This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.6
-- Docs - the correct default value for GroupUpdateForce is 0.
-- mpi/pmix - improve point to point communication performance.
-- SlurmDB - include pending jobs in search during 'sacctmgr show runawayjobs'.
-- Add client side out-of-range checks to --nice flag.
-- Fix support for sbatch "-W" option, previously eeded to use "--wait".
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin and capmc_suspend/resume programs modified to
sleep and retry capmc operations if the Cray State Manager is down. Added
CapmcRetries configuration parameter to knl_cray.conf.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Remove any KNL MCDRAM or NUMA features from
node's configuration if capmc does NOT report the node as being KNL.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: drain any node not reported by
"capmc node_status" on startup or reconfig.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.5
-- Fix accounting for jobs requeued after the previous job was finished.
-- slurmstepd modified to pre-load all relevant plugins at startup to avoid
the possibility of modified plugins later resulting in inconsistent API
or data structures and a failure of slurmstepd.
-- Export functions from parse_time.c in
-- Export unit convert functions from slurm_protocol_api.c in
-- Fix scancel to allow multiple steps from a job to be cancelled at once.
-- Update and expand upgrade guide (in Quick Start Administrator web page).
-- burst_buffer/cray: Requeue, but do not hold a job which fails the pre_run
-- Insure reported expected job start time is not in the past for pending jobs.
-- Add support for PMIx v2.
-- mpi/pmix: support for passing TMPDIR path through info key
-- Cray: update script to correctly identify service nodes
versus compute nodes.
-- FreeBSD - fix build issue in knl_cray plugin.
-- Corrections to gres.conf parsing logic.
-- Make partition State independent of EnforcePartLimits value.
-- Fix multipart srun submission with EnforcePartLimits=NO and job violating
the partition limits.
-- Fix problem updating job state_reason.
-- pmix - Provide HWLOC topology in the job-data if Slurm was configured
with hwloc.
-- Cray - Fix issue restoring jobs when blade count increases due to hardware
-- burst_buffer/cray - Hold job after 3 failed pre-run operations.
-- sched/backfill - Check that a user's QOS is allowed to use a partition
before trying to schedule resources on that partition for the job.
-- sacctmgr - Fix displaying nodenames when printing out events or
-- Fix mpiexec wrapper to accept task count with more than one digit.
-- Add mpiexec man page to the script.
-- Add salloc_wait_nodes option to the SchedulerParameters parameter in the
slurm.conf file controlling when the salloc command returns in relation to
when nodes are ready for use (i.e. booted).
-- Handle case when slurmctld daemon restart while compute node reboot in
progress. Return node to service rather than setting DOWN.
-- Preserve node "RESERVATION" state when one of multiple overlapping
reservations ends.
-- Restructure srun command locking for task_exit processing logic for improved
-- Modify srun task completion handling to only build the task/node string for
logging purposes if it is needed. Modified for performance purposes.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Docs - update salloc/sbatch/srun man pages to mention corresponding
environment variables for --mem/--mem-per-cpu and allowed suffixes.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Silence srun warning when overriding the job ntasks-per-node count
with a lower task count for the step.
-- node_features/knl_cray: Fix bug where MCDRAM state could be taken from
capmc rather than cnselect.
-- node_features/knl_cray: If a node is rebooted outside of Slurm's direction,
update it's active features with current MCDRAM and NUMA mode information.
-- Restore ability to manually power down nodes, broken in 15.08.12.
-- Don't log error for job end_time being zero if node health check is still
-- When powering up a node to change it's state (e.g. KNL NUMA or MCDRAM mode)
then pass to the ResumeProgram the job ID assigned to the nodes in the
SLURM_JOB_ID environment variable.
-- Allow a node's PowerUp state flag to be cleared using update_node RPC.
-- capmc_suspend/resume - If a request modify NUMA or MCDRAM state on a set of
nodes or reboot a set of nodes fails then just requeue the job and abort the
entire operation rather than trying to operate on individual nodes.
-- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Increase default CapmcTimeout parameter from
10 to 60 seconds.
-- Fix squeue filter by job license when a job has requested more than 1
license of a certain type.
-- Fix bug in PMIX_Ring in the pmi2 plugin so that it supports singleton mode.
It also updates the testpmixring.c test program so it can be used to check
singleton runs.
-- Automically cleanup task/cgroup cpuset and devices cgroups after steps are
-- Testsuite - Fix test1.83 to handle gaps in node names properly.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- BlueGene - correctly scale node counts when enforcing MaxNodes limit.
-- Make sure no attempt is made to schedule a requeued job until all steps are
cleaned (Node Health Check completes for all steps on a Cray).
-- KNL: Correct task affinity logic for some NUMA modes.
-- Add salloc/sbatch/srun --priority option of "TOP" to set job priority to
the highest possible value. This option is only available to Slurm operators
and administrators.
-- Add salloc/sbatch/srun option --use-min-nodes to prefer smaller node counts
when a range of node counts is specified (e.g. "-N 2-4").
-- Validate salloc/sbatch --wait-all-nodes argument.
-- Add "sbatch_wait_nodes" to SchedulerParameters to control default sbatch
behaviour with respect to waiting for all allocated nodes to be ready for
use. Job can override the configuration option using the --wait-all-nodes=#

Tim Wickberg
-- Prevent partition group access updates from resetting last_part_update when
no changes have been made. Prevents backfill scheduler from restarting
mid-cycle unnecessarily.
-- Cray - add NHC_ABSOLUTELY_NO to never run NHC, even on certain edge cases
that it would otherwise be run on with NHC_NO.
-- Ignore GRES/QOS updates that maintain the same value as before.
-- mpi/pmix - prepare temp directory for application.
-- Fix display for the nice and priority values in sprio/scontrol/squeue.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.4
-- Fix potential deadlock if running with message aggregation.
-- Streamline when schedule() is called when running with message aggregation
on batch script completes.
-- Fix incorrect casting when [un]packing derived_ec on slurmdb_job_rec_t.
-- Document that persistent burst buffers can not be created or destroyed using
the salloc or srun --bb options.
-- Add support for setting the SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT, SLURM_JOB_QOS and
SLURM_JOB_RESERVAION environment variables are set for the salloc command.
Document the same environment variables for the salloc, sbatch and srun
commands in their man pages.
-- Fix issue where sacctmgr load cluster.cfg wouldn't load associations
that had a partition in them.
-- Don't return the extern step from sstat by default.
-- In sstat print 'extern' instead of 4294967295 for the extern step.
-- Make advanced reservations work properly with core specialization.
-- Fix race condition in the account_gather plugin that could result in job
stuck in COMPLETING state.
-- Regression test fixes if SelectTypePlugin not managing memory and no node
memory size set (defaults to 1 MB per node).

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Add missing partition write locks to _slurm_rpc_dump_nodes/node_single to
prevent a race condition leading to inconsistent sinfo results.
-- Fix task:CPU binding logic for some processors. This bug was introduced
in version 16.05.1 to address KNL bunding problem.
-- Fix two minor memory leaks in slurmctld.
-- Improve partition-specific limit logging from slurmctld daemon.
-- Fix incorrect access check when using MaxNodes setting on the partition.

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- Fix issue with sacctmgr when specifying a list of clusters to query.
-- Fix issue when calculating future StartTime for a job.
-- Make EnforcePartLimit support logic work with any ordering of partitions
in job submit request.

Tim Wickberg
-- Prevent restoration of wrong CPU governor and frequency when using
multiple task plugins.
-- Prevent slurmd abort if hwloc library fails to populate the "children"
arrays (observed with hwloc version "dev-333-g85ea6e4").
-- burst_buffer/cray: Add "--groupid" to DataWarp "setup" command.

Iakovos Panourgias
-- Fix lustre profiling putting it in the Filesystem dataset instead of the
Network dataset.
-- Fix profiling documentation and code to match be consistent with
Filesystem instead of Lustre.
-- Correct the way watts is calculated in the rapl plugin when using a poll
frequency other than AcctGatherNodeFreq.
-- Don't about step launch if job reaches expected end time while node is
configuring/booting (NOTE: The job end time will be adjusted after node
becomes ready for use).

Tim Wickberg
-- Fix several print routines to respect a custom output delimiter when
printing NO_VAL or INFINITE.
-- Correct documented configurations where --ntasks-per-core and
--ntasks-per-socket are supported.
-- task/affinity plugin buffer allocated too small, can corrupt memory.
* Changes in Slurm 16.05.3
-- Make it so the extern step uses a reverse tree when cleaning up.
-- If extern step doesn't get added into the proctrack plugin make sure the
sleep is killed.
-- Fix areas the slurmctld can segfault if an extern step is in the system
cleaning up on a restart.
-- Prevent possible incorrect counting of GRES of a given type if a node has
the multiple "types" of a given GRES "name", which could over-subscribe
GRES of a given type.
-- Add web links to Slurm Diamond Collectors (from Harvard University) and
collectd (from EDF).
-- Add job_submit plugin for the "reboot" field.
-- Make some more Slurm constants (INFINITE, NO_VAL64, etc.) available to
job_submit/lua plugins.
-- Send in a -1 for a taskid into spank_task_post_fork for the extern_step.
-- MYSQL - Sightly better logic if a job completion comes in with an end time
of 0.
-- task/cgroup plugin is configured with ConstrainRAMSpace=yes, then set soft
memory limit to allocated memory limit (previously no soft limit was set).
-- Document limitations in burst buffer use by the salloc command (possible
access problems from a login node).
-- Fix proctrack plugin to only add the pid of a process once
(regression in 16.05.2).
-- Fix for sstat to print correct info when requesting jobid.batch as part of
a comma-separated list.
-- CRAY - Fix issue if pid has already been added to another job container.
-- CRAY - Fix add of extern step to AELD.
-- burstbufer/cray: avoid batch submit error condition if waiting for stagein.
-- CRAY - Fix for reporting steps lingering after they are already finished.
-- Testsuite - fix test1.29 / 17.15 for limits with values above 32-bits.
-- CRAY - Simplify when a NHC is called on a step that has unkillable
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