If a reservation's nodes value is "all" then track the current nodes in the
system, even if those nodes change.
-- Fix formatting if using "tree" option with sreport.
-- Make it so sreport prints out a line for non-existent TRES instead of
error message.
-- Set job's reason to "Priority" when higher priority job in that partition
(or reservation) can not start rather than leaving the reason set to
-- Fix memory corruption when a new non-generic TRES is added to the
DBD for the first time. The corruption is only noticed at shutdown.
-- burst_buffer/cray - Improve tracking of allocated resources to handle race
condition when reading state while buffer allocation is in progress.
-- If a job is submitted only with -c option and numcpus is updated before
the job starts update the cpus_per_task appropriately.
-- Update salloc/sbatch/srun documentation to mention time granularity.
-- Fixed memory leak when freeing assoc_mgr_info_msg_t.
-- Prevent possible use of empty reservation core bitmap, causing abort.
-- Remove unneeded pack32's from qos_rec when qos_rec is NULL.
-- Make sacctmgr print MaxJobsPerUser when adding/altering a QOS.
-- Correct dependency formatting to print array task ids if set.
-- Update sacctmgr help with current QOS options.
-- Update slurmstepd to initialize authentication before task launch.
-- burst_cray/cray: Eliminate need for dedicated nodes.
-- If no MsgAggregationParams is set don't set the internal string to
anything. The slurmd will process things correctly after the fact.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.6
-- In slurmctld log file, log duplicate job ID found by slurmd. Previously was
being logged as prolog/epilog failure.
-- If a job is requeued while in the process of being launch, remove it's
job ID from slurmd's record of active jobs in order to avoid generating a
duplicate job ID error when launched for the second time (which would
drain the node).

Tim Wickberg
-- Cleanup messages when handling job script and environment variables in
older directory structure formats.
-- Prevent triggering gang scheduling within a partition if configured with
PreemptType=partition_prio and PreemptMode=suspend,gang.
-- Decrease parallelism in job cancel request to prevent denial of service
when cancelling huge numbers of jobs.
-- If all ephemeral ports are in use, try using other port numbers.
-- Revert way lib lua is handled when doing a dlopen, fixing a regression in

Brian Christiansen
-- Set the debug level of the rmdir message in xcgroup_delete() to debug2.
-- Fix the qstat wrapper when user is removed from the system but still
has running jobs.
-- Log the request to terminate a job at info level if DebugFlags includes
the Steps keyword.
-- Fix potential memory corruption in _slurm_rpc_epilog_complete as well as
-- Fix cosmetic display of AccountingStorageEnforce option "nosteps" when
in use.
-- If a job can never be started due to unsatisfied job dependencies, report
the full original job dependency specification rather than the dependencies
remaining to be satisfied (typically NULL).
-- Refactor logic to synchronize active batch jobs and their script/environment
files, reducing overhead dramatically for large numbers of active jobs.
-- Avoid hard-link/copy of script/environment files for job arrays. Use the
master job record file for all tasks of the job array.
NOTE: Job arrays submitted to Slurm version 15.08.6 or later will fail if
the slurmctld daemon is downgraded to an earlier version of Slurm.
-- Move slurmctld mail handler to separate thread for improved performance.
-- Fix containment of adopted processes from pam_slurm_adopt.
-- If a pending job array has multiple reasons for being in a pending state,
then print all reasons in a comma separated list.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.5

Brian Christiansen
-- Prevent "scontrol update job" from updating jobs that have already finished.
-- Show requested TRES in "squeue -O tres" when job is pending.
-- Backfill scheduler: Test association and QOS node limits before reserving
resources for pending job.
-- burst_buffer/cray: If teardown operations fails, sleep and retry.
-- Clean up the external pids when using the PrologFlags=Contain feature
and the job finishes.
-- burst_buffer/cray: Support file staging when job lacks job-specific buffer
(i.e. only persistent burst buffers).
-- Added srun option of --bcast to copy executable file to compute nodes.
-- Fix for advanced reservation of burst buffer space.
-- BurstBuffer/cray: Add logic to terminate dw_wlm_cli child processes at
-- If job can't be launch or requeued, then terminate it.
-- BurstBuffer/cray: Enable clearing of burst buffer string on completed job
as a means of recovering from a failure mode.
-- Fix wrong memory free when parsing SrunPortRange=0-0 configuration.
-- BurstBuffer/cray: Fix job record purging if cancelled from pending state.
-- BGQ - Handle database throw correctly when syncing users on blocks.
-- MySQL - Make sure we don't have a NULL string returned when not
requesting any specific association.
-- sched/backfill: If max_rpc_cnt is configured and the backlog of RPCs has
not cleared after yielding locks, then continue to sleep.
-- Preserve the job dependency description displayed in 'scontrol show job'
even if the dependee jobs was terminated and cleaned causing the
dependent to never run because of DependencyNeverSatisfied.
-- Correct job task count calculation if only node count and ntasks-per-node
-- Make sure the association manager converts any string to be lower case
as all the associations from the database will be lower case.
-- Sanity check for xcgroup_delete() to verify incoming parameter is valid.
-- Fix formatting for sacct with variables that switched from uint32_t to
-- Set up extern step to track any childern of an ssh if it leaves anything
else behind.
-- Prevent slurmdbd divide by zero if no associations defined at rollup time.
-- Multifactor - Add sanity check to make sure pending jobs are handled
correctly when PriorityFlags=CALCULATE_RUNNING is set.
-- Add slurmdb_find_tres_count_in_string() to slurm db perl api.
-- Make lua dlopen() conditional on version found at build.
-- sched/backfill - Delay backfill scheduler for completing jobs only if
CompleteWait configuration parameter is set (make code match documentation).
-- Release a job's allocated licenses only after epilog runs on all nodes
rather than at start of termination process.
-- Cray job NHC delayed until after burst buffer released and epilog completes
on all allocated nodes.
-- Fix abort of srun if using PrologFlags=NoHold
-- Let devices step_extern cgroup inherit attributes of job cgroup.

Brian Christiansen
-- Add new hook to Task plugin to be able to put adopted processes in the
step_extern cgroups.
-- Fix AllowUsers documentation in burst_buffer.conf man page. Usernames are
comma separated, not colon delimited.
-- Fix issue with time limit not being set correctly from a QOS when a job
requests no time limit.
-- In both sched/basic and backfill: If a job can not be started due to some
account/qos limit, then don't start other jobs which could delay jobs. The
old logic would skip the job and start other jobs, which could delay the
higher priority job.
-- select/cray: Prevent NHC from running more than once per job or step.
-- Fix fields not properly printed when adding an account through sacctmgr.
-- Update LBNL Node Health Check (NHC) link on FAQ.
-- Fix multifactor plugin to prevent slurmctld from getting segmentation fault
should the tres_alloc_cnt be NULL.
-- sbatch/salloc - Move nodelist logic before the time min_nodes is used
so we can set it correctly before tasks are set.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.4
-- Fix typo for the "devices" cgroup subsystem in pam_slurm_adopt.c
-- Fix TRES_MAX flag to work correctly.
-- Added burst_buffer.conf flag parameter of "TeardownFailure" which will
teardown and remove a burst buffer after failed stage-in or stage-out.
By default, the buffer will be preserved for analysis and manual teardown.
-- Prevent a core dump in srun if the signal handler runs during the job
allocation causing the step context to be NULL.
-- Don't fail job if multiple prolog operations in progress at slurmctld
restart time.
-- Burst_buffer/cray: Fix to purge terminated jobs with burst buffer errors.
-- Burst_buffer/cray: Don't stall scheduling of other jobs while a stage-in
is in progress.
-- Make it possible to query 'extern' step with sstat.
-- Make 'extern' step show up in the database.
-- MYSQL - Quote assoc table name in mysql query.
environment variables available to PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld.
-- Fix slurmctld bug in which a pending job array could be canceled
by a user different from the owner or the administrator.
-- Support taking node out of FUTURE state with "scontrol reconfig" command.
-- Sched/backfill: Fix to properly enforce SchedulerParameters of
-- Enable operator to reset sdiag data.
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin: Add array_job_id and array_task_id fields.
-- Remove duplicate #define IS_NODE_POWER_UP.
-- Added SchedulerParameters option of max_script_size.
-- Add REQUEST_ADD_EXTERN_PID option to add pid to the slurmstepd's extern

Brian Christiansen
-- Add unique identifiers to anchor tags in HTML generated from the man pages.
-- Add with_freeipmi option to spec file.
-- Minor elasticsearch code improvements
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.3
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