This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre2
-- Added AllowSpecResourcesUsage configuration parameter in slurm.conf. This
allows jobs to use specialized resources on nodes allocated to them if the
job designates --core-spec=0.
-- Add new SchedulerParameters option of build_queue_timeout to throttle how
much time can be consumed building the job queue for scheduling.
-- Added HealthCheckNodeState option of "cycle" to cycle through the compute
nodes over the course of HealthCheckInterval rather than running all at
the same time.
-- Add job "reboot" option for Linux clusters. This invokes the configured
RebootProgram to reboot nodes allocated to a job before it begins execution.
-- Added squeue -O/--Format option that makes all job and step fields available
for printing.
-- Improve database slurmctld entry speed dramatically.
-- Add "CPUs" count to output of "scontrol show step".
* Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre1
-- Modify etc/cgroup.release_common.example to set specify full path to the
scontrol command. Also find cgroup mount point by reading cgroup.conf file.
-- Improve qsub wrapper support for passing environment variables.
-- Modify sdiag to report Slurm RPC traffic by user, type, count and time
-- In select plugins, stop triggering extra logging based upon the debug flag
-- Added SchedulerParameters options of bf_yield_interval and bf_yield_sleep
to control how frequently and for how long the backfill scheduler will
relinquish its locks.
-- To support larger numbers of jobs when the StateSaveDirectory is on a
file system that supports a limited number of files in a directory, add a
subdirectory called "hash.#" based upon the last digit of the job ID.
-- More gracefully handle missing batch script file. Just kill the job and do
not drain the compute node.
-- Add support for allocation of GRES by model type for heterogenous systems
(e.g. request a Kepler GPU, a Tesla GPU, or a GPU of any type).
-- Record and enable display of nodes anticipated to be used for pending jobs.
-- Modify squeue --start option to print the nodes expected to be used for
pending job (in addition to expected start time, etc.).
-- Add association hash to the assoc_mgr.
-- Better logic to handle resized jobs when the DBD is down.
-- Introduce MemLimitEnforce yes|no in slurm.conf. If set no Slurm will
not terminate jobs if they exceed requested memory.
-- Add support for non-consumable generic resources for resources that are
limited, but can be shared between jobs.
-- Introduce 5 new Slurm errors in slurm_errno.h related to job to better
-- Modify scontrol to print error message for each array task when updating
the entire array.
-- Added gres_drain and gres_used fields to node_info_t.
-- Added PriorityParameters configuration parameter in slurm.conf.
-- Introduce automatic job requeue policy based on exit value. See RequeueExit
and RequeueExitHold descriptions in slurm.conf man page.
-- Modify slurmd to cache launched job IDs for more responsive job suspend and
gang scheduling.
-- Permit jobs steps full control over cpu_bind options if specialized cores
are included in the job allocation.
-- Added ChosLoc configuration parameter to specifiy the pathname of the
Chroot OS tool.
-- Sent SIGCONT/SIGTERM when a job is selected for preemption with GraceTime
configured rather than waiting for GraceTime to be reached before notifying
the job.
-- Do not resume a job with specialized cores on a node running another job
with specialized cores (only one can run at a time).
-- Add specialized core count to job suspend/resume calls.
-- task/affinity and task/cgroup - Correct specialized core task binding with
user supplied invalid CPU mask or map.
-- Add srun --cpu-freq options to set the CPU governor (OnDemand, Performance,
PowerSave or UserSpace).
-- Add support for a job step's CPU governor and/or frequency to be reset on
suspend/resume (or gang scheduling). The default for an idle CPU will now
be "ondemand" rather than "userspace" with the lowest frequency (to recover
from hard slurmd failures and support gang scheduling).
-- Added PriorityFlags option of Calulate_Running to continue recalculating
the priority of running jobs.
-- Replace round-robin front-end node selection with least-loaded algorithm.
-- CRAY - Improve support of XC30 systems when running natively.
-- Add new node configuration parameters CoreSpecCount, CPUSpecList and
MemSpecLimit which support the reservation of resources for system use
with Linux cgroup.
-- Add child_forked() function to the slurm_acct_gather_profile plugin to
close open files, leaving application with no extra open file descriptors.
-- Cray/ALPS system - Enable backup controller to run outside of the Cray to
accept new job submissions and most other operations on the pending jobs.
-- Have sacct print job and task array id's for job arrays.
-- If <sys/prctl.h> is present name major threads in slurmctld, for
example backfill
thread: slurmctld_bckfl, the rpc manager: slurmctld_rpcmg etc.
The name can be seen for example using top -H.
-- Provide more precise error message when job allocation can not be satisfied
(e.g. memory, disk, cpu count, etc. rather than just "node configuration
not available").
-- Create a new DebugFlags named TraceJobs in slurm.conf to print detailed
information about jobs in slurmctld. The information include job ids, state
and node count.
-- When a job dependency can never be satisfied do not cancel the job but keep
pending with reason WAIT_DEP_INVALID (DependencyNeverSatisfied).
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.5
-- If a srun runs in an exclusive allocation and doesn't use the entire
allocation and CR_PACK_NODES is set layout tasks appropriately.
-- Correct Shared field in job state information seen by scontrol, sview, etc.
-- Print Slurm error string in scontrol update job and reset the Slurm errno
before each call to the API.
-- Fix task/cgroup to handle -mblock:fcyclic correctly
-- Fix for core-based advanced reservations where the distribution of cores
across nodes is not even.
-- Fix issue where association maxnodes wouldn't be evaluated correctly if a
QOS had a GrpNodes set.
-- GRES fix with multiple files defined per line in gres.conf.
-- When a job is requeued make sure accounting marks it as such.
-- Print the state of requeued job as REQUEUED.
-- Fix if a job's partition was taken away from it don't allow a requeue.
-- Make sure we lock on the conf when sending slurmd's conf to the slurmstepd.
-- Fix issue with sacctmgr 'load' not able to gracefully handle bad formatted
-- sched/backfill: Correct job start time estimate with advanced reservations.
-- Error message added when in proctrack/cgroup the step freezer path isn't
able to be destroyed for debug.
-- Added extra index's into the database for better performance when
deleting users.
-- Fix issue with wckeys when tracking wckeys, but not enforcing them,
you could get multiple '*' wckeys.
-- Fix bug which could report to squeue the wrong partition for a running job
that is submitted to multiple partitions.
-- Report correct CPU count allocated to job when allocated whole node even if
not using all CPUs.
-- If job's constraints cannot be satisfied put it in pending state with reason
BadConstraints and don't remove it.
-- sched/backfill - If job started with infinite time limit, set its end_time
one year in the future.
-- Clear QOS GrpUsedCPUs when resetting raw usage if QOS is not using any cpus.
-- Remove log message left over from debugging.
-- When using CR_PACK_NODES fix make --ntasks-per-node work correctly.
-- Report correct partition associated with a step if the job is submitted to
multiple partitions.
-- Fix to allow removing of preemption from a QOS
-- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error
message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds.
-- Make srun obey POSIX convention and increase the exit code by 127 when the
process terminated by a signal.
-- Sanity check for acct_gather_energy/rapl
-- Fix issue where not enforcing QOS but a partition either allows or denies
-- CRAY - Make switch/cray default when running on a Cray natively.
-- CRAY - Make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively.
-- Disable job time limit change if it's preemption is in progress.
-- Correct logic to properly enforce job preemption GraceTime.
-- Fix sinfo -R to print each down/drained node once, rather than once per
-- If a job has non-responding node, retry job step create rather than
returning with DOWN node error.
-- Support SLURM_CONF path which does not have "slurm.conf" as the file name.
-- CRAY - make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively
-- Fix issue where batch cpuset wasn't looked at correctly in
-- Correct squeue's job node and CPU counts for requeued jobs.
-- Correct SelectTypeParameters=CR_LLN with job selecition of specific nodes.
-- Only if ALL of their partitions are hidden will a job be hidden by default.
-- Run EpilogSlurmctld for a job is killed during slurmctld reconfiguration.
-- Close window with srun if waiting for an allocation and while printing
something you also get a signal which would produce deadlock.
-- Add SelectTypeParameters option of CR_PACK_NODES to pack a job's tasks
tightly on its allocated nodes rather than distributing them evenly across
the allocated nodes.
-- cpus-per-task support: Try to pack all CPUs of each tasks onto one socket.
Previous logic could spread the tasks CPUs across multiple sockets.
-- Add new distribution method fcyclic so when a task is using multiple cpus
it can bind cyclically across sockets.
-- task/affinity - When using --hint=nomultithread only bind to the first
thread in a core.
-- Make cgroup task layout (block | cyclic) method mirror that of
-- If TaskProlog sets SLURM_PROLOG_CPU_MASK reset affinity for that task
based on the mask given.
-- Keep supporting 'srun -N x --pty bash' for historical reasons.
-- If EnforcePartLimits=Yes and QOS job is using can override limits, allow
-- Fix issues if partition allows or denies account's or QOS' and either are
not set.
-- If a job requests a partition and it doesn't allow a QOS or account the
job is requesting pend unless EnforcePartLimits=Yes. Before it would
always kill the job at submit.
-- Fix format output of scontrol command when printing node state.
-- Improve the clean up of cgroup hierarchy when using the
jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin.
-- Added SchedulerParameters value of Ignore_NUMA.
-- Fix issues with code when using automake 1.14.1
-- select/cons_res plugin: Fix memory leak related to job preemption.
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