This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre7
-- Accounting works for aix systems, use jobacct/aix
-- Support large (over 2GB) files on 32-bit linux systems

Danny Auble
-- changed all writes to safe_write in srun
-- added $float to globals.example in the testsuite
-- Limit attempted BGL jobs scheduled at once to 100 (too slow with
dynamic scheduling to handle hundreds of jobs at once).
-- Set job's num_proc correctly for jobs that do not have exclusive use
of it's allocated nodes.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre6
-- Added logic to "stat" a running job with sacct option -S use -j to specify

Danny Auble
-- removed jobacct/bluegene (no real need for this) meaning, I don't think
there is a way to gather the data yet.
-- Added support for mapping "%h" in configured SlurmdLog to the hostname.
-- Add PropagatePrioProcess to control propagation of a user's nice value
to spawned tasks (based upon work by Daniel Christians, HP).

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre5
-- Added step completion RPC logic
-- Vastly changed sacct and the jobacct plugin. Read documentation for full
-- Added jobacct plugin for AIX and BlueGene, they currently don't work,
-- Add support for srun option --ctrl-comm-ifhn to set PMI communications
address (Hongjia Cao, National University of Defense Technology).
-- Moved safe_read/write to slurm_protocol_defs.h removing multiple copies.
-- Remove vestigial functions slurm_allocate_resources_and_run() and
-- Added support for different executable files and arguments by task based
upon a configuration file. See srun's --multi-prog option (based upon
work by Hongjia Cao, National University of Defense Technology).
-- moved the way forward logic waited for fanout logic mostly eliminating
problems with scalability issues.
-- changed -l option in sacct to display different params see sacct/sacct.h
for details.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre4
-- Bluegene specific - Added support to set bluegene block state to
free/error via scontrol update BlockName
-- Add needed symbol to select/bluegene in order to load plugin.

Danny Auble
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre3
-- Added framework for XCPU job launch support.

Christopher J. Morrone
-- New general configuration file parser and slurm.conf handling code.
Allows long lines to be continued on the next line by ending with a "\".
Whitespace is allowed between the key and "=", and between the "=" and
WARNING: A NodeName may now occur only once in a slurm.conf file.
If you want to temporarily make nodes DOWN in the slurm.conf,
use the new DownNodes keyword (see "man slurm.conf").
-- Gracefully handle request to submit batch job from within an existing
batch job.

Moe Jette
-- Warn user attempting to create a job allocation from within an existing job
-- Add web page description for proctrack plugin.
-- Add new function slurm_get_rem_time() for job's time limit.
-- JobAcct plugin renamed from "log" to "linux" in preparation for support of
new system types.
WARNING: "JobAcctType=jobacct/log" is no longer supported.
-- Removed vestigal 'bg' names from bluegene plugin and smap
-- InactiveLimit parameter is not enforced for RootOnly partitions.
-- Update select/cons_res web page (Susanne Balle, HP,
-- Build a "slurmd.test" along with slurmd. slurmd.test has the path to
slurmstepd set allowing it to run unmodified out of the builddir for
testing (Mark Grondona).
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre2
-- Added "bcast" command to transmit copies of a file to compute nodes
with message fanout.
-- Bluegene specific - Added support for overlapping partitions and
dynamic partitioning.
-- Bluegene specific - Added support for nodecard sized blocks.
-- Added logic to accept 1k for 1024 and so on for --nodes option of srun.
This logic is through display tools such as smap, sinfo, scontrol, and
-- Added bluegene.conf man page.
-- Added support for memory affinity, see srun --mem_bind option.
* Changes in SLURM 1.1.0-pre1
-- New --enable-multiple-slurmd configure parameter to allow running
more than one copy of slurmd on a node at the same time. Only
really useful for developers.
-- New communication is now branched on all processes to slurmd's from
slurmctld and srun launch command. This is done with a tree type
algorithm. Spawn and batch mode work the same as before. New slurm.conf
variable TreeWidth=50 is default. This is the number of threads per
-- Configuration parameter HeartBeatInterval is depracated. Now used half
of SlurmdTimeout and SlurmctldTimeout for communications to slurmd and
slurmctld daemons repsectively.
-- Add hash tables for select/cons_res plugin (Susanne Balle, HP,
-- Remove some use of cr_enabled flag in slurmctld job record, use
new flag "test_only" in select_g_job_test() instead.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.12
-- Report node state of DRAIN rather than DOWN if DOWN with DRAIN flag set.
-- Initialize job->mail_type to 0 (NONE) for job submission.
-- Fix for stalled task stdout/stderr when buffered I/O is used, and
a single line exceeds 4096 bytes.

Christopher J. Morrone
-- Fix for spinning srun when the terminal to which srun is talking
goes away.
-- Don't set avail_node_bitmap for DRAINED nodes on slurmctld reconfig
(can schedule a job on drained node after reconfig).

Christopher J. Morrone
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.11
-- Fix for slurmstepd hang when launching a task. (Needed to install
list library's atfork handlers).
-- Fix memory leak on AIX (and possibly other architectures) due to
missing pthread_attr_destroy() calls.
-- Fix rare task standard I/O setup bug. When the bug hit, stdin, stdout,

Christopher J. Morrone
or stderr could be an invalid file descriptor.
-- General slurmstepd file descriptor cleanup.
-- Fix memory leak in job accounting logic (Andy Riebs, HP, memory_leak.patch).

Christopher J. Morrone
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.10
-- Fix for job accounting logic submitted from Andy Riebs to handle issues
with suspending jobs and such. patch file named requeue.patch
-- Make select/cons_res interoperate with mpi/lam plugin for task counts.
-- Fix race condition where srun could seg-fault due to use of logging functions
within pthread after calling log_fini.
-- Code changes for clean build with gcc 2.96 (gcc_2_96.patch, Takao Hatazaki, HP).
-- Add CacheGroups configuration support in configurator.html (configurator.patch,
Takao Hatazaki, HP).
-- Fix bug preventing use of mpich-gm plugin (mpichgm.patch, Takao Hatazaki, HP).
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.9
-- Fix job accounting logic to open new log file on slurmctld reconfig.
(Andy Riebs, slurm.hp.logfile.patch).
-- Fix bug which allows a user to run a batch script on a node not allocated
by the slurmctld.
-- Fix poe MP_HOSTFILE handling bug on AIX.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.8
-- Fix to communication between slurmd and slurmstepd to allow for partial
reads and writes on their communication pipes.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.7
-- Change in how AuthType=auth/dummy is handled for security testing.
-- Fix for bluegene systems to allow full system partitions to stay booted
when other jobs are submitted to the queue.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.6
-- Prevent slurmstepd from crashing when srun attaches to batch job.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.5
-- Restructure logic for scheduling BlueGene small block jobs. Added
"test_only" flag to select_p_job_test() in select plugin.
-- Correct squeue "NODELIST" output for BlueGene small block jobs.
-- Fix possible deadlock situations on BlueGene plugin on errors.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.4
-- Release job allocation if step creation fails (especially for BlueGene).
-- Fix bug select/bluegene warm start with changed bglblock layout.
-- Fix bug for queuing full-system BlueGene jobs.
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.3
-- Fix bug that could refuse to queue batch jobs for BlueGene system.
-- Add BlueGene plugin mutex lock for reconfig.
-- Ignore BlueGene bgljobs in ERROR state (don't try to kill).
-- Fix job accounting for batch jobs (Andy Riebs, HP,
-- Added proctrack/ to the main RPM.
-- Added mutex around bridge api file to avoid locking up the api.
-- BlueGene mod: Terminate slurm_prolog and slurm_epilog immediately if
SLURM_JOBID environment variable is invalid.
-- Federation driver: allow selection of a sepecific switch interface
(sni0, sni1, etc.) with -euidevice/MP_EUIDEVICE.
-- Return an error for "scontrol reconfig" if there is already one in
* Changes in SLURM 1.0.2
-- Correctly report DRAINED node state as type OTHER for "sinfo --summarize".
-- Fixes in sacct use of malloc (Andy Riebs, HP, sacct_malloc.patch).
-- Smap mods: eliminate screen flicker, fix window resize, report more clear
message if window too small (Dan Palermo, HP, patch.
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