This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily
documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.5
-- If a srun runs in an exclusive allocation and doesn't use the entire
allocation and CR_PACK_NODES is set layout tasks appropriately.
-- Correct Shared field in job state information seen by scontrol, sview, etc.
-- Print Slurm error string in scontrol update job and reset the Slurm errno
before each call to the API.
-- Fix task/cgroup to handle -mblock:fcyclic correctly
-- Fix for core-based advanced reservations where the distribution of cores
across nodes is not even.
-- Fix issue where association maxnodes wouldn't be evaluated correctly if a
QOS had a GrpNodes set.
-- GRES fix with multiple files defined per line in gres.conf.
-- When a job is requeued make sure accounting marks it as such.
-- Print the state of requeued job as REQUEUED.
-- Fix if a job's partition was taken away from it don't allow a requeue.
-- Make sure we lock on the conf when sending slurmd's conf to the slurmstepd.
-- Fix issue with sacctmgr 'load' not able to gracefully handle bad formatted
-- sched/backfill: Correct job start time estimate with advanced reservations.
-- Error message added when in proctrack/cgroup the step freezer path isn't
able to be destroyed for debug.
-- Added extra index's into the database for better performance when
deleting users.
-- Fix issue with wckeys when tracking wckeys, but not enforcing them,
you could get multiple '*' wckeys.
-- Fix bug which could report to squeue the wrong partition for a running job
that is submitted to multiple partitions.
-- Report correct CPU count allocated to job when allocated whole node even if
not using all CPUs.
-- If job's constraints cannot be satisfied put it in pending state with reason
BadConstraints and don't remove it.
-- sched/backfill - If job started with infinite time limit, set its end_time
one year in the future.
-- Clear QOS GrpUsedCPUs when resetting raw usage if QOS is not using any cpus.
-- Remove log message left over from debugging.
-- When using CR_PACK_NODES fix make --ntasks-per-node work correctly.
-- Report correct partition associated with a step if the job is submitted to
multiple partitions.
-- Fix to allow removing of preemption from a QOS
-- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error
message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds.
-- Make srun obey POSIX convention and increase the exit code by 128 when the
process terminated by a signal.
-- Sanity check for acct_gather_energy/rapl
-- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error
message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds.
-- If the sbatch command specifies the option --signal=B:signum sent the signal
to the batch script only.
-- If we cancel a task and we have no other exit code send the signal and
exit code.
-- Added note about InnoDB storage engine being used with MySQL.
-- Set the job exit code when the job is signaled and set the log level to
debug2() when processing an already completed job.
-- Reset diagnostics time stamp when "sdiag --reset" is called.
-- squeue and scontrol to report a job's "shared" value based upon partition
options rather than reporting "unknown" if job submission does not use
--exclusive or --shared option.
-- task/cgroup - Fix cpuset binding for batch script.
-- sched/backfill - Fix anomaly that could result in jobs being scheduled out
of order.
-- Expand pseudo-terminal size data structure field sizes from 8 to 16 bits.
-- Fix issue where not enforcing QOS but a partition either allows or denies
-- CRAY - Make switch/cray default when running on a Cray natively.
-- CRAY - Make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively.
-- Disable job time limit change if it's preemption is in progress.
-- Correct logic to properly enforce job preemption GraceTime.
-- Fix sinfo -R to print each down/drained node once, rather than once per
-- If a job has non-responding node, retry job step create rather than
returning with DOWN node error.
-- Support SLURM_CONF path which does not have "slurm.conf" as the file name.
-- CRAY - make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively
-- Fix issue where batch cpuset wasn't looked at correctly in
-- Correct squeue's job node and CPU counts for requeued jobs.
-- Correct SelectTypeParameters=CR_LLN with job selecition of specific nodes.
-- Only if ALL of their partitions are hidden will a job be hidden by default.
-- Run EpilogSlurmctld for a job is killed during slurmctld reconfiguration.
-- Close window with srun if waiting for an allocation and while printing
something you also get a signal which would produce deadlock.
-- Add SelectTypeParameters option of CR_PACK_NODES to pack a job's tasks
tightly on its allocated nodes rather than distributing them evenly across
the allocated nodes.
-- cpus-per-task support: Try to pack all CPUs of each tasks onto one socket.
Previous logic could spread the tasks CPUs across multiple sockets.
-- Add new distribution method fcyclic so when a task is using multiple cpus
it can bind cyclically across sockets.
-- task/affinity - When using --hint=nomultithread only bind to the first
thread in a core.
-- Make cgroup task layout (block | cyclic) method mirror that of
-- If TaskProlog sets SLURM_PROLOG_CPU_MASK reset affinity for that task
based on the mask given.
-- Keep supporting 'srun -N x --pty bash' for historical reasons.
-- If EnforcePartLimits=Yes and QOS job is using can override limits, allow
-- Fix issues if partition allows or denies account's or QOS' and either are
not set.
-- If a job requests a partition and it doesn't allow a QOS or account the
job is requesting pend unless EnforcePartLimits=Yes. Before it would
always kill the job at submit.
-- Fix format output of scontrol command when printing node state.
-- Improve the clean up of cgroup hierarchy when using the
jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin.
-- Added SchedulerParameters value of Ignore_NUMA.
-- Fix issues with code when using automake 1.14.1
-- select/cons_res plugin: Fix memory leak related to job preemption.
-- After reconfig rebuild the job node counters only for jobs that have
not finished yet, otherwise if requeued the job may enter an invalid
-- Do not purge the script and environment files for completed jobs on
slurmctld reconfiguration or restart (they might be later requeued).
-- scontrol now accepts the option job=xxx or jobid=xxx for the requeue,
requeuehold and release operations.
-- task/cgroup - fix to bind batch job in the proper CPUs.
-- Added strigger option of -N, --noheader to not print the header when
displaying a list of triggers.
-- Modify strigger to accept arguments to the program to execute when an
event trigger occurs.
-- Attempt to create duplicate event trigger now generates ESLURM_TRIGGER_DUP
("Duplicate event trigger").
-- Treat special characters like %A, %s etc. literally in the file names
when specified escaped e.g. sbatch -o /home/zebra\\%s will not expand
%s as the stepid of the running job.
-- CRAYALPS - Add better support for CLE 5.2 when running Slurm over ALPS.
-- Test time when job_state file was written to detect multiple primary
slurmctld daemons (e.g. both backup and primary are functioning as
primary and there is a split brain problem).
-- Fix scontrol to accept update jobid=# numtasks=#
-- If the backup slurmctld assumes primary status, then do NOT purge any
job state files (batch script and environment files) and do not re-use them.
This may indicate that multiple primary slurmctld daemons are active (e.g.
both backup and primary are functioning as primary and there is a split
brain problem).
-- Set correct error code when requeuing a completing/pending job
-- When checking for if dependency of type afterany, afterok and afternotok
don't clear the dependency if the job is completing.
-- Cleanup the JOB_COMPLETING flag and eventually requeue the job when the
last epilog completes, either slurmd epilog or slurmctld epilog, whichever
comes last.
-- When attempting to requeue a job distinguish the case in which the job is
JOB_COMPLETING or already pending.
-- When reconfiguring the controller don't restart the slurmctld epilog if it
is already running.
-- Email messages for job array events print now use the job ID using the
format "#_# (#)" rather than just the internal job ID.
-- Set the number of free licenses to be 0 if the global license count
decreases and total is less than in use.
-- Add DebugFlag of BackfillMap. Previously a DebugFlag value of Backfill
logged information about what it was doing plus a map of expected resouce
use in the future. Now that very verbose resource use map is only logged
with a DebugFlag value of BackfillMap
-- Modify the description of -E and -S option of sacct command as point in time
'before' or 'after' the database records are returned.
-- Correct support for partition with Shared=YES configuration.
-- If job requests --exclusive then do not use nodes which have any cores in an
advanced reservation. Also prevents case where nodes can be shared by other
-- For "scontrol --details show job" report the correct CPU_IDs when thre are
multiple threads per core (we are translating a core bitmap to CPU IDs).
-- If DebugFlags=Protocol is configured in slurm.conf print details of the
connection, ip address and port accepted by the controller.
-- Fix minor memory leak when reading in incomplete node data checkpoint file.
-- Enlarge the width specifier when printing partition SHARE to display larger
sharing values.
-- sinfo locks added to prevent possibly duplicate record printing for
resources in multiple partitions.
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.3-2
* Changes in Slurm 14.03.3
-- Correction to default batch output file name. In version 14.03.2 was using
"slurm_<jobid>_4294967294.out" due to error in job array logic.
-- In slurm.spec file, replace "Requires cray-MySQL-devel-enterprise" with
"Requires mysql-devel".
-- Fix race condition if PrologFlags=Alloc,NoHold is used.
-- Cray - Make NPC only limit running other NPC jobs on shared blades instead
of limited non NPC jobs.
-- Fix for sbatch #PBS -m (mail) option parsing.
-- Fix job dependency bug. Jobs dependent upon multiple other jobs may start
-- Set "Reason" field for all elements of a job array on short-circuited
scheduling for job arrays.
-- Allow -D option of salloc/srun/sbatch to specify relative path.
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