* Changes in SLURM 0.2.15
-- Fixes for reported problems:
- slurm/265: Job was orphaned when allocation response message could
not be sent. Job is now killed on allocation response message transmit
failure and socket error details are logged.
- Fix for slurm/267: "Job epilog may run multiple times."
-- Squeue job TIMELIMIT format changed from "h:mm" to "d:h:mm:ss".
-- DPCS initiated jobs have steps execute properly without explicit
specification of node count.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.14
-- Fixes for reported problems:
- slurm/194: "srun doesn't handle most options when run under an allocation."
- slurm/244: "REQ: squeue shows requested size of pending jobs."
-- SLURM_NODELIST environment variable now exported to all jobs, not
only batch jobs.
-- Nodelist displayed in squeue for completing jobs is now restricted to
completing nodes.
-- Node "reason" field properly displayed in sinfo even with filtering.
-- ``slurm_tv_clean'' daemon now supports a log file.
-- Batch jobs are now re-queued on launch failure.
-- Controller confirms job scripts for batch jobs are still running on
node zero at node registration.
-- Default RPMs no longer stop/start SLURM daemons on upgrade or install.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.13
-- Fixes for reported problems:
- Fixed bug in slurmctld where "drained" nodes would go back into
the "idle" state under some conditions (slurm/228).
- Added possible fix for slurm/229: "slurmd occasionally fails
to reap all children."
-- Fixed memory leak in auth_munge plugin.
-- Added fix to slurmctld to allow arbitrarily large job specifications
to be saved and recovered in the state file.
-- Allow "updates" in the configuration file of previously defined
node state and reason.
-- On "forceful termination" of a running job step, srun now exits
unconditionally, instead of waiting for all I/O.
-- Slurmctld now uses pidfile to kill old daemon when a new one is started.
-- Addition of new daemon "slurm_tv_clean" used to clean up jobs orphaned
due to use of the TotalView parallel debugger.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.12
-- Fixes for reported problems:
- Fix for "waitpid: No child processes" when using TotalView (slurm/217).
- Implemented temporary workaround for slurm/223: "Munge decode failed:
Munged communication error."
- Temporary fix for slurm/222: "elan3_create(0): Invalid argument."
-- Fixed memory leaks in slurmctld (mostly due to reconfigure).
-- More squeue/sinfo interface changes (see squeue(1), sinfo(1)).
-- Sinfo now accepts list of node states to -t,--state option.
-- Node "reason" field now available via sinfo command (see sinfo(1)).
-- Wrapper source for srun (srun.wrapper.c) now installed and available
for TotalView support.
-- Improved retry login in user commands for periods when slurmctld
primary is down and backup has not yet taken over.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.11
-- Changes in srun:
- Fixed bug in signal handling that occaisonally resulted in orphaned
jobs when using Ctrl-C.
- Return non-zero exit code when remote tasks are killed by a signal.
- SIGALRM is now blocked by default.
-- Added ``reason'' string for down, drained, or draining nodes.
-- Added -V,--version option to squeue and sinfo.
-- Improved some error messages from user utilities.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.10
-- New slurm.conf configuration parameters:
- WaitTime: Default for srun -w,--wait parameter.
- MaxJobCount: Maximum number of jobs SLURM can handle at one time.
- MinJobAge: Minimum time since completing before job is purged from
slurmctld memory.
-- Block user defined signals USR1 and USR2 in slurmd session manager.
-- More squeue cleanup.
-- Support for passing options to sinfo via environment variables.
-- Added option to scontrol to find intersection of completing jobs and nodes.
-- Added fix in auth_munge to prevent "Munged communication error" message.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.9
-- Fixes for reported problems:
- Argument to srun `-n' option was taken as octal if preceeded with a `0'.
-- New format for Elan hosts config file (/etc/elanhosts. See README)
-- Various fixes for managing COMPLETING jobs.
-- Support for passing options to squeue via environment variables
(see squeue(1))
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.8
-- Fix for bug in slurmd that could make debug messages appear in job output.
-- Fix for bug in slurmctld retry count computation.
-- Srun now times out slow launch threads.
-- "Time Used" output in squeue now includes seconds.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.7
-- Fix for bug in Elan module that results in slurmd hang.
-- Added completing job state to default list of states to print with squeue.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.6
-- More fixes for handling cleanup of slow terminating jobs.
-- Fixed bug in srun that might leave nodes allocated after a Ctrl-C.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.5
-- Various fixes for cleanup of slow terminating or unkillable jobs.
-- Fixed some small memory leaks in communications code.
-- Added hack for synchronized exit of jobs on large node count.
-- Long lists of nodes are no longer truncated in sinfo.
-- Print more descriptive error message when tasks exit with nonzero status.
-- Fixed bug in srun where unsuccessful launch attempts weren't detected.
-- Elan network error resolver thread now runs from elan module in slurmd.
-- Slurmctld uses consecutive Elan context and program description numbers
instead of choosing them randomly.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.4
-- Fix for file descriptor leak in slurmctld.
-- auth_munge plugin now prints credential info on decode failure.
-- Minor changes to scancel interface.
-- Filename format option "%J" now works again for srun --output and --error.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.3
-- Fix bug in srun when using per-task files for stderr.
-- Better error reporting on failure to open per-task input/output files.
-- Update auth_munge plugin for munge 0.1.
-- Minor changes to squeue interface.
-- New srun option `--hold' to submit job in "held" state.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.2
-- Fixes for reported problems:
- Execution of script allocate mode fails in some cases. (gnats:161)
- Errors using per-task input files with Elan support. (gnats:162)
- srun doesn't handle all environment variables properly. (gnats:164)
-- Parallel job is now terminated if a task is killed by a signal.
-- Exit status of srun is set based on exit codes of tasks.
-- Redesign of sinfo interface and options.
-- Shutdown of slurmctld no longer propagates shutdown to all nodes.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.1
-- Fix bug where reconfigure request to slurmctld killed the daemon.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.0
-- SlurmdTimeout of 0 means never set a non-responding node to DOWN.
-- New srun option, -u,--unbuffered, for unbuffered stdout.
-- Enhancements for sinfo
- Non-responding nodes show "*" character appended instead of "NoResp+".
- Node states show abbreviated variant by default
-- Enhancements for scontrol.
- Added "ping" command to show current state of SLURM controllers.
- Job dump in scontrol shows user name as well as UID.
- Node state of DRAIN is appropriately mapped to DRAINING or DRAINED.
-- Fix for bug where request for task count greater than partition limit
was queued anyway.
-- Fix for bugs in job end time handling.
-- Modifications for error free builds on 64 bit architectures.
-- Job cancel immediately deallocates nodes instead of waiting on srun.
-- Attempt to create slurmd spool if it does not exist.
-- Fixed signal handling bug in srun allocate mode.
-- Earlier error detection in slurmd startup.
-- "fatal: _shm_unlock: Numerical result out of range" bug fixed in slurmd.
-- Config file parsing is now case insensitive.
-- SLURM_NODELIST environment variable now set in allocate mode.
* Changes in SLURM 0.2.0-pre2
-- Fix for reconfigure when public/private key path is changed.
-- Shared memory fixes in slurmd.
- fix for infinite semaphore incrementation bug.
-- Semaphore fixes in slurmctld.
-- Slurmctld now remembers which nodes have registered after recover.
-- Fixed reattach bug when tasks have exited.
-- Change directory to /tmp in slurmd if daemonizing.
-- Logfiles are reopened on reconfigure.