This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in Slurm 2.6.0pre4
* Changes in Slurm 2.6.0pre3
-- Add milliseconds to default log message header (both RFC 5424 and ISO 8601
time formats). Disable milliseconds logging using the configure
parameter "--disable-log-time-msec". Default time format changes to
ISO 8601 (without time zone information). Specify "--enable-rfc5424time"
to restore the time zone information.
-- Add username (%u) to the filename pattern in the batch script.
-- Added options for front end nodes of AllowGroups, AllowUsers, DenyGroups,
and DenyUsers.
-- Fix sched/backfill logic to initiate jobs with maximum time limit over the
partition limit, but the minimum time limit permits it to start.
-- gres/gpu - Fix for gres.conf file with multiple files on a single line
using a slurm expression (e.g. "File=/dev/nvidia[0-1]").
-- Replaced ipmi.conf with generic acct_gather.conf file for all acct_gather
plugins. For those doing development to use this follow the model set
forth in the acct_gather_energy_ipmi plugin.
-- Added more options to update a step's information
-- Add DebugFlags=ThreadID which will print the thread id of the calling
-- CRAY - Allocate whole node (CPUs) in reservation despite what the
user requests. We have found any srun/aprun afterwards will work on a
subset of resources.
-- Do not purge inactive interactive jobs that lack a port to ping (added
for MR+ operation).
-- Advanced reservations with hostname and core counts now supports asymetric
reservations (e.g. specific different core count for each node).
-- Added slurmctld/dynalloc plugin for MapReduce+ support.
-- Added "DynAllocPort" configuration parameter.
-- Added partition paramter of SelectTypeParameters to override system-wide
-- Added cr_type to partition_info data structure.
-- Added allocated memory to node information available (within the existing
select_nodeinfo field of the node_info_t data structure). Added Allocated
Memory to node information displayed by sview and scontrol commands.
-- Make sched/backfill the default scheduling plugin rather than sched/builtin

Alejandro Lucero Palau
-- Added support for a job having different priorities in different partitions.
-- Added new SchedulerParameters configuration parameter of "bf_continue"
which permits the backfill scheduler to continue considering jobs for
backfill scheduling after yielding locks even if new jobs have been
submitted. This can result in lower priority jobs from being backfill
scheduled instead of newly arrived higher priority jobs, but will permit
more queued jobs to be considered for backfill scheduling.
-- Added support to purge reservation records from accounting.
-- Cray - Add support for Basil 1.3
* Changes in SLURM 2.6.0pre1
-- Add "state" field to job step information reported by scontrol.
-- Notify srun to retry step creation upon completion of other job steps
rather than polling. This results in much faster throughput for job step
execution with --exclusive option.
-- Added "ResvEpilog" and "ResvProlog" configuration parameters to execute a
program at the beginning and end of each reservation.
-- Added "slurm_load_job_user" function. This is a variation of
"slurm_load_jobs", but accepts a user ID argument, potentially resulting
in substantial performance improvement for "squeue --user=ID"
-- Added "slurm_load_node_single" function. This is a variation of
"slurm_load_nodes", but accepts a node name argument, potentially resulting
in substantial performance improvement for "sinfo --nodes=NAME".
-- Added "HealthCheckNodeState" configuration parameter identify node states
on which HealthCheckProgram should be executed.
-- Remove sacct --dump --formatted-dump options which were deprecated in
-- Added support for job arrays (phase 1 of effort). See "man sbatch" option
-a/--array for details.
-- Add new AccountStorageEnforce options of 'nojobs' and 'nosteps' which will
allow the use of accounting features like associations, qos and limits but
not keep track of jobs or steps in accounting.
-- Cray - Add new cray.conf parameter of "AlpsEngine" to specify the
communication protocol to be used for ALPS/BASIL.
-- select/cons_res plugin: Correction to CPU allocation count logic in for
cores without hyperthreading.
-- Added new SelectTypeParameter value of "CR_ALLOCATE_FULL_SOCKET".
-- Added PriorityFlags value of "TICKET_BASED" and merged priority/multifactor2
plugin into priority/multifactor plugin.

Morris Jette
-- Add "KeepAliveTime" configuration parameter controlling how long sockets
used for srun/slurmstepd communications are kept alive after disconnect.
-- Added SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST to salloc, sbatch and srun job environment.
-- Added SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID to environment of job array.
-- Added squeue --array/-r option to optimize output for job arrays.
-- Added "SlurmctldPlugstack" configuration parameter for generic stack of
slurmctld daemon plugins.
-- Removed contribs/arrayrun tool. Use native support for job arrays.
-- Modify default installation locations for RPMs to match "make install":
_prefix /usr/local
_slurm_sysconfdir %{_prefix}/etc/slurm
_mandir %{_prefix}/share/man
_infodir %{_prefix}/share/info
-- Add acct_gather_energy/ipmi which works off freeipmi for energy gathering
* Changes in Slurm 2.5.7
-- Fix for linking to the select/cray plugin to not give warning about
undefined variable.
-- Add missing symbols to the xlator.h
-- Avoid placing pending jobs in AdminHold state due to backfill scheduler
interactions with advanced reservation.
-- Accounting - make average by task not cpu.
-- Gres accounting - Fix regression in 2.5.5 for keeping track of gres
requested and allocated.
* Changes in Slurm 2.5.5
-- Fix for sacctmgr add qos to handle the 'flags' option.
-- Export SLURM_ environment variables from sbatch, even if "--export"
option does not explicitly list them.
-- If node is in more than one partition, correct counting of allocated CPUs.
-- If step requests more CPUs than possible in specified node count of job
allocation then return ESLURM_TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_CPUS rather than
ESLURM_NODES_BUSY and retrying.
-- CRAY - Fix SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE to be set correctly.
-- Accounting - more checks for strings with a possible `'` in it.
-- sreport - Fix by adding planned down time to utilization reports.
-- Do not report an error when sstat identifies job steps terminated during
its execution, but log using debug type message.
-- Select/cons_res - Permit node removed from job by going down to be returned
to service and re-used by another job.
-- Select/cons_res - Tighter packing of job allocations on sockets.
-- SlurmDBD - fix to allow user root along with the slurm user to register a
-- Select/cons_res - Fix for support of consecutive node option.
-- Select/cray - Modify build to enable direct use of libslurm library.
-- Bug fixes related to job step allocation logic.
-- Cray - Disable enforcement of MaxTasksPerNode, which is not applicable
with launch/aprun.
-- Accounting - When rolling up data from past usage ignore "idle" time from
a reservation when it has the "Ignore_Jobs" flag set. Since jobs could run
outside of the reservation in it's nodes without this you could have
double time.
-- Accounting - Minor fix to avoid reuse of variable erroneously.
-- Reject job at submit time if the node count is invalid. Previously such a
job submitted to a DOWN partition would be queued.
-- Purge vestigial job scripts when the slurmd cold starts or slurmstepd
terminates abnormally.
-- Add sanity check for NULL cluster names trying to register.
-- BGQ - Push action 'D' info to scontrol for admins.
-- Reset a job's reason from PartitionDown when the partition is set up.
-- BGQ - Handle issue where blocks would have a pending job on them and
while it was free cnodes would go into software error and kill the job.
-- BGQ - Fix issue where if for some reason we are freeing a block with
a pending job on it we don't kill the job.
-- BGQ - Fix race condition were a job could of been removed from a block
without it still existing there. This is extremely rare.
-- BGQ - Fix for when a step completes in Slurm before the runjob_mux notifies
the slurmctld there were software errors on some nodes.
-- BGQ - Fix issue on state recover if block states are not around
and when reading in state from DB2 we find a block that can't be created.
You can now do a clean start to rid the bad block.
-- Modify slurmdbd to retransmit to slurmctld daemon if it is not responding.
-- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where when doing backfill preemptable jobs were
never looked at to determine eligibility of backfillable job.
-- Cray/BlueGene - Disable srun --pty option unless LaunchType=launch/slurm.
-- CRAY - Fix sanity check for systems with more than 32 cores per node.
-- CRAY - Remove other objects from MySQL query that are available from
the XML.
-- BLUEGENE - Set the geometry of a job when a block is picked and the job
isn't a sub-block job.
-- Cray - avoid check of macro versions of CLE for version 5.0.
-- CRAY - Fix memory issue with reading in the cray.conf file.
-- CRAY - If hostlist is given with srun make sure the node count is the same
as the hosts given.
-- CRAY - If task count specified, but no tasks-per-node, then set the tasks
per node in the BASIL reservation request.
-- CRAY - fix issue with --mem option not giving correct amount of memory
per cpu.
-- CRAY - Fix if srun --mem is given outside an allocation to set the
APRUN_DEFAULT_MEMORY env var for aprun. This scenario will not display
the option when used with --launch-cmd.
-- Change sview to use GMutex instead of GStaticMutex
-- sview - fix issue where if a partition was completely in one state the
cpu count would be reflected correctly.
-- BGQ - fix for handling half rack system in STATIC of OVERLAP mode to
implicitly create full system block.
-- CRAY - Dynamically create BASIL XML buffer to resize as needed.
-- Fix checking if QOS limit MaxCPUMinsPJ is set along with DenyOnLimit to
deny the job instead of holding it.
-- Make sure on systems that use a different launcher than launch/slurm not
to attempt to signal tasks on the frontend node.
-- Cray - when a step is requested count other steps running on nodes in the
allocation as taking up the entire node instead of just part of the node
allocated. And always enforce exclusive on a step request.
-- Cray - display correct nodelist, node/cpu count on steps.
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