This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
-- Fix for sacctmgr add qos to handle the 'flags' option.
-- Export SLURM_ environment variables from sbatch, even if "--export"
option does not explicitly list them.
-- If node is in more than one partition, correct counting of allocated CPUs.
-- If step requests more CPUs than possible in specified node count of job
allocation then return ESLURM_TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_CPUS rather than
ESLURM_NODES_BUSY and retrying.
-- CRAY - Fix SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE to be set correctly.
-- Accounting - more checks for strings with a possible `'` in it.
-- sreport - Fix by adding planned down time to utilization reports.
-- Do not report an error when sstat identifies job steps terminated during
its execution, but log using debug type message.
-- Select/cons_res - Permit node removed from job by going down to be returned
to service and re-used by another job.
-- Select/cons_res - Tighter packing of job allocations on sockets.
-- SlurmDBD - fix to allow user root along with the slurm user to register a
-- Select/cons_res - Fix for support of consecutive node option.
-- Select/cray - Modify build to enable direct use of libslurm library.
-- Bug fixes related to job step allocation logic.
-- Cray - Disable enforcement of MaxTasksPerNode, which is not applicable
with launch/aprun.
-- Accounting - When rolling up data from past usage ignore "idle" time from
a reservation when it has the "Ignore_Jobs" flag set. Since jobs could run
outside of the reservation in it's nodes without this you could have
double time.
-- Accounting - Minor fix to avoid reuse of variable erroneously.
-- Reject job at submit time if the node count is invalid. Previously such a
job submitted to a DOWN partition would be queued.
-- Purge vestigial job scripts when the slurmd cold starts or slurmstepd
terminates abnormally.
-- Add sanity check for NULL cluster names trying to register.
-- BGQ - Push action 'D' info to scontrol for admins.
-- Reset a job's reason from PartitionDown when the partition is set up.
-- BGQ - Handle issue where blocks would have a pending job on them and
while it was free cnodes would go into software error and kill the job.
-- BGQ - Fix issue where if for some reason we are freeing a block with
a pending job on it we don't kill the job.
-- BGQ - Fix race condition were a job could of been removed from a block
without it still existing there. This is extremely rare.
-- BGQ - Fix for when a step completes in Slurm before the runjob_mux notifies
the slurmctld there were software errors on some nodes.
-- BGQ - Fix issue on state recover if block states are not around
and when reading in state from DB2 we find a block that can't be created.
You can now do a clean start to rid the bad block.
-- Modify slurmdbd to retransmit to slurmctld daemon if it is not responding.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where when doing backfill preemptable jobs were
never looked at to determine eligibility of backfillable job.
-- Cray/BlueGene - Disable srun --pty option unless LaunchType=launch/slurm.
-- CRAY - Fix sanity check for systems with more than 32 cores per node.
-- CRAY - Remove other objects from MySQL query that are available from
the XML.
-- BLUEGENE - Set the geometry of a job when a block is picked and the job
isn't a sub-block job.
-- Cray - avoid check of macro versions of CLE for version 5.0.
-- CRAY - Fix memory issue with reading in the cray.conf file.
-- CRAY - If hostlist is given with srun make sure the node count is the same
as the hosts given.
-- CRAY - If task count specified, but no tasks-per-node, then set the tasks
per node in the BASIL reservation request.
-- CRAY - fix issue with --mem option not giving correct amount of memory
per cpu.
-- CRAY - Fix if srun --mem is given outside an allocation to set the
APRUN_DEFAULT_MEMORY env var for aprun. This scenario will not display
the option when used with --launch-cmd.
-- Change sview to use GMutex instead of GStaticMutex
-- sview - fix issue where if a partition was completely in one state the
cpu count would be reflected correctly.
* Changes in Slurm 2.5.4
-- Fix bug in PrologSlurmctld use that would block job steps until node

Danny Auble
-- CRAY - If a partition has MinNodes=0 and a batch job doesn't request nodes
put the allocation to 1 instead of 0 which prevents the allocation to
-- Better debug when the database is down and using the --cluster option in
the user commands.
-- When asking for job states with sacct, default to 'now' instead of midnight
of the current day.
-- Fix for handling a test-only job or immediate job that fails while being
-- Comment out all of the logic in the job_submit/defaults plugin. The logic
is only an example and not meant for actual use.
-- Eliminate configuration file 4096 character line limitation.
-- More robust logic for tree message forward
-- BGQ - When cnodes fail in a timeout fashion correctly look up parent
-- Correct sinfo "%c" (node's CPU count) output value for Bluegene systems.
-- Backfill - Responsive improvements for systems with large numbers of jobs
(>5000) and using the SchedulerParameters option bf_max_job_user.
-- slurmstepd: ensure that IO redirection openings from/to files correctly
handle interruption
-- BGQ - Able to handle when midplanes go into Hardware::SoftwareFailure
-- GRES - Correct tracking of specific resources used after slurmctld restart.
Counts would previously go negative as jobs terminate and decrement from
a base value of zero.
-- Fix for priority/multifactor2 plugin to not assert when configured with
-- Select/cons_res - If the job request specified --ntasks-per-socket and the
allocation using is cores, then pack the tasks onto the sockets up to the
specified value.
-- BGQ - If a cnode goes into an 'error' state and the block containing the
cnode does not have a job running on it do not resume the block.
-- BGQ - Handle blocks that don't free themselves in a reasonable time better.
-- BGQ - Fix for signaling steps when allocation ends before step.
-- Fix for backfill scheduling logic with job preemption; starts more jobs.
-- xcgroup - remove bugs with EINTR management in write calls
-- jobacct_gather - fix total values to not always == the max values.
-- Fix for handling node registration messages from older versions without
energy data.
-- BGQ - Allow user to request full dimensional mesh.
-- sdiag command - Correction to jobs started value reported.
-- Prevent slurmctld assert when invalid change to reservation with running
jobs is made.
-- BGQ - If signal is NODE_FAIL allow forward even if job is completing
and timeout in the runjob_mux trying to send in this situation.
-- BGQ - More robust checking for correct node, task, and ntasks-per-node
options in srun, and push that logic to salloc and sbatch.
-- GRES topology bug in core selection logic fixed.
-- Fix to handle init.d script for querying status and not return 1 on
* Changes in SLURM 2.5.3
-- Gres/gpu plugin - If no GPUs requested, set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=NoDevFiles.
This bug was introduced in 2.5.2 for the case where a GPU count was
configured, but without device files.
-- task/affinity plugin - Fix bug in CPU masks for some processors.
-- Modify sacct command to get format from SACCT_FORMAT environment variable.
-- BGQ - Changed order of library inclusions and fixed incorrect declaration
to compile correctly on newer compilers
-- Fix for not building sview if glib exists on a system but not the gtk libs.
-- BGQ - Fix for handling a job cleanup on a small block if the job has long
since left the system.
-- Fix race condition in job dependency logic which can result in invalid
memory reference.
* Changes in SLURM 2.5.2
-- Fix advanced reservation recovery logic when upgrading from version 2.4.
-- BLUEGENE - fix for QOS/Association node limits.
-- Add missing "safe" flag from print of AccountStorageEnforce option.
-- Fix logic to optimize GRES topology with respect to allocated CPUs.
-- Add job_submit/all_partitions plugin to set a job's default partition
to ALL available partitions in the cluster.
-- Modify switch/nrt logic to permit build without library.
-- Handle srun task launch failure without duplicate error messages or abort.

Matthieu Hautreux
-- Fix bug in QoS limits enforcement when slurmctld restarts and user not yet
added to the QOS list.
-- Fix issue where sjstat and sjobexitmod was installed in 2 different RPMs.
-- Fix for job request of multiple partitions in which some partitions lack
nodes with required features.
-- Permit a job to use a QOS they do not have access to if an administrator
manually set the job's QOS (previously the job would be rejected).
-- Make more variables available to job_submit/lua plugin: slurm.MEM_PER_CPU,
slurm.NO_VAL, etc.
-- Fix topology/tree logic when nodes defined in slurm.conf get re-ordered.
-- In select/cons_res, correct logic to allocate whole sockets to jobs. Work
by Magnus Jonsson, Umea University.
-- In select/cons_res, correct logic when job removed from only some nodes.
-- Avoid apparent kernel bug in 2.6.32 which apparently is solved in
at least 3.5.0. This avoids a stack overflow when running jobs on
more than 120k nodes.
-- BLUEGENE - If we made a block that isn't runnable because of a overlapping
block, destroy it correctly.
-- Switch/nrt - Dynamically load from within the plugin as needed.
This eliminates the need for on the head node.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix in reservation logic that could cause abort.
* Changes in SLURM 2.5.1
-- Correction to hostlist sorting for hostnames that contain two numeric
components and the first numeric component has various sizes (e.g.
"rack9blade1" should come before "rack10blade1")
-- BGQ - Only poll on initialized blocks instead of calling getBlocks on
each block independently.
-- Fix of task/affinity plugin logic for Power7 processors having hyper-
threading disabled (cpu mask has gaps).
-- Fix of job priority ordering with sched/builtin and priority/multifactor.
-- CRAY - Fix for setting up the aprun for a large job (+2000 nodes).

Morris Jette
-- Fix for race condition related to compute node boot resulting in node being
set down with reason of "Node <name> unexpectedly rebooted"
-- RAPL - Fix for handling errors when opening msr files.
-- BGQ - Fix for salloc/sbatch to do the correct allocation when asking for
-N1 -n#.
-- BGQ - in emulation make it so we can pretend to run large jobs (>64k nodes)
-- BLUEGENE - Correct method to update conn_type of a job.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix issue with preemption when needing to preempt multiple jobs
to make one job run.
-- Fixed issue where if an srun dies inside of an allocation abnormally it
would of also killed the allocation.
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