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Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
If using the slurmdbd (SLURM DataBase Daemon) you must update this first.
The 2.6 slurmdbd will work with SLURM daemons of version 2.4 and above.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
You will not need to update all clusters at the same time, but it is very
important to update slurmdbd first and having it running before updating
any other clusters making use of it.  No real harm will come from updating
your systems before the slurmdbd, but they will not talk to each other
until you do.  Also at least the first time running the slurmdbd you need to
make sure your my.cnf file has innodb_buffer_pool_size equal to at least 64M.
You can accomplish this by adding the line
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed


Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed
under the [mysqld] reference in the my.cnf file and restarting the mysqld.
This is needed when converting large tables over to the new database schema.
SLURM can be upgraded from version 2.4 or 2.5 to version 2.6 without loss of
jobs or other state information. Upgrading directly from an earlier version of
SLURM will result in loss of state information.
Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed

 - Added support for job arrays, which increases performance and ease of use
   for sets of similar jobs. This may necessitate changes in prolog and/or
   epilog scripts due to change in the job ID format, which is now of the form
   "<job_id>_<index>" for job arrays.
 - Added support for job profiling to periodically capture each task's CPU use,
   memory use, power consumption, Lustre use and Infiniband network use.
 - Added support for generic external sensor plugins which can be used to
   capture temperature and power consumption data.
 - Added mpi/pmi2 plugin with much more scalable performance for MPI
   implementations using PMI communications interface.
 - Added prolog and epilog support for advanced reservations.
 - Much faster throughput for job step execution with --exclusive option. The
   srun process is notified when resources become available rather than
   periodic polling.
 - Added "MaxCPUsPerNode" partition configuration parameter. This can be
   especially useful to schedule GPUs. For example a node can be associated
   with two Slurm partitions (e.g. "cpu" and "gpu") and the partition/queue
   "cpu" could be limited to only a subset of the node's CPUs, insuring that
   one or more CPUs would be available to jobs in the "gpu" partition/queue.
 - Advanced reservations with hostname and core counts now supports asymetric
   reservations (e.g. specific different core count for each node).
 - Added slurmctld/dynalloc plugin for MapReduce+ support. New versions of
   OpenMPI and MapReduce are required to enable this functionality.
 - Make sched/backfill the default scheduling plugin rather than sched/builtin
Moe Jette's avatar
Moe Jette committed
CONFIGURATION FILE CHANGES (see "man slurm.conf" for details)
 - Added "HealthCheckNodeState" configuration parameter identifing node states
   on which HealthCheckProgram should be executed.
 - Added "MaxArraySize" configuration parameter specifying maximum job array
 - Added "ResvEpilog" and "ResvProlog" configuration parameters to execute a
   program at the beginning and end of a reservation.
 - Added new cray.conf parameter of "AlpsEngine" to specify the communication
   protocol to be used for ALPS/BASIL.
 - Added new SelectTypeParameter value of "CR_ALLOCATE_FULL_SOCKET".
 - Added PriorityFlags value of "TICKET_BASED" and merged priority/multifactor2
   plugin into priority/multifactor plugin.
 - Added "KeepAliveTime" controlling how long sockets used for srun/slurmstepd
   communications are kept alive after disconnect.
 - Added "SlurmctldPlugstack" configuration parameter for generic stack of
   slurmctld daemon plugins. Only the plugin's init and fini functions are
 - Added "DynAllocPort" configuration parameter for use by slurmctld/dynalloc
 - Added new "SchedulerParameters" configuration parameter of "bf_continue"
   which permits the backfill scheduler to continue considering jobs for
   backfill scheduling after yielding locks even if new jobs have been
   submitted. This can result in lower priority jobs from being backfill
   scheduled instead of newly arrived higher priority jobs, but will permit
   more queued jobs to be considered for backfill scheduling.
 - Added options for front end nodes of "AllowGroups", "AllowUsers",
   "DenyGroups", and "DenyUsers".
 - Added "PriorityFlags" value of "SMALL_RELATIVE_TO_TIME". If set, the job's
   size component will be based upon not the job size alone, but the job's
   size divided by it's time limit.
DBD CONFIGURATION FILE CHANGES (see "man slurmdbd.conf" for details)
 - Added "ArchiveResvs" and "PurgeResvAfter" options to be able to handle old
   reservations in the database.

COMMAND CHANGES (see man pages for details)
 - Added step "State" field to scontrol output.
 - Added "--array" option to sbatch for job array support.
 - Enlarged default JOBID and STEPID field sizes in squeue output to better
   support job arrays. For job arrays, the job ID is no longer a single number
   but has the format "JOBID_TASKID" while a step ID format is now
 - Modified squeue output field options for job arrays:
   %i is now of the form <base_job_id>_<array_index>
   %F is the <base_job_id>
   %K is the <array_index>
   %A is the <job_id>, which is unique for each element of a job array
 - Fully removed deprecated sacct --dump --fdump options.
 - Added partition "SelectTypeParameters" field to scontrol output.
 - Added Allocated Memory to node information displayed by sview and scontrol
 - Added username (%u) to the filename pattern for srun and sbatch commands.
 - Added sacct format option of "ALL" to print all fields.
 - Added PMI2 client library. Refere to the documentation here:
 - Added SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST to salloc, sbatch and srun job environment.
 - Added SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID and SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID to environment of job
 - Added milliseconds to default log message header (both RFC 5424 and ISO 8601
   time formats). Disable milliseconds logging using the configure
   parameter "--disable-log-time-msec". Default time format changes to
   ISO 8601 (without time zone information). Specify "--enable-rfc5424time"
   to restore the time zone information.
 - Added sbatch option "--ignore-pbs" to ignore "#PBS" options in the batch
Changed members of the following structs
 - Added "time_t poll_time" to acct_gather_energy_t.
 - Changed "acctg_freq" from uint16_t to char * in job_desc_msg_t.
 - Added "char *array_inx" field to job_desc_msg_t.
 - Added "void *array_bitmap" field to job_desc_msg_t.
 - Added "uint32_t profile" field to job_desc_msg_t.
 - Added "uint32_t array_job_id" field to slurm_job_info_t.
 - Added "uint32_t array_task_id" field to slurm_job_info_t.
 - Added "uint32_t profile" field to slurm_job_info_t.
 - Added "time_t end_time" field to step_update_request_msg_t.
 - Added "uint32_t exit_code" field to step_update_request_msg_t.
 - Added "jobacctinfo_t *jobacct" field to step_update_request_msg_t.
 - Added "char *name" field to step_update_request_msg_t.
 - Added "time_t start_time" field to step_update_request_msg_t.
 - Rename "mem_per_cpu" to "pn_min_memory" in slurm_step_ctx_params_t.
 - Added "uint32_t profile" field to slurm_step_ctx_params_t.
 - Added "uint32_t profile" field to slurm_step_launch_params_t.
 - Changed "acctg_freq" from uint16_t to char * in slurm_step_launch_params_t.
 - Added "uint32_t array_job_id" field to job_step_info_t.
 - Added "uint32_t array_task_id" field to job_step_info_t.
Danny Auble's avatar
Danny Auble committed
 - Added "uint16_t state" field to job_step_info_t.
 - Added "ext_sensors_data_t *ext_sensors" field to node_info_t.
 - Added "char *allow_groups" field to front_end_info_t.
 - Added "char *allow_users" field to front_end_info_t.
 - Added "char *deny_groups"  field to front_end_info_t.
 - Added "char *deny_users" field to front_end_info_t.
 - Added "uint16_t cr_type" field to partition_info_t.
 - Added "uint32_t max_cpus_per_node" field to partition_info_t.
 - Changed "core_cnt" from uint32_t to uint32_t* in resv_desc_msg_t.
 - Added "char *acct_gather_profile_type" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "char *acct_gather_infiniband_type" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "char *acct_gather_filesystem_type" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "uint16_t dynalloc_port" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "char *ext_sensors_type" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "uint16_t ext_sensors_freq" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "uint16_t health_check_node_state" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Changed "job_acct_gather_freq" from uint16_t to char * in slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "uint16_t keep_alive_time" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "uint16_t max_array_sz" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "char *resv_epilog" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t
 - Added "char *resv_prolog" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.
 - Added "char *slurmctld_plugstack" field to slurm_ctl_conf_t.

Added the following struct definitions
 - ext_sensors_data_t
 - acct_gather_energy_req_msg_t
Changed the following enums and #defines
 - Added SELECT_NODEDATA_MEM_ALLOC to select_nodedata_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_CONSUMED_ENERGY to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_MAX_DISK_READ to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_MAX_DISK_READ_ID to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_TOT_DISK_READ to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_MAX_DISK_WRITE to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_MAX_DISK_WRITE_ID to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added JOBACCT_DATA_TOT_DISK_WRITE to jobacct_data_type enum
 - Added ENERGY_DATA_PROFILE to acct_energy_type
 - Added ENERGY_DATA_LAST_POLL to acct_energy_type
 - Added #define DEBUG_FLAG_THREADID
 - Added #define DEBUG_FLAG_PROFILE
 - Added #define HEALTH_CHECK_NODE_ANY
 - Added #define KILL_JOB_BATCH
 - Added #define KILL_JOB_ARRAY
Added the following API's
 - Added "slurm_step_ctx_create_timeout" function.
 - Added "slurm_load_job_user" function. This is a variation of
   "slurm_load_jobs", but accepts a user ID argument, potentially resulting
   in substantial performance improvement for "squeue --user=ID"
 - Added "slurm_xlate_job_id" function.
 - Added "slurm_load_node" function.
 - Added "slurm_load_node_single" function. This is a variation of
   "slurm_load_nodes", but accepts a node name argument, potentially resulting
   in substantial performance improvement for "sinfo --nodes=NAME".
 - Added "slurm_get_node_energy" function.
Changed the following API's
DBD API Changes
 - Changed "cpu_min_taskid" from a uint16_t to a uint32_t in slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "double disk_read_ave" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "double disk_read_max" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "uint32_t disk_read_max_nodeid" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "uint32_t disk_read_max_taskid" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "double disk_write_ave" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "double disk_write_max" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "uint32_t disk_write_max_nodeid" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "uint32_t disk_write_max_taskid" field to slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Changed "pages_max_taskid" from a uint16_t to a uint32_t in slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Changed "rss_max_taskid" from a uint16_t to a uint32_t in slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Changed "vsize_max_taskid" from a uint16_t to a uint32_t in slurmdb_stats_t.
 - Added "uint32_t purge_resv" field to slurmdb_archive_cond_t.
 - Added "uint32_t req_mem" field to slurmdb_job_rec_t.