Alexander Dunkel authoredAlexander Dunkel authored
Readme.md 4.98 KiB
Mobile Cartography 2023/24 Workshop Series: Social Media, Jupyter Lab & Tag Maps
This is the public repository containing the course material for the Mobile Cartography Jupyter Lab Workshop.
⚠️ Unfortunately, the ZIH is in the midst of migration fromTaurus
system toBarnard
. You can run the workshop in both systems, but the startup is a little bit different between the two. We do not know whether or how long Taurus will be available in 2024, so please try to use this only as a fallback.
- If working from remote: Make sure to connect to TUD network using a VPN connection (Cisco VPN or OpenVPN), otherwise you will not be able to use any of ZIH HPC Services
- Add your ZIH-Login to the HPC project, using the pre-shared link
- this needs to be done only once
- it may take up to two hours before your login is available
Barnard (new): Start Jupyter Lab
Login to HPC (do not click "spawn")
- You'll be requested to login using your TUD Account
- Select
Barnard - 2 core, 3G, 4 hours
Click Start to spawn a Jupyter Lab instance on the TUD ZIH Jupyter Hub.
- The Workshop is not automatically setup in the new system yet
- Once JupyterHub started, open a
Window - .. and copy &paste the following command, confirm with Enter:
cd /home/$USER && \ git clone https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/tud-ifk/jupyter_python_datascience.git
- this will clone the workshop repository to your local user folder (left side)
- open
and start following the instructions
Taurus (old): Start Jupyter Lab
Login to HPC (do not click "spawn")
- You'll be requested to login using your TUD Account
Click this link to spawn a Jupyter Lab instance on the TUD ZIH Jupyter Hub.
- If you see a pop-up asking "Found slurm parameters in URL. Do you want to submit and spawn now?" - click Ok
- Do not click "Start My Server".
- If you see a button or form, click or copy the link again, paste, & the server should start automatically.
- Important: Do not change configuration if you see a form: If the Server doesn't start automatically, click the ZIH Jupyter link one more time
- If there are not enough resources and you need to wait a very long time (>10 minutes), try [this alternative spawn link][spawn-zih-link2] that uses a different ZIH resource partition
A video showing startup and environment selection:
Afterwards, once the notebook has opened:
- If asked to select a Kernel: Confirm suggestion (Python 3) with "Select".
- execute the first cell, with
- this will link the conda
to your user folder. Follow any instructions in the notebook.
Based on previous workshops, we have collected some frequent questions and answers.
Please click on the links below to see possible routes to solve these issues.
- 500: Internal Server Error after clicking spawn the link?
- Jupyter Lab Starts, but the explorer on the left is empty?
- Cannot activate
/ the first code cell returns an error? - How can I run these notebooks offline (locally)?