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# Purpose: Test of SLURM functionality
#          Test scancel --nodelist option.
# Output:  "TEST: #.#" followed by "SUCCESS" if test was successful, OR
#          "FAILURE: ..." otherwise with an explanation of the failure, OR
#          anything else indicates a failure mode that must be investigated.
# Copyright (C) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security
# Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
# Written by David Bremer <>
# LLNL-CODE-402394.
# This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
# For details, see <>.
# SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
source ./globals

set test_id        "6.14"
set exit_code      0
set file_in        "test$test_id.input"
set num_procs      10
set ii             0
set job_id         ""
set job_map        {}
set found          0
set tmp_job_list   {}
set tmp_map_entry  {}
set submitted_jobs {}
set job_list       {}
set job_index      -1

print_header $test_id

# Build input script file
make_bash_script $file_in "$srun $bin_sleep 600"

# Submit some jobs so we have something to work with
for {set ii 0} {$ii < $num_procs} {incr ii} {
	set sbatch_pid [spawn $sbatch --output=/dev/null --error=/dev/null -n1 -N1 $file_in]
	expect {
		-re "Submitted batch job ($number)" {
			set job_id $expect_out(1,string)
			lappend submitted_jobs $job_id
		timeout {
			send_user "\nFAILURE: srun not responding\n"
			slow_kill $sbatch_pid
			set exit_code 1
		eof {
	if {$job_id == 0} {
		send_user "\nFAILURE: job submit failure\n"
		exit 1

# Run squeue and build a map, implemented as a list of list of lists, like so:
# { {node1  {job1 job2 job3}}
#   {node2  {job4 job5}}
# }
# Only put jobs into the map if they were submitted by this test.

spawn $squeue -h -t running -u $env(USER) -o "%10i %40N"
expect {
	-re "($number) *($alpha_numeric) *\r\n" {
		set job_id $expect_out(1,string)
		set node_name $expect_out(2,string)
		#This test doesn't need to track jobs that it didn't submit.
		if { [lsearch $submitted_jobs $job_id] == -1 } {
		#send_user "job $job_id: node $node_name\n"
		#Insert into a table with node_name as the key, job_id as the value
		set found 0
		for {set ii 0} {$ii < [llength $job_map]} {incr ii} {
			if { [lindex [lindex $job_map $ii] 0] == $node_name } {
				set tmp_map_entry [list $node_name [concat [lindex [lindex $job_map $ii] 1] $job_id]]
				set job_map [lreplace $job_map $ii $ii $tmp_map_entry]
				set found 1
		if {$found == 0} {
			lappend job_map [list $node_name [list $job_id] ]
#send_user "job map: $job_map\n"

# Issue an scancel command against each node in the map described above.
# Remove entries from the internal list, and ensure that the list is
# empty at the end of the scancel call.

for {set ii 0} {$ii < [llength $job_map]} {incr ii} {
	set node_name [lindex [lindex $job_map $ii] 0]
	set job_list  [lindex [lindex $job_map $ii] 1]

	if {$ii == 0} {
		spawn $scancel -v -u $env(USER) --nodelist $node_name
	} else {
		spawn $scancel -v -u $env(USER) -w $node_name
	expect {
		-re "scancel: Terminating job ($number)" {
			#Search for the terminated job in the list recently
			#returned from squeue. Don't worry if an unknown job
			#gets cancelled, because maybe one of our submitted
			#jobs will start running while we cancel other jobs
			#Issue cancel commands node by node until all the 
			#jobs submitted for this test are gone.

			set job_id $expect_out(1,string)
			set job_index [lsearch $job_list $job_id]
			if {$job_index != -1} {
				set job_list [lreplace $job_list $job_index $job_index]
			set job_index [lsearch $submitted_jobs $job_id]
			if {$job_index != -1} {
				set submitted_jobs [lreplace $submitted_jobs $job_index $job_index]
		timeout {
			send_user "\nFAILURE: scancel not responding while cancelling for node $node_name\n"
			set exit_code 1
		eof {
	if { [llength $job_list] != 0 } {
		send_user "\nFAILURE: scancel did not remove jobs $job_list from node $node_name\n"
		set exit_code 1

# Clean up any jobs submitted by this test, which were not mapped to a node,
# and thus not cancelled in the previous block of code

foreach job_id $submitted_jobs {
	spawn $scancel $job_id
	expect {
		timeout {
			send_user "\nFAILURE: scancel not responding while cancelling job $job_id\n"
			set exit_code 1
		eof {

if {$exit_code == 0} {
	send_user "\nSUCCESS\n"
exit $exit_code