This file describes changes in recent versions of SLURM. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre3
-- Refine support for TotalView partial attach. Add parameter to configure
program of "--enable-partial-attach".
-- In select/cons_res, the count of CPUs on required nodes was formerly
ignored in enforcing the maximum CPU limit. Also enforce maximum CPU
limit when the topology/tree plugin is configured (previously ignored).
* Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre2
-- Add support for spank_get_item() to get S_STEP_ALLOC_CORES and
S_STEP_ALLOC_MEM. Support will remain for S_JOB_ALLOC_CORES and
-- Kill individual job steps that exceed their memory limit rather than
killing an entire job if one step exceeds its memory limit.
-- Added configuration parameter VSizeFactor to enforce virtual memory limits
for jobs and job steps as a percentage of their real memory allocation.
-- Add scontrol ability to update job step's time limits.
-- Add scontrol ability to update job's NumCPUs count.
-- Add --time-min options to salloc, sbatch and srun. The scontrol command
has been modified to display and modify the new field. sched/backfill
plugin has been changed to alter time limits of jobs with the
--time-min option if doing so permits earlier job initiation.
-- Add support for TotalView symbol MPIR_partial_attach_ok with srun support
to release processes which TotalView does not attach to.
-- Add new option for SelectTypeParameters of CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE. This
option will allocate one task per core by default. Without this option,
by default one task will be allocated per thread on nodes with more than
one ThreadsPerCore configured.
-- Avoid accounting separately for a current pid corresponds to a Light Weight
Process (Thread POSIX) appearing in the /proc directory. Only account for
the original process (pid==tgid) to avoid accounting for memory use more
than once.
-- Add proctrack/cgroup plugin which uses Linux control groups (aka cgroup)
to track processes on Linux systems having this feature enabled (kernel
>= 2.6.24).
-- Add logging of license transations including job_id.
-- Add configuration parameters SlurmSchedLogFile and SlurmSchedLogLevel to
support writing scheduling events to a separate log file.
-- Added contribs/web_apps/chart_stats.cgi, a web app that invokes sreport to
retrieve from the accounting storage db a user's request for job usage or
machine utilization statistics and charts the results to a browser.

Danny Auble
-- Massive change to the schema in the storage_accounting/mysql plugin. When
starting the slurmdbd the process of conversion may take a few minutes.
You might also see some errors such as 'error: mysql_query failed: 1206
The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size'. If you get this,
do not worry, it is because your setting of innodb_buffer_pool_size in
your my.cnf file is not set or set too low. A decent value there should
be 64M or higher depending on the system you are running on. See
RELEASE_NOTES for more information. But setting this and then
restarting the mysqld and slurmdbd will put things right. After this
change we have noticed 50-75% increase in performance with sreport and

Danny Auble
-- Fix for MaxCPUs to honor partitions of 1 node that have more than the
maxcpus for a job.
-- Add support for "scontrol notify <message>" to work for batch jobs.

Danny Auble
-- Added support to handle communication with SLURM 2.1 clusters. Job's
should not be lost in the future when upgrading to higher versions of
-- Added withdeleted options for listing clusters, users, and accounts
-- Remove PLPA task affinity functions due to that package being deprecated.
-- Preserve current partition state information and node Feature and Weight
information rather than use contents of slurm.conf file after slurmctld
restart with -R option or SIGHUP. Replace information with contents of
slurm.conf after slurmctld restart without -R or "scontrol reconfigure".
See RELEASE_NOTES file fore more details.
-- Modify SLURM's PMI library (for MPICH2) to properly execute an executable
program stand-alone (single MPI task launched without srun).
-- Made GrpCPUs and MaxCPUs limits work for select/cons_res.

Danny Auble
-- Moved all SQL dependant plugins into a seperate rpm slurm-sql. This
should be needed only where a connection to a database is needed (i.e.
where the slurmdbd is running)
-- Add command line option "no_sys_info" to PAM module to supress system
logging of "access granted for user ...", access denied and other errors
will still be logged.

Danny Auble
-- sinfo -R now has the user and timestamp in separate fields from the reason.
-- Much functionality has been added to account_storage/pgsql. The plugin
is still in a very beta state. It is still highly advised to use the
mysql plugin, but if you feel like living on the edge or just really
like postgres over mysql for some reason here you go. (Work done
primarily by Hongjia Cao, NUDT.)
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.5
-- BLUEGENE - Fixed display of draining nodes for sinfo -R.
-- Fixes to scontrol and sview when setting a job to an impossible start time.
-- Added -h to srun for help.
-- Fix for sacctmgr man page to remove erroneous 'with' statements.
-- Fix for unpacking jobs with accounting statistics, previously it appears
only steps were unpacked correctly, for the most case sacct would only
display this information making this fix a very minor one.
-- Changed scontrol and sview output for jobs with unknown end times from
'NONE' to 'Unknown'.
-- Fixed mysql plugin to reset classification when adding a
previously deleted cluster.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.4
-- Fix for purge script in accounting to use correct options.
-- If SelectType=select/linear and SelectTypeParameters=CR_Memory fix bug that
would fail to release memory reserved for a job if "scontrol reconfigure"
is executed while the job is in completing state.
-- Fix bug in handling event trigger for job time limit while job is still
in pending state.
-- Fixed display of Ave/MaxCPU in sacct for jobs. Steps were printed
-- When node current features differs from slurm.conf, log the node names
using a hostlist expression rather than listing individual node names.
-- Improve ability of srun to abort job step for some task launch failures.
-- Fix mvapich plugin logic to release the created job allocation on
initialization failure (previously the failures would cancel job step,
but retain job allocation).
-- Fix bug in srun for task count so large that it overflows int data type.
-- Fix important bug in select/cons_res handling of ntasks-per-core parameter
that was uncovered by a bug fixed in v2.1.3. Bug produced fatal error for
slurmctld: "cons_res: cpus computation error".
-- Fix bug in select/cons_res handling of partitions configured with
Shared=YES. Prior logic failed to support running multiple jobs per node.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.3-2
-- Modified spec file to obsolete pam_slurm when installing
the slurm-pam_slurm rpm.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.3-1
-- BLUEGENE - Fix issues on static/overlap systems where if a midplane
was drained you would not be able to create new blocks on it.
-- In sched/wiki2 (for Moab): Add excluded host list to job information
using new keyword "EXCLUDE_HOSTLIST".
-- Correct slurmd reporting of incorrect socket/core/thread counts.
-- For sched/wiki2 (Moab): Do not extend a job's end time for suspend/resume
or startup delay due to node boot time. A job's end time will always be
its start time plus time limit.
-- Added build-time option (to configure program) of --with-pam_dir to
specify the directory into which PAM modules get installed, although it
should pick the proper directory by default. "make install" and "rpmbuild"
should now put the file in the proper directory.
-- Modify PAM module to link against SLURM API shared library and use exported
slurm_hostlist functions.
-- Do not block new jobs with --immediate option while another job is in the
process of being requeued (which can take a long time for some node failure
-- For topology/tree, log invalid hostnames in a single hostlist expression
rather than one per line.
-- A job step's default time limit will be UNLIMITED rather than partition's
default time limit. The step will automatically be cancelled as part of the
job termination logic when the job's time limit is reached.
-- sacct - fixed bug when checking jobs against a reservation
-- In select/cons_res, fix support for job allocation with --ntasks_per_node
option. Previously could allocate too few CPUs on some nodes.
-- Adjustment made to init message to the slurmdbd to allow backwards
compatibility with future 2.2 release. YOU NEED TO UPGRADE SLURMDBD
-- Fix accounting when comment of down/drained node has double quotes in it.
* Changes in SLURM 2.1.2
-- Added nodelist to sview for jobs on non-bluegene systems
-- Correction in value of batch job environment variable SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE
under some conditions.
-- When a node silently fails which is already drained/down the reason
for draining for the node is not changed.
-- Srun will ignore SLURM_NNODES environment variable and use the count of
currently allocated nodes if that count changes during the job's lifetime
(e.g. job allocation uses the --no-kill option and a node goes DOWN, job
step would previously always fail).
-- Made it so sacctmgr can't add blank user or account. The MySQL plugin
will also reject such requests.
-- Revert version for compatibility with SLURM version 2.0 and
earlier to avoid forcing applications using a specific version to
rebuild unnecessarily (revert from to
-- Restore support for a pending job's constraints (required node features)
when slurmctld is restarted (internal structure needed to be rebuilt).
-- Removed from the plugin rpm in the slurm.spec since
it is also in the blcr rpm.
-- Fixed issue in sview where you were unable to edit the count
of jobs to share resources.
-- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where tasks on steps weren't being displayed
correctly with scontrol and sview.
-- BLUEGENE - fixed wiki2 plugin to report correct task count for pending
-- BLUEGENE - Added /etc/ to point to the
directory holding when building rpms.
-- Adjust get_wckeys call in slurmdbd to allow operators to list wckeys.

Danny Auble
-- Fix for case sensitive databases when a slurmctld has a mixed case
clustername to lower case the string to easy compares.

Danny Auble
-- Fix squeue if job is completing and failed to print remaining
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