diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/overview.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/overview.md
index 6e8a1bf1cc12e36e4aa15bd46b9eaf84e24171bc..c82a68ba50c9ab75c2fdc31d647d8a8827db694c 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/overview.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/overview.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Data Transfer
-## Data Transfer to/from ZIH Systems: Export Nodes
+## Data Transfer to/from ZIH Systems: Dataport Nodes
 There are at least three tools for exchanging data between your local workstation and ZIH systems:
 `scp`, `rsync`, and `sftp`. Please refer to the offline or online man pages of
@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@ There are at least three tools for exchanging data between your local workstatio
 [rsync](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/rsync.1.html), and
 [sftp](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/sftp.1.html) for detailed information.
-No matter what tool you prefer, it is crucial that the **export nodes** are used as preferred way to
+No matter what tool you prefer, it is crucial that the **dataport nodes** are used as preferred way to
 copy data to/from ZIH systems. Please follow the link to the documentation on
-[export nodes](export_nodes.md) for further reference and examples.
+[dataport nodes](dataport_nodes.md) for further reference and examples.
+!!! warning "Note"
+    The former **export nodes** are still available as long as the outdated filesystems (`scratch`,
+    etc.) are accessible. Their end of life is considered for May 2024.
 ## Data Transfer Inside ZIH Systems: Datamover
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/hardware_overview.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/hardware_overview.md
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--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/hardware_overview.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/hardware_overview.md
@@ -113,23 +113,27 @@ only from their respective login nodes.
-## Login and Export Nodes
+## Login and Dataport Nodes
 !!! Note " **On December 11 2023 Taurus will be decommissioned for good**."
     Do not use Taurus for production anymore.
-- 4 Login-Nodes `tauruslogin[3-6].hrsk.tu-dresden.de`
-    - Each login node is equipped with 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 with 24 cores in total @
-      2.50 GHz, Multithreading disabled, 64 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD local disk
-    - IPs: 141.30.73.\[102-105\]
-- 2 Data-Transfer-Nodes `taurusexport[3-4].hrsk.tu-dresden.de`
+- Login-Nodes
+    - Individual for each cluster. See sections below.
+- 2 Data-Transfer-Nodes
+    - 2 servers without interactive login, only available via file transfer protocols
+      (`rsync`, `ftp`)
+    - `dataport[3-4].hpc.tu-dresden.de`
+    - IPs: 141.30.73.\[4,5\]
+    - Further information on the usage is documented on the site
+      [dataport Nodes](../data_transfer/dataport_nodes.md)
+- *outdated*: 2 Data-Transfer-Nodes `taurusexport[3-4].hrsk.tu-dresden.de`<!--TODO: remove after release in May 2024-->
     - DNS Alias `taurusexport.hrsk.tu-dresden.de`
     - 2 Servers without interactive login, only available via file transfer protocols
       (`rsync`, `ftp`)
-    - IPs: 141.30.73.\[82,83\]
-    - Further information on the usage is documented on the site
-      [Export Nodes](../data_transfer/export_nodes.md)
+    - available as long as outdated filesystems (e.g. `scratch`) are accessible
 ## Barnard
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/quickstart/getting_started.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/quickstart/getting_started.md
index fe871b3d9adf2c22f5a7ac84edb5b2a953522f50..c9495588d57e726c00a31da961508e5096439170 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/quickstart/getting_started.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/quickstart/getting_started.md
@@ -195,31 +195,31 @@ The approach depends on the data volume: up to 100 MB or above.
     transfer section.
 ### Transferring Data *To/From* ZIH HPC Systems
+<!-- [NT] currently not available
 ???+ example "`scp` for transferring data to ZIH HPC systems"
     Copy the file `example.R` from your local machine to a workspace on the ZIH systems:
-    marie@local$ scp /home/marie/Documents/example.R marie@export.hpc.tu-dresden.de:/data/horse/ws/your_workspace/
+    marie@local$ scp /home/marie/Documents/example.R marie@dataport1.hpc.tu-dresden.de:/data/horse/ws/your_workspace/
     example.R                                                     100%  312    32.2KB/s   00:00``
-    Note, the target path contains `export.hpc.tu-dresden.de`, which is one of the
-    so called [export nodes](../data_transfer/export_nodes.md) that allows for data transfer from/to the outside.
+    Note, the target path contains `dataport1.hpc.tu-dresden.de`, which is one of the
+    so called [dataport nodes](../data_transfer/dataport_nodes.md) that allows for data transfer from/to the outside.
 ???+ example "`scp` to transfer data from ZIH HPC systems to local machine"
     Copy the file `results.csv` from a workspace on the ZIH HPC systems to your local machine:
-    marie@local$ scp marie@export.hpc.tu-dresden.de:/data/horse/ws/marie-test-workspace/results.csv /home/marie/Documents/
+    marie@local$ scp marie@dataport1.hpc.tu-dresden.de:/data/horse/ws/marie-test-workspace/results.csv /home/marie/Documents/
     Feel free to explore further [examples](http://bropages.org/scp) of the `scp` command
-    and possibilities of the [export nodes](../data_transfer/export_nodes.md).
+    and possibilities of the [dataport nodes](../data_transfer/dataport_nodes.md).
 !!! caution "Terabytes of data"
     If you are planning to move terabytes or even more from an outside machine into ZIH systems,
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/gpu_programming.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/gpu_programming.md
index 9c25859d509a0d621a5b1d6413e00391dd29a1ca..84eb94c667e550c55e6f8c73cb3672a95c88b278 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/gpu_programming.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/gpu_programming.md
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ metrics and `--export-profile` to generate a report file, like this:
 marie@compute$ nvprof --analysis-metrics --export-profile  <output>.nvvp ./application [options]
-[Transfer the report file to your local system](../data_transfer/export_nodes.md) and analyze it in
+[Transfer the report file to your local system](../data_transfer/dataport_nodes.md) and analyze it in
 the Visual Profiler (`nvvp`) locally. This will give the smoothest user experience. Alternatively,
 you can use [X11-forwarding](../access/ssh_login.md). Refer to the documentation for details about
 the individual
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ needs, this analysis may be sufficient to identify optimizations targets.
 The graphical user interface version can be used for a thorough analysis of your previously
 generated report file. For an optimal user experience, we recommend a local installation of NVIDIA
 Nsight Systems. In this case, you can
-[transfer the report file to your local system](../data_transfer/export_nodes.md).
+[transfer the report file to your local system](../data_transfer/dataport_nodes.md).
 Alternatively, you can use [X11-forwarding](../access/ssh_login.md). The graphical user interface is
 usually available as `nsys-ui`.
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ manually.
 This report file can be analyzed in the graphical user interface profiler. Again, we recommend you
 generate a report file on a compute node and
-[transfer the report file to your local system](../data_transfer/export_nodes.md).
+[transfer the report file to your local system](../data_transfer/dataport_nodes.md).
 Alternatively, you can use [X11-forwarding](../access/ssh_login.md). The graphical user interface is
 usually available as `ncu-ui` or `nv-nsight-cu`.