This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.4
-- Fix typo for the "devices" cgroup subsystem in pam_slurm_adopt.c
-- Fix TRES_MAX flag to work correctly.
-- Added burst_buffer.conf flag parameter of "TeardownFailure" which will
teardown and remove a burst buffer after failed stage-in or stage-out.
By default, the buffer will be preserved for analysis and manual teardown.
-- Prevent a core dump in srun if the signal handler runs during the job
allocation causing the step context to be NULL.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.3
-- Correct Slurm's RPM build if Munge is not installed.
-- Job array termination status email ExitCode based upon highest exit code
from any task in the job array rather than the last task. Also change the
state from "Ended" or "Failed" to "Mixed" where appropriate.
-- Squeue recombines pending job array records only if their name and partition
are identical.
-- Fix some minor leaks in the job info and step info API.
-- Export missing QOS id when filling in association with the association
-- Fix invalid reference if a lua job_submit plugin references a default qos
when a user doesn't exist in the database.
-- Use association enforcement in the lua plugin.
-- Fix a few spots missing defines of accounting_enforce or acct_db_conn
in the plugins.
-- Show requested TRES in scontrol show jobs when job is pending.
-- Improve sched/backfill support for job features, especially XOR construct.
-- Correct scheduling logic for job features option with XOR construct that
could delay a job's initiation.
-- Remove unneeded frees when creating a tres string.
-- Send a tres_alloc_str for the batch step
-- Fix incorrect check for slurmdb_find_tres_count_in_string in various places,
it needed to check for INFINITE64 instead of zero.
-- Don't allow scontrol to create partitions with the name "DEFAULT".
-- burst_buffer/cray: Change error from "invalid request" to "permssion denied"
if a non-authorized user tries to create/destroy a persistent buffer.
-- PrologFlags work: Setting a flag of "Contain" implicitly sets the "Alloc"
flag. Fix code path which could prevent execution of the Prolog when the
"Alloc" or "Contain" flag were set.
-- Fix for acct_gather_energy/cray|ibmaem to work with missed enum.
-- MYSQL - When inserting a job and begin_time is 0 do not set it to
submit_time. 0 means the job isn't eligible yet so we need to treat it so.
-- MYSQL - Don't display ineligible jobs when querying for a window of time.
-- Fix creation of advanced reservation of cores on nodes which are DOWN.
-- Return permission denied if regular user tries to release job held by an
-- MYSQL - Fix rollups for multiple jobs running by the same association
in an hour counting multiple times.
-- Burstbuffer/Cray plugin - Fix for persistent burst buffer use.
-- Modifications to pam_slurm_adopt to work correctly for the "extern" step.
-- Alphabetize debugflags when printing them out.
-- Fix systemd's slurmd service from killing slurmstepds on shutdown.
-- Fixed counter of not indexed jobs, error_cnt post-increment changed to
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.2
-- Fix for tracking node state when jobs that have been allocated exclusive
access to nodes (i.e. entire nodes) and later relinquish some nodes. Nodes
would previously appear partly allocated and prevent use by other jobs.
-- Correct some cgroup paths ("step_batch" vs. "step_4294967294", "step_exter"
vs. "step_extern", and "step_extern" vs. "step_4294967295").
-- Fix advanced reservation core selection logic with network topology.
-- MYSQL - Remove restriction to have to be at least an operator to query TRES
-- For pending jobs have sacct print 0 for nnodes instead of the bogus 2.
-- Fix for tracking node state when jobs that have been allocated exclusive
access to nodes (i.e. entire nodes) and later relinquish some nodes. Nodes
would previously appear partly allocated and prevent use by other jobs.
-- Fix updating job in db after extending job's timelimit past partition's
-- Fix srun -I<timeout> from flooding the controller with step create requests.
-- Requeue/hold batch job launch request if job already running (possible if
node went to DOWN state, but jobs remained active).
-- If a job's CPUs/task ratio is increased due to configured MaxMemPerCPU,
then increase it's allocated CPU count in order to enforce CPU limits.
-- Don't mark powered down node as not responding. This could be triggered by
race condition of the node suspend and ping logic, preventing use of the
-- Don't requeue RPC going out from slurmctld to DOWN nodes (can generate
repeating communication errors).
-- Propagate sbatch "--dist=plane=#" option to srun.
-- Add acct_gather_energy/ibmaem plugin for systems with IBM Systems Director
Active Energy Manager.
-- Fix spec file to look for mariadb or mysql devel packages for build
-- MySQL - Improve the code with asking for jobs in a suspended state.
-- Fix slurcmtld allowing root to see job steps using squeues -s.
-- Do not send burst buffer stage out email unless the job uses burst buffers.
-- Fix sacct to not return all jobs if the -j option is given with a trailing
-- Permit job_submit plugin to set a job's priority.
-- Fix occasional srun segfault.
-- Fix issue with sacct, printing 0_0 for array's that had finished in the
database but the start record hadn't made it yet.
-- sacctmgr - Don't allow default account associations to be removed
from a user.
-- Fix sacct -j, (nothing but a comma) to not return all jobs.
-- Fixed slurmctld not sending cold-start messages correctly to the database
when a cold-start (-c) happens to the slurmctld.

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix case where if the backup slurmdbd has existing connections when it gives
up control that the it would be killed.
-- Fix task/cgroup affinity to work correctly with multi-socket
single-threaded cores. A regression caused only 1 socket to be used on
this kind of node instead of all that were available.
-- MYSQL - Fix minor issue after an index was added to the database it would
previously take 2 restarts of the slurmdbd to make it stick correctly.
-- Add hv_to_qos_cond() and qos_rec_to_hv() functions to the Perl interface.
-- Add new burst_buffer.conf parameters: ValidateTimeout and OtherTimeout.
See man page for details.
-- Fix burst_buffer/cray support for interactive allocations >4GB.
-- Correct backfill scheduling logic for job with INFINITE time limit.
-- Fix issue on a scontrol reconfig all available GRES/TRES would be zeroed

Brian Christiansen
-- Set SLURM_HINT environment variable when --hint is used with sbatch or
-- Add scancel -f/--full option to signal all steps including batch script and
all of its child processes.
-- Fix salloc -I to accept an argument.
-- Avoid reporting more allocated CPUs than exist on a node. This can be
triggered by resuming a previosly suspended job, resulting in
oversubscription of CPUs.
-- Fix the pty window manager in slurmstepd not to retry IO operation with
srun if it read EOF from the connection with it.
-- sbatch --ntasks option to take precedence over --ntasks-per-node plus node
count, as documented. Set SLURM_NTASKS/SLURM_NPROCS environment variables
-- MYSQL - Make sure suspended time is only subtracted from the CPU TRES
as it is the only TRES that can be given to another job while suspended.
-- Clarify how TRESBillingWeights operates on memory and burst buffers.
* Changes in Slurm 15.08.1
-- Fix test21.30 and 21.34 to check grpwall better.
-- Add time to the partition QOS the job is running on instead of just the
job QOS.
-- Print usage for GrpJobs, GrpSubmitJobs and GrpWall even if there is no
-- If AccountingEnforce=safe is set make sure a job can finish before going
over the limit with grpwall on a QOS or association.
-- burst_buffer/cray - Major updates based upon recent Cray changes.
-- Improve job state reason string when required nodes not available.
-- Fix missing else when packing an update partition message

Brian Christiansen
-- Fix srun from inheriting the SLURM_CPU_BIND and SLURM_MEM_BIND environment
variables when running in an existing srun (e.g. an srun within an salloc).
-- Fix missing else when packing an update partition message.
-- Use more flexible mechnanism to find json installation.
-- Make sure safe_limits was initialized before processing limits in the
-- Fix for burst_buffer/cray to parse type option correctly.
-- Fix memory error and version number in the nonstop plugin and reservation
-- When requesting GRES in a step check for correct variable for the count.
-- Fix issue with GRES in steps so that if you have multiple exclusive steps
and you use all the GRES up instead of reporting the configuration isn't
available you hold the requesting step until the GRES is available.
-- MYSQL - Change debug to print out with DebugFlags=DB_Step instead of debug4
-- Simplify code when user is selecting a job/step/array id and removed
anomaly when only asking for 1 (task_id was never set to INFINITE).
-- MYSQL - If user is requesting various task_ids only return requested steps.
-- Fix issue when tres cnt for energy is 0 for total reported.
-- Resolved scalability issues of power adaptive scheduling with layouts.
-- Burst_buffer/cray bug - Fix teardown race condition that can result in
infinite loop.
-- Job "--reboot" option automatically, set's exclusive node mode.
-- Fix memory leak when using PrologFlags=Alloc.
-- Fix truncation of job reason in squeue.
-- If a node is in DOWN or DRAIN state, leave it unavailable for allocation
when powered down.
-- Update the slurm.conf man page documenting better nohold_on_prolog_fail
-- Don't trucate task ID information in "squeue --array/-r" or "sview".
-- Fix a bug which caused scontrol to core dump when releasing or
holding a job by name.
-- Fix unit conversion bug in slurmd which caused wrong memory calculation
for cgroups.
-- Fix issue with GRES in steps so that if you have multiple exclusive steps
and you use all the GRES up instead of reporting the configuration isn't
available you hold the requesting step until the GRES is available.
-- Fix slurmdbd backup to use DbdAddr when contacting the primary.
-- Fix error in MPI documentation.
-- Fix to handle arrays with respect to number of jobs submitted. Previously
only 1 job was accounted (against MaxSubmitJob) for when an array was
-- Correct counting for job array limits, job count limit underflow possible
when master cancellation of master job record.
-- Combine 2 _valid_uid_gid functions into a single function to avoid
-- Pending job array records will be combined into single line by default,
even if started and requeued or modified.
-- Fix sacct --format=nnodes to print out correct information for pending
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