This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.0-pre1
-- Slurmd notifies slurmctld of node boot time to better clean up after node
-- Slurmd sends node registration information repeatedly until successful
-- Change job_state in job structure to dedicate 8-bits to state flags.
Added macros to get state information (IS_JOB_RUNNING(job_ptr), etc.)
-- Added macros to get node state information (IS_NODE_DOWN(node_ptr), etc).
-- Added support for Solaris. Patch from David Hoppner.
-- Rename "slurm-aix-federation-<version>.rpm" to just
"slurm-aix-<version>.rpm" (federation switch plugin may not be present).

Moe Jette
-- Eliminated the redundant squeue output format and sort options of
"%o" and "%b". Use "%D" and "%S" formats respectively. Also eliminated

Moe Jette
"%X" and "%Y" and "%Z" formats. Use "%z" instead.
-- Added mechanism for SPANK plugins to set environment variables for
Prolog, Epilog, PrologSLurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld programs using
the functions spank_get_job_env, spank_set_job_env, and
spank_unset_job_env. See "man spank" for more information.
-- Completed the work to begun in 2.0.0 to standardize on using '-Q' as the
--quiet flag for all the commands.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - sinfo and sview now display correct cpu counts for partitions
-- Cleaned up the cons_res plugin. It now uses a ptr to a part_record
instead of having to do strcmp's to find the correct one.
-- Pushed most all the plugin specific info in src/common/node_select.c
into the respected plugin.
-- BLUEGENE - closed some corner cases where a block could had been removed
while a job was waiting for it to become ready because an underlying
part of the block was put into an error state.
-- Modify sbcast logic to prevent a user from moving files to nodes they
have not been allocated (this would be possible in previous versions
only by hacking the sbcast code).
-- Add contribs/sjstat script (Perl tool to report job state information).
Put into new RPM: sjstat.
-- Add sched/wiki2 (Moab) JOBMODIFY command support for VARIABLELIST option
to set supplemental environment variables for pending batch jobs.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.2
-- Fix, don't remove job details when a job is cancelled while pending.
-- Do correct type for mktime so garbage isn't returned on 64bit systems
for accounting archival.
-- Better checking in sacctmgr to avoid infinite loops.
-- fix minor memory leak in fake_slurm_step_layout_create()
-- Fix node weight (scheduling priority) calculation for powered down
nodes. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Fix node suspend/resume rate calculations. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Change calculations using ResumeRate and SuspendRate to provide higher
-- Log the IP address for incomming messages having an invalid protocol
version number.
-- Fix for sacct to show jobs that start the same second as the sacct
command is issued.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for -n option to work on correct cpu counts for each
midplane instead of treating -n as a c-node count.
-- salloc now sets SLURN_NTASKS_PER_NODE if --ntasks-per-node option is set.
-- Fix select/linear to properly set a job's count of allocated processors
(all processors on the allocated nodes).
-- Fix select/cons_res to allocate proper CPU count when --ntasks-per-node
option is used.
-- Insure that no node is allocated to a job for which the CPU count is less
than --ntasks-per-node * --cpus-per-task.
-- Correct AllocProcs reported by "scontrol show node" when ThreadsPerCore
is greater than 1 and select/cons_res is used.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.1
-- Fix, truncate time of start and end for job steps in sacct.
-- Initialize all messages to slurmdbd. Previously uninitialized string could
cause slurmctld to fail with invalid memory reference.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix, for when trying to finish a torus on a block already
visited. Even though this may be possible electrically this isn't valid
in the under lying infrastructure.
-- Fix, in mysql plugins change mediumints to int to support full 32bit
-- Add sinfo node state filtering support for NO_RESPOND, POWER_SAVE, FAIL,
MAINT, DRAINED and DRAINING states. The state filter of DRAIN still maps
to any node in either DRAINED or DRAINING state.
-- Fix reservation logic when job requests specific nodes that are already
in some reservation the job can not use.
-- Fix recomputation of a job's end time when allocated nodes which are
being powered up. The end time would be set in the past if the job's
time limit was INFINITE, resulting in it being prematurely terminated.
-- Permit regular user to change the time limit of his pending jobs up to
the partition's limit.
-- Fix "-Q" (quiet) option for salloc and sbatch which was previously
-- BLUEGENE - fix for finding odd shaped blocks in dynamic mode.
-- Fix logic supporting SuspendRate and ResumeRate configuration parameters.
Previous logic was changing state of one too many nodes per minute.
-- Save new reservation state file on shutdown (even if no changes).
-- Fix, when partitions are deleted the sched and select plugins are notified.
-- Fix for slurmdbd to create wckeyid's when they don't exist
-- Fix linking problem that prevented checkpoint/aix from working.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for bluegene systems to be able to create 32 node blocks with only
16 psets defined in dynamic layout mode.
-- Improve srun_cr handling of child srun forking. Patch from Hongjia Cao,
-- Configuration parameter ResumeDelay replaced by SuspendTimeout and
-- BLUEGENE - sview/sinfo now displays correct cnode numbers for drained nodes
or blocks in error state.
-- Fix some batch job launch bugs when powering up suspended nodes.
-- Added option '-T' for sacct to truncate time of start and end and set
default of --starttime to Midnight of current day.
* Changes in SLURM 2.0.0-rc2

Danny Auble
-- Change fanout logic to start on calling node instead of first node in
message nodelist.
-- Fix bug so that smap builds properly on Sun Constellation system.
-- Filter white-space out from node feature specification.
-- Fixed issue with duration not being honored when updating start time in
-- Fix bug in sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 plugins for reporting job resource
allocation properly when node names are configured out of sort order
with more than one numeric suffix (e.g. "tux10-1" is configured after
-- Avoid re-use of job_id (if specified at submit time) when the existing
job is in completing state (possible race condition with Moab).
-- Added SLURM_DISTRIBUTION to env for salloc.
-- Add support for "scontrol takeover" command for backup controller to
assume control immediately. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- If srun is unable to communicate with the slurmd tasks are now marked as
failed with the controller.

Danny Auble
-- Fixed issues with requeued jobs not being accounted for correctly in
the accounting.
-- Clear node's POWER_SAVE flag if configuration changes to one lacking a
-- Extend a job's time limit as appropriate due to delays powering up nodes.
-- If sbatch is used to launch a job step within an existing allocation (as
used by LSF) and the required node is powered down, print the message
"Job step creation temporarily disabled, retrying", sleep, and retry.
-- Configuration parameter ResumeDelay added to control how much time must
after a node has been suspended before resume it (e.g. powering it back
-- Fix CPU binding for batch program. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Fix for front end systems non-responding nodes now show up correctly in
-- Fix bug in preservation of advanced reservations when slurmctld restarts.
-- Updated perlapi to match correctly with slurm.h structures
-- Do not install the srun command on BlueGene systems (mpirun must be used to
launch tasks).
-- Corrections to scheduling logic for topology/tree in configurations where
nodes are configured in multiple leaf switches.
-- Patch from Matthieu Hautreux for backup mysql deamon support.
-- Changed DbdBackup to DbdBackupHost for slurmdbd.conf file
-- Add support for spank_strerror() function and improve error handling in
general for SPANK plugins.
-- Added configuration parameter SrunIOTimeout to optionally ping srun's tasks
for better fault tolerance (e.g. killed and restarteed SLURM daemons on
compute node).
-- Add slurmctld and slurmd binding to appropriate communications address
based upon NodeAddr, ControllerAddr and BackupAddr configuration
parameters. Based upon patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
NOTE: Fails when SlurmDBD is configured with some configurations.
NOTE: You must define BIND_SPECIFIC_ADDR to enable this option.
-- Avoid using powered down nodes when scheduling work if possible.
Fix possible invalid memory reference in power save logic.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre13
-- Added new partition option AllocNodes which controls the hosts from
which jobs can be submitted to this partition. From Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Better support the --contiguous option for job allocations.
-- Add new scontrol option: show topology (reports contents of topology.conf
file via RPC if topology/tree plugin is configured).
-- Add advanced reservation display to smap command.
-- Replaced remaining references to SLURM_JOBID with SLURM_JOB_ID - except
when needed for backwards compatibility.
-- Fix logic to properly excise a DOWN node from the allocation of a job
with the --no-kill option.
-- The MySQL and PgSQL plugins for accounting storage and job completion are
now only built if the underlying database libraries exists (previously
the plugins were built to produce a fatal error when used).
-- BLUEGENE - scontrol show config will now display bluegene.conf information.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre12
-- Added support for hard time limit by associations with added configuration
option PriorityUsageResetPeriod. This specifies the interval at which to
clear the record of time used. This is currently only available with the
priority/multifactor plugin.
-- Added SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR to sbatch's output environment variables.
-- Backup slurmdbd support implemented.
-- Update to checkpoint/xlch logic from Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Added configuration parameter AccountingStorageBackupHost.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre10
-- Critical bug fix in task/affinity when the CoresPerSocket is greater
than the ThreadsPerCore (invalid memory reference).
-- Add DebugFlag parameter of "Wiki" to log sched/wiki and wiki2
communications in greater detail.
-- Add "-d <slurmstepd_path>" as an option to the slurmd daemon to
specifying a non-stardard slurmstepd file, used for testing purposes.
-- Minor cleanup to crypto/munge plugin.
- Restrict uid allowed to decode job credentials in crypto/munge
- Get slurm user id early in crypto/munge
- Remove buggy error code handling in crypto/munge
-- Added sprio command - works only with the priority/multifactor plugin
-- Add real topology plugin infrastructure (it was initially added
directly into slurmctld code). To specify topology information,
set TopologyType=topology/tree and add configuration information
to a new file called topology.conf. See "man topology.conf" or
topology.html web page for details.
-- Set "/proc/self/oom_adj" for slurmd and slurmstepd daemons based upon
the values of SLURMD_OOM_ADJ and SLURMSTEPD_OOM_ADJ environment
variables. This can be used to prevent daemons being killed when
a node's memory is exhausted. Based upon patch by Hongjia Cao, NUDT.
-- Fix several bugs in task/affinity: cpuset logic was broken and
--cpus-per-task option not properly handled.
-- Ensure slurmctld adopts SlurmUser GID as well as UID on startup.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre9
-- OpenMPI users only: Add srun logic to automatically recreate and
re-launch a job step if the step fails with a reserved port conflict.
-- Added TopologyPlugin configuration parameter.
-- Added switch topology data structure to slurmctld (for use by select
plugin) add load it based upon new slurm.conf parameters: SwitchName,
Nodes, Switches and LinkSpeed.
-- Modify select/linear and select/cons_res plugins to optimize resource
allocation with respect to network topology.
-- Added support for new configuration parameter EpilogSlurmctld (executed
by slurmctld daemon).
-- Added checkpoint/blcr plugin, SLURM now support job checkpoint/restart
using BLCR. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT, China.
-- Made a variety of new environment variables available to PrologSlurmctld
and EpilogSlurmctld. See the "Prolog and Epilog Scripts" section of the
slurm.conf man page for details.
-- NOTE: Cold-start (without preserving state) required for upgrade from
version 1.4.0-pre8.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre8
-- In order to create a new partition using the scontrol command, use
the "create" option rather than "update" (which will only operate
upon partitions that already exist).
-- Added environment variable SLURM_RESTART_COUNT to batch jobs to
indicated the count of job restarts made.
-- Added sacctmgr command "show config".
-- Added the scancel option --nodelist to cancel any jobs running on a
given list of nodes.
-- Add partition-specific DefaultTime (default time limit for jobs,
if not specified use MaxTime for the partition. Patch from Par
Andersson, National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden.
-- Add support for the scontrol command to be able change the Weight
associated with nodes. Patch from Krishnakumar Ravi[KK] (HP).
-- Add DebugFlag configuration option of "CPU_Bind" for detailed CPU
binding information to be logged.
-- Fix some significant bugs in task binding logic (possible infinite loops
and memory corruption).
-- Add new node state flag of NODE_STATE_MAINT indicating the node is in
a reservation of type MAINT.
-- Modified task/affinity plugin to automatically bind tasks to sockets,
cores, or threads as appropriated based upon resource allocation and
task count. User can override with srun's --cpu_bind option.
-- Fix bug in backfill logic for select/cons_res plugin, resulted in
error "cons_res:_rm_job_from_res: node_state mis-count".
-- Add logic go bind a batch job to the resources allocated to that job.
-- Add configuration parameter MpiParams for (future) OpenMPI port
management. Add resv_port_cnt and resv_ports fields to the job step
data structures. Add environment variable SLURM_STEP_RESV_PORTS to
show what ports are reserved for a job step.
-- Add support for SchedulerParameters=interval=<sec> to control the time
interval between executions of the backfill scheduler logic.
-- Preserve record of last job ID in use even when doing a cold-start unless
there is no job state file or there is a change in its format (which only
happens when there is a change in SLURM's major or minor version number:
v1.3 -> v1.4).
-- Added new configuration parameter KillOnBadExit to kill a job step as soon
as any task of a job step exits with a non-zero exit code. Patch based
on work from Eric Lin, Bull.
-- Add spank plugin calls for use by salloc and sbatch command, see
"man spank" for details.
-- NOTE: Cold-start (without preserving state) required for upgrade from
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre7
-- Bug fix for preemption with select/cons_res when there are no idle nodes.
-- Bug fix for use of srun options --exclusive and --cpus-per-task together
for job step resource allocation (tracking of cpus in use was bad).
-- Added the srun option --preserve-env to pass the current values of
environment variables SLURM_NNODES and SLURM_NPROCS through to the
executable, rather than computing them from commandline parameters.
-- For select/cons_res or sched/gang only: Validate a job's resource
allocation socket and core count on each allocated node. If the node's
configuration has been changed, then abort the job.
-- For select/cons_res or sched/gang only: Disable updating a node's
processor count if FastSchedule=0. Administrators must set a valid
processor count although the memory and disk space configuration can
be loaded from the compute node when it starts.
-- Add configure option "--disable-iso8601" to disable SLURM use of ISO 8601
time format at the time of SLURM build. Default output for all commands
is now ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss).
-- Add support for scontrol to explicity power a node up or down using the
configured SuspendProg and ResumeProg programs.
-- Fix book select/cons_res logic for tracking the number of allocated
CPUs on a node when a partition's Shared value is YES or FORCE.
-- Added configure options "--enable-cray-xt" and "--with-apbasil=PATH" for
eventual support of Cray-XT systems.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre6
-- Fix job preemption when sched/gang and select/linear are configured with
non-sharing partitions.
-- In select/cons_res insure that required nodes have available resources.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre5
-- Correction in setting of SLURM_CPU_BIND environment variable.
-- Rebuild slurmctld's job select_jobinfo->node_bitmap on restart/reconfigure
of the daemon rather than restoring the bitmap since the nodes in a system
can change (be added or removed).
-- Add configuration option "--with-cpusetdir=PATH" for non-standard
-- Get new multi-core data structures working on BlueGene systems.
-- Modify PMI_Get_clique_ranks() to return an array of integers rather
than a char * to satisfy PMI standard. Correct logic in
PMI_Get_clique_size() for when srun --overcommit option is used.
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res, allocated a job all of the processors on a
node when the --exclusive option is specified as a job submit option.
-- Add NUMA cpu_bind support to the task affinity plugin. Binds tasks to
a set of CPUs that belong NUMA locality domain with the appropriate
--cpu-bind option (ldoms, rank_ldom, map_ldom, and mask_ldom), see
"man srun" for more information.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre4
-- For task/affinity, force jobs to use a particular task binding by setting
the TaskPluginParam configuration parameter rather than slurmd's
SLURM_ENFORCED_CPU_BIND environment variable.
-- Enable full preemption of jobs by partition with select/cons_res
(cons_res_preempt.patch from Chris Holmes, HP).
-- Add configuration parameter DebugFlags to provide detailed logging for
specific subsystems (steps and triggers so far).
-- srun's --no-kill option is passed to slurmctld so that a job step is
killed even if the node where srun executes goes down (unless the
--no-kill option is used, previous termination logic would fail if
srun was not responding).
-- Transfer a job step's core bitmap from the slurmctld to the slurmd
within the job step credential.
-- Add cpu_bind, cpu_bind_type, mem_bind and mem_bind_type to job allocation
request and job_details structure in slurmctld. Add support to --cpu_bind
and --mem_bind options from salloc and sbatch commands.

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre3
-- Internal changes: CPUs per node changed from 32-bit to 16-bit size.
Node count fields changed from 16-bit to 32-bit size in some structures.
-- Remove select plugin functions select_p_get_extra_jobinfo(),
select_p_step_begin() and select_p_step_fini().
-- Remove the following slurmctld job structure fields: num_cpu_groups,
cpus_per_node, cpu_count_reps, alloc_lps_cnt, alloc_lps, and used_lps.
Use equivalent fields in new "select_job" structure, which is filled
in by the select plugins.
-- Modify mem_per_task in job step request from 16-bit to 32-bit size.
Use new "select_job" structure for the job step's memory management.
-- Add core_bitmap_job to slurmctld's job step structure to identify

Moe Jette
-- Add new configuration option OverTimeLimit to permit jobs to exceed
their (soft) time limit by a configurable amount. Backfill scheduling
will be based upon the soft time limit.

Moe Jette
-- Remove select_g_get_job_cores(). That data is now within the slurmctld's
job structure.
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre2
-- Remove srun's --ctrl-comm-ifhn-addr option (for PMI/MPICH2). It is no
longer needed.
-- Modify power save mode so that nodes can be powered off when idle. See or
"man slurm.conf" (SuspendProgram and related parameters) for more
-- Added configuration parameter PrologSlurmctld, which can be used to boot
nodes into a particular state for each job. See "man slurm.conf" for
-- Add configuration parameter CompleteTime to control how long to wait for
a job's completion before allocating already released resources to pending
jobs. This can be used to reduce fragmentation of resources. See
"man slurm.conf" for details.
-- Make default CryptoType=crypto/munge. OpenSSL is now completely optional.
-- Make default AuthType=auth/munge rather than auth/none.
-- Change output format of "sinfo -R" from "%35R %N" to "%50R %N".
* Changes in SLURM 1.4.0-pre1
-- Save/restore a job's task_distribution option on slurmctld retart.
NOTE: SLURM must be cold-started on converstion from version 1.3.x.
-- Remove task_mem from job step credential (only job_mem is used now).
-- Remove --task-mem and --job-mem options from salloc, sbatch and srun
(use --mem-per-cpu or --mem instead).
-- Remove DefMemPerTask from slurm.conf (use DefMemPerCPU or DefMemPerNode
-- Modify slurm_step_launch API call. Move launch host from function argument
to element in the data structure slurm_step_launch_params_t, which is
used as a function argument.
-- Add state_reason_string to job state with optional details about why
a job is pending.
-- Make "scontrol show node" output match scontrol input for some fields
("Cores" changed to "CoresPerSocket", etc.).
-- Add support for a new node state "FUTURE" in slurm.conf. These node records
are created in SLURM tables for future use without a reboot of the SLURM
daemons, but are not reported by any SLURM commands or APIs.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.17
-- Fix bug in configure script that can clear user specified LIBS.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.16
-- Fix memory leak in forward logic of tree message passing.
-- Fix job exit code recorded for srun job allocation.
-- Bluegene - Bug fix for too many parameters being passed to a debug statement
-- Bluegene - Bug fix for systems running more than 8 in the X dim running
Dynamic mode.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.15
-- Fix bug in squeue command with sort on job name ("-S j" option) for jobs
that lack a name. Previously generated an invalid memory reference.
-- Permit the TaskProlog to write to the job's standard output by writing
a line containing the prefix "print " to it's standard output.
-- Fix for making the slurmdbd agent thread start up correctly when
stopped and then started again.
-- Add squeue option to report jobs by account (-U or --account). Patch from
Par Andersson, National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden.
-- Add -DNUMA_VERSION1_COMPATIBILITY to Makefile CFLAGS for proper behavior
when building with NUMA version 2 APIs.
-- BLUEGENE - slurm works on a BGP system.
-- BLUEGENE - slurm handles HTC blocks
-- BLUEGENE - Added option DenyPassthrough in the bluegene.conf. Can be set
to any combination of X,Y,Z to not allow passthroughs when running in
dynamic layout mode.
-- Fix bug in logic to remove a job's dependency, could result in abort.
-- Add new error message to sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 (Maui and Moab) for
STARTJOB request: "TASKLIST includes non-responsive nodes".
-- Fix bug in select/linear when used with sched/gang that can result in a
job's required or excluded node specification being ignored.
-- Add logic to handle message connect timeouts (timed-out.patch from
Chuck Clouston, Bull).
-- BLUEGENE - CFLAGS=-m64 is no longer required in configure
-- Update python-hostlist code from Kent Engström (NSC) to v1.5
- Add hostgrep utility to search for lines matching a hostlist.
- Make each "-" on the command line count as one hostlist argument.
If multiple hostslists are given on stdin they are combined to a
union hostlist before being used in the way requested by the
-- When using -j option in sacct no user restriction will applied unless
specified with the -u option.
-- For sched/wiki and sched/wiki2, change logging of wiki message traffic
from debug() to debug2(). Only seen if SlurmctldDebug is configured to
6 or higher.
-- Significant speed up for association based reports in sreport
-- BLUEGENE - fix for checking if job can run with downed nodes. Previously
sbatch etc would tell you node configuration not available now jobs are
accepted but held until nodes are back up.
-- Fix in accounting so if any nodes are removed from the system when they
were previously down will be recorded correctly.
-- For sched/wiki2 (Moab), add flag to note if job is restartable and
prevent deadlock of job requeue fails.
-- Modify squeue to return non-zero exit code on failure. Patch from
Par Andersson (NSC).
-- Correct logic in select/cons_res to allocate a job the maximum node
count from a range rather than minimum (e.g. "sbatch -N1-4").
-- In accounting_storage/filetxt and accounting_storage/pgsql fix
possible invalid memory reference when a job lacks a name.
-- Give srun command an exit code of 1 if the prolog fails.
-- BLUEGENE - allows for checking nodecard states in the system instead
of midplane state so as to not down an entire midplane if you don't
have to.
-- BLUEGENE - fix creation of MESH blocks
-- BLUEGENE - on job cancellation we call jm_cancel_job and then wait until
the system cleans up the job. Before we would send a SIGKILL right
at the beginning.
-- BLUEGENE - if a user specifies a node count that can not be met the job
will be refused instead of before the plugin would search for the next
larger size that could be created. This prevents users asking for
things that can't be created, and then getting something back they might
not be expecting.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.14
-- SECURITY BUG: Fix in sbcast logic that permits users to write files based
upon supplimental groups of the slurmd daemon. Similar logic for event
triggers if slurmctld is run as user root (not typical).
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.13
-- Added ability for slurmdbd to archive and purge step and/or job records.
-- Added DefaultQOS as an option to slurmdbd.conf for when clusters are
added the default will be set to this if none is given in the sacctmgr line.
-- Added configure option --enable-sun-const for Sun Constellation system with
3D torus interconnect. Supports proper smap and sview displays for 3-D
topology. Node names are automatically put into Hilbert curve order given
a one-line nodelist definition in slurm.conf (e.g. NodeNames=sun[000x533]).
-- Fixed bug in parsing time for sacct and sreport to pick the correct year if
none is specified.
-- Provide better scheduling with overlapping partitions (when a job can not
be scheduled due to insufficient resources, reserve specific the nodes
associated with that partition rather than blocking all partitions with
any overlapping nodes).
-- Correct logic to log in a job's stderr that it was "CANCELLED DUE TO
NODE FAILURE" rather than just "CANCELLED".
-- Fix to crypto/openssl plugin that could result in job launch requests
being spoofed through the use of an improperly formed credential. This bug
could permit a user to launch tasks on compute nodes not allocated for
their use, but will NOT permit them to run tasks as another user. For more
information see
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.12
-- Added support for Workload Characteristic Key (WCKey) in accounting. The
WCkey is something that can be used in accounting to group associations
together across clusters or within clusters that are not related. Use
the --wckey option in srun, sbatch or salloc or set the SLURM_WCKEY env
var to have this set. Use sreport with the wckey option to view reports.
-- Added configuration parameter BatchStartTimeout to control how long to
allow for a batch job prolog and environment loading (for Moab) to run.
Previously if job startup took too long, a batch job could be cancelled
before fully starting with a SlurmctldLog message of "Master node lost
JobId=#, killing it". See "man slurm.conf" for details.
-- For a job step, add support for srun's --nodelist and --exclusive options
to be used together.
-- On slurmstepd failure, set node state to DRAIN rather than DOWN.
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res that would incorrectly satify a tasks's
--cpus-per-task specification by allocating the task CPUs on more than
one node.
-- Add support for hostlist expressions containing up to two numeric
expressions (e.g. "rack[0-15]_blade[0-41]").
-- Fix bug in slurmd message forwarding which left file open in the case of
some communication failures.
-- Correction to sinfo node state information on BlueGene systems. DRAIN
state was replaced with ALLOC or IDLE under some situations.
-- For sched/wiki2 (Moab), strip quotes embedded within job names from the
name reported.
-- Fix bug in jobcomp/script that could cause the slurmctld daemon to exit
upon reconfiguration ("scontrol reconfig" or SIGHUP).
-- Fix to sinfo, don't print a node's memory size or tmp_disk space with
suffix of "K" or "M" (thousands or millions of megabytes).
-- Improve efficiency of scheduling jobs into partitions which do not overlap.
-- Fixed sreport user top report to only display the limit specified
instead of all users.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.11
-- Bluegene/P support added (minimally tested, but builds correctly).
-- Fix infinite loop when using accounting_storage/mysql plugin either from
the slurmctld or slurmdbd daemon.
-- Added more thread safety for assoc_mgr in the controller.
-- For sched/wiki2 (Moab), permit clearing of a job's dependencies with the
-- Do not set a running or pending job's EndTime when changing it's time
-- Fix bug in use of "include" parameter within the plugstack.conf file.
-- Fix bug in the parsing of negative numeric values in configuration files.
-- Propagate --cpus-per-task parameter from salloc or sbatch input line to
the SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK environment variable in the spawned shell for
srun to use.
-- Add support for srun --cpus-per-task=0. This can be used to spawn tasks
without allocating resouces for the job step from the job's allocation
when running multiple job steps with the --exclusive option.
-- Remove registration messages from saved messages when bringing down cluster.
Without causes deadlock if wrong cluster name is given.
-- Correction to build for srun debugger (export symbols).
-- sacct will now display more properly allocations made with salloc with only
one step.
-- Altered sacctmgr, sreport to look at complete option before applying.
Before we would only look at the first determined significant characters.
-- BLUGENE - in overlap mode marking a block to error state will now end
jobs on overlapping blocks and free them.
-- Give a batch job 20 minutes to start before considering it missing and
killing it (long delay could result from slurmd being paged out). Changed
the log message from "Master node lost JobId=%u, killing it" to "Batch
JobId=%u missing from master node, killing it".
-- Avoid "Invalid node id" error when a job step within an existing job
allocation specifies a node count which is less than the node count
allocated in order to satisfy the task count specification (e.g.
"srun -n16 -N1 hostname" on allocation of 16 one-CPU nodes).
-- For sched/wiki2 (Moab) disable changing a job's name after it has begun
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.10
-- Fix several bugs in the hostlist functions:
- Fix hostset_insert_range() to do proper accounting of hl->nhosts (count).
- Avoid assertion failure when callinsg hostset_create(NULL).
- Fix return type of hostlist and hostset string functions from size_t to
- Add check for NULL return from hostlist_create().
- Rewrite of hostrange_hn_within(), avoids reporting "tst0" in the hostlist
-- Modify squeue to accept "--nodes=<hostlist>" rather than
"--node=<node_name>" and report all jobs with any allocated nodes from set
of nodes specified. From Par Anderson, National Supercomputer Centre,
-- Fix bug preventing use of TotalView debugger with TaskProlog configured or
or srun's --task-prolog option.
-- Improve reliability of batch job requeue logic in the event that the slurmd
daemon is temporarily non-responsive (for longer than the configured
MessageTimeout value but less than the SlurmdTimeout value).
-- In sched/wiki2 (Moab) report a job's MAXNODES (maximum number of permitted
-- Fixed SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE to live up more to it's name on an allocation.
Will now contain the number of tasks per node instead of the number of CPUs
per node. This is only for a resource allocation. Job steps already have
the environment variable set correctly.
-- Configuration parameter PropagateResourceLimits has new option of "NONE".
-- User's --propagate options take precidence over PropagateResourceLimits
configuration parameter in both srun and sbatch commands.
-- When Moab is in use (salloc or sbatch is executed with the --get-user-env
option to be more specific), load the user's default resource limits rather
than propagating the Moab daemon's limits.
-- Fix bug in slurmctld restart logic for recovery of batch jobs that are
initiated as a job step rather than an independent job (used for LSF).
-- Fix bug that can cause slurmctld restart to fail, bug introduced in SLURM
version 1.3.9. From Eygene Ryabinkin, Kurchatov Institute, Russia.
-- Permit slurmd configuration parameters to be set to new values from
previously unset values.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.9
-- Fix jobs being cancelled by ctrl-C to have correct cancelled state in
-- Slurmdbd will only cache user data, made for faster start up
-- Improved support for job steps in FRONT_END systems
-- Added support to dump and load association information in the controller
on start up if slurmdbd is unresponsive
-- BLUEGENE - Added support for sched/backfill plugin
-- sched/backfill modified to initiate multiple jobs per cycle.
-- Increase buffer size in srun to hold task list expressions. Critical
for jobs with 16k tasks or more.
-- Added support for eligible jobs and downed nodes to be sent to accounting
from the controller the first time accounting is turned on.
-- Correct srun logic to support --tasks-per-node option without task count.
-- Logic in place to handle multiple versions of RPCs within the slurmdbd.
Older versions of the slurmctld will continue to talk to the new slurmdbd.
-- Add support for new job dependency type: singleton. Only one job from a
given user with a given name will execute with this dependency type.
From Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Updated contribs/python/hostlist to version 1.3: See "CHANGES" file in
that directory for details. From Kent Engström, NSC.
-- Add SLURM_JOB_NAME environment variable for jobs submitted using sbatch.
In order to prevent the job steps from all having the same name as the
batch job that spawned them, the SLURM_JOB_NAME environment variable is
ignored when setting the name of a job step from within an existing
resource allocation.
-- For use with sched/wiki2 (Moab only), set salloc's default shell based
upon the user who the job runs as rather than the user submitting the job
(user root).
-- Fix to sched/backfill when job specifies no time limit and the partition
time limit is INFINITE.
-- Validate a job's constraints (node features) at job submit or modification
time. Major re-write of resource allocation logic to support more complex
job feature requests.
-- For sched/backfill, correct logic to support job constraint specification
(e.g. node features).
-- Correct power save logic to avoid trying to wake DOWN node. From Matthieu
Hautreux, CEA.
-- Cancel a job step when one of it's nodes goes DOWN based upon the job
step's --no-kill option, by default the step is killed (previously the
job step remained running even without the --no-kill option).
-- Fix bug in logic to remove whitespace from plugstack.conf.
-- Add new configuration parameter SallocDefaultCommand to control what
shell that salloc launches by default.
-- When enforcing PrivateData configuration parameter, failures return
"Access/permission denied" rather than "Invalid user id".
-- From sbatch and srun, if the --dependency option is specified then set
the environment variable SLURM_JOB_DEPENDENCY to the same value.
-- In plugin jobcomp/filetxt, use ISO8601 formats for time by default (e.g.
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS rather than MM/DD-HH:MM:SS). This restores the default
behavior from Slurm version 1.2. Change the value of USE_ISO8601 in
src/plusings/jobcomp/filetxt/jobcomp_filetxt.c to revert the behavior.
-- Add support for configuration option of ReturnToService=2, which will
return a DOWN to use if the node was previous set DOWN for any reason.
-- Removed Gold accounting plugin. This plugin was to be used for accounting
but has seen not been maintained and is no longer needed. If using this
please contact
-- When not enforcing associations and running accounting if a user
submits a job to an account that does not have an association on the
cluster the account will be changed to the default account to help
avoid trash in the accounting system. If the users default account
does not have an association on the cluster the requested account
will be used.
-- Add configuration parameter "--have-front-end" to define HAVE_FRONT_END
in config.h and run slurmd only on a front end (suitable only for SLURM
development and testing).
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.8
-- Added PrivateData flags for Users, Usage, and Accounts to Accounting.
If using slurmdbd, set in the slurmdbd.conf file. Otherwise set in the
slurm.conf file. See "man slurm.conf" or "man slurmdbd.conf" for details.
-- Reduce frequency of resending job kill RPCs. Helpful in the event of
network problems or down nodes.
-- Fix memory leak caused under heavy load when running with select/cons_res
plus sched/backfill.
-- For salloc, if no local command is specified, execute the user's default
-- BLUEGENE - patch to make sure when starting a job blocks required to be
freed are checked to make sure no job is running on them. If one is found
we will requeue the new job. No job will be lost.
-- BLUEGENE - Set MPI environment variables from salloc.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix threading issue for overlap mode
-- Reject batch scripts containing DOS linebreaks.
-- BLUEGENE - Added wait for block boot to salloc
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.7
-- Add jobid/stepid to MESSAGE_TASK_EXIT to address race condition when
a job step is cancelled, another is started immediately (before the
first one completely terminates) and ports are reused.
NOTE: This change requires that SLURM be updated on all nodes of the
cluster at the same time. There will be no impact upon currently running
jobs (they will ignore the jobid/stepid at the end of the message).
-- Added Python module to process hostslists as used by SLURM. See
contribs/python/hostlist. Supplied by Kent Engstrom, National
Supercomputer Centre, Sweden.
-- Report task termination due to signal (restored functionality present
in slurm v1.2).
-- Remove sbatch test for script size being no larger than 64k bytes.
The current limit is 4GB.
-- Disable FastSchedule=0 use with SchedulerType=sched/gang. Node
configuration must be specified in slurm.conf for gang scheduling now.
-- For sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 (Maui or Moab scheduler) disable the ability
of a non-root user to change a job's comment field (used by Maui/Moab for
storing scheduler state information).
-- For sched/wiki (Maui) add pending job's future start time to the state
info reported to Maui.
-- Improve reliability of job requeue logic on node failure.
-- Add logic to ping non-responsive nodes even if SlurmdTimeout=0. This permits
the node to be returned to use when it starts responding rather than
remaining in a non-usable state.
-- Honor HealthCheckInterval values that are smaller than SlurmdTimeout.
-- For non-responding nodes, log them all on a single line with a hostlist
expression rather than one line per node. Frequency of log messages is
dependent upon SlurmctldDebug value from 300 seconds at SlurmctldDebug<=3
to 1 second at SlurmctldDebug>=5.
-- If a DOWN node is resumed, set its state to IDLE & NOT_RESPONDING and
ping the node immediately to clear the NOT_RESPONDING flag.
-- Log that a job's time limit is reached, but don't sent SIGXCPU.
-- Fixed gid to be set in slurmstepd when run by root
-- Changed getpwent to getpwent_r in the slurmctld and slurmd
-- Increase timeout on most slurmdbd communications to 60 secs (time for
substantial database updates).
-- Treat srun option of --begin= with a value of now without a numeric
component as a failure (e.g. "--begin=now+hours").
-- Eliminate a memory leak associated with notifying srun of allocated
nodes having failed.
-- Add scontrol shutdown option of "slurmctld" to just shutdown the
slurmctld daemon and leave the slurmd daemons running.
-- Do not require JobCredentialPrivateKey or JobCredentialPublicCertificate
in slurm.conf if using CryptoType=crypto/munge.
-- Remove SPANK support from sbatch.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.6
-- Add new function to get information for a single job rather than always
getting information for all jobs. Improved performance of some commands.
NOTE: This new RPC means that the slurmctld daemons should be updated
before or at the same time as the compute nodes in order to process it.
-- In salloc, sbatch, and srun replace --task-mem options with --mem-per-cpu
(--task-mem will continue to be accepted for now, but is not documented).
Replace DefMemPerTask and MaxMemPerTask with DefMemPerCPU, DefMemPerNode,
MaxMemPerCPU and MaxMemPerNode in slurm.conf (old options still accepted
for now, but mapped to "PerCPU" parameters and not documented). Allocate
a job's memory memory at the same time that processors are allocated based
upon the --mem or --mem-per-cpu option rather than when job steps are
-- Altered QOS in accounting to be a list of admin defined states, an
account or user can have multiple QOS's now. They need to be defined using
'sacctmgr add qos'. They are no longer an enum. If none are defined
Normal will be the QOS for everything. Right now this is only for use
with MOAB. Does nothing outside of that.
-- Added spank_get_item support for field S_STEP_CPUS_PER_TASK.
-- Make corrections in spank_get_item for field S_JOB_NCPUS, previously
reported task count rather than CPU count.
-- Convert configuration parameter PrivateData from on/off flag to have
separate flags for job, partition, and node data. See "man slurm.conf"
for details.
-- Fix bug, failed to load DisableRootJobs configuration parameter.
-- Altered sacctmgr to always return a non-zero exit code on error and send
error messages to stderr.
-- Fix processing of auth/munge authtentication key for messages originating
in slurmdbd and sent to slurmctld.
-- If srun is allocating resources (not within sbatch or salloc) and MaxWait
is configured to a non-zero value then wait indefinitely for the resource
allocation rather than aborting the request after MaxWait time.
-- For Moab only: add logic to reap defunct "su" processes that are spawned by
slurmd to load user's environment variables.
-- Added more support for "dumping" account information to a flat file and
read in again to protect data incase something bad happens to the database.
-- Sacct will now report account names for job steps.
-- For AIX: Remove MP_POERESTART_ENV environment variable, disabling
poerestart command. User must explicitly set MP_POERESTART_ENV before
executing poerestart.
-- Put back notification that a job has been allocated resources when it was
-- Some updates to man page formatting from Gennaro Oliva, ICAR.
-- Smarter loading of plugins (doesn't stat every file in the plugin dir)
-- In sched/backfill avoid trying to schedule jobs on DOWN or DRAINED nodes.
-- forward exit_code from step completion to slurmdbd
-- Add retry logic to socket connect() call from client which can fail
when the slurmctld is under heavy load.
-- Fixed bug when adding associations to add correctly.
-- Added support for associations for user root.
-- For Moab, sbatch --get-user-env option processed by slurmd daemon
rather than the sbatch command itself to permit faster response
for Moab.
-- IMPORTANT FIX: This only effects use of select/cons_res when allocating
resources by core or socket, not by CPU (default for SelectTypeParameter).
We are not saving a pending job's task distribution, so after restarting
slurmctld, select/cons_res was over-allocating resources based upon an
invalid task distribution value. Since we can't save the value without
changing the state save file format, we'll just set it to the default
value for now and save it in Slurm v1.4. This may result in a slight
variation on how sockets and cores are allocated to jobs, but at least
resources will not be over-allocated.
-- Correct logic in accumulating resources by node weight when more than
one job can run per node (select/cons_res or partition shared=yes|force).
-- slurm.spec file updated to avoid creating empty RPMs. RPM now *must* be
built with correct specification of which packages to build or not build.
See the top of the slurm.spec file for information about how to control
package building specification.
-- Set SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE for jobs allocated using the srun command.
It was already set for salloc and sbatch commands.
-- Fix to handle suspended jobs that were cancelled in accounting
-- BLUEGENE - fix to only include bps given in a name from the bluegene.conf
-- For select/cons_res: Fix record-keeping for core allocations when more
than one partition uses a node or there is more than one socket per node.
-- In output for "scontrol show job" change "StartTime" header to "EligibleTime"
for pending jobs to accurately describe what is reported.
-- Add more slurmdbd.conf paramters: ArchiveScript, ArchiveAge, JobPurge, and
StepPurge (not fully implemented yet).
-- Add slurm.conf parameter EnforcePartLimits to reject jobs which exceed a
partition's size and/or time limits rather than leaving them queued for a
later change in the partition's limits. NOTE: Not reported by
"scontrol show config" to avoid changing RPCs. It will be reported in
SLURM version 1.4.
-- Added idea of coordinator to accounting. A coordinator can add associations
between exsisting users to the account or any sub-account they are
coordinator to. They can also add/remove other coordinators to those
-- Add support for Hostname and NodeHostname in slurm.conf being fully
qualified domain names (by Vijay Ramasubramanian, University of Maryland).
For more information see "man slurm.conf".
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.3
-- Add mpi_openmpi plugin to the main SLURM RPM.
-- Prevent invalid memory reference when using srun's --cpu_bind=cores option
(slurm-1.3.2-1.cea1.patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA).
-- Task affinity plugin modified to support a particular cpu bind type: cores,
sockets, threads, or none. Accomplished by setting an environment variable
SLURM_ENFORCE_CPU_TYPE (slurm-1.3.2-1.cea2.patch from Matthieu Hautreux,
-- For BlueGene only, log "Prolog failure" once per job not once per node.
-- Reopen slurmctld log file after reconfigure or SIGHUP is received.
-- In TaskPlugin=task/affinity, fix possible infinite loop for slurmd.
-- Accounting rollup works for mysql plugin. Automatic rollup when using
-- Copied job stat logic out of sacct into sstat in the future sacct -stat
will be deprecated.
-- Correct sbatch processing of --nice option with negative values.
-- Add squeue formatted print option %Q to print a job's integer priority.
-- In sched/backfill, fix bug that was changing a pending job's shared value
to zero (possibly changing a pending job's resource requirements from a
processor on some node to the full node).
-- Get --ntasks-per-node option working for sbatch command.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE: Added logic to give back a best block on overlapped mode
in test_only mode
-- BLUEGENE: Updated debug info and man pages for better help with the
numpsets option and to fail correctly with bad image request for building
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 properly support Slurm license consumption
(job state reported as "Hold" when required licenses are not available).
-- In sched/wiki2 JobWillRun command, don't return an error code if the job(s)
can not be started at that time. Just return an error message (from
Doug Wightman, CRI).
-- Fix bug if sched/wiki or sched/wiki2 are configured and no job comment is
-- scontrol modified to report partition partition's "DisableRootJobs" value.
-- Fix bug in setting host address for PMI communications (mpich2 only).
-- In sbatch and salloc, change --dependency's one letter option from "-d"
to "-P" (continue to accept "-d", but change the documentation).
-- Only check that task_epilog and task_prolog are runable by the job's
user, not as root.
-- In sbatch, if specifying an alternate directory (--workdir/-D), then
input, output and error files are in that directory rather than the
directory from which the command is executed
-- NOTE: Fully operational with Moab version 5.2.3+. Change SUBMITCMD in
moab.cfg to be the location of sbatch rather than srun. Also set
HostFormat=2 in SLURM's wiki.conf for improved performance.
-- NOTE: We needed to change an RPC from version 1.3.1. You must upgrade
all nodes in a cluster from v1.3.1 to v1.3.2 at the same time.
-- Postgres plugin will work from job accounting, not for association
management yet.
-- For srun/sbatch --get-user-env option (Moab use only) look for "env"
command in both /bin and /usr/sbin (for Suse Linux).
-- Fix bug in processing job feature requests with node counts (could fail
to schedule job if some nodes have not associated features).
-- Added nodecnt and gid to jobcomp/script
-- Insure that nodes select in "srun --will-run" command or the equivalent in
sched/wiki2 are in the job's partition.
-- BLUGENE - changed partition Min|MaxNodes to represent c-node counts
instead of base partitions
-- In sched/gang only, prevent possible invalid memory reference when
slurmctld is reconfigured, e.g. "scontrol reconfig".
-- In select/linear only, prevent invalid memory reference in log message when
nodes are added to slurm.conf and then "scontrol reconfig" is executed.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.1
-- Correct logic for processing batch job's memory limit enforcement.
-- Fix bug that was setting a job's requeue value on any update of the
job using the "scontrol update" command. The invalid value of an
updated job prevents it's recovery when slurmctld restarts.
-- Add support for cluster-wide consumable resources. See "Licenses"
parameter in slurm.conf man page and "--licenses" option in salloc,
sbatch and srun man pages.
-- Major changes in select/cons_res to support FastSchedule=2 with more
resources configured than actually exist (useful for testing purposes).
-- Modify srun --test-only response to include expected initiation time
for a job as well as the nodes to be allocated and processor count
(for use by Moab).
-- Correct sched/backfill to properly honor job dependencies.
-- Correct select/cons_res logic to allocate CPUs properly if there is
more than one thread per core (previously failed to allocate all cores).
-- Correct select/linear logic in shared job count (was off by 1).
-- Add support for job preeption based upon partition priority (in sched/gang,
preempt.patch from Chris Holmes, HP).

Danny Auble
-- Added much better logic for mysql accounting.
-- Finished all basic functionality for sacctmgr.
-- Added load file logic to sacctmgr for setting up a cluster in one step.
-- NOTE: We needed to change an RPC from version 1.3.0. You must upgrade
all nodes in a cluster from v1.3.0 to v1.3.1 at the same time.
-- NOTE: Work is currently underway to improve placement of jobs for gang
scheduling and preemption.
-- NOTE: Work is underway to provide additional tools for reporting
accounting information.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0
-- In sched/wiki2, add processor count to JOBWILLRUN response.
-- Add event trigger for node entering DRAINED state.
-- Build properly without OpenSSL installed (OpenSSL is recommended, but not
-- Added slurmdbd, and modified accounting_storage plugin to talk to it.
Allowing multiple slurm systems to securly store and gather information
not only about jobs, but the system also. See accounting web page for more
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre11
-- Restructure the sbcast RPC to take advantage of larger buffers available
in Slurm v1.3 RPCs.
-- In scontrol, show job's Requeue value, permit change of Requeue and Comment
-- In slurmctld job record, add QOS (quality of service) value for accounting
purposes with Maui and Moab.
-- Log to a job's stderr when it is being cancelled explicitly or upon reaching
it's time limit.
-- Only permit a job's account to be changed while that job is PENDING.
-- Fix race condition in job suspend/resume (slurmd.sus_res.patch from HP).
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre10
-- Add support for node-specific "arch" (architecture) and "os" (operating
system) fields. These fields are set based upon values reported by the
slurmd daemon on each compute node using SLURM_ARCH and SLURM_OS environment
variables (if set, the uname function otherwise) and are intended to support
changes in real time changes in operating system. These values are reported
by "scontrol show node" plus the sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 plugins for Maui
and Moab respectively.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2: add HostFormat and HidePartitionJobs to
"scontrol show config" SCHEDULER_CONF output.
-- In sched/wiki2: accept hostname expression as input for GETNODES command.
-- Add JobRequeue configuration parameter and --requeue option to the sbatch
-- Add HealthCheckInterval and HealthCheckProgram configuration parameters.
-- Add SlurmDbdAddr, SlurmDbdAuthInfo and SlurmDbdPort configuration parameters.
-- Modify select/linear to achieve better load leveling with gang scheduler.
-- Develop the sched/gang plugin to support select/linear and
select/cons_res. If sched/gang is enabled and Shared=FORCE is configured
for a partition, this plugin will gang-schedule or "timeslice" jobs that
share common resources within the partition. Note that resources that are
shared across partitions are not gang-scheduled.
-- Add EpilogMsgTime configuration parameter. See "man slurm.conf" for details.
-- Increase default MaxJobCount configuration parameter from 2000 to 5000.
-- Move all database common files from src/common to new lib in src/database.
-- Move sacct to src/accounting added sacctmgr for scontrol like operations
to accounting infrastructure.
-- Basic functions of sacctmgr in place to make for administration of
-- Moved clusteracct_storage plugin to accounting_storage plugin,
jobacct_storage is still it's own plugin for now.
-- Added template for slurm php extention.
-- Add infrastructure to support allocation of cluster-wide licenses to jobs.
Full support will be added some time after version 1.3.0 is released.
-- In sched/wiki2 with select/bluegene, add support for WILLRUN command
to accept multiple jobs with start time specifications.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre9
-- Add spank support to sbatch. Note that spank_local_user() will be called
with step_layout=NULL and gid=SLURM_BATCH_SCRIPT and spank_fini() will
be called immediately afterwards.

Danny Auble
-- Made configure use mysql_config to find location of mysql database install
Removed bluegene specific information from the general database tables.
-- Re-write sched/backfill to utilize new will-run logic in the select
plugins. It now supports select/cons_res and all job options (required
nodes, excluded nodes, contiguous, etc.).
-- Modify scheduling logic to better support overlapping partitions.
-- Add --task-mem option and remove --job-mem option from srun, salloc, and
sbatch commands. Enforce step memory limit, if specified and there is
no job memory limit specified (--mem). Also see DefMemPerTask and
MaxMemPerTask in "man slurm.conf". Enforcement is dependent upon job
accounting being enabled with non-zero value for JoabAcctGatherFrequency.
-- Change default node tmp_disk size to zero (for diskless nodes).
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre8
-- Modify how strings are packed in the RPCs, Maximum string size
increased from 64KB (16-bit size field) to 4GB (32-bit size field).
-- Fix bug that prevented time value of "INFINITE" from being processed.
-- Added new srun/sbatch option "--open-mode" to control how output/error
files are opened ("t" for truncate, "a" for append).
-- Added checkpoint/xlch plugin for use with XLCH (Hongjia Cao, NUDT).
-- Added srun option --checkpoint-path for use with XLCH (Hongjia Cao, NUDT).
-- Added new srun/salloc/sbatch option "--acctg-freq" for user control over
accounting data collection polling interval.
-- In sched/wiki2 add support for hostlist expression use in GETNODES command
with HostFormat=2 in the wiki.conf file.
-- Added new scontrol option "setdebug" that can change the slurmctld daemons
debug level at any time (Hongjia Cao, NUDT).
-- Track total total suspend time for jobs and steps for accounting purposes.
-- Add version information to partition state file.
-- Added 'will-run' functionality to all of the select plugins (bluegene,
linear, and cons_res) to return node list and time job can start based
on other jobs running.
-- Major restructuring of node selection logic. select/linear now supports
partition max_share parameter and tries to match like size jobs on the

Moe Jette
same nodes to improve gang scheduling performance. Also supports treating
memory as consumable resource for job preemption and gang scheduling if
SelectTypeParameter=CR_Memory in slurm.conf.
-- BLUEGENE: Reorganized bluegene plugin for maintainability sake.
-- Major restructuring of data structures in select/cons_res.
-- Support job, node and partition names of arbitrary size.
-- Fix bug that caused slurmd to hang when using select/linear with
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre7
-- Fix a bug in the processing of srun's --exclusive option for a job step.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre6
-- Add support for configurable number of jobs to share resources using the
partition Shared parameter in slurm.conf (e.g. "Shared=FORCE:3" for two
jobs to share the resources). From Chris Holmes, HP.
-- Made salloc use api instead of local code for message handling.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre5
-- Add select_g_reconfigure() function to node changes in slurmctld configuration
that can impact node scheduling.
-- scontrol to set/get partition's MaxTime and job's Timelimit in minutes plus
new formats: min:sec, hr:min:sec, days-hr:min:sec, days-hr, etc.
-- scontrol "notify" command added to send message to stdout of srun for
specified job id.

Moe Jette
-- For BlueGene, make alpha part of node location specification be case insensitive.
-- Report scheduler-plugin specific configuration information with the
"scontrol show configuration" command on the SCHEDULER_CONF line. This
information is not found in the "slurm.conf" file, but a scheduler plugin
specific configuration (e.g. "wiki.conf").
-- sview partition information reported now includes partition priority.
-- Expand job dependency specification to support concurrent execution,
testing of job exit status and multiple job IDs.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre4
-- Job step launch in srun is now done from the slurm api's all further
modifications to job launch should be done there.
-- Add new partition configuration parameter Priority. Add job count to
Shared parameter.
-- Add new configuration parameters DefMemPerTask, MaxMemPerTask, and
-- In sched/wiki2, return REJMESSAGE with details on why a job was
requeued (e.g. what node failed).
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre3
-- Added srun option "--checkpoint=time" for job step to automatically be
checkpointed on a period basis.
-- Change behavior of "scancel -s KILL <jobid>" to send SIGKILL to all job
steps rather than cancelling the job. This now matches the behavior of
all other signals. "scancel <jobid>" still cancels the job and all steps.
-- Add support for new job step options --exclusive and --immediate. Permit
job steps to be queued when resources are not available within an existing
job allocation to dedicate the resources to the job step. Useful for
executing simultaneous job steps. Provides resource management both at
the level of jobs and job steps.
srun --nodes=16 --constraint=graphics*4 ...
Based upon work by Kumar Krishna (HP, India).
-- Add multi-core options to salloc and sbatch commands (sbatch.patch and
cleanup.patch from Chris Holmes, HP).
-- In select/cons_res properly release resources allocated to job being
suspended (rmbreak.patch, from Chris Holmes, HP).
-- Removed database and jobacct plugin replaced with jobacct_storage
and jobacct_gather for easier hooks for further expansion of the
jobacct plugin.
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre2
-- Added new srun option --pty to start job with pseudo terminal attached
to task 0 (all other tasks have I/O discarded)
-- Disable user specifying jobid when sched/wiki2 configured (needed for
Moab releases until early 2007).
-- Report command, args and working directory for batch jobs with
"scontrol show job".
* Changes in SLURM 1.3.0-pre1

Christopher J. Morrone
-- !!! SRUN CHANGES !!!
The srun options -A/--allocate, -b/--batch, and -a/--attach have been
removed! That functionality is now available in the separate commands
salloc, sbatch, and sattach, respectively.
-- Add new node state FAILING plus trigger for when node enters that state.
-- Add new configuration paramter "PrivateData". This can be used to
prevent a user from seeing jobs or job steps belonging to other users.
-- Added configuration parameters for node power save mode: ResumeProgram
ResumeRate, SuspendExcNodes, SuspendExcParts, SuspendProgram and
-- Slurmctld maintains the IP address (rather than hostname) for srun
communications. This fixes some possible network routing issues.
-- Added global database plugin. Job accounting and Job completion are the
first to use it. Follow documentation to add more to the plugin.
-- Removed no-longer-needed jobacct/common/common_slurmctld.c since that is
replaced by the database plugin.
-- Added new configuration parameter: CryptoType.
Moved existing digital signature logic into new plugin: crypto/openssl.
Added new support for crypto/munge (available with GPL license).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.36
-- For spank_get_item(S_JOB_ARGV) for batch job with script input via STDIN,
set argc value to 1 (rather than 2, argv[0] still set to path of generated
-- sacct will now display more properly allocations made with salloc with only
one step.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.35
-- Permit SPANK plugins to dynamically register options at runtime base upon
configuration or other runtime checks.
-- Add "include" keywork to SPANK plugstack.conf file to optionally include
other configuration files or directories of configuration files.
-- Srun to wait indefinitely for resource allocation to be made. Used to
abort after two minutes.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.34
-- Permit the cancellation of a job that is in the process of being
-- Ignore the show_flag when getting job, step, node or partition information
for user root.
-- Convert some functions to thread-safe versions: getpwnam, getpwuid,
getgrnam, and getgrgid to similar functions with "_r" suffix. While no
failures have been observed, a race condition would in the worst case
permit a user access to a partition not normally allowed due to the
AllowGroup specification or the wrong user identified in an accounting
record. The job would NOT be run as the wrong user.
-- For PMI only (MPICH2/MVAPICH2) base address to send messages to (the srun)
upon the address from which slurmd gets the task launch request rather then
"hostname" where srun executes.
-- Make test for StateSaveLocation directory more comprehensive.
-- For jobcomp/script plugin, PROCS environment variable is now the actual
count of allocated processors rather than the count of processes to
be started.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.33
-- Cancelled or Failed jobs will now report their job and step id on exit
-- Add SPANK items available to get: SLURM_VERSION, SLURM_VERSION_MAJOR,
-- Fixed handling of SIGPIPE in srun. Abort job.
-- Fix bug introduced to MVAPICH plugin preventing use of TotalView debugger.
-- Modify slurmctld to get srun/salloc network address based upon the incoming
message rather than hostname set by the user command (backport of logic in
SLURM v1.3).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.32
-- LSF only: Enable scancel of job in RootOnly partition by the job's owner.
-- Add support for sbatch --distribution and --network options.
-- Correct pending job's wait reason to "Priority" rather than "Resources" if
required resources are being held in reserve for a higher priority job.
-- In sched/wiki2 (Moab) report a node's state as "Drained" rather than
"Draining" if it has no allocated work (An undocumented Moab wiki option,
see CRI ticket #2394).
-- Log to job's output when it is cancelled or reaches it's time limit (ported
from existing code in slurm v1.3).
-- Add support in salloc and sbatch commands for --network option.
-- Add support for user environment variables that include '\n' (e.g.
bash functions).
-- Partial rewrite of mpi/mvapich plugin for improved scalability.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.31
-- For Moab only: If GetEnvTimeout=0 in slurm.conf then do not run "su" to get
the user's environment, only use the cache file.
-- For sched/wiki2 (Moab), treat the lack of a wiki.conf file or the lack
of a configured AuthKey as a fatal error (lacks effective security).
-- For sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 (Maui or Moab) report a node's state as
Busy rather than Running when allocated if SelectType=select/linear. Moab
was trying to schedule job's on nodes that were already allocated to jobs
that were hidden from it via the HidePartitionJobs in Slurm's wiki.conf.
-- In select/cons_res improve the resource selection when a job has specified
a processor count along with a maximum node count.
-- For an srun command with --ntasks-per-node option and *no* --ntasks count,
spawn a task count equal to the number of nodes selected multiplied by the
--ntasks-per-node value.
-- In jobcomp/script: Set TZ if set in slurmctld's environment.
-- In srun with --verbose option properly format CPU allocation information
logged for clusters with 1000+ nodes and 10+ CPUs per node.
-- Process a job's --mail_type=end option on any type of job termination, not
just normal completion (e.g. all failure modes too).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.30
-- Fix for gold not to print out 720 error messages since they are
potentally harmful.
-- In sched/wiki2 (Moab), permit changes to a pending job's required features:
-- Fix for not aborting when node selection doesn't load, fatal error instead
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 DO NOT report a job's state as "Hold" if it's
dependencies have not been satisfied. This reverses a changed made in SLURM
version 1.2.29 (which was requested by Cluster Resources, but places jobs
in a HELD state indefinitely).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.29
-- Modified global configuration option "DisableRootJobs" from number (0 or 1)
to boolean (YES or NO) to match partition parameter.
-- Set "DisableRootJobs" for a partition to match the global parameters value
for newly created partitions.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 report a node's updated features if changed
after startup using "scontrol update ..." command.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 report a job's state as "Hold" if it's
dependencies have not been satisfied.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 do not process incoming requests until
slurm configuration is completely loaded.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 do not report a job's node count after it
has completed (slurm decrements the allocated node count when the nodes
transition from completing to idle state).
-- If job prolog or epilog fail, log the program's exit code.
-- In jobacct/gold map job names containing any non-alphanumeric characters
to '_' to avoid MySQL parsing problems.
-- In jobacct/linux correct parsing if command name contains spaces.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 report make job info TASK count reflect the
actual task allocation (not requested tasks) even after job terminates.
Useful for accounting purposes only.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.28
-- Added configuration option "DisableRootJobs" for parameter
"PartitionName". See "man slurm.conf" for details.
-- Fix for faking a large system to correctly handle node_id in the task
afffinity plugin for ia64 systems.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.27
-- Record job eligible time in accounting database (for jobacct/gold only).
-- Prevent user root from executing a job step within a job allocation
belonging to another user.
-- Fixed limiting issue for strings larger than 4096 in xstrfmtcat
-- Fix bug in how Slurm reports job state to Maui/Moab when a job is requeued
due to a node failure, but we can't terminate the job's spawned processes.
Job was being reported as PENDING when it was really still COMPLETING.
-- Added patch from Jerry Smith for qstat -a output
-- Fixed looking at the correct perl path for in torque wrappers.
-- Enhance job requeue on node failure to be more robust.
-- Added configuration parameter "DisableRootJobs". See "man slurm.conf"
for details.
-- Fixed issue with account = NULL in Gold job accounting plugin
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.26
-- Correct number of sockets/cores/threads reported by slurmd (from
Par Andersson, National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden).
-- Update libpmi linking so that libslurm is not required for PMI use
(from Steven McDougal, SiCortex).
-- In srun and sbatch, do not check the PATH env var if an absolute pathname
of the program is specified (previously reported an error if no PATH).
-- Correct output of "sinfo -o %C" (CPU counts by node state).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.25
-- Bug fix for setting exit code in accounting for batch script.
-- Add salloc option, --no-shell (for LSF).
-- Added new options for sacct output
-- mvapich: Ensure MPIRUN_ID is unique for all job steps within a job.
(Fixes crashes when running multiple job steps within a job on one node)
-- Prevent "scontrol show job" from failing with buffer overflow when a job
has a very long Comment field.
-- Make certain that a job step is purged when a job has been completed.
Previous versions could have the job step persist if an allocated node
went DOWN and the slurmctld restarted.
-- Fix bug in sbcast that can cause communication problems for large files.
-- Add sbcast option -t/--timeout and SBCAST_TIMEOUT environment variable
to control message timeout.
-- Add threaded agent to manage a queue of Gold update requests for
performance reasons.
-- Add salloc options --chdir and --get-user-env (for Moab).
-- Modify scontrol update to support job comment changes.
-- Do not clear a DRAINED node's reason field when slurmctld restarts.
-- Do not cancel a pending job if Moab or Maui try to start it on unusable nodes.
Leave the job queued.
-- Add --requeue option to srun and sbatch (these undocumented options have no
effect in slurm v1.2, but are legitimate options in slurm v1.3).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.24
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2, support non-zero UPDATE_TIME specification
for GETNODES and GETJOBS commands.
-- Bug fix for sending accounting information multiple times for same
info. patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- BLUEGENE - try FILE pointer rotation logic to avoid core dump on
bridge log rotate
-- Spread out in time the EPILOG_COMPLETE messages from slurmd to slurmctld
to avoid message congestions and retransmission.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.23
-- Fix for libpmi to not export unneeded variables like xstr*
-- BLUEGENE - added per partition dynamic block creation
-- fix infinite loop bug in sview when there were multiple partitions
-- Send message to srun command when a job is requeued due to node failure.
Note this will be overwritten in the output file unless JobFileAppend
is set in slurm.conf. In slurm version 1.3, srun's --open-mode=append
option will offer this control for each job.
-- Change a node's default TmpDisk from 1MB to 0MB and change job's default
disk space requirement from 1MB to 0MB.
-- In sched/wiki (Maui scheduler) specify a QOS (quality of service) by
specifying an account of the form "qos-name".
-- In select/linear, fix bug in scheduling required nodes that already have
a job running on them (req.load.patch from Chris Holmes, HP).
-- For use with Moab only: change timeout for srun/sbatch --get-user-env
option to 2 secs, don't get DISPLAY environment variables, but explicitly
set ENVIRONMENT=BATCH and HOSTNAME to the execution host of the batch script.
-- Add configuration parameter GetEnvTimeout for use with Moab. See
"man slurm.conf" for details.
-- Modify salloc and sbatch to accept both "--tasks" and "--ntasks" as
equivalent options for compatibility with srun.
-- If a partition's node list contains space separators, replace them with
commas for easier parsing.
-- BLUEGENE - fixed bug in geometry specs when creating a block.
-- Add support for Moab and Maui to start jobs with select/cons_res plugin
and jobs requiring more than one CPU per task.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.22
-- In sched/wiki2, add support for MODIFYJOB option "MINSTARTTIME=<time>"
to modify a job's earliest start time.
-- In sbcast, fix bug with large files and causing sbcast to die.
-- In sched/wiki2, add support for COMMENT= option in STARTJOB and CANCELJOB
-- Avoid printing negative job run time in squeue due to clock skew.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2, add support for wiki.conf option
HidePartitionJobs (see man pages for details).
-- Update to srun/sbatch --get-user-env option logic (needed by Moab).
-- In slurmctld (for Moab) added job->details->reserved_resources field
to report resources that were kept in reserve for job while it was
-- In sched/wiki (for Maui scheduler) report a pending job's node feature
requirements (from Miguel Roa, BSC).
-- Permit a user to change a pending job's TasksPerNode specification
using scontrol (from Miguel Roa, BSC).
-- Add support for node UP/DOWN event logging in jobacct/gold plugin
WARNING: using the jobacct/gold plugin slows the system startup set the
MessageTimeout variable in the slurm.conf to around 20+.
-- Added check at start of slurmctld to look for /tmp/slurm_gold_first if
there, and using the gold plugin slurm will make record of all nodes in
downed or drained state.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.21
-- Fixed torque wrappers to look in the correct spot for the perl api
-- Do not treat user resetting his time limit to the current value as
an error.
-- Set correct executable names for Totalview when --multi-prog option
is used and more than one node is allocated to the job step.
-- When a batch job gets requeued, record in accounting logs that
the job was cancelled, the requeued job's submit time will be
set to the time of its requeue so it looks like a different job.
-- Prevent communication problems if the slurmd/slurmstepd have a
different JobAcct plugin configured than slurmctld.
-- Adding Gold plugin for job accounting
-- In sched/wiki2, add support for MODIFYJOB option "JOBNAME=<name>"
to modify a job's name.
-- Add configuration check for sys/syslog.h and include it as needed.
-- Add --propagate option to sbatch for control over limit propagation.
-- Added Gold interface to the jobacct plugin. To configure in the config
file specify...
-- In slurmctld job record, set begin_time to time when all of a job's
dependencies are met.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.20
-- In switch/federation, fix small memory leak effecting slurmd.
-- Add PMI_FANOUT_OFF_HOST environment variable to control how message
forwarding is done for PMI (MPICH2). See "man srun" for details.
-- From sbatch set SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE when --ntasks-per-node option is
-- BLUEGENE: Documented the prefix should always be lower case and the 3
digit suffix should be uppercase if any letters are used as digits.
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2, add support for --cpus-per-task option.
From Miguel Ros, BSC.
-- In sched/wiki2, prevent invalid memory pointer (and likely seg fault)
for job associated with a partition that has since been deleted.
-- In sched/wiki2 plus select/cons_res, prevent invalid memory pointer
(and likely seg fault) when a job is requeued.
-- In sched/wiki, add support for job suspend, resume, and modify.
-- In sched/wiki, add suppport for processor allocation (not just node allocation)
with layout control.
-- Prevent re-sending job termination RPC to a node that has already completed
the job. Only send it to specific nodes which have not reported completion.
-- Support larger environment variables 64K instead of BUFSIZ (8k on some
-- If a job is being requeued, job step create requests will print a
warning and repeatedly retry rather than aborting.
-- Add optional mode value to srun and sbatch --get-user-env option.
-- Print error message and retry job submit commands when MaxJobCount
is reached. From Don Albert, Bull.
-- Treat invalid begin time specification as a fatal error in sbatch and
srun. From Don Albert, Bull.
-- Validate begin time specification to avoid hours >24, minutes >59, etc.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.19
-- slurm.spec file (used to build RPMs) was updated in order to support Mock, a
chroot build environment. See
for more information. The following RPMs are no longer build by default:
aix-federation, auth_none, authd, bluegene, sgijob, and switch-elan. Change
the RPMs built using the following options in ~/rpmmacros: "%_with_authd 1",
"%_without_munge 1", etc. See the slurm.spec file for more details.
-- Print warning if non-privileged user requests negative "--nice" value on
job submission (srun, salloc, and sbatch commands).
-- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2, add support for srun's --ntasks-per-node
-- In select/bluegene with Groups defined for Images, fix possible memory
corruption. Other configurations are not affected.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix bug that prevented user specification of linux-image,
mloader-image, and ramdisk-image on job submission.
-- BLUEGENE - filter Groups specified for image not just by submitting
user's current group, but all groups the user has access to.
-- BLUEGENE - Add salloc options to specify images to be loaded (--blrts-image,
--linux-image, --mloader-image, and --ramdisk-image).
-- BLUEGENE - In bluegene.conf, permit Groups to be comma separated in addition
to colon separators previously supported.
-- sbatch will accept batch script containing "#SLURM" options and advise
changed to "#SBATCH".
-- If srun --output or --error specification contains a task number rather
than a file name, send stdout/err from specified task to srun's stdout/err
rather than to a file by the same name as the task's number.
-- For srun --multi-prog option, verify configuration file before attempting
to launch tasks, report clear explanation of any configuration file errors.
-- For sched/wiki2, add optional timeout option to srun's --get-user-env
parameter, change default timeout for "su - <user> env" from 3 to 8 seconds.
On timeout, attempt to load env from file at StateSaveLocation/env_cache/<user>.
The format of this file is the same as output of "env" command. If there
is no env cache file, then abort the request.
-- squeue modified for completing job to remove nodes that have already
completed the job before applying node filter logic.
-- squeue formatted output option added for job comment, "%q" (the obvious
choices for letters are already in use).
-- Added configure option --enable-load-env-no-login for use with Moab. If
set then the user job runs with the environment built without a login
("su <user> env" rather than "su - <user> env").
-- Fix output of "srun -o %C" (allocated CPU count) for running jobs. This was
broken in 1.2.18 for handling requeue of Moab jobs.
-- Added logic to mpiexec wrapper to read in the MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT var
-- Updated qstat wrapper to display information for partitions (-Q) option
-- NOTE: SLURM should now work directly with Globus using the PBS GRAM.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.18
-- BLUEGENE - bug fix for smap stating passthroughs are used when they aren't
-- Fixed bug in sview to be able to edit partitions correctly
-- Fixed bug so in slurm.conf files where SlurmdPort isn't defined things
work correctly.
-- In sched/wiki2 and sched/wiki add support for batch job being requeued
in Slurm either when nodes fail or upon request.
-- In sched/wiki2 and sched/wiki with FastSchedule=2 configured and nodes
configured with more CPUs than actually exist, return a value of TASKS
equal to the number of configured CPUs that are allocated to a job rather
than the number of physical CPUs allocated.
-- For sched/wiki2, timeout "srun --get-user-env ..." command after 3 seconds
if unable to perform pseudo-login and get user environment variables.
-- Add contribs/time_login.c program to test how long pseudo-login takes
for specific users or all users. This can identify users for which Moab
job submissions are unable to set the proper environment variables.
-- Fix problem in parallel make of Slurm.
-- Fixed bug in consumable resources when CR_Core_Memory is enabled
-- Add delay in slurmctld for "scontrol shutdown" RPC to get propagated
to slurmd daemons.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.17
-- In select/cons_res properly release resources allocated to job being
suspended (rmbreak.patch, from Chris Holmes, HP).
-- Fix AIX linking problem for PMI (mpich2) support.
-- Improve PMI logic for greater scalability (up to 16k tasks run).
-- Add srun support for SLURM_THREADS and PMI_FANOUT environment variables.
-- Fix support in squeue for output format with left justification of
reason (%r) and reason/node_list (%R) output.
-- Automatically requeue a batch job when a node allocated to it fails
or the prolog fails (unless --no-requeue or --no-kill option used).
-- In sched/wiki, enable use of wiki.conf parameter ExcludePartitions to
directly schedule selected partitions without Maui control.
-- In sched/backfill, if a job requires specific nodes, schedule other jobs
ahead of it rather than completely stopping backfill scheduling for that
-- BLUEGENE - corrected logic making block allocation work in a circular
fashion instead of linear.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.16
-- Add --overcommit option to the salloc command.
-- Run task epilog from job's working directory rather than directory
where slurmd daemon started from.
-- Log errors running task prolog or task epilog to srun's output.
-- In sched/wiki2, fix bug processing condensed hostlist expressions.
-- Release contribs/mpich1.slurm.patch without GPL license.
-- Fix bug in mvapich plugin for read/write calls that return EAGAIN.
-- Don't start MVAPICH timeout logic until we know that srun is starting
an MVAPICH program.
-- Fix to srun only allocating number of nodes needed for requested task
count when combining allocation and step creation in srun.
-- Execute task-prolog within proctrack container to insure that all
child processes get terminated.
-- Fixed job accounting to work with sgi_job proctrack plugin.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.15
-- In sched/wiki2, fix bug processing hostlist expressions where hosts
lack a numeric suffix.
-- Fix bug in srun. When user did not specify time limit, it defaulted to
INFINITE rather than partition's limit.
-- In select/cons_res with SelectTypeParameters=CR_Socket_Memory, fix bug in
memory allocation tracking, mem.patch from Chris Holmes, HP.
-- Add --overcommit option to the sbatch command.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.14
-- Fix a couple of bugs in MPICH/MX support (from Asier Roa, BSC).
-- Fix perl api for AIX
-- Add wiki.conf parameter ExcludePartitions for selected partitions to
be directly schedule by Slurm without Moab control
-- Optimize load leveling for shared nodes (alloc.patch, contributed
by Chris Holmes, HP).
-- Added PMI_TIME environment variable for user to control how PMI
communications are spread out in time. See "man srun" for details.
-- Added PMI timing information to srun debug mode to aid in tuning.
Use "srun -vv ..." to see the information.
-- Added checkpoint/ompi (OpenMPI) plugin (still under development).
-- Fix bug in load leveling logic added to v1.2.13 which can cause an
infinite loop and hang slurmctld when sharing nodes between jobs.
-- Added support for sbatch to read in #PBS options from a script
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.13
-- Add slurm.conf parameter JobFileAppend.
-- Fix for segv in "scontrol listpids" on nodes not in SLURM config.
-- Add support for SCANCEL_CTLD env var.
-- In mpi/mvapich plugin, add startup timeout logic. Time based upon
SLURM_MVAPICH_TIMEOUT (value in seconds).
-- Fixed pick_step_node logic to only pick the number of nodes requested
from the user when excluding nodes, to avoid an error message.
-- Disable salloc, sbatch and srun -I/--immediate options with
Moab scheduler.
-- Added "contribs" directory with a Perl API and Torque wrappers for Torque
to SLURM migration. This directory should be used to put anything that
is outside of SLURM proper such as a different API. Perl APIs contributed
by Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- In sched/wiki2: add support for tasklist with node name expressions
and task counts (e.g. TASKLIST=tux[1-4]*2:tux[12-14]*4").
-- In select/cons_res with sched/wiki2: fix bug in task layout logic.
-- Removed all curses info from the bluegene plugin putting it into smap
where it belongs.
-- Add support for job time limit specification formats: min, min:sec,
hour:min:sec, and days-hour:min:sec (formerly only supported minutes).
Applies to salloc, sbatch, and srun commands.
-- Improve scheduling support for exclusive constraint list, nodes can
now be in more than one constraint specific exclusively for a job
(e.g. "srun -C [rack1|rack2|rack3|rowB] srun")
-- Create separate MPICH/MX plugin (split out from MPICH/GM plugin)
-- Increase default MessageTimeout (in slurm.conf) from 5 to 10 secs.
-- Fix bug in batch job requeue if node zero of allocation fails to respond
to task launch request.
-- Improve load leveling logic to more evenly distribute the workload
(best_load.patch, contributed by Chris Holmes, HP).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.12
-- Increase maximum message size from 1MB to 16MB (from Ernest Artiaga, BSC).
-- In PMI_Abort(), log the event and abort the entire job step.
-- Add support for additional PMI functions: PMI_Get_clique_ranks and
PMI_Get_clique_size (from Chuck Clouston, Bull).
-- Report an error when a hostlist comes in appearing to be a box but not
formatted in XYZxXYZ format.
-- Add support for partition configuration "Shared=exclusive". This is
equivalent to "srun --exclusive" when select/cons_res is configured.
-- In sched/wiki2, report the reason for a node being unavailable for the
GETNODES command using the CAT="<reason>" field.
-- In sched/wiki2 with select/linear, duplicate hostnames in HOSTLIST, one
per allocated processor.
-- Fix bug in scancel with specific signal and job lacks active steps.
-- In sched/wiki2, add support for NOTIFYJOB ARG=<jobid> MSG=<message>.
This sends a message to an active srun command.
-- salloc will now set SLURM_NPROCS to improve srun's behavior under salloc.
-- In sched/wiki2 and select/cons_res: insure that Slurm's CPU allocation
is identical to Moab's (from Ernest Artiaga and Asier Roa, BSC).
-- Added "scontrol show slurmd" command to status local slurmd daemon.
-- Set node DOWN if prolog fails on node zero of batch job launch.
-- Properly handle "srun --cpus-per-task" within a job allocation when
SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE environment varable is not set.

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Fixed return of slurm_send_rc_msg if msg->conn_fd is < 0 set errno ENOTCONN
and return SLURM_ERROR instead of return ENOTCONN
-- Added read before we send anything down a socket to make sure the socket
is still there.
-- Add slurm.conf variables UnkillableStepProgram and UnkillableStepTimeout.

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Enable nice file propagation from sbatch command.

Christopher J. Morrone
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.11
-- Updated "etc/mpich1.slurm.patch" for direct srun launch of MPICH1_P4
tasks. See the "README" portion of the patch for details.
-- Added new scontrol command "show hostlist <hostnames>" to translate a list
of hostnames into a hostlist expression (e.g. "tux1,tux2" -> "tux[1-2]")
and "show hostnames <list>", returns a list of of nodes (one node per line)
from SLURM hostlist expression or from SLURM_NODELIST environment variable
if no hostlist specified.

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Add the sbatch option "--wrap".
-- Add the sbatch option "--get-user-env".
-- Added support for mpich-mx (use the mpichgm plugin).

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Make job's stdout and stderr file access rights be based upon user's umask
at job submit time.
-- Add support for additional PMI functions: PMI_Parse_option,
PMI_Args_to_keyval, PMI_Free_keyvals and PMI_Get_options (from Puenlap Lee
and Nancy Kritkausky, Bull).
-- Make default value of SchedulerPort (configuration parameter) be 7321.
-- Use SLURM_UMASK environment variable (if set) at job submit time as umask
for spawned job.
-- Correct some format issues in the man pages (from Gennero Oliva, ICAR).
-- Added support for parallel make across an existing SLURM allocation
based upon GNU make-3.81. Patch is in "etc/make.slurm.patch".
-- Added '-b' option to sbatch for easy MOAB trasition to sbatch instead of
srun. Option does nothing in sbatch.
-- Changed wiki2's handling of a node state in Completing to return 'busy'
instead of 'running' which matches slurm version 1.1

Christopher J. Morrone

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Fix race condititon in jobacct/linux with use of proctrack/pgid and a
realloc issue inside proctrack/linux

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Added MPICH1_P4 plugin for direct launch of mpich1/p4 tasks using srun
and a patched version of the mpi library. See "etc/mpich1.slurm.patch".
NOTE: This is still under development and not ready for production use.
-- Add new sinfo field to sort by "%E" sorts by the time associated with a
node's state (from Prashanth Tamraparni, HP).
-- In sched/wiki: fix logic for restarting backup slurmctld.
-- Preload SLURM plugins early in the slurmstepd operation to avoid
multiple dlopens after forking (and to avoid a glibc bug
that leaves dlopen locks in a bad state after a fork).
-- Added MPICH1_P4 patch to launch tasks using srun rather than rsh and
automatically generate mpirun's machinefile based upon the job's
allocation. See "etc/mpich1.slurm.patch".
-- BLUEGENE - fix for overlap mode to mark all other base partitions as used
when creating a new block from the file to insure we only use the base
partitions we are asking for.
-- Fix in proctrack/sgi_job plugin that could cause slurmstepd to seg_fault
preventing timely clean-up of batch jobs in some cases.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.7
-- BLUEGENE - code to make it so you can make a 36x36x36 system.

Danny Auble
The wiring should be correct for a system with x-dim of 1,2,4,5,8,13
in emulation mode. It will work with any real system no matter the size.
-- Major re-write of jobcomp/script plugin: fix memory leak and
general code clean-up.
-- Add ability to change MaxNodes and ExcNodeList for pending job
using scontrol.
-- Purge zombie processes spawned via event triggers.
-- Add support for power saving mode (experimental code to reduce voltage
and frequency on nodes that stay in the IDLE state, for more information
see None of this
code is enabled by default.

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.6
-- Fix MPIRUN_PORT env variable in mvapich plugin
-- Disable setting triggers by other than user SlurmUser unless SlurmUser
is root for improved security.

Moe Jette
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.5
-- Fix nodelist truncation in "scontrol show jobs" output
-- In mpi/mpichgm, fix potential problem formatting GMPI_PORT, from
Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
-- In sched/wiki2 - Report job's account, from Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
-- Add sbatch option "--ntasks-per-node".
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.4
-- In select/cons_res - fix for function argument type mis-match in getting
CPU count for a job, from Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
-- In sched/wiki2 - Report job's tasks_per_node requirement.
-- In forward logic fix to check if the forwarding node recieves a connection
but doesn't ever get the message from the sender (network issue or
something) also check to make sure if we get something back we make sure
we account for everything we sent out before we call it good.
-- Another fix to make sure steps with requested nodes have correct cpus
accounted for and a fix to make sure the user can't allocate more
cpus than the have requested.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.3
-- Cpuset logic added to task/affinity, from Don Albert (Bull) and
Moe Jette (LLNL). The /dev/cpuset file system must be mounted and
set "TaskPluginParam=cpusets" in slurm.conf to enable.
-- In sched/wiki2, fix possible overflow in job's nodelist, from
Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
-- Defer creation of new job steps until a suspended job is resumed.
-- In select/linear - fix for potential stack corruption bug.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.2
-- Added new command "strigger" for event trigger management, a new
capability. See "man strigger" for details.
-- srun --get-user-env now sends su's stderr to /dev/null
-- Fix in node_scheduling logic with multiple node_sets, from
Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
-- In select/cons_res, fix for function argument type mis-match in getting
CPU count for a job.
-- MPICHGM support bug fixes from Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
-- Support longer hostlist strings, from Ernest Artiaga, BSC.
and SLURM_TASK_EPILOG. patch.1.2.0-pre11.070201.envproepilog from
Dan Palermo, HP.
-- Documenation update. patch.1.2.0-pre11.070201.mchtml from Dan Palermo, HP.
-- Set SLURM_DIST_CYCLIC = 1 (needed for HP MPI, slurm.hp.env.patch).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre15
-- Fix for another spot where the backup controller calls switch/federation
code before switch/federation is initialized.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre14
-- In sched/wiki2, clear required nodes list when a job is requeued.
Note that the required node list is set to every node used when
a job is started via sched/wiki2.
-- BLUEGENE - Added display of deallocating blocks to smap and other tools.
-- Make slurmctld's working directory be same as SlurmctldLogFile (if any),
otherwise StateSaveDir (which is likely a shared directory, possibly
making core file identification more difficult).
-- Fix bug in switch/federation that results in the backup controller
aborting if it receives an epilog-complete message.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre13
-- Fix for --get-user-env.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre12

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Added correct node info for sinfo and sview for viewing
allocated nodes in a partition.
-- BLUEGENE - Added state save on slurmctld shutdown of blocks in an error
state on real systems and total block config on emulation systems.
-- Major update to Slurm's PMI internal logic for better scalability.
Communications now supported directly between application tasks via
Slurm's PMI library. Srun sends single message to one task on each node
and that tasks forwards key-pairs to other tasks on that nodes. The old
code sent key-pairs directly to each task.
NOTE: PMI applications must re-link with this new library.
-- For multi-core support: Fix task distribution bug and add automated
tests, patch.1.2.0-pre11.070111.plane from Dan Palermo (HP).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre11
-- Add multi-core options to slurm_step_launch API.
-- Add man pages for slurm_step_launch() and related functions.

Danny Auble
-- Jobacct plugin only looks at the proctrack list instead of the entire
list of processes running on the node. Cutting down a lot of unnecessary
file opens in linux and cutting down the time to query the procs by
more than half.
-- Multi-core bug fix, mask re-use with multiple job steps,
patch.1.2.0-pre10.061214.affinity_stepid from Dan Palermo (HP).
-- Modify jobacct/linux plugin to completely eliminate open /proc files.
-- Added slurm_sched_plugin_reconfig() function to re-read config files.
-- BLUEGENE - --reboot option to srun, salloc, and sbatch actually works.
-- Modified step context and step launch APIs.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre10
-- Fix for sinfo node state counts by state (%A and %F output options).
-- Add ability to change a node's features via "scontrol update". NOTE:
Update slurm.conf also to preserve changes over slurmctld restart or
NOTE: Job and node state information can not be preserved from earlier
-- Added new slurm.conf parameter TaskPluginParam.
-- Fix for job requeue and credential revoke logic from Hongjia Cao (NUDT).
-- Fix for incorrectly generated masks for task/affinity plugin,
patch.1.2.0-pre9.061207.bitfmthex from Dan Palermo (HP).
-- Make mask_cpu options of srun and slaunch commands not requeue prefix
of "0x". patch.1.2.0-pre9.061208.srun_maskparse from Dan Palermo (HP).
-- Add -c support to the -B automatic mask generation for multi-core
support, patch.1.2.0-pre9.061208.mcore_cpuspertask from Dan Palermo (HP).
-- Fix bug in MASK_CPU calculation,
patch.1.2.0-pre9.061211.avail_cpuspertask from Dan Palermo (HP).
-- BLUEGENE - Added --reboot option to srun, salloc, and sbatch commands.
-- Add "scontrol listpids [JOBID[.STEPID]]" support.
-- Multi-core support patches, fixed SEGV and clean up output for large
task counts, patch.1.2.0-pre9.061212.cpubind_verbose from Dan Palermo (HP).
-- Make sure jobacct plugin files are closed before exec of user tasks to
prevent problems with job checkpoint/restart (based on work by
Hongjia Cao, NUDT).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre9
-- Fix for select/cons_res state preservation over slurmctld restart,
patch.1.2.0-pre7.061130.cr_state from Dan Palermo.
-- Validate product of socket*core*thread count on node registration rather
than individual values. Correct values will need to be specified in slurm.conf
with FastSchedule=1 for correct multi-core scheduling behavior.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre8
-- Modity job state "reason" field to report why a job failed (previously
previously reported only reason waiting to run). Requires cold-start of
slurmctld (-c option).
-- For sched/wiki2 job state request, return REJMESSAGE= with reason for
a job's failure.
-- New FastSchedule configuration parameter option "2" means to base
scheduling decisions upon the node's configuration as specified in
slurm.conf and ignore the node's actual hardware configuration. This
can be useful for testing.
-- Add sinfo output format option "%C" for CPUs (active/idle/other/total).
Based upon work by Anne-Marie Wunderlin (BULL).
-- Assorted multi-core bug fixes (patch1.2.0-pre7.061128.mcorefixes).
-- Report SelectTypeParameters from "scontrol show config".
-- Build sched/wiki plugin for Maui Scheduler (based upon new sched/wiki2
code for Moab Scheduler).

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - changed way of keeping track of smaller partitions using
ionode range instead of quarter nodecard notation.
(i.e. bgl000[0-3] instead of bgl000.0.0)
-- Patch from Hongjia Cao (EINPROGRESS error message change)
-- Fix for correct requid for jobacct plugin
-- Added subsec timing display for sacct
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre7
-- BLUEGENE - added configurable images for bluegene block creation.
-- Support processors, core, and physical IDs that are not in numeric
order (in slurmd to gathering node state information, based on patch
by Don Albert, Bull).
-- Fixed bug with aix not looking in the correct dir for the proctrack
include files
-- Removed global_srun.* from common merged it into srun proper
-- Added bluegene section to troubleshooting guide (web page).
-- NOTE: Requires cold-start when moving from 1.2.0-pre6, save state
info for jobs changed.
-- BLUEGENE - Changed logic for wiring bgl blocks to be more maintainable.
(Haven't tested on large system yet, works on 2 base partition system)
-- Do not read the select/cons_res state save file if slurmctld is
cold-started (with the "-c" option).
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre6
-- Maintain actually job step run time with suspend/resume use.
-- Allow slurm.conf options to appear multiple times. SLURM will use the
last instance of any particular option.
-- Add version number to node state save file. Will not recover node
state information on restart from older version.
-- Add logic to save/restore multi-core state information.
-- Updated multi-core logic to use types uint16_t and uint32_t instead
of just type int.
-- Race condition for forwarding logic fix from Hongjia Cao
-- Add support for Portable Linux Processor Affinity (PLPA, see
-- When a job epilog completes on all non-DOWN nodes, immediately purge
it's job steps that lack switch windows. Needed for LSF operation.
Based upon slurm.hp.node_fail.patch.
-- Modify srun to ignore entries on --nodelist for job step creation
if their count exceeds the task count. Based on slurm.hp.srun.patch.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre5
-- Patch from HP patch.1.2.0.pre4.061017.crcore_hints, supports cores as
consumable resource.
-- Added node_inx to job_step_info_t to get the node indecies for mapping out

Danny Auble
steps in a job by nodes.
-- sview grid added
-- BLUEGENE node_inx added to blocks for reference.
-- Automatic CPU_MASK generation for task launch, new srun option -B.
-- Automatic logical to physical processor identification and mapping.
-- Added new srun options to --cpu_bind: sockets, cores, and threads
-- Updated select/cons_res to operate as socket granularity.
-- New srun task distribution options to -m: plane
-- Multi-core support in sinfo, squeue, and scontrol.
-- Memory can be treated as a consumable resource.
-- New srun options --ntasks-per-[node|socket|core].
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre3
-- Remove configuration parameter ShedulerAuth (defunct).
-- Add NextJobId to "scontrol show config" output.
-- Add new slurm.conf parameter MailProg.
-- New forwarding logic. New recieve_msg functions depending on what you
are expecting to get back. No srun_node_id anymore passed around in
a slurm_msg_t
-- Remove sched/wiki plugin (use sched/wiki2 for now)
-- Disable pthread_create() for PMI_send when TotalView is running for
better performance.
-- Fixed certain tests in test suite to not run with bluegene or front-end

Danny Auble
-- Removed addresses from slurm_step_layout_t
-- Added new job field, "comment". Set by srun, salloc and sbatch. See
with "scontrol show job". Used in sched/wiki2.
-- Report a job's exit status in "scontrol show job".
-- In sched/wiki2: add support for JOBREQUEUE command.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre2
-- Added function slurm_init_slurm_msg to be used to init any slurm_msg_t
you no longer need do any other type of initialization to the type.
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre2
-- Fixed task dist to work with hostfile and warn about asking for more tasks
than you have nodes for in arbitray mode.
-- Added "account" field to job and step accounting information and sacct output.

Danny Auble
-- Moved task layout to slurmctld instead of srun. Job step create returns
step_layout structure with hostnames and addresses that corrisponds
to those nodes.
-- Changed api slurm_lookup_allocation params,
resource_allocation_response_msg_t changed to job_alloc_info_response_msg_t
this structure is being renamed so contents are the same.
-- alter resource_allocation_response_msg_t see
-- remove old_job_alloc_msg_t and function slurm_confirm_alloc
-- Slurm configuration files now support an "Include" directive to
include other files inline.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE New --enable-bluegene-emulation configure parameter to allow
running system in bluegene emulation mode. Only
really useful for developers.
-- New added new tool sview GUI for displaying slurm info.
-- fixed bug in step layout to lay out tasks correctly
* Changes in SLURM 1.2.0-pre1
-- Fix bug that could run a job's prolog more than once
-- Permit batch jobs to be requeued, scontrol requeue <jobid>
-- Send overcommit flag from srun in RPCs and have slurmd set SLURM_OVERCOMMIT
flag at batch job launch time.
-- Added new configuration parameter MessageTimeout (replaces #define in
the code)
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.37
- In sched/wiki2: Add NAME to job record.
- Changed -w (--nodelist) option to only read in number of nodes specified
by -N option unless nprocs was set and in Arbitrary layout mode.
- Added some loops around pthread creates incase they fail and also fixed an
issue in srun to fail job has failed instead of waiting around for threads
that will never end.
- Added fork handlers in the slurmstepd
- In sched/wiki2: fix logic for restarting backup slurmctld.
- In sched/wiki2: if job has no time limit specified, return the partition's
time limit (which is the default for the job) rather than 365 days.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.36
- Permit node state specification of DRAIN in slurm.conf.
- In jobcomp/script - fix bug that prevented UID and JOBID environment
variables from being set.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.35
- In sched/wiki2: Add support for CMD=SIGNALJOB to accept option
of VALUE=SIGXXX in addition to VALUE=# and VALUE=XXX options.
- In sched/wiki2: Add support for CMD=MODIFYJOB to accept option of
DEPEND=afterany:<jobid>, specify jobid=0 to clear.
- Correct logic for job allocation with task count (srun -n ...) AND
FastSchedule=0 AND low CPUs count in Slurm's node configuration.
- Add new and undocumented scancel option, --ctld, to route signal
requests through slurmctld rather than directly to slurmd daemons.
Useful for testing purposes.
- Fixed issue with hostfile support not working in a job step.
- Set supplemental groups for SlurmUser in slurmctld daemon, from
Anne Marie Wunderlin, Bull.
- In jobcomp/script: Add ACCOUNT and PROCS (count) to environment
variables set. Fix bug that prevented UID and JOBID from being
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.34
- Insure that slurm_signal_job_step() is defined in srun for mvapich
and mpichgm error conditions.
- Modify /etc/init.d/slurm restart command to wait for daemon to terminate
before starting a new one
- Permit job steps to be started on draining nodes that have already
been allocated to that job.
- Prevent backup slurmctld from purging pending batch job scripts when a
SIGHUP is received.
- BLUEGENE - check to make sure set_block_user works when the block
is in a ready state.
- Fix to slurmstepd to not use local variables in a pthread create.
- In sched/wiki2 - add wiki.conf paramter HostFormat specifying
format of hostlists exchanged between Slurm and Moab (experimental).
- mpi/mvapich: Support Adam Moody's fast MPI initialization protocol
(MVAPICH protocol version 8).
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.33
- sched/wiki2 - Do not wait for job completion before permitting
additional jobs to be scheduled.
- Add srun SLURM_EXCLUSIVE environment variable support, from
Gilles Civario (Bull).
- sched/wiki2 - Report job's node sharing options.
- sched/wiki2 - If SchedulerPort is in use, retry opening it indefinitely.
- sched/wiki2 - Add support for changing the size of a pending job.
- BLUEGENE - Fix to correctly look at downed/drained nodes with picking
a block to run a job and not confuse it with another running job.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.32
- If a job's stdout/err file names are unusable (bad path), use the
default names.
- sched/wiki2 - Fix logic to be compatible with select/cons_res plugin
for allocating individual processors within nodes.
- Fix job end time calculation when changed from an initial value of

Christopher J. Morrone
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.31
- Correctly identify a user's login shell when running "srun -b --uid"
as root. Use the --uid field for the /etc/passwd lookup instead of
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.30

Christopher J. Morrone
- Fix to make sure users don't include and exclude the same node in
their srun line.
- mpi/mvapich: Forcibly terminate job 60s after first MPI_Abort()
to avoid waiting indefinitely for hung processes.
- proctrack/sgi_job: Fix segv when destroying an active job container
with processes still running.
- Abort a job's stdout/err to srun if not processed within 5 minutes
(prevents node hanging in completing state if the srun is stopped).
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.29
- Fix bug which could leave orphan process put into background from
batch script.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.28
- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue with nodes that return to service outside of an
admin state is now updated in the bluegene plugin.
- Fix for --get-user-env parsing of non-printing characters in users' logins.
- Restore "squeue -n localhost" support.
- Report lack of PATH env var as verbose message, not error in srun.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.27
- Fix possible race condition for two simultaneous "scontrol show config"
calls resulting in slurm_xfree() Error: from read_config.c:642
- BLUEGENE - Put back logic to make a block fail a boot 3 times before
cancelling a users job.
- Fix problem using srun --exclude option for a job step.
- Fix problem generating slurmd error "Unrecognized request: 0" with
some compilers.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.26
- In sched/wiki2, fixes for support of job features.
- In sched/wiki2, add "FLAGS=INTERACTIVE;" to GETJOBS response for
non-batch (not srun --batch) jobs.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.25
- switch/elan: Fix for "Failed to initialise stats structure" from
libelan when ELAN_STATKEY > MAX_INT.
- Tune PMI support logic for better scalability and performance.
- Fix for running a task on each node of an allocation if not specified.
- In sched/wiki2, set TASKLIST for running jobs.
- In sched/wiki2, set STARTDATE for pending jobs with deferred start.
- Added srun --get-user-env option (for Moab scheduler).
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.24
- In sched/wiki2, add support for direct "srun --dependency=" use.
- mpi/mvapich: Add support for MVAPICH protocol version 6.
- In sched/wiki2, change "JOBMODIFY" command to "MODIFYJOB".
- In sched/wiki2, change "JOBREQUEUE" command to "REQUEUEJOB".
- For sched/wiki2, permit normal user to specify arbitrary job id.
- In sched/wiki2, set buffer pointer to NULL after free() to avoid
possible memory corruption.
- In sched/wiki2, report a job's exit code on completion.
- For AIX, fix mail for job event notification.
- Add documentation for propagation options in man srun and slurm.conf.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.23
- Fix bug in non-blocking connect() code affecting AIX.

Christopher J. Morrone
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.22
- Add squeue option to print a job step's task count (-o %A).
- Initialize forward_struct to avoid trying to free a bad pointer,
patch from Anton Blanchard (SAMBA).
- In sched/wiki2, fix fatal race condition on slurmctld startup.
- Fix for displaying launching verbose messages for each node under the
tree instead of just the head one.
- Fix job suspend bug, job accounting plugin would SEGV when given a
bad job ID.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.21
- BLUEGENE - Wait on a fini to make sure all threads are finished before
cleaning up.
- BLUEGENE - replacements to not destroy lists but just empty it to avoid
losing the pointer to the list in the block allocator.
- BLUEGENE - added --enable-bluegene-emulation configure option to 1.1
- In sched/wiki2, enclose a job's COMMENT value in double quotes.
- In sched/wiki2, support newly defined SIGNALJOB command.
- In sched/wiki2, maintain open event socket, don't open and close
for each event.
- In sched/wiki2, fix for scalability problem starting large jobs.
- Fix logic to execute a batch job step (under an existing resource
allocation) as needed by LSF.
- Patches from Hongjia Cao (pmi finialize issues and type declaration)
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