This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.3
-- Make it so the extern step uses a reverse tree when cleaning up.
-- If extern step doesn't get added into the proctrack plugin make sure the
sleep is killed.
-- Fix areas the slurmctld can segfault if an extern step is in the system
cleaning up on a restart.
-- Prevent possible incorrect counting of GRES of a given type if a node has
the multiple "types" of a given GRES "name", which could over-subscribe
GRES of a given type.
-- Add web links to Slurm Diamond Collectors (from Harvard University) and
collectd (from EDF).
-- Add job_submit plugin for the "reboot" field.
-- Make some more Slurm constants (INFINITE, NO_VAL64, etc.) available to
job_submit/lua plugins.
-- Send in a -1 for a taskid into spank_task_post_fork for the extern_step.
-- MYSQL - Sightly better logic if a job completion comes in with an end time
of 0.
-- task/cgroup plugin is configured with ConstrainRAMSpace=yes, then set soft
memory limit to allocated memory limit (previously no soft limit was set).
-- Document limitations in burst buffer use by the salloc command (possible
access problems from a login node).
-- Fix proctrack plugin to only add the pid of a process once
(regression in 16.05.2).
-- Fix for sstat to print correct info when requesting jobid.batch as part of
a comma-separated list.
-- CRAY - Fix issue if pid has already been added to another job container.
-- CRAY - Fix add of extern step to AELD.
-- burstbufer/cray: avoid batch submit error condition if waiting for stagein.
-- CRAY - Fix for reporting steps lingering after they are already finished.
-- Testsuite - fix test1.29 / 17.15 for limits with values above 32-bits.
-- CRAY - Simplify when a NHC is called on a step that has unkillable
-- CRAY - If trying to kill a step and you have NHC_NO_STEPS set run NHC
anyway to attempt to log the backtraces of the potential
unkillable processes.
-- Fix gang scheduling and license release logic if single node job killed on
bad node.
-- Make scontrol show steps show the extern step correctly.
-- Do not scheduled powered down nodes in FAILED state.
-- Do not start slurmctld power_save thread until partition information is read
in order to prevent race condition that can result invalid pointer when
trying to resolve configured SuspendExcParts.
-- Add SLURM_PENDING_STEP id so it won't be confused with SLURM_EXTERN_CONT.
-- Fix for core selection with job --gres-flags=enforce-binding option.
Previous logic would in some cases allocate a job zero cores, resulting in
slurmctld abort.
-- Minimize preempted jobs for configurations with multiple jobs per node.
-- Improve partition AllowGroups caching. Update the table of UIDs permitted to
use a partition based upon it's AllowGroups configuration parameter as new
valid UIDs are found rather than looking up that user's group information
for every job they submit. If the user is now allowed to use the partition,
then do not check that user's group access again for 5 seconds.
-- Add routing queue information to Slurm FAQ web page.
-- Do not select_g_step_finish() a SLURM_PENDING_STEP step, as nothing has
been allocated for the step yet.
-- Fixed race condition in PMIx Fence logic.
-- Prevent slurmctld abort if job is killed or requeued while waiting for
reboot of its allocated compute nodes.
-- Treat invalid user ID in AllowUserBoot option of knl.conf file as error
rather than fatal (log and do not exit).
-- qsub - When doing the default output files for an array in qsub style
make them using the master job ID instead of the normal job ID.
-- Create the extern step while creating the job instead of waiting until the
end of the job to do it.
-- Always report a 0 exit code for the extern step instead of being canceled
or failed based on the signal that would always be killing it.
-- Fix to allow users to update QOS of pending jobs.
-- Print correct cluster name in "slurmd -C" output.
-- CRAY - Fix minor memory leak in switch plugin.
-- CRAY - Change to skip over disabled nodes.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.2
-- CRAY - Fix issue where the proctrack plugin could hang if the container
id wasn't able to be made.
-- Move test for job wait reason value of BurstBufferResources and
BurstBufferStageIn later in the scheduling logic.
-- Document which srun options apply to only job, only step, or job and step
-- Use more compatible function to get thread name (>= 2.6.11).
-- Fix order of job then step id when noting cleaning flag being set.
-- Make it so the extern step sends a message with accounting information
back to the slurmctld.
-- Make it so the extern step calls the select_g_step_start|finish functions.
-- Don't print error when extern step is canceled because job is ending.
-- Handle a few error codes when dealing with the extern step to make sure
we have the pids added to the system correctly.
-- Add support for job dependencies with job array expressions. Previous logic
required listing each task of job array individually.
-- Make sure tres_cnt is set before creating a slurmdb_assoc_usage_t.
-- Prevent backfill scheduler from starting a second "singleton" job if another
one started during a backfill sleep.
-- Fix for invalid array pointer when creating advanced reservation when job
allocations span heterogeneous nodes (differing core or socket counts).
-- Fix hostlist_ranged_string_xmalloc_dims to correctly not put brackets on
hostlists when brackets == 0.
-- Make sure we don't get brackets when making a range of reserved ports
for a step.
-- Change fatal to an error if port ranges aren't correct when reading state
for steps.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.1
-- Fix __cplusplus macro in spank.h to allow compilation with C++.
-- Fix compile issue with older glibc < 2.12
-- Fix for starting batch step with mpi/pmix plugin.
-- Fix for "scontrol -dd show job" with respect to displaying the specific
CPUs allocated to a job on each node. Prior logic would only display
the CPU information for the first node in the job allocation.
-- Print correct return code on failure to update active node features
through sview.

Tim Wickberg
-- Allow QOS timelimit to override partition timelimit when EnforcePartLimits
is set to all/any.
-- Make it so qsub will do a "basename" on a wrapped command for the output
and error files.
-- Fix issue where slurmd could core when running the ipmi energy plugin.
-- Add logic so that slurmstepd can be launched under valgrind.
-- Increase buffer size to read /proc/*/stat files.
-- Fix for tracking job resource allocation when slurmctld is reconfigured
while Cray Node Health Check (NHC) is running. Previous logic would fail to
record the job's allocation then perform release operation upon NHC
completion, resulting in underflow error messages.
-- Make "scontrol show daemons" work with long node names.
-- CRAY - Collect energy using a uint64_t instead of uint32_t.
-- Fix incorrect if statements when determining if the user has a default
account or wckey.
-- Prevent job stuck in configuring state if slurmctld daemon restarted while
PrologSlurmctld is running. Also re-issue burst_buffer/pre-load operation
as needed.
-- Correct task affinity support for FreeBSD.
-- Fix for task affinity on KNL in SNC2/Flat mode.
-- Recalculate a job's memory allocation after node reboot if job requests all
of a node's memory and FastSchedule=0 is configured. Intel KNL memory size
can change on reboot with various MCDRAM modes.
-- Fix small memory leak when printing HealthCheckNodeState.
-- Eliminate memory leaks when AuthInfo is configured.
-- Cray/capmc_resume script modify a node's features (as needed) when the
reinit (reboot) command is issued rather than wait for the nodes to change
to the "on" state.
-- Correctly print ranges when using step values in job arrays.
-- Allow from file names / paths over 256 characters when launching steps,
as well as spaces in the executable name.
-- job_submit.license.lua example modified to send message back to user.
-- Document job --mem=0 option means all memory on a node.
-- Set SLURM_JOB_QOS environment variable to QOS name instead of description.
-- knl_cray.conf file option of CnselectPath added.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin modified to get current node NUMA and MCDRAM
modes using cnselect command rather than capmc command.
-- liblua - add SLES12 paths to runtime search list.
-- Fix qsub default output and error files for task arrays.
-- Fix qsub to set job_name correctly when wrapping a script (-b y)
-- Cray - set EnforcePartLimits=any in slurm.conf template.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.0
-- Update seff to fix warnings with ncpus, and list slurm-perlapi dependency
in spec file.
-- Fix testsuite to consistent use /usr/bin/env {bash,expect} construct.
-- Cray - Ensure that step completion messages get to the database.
-- Fix step cpus_per_task calculation for heterogeneous job allocation.
-- Fix --with-json= configure option to use specified path.
-- Add back thread_id to "thread_id" LogTimeFormat to distinguish between
mutliple threads with the same name. Now displays thread name and id.
-- Change how Slurm determines the NUMA count of a node. Ignore KNL NUMA
that only include memory.
-- Cray - Fix node list parsing in capmc_suspend/resume programs.
-- Fix sbatch #BSUB parsing for -W and -M options.
-- Fix GRES task layout bug that could cause slurmctld to abort.
-- Fix to --gres-flags=enforce-binding logic when multiple sockets needed.
-- Cray node shutdown/reboot scripts, perform operations on all nodes in one
capmc command. Only if that fails, issue the operations in parallel on
individual nodes. Required for scalability.
-- Cleanup two minor Coverity warnings.
-- Make it so the tres units in a job's formatted string are converted like
they are in a step.
-- Correct partition's MaxCPUsPerNode enforcement when nodes are shared by
multiple partitions.
-- node_feature/knl_cray - Prevent slurmctld GRES errors for "hbm" references.
-- Display thread name instead of thread id and remove process name in stderr
logging for "thread_id" LogTimeFormat.
-- Log IP address of bad incomming message to slurmctld.
-- If a user requests tasks, nodes and ntasks-per-node and
tasks-per-node/nodes != tasks print warning and ignore ntasks-per-node.
-- Release CPU "owner" file locks.
-- Fix for job step memory allocation: Reject invalid step at submit time
rather than leaving it queued.
-- Whenever possible, avoid allocating nodes that require a reboot.
-- Remove the SchedulerParameters option of "assoc_limit_continue", making it
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