* slurmctld.h - definitions of functions and structures for slurmcltd use
* Copyright (C) 2002 The Regents of the University of California.
* Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
* Written by Moe Jette <> et. al.
* UCRL-CODE-2002-040.
* This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
* For details, see <>.
* SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
#ifndef _HAVE_SLURM_H
#define _HAVE_SLURM_H
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <src/common/qsw.h>
#include <src/api/slurm.h>
#include <src/common/bitstring.h>
#include <src/common/list.h>
#include <src/common/log.h>
#include <src/common/macros.h>
#include <src/common/pack.h>
#include <src/common/slurm_protocol_api.h>
#include <src/common/xmalloc.h>
/* Perform full slurmctld's state every PERIODIC_CHECKPOINT seconds */
/* Retry an incomplete RPC agent request every RPC_RETRY_INTERVAL seconds */
/* Attempt to schedule jobs every PERIODIC_SCHEDULE seconds despite any RPC activity
* This will catch any state transisions that may have otherwise been missed */
/* Check for jobs reaching their time limit every PERIODIC_TIMEOUT seconds */
/* Pathname of group file record for checking update times */
#define GROUP_FILE "/etc/group"
/* Check for updates to GROUP_FILE every PERIODIC_GROUP_CHECK seconds,
* Update the group uid_t access list as needed */
/* Default temporary storage for slurm state and user files */
#define DEFAULT_TMP_FS "/tmp"
#define safe_unpack16(valp,buf) { \
if (remaining_buf(buf) < sizeof(*(valp))) \
goto unpack_error; \
unpack16(valp,buf); \
#define safe_unpack32(valp,buf) { \
if (remaining_buf(buf) < sizeof(*(valp))) \
goto unpack_error; \
unpack32(valp,buf); \
#define safe_unpackstr_xmalloc(valp,size_valp,buf) { \
if (remaining_buf(buf) < sizeof(uint16_t)) \
goto unpack_error; \
unpackmem_xmalloc(valp,size_valp,buf); \
#define safe_unpack_time(valp,buf) { \
if (remaining_buf(buf) < sizeof(time_t)) \
goto unpack_error; \
unpack_time(valp,buf); \
extern slurm_ctl_conf_t slurmctld_conf;
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 32
#define CONFIG_MAGIC 0xc065eded
#define NODE_MAGIC 0x0de575ed
struct config_record {
uint32_t magic; /* magic cookie to test data integrity */
uint32_t cpus; /* count of cpus running on the node */
uint32_t real_memory; /* megabytes of real memory on the node */
uint32_t tmp_disk; /* megabytes of total storage in TMP_FS file system */
uint32_t weight; /* arbitrary priority of node for scheduling work on */
char *feature; /* arbitrary list of features associated with a node */
char *nodes; /* names of nodes in partition configuration record */
bitstr_t *node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes in configuration record */
extern List config_list; /* list of config_record entries */
extern time_t last_bitmap_update; /* time of last node creation or deletion */
extern time_t last_node_update; /* time of last update to node records */
struct node_record {
uint32_t magic; /* magic cookie to test data integrity */
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* name of the node. a null name indicates defunct node */
uint16_t node_state; /* enum node_states, ORed with
NODE_STATE_NO_RESPOND if not responding */
time_t last_response; /* last response from the node */
uint32_t cpus; /* actual count of cpus running on the node */
uint32_t real_memory; /* actual megabytes of real memory on the node */
uint32_t tmp_disk; /* actual megabytes of total disk in TMP_FS */
struct config_record *config_ptr; /* configuration specification for this node */
struct part_record *partition_ptr; /* partition for this node */
char comm_name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* communications path name of the node */
struct sockaddr_in slurm_addr; /* network address */
extern struct node_record *node_record_table_ptr; /* location of the node records */
extern int node_record_count; /* count of records in the node record table */
extern int *hash_table; /* table of hashed indicies into node_record */
extern bitstr_t *up_node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes are up */
extern bitstr_t *idle_node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes are idle */
extern struct config_record default_config_record;
extern struct node_record default_node_record;
/* NOTE: change PART_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of PART_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
#define PART_MAGIC 0xaefe8495
extern time_t last_part_update; /* time of last update to part records */
struct part_record {
uint32_t magic; /* magic cookie to test data integrity */
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];/* name of the partition */
uint32_t max_time; /* minutes or INFINITE */
uint32_t max_nodes; /* per job or INFINITE */
uint32_t total_nodes; /* total number of nodes in the partition */
uint32_t total_cpus; /* total number of cpus in the partition */
uint16_t root_only; /* 1 if allocate/submit RPC can only be issued by user root */
uint16_t shared; /* 1 if >1 job can share a node, 2 if required */
uint16_t state_up; /* 1 if state is up, 0 if down */
char *nodes; /* comma delimited list names of nodes in partition */
char *allow_groups; /* comma delimited list of groups, null indicates all */
uid_t *allow_uids; /* zero terminated list of allowed users */
bitstr_t *node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes in partition */
extern List part_list; /* list of part_record entries */
extern struct part_record default_part; /* default configuration values */
extern char default_part_name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* name of default partition */
extern struct part_record *default_part_loc; /* location of default partition */
/* NOTE: change JOB_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of JOB_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
extern time_t last_job_update; /* time of last update to part records */
FIXME: this should be taken out.
Maybe there should be an update for the step_list in every job.
extern time_t last_step_update; *//* time of last update to job steps */
/* Don't accept more jobs once there are MAX_JOB_COUNT in the system */
/* Purge OK for jobs over MIN_JOB_AGE seconds old (since completion) */
/* This should prevent exhausting memory */
#define DETAILS_MAGIC 0xdea84e7
#define JOB_MAGIC 0xf0b7392c
#define MAX_JOB_COUNT 2000
#define MIN_JOB_AGE 300
#define STEP_MAGIC 0xce593bc1
extern int job_count; /* number of jobs in the system */
/* job_details - specification of a job's constraints, can be purged upon resource allocation */
struct job_details {
uint32_t magic; /* magic cookie to test data integrity */
uint16_t batch_flag; /* 1 if batch job (with script) */
uint32_t num_procs; /* minimum number of processors */
uint32_t num_nodes; /* minimum number of nodes */
char *req_nodes; /* required nodes */
bitstr_t *req_node_bitmap; /* bitmap of required nodes */
slurm_job_credential_t credential; /* job credential */
char *features; /* required features */
uint16_t shared; /* 1 if more than one job can execute on a node */
uint16_t contiguous; /* requires contiguous nodes, 1=true, 0=false */
uint32_t min_procs; /* minimum processors per node, MB */
uint32_t min_memory; /* minimum memory per node, MB */
uint32_t min_tmp_disk; /* minimum temporary disk per node, MB */
char *stderr; /* pathname of job's stderr file */
char *stdin; /* pathname of job's stdin file */
char *stdout; /* pathname of job's stdout file */
uint32_t total_procs; /* total number of allocated processors, for accounting */
time_t submit_time; /* time of submission */
char *work_dir; /* pathname of job's working directory */
struct job_record {
uint32_t job_id; /* job ID */
uint32_t magic; /* magic cookie to test data integrity */
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* name of the job */
char partition[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* name of the partition */
struct part_record *part_ptr; /* pointer to the partition record */
uint32_t user_id; /* user the job runs as */
enum job_states job_state; /* state of the job */
uint16_t kill_on_node_fail; /* 1 if job should be killed on on failure */
char *nodes; /* comma delimited list of nodes allocated to job */
bitstr_t *node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes in allocated to job */
uint32_t time_limit; /* maximum run time in minutes or INFINITE */
time_t start_time; /* time execution begins, actual or expected */
time_t end_time; /* time of termination, actual or expected */
time_t time_last_active; /* time of last job activity */
uint32_t priority; /* relative priority of the job */
struct job_details *details; /* job details (set until job terminates) */
uint16_t num_cpu_groups; /* element count in arrays cpus_per_node and cpu_count_reps */
uint32_t *cpus_per_node; /* array of cpus per node allocated */
uint32_t *cpu_count_reps; /* array of consecutive nodes with same cpu count */
uint16_t next_step_id; /* next step id to be used */
List step_list; /* list of job's steps */
struct step_record {
struct job_record* job_ptr; /* ptr to the job that owns the step */
uint16_t step_id; /* step number */
uint16_t cyclic_alloc; /* set for cyclic task allocation to nodes */
time_t start_time; /* step allocation time */
bitstr_t *node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes in allocated to job step */
qsw_jobinfo_t qsw_job; /* Elan3 switch context, opaque data structure */
typedef struct job_step_specs step_specs;
extern List job_list; /* list of job_record entries */
/* allocate_nodes - for a given bitmap, change the state of specified nodes to stage_in
* this is a simple prototype for testing
extern void allocate_nodes (unsigned *bitmap);
* bitmap2node_name - given a bitmap, build a list of comma separated node names.
* names may include regular expressions (e.g. "lx[01-10]")
* NOTE: the caller must xfree the memory at node_list when no longer required
extern char * bitmap2node_name (bitstr_t *bitmap) ;
/* build_node_details - give a node bitmap, return cpu counts for those nodes */
extern void build_node_details (bitstr_t *node_bitmap,
uint16_t * num_cpu_groups, uint32_t ** cpus_per_node, uint32_t **cpu_count_reps);
/* count_cpus - report how many cpus are associated with the identified nodes */
extern int count_cpus (unsigned *bitmap);
* create_config_record - create a config_record entry and set is values to the defaults.
* NOTE: memory allocated will remain in existence until delete_config_record() is called
* to deletet all configuration records
extern struct config_record *create_config_record (void);
* create_job_record - create an empty job_record including job_details.
* load its values with defaults (zeros, nulls, and magic cookie)
* NOTE: allocates memory that should be xfreed with list_delete_job
extern struct job_record * create_job_record (int *error_code);
* create_node_record - create a node record
* NOTE: allocates memory that should be freed with delete_part_record
extern struct node_record *create_node_record (struct config_record
char *node_name);
* create_part_record - create a partition record
* NOTE: allocates memory that should be xfreed with delete_part_record
extern struct part_record *create_part_record (void);
* create_step_record - create an empty step_record for the specified job.
* NOTE: allocates memory that should be xfreed with delete_step_record
extern struct step_record * create_step_record (struct job_record *job_ptr);
/* deallocate_nodes - for a given job, deallocate its nodes and make their state IDLE */
extern void deallocate_nodes (struct job_record * job_ptr);
/* delete_all_step_records - delete all step record for specified job_ptr */
extern void delete_all_step_records (struct job_record *job_ptr);
/* delete_job_details - delete a job's detail record and clear it's pointer */
extern void delete_job_details (struct job_record *job_entry);
/* delete_node_record - delete record for node with specified name */
extern int delete_node_record (char *name);
/* delete_part_record - delete record for partition with specified name */
extern int delete_part_record (char *name);
/* delete_step_record - delete record for job step for specified job_ptr and step_id */
extern int delete_step_record (struct job_record *job_ptr, uint32_t step_id);
/* dump_all_job_state - save the state of all jobs to file */
extern int dump_all_job_state ( void );
/* dump_all_node_state - save the state of all nodes to file */
extern int dump_all_node_state ( void );
/* dump_all_part_state - save the state of all partitions to file */
extern int dump_all_part_state ( void );
/* dump_job_desc - dump the incoming job submit request message */
extern void dump_job_desc(job_desc_msg_t * job_specs);
/* dump_step_desc - dump the incoming step initiate request message */
extern void dump_step_desc(step_specs *step_spec);
/* find_first_node_record - find a record for first node in the bitmap */
extern struct node_record *find_first_node_record (bitstr_t *node_bitmap);
/* find_job_record - return a pointer to the job record with the given job_id */
extern struct job_record *find_job_record (uint32_t job_id);
/* find_node_record - find a record for node with specified name */
extern struct node_record *find_node_record (char *name);
/* find_part_record - find a record for partition with specified name */
extern struct part_record *find_part_record (char *name);
/* find_running_job_by_node_name - Given a node name, return a pointer to any
* job currently running on that node */
extern struct job_record *find_running_job_by_node_name (char *node_name);
/* get_job_env - return the environment variables and their count for a given job */
extern char **get_job_env (struct job_record *job_ptr, uint16_t *env_size);
/* get_job_script - return the script for a given job */
extern char *get_job_script (struct job_record *job_ptr);
/* find_step_record - return a pointer to the step record with the given job_id and step_id */
extern struct step_record * find_step_record(struct job_record *job_ptr, uint16_t step_id);
* init_job_conf - initialize the job configuration tables and values.
* this should be called after creating node information, but
* before creating any job entries.
extern int init_job_conf ();
* init_node_conf - initialize the node configuration values.
* this should be called before creating any node or configuration entries.
extern int init_node_conf ();
* init_part_conf - initialize the partition configuration values.
* this should be called before creating any partition entries.
extern int init_part_conf ();
/* is_key_valid report if the supplied partition key is valid */
extern int is_key_valid (void * key);
/* job_allocate - allocate resource for the supplied job specifications */
extern int job_allocate (job_desc_msg_t *job_specs, uint32_t *new_job_id, char **node_list,
uint16_t * num_cpu_groups, uint32_t ** cpus_per_node, uint32_t ** cpu_count_reps,
int immediate, int will_run, int allocate, uid_t submit_uid);
/* job_cancel - cancel the specified job */

Moe Jette
extern int job_cancel (uint32_t job_id, uid_t uid);
/* job_step_cancel - cancel the specified job step */

Moe Jette
extern int job_step_cancel (uint32_t job_id, uint32_t job_step_id, uid_t uid );
/* job_complete - note the completion the specified job */

Moe Jette
extern int job_complete (uint32_t job_id, uid_t uid);
/* job_step_complete - note the completion the specified job step*/

Moe Jette
extern int job_step_complete (uint32_t job_id, uint32_t job_step_id, uid_t uid);
/* job_time_limit - enforce job time limits */
extern void job_time_limit (void);
/* kill_running_job_by_node_name - Given a node name, deallocate that job
* from the node or kill it */
extern int kill_running_job_by_node_name (char *node_name);
/* list_append_list - Appends the elements of from list onto the to list */
extern void list_append_list( List to, List from );
/* list_compare_config - compare two entry from the config list based upon weight */
extern int list_compare_config (void *config_entry1, void *config_entry2);
/* list_delete_config - delete an entry from the configuration list */
extern void list_delete_config (void *config_entry);
/* list_find_config - find an entry in the configuration list */
extern int list_find_config (void *config_entry, void *key);
/* list_find_part - find an entry in the partition list */
extern int list_find_part (void *part_entry, void *key);
/* load_job_state - load the job state from file, recover from slurmctld restart */
extern int load_job_state ( void );
/* load_node_state - load the node state from file, recover from slurmctld restart */
extern int load_node_state ( void );
/* load_part_uid_allow_list - for every partition reload the allow_uid list */
extern void load_part_uid_allow_list ( int force );
/* load_part_state - load the partition state from file, recover from slurmctld restart */
extern int load_part_state ( void );
/* match_feature - determine if the desired feature (seek) is one of those available */
extern int match_feature (char *seek, char *available);
/* mkdir2 - issues system calls for mkdir (if root) */
int mkdir2 (char * path, int modes);
/* node_name2bitmap - given a node name regular expression, build a bitmap representation */
extern int node_name2bitmap (char *node_names, bitstr_t **bitmap);
/* node_did_resp - record that the specified node is responding */
extern void node_did_resp (char *name);
/* node_not_resp - record that the specified node is not responding */
extern void node_not_resp (char *name);
/* old_job_info - get details about an existing job allocation */
extern int old_job_info (uint32_t uid, uint32_t job_id, char **node_list,
uint16_t * num_cpu_groups, uint32_t ** cpus_per_node, uint32_t ** cpu_count_reps);
* pack_all_jobs - dump all job information for all jobs in
* machine independent form (for network transmission)
* NOTE: the caller must xfree the buffer at *buffer_ptr when no longer required
extern void pack_all_jobs (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size, time_t * update_time)
/* pack_all_node - dump all configuration and node information for all nodes in
* machine independent form (for network transmission)
* NOTE: the caller must xfree the buffer at *buffer_ptr when no longer required
extern void pack_all_node (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size, time_t * update_time);
* IN - job_id and step_id - zero for all
* OUT - packed buffer and length NOTE- MUST free_buf buffer
extern int pack_ctld_job_step_info_response_msg ( uint32_t job_id, uint32_t step_id, Buf buffer );
/* pack_ctld_job_step_info - packs a job_step_info_t from a step_record
extern void pack_ctld_job_step_info( struct step_record* step, Buf buffer);
* pack_all_part - dump all partition information for all partitions in
* machine independent form (for network transmission)
* NOTE: the caller must xfree the buffer at *buffer_ptr when no longer required
extern void pack_all_part (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size, time_t * update_time);
* pack_job - dump all configuration information about a specific job in
* machine independent form (for network transmission)
extern void pack_job (struct job_record *dump_job_ptr, Buf buffer);
* pack_part - dump all configuration information about a specific partition in
* machine independent form (for network transmission)
extern void pack_part (struct part_record *part_record_point, Buf buffer);
/* ping_nodes - check that all nodes and daemons are alive */
extern void ping_nodes (void);
* purge_old_job - purge old job records. if memory space is needed.
* the jobs must have completed at least MIN_JOB_AGE minutes ago
void purge_old_job (void);
/* read_slurm_conf - load the slurm configuration from the configured file */
extern int read_slurm_conf (int recover);
/* rehash - build a hash table of the node_record entries */
extern void rehash (void);
/* reset_job_bitmaps - reestablish bitmaps for existing jobs */
extern void reset_job_bitmaps (void);
/* rmdir2 - issues system call to rmdir (if root) */
extern int rmdir2 (char * path);
/* schedule - attempt to schedule all pending jobs */
extern int schedule (void);
/* select_nodes - select and allocate nodes to a specific job */
extern int select_nodes (struct job_record *job_ptr, int test_only);
/* set_job_id - set a default job_id, insure that it is unique */
extern void set_job_id (struct job_record *job_ptr);
/* set_job_prio - set a default job priority */
extern void set_job_prio (struct job_record *job_ptr);
/* set_slurmd_addr - establish the slurm_addr for the slurmd on each node */
extern void set_slurmd_addr (void);
/* step_count - return a count of steps associated with a specific job */
extern int step_count (struct job_record *job_ptr);
/* step_create - parse the suppied job step specification and create step_records for it */
extern int step_create ( step_specs *step_specs, struct step_record** );
/* step_lock - lock the step information */
extern void step_lock (void);
/* step_unlock - unlock the step information */
extern void step_unlock (void);
/* sync_nodes_to_jobs - sync the node state to job states on slurmctld restart */
extern int sync_nodes_to_jobs (void);
/* update_job - update a job's parameters per the supplied specification */

Moe Jette
extern int update_job (job_desc_msg_t * job_specs, uid_t uid);
/* update_node - update the configuration data for one or more nodes per the supplied specification */
extern int update_node ( update_node_msg_t * update_node_msg ) ;
/* update_part - update a partition's configuration data per the supplied specification */
extern int update_part (update_part_msg_t * part_desc );
/* validate_group - validate that the submit uid is authorized to run in this partition */
extern int validate_group (struct part_record *part_ptr, uid_t submit_uid);
/* validate_jobs_on_node - validate that any jobs that should be on the node are
* actually running, if not clean up the job records and/or node records,
* call this function after validate_node_specs() sets the node state properly */

Moe Jette
extern void validate_jobs_on_node ( char *node_name, uint32_t *job_count,
uint32_t *job_id_ptr, uint16_t *step_id_ptr);
/* validate_node_specs - validate the node's specifications as valid */
extern int validate_node_specs (char *node_name,
uint32_t cpus, uint32_t real_memory,
uint32_t tmp_disk, uint32_t job_count);
* yes_or_no - map string into integer
* input: in_string: pointer to string containing "YES" or "NO"
* output: returns 1 for "YES", 0 for "NO", -1 otherwise
extern int yes_or_no (char *in_string);
#endif /* !_HAVE_SLURM_H */