This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.10
-- Fix updating of requested TRES memory.
-- Cray modulefile: avoid removing /usr/bin from path on module unload.
-- Fix issue when resetting the partition pointers on nodes.
-- Show reason field in 'sinfo -R' when nodes is marked as failed.
-- Fix potential of slurmstepd segfaulting when the extern step fails to start.
-- Allow nodes state to be updated between FAIL and DRAIN.
-- Avoid registering a job'd credential multiple times.
-- Fix sbatch --wait to stop waiting after job is gone from memory.
-- Fix memory leak of MailDomain configuration string when slurmctld daemon is
-- Fix to properly remove extern steps from the starting_steps list.
-- Fix Slurm to work correctly with HDF5 1.10+.
-- Add support in salloc/srun --bb option for "access_mode" in addition to
"access" for consistency with DW options.
-- Fix potential deadlock in _run_prog() in power save code.
-- MYSQL - Add dynamic_offset in the database to force range for auto
increment ids for the tres_table.
-- Avoid setting node in COMPLETING state indefinitely if the job initiating
the node reboot is cancelled while the reboot in in progress.
-- node_feature/knl_cray - Fix memory leaks that occur when slurmctld
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.9
-- When resuming powered down nodes, mark DOWN nodes right after ResumeTimeout
has been reached (previous logic would wait about one minute longer).
-- Fix sreport not showing full column name for TRES Count.
-- Fix slurmdb_reservations_get() giving wrong usage data when job's spanned
reservation that was modified.
-- Fix sreport reservation utilization report showing bad data.
-- Show all TRES' on a reservation in sreport reservation utilization report by
-- Fix sacctmgr show reservation handling "end" parameter.
-- Work around issue with sysmacros.h and gcc7 / glibc 2.25.
-- Fix layouts code to only allow setting a boolean.
-- Fix sbatch --wait to keep waiting even if a message timeout occurs.
-- CRAY - If configured with NodeFeatures=knl_cray and there are non-KNL
nodes which include no features the slurmctld will abort without
this patch when attemping strtok_r(NULL).
-- Fix regression in 17.02.7 which would run the spank_task_privileged as
part of the slurmstepd instead of it's child process.
-- Fix security issue in Prolog and Epilog by always prepending SPANK_ to
all user-set environment variables. CVE-2017-15566.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.8
-- Add 'slurmdbd:' to the accounting plugin to notify message is from dbd
instead of local.
-- mpi/mvapich - Buffer being only partially cleared. No failures observed.
-- Fix for job --switch option on dragonfly network.
-- In salloc with --uid option, drop supplementary groups before changing UID.
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch - strip any trailing slashes from JobCompLoc.
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix memory leak when transferring generated buffer.
-- Prevent slurmstepd ABRT when parsing gres.conf CPUs.
-- Fix sbatch --signal to signal all MPI ranks in a step instead of just those
on node 0.

Danny Auble
-- Check multiple partition limits when scheduling a job that were previously
only checked on submit.
-- Cray: Avoid running application/step Node Health Check on the external
job step.
-- Optimization enhancements for partition based job preemption.
-- Address some build warnings from GCC 7.1, and one possible memory leak if
/proc is inaccessible.
-- If creating/altering a core based reservation with scontrol/sview on a
remote cluster correctly determine the select type.
-- Fix autoconf test for libcurl when clang is used.
-- Fix default location for cgroup_allowed_devices_file.conf to use correct
default path.
-- Document NewName option to sacctmgr.
-- Reject a second PMI2_Init call within a single step to prevent slurmstepd
from hanging.
-- Handle old 32bit values stored in the database for requested memory
correctly in sacct.
-- Fix memory leaks in the task/cgroup plugin when constraining devices.
-- Make extremely verbose info messages debug2 messages in the task/cgroup
plugin when constraining devices.
-- Fix issue that would deny the stepd access to /dev/null where GRES has a
'type' but no file defined.
-- Fix issue where the slurmstepd would fatal on job launch if you have no
gres listed in your slurm.conf but some in gres.conf.
-- Fix validating time spec to correctly validate various time formats.
-- Make scontrol work correctly with job update timelimit [+|-]=.
-- Reduce the visibily of a number of warnings in _part_access_check.
-- Prevent segfault in sacctmgr if no association name is specified for
an update command.
-- burst_buffer/cray plugin modified to work with changes in Cray UP05
-- Fix job reasons for jobs that are violating assoc MaxTRESPerNode limits.
-- Fix segfault when unpacking a 16.05 slurm_cred in a 17.02 daemon.
-- Fix setting TRES limits with case insensitive TRES names.
-- Add alias for xstrncmp() -- slurm_xstrncmp().
-- Fix sorting of case insensitive strings when using xstrcasecmp().
-- Gracefully handle race condition when reading /proc as process exits.
-- Avoid error on Cray duplicate setup of core specialization.
-- Skip over undefined (hidden in Slurm) nodes in pbsnodes.
-- Add empty hashes in perl api's slurm_load_node() for hidden nodes.
-- CRAY - Add rpath logic to work for the alpscomm libs.
-- Fixes for administrator extended TimeLimit (job reason & time limit reset).
-- Fix gres selection on systems running select/linear.
-- sview: Added window decorator for maximize,minimize,close buttons for all

Dominik Bartkiewicz
-- squeue: interpret negative length format specifiers as a request to
delimit values with spaces.
-- Fix the torque pbsnodes wrapper script to parse a gres field with a type
set correctly.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.7
-- Fix deadlock if requesting to create more than 10000 reservations.
-- Fix potential memory leak when creating partition name.
-- Execute the HealthCheckProgram once when the slurmd daemon starts rather
than executing repeatedly until an exit code of 0 is returned.

Alejandro Sanchez
-- Set job/step start and end times to 0 when using --truncate and start > end.
-- Make srun --pty option ignore EINTR allowing windows to resize.
-- When resuming node only send one message to the slurmdbd.
-- Modify srun --pty option to use configured SrunPortRange range.
-- Fix issue with whole gres not being printed out with Slurm tools.
-- Fix issue with multiple jobs from an array are prevented from starting.
-- Fix for possible slurmctld abort with use of salloc/sbatch/srun
--gres-flags=enforce-binding option.
-- Fix race condition when using jobacct_gather/cgroup where the memory of the
step wasn't always gathered correctly.
-- Better debug when slurmdbd queue is filling up in the slurmctld.
-- Fixed truncation on scontrol show config output.
-- Serialize updates from from the dbd to the slurmctld.
-- Fix memory leak in slurmctld when agent queue to the DBD has filled up.
-- CRAY - Throttle step creation if trying to create too many steps at once.

Danny Auble
-- If failing after switch_g_job_init happened make sure switch_g_job_fini is
-- Fix minor memory leak if launch fails in the slurmstepd.
-- Fix issue where UnkillableStepProgram if step was in an ending state.
-- Fix bug when tracking multiple simultaneous spawned ping cycles.
-- jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin now saves state of pending requests on
slurmctld daemon shutdown so then can be recovered on restart.
-- Fix issue when an alternate munge key when communicating on a persistent
-- Document inconsistent behavior of GroupUpdateForce option.
-- Fix bug in selection of GRES bound to specific CPUs where the GRES count
is 2 or more. Previous logic could allocate CPUs not available to the job.
-- Increase buffer to handle long /proc/<pid>/stat output so that Slurm can
read correct RSS value and take action on jobs using more memory than
-- Fix srun job jobs that can run immediately to run in the highest priority
partion when multiple partitions are listed. scontrol show jobs can
potentially show the partition list in priority order.
-- Fix starting controller if StateSaveLocation path didn't exist.
-- Fix inherited association 'max' TRES limits combining multiple limits in
the tree.
-- Sort TRES id's on limits when getting them from the database.
-- Fix issue with pmi[2|x] when TreeWidth=1.
-- Correct buffer size used in determining specialized cores to avoid possible
truncation of core specification and not reserving the specified cores.
-- Close race condition on Slurm structures when setting DebugFlags.
-- Make it so the cray/switch plugin grabs new DebugFlags on a reconfigure.
-- Fix incorrect lock levels when creating or updating a reservation.
-- Add logic to help support Dell KNL systems where syscfg is different than
the normal Intel syscfg.
-- CRAY - Fix BB to handle type= correctly, regression in 17.02.6.
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.6
-- Fix configurator.easy.html to output the SelectTypeParameters line.
-- If a job requests a specific memory requirement then gets something else
from the slurmctld make sure the step allocation is made aware of it.
-- Fix missing initialization in slurmd.
-- Fix potential degradation when running HTC (> 100 jobs a sec) like
workflows through the slurmd.
-- Fix race condition which could leave a stepd hung on shutdown.
-- CRAY - Add configuration for ATP to the ansible play script.
-- Fix potential to corrupt DBD message.
-- burst_buffer logic modified to support sizes in both SI and EIC size units
(e.g. M/MiB for powers of 1024, MB for powers of 1000).
* Changes in Slurm 17.02.5
-- Prevent segfault if a job was blocked from running by a QOS that is then
-- Improve selection of jobs to preempt when there are multiple partitions
with jobs subject to preemption.
-- Only set kmem limit when ConstrainKmemSpace=yes is set in cgroup.conf.
-- Fix bug in task/affinity that could result in slurmd fatal error.
-- Increase number of jobs that are tracked in the slurmd as finishing at one
-- Note when a job finishes in the slurmd to avoid a race when launching a
batch job takes longer than it takes to finish.
-- Improve slurmd startup on large systems (> 10000 nodes)
-- Add LaunchParameters option of cray_net_exclusive to control whether all
jobs on the cluster have exclusive access to their assigned nodes.
-- Make sure srun inside an allocation gets --ntasks-per-[core|socket]
set correctly.
-- Only make the extern step at job creation.
-- Fix for job step task layout with --cpus-per-task option.
-- Fix --ntasks-per-core option/environment variable parsing to set
the requested value, instead of always setting one (srun).
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