This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.5
-- Correct init.d/slurm status to have non-zero exit code if ANY Slurm
damon that should be running on the node is not running. Patch from Rod
Schulz, Bull.
-- Improve accuracy of response to "srun --test-only jobid=#".
-- Correct logic to properly support --ntasks-per-node option in the
select/cons_res plugin. Patch from Rod Schulz, Bull.
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res with respect to generic resource (gres)
scheduling which prevented some jobs from starting as soon as possible.
-- Fix memory leak in select/cons_res when backfill scheduling generic
resources (gres).

Danny Auble
-- Fix for when configuring a node with more resources than in real life
and using task/affinity.
-- For batch jobs for which the Prolog fails, substitute the job ID for any
"%j" in the job's output or error file specification.
-- Add licenses field to the sview reservation information.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for handling extremely overloaded system on Dynamic system
dealing with starting jobs on overlapping blocks. Previous fallout
was job would be requeued. (happens very rarely)
-- In accounting_storage/filetxt plugin, substitute spaces within job names,
step names, and account names with an underscore to insure proper parsing.
-- When building contribs/perlapi ignore both INSTALL_BASE and PERL_MM_OPT.
Use PREFIX instead to avoid build errors from multiple installation
-- Add job_submit/cnode plugin to support resource reservations of less than
a full midplane on BlueGene computers. Treat cnodes as liceses which can
be reserved and are consumed by jobs. This reservation mechanism for less
than an entire midplane is still under development.
-- Clear a job's "reason" field when a held job is released.
-- When releasing a held job, calculate a new priority for it rather than
just setting the priority to 1.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for sview started on a non-bluegene system to pick colors correctly
when talking to a real bluegene system.
-- Improve sched/backfill's expected start time calculation.
-- Prevent abort of sacctmgr for dump command with invalid (or no) filename.

Danny Auble
-- Improve handling of job updates when using limits in accounting, and
updating jobs as a non-admin user.
-- Fix for "squeue --states=all" option. Bug would show no jobs.
-- Schedule jobs with reservations before those without reservations.
-- Fix squeue/scancel to query correctly against accounts of different case.
-- Abort an srun command when it's associated job gets aborted due to a
dependency that can not be satisfied.
-- In jobcomp plugins, report start time of zeroif pending job is cancelled.
Previously may report expected start time.
-- Fixed sacctmgr man to state correct variables.
-- Select nodes based upon their Weight when job allocation requests include
a constraint field with a count (e.g. "srun --constraint=gpu*2 -N4 a.out").
-- Add support for user names that are entirely numeric and do not treat them
as UID values. Patch from Dennis Leepow.
-- Patch to un/pack double values properly if negative value. Patch from

Danny Auble
Dennis Leepow
-- Do not reset a job's priority when requeued or suspended.
-- Fix problemm that could let new jobs start on a node in DRAINED state.

Danny Auble
-- Fix cosmetic sacctmgr issue where if the user you are trying to add
doesn't exist in the /etc/passwd file and the account you are trying
to add them to doesn't exist it would print (null) instead of the bad
account name.
-- Fix associations/qos for when adding back a previously deleted object
the object will be cleared of all old limits.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Added back a lock when creating dynamic blocks to be more thread
safe on larger systems with heavy load.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.3
-- Update srun, salloc, and sbatch man page description of --distribution
option. Patches from Rod Schulz, Bull.
-- Applied patch from Martin Perry to fix "Incorrect results for task/affinity
block second distribution and cpus-per-task > 1" bug.
-- Avoid setting a job's eligible time while held (priority == 0).
-- Substantial performance improvement to backfill scheduling. Patch from
Bjorn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo.
-- Make timeout for communications to the slurmctld be based upon the
MessageTimeout configuration parameter rather than always 3 seconds.
Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Add new scontrol option of "show aliases" to report every NodeName that is
associated with a given NodeHostName when running multiple slurmd daemons
per compute node (typically used for testing purposes). Patch from
Matthieu Hautreux, CEA.
-- Fix for handling job names with a "'" in the name within MySQL accounting.
Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Modify condition under which salloc execution delayed until moved to the
foreground. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
Job control for interactive salloc sessions: only if ...
a) input is from a terminal (stdin has valid termios attributes),
b) controlling terminal exists (non-negative tpgid),
c) salloc is not run in allocation-only (--no-shell) mode,
d) salloc runs in its own process group (true in interactive
shells that support job control),
e) salloc has been configured at compile-time to support background
execution and is not currently in the background process group.
-- Abort salloc if no controlling terminal and --no-shell option is not used
("setsid salloc ..." is disabled). Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS.
-- Fix to gang scheduling logic which could cause jobs to not be suspended
or resumed when appropriate.
-- Applied patch from Martin Perry to fix "Slurmd abort when using task
affinity with plane distribution" bug.
-- Applied patch from Yiannis Georgiou to fix "Problem with cpu binding to
sockets option" behaviour. This change causes "--cpu_bind=sockets" to bind
tasks only to the CPUs on each socket allocated to the job rather than all
CPUs on each socket.
-- Advance daily or weekly reservations immediately after termination to avoid
having a job start that runs into the reservation when later advanced.
-- Fix for enabling users to change there own default account, wckey, or QOS.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - If using OVERLAP mode fixed issue with multiple overlapping
blocks in error mode.
-- Fix for sacctmgr to display correctly default accounts.
-- scancel -s SIGKILL will always sent the RPC to the slurmctld rather than
the slurmd daemon(s). This insures that tasks in the process of getting
spawned are killed.
-- BLUEGENE - If using OVERLAP mode fixed issue with jobs getting denied
at submit if the only option for their job was overlapping a block in
error state.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.2
-- Correct logic to set correct job hold state (admin or user) when setting
the job's priority using scontrol's "update jobid=..." rather than its
"hold" or "holdu" commands.
-- Modify squeue to report unset --mincores, --minthreads or --extra-node-info
values as "*" rather than 65534. Patch from Rod Schulz, BULL.
-- Report the StartTime of a job as "Unknown" rather than the year 2106 if its
expected start time was too far in the future for the backfill scheduler
to compute.
-- Prevent a pending job reason field from inappropriately being set to
-- In sched/backfill with jobs having QOS_FLAG_NO_RESERVE set, then don't
consider the job's time limit when attempting to backfill schedule. The job
will just be preempted as needed at any time.
-- Eliminated a bug in sbatch when no valid target clusters are specified.
-- When explicitly sending a signal to a job with the scancel command and that
job is in a pending state, then send the request directly to the slurmctld
daemon and do not attempt to send the request to slurmd daemons, which are
not running the job anyway.
-- In slurmctld, properly set the up_node_bitmap when setting it's state to
IDLE (in case the previous node state was DOWN).

Danny Auble
-- Fix smap to process block midplane names correctly when on a bluegene
-- Fix smap to once again print out the Letter 'ID' for each line of a block/
partition view.
-- Corrected the NOTES section of the scancel man page

Danny Auble
-- Fix for accounting_storage/mysql plugin to correctly query cluster based
-- Fix issue when updating database for clusters that were previously deleted
before upgrade to 2.2 database.
-- BLUEGENE - Handle mesh torus check better in dynamic mode.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Fixed race condition when freeing block, most likely only would
happen in emulation.
-- Fix for calculating used QOS limits correctly on a slurmctld reconfig.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix for bad conn-type set when running small blocks in HTC mode.
-- If salloc's --no-shell option is used, then do not attempt to preserve the
terminal's state.

Moe Jette
-- Add new SLURM configure time parameter of --disable-salloc-background. If
set, then salloc can only execute in the foreground. If started in the
background, then a message will be printed and the job allocation halted
until brought into the foreground.
-- Added the Multi-Cluster Operation web page.
-- Removed remnant code for enforcing max sockets/cores/threads in the
cons_res plugin (see last item in 2.1.0-pre5). This was responsible
for a bug reported by Rod Schultz.

Danny Auble
-- BLUEGENE - Set correct env vars for HTC mode on a P system to get correct
-- Correct RunTime reported by "scontrol show job" for pending jobs.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.1
-- Fix setting derived exit code correctly for jobs that happen to have the
same jobid.
-- Better checking for time overflow when rolling up in accounting.
-- Add scancel --reservation option to cancel all jobs associated with a
specific reservation.
-- Treat reservation with no nodes like one that starts later (let jobs of any
size get queued and do not block any pending jobs).
-- Fix bug in gang scheduling logic that would temporarily resume to many jobs
after a job completed.
-- Change srun message about job step being deferred due to SlurmctldProlog
running to be more clear and only print when --verbose option is used.

Danny Auble
-- Made it so you could remove the hold on jobs with sview by setting the
priority to infinite.
-- BLUEGENE - better checking small blocks in dynamic mode whether a full
midplane job could run or not.
-- Decrease the maximum sleep time between srun job step creation retry
attempts from 60 seconds to 29 seconds. This should eliminate a possible
synchronization problem with gang scheduling that could result in job

Danny Auble
step creation requests only occuring when a job is suspended.
-- Fix to prevent changing a held job's state from HELD to DEPENDENCY
until the job is released. Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull.
-- Fixed sprio -M to reflect PriorityWeight values from remote cluster.
-- Fix bug in sview when trying to update arbitrary field on more than one
job. Formerly would display information about one job, but update next
selected job.

Danny Auble
-- Made it so QOS with UsageFactor set to 0 would make it so jobs running
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