# Software Development and Tools This section provides you with the basic knowledge and tools to get you out of trouble. It will tell you: - How to compile your code - Using mathematical libraries - Find caveats and hidden errors in application codes - Handle debuggers - Follow system calls and interrupts - Understand the relationship between correct code and performance Some hints that are helpful: - Stick to standards wherever possible, e.g. use the **`-std`** flag for GNU and Intel C/C++ compilers. Computers are short living creatures, migrating between platforms can be painful. In addition, running your code on different platforms greatly increases the reliably. You will find many bugs on one platform that never will be revealed on another. - Before and during performance tuning: Make sure that your code delivers the correct results. Some questions you should ask yourself: - Given that a code is parallel, are the results independent from the numbers of threads or processes? - Have you ever run your Fortran code with array bound and subroutine argument checking (the **`-check all`** and **`-traceback`** flags for the Intel compilers)? - Have you checked that your code is not causing floating point exceptions? - Does your code work with a different link order of objects? - Have you made any assumptions regarding storage of data objects in memory? Subsections: - [Compilers](compilers.md) - [Debugging Tools](Debugging Tools.md) - [Debuggers](debuggers.md) (GDB, Allinea DDT, Totalview) - [Tools to detect MPI usage errors](mpi_usage_error_detection.md) (MUST) - PerformanceTools.md: [Score-P](scorep.md), [Vampir](vampir.md) - [Math Libraries](math_libraries.md) Intel Tools Seminar \[Oct. 2013\] - [TU-Dresden_Intel_Multithreading_Methodologies.pdf]**todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Intel_Multithreading_Methodologies.pdf: Intel Multithreading Methodologies - [TU-Dresden_Advisor_XE.pdf] **todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Advisor_XE.pdf): Intel Advisor XE - Threading prototyping tool for software architects - [TU-Dresden_Inspector_XE.pdf] **todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Inspector_XE.pdf): Inspector XE - Memory-, Thread-, Pointer-Checker, Debugger - [TU-Dresden_Intel_Composer_XE.pdf] **todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Intel_Composer_XE.pdf): Intel Composer - Compilers, Libraries