This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 17.11.0pre1
-- Interpet all format options in output/error file to log prolog errors. Prior
logic only supported "%j" (job ID) option.

Danny Auble
-- Add the configure option --with-shared-libslurm which will link to instead of libslurm.o thus reducing the footprint of all the
-- In switch plugin, added plugin_id symbol to plugins and wrapped
switch_jobinfo_t with dynamic_plugin_data_t in interface calls in
order to pass switch information between clusters with different switch
-- Switch naming of acct_gather_infiniband to acct_gather_interconnect
-- Add a last_sched_eval timestamp to record when a job was last evaluated
by the main scheduler or backfill.
-- Add scancel "--hurry" option to avoid staging out any burst buffer data.
-- Simplify the sched plugin interface.
-- Add new advanced reservation flags of "weekday" (repeat on each weekday;
Monday through Friday) and "weekend" (repeat on each weekend day; Saturday
and Sunday).
-- Add new advanced reservation flag of "flex", which permits jobs requesting
the reservation to begin prior to the reservation's start time and use
resources inside or outside of the reservation. A typical use case is to
prevent jobs not explicitly requesting the reservation from using those
reserved resources rather than forcing jobs requesting the reservation to
use those resources in the time frame reserved.
-- Node "OS" field expanded from "sysname" to "sysname release version" (e.g.
change from "Linux" to
"Linux 4.8.0-28-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Sat Feb 8 09:15:00 UTC 2017").
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch - Add "job_name" and "wc_key" fields to stored
-- jobcomp/filetxt - Add ArrayJobId, ArrayTaskId, ReservationName, Gres,
Account, QOS, WcKey, Cluster, SubmitTime, EligibleTime, DerivedExitCode and
-- scontrol modified to report core IDs for reservation containing individual
-- MYSQL - Get rid of table join during rollup which speeds up the process
dramatically on large job/step tables.
-- Add ability to define features on clusters for directing federated jobs to
different clusters.
-- Add new RPC to process multiple federation RPCs in a single communication.
-- Modify slurm_load_jobs() function to load job information from all clusters
in a federation.
-- Add squeue --local and --sibling options to modify filtering of jobs on
federated clusters.
-- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_max_job_user_part to specifiy the
maximum number of jobs per user for any single partition. This differs from
bf_max_job_user in that a separate counter is applied to each partition
rather than having a single counter per user applied to all partitions.
-- Modify backfill logic so that bf_max_job_user, bf_max_job_part and
bf_max_job_user_part options can all be used independently of each other.
-- Add sprio -p/--partition option to filter jobs by partition name.
-- Add partition name to job priority factor response message.
-- Add sprio --local and --sibling options for use in federation of clusters.
-- Add sprio "%c" format to print cluster name in federation mode.
-- Modify sinfo logic to provided unified view of all nodes and partitions
in a federation, add --local option to only report local state information
even in a cluster, print cluster name with "%V" format option, and
optionally sort by cluster name.
-- If a task in a parallel job fails and it was launched with the
--kill-on-bad-exit option then terminate the remaining tasks using the
SIGCONT, SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals rather than just sending SIGKILL.
-- Include submit_time when doing the sort for job scheduling.
-- Modify sacct to report all jobs in federation by default. Also add --local
-- Modify sacct to accept "--cluster all" option (in addition to the old
"--cluster -1", which is still accepted).
-- Modify sreport to report all jobs in federation by default. Also add --local
-- sched/backfill: Improve assoc_limit_stop configuration parameter support.
-- KNL features: Always keep active and available features in the same order:
first site-specific features, next MCDRAM modes, last NUMA modes.
-- Changed default ProctrackType to cgroup.
-- Add "cluster_name" field to node_info_t and partition_info_t data structure.
It is filled in only when the cluster is part of a federation and
-- Functions slurm_load_node() slurm_load_partitions() modified to show all
nodes/partitions in a federation when the SHOW_FEDERATION flag is used.
-- Add --federation option to sacct, scontrol, sinfo, sprio, squeue, sreport to
show a federated view. Will show local view by default.
-- Add FederationParameters=fed_display slurm.conf option to configure status
commands to display a federated view by default if the cluster is a member
of a federation.
-- Log the down nodes whenever slurmctld restarts.
-- Report that "CPUs" plus "Boards" in node configuration invalid only if the
CPUs value is not equal to the total thread count.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.4
-- Do not attempt to schedule jobs after changing the power cap if there are
already many active threads.
-- Job expansion example in FAQ enhanced to demonstrate operation in
heterogeneous environments.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Prevent scontrol crash when operating on array and no-array jobs at once.
-- knl_cray plugin: Log incomplete capmc output for a node.
-- knl_cray plugin: Change capmc parsing of mcdram_pct from string to number.
-- When rebooting a node and using the PrologFlags=alloc make sure the
prolog is ran after the reboot.
-- node_features/knl_generic - If a node is rebooted for a pending job, but
fails to enter the desired NUMA and/or MCDRAM mode then drain the node and
requeue the job.
-- node_features/knl_generic disable mode change unless RebootProgram
-- Add new burst_buffer function bb_g_job_revoke_alloc() to be executed
if there was a failure after the initial resource allocation. Does not
release previously allocated resources.
-- Test if the node_bitmap on a job is NULL when testing if the job's nodes
are ready. This will be NULL is a job was revoked while beginning.
-- Fix incorrect lock levels when testing when job will run or updating a job.
-- Add missing locks to job_submit/pbs plugin when updating a jobs
-- Add min_memory_per_node|cpu to the job_submit/lua plugin to deal with lua
not being able to deal with pn_min_memory being a uint64_t. Scripts are
urged to change to these new variables avoid issue. If not set the
variables will be 'nil'.
-- Calculate priority correctly when 'nice' is given.
-- Fix minor typos in the documentation.
-- node_features/knl_cray: Preserve non-KNL active features if slurmctld
reconfigured while node boot in progress.
-- node_features/knl_generic: Do not repeatedly log errors when trying to read
KNL modes if not KNL system.
-- Add missing QOS read lock to backfill scheduler.
-- When doing a dlopen on liblua only attempt the version compiled against.
-- Fix null-dereference in sreport cluster ulitization when configured with
-- Fix Partition info in 'scontrol show node'. Previously duplicate partition
names, or Partitions the node did not belong to could be displayed.
-- Fix it so the backup slurmdbd will take control correctly.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Fix unsafe use of MAX() macro, which could result in problems cleaning up

Alejandro Sanchez
accounting plugins in slurmd, or repeat job cancellation attempts in
-- Fix 'scontrol update reservation duration=unlimited' to set the duration
to 365-days (as is done elsewhere), rather than 49710 days.
-- Check if variable given to scontrol show job is a valid jobid.
-- Fix WithSubAccounts option to not include WithDeleted unless requested.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Prevent a job tested on multiple partitions from being marked

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Prevent a race between completing jobs on a user-exclusive node from
leaving the node owned.
-- When scheduling take the nodes in completing jobs out of the mix to reduce
fragmentation. SchedulerParameters=reduce_completing_frag
-- For jobs submited to multiple partitions, report the job's earliest start
time for any partition.
-- Backfill partitions that use QOS Grp limits to "float" better.
-- node_features/knl_cray: don't clear configured GRES from non-KNL node.
-- sacctmgr - prevent segfault in command when a request is denied due
to a insufficient priviledges.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.3
-- Increase --cpu_bind and --mem_bind field length limits.
-- Fix segfault when using AdminComment field with job arrays.
-- Clear Dependency field when all dependencies are satisfied.
-- Add --array-unique to squeue which will display one unique pending job
array element per line.
-- Reset backfill timers correctly without skipping over them in certain
-- When running the "scontrol top" command, make sure that all of the user's
jobs have a priority that is lower than the selected job. Previous logic
would permit other jobs with equal priority (no jobs with higher priority).
-- Fix perl api so we always get an allocation when calling Slurm::new().
-- Fix issue with cleaning up cpuset and devices cgroups when multiple steps
end at the same time.
-- Document that PriorityFlags option of DEPTH_OBLIVIOUS precludes the use of
-- Fix issue if an invalid message came in a Slurm daemon/command may abort.
-- Make it impossible to use CR_CPU* along with CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE. The
options are mutually exclusive.
-- ALPS - Fix scheduling when ALPS doesn't agree with Slurm on what nodes
are free.
-- When removing a partition make sure it isn't part of a reservation.
-- Fix seg fault if loading attempting to load non-existent burstbuffer plugin.
-- Fix to backfill scheduling with respect to QOS and association limits. Jobs
submitted to multiple partitions are most likley to be effected.
-- sched/backfill: Improve assoc_limit_stop configuration parameter support.
-- sched/backfill: Fix bug related to advanced reservations and the need to
reboot nodes to change KNL mode.
-- Preempt plugins - fix check for 'preempt_youngest_first' option.
-- Preempt plugins - fix incorrect casts in preempt_youngest_first mode.
-- Preempt/job_prio - fix incorrect casts in sort function.
-- Fix to make task/affinity work with ldoms where there are more than 64
cpus on the node.
-- When using node_features/knl_generic make it so the slurmd doesn't segfault
when shutting down.

Tim Wickberg
-- Fix potential double-xfree() when using job arrays that can lead to
slurmctld crashing.
-- Fix priority/multifactor priorities on a slurmctld restart if not using
-- Fix NULL dereference reported by CLANG.
-- Update proctrack documentation to strongly encourage use of
-- Fix potential memory leak if job fails to begin after nodes have been
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