This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre5
-- Add jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin. Libcurl is required for build. Configure
the server as follows: "JobCompLoc=http://YOUR_ELASTICSEARCH_SERVER:9200".
-- Scancel logic large re-written to better support job arrays.
-- Added a slurm.conf parameter PrologEpilogTimeout to controll how long
prolog/epilog can run.
-- Added TRES (Trackable resources) to track Mem, GRES, license, etc
-- Add re-entrant versions of glibc time functions (e.g. localtime) to Slurm
in order to eliminate rare deadlock of slurmstepd fork and exec calls.
-- Constrain kernel memory (if available) in cgroups.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre4
-- Burst_buffer/cray - Convert logic to use new commands/API names (e.g.
"dws_setup" rather than "bbs_setup").
-- Remove the MinJobAge size limitation. It can now exceed 65533 as it
is represented using an unsigned integer.
-- Verify that all plugin version numbers are identical to the component
attempting to load them. Without this verification, the plugin can reference
Slurm functions in the caller which differ (e.g. the underlying function's
arguments could have changed between Slurm versions).
NOTE: All plugins (except SPANK) must be built against the identical
version of Slurm in order to be used by any Slurm command or daemon. This
should eliminate some very difficult to diagnose problems due to use of old
-- Increase the MAX_PACK_MEM_LEN define to avoid PMI2 failure when fencing
with large amount of ranks (to 1GB).
-- Requests by normal user to reset a job priority (even to lower it) will
result in an error saying to change the job's nice value instead.
-- SPANK naming changes: For environment variables set using the
spank_job_control_setenv() function, the values were available in the
slurm_spank_job_prolog() and slurm_spank_job_epilog() functions using
getenv where the name was given a prefix of "SPANK_". That prefix has
been removed for consistency with the environment variables available in
the Prolog and Epilog scripts.
-- Add "TopologyParam" configuration parameter. Optional value of "dragonfly"
is supported.
-- Optimize resource allocation for systems with dragonfly networks.
-- Add "--thread-spec" option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands. This is
the count of threads reserved for system use per node.
-- job_submit/lua: Enable reading and writing job environment variables.
For example: if (job_desc.environment.LANGUAGE == "en_US") then ...
-- Added two new APIs slurm_job_cpus_allocated_str_on_node_id()
and slurm_job_cpus_allocated_str_on_node() to print the CPUs id
allocated to a job.
-- Specialized memory (a node's MemSpecLimit configuration parameter) is not
available for allocation to jobs.
-- Modify scontrol update job to allow jobid specification without
the = sign. 'scontrol update job=123 ...' and 'scontrol update job 123 ...'
are both valid syntax.
-- Archive a month at a time when there are lots of records to archive.
-- Introduce new sbatch option '--kill-on-invalid-dep=yes|no' which allows
users to specify which behavior they want if a job dependency is not
-- Add Slurmdb::qos_get() interface to perl api.
-- If a job fails to start set the requeue reason to be:
job requeued in held state.
-- Implemented a new MPI key,value PMIX_RING() exchange algorithm as
an alternative to PMI2.

Brian Christiansen
-- Remove possible deadlocks in the slurmctld when the slurmdbd is busy
-- Add DB_ARCHIVE debug flag for filtering out debug messages in the slurmdbd
when the slurmdbd is archiving/purging.
-- Fix some power_save mode issues: Parsing of SuspendTime in slurm.conf was
bad, powered down nodes would get set non-responding if there was an
in-flight message, and permit nodes to be powered down from any state.
-- Initialize variables in consumable resource plugin to prevent core dump.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre3
-- CRAY - addition of acct_gather_energy/cray plugin.
-- Add job credential to "Run Prolog" RPC used with a configuration of
PrologFlags=alloc. This allows the Prolog to be passed identification of
GPUs allocated to the job.
-- Add SLURM_JOB_CONSTAINTS to environment variables available to the Prolog.
-- Added "--mail=stage_out" option to job submission commands to notify user
when burst buffer state out is complete.
-- Require a "Reason" when using scontrol to set a node state to DOWN.
-- Mail notifications on job BEGIN, END and FAIL now apply to a job array as a
whole rather than generating individual email messages for each task in the
job array.
-- task/affinity - Fix memory binding to NUMA with cpusets.

Brian Christiansen
-- Display job's estimated NodeCount based off of partition's configured
resources rather than the whole system's.
-- Add AuthInfo option of "cred_expire=#" to specify the lifetime of a job
step credential. The default value was changed from 1200 to 120 seconds.
-- Set the delay time for job requeue to the job credential lifetime (120
seconds by default). This insures that prolog runs on every node when a
job is requeued. (This change will slow down launch of re-queued jobs).
-- Add AuthInfo option of "cred_expire=#" to specify the lifetime of a job
step credential.
-- Remove srun --max-launch-time option. The option has not been functional
since Slurm version 2.0.
-- Add sockets and cores to TaskPluginParams' autobind option.
-- Added LaunchParameters configuration parameter. Have srun command test
locally for the executable file if LaunchParameters=test_exec or the
environment variable SLURM_TEST_EXEC is set. Without this an invalid
command will generate one error message per task launched.
-- Fix the slurm /etc/init.d script to return 0 upon stopping the
daemons and return 1 in case of failure.
-- Add the ability for a compute node to be allocated to multiple jobs, but
restricted to a single user. Added "--exclusive=user" option to salloc,
sbatch and srun commands. Added "owner" field to node record, visible using
the scontrol and sview commands. Added new partition configuration parameter
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre2
-- Add the environment variables SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT, SLURM_JOB_QOS
and SLURM_JOB_RESERVATION in the batch/srun jobs.
-- Properly enforce partition Shared=YES option. Previously oversubscribing
resources required gang scheduling to be configured.
-- Enable per-partition gang scheduling resource resolution (e.g. the partition
can have SelectTypeParameters=CR_CORE, while the global value is CR_SOCKET).
-- Make it so a newer version of a slurmstepd can talk to an older srun.

Brian Christiansen
allocation. Nodes could have been added while waiting for an allocation.
-- Expanded --cpu-freq parameters to include min-max:governor specifications.
--cpu-freq now supported on salloc and sbatch.
-- Add support for optimized job allocations with respect to SGI Hypercube
NOTE: Only supported with select/linear plugin.
NOTE: The program contribs/sgi/netloc_to_topology can be used to build
Slurm's topology.conf file.
-- Remove 64k validation of incoming RPC nodelist size. Validated at 64MB
when unpacking.
-- In slurmstepd() add the user primary group if it is not part of the
groups sent from the client.
-- Added BurstBuffer field to advanced reservations.
-- For advanced reservation, replace flag "License_only" with flag "Any_Nodes".
It can be used to indicate the an advanced reservation resources (licenses
and/or burst buffers) can be used with any compute nodes.
-- Allow users to specify the srun --resv-ports as 0 in which case no ports
will be reserved. The default behaviour is to allocate one port per task.
-- Interpret a partition configuration of "Nodes=ALL" in slurm.conf as
including all nodes defined in the cluster.
-- Added new configuration parameters PowerParameters and PowerPlugin.
-- Added power management plugin infrastructure.
-- If job already exceeded one of its QOS/Accounting limits do not
return error if user modifies QOS unrelated job settings.
-- When caching user ids of AllowGroups use both getgrnam_r() and getgrent_r()
then remove eventual duplicate entries.
-- Remove rpm dependency between slurm-pam and slurm-devel.
-- Remove support for the XCPU (cluster management) package.
-- Add Slurmdb::jobs_get() interface to perl api.
-- Performance improvement when sending data from srun to stepds when
processing fencing.
-- Add the feature to specify arbitrary field separator when running
sacct -p or sacct -P. The command line option is --separator.
-- Introduce slurm.conf parameter to use Proportional Set Size (PSS) instead
of RSS to determinate the memory footprint of a job.
Add an slurm.conf option not to kill jobs that is over memory limit.
-- Add job submission command options: --sicp (available for inter-cluster
dependencies) and --power (specify power management options) to salloc,
sbatch, and srun commands.
-- Add DebugFlags option of SICP (inter-cluster option logging).
-- In order to support inter-cluster job dependencies, the MaxJobID
configuration parameter default value has been reduced from 4,294,901,760
to 2,147,418,112 and it's maximum value is now 2,147,463,647.
-- Add QOS name to the output of a partition in squeue/scontrol/sview/smap.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre1
-- Add sbcast support for file transfer to resources allocated to a job step
rather than a job allocation.
-- Change structures with association in them to assoc to save space.
-- Add support for job dependencies jointed with OR operator (e.g.
-- Add "--bb" (burst buffer specification) option to salloc, sbatch, and srun.
-- Added configuration parameters BurstBufferParameters and BurstBufferType.
-- Added burst_buffer plugin infrastructure (needs many more functions).
-- Make it so when the fanout logic comes across a node that is down we abandon
the tree to avoid worst case scenarios when the entire branch is down and
we have to try each serially.
-- Add better error reporting of invalid partitions at submission time.
-- Move will-run test for multiple clusters from the sbatch code into the API
so that it can be used with DRMAA.
-- If a non-exclusive allocation requests --hint=nomultithread on a
CR_CORE/SOCKET system lay out tasks correctly.
-- Avoid including unused CPUs in a job's allocation when cores or sockets are
-- Added new job state of STOPPED indicating processes have been stopped with a
SIGSTOP (using scancel or sview), but retain its allocated CPUs. Job state
returns to RUNNING when SIGCONT is sent (also using scancel or sview).
-- Added EioTimeout parameter to slurm.conf. It is the number of seconds srun
waits for slurmstepd to close the TCP/IP connection used to relay data
between the user application and srun when the user application terminates.
-- Remove slurmctld/dynalloc plugin as the work was never completed, so it is
not worth the effort of continued support at this time.
-- Remove DynAllocPort configuration parameter.
-- Add advance reservation flag of "replace" that causes allocated resources
to be replaced with idle resources. This maintains a pool of available
resources that maintains a constant size (to the extent possible).
-- Added SchedulerParameters option of "bf_busy_nodes". When selecting
resources for pending jobs to reserve for future execution (i.e. the job
can not be started immediately), then preferentially select nodes that are
in use. This will tend to leave currently idle resources available for
backfilling longer running jobs, but may result in allocations having less
than optimal network topology. This option is currently only supported by
the select/cons_res plugin.
-- Permit "SuspendTime=NONE" as slurm.conf value rather than only a numeric
value to match "scontrol show config" output.
-- Add the 'scontrol show cache' command which displays the associations
in slurmctld.
-- Test more frequently for node boot completion before starting a job.
Provides better responsiveness.
-- Permit PreemptType=qos and PreemptMode=suspend,gang to be used together.
A high-priority QOS job will now oversubscribe resources and gang schedule,
but only if there are insufficient resources for the job to be started
without preemption. NOTE: That with PreemptType=qos, the partition's
Shared=FORCE:# configuration option will permit one job more per resource
to be run than than specified, but only if started by preemption.
-- Remove the CR_ALLOCATE_FULL_SOCKET configuration option. It is now the
-- Fix a race condition in PMI2 when fencing counters can be out of sync.
-- Increase the MAX_PACK_MEM_LEN define to avoid PMI2 failure when fencing
with large amount of ranks.
-- Add QOS option to a partition. This will allow a partition to have
all the limits a QOS has. If a limit is set in both QOS the partition
QOS will override the job's QOS unless the job's QOS has the
PartitionQOS flag set.
-- The task_dist_states variable has been split into "flags" and "base"
to give user greater control over task distribution. The srun --dist options
has been modified to accept a "Pack" and "NoPack" option. These options can
be used to override the CR_PACK_NODE configuration option.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.7
-- Initialize some variables used with the srun --no-alloc option that may
cause random failures.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of sched_min_interval that controls the
minimum time interval between any job scheduling action. The default value
is zero (disabled).
-- Change default SchedulerParameters=max_sched_time from 4 seconds to 2.
-- Refactor scancel so that all pending jobs are cancelled before starting
cancellation of running jobs. Otherwise they happen in parallel and the
pending jobs can be scheduled on resources as the running jobs are being
-- ALPS - Add new cray.conf variable NoAPIDSignalOnKill. When set to yes this
will make it so the slurmctld will not signal the apid's in a batch job.
Instead it relies on the rpc coming from the slurmctld to kill the job to
end things correctly.
-- ALPS - Have the slurmstepd running a batch job wait for an ALPS release
before ending the job.
-- Initialize variables in consumable resource plugin to prevent core dump.
-- Fix scancel bug which could return an error on attempt to signal a job step.
-- In slurmctld communication agent, make the thread timeout be the configured
value of MessageTimeout rather than 30 seconds.
-- sshare -U/--Users only flag was used uninitialized.
-- Cray systems, add "plugstack.conf.template" sample SPANK configuration file.
-- BLUEGENE - Set DB2NOEXITLIST when starting the slurmctld daemon to avoid
random crashing in db2 when the slurmctld is exiting.
-- Make full node reservations display correctly the core count instead of
cpu count.
-- Preserve original errno on execve() failure in task plugin.
-- Add SLURM_JOB_NAME env variable to an salloc's environment.
-- Overwrite SLURM_JOB_NAME in an srun when it gets an allocation.
-- Make sure each job has a wckey if that is something that is tracked.
-- Make sure old step data is cleared when job is requeued.
-- Load libtinfo as needed when building ncurses tools.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.6
-- If SchedulerParameters value of bf_min_age_reserve is configured, then
a newly submitted job can start immediately even if there is a higher
priority non-runnable job which has been waiting for less time than
-- qsub wrapper modified to export "all" with -V option
-- RequeueExit and RequeueExitHold configuration parameters modified to accept
numeric ranges. For example "RequeueExit=1,2,3,4" and "RequeueExit=1-4" are
-- Correct the job array specification parser to accept brackets in job array
expression (e.g. "123_[4,7-9]").
-- Fix for misleading job submit failure errors sent to users. Previous error
could indicate why specific nodes could not be used (e.g. too small memory)
when other nodes could be used, but were not for another reason.
-- Fix squeue --array to display correctly the array elements when the
% separator is specified at the array submission time.
-- Fix priority from not being calculated correctly due to memory issues.
-- Fix a transient pending reason 'JobId=job_id has invalid QOS'.
-- A non-administrator change to job priority will not be persistent except
for holding the job. User's wanting to change a job priority on a persistent
basis should reset it's "nice" value.
-- Print buffer sizes as unsigned values when failed to pack messages.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix race condition where sprio would print factors without weights applied.
-- Document the sacct option JobIDRaw which for arrays prints the jobid instead
of the arrayTaskId.
-- Allow users to modify MinCPUsNode, MinMemoryNode and MinTmpDiskNode of
their own jobs.
-- Increase the jobid print field in SQUEUE_FORMAT in
-- Enable compiling without optimizations and with debugging symbols by
default. Disable this by configuring with --disable-debug.
-- job_submit/lua plugin: Add mail_type and mail_user fields.
-- Use standard statvfs(2) syscall if available, in preference to
non-standard statfs.
-- Add a new option -U/--Users to sshare to display only users
information, parent and ancestors are not printed.
-- Purge 50000 records at a time so that locks can released periodically.
-- Fix potentially uninitialized variables
-- ALPS - Fix issue where a frontend node could become unresponsive and never
added back into the system.
-- Gate epilog complete messages as done with other messages
-- If we have more than a certain number of agents (50) wait longer when gating
-- FrontEnd - ping non-responding or down nodes.
-- switch/cray: If CR_PACK_NODES is configured, then set the environment
variable "PMI_CRAY_NO_SMP_ENV=1"
-- Fix invalid memory reference in SlurmDBD when putting a node up.
-- Allow opening of plugstack.conf even when a symlink.
-- Fix scontrol reboot so that rebooted nodes will not be set down with reason
'Node xyz unexpectedly rebooted' but will be correctly put back to service.
-- CRAY - Throttle the post NHC operations as to not hog the job write lock
if many steps/jobs finish at once.
-- Disable changes to GRES count while jobs are running on the node.
-- CRAY - Fix issue with scontrol reconfig.
-- slurmd: Remove wrong reporting of "Error reading step ... memory limit".
The logic was treating success as an error.
-- Eliminate "Node ping apparently hung" error messages.
-- Fix average CPU frequency calculation.
-- When allocating resources with resolution of sockets, charge the job for all
CPUs on allocated sockets rather than just the CPUs on used cores.
-- Prevent slurmdbd error if cluster added or removed while rollup in progress.
Removing a cluster can cause slurmdbd to abort. Adding a cluster can cause
the slurmdbd rollup to hang.
-- sview - When right clicking on a tab make sure we don't display the page
list, but only the column list.
-- FRONTEND - If doing a clean start make sure the nodes are brought up in the
-- MySQL - Fix issue when using the TrackSlurmctldDown and nodes are down at
the same time, don't double bill the down time.
-- MySQL - Various memory leak fixes.
-- Fix node manager logic to keep unexpectedly rebooted node in state
NODE_STATE_DOWN even if already down when rebooted.
-- Fix for array jobs submitted to multiple partitions not starting.
-- CRAY - Enable ALPs mpp compatibility code in sbatch for native Slurm.
-- ALPS - Move basil_inventory to less confusing function.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of "sched_max_job_start=" to limit the
number of jobs that can be started in any single execution of the main
scheduling logic.
-- Fixed compiler warnings generated by gcc version >= 4.6.
-- sbatch to stop parsing script for "#SBATCH" directives after first command,
which matches the documentation.
-- Overwrite the SLURM_JOB_NAME in sbatch if already exist in the environment
and use the one specified on the command line --job-name.
-- Remove xmalloc_nz from unpack functions. If the unpack ever failed the
free afterwards would not have zeroed out memory on the variables that
didn't get unpacked.
-- Improve database interaction from controller.
-- Fix for data shift when loading job archives.
-- ALPS - Added new SchedulerParameters=inventory_interval to specify how
often an inventory request is handled.
-- ALPS - Don't run a release on a reservation on the slurmctld for a batch
job. This is already handled on the stepd when the script finishes.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.5
-- Correct the squeue command taking into account that a node can
have NULL name if it is not in DNS but still in slurm.conf.
-- Fix slurmdbd regression which would cause a segfault when a node is set
down with no reason.
-- BGQ - Fix issue with job arrays not being handled correctly
in the runjob_mux plugin.
-- Print FAIR_TREE, if configured, in "scontrol show config" output for
-- Add SLURM_JOB_GPUS environment variable to those available in the Prolog.
-- Load lua-5.2 library if using lua5.2 for lua job submit plugin.
-- GRES logic: Prevent bad node_offset due to not preserving no_consume flag.
-- Fix wrong variables used in the wrapper functions needed for systems that
don't support strong_alias
-- Fix code for apple computers SOL_TCP is not defined
-- Cray/BASIL - Check for mysql credentials in /root/.my.cnf.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix sprio showing wrong priority for job arrays until priority is
-- Account to batch step all CPUs that are allocated to a job not
just one since the batch step has access to all CPUs like other steps.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix job getting EligibleTime set before meeting dependency requirements.
-- Correct the initialization of QOS MinCPUs per job limit.
-- Set the debug level of information messages in cgroup plugin to debug2.
-- For job running under a debugger, if the exec of the task fails, then
cancel its I/O and abort immediately rather than waiting 60 seconds for
I/O timeout.
-- Fix associations not getting default qos set until after a restart.
-- Set the value of total_cpus not to be zero before invoking
-- MySQL - When requesting cluster resources, only return resources for the
cluster(s) requested.
-- Add TaskPluginParam=autobind=threads option to set a default binding in the
case that "auto binding" doesn't find a match.
-- Introduce a new SchedulerParameters variable nohold_on_prolog_fail.
If configured don't requeue jobs on hold is a Prolog fails.
-- Make it so sched_params isn't read over and over when an epilog complete
message comes in
-- Fix squeue -L <licenses> not filtering out jobs with licenses.
-- Changed the implementation of xcpuinfo_abs_to_mac() be identical
_abs_to_mac() to fix CPUs allocation using cpuset cgroup.
-- Improve the explanation of the unbuffered feature in the
srun man page.
-- Make taskplugin=cgroup work for core spec. needed to have task/cgroup
-- Fix reports not using the month usage table.
-- BGQ - Sanity check given for translating small blocks into slurm bg_records.
-- Fix bug preventing the requeue/hold or requeue/special_exit of job from the
completing state.
-- Cray - Fix for launching batch step within an existing job allocation.
-- Cray - Add ALPS_APP_ID_ENV environment variable.
-- Increase maximum MaxArraySize configuration parameter value from 1,000,001
to 4,000,001.
-- Added new SchedulerParameters value of bf_min_age_reserve. The backfill
scheduler will not reserve resources for pending jobs until they have
been pending for at least the specified number of seconds. This can be
valuable if jobs lack time limits or all time limits have the same value.
-- Fix support for --mem=0 (all memory of a node) with select/cons_res plugin.
-- Fix bug that can permit someone to kill job array belonging to another user.
-- Don't set the default partition on a license only reservation.
-- Show a NodeCnt=0, instead of NO_VAL, in "scontrol show res" for a license
only reservation.
-- BGQ - When using static small blocks make sure when clearing the job the
block is set up to it's original state.
-- Start job allocation using lowest numbered sockets for block task
distribution for consistency with cyclic distribution.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.4
-- Make sure assoc_mgr locks are initialized correctly.
-- Correct check of enforcement when filling in an association.
-- Make sacctmgr print out classification correctly for clusters.
-- Add array_task_str to the perlapi job info.
-- Fix for slurmctld abort with GRES types configured and no CPU binding.
-- Fix for GRES scheduling where count > 1 per topology type (or GRES types).
-- Make CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE work correctly with task/affinity.
-- job_submit/pbs - Fix possible deadlock.
-- job_submit/lua - Add "alloc_node" to job information available.
-- Fix memory leak in mysql accounting when usage rollup happens.
-- If users specify ALL together with other variables using the
--export sbatch/srun command line option, propagate the users'
environ to the execution side.
-- Fix job array scheduling anomaly that can stop scheduling of valid tasks.
-- Fix perl api tests for libslurmdb to work correctly.
-- Remove some misleading logs related to non-consumable GRES.
-- Allow --ignore-pbs to take effect when read as an #SBATCH argument.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix Slurmdb::clusters_get() in perl api from not returning information.
-- Fix TaskPluginParam=Cpusets from logging error message about not being able
to remove cpuset dir which was already removed by the release_agent.
-- Fix the file name substitution for job stderr when %A, %a %j and %u
are specified.
-- Remove minor warning when compiling slurmstepd.
-- Fix database resources so they can add new clusters to them after they have
initially been added.
-- Use the slurm_getpwuid_r wrapper of getpwuid_r to handle possible
-- Correct the scontrol man page and command listing which node states can
be set by the command.
-- Stop sacct from printing non-existent stat information for
Front End systems.
-- Correct srun and acct_gather.conf man pages, mention Filesystem instead
of Lustre.
-- When a job using multiple partition starts send to slurmdbd only
the partition in which the job runs.
-- ALPS - Fix depth for MemoryAllocation in BASIL with CLE 5.2.3.
-- Fix assoc_mgr hash to deal with users that don't have a uid yet when making
-- When a job uses multiple partition set the environment variable
SLURM_JOB_PARTITION to be the one in which the job started.
-- Print spurious message about the absence of cgroup.conf at log level debug2
instead of info.
-- Enable CUDA v7.0+ use with a Slurm configuration of TaskPlugin=task/cgroup
ConstrainDevices=yes (in cgroup.conf). With that configuration
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES will start at 0 rather than the device number.
-- Fix job array logic that can cause slurmctld to abort.
-- Report job "shared" field properly in scontrol, squeue, and sview.
-- If a job is requeued because of RequeueExit or RequeueExitHold sent event
REQUEUED to slurmdbd.
-- Fix build if hwloc is in non-standard location.
-- Fix slurmctld job recovery logic which could cause the last task in a job
array to be lost.
-- Fix slurmctld initialization problem which could cause requeue of the last
task in a job array to fail if executed prior to the slurmctld loading
the maximum size of a job array into a variable in the job_mgr.c module.
-- Fix fatal in controller when deleting a user association of a user which

Brian Christiansen
had been previously removed from the system.
-- MySQL - If a node state and reason are the same on a node state change
don't insert a new row in the event table.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix issue with "sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser" when using
-- Fix perlapi tests for libslurm perl module.
-- MySQL - Fix potential issue when PrivateData=Usage and a normal user
runs certain sreport reports.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.3
-- Prevent vestigial job record when canceling a pending job array record.
-- Fix job array hash table bug, could result in slurmctld infinite loop or
invalid memory reference.
-- In srun honor ntasks_per_node before looking at cpu count when the user
doesn't request a number of tasks.
-- Fix ghost job when submitting job after all jobids are exhausted.
-- MySQL - Enhanced coordinator security checks.
-- Fix for task/affinity if an admin configures a node for having threads
but then sets CPUs to only represent the number of cores on the node.
-- Make it so previous versions of salloc/srun work with newer versions
of Slurm daemons.
-- Avoid delay on commit for PMI rank 0 to improve performance with some
MPI implementations.
-- auth/munge - Correct logic to read old format AccountingStoragePass.
-- Reset node "RESERVED" state as appropriate when deleting a maintenance
-- Prevent a job manually suspended from being resumed by gang scheduler once
free resources are available.
-- Prevent invalid job array task ID value if a task is started using gang
-- Fix documentation bugs in slurm.conf.5. DenyAccount should be DenyAccounts.
-- For backward compatibility with older versions of OMPI not compiled
with --with-pmi restore the SLURM_STEP_RESV_PORTS in the job environment.
-- Update the html documentation describing the integration with openmpi.
-- Fix sacct when searching by nodelist.
-- Fix cosmetic info statements when dealing with a job array task instead of
a normal job.
-- BGQ - Put print statement under a DebugFlag. This was just an oversight.
-- BLUEGENE - Remove check that would erroneously remove the CONFIGURING
flag from a job while the job is waiting for a block to boot.
-- Fix segfault in slurmstepd when job exceeded memory limit.
-- Fix race condition that could start a job that is dependent upon a job array
before all tasks of that job array complete.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.2
-- Fix issue with association hash not getting the correct index which
could result in seg fault.
-- Avoid huge malloc if GRES configured with "Type" and huge "Count".
-- Fix jobs from starting in overlapping reservations that won't finish before
a "maint" reservation begins.
-- When node gets drained while in state mixed display its status as draining
in sinfo output.
-- Allow priority/multifactor to work with sched/wiki(2) if all priorities
have no weight. This allows for association and QOS decay limits to work.
-- Fix "squeue --start" to override SQUEUE_FORMAT env variable.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix scancel to be able to cancel multiple jobs that are space delimited.
-- Log Cray MPI job calling exit() without mpi_fini(), but do not treat it as
a fatal error. This partially reverts logic added in version 14.03.9.
-- sview - Fix displaying of suspended steps elapsed times.
-- Increase number of messages that get cached before throwing them away
when the DBD is down.
-- Fix jobs from starting in overlapping reservations that won't finish before
a "maint" reservation begins.
-- Restore GRES functionality with select/linear plugin. It was broken in
version 14.03.10.
-- Fix bug with GRES having multiple types that can cause slurmctld abort.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix squeue issue with not recognizing "localhost" in --nodelist option.
-- Make sure the bitstrings for a partitions Allow/DenyQOS are up to date
when running from cache.
-- Add smap support for job arrays and larger job ID values.
-- Fix possible race condition when attempting to use QOS on a system running
-- Fix issue with accounting_storage/filetxt and job arrays not being printed
-- In proctrack/linuxproc and proctrack/pgid, check the result of strtol()
for error condition rather than errno, which might have a vestigial error
-- Improve information recording for jobs deferred due to advanced
-- Exports eio_new_initial_obj to the plugins and initialize kvs_seq on
mpi/pmi2 setup to support launching.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.1
-- Get libs correct when doing the xtree/xhash make check.
-- Update xhash/tree make check to work correctly with current code.
-- Remove the reference 'experimental' for the jobacct_gather/cgroup
-- Add QOS manipulation examples to the qos.html documentation page.
-- If 'squeue -w node_name' specifies an unknown host name print
an error message and return 1.
-- Fix race condition in job_submit plugin logic that could cause slurmctld to
-- Job wait reason of "ReqNodeNotAvail" expanded to identify unavailable nodes
(e.g. "ReqNodeNotAvail(Unavailable:tux[3-6])").
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0
-- ALPS - Fix issue with core_spec warning.
-- Allow multiple partitions to be specified in sinfo -p.
-- Install the service files in /usr/lib/systemd/system.
-- MYSQL - Add id_array_job and id_resv keys to $CLUSTER_job_table. THIS
-- CRAY - Resize bitmaps on a restart and find we have more blades
than before.
-- Add new eio API function for removing unused connections.
-- ALPS - Fix issue where batch allocations weren't correctly confirmed or
slurm.h as per documentation.
-- Update the FAQ about relocating slurmctld.
-- In the memory cgroup enable memory.use_hierarchy in the cgroup root.
-- Add SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME to job environment.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0rc3
-- Allow envs to override autotools binaries in
-- If the jobs pends with DependencyNeverSatisfied keep it pending even after
the job which it was depending upon was cleaned.
-- Let operators (in addition to user root and SlurmUser) see job script for
other user's jobs.
-- Perl API modified to return node state of MIXED rather than ALLOCATED if
only some CPUs allocated.
-- Double Munge connect retry timeout from 1 to 2 seconds.
-- sview - Remove unneeded code that was resolved globally in commit
-- Collect and report the accounting of the batch step and its children.
-- Add configure checks for faccessat and eaccess, and make use of one of
them if available.
-- Make configure --enable-developer also set --enable-debug
-- Introduce a SchedulerParameters variable kill_invalid_depend, if set
then jobs pending with invalid dependency are going to be terminated.
-- Move spank_user_task() call in slurmstepd after the task_g_pre_launch()
so that the task affinity information is available to spank.
-- Make /etc/init.d/slurm script return value 3 when the daemon is
not running. This is required by Linux Standard Base Core
Specification 3.1
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0rc2
-- Logs for jobs which are explicitly requeued will say so rather than saying
that a node in their allocation failed.
-- Updated the documentation about the remote licenses served by
the Slurm database.
-- Insure that slurm_spank_exit() is only called once from srun.
-- Change the signature of net_set_low_water() to use 4 bytes instead of 8.
-- Export working_cluster_rec in as well as move some function
definitions needed for drmaa.
-- If using cons_res or serial cause a fatal in the plugin instead of causing
the SelectTypeParameters to magically set to CR_CPU.
-- Enhance task/affinity auto binding to consider tasks * cpus-per-task.
-- Fix regression the priority/multifactor which would cause memory corruption.
Issue is only in rc1.
-- Add PrivateData value of "cloud". If set, powered down nodes in the cloud
will be visible.
-- Sched/backfill - Eliminate clearing start_time of running jobs.
-- Fix various backwards compatibility issues.
-- If failed to launch a batch job, requeue it in hold.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0rc1
-- When using cgroup name the batch step as step_batch instead of
-- Changed LEVEL_BASED priority to be "Fair_Tree"
-- BGQ - Add cnode based reservations.
-- Alongside totalview_jobid implement totalview_stepid available
to sattach.
-- Add ability to include other files in slurm.conf based upon the ClusterName.
-- Add reservation information in the sacct and sreport output.
-- Add job priority calculation check for overflow and fix memory leak.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of pack_serial_at_end to put serial jobs at
the end of the available nodes rather than using a best fit algorithm.
-- Allow regular users to view default sinfo output when
privatedata=reservations is set.
-- PrivateData=reservation modified to permit users to view the reservations
which they have access to (rather then preventing them from seeing ANY
-- job_submit/lua: Fix job_desc set field logic
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre5
-- Fix sbatch --export=ALL, it was treated by srun as a request to explicitly
export only the environment variable named "ALL".
-- Improve scheduling of jobs in reservations that overlap other reservations.
-- Modify sgather to make global file systems easier to configure.
-- Added sacctmgr reconfig to reread the slurmdbd.conf in the slurmdbd.
-- Modify scontrol job operations to accept comma delimited list of job IDs.
Applies to job update, hold, release, suspend, resume, requeue, and
requeuehold operations.
-- Refactor job_submit/lua interface. LUA FUNCTIONS NEED TO CHANGE! The
lua script no longer needs to explicitly load meta-tables, but information
is available directly using names slurm.reservations,,
slurm.log_info, etc. Also, the job_submit.lua script is reloaded when
updated without restarting the slurmctld daemon.
-- Allow users to specify --resv_ports to have value 0.
-- Cray MPMD (Multiple-Program Multiple-Data) support completed.
-- Added ability for "scontrol update" to references jobs by JobName (and
filtered optionally by UserID).
-- Add support for an advanced reservation start time that remains constant
relative to the current time. This can be used to prevent the starting of
longer running jobs on select nodes for maintenance purpose. See the
reservation flag "TIME_FLOAT" for more information.
-- Enlarge the jobid field to 18 characters in squeue output.
-- Added "scontrol write config" option to save a copy of the current
configuration in a file containing a time stamp.
-- Eliminate native Cray specific port management. Native Cray systems must
now use the MpiParams configuration parameter to specify ports to be used
for commmunications. When upgrading Native Cray systems from version 14.03,
all running jobs should be killed and the switch_cray_state file (in
SaveStateLocation of the nodes where the slurmctld daemon runs) must be
explicitly deleted.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre4
-- Added job array data structure and removed 64k array size restriction.
-- Added SchedulerParameters options of bf_max_job_array_resv to control how
many tasks of a job array should have resources reserved for them.
-- Added more validity checking of incoming job submit requests.
-- Added srun --export option to set/export specific environment variables.
-- Scontrol modified to print separate error messages for job arrays with
different exit codes on the different tasks of the job array. Applies to
job suspend and resume operations.
-- Fix race condition in CPU frequency set with job preemption.
-- Always call select plugin on step termination, even if the job is also
-- Srun executable names beginning with "." will be resolved based upon the
working directory and path on the compute node rather than the submit node.
-- Add node state string suffix of "$" to identify nodes in maintenance
reservation or scheduled for reboot. This applies to scontrol, sinfo,
and sview commands.
-- Enable scontrol to clear a nodes's scheduled reboot by setting its state
to "RESUME".
-- As per sbatch and srun documentation when the --signal option is used
signal only the steps and unless, in the case, of a batch job B is
specified in which case signal only the batch script.
-- Modify AuthInfo configuration parameter to accept credential lifetime
-- Modify crypto/munge plugin to use socket and timeout specified in AuthInfo.
-- If we have a state for a step on completion put that in the database
instead of guessing off the exit_code.
-- Added squeue -P/--priority option that can be used to display pending jobs
in the same order as used by the Slurm scheduler even if jobs are submitted
to multiple partitions (job is reported once per usable partition).
-- Improve the pending reason description for various QOS limits. For each
QOS limit that causes a job to be pending print its specific reason.
For example if job pends because of GrpCpus the squeue command will
print QOSGrpCpuLimit as pending reason.
-- sched/backfill - Set expected start time of job submitted to multiple
partitions to the earliest start time on any of the partitions.
-- Introduce a MAX_BATCH_REQUEUE define that indicates how many times a job
can be requeued upon prolog failure. When the number is reached the job
is put on hold with reason JobHoldMaxRequeue.
-- Add sbatch job array option to limit the number of simultaneously running
tasks from a job array (e.g. "--array=0-15%4").
-- Implemented a new QOS limit MinCPUs. Users running under a QOS must
request a minimum number of CPUs which is at least MinCPUs otherwise
their job will pend.
-- Introduced a new pending reason WAIT_QOS_MIN_CPUS to reflect the new QOS
-- Job array dependency based upon state is now dependent upon the state of
the array as a whole (e.g. afterok requires ALL tasks to complete
sucessfully, afternotok is true if ANY tasks does not complete successfully,
and after requires all tasks to at least be started).
-- The srun -u/--unbuffered options set the stdout of the task launched
by srun to be line buffered.
-- The srun options -/--label and -u/--unbuffered can be specified together.
This limitation has been removed.
-- Provide sacct display of gres accounting information per job.
-- Change the node status size from uin16_t to uint32_t.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre3
-- Move xcpuinfo.[c|h] to the slurmd since it isn't needed anywhere else
and will avoid the need for all the daemons to link to libhwloc.
-- Add memory test to job_submit/partition plugin.
-- Added new internal Slurm functions xmalloc_nz() and xrealloc_nz(), which do
not initialize the allocated memory to zero for improved performance.
-- Modify hostlist function to dynamically allocate buffer space for improved
-- In the job_submit plugin: Remove all slurmctld locks prior to job_submit()
being called for improved performance. If any slurmctld data structures are
read or modified, add locks directly in the plugin.
-- Added PriorityFlag LEVEL_BASED described in doc/html/level_based.shtml
-- If Fairshare=parent is set on an account, that account's children will be
effectively reparented for fairshare calculations to the first parent of
their parent that is not Fairshare=parent. Limits remain the same,
only it's fairshare value is affected.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre2
-- Added AllowSpecResourcesUsage configuration parameter in slurm.conf. This
allows jobs to use specialized resources on nodes allocated to them if the
job designates --core-spec=0.
-- Add new SchedulerParameters option of build_queue_timeout to throttle how
much time can be consumed building the job queue for scheduling.
-- Added HealthCheckNodeState option of "cycle" to cycle through the compute
nodes over the course of HealthCheckInterval rather than running all at
the same time.
-- Add job "reboot" option for Linux clusters. This invokes the configured
RebootProgram to reboot nodes allocated to a job before it begins execution.
-- Added squeue -O/--Format option that makes all job and step fields available
for printing.
-- Improve database slurmctld entry speed dramatically.
-- Add "CPUs" count to output of "scontrol show step".
-- scancel -b signals only the batch step neither any other step nor any
children of the shell script.
-- Added CpuFreqDef configuration parameter in slurm.conf to specify the
default CPU frequency and governor to be set at job end.
-- Added support for job email triggers: TIME_LIMIT, TIME_LIMIT_90 (reached
90% of time limit), TIME_LIMIT_80 (reached 80% of time limit), and
TIME_LIMIT_50 (reached 50% of time limit). Applies to salloc, sbatch and
srun commands.
-- In slurm.conf add the parameter SrunPortRange=min-max. If this is configured
then srun will use its dynamic ports only from the configured range.
-- Make debug_flags 64 bit to handle more flags.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre1
-- Modify etc/cgroup.release_common.example to set specify full path to the
scontrol command. Also find cgroup mount point by reading cgroup.conf file.
-- Improve qsub wrapper support for passing environment variables.
-- Modify sdiag to report Slurm RPC traffic by user, type, count and time
-- In select plugins, stop triggering extra logging based upon the debug flag
-- Added SchedulerParameters options of bf_yield_interval and bf_yield_sleep
to control how frequently and for how long the backfill scheduler will
relinquish its locks.
-- To support larger numbers of jobs when the StateSaveDirectory is on a
file system that supports a limited number of files in a directory, add a
subdirectory called "hash.#" based upon the last digit of the job ID.
-- More gracefully handle missing batch script file. Just kill the job and do
not drain the compute node.
-- Add support for allocation of GRES by model type for heterogenous systems
(e.g. request a Kepler GPU, a Tesla GPU, or a GPU of any type).
-- Record and enable display of nodes anticipated to be used for pending jobs.
-- Modify squeue --start option to print the nodes expected to be used for
pending job (in addition to expected start time, etc.).
-- Add association hash to the assoc_mgr.
-- Better logic to handle resized jobs when the DBD is down.
-- Introduce MemLimitEnforce yes|no in slurm.conf. If set no Slurm will
not terminate jobs if they exceed requested memory.
-- Add support for non-consumable generic resources for resources that are
limited, but can be shared between jobs.
-- Introduce 5 new Slurm errors in slurm_errno.h related to job to better
-- Modify scontrol to print error message for each array task when updating
the entire array.
-- Added gres_drain and gres_used fields to node_info_t.
-- Added PriorityParameters configuration parameter in slurm.conf.
-- Introduce automatic job requeue policy based on exit value. See RequeueExit
and RequeueExitHold descriptions in slurm.conf man page.
-- Modify slurmd to cache launched job IDs for more responsive job suspend and
gang scheduling.
-- Permit jobs steps full control over cpu_bind options if specialized cores
are included in the job allocation.
-- Added ChosLoc configuration parameter to specifiy the pathname of the
Chroot OS tool.
-- Sent SIGCONT/SIGTERM when a job is selected for preemption with GraceTime
configured rather than waiting for GraceTime to be reached before notifying
the job.
-- Do not resume a job with specialized cores on a node running another job
with specialized cores (only one can run at a time).
-- Add specialized core count to job suspend/resume calls.
-- task/affinity and task/cgroup - Correct specialized core task binding with
user supplied invalid CPU mask or map.
-- Add srun --cpu-freq options to set the CPU governor (OnDemand, Performance,
PowerSave or UserSpace).
-- Add support for a job step's CPU governor and/or frequency to be reset on
suspend/resume (or gang scheduling). The default for an idle CPU will now
be "ondemand" rather than "userspace" with the lowest frequency (to recover
from hard slurmd failures and support gang scheduling).
-- Added PriorityFlags option of Calulate_Running to continue recalculating
the priority of running jobs.
-- Replace round-robin front-end node selection with least-loaded algorithm.
-- CRAY - Improve support of XC30 systems when running natively.
-- Add new node configuration parameters CoreSpecCount, CPUSpecList and
MemSpecLimit which support the reservation of resources for system use
with Linux cgroup.
-- Add child_forked() function to the slurm_acct_gather_profile plugin to
close open files, leaving application with no extra open file descriptors.
-- Cray/ALPS system - Enable backup controller to run outside of the Cray to
accept new job submissions and most other operations on the pending jobs.
-- Have sacct print job and task array id's for job arrays.
-- If <sys/prctl.h> is present name major threads in slurmctld, for
example backfill
thread: slurmctld_bckfl, the rpc manager: slurmctld_rpcmg etc.
The name can be seen for example using top -H.
-- Provide more precise error message when job allocation can not be satisfied
(e.g. memory, disk, cpu count, etc. rather than just "node configuration
not available").
-- Create a new DebugFlags named TraceJobs in slurm.conf to print detailed
information about jobs in slurmctld. The information include job ids, state
and node count.
-- When a job dependency can never be satisfied do not cancel the job but keep
pending with reason WAIT_DEP_INVALID (DependencyNeverSatisfied).
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.12
-- Make it so previous versions of salloc/srun work with newer versions
of Slurm daemons.
-- Avoid delay on commit for PMI rank 0 to improve performance with some
MPI implementations.
-- Correct the sbatch pbs parser to process -j.
-- Squeue modified to not merge tasks of a job array if their wait reasons
-- Use the slurm_getpwuid_r wrapper of getpwuid_r to handle possible
-- Allow --ignore-pbs to take effect when read as an #SBATCH argument.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.11
-- ALPS - Fix depth for Memory items in BASIL with CLE 5.2
(changed starting in 5.2.3).
-- ALPS - Fix issue when tracking memory on a PerNode basis instead of
-- Modify assoc_mgr_fill_in_qos() to allow for a flag to know if the QOS read
lock was locked outside of the function or not.
-- Give even better estimates on pending node count if no node count
is requested.
-- Fix jobcomp/mysql plugin for MariaDB 10+/Mysql 5.6+ to work with reserved
work "partition".
-- If requested (scontrol reboot node_name) reboot a node even if it has
an maintenance reservation that is not active yet.
-- Fix issue where exclusive allocations wouldn't lay tasks out correctly
-- Do not requeue a batch job from slurmd daemon if it is killed while in
the process of being launched (a race condition introduced in v14.03.9).
-- Do not let srun overwrite SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES if already in an allocation.

Brian Christiansen
-- Prevent a job's end_time from being too small after a basil reservation

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix sbatch --ntasks-per-core option from setting invalid
SLURM_NTASKS_PER_CORE environment value.
-- Prevent scancel abort when no job satisfies filter options.
-- ALPS - Fix --ntasks-per-core option on multiple nodes.
-- Double max string that Slurm can pack from 16MB to 32MB to support
larger MPI2 configurations.
-- Log Cray MPI job calling exit() without mpi_fini(), but do not treat it as
a fatal error. This partially reverts logic added in version 14.03.9.
-- sview - Fix displaying of suspended steps elapsed times.
-- Increase number of messages that get cached before throwing them away
when the DBD is down.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix jobs from starting in overlapping reservations that won't finish before
a "maint" reservation begins.
-- Fix "squeue --start" to override SQUEUE_FORMAT env variable.
-- Restore GRES functionality with select/linear plugin. It was broken in
version 14.03.10.
-- Fix possible race condition when attempting to use QOS on a system running
-- Sanity check for Correct QOS on startup.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.10
-- Treat non-zero SlurmSchedLogLevel without SlurmSchedLogFile as a fatal
-- Correct sched_config.html documentation SchedulingParameters
should be SchedulerParameters.
-- When using gres and cgroup ConstrainDevices set correct access
permission for the batch step.
-- Fix minor memory leak in jobcomp/mysql on slurmctld reconfig.
-- Fix bug that prevented preservation of a job's GRES bitmap on slurmctld
restart or reconfigure (bug was introduced in 14.03.5 "Clear record of a
job's gres when requeued" and only applies when GRES mapped to specific
-- BGQ: Fix race condition when job fails due to hardware failure and is
requeued. Previous code could result in slurmctld abort with NULL pointer.
-- Prevent negative job array index, which could cause slurmctld to crash.
-- Fix issue with squeue/scontrol showing correct node_cnt when only tasks
are specified.
-- Check the status of the database connection before using it.
-- ALPS - If an allocation requests -n set the BASIL -N option to the
amount of tasks / number of node.
-- ALPS - Don't set the env var APRUN_DEFAULT_MEMORY, it is not needed anymore.
-- Give better estimates on pending node count if no node count is requested.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where requeuing jobs could cause an assert.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.9
-- If slurmd fails to stat(2) the configuration print the string describing
the error code.
-- Fix for mixing core base reservations with whole node based reservations
to avoid overlapping erroneously.
-- BLUEGENE - Remove references to Base Partition.
-- sview - If compiled on a non-bluegene system then used to view a BGQ fix
to allow sview to display blocks correctly.