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 #### Install Dependencies
 See [Installation with Docker](#preview-using-mkdocs-with-dockerfile).
-**TODO:** virtual environment
-**TODO:** What we need for markdownlinter and checks?
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 **2021-10-05** Offline-maintenance (black building test)
-**2021-09-29** Introduction to HPC at ZIH ([slides](misc/HPC-Introduction.pdf))
+**2021-09-29** Introduction to HPC at ZIH ([HPC introduction slides](misc/HPC-Introduction.pdf))
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/custom_easy_build_environment.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/custom_easy_build_environment.md
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--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/custom_easy_build_environment.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/software/custom_easy_build_environment.md
@@ -1,133 +1,155 @@
 # EasyBuild
-Sometimes the \<a href="SoftwareModulesList" target="\_blank"
-title="List of Modules">modules installed in the cluster\</a> are not
-enough for your purposes and you need some other software or a different
-version of a software.
-\<br />For most commonly used software, chances are high that there is
-already a *recipe* that EasyBuild provides, which you can use. But what
-is Easybuild?
-\<a href="<https://easybuilders.github.io/easybuild/>"
-target="\_blank">EasyBuild\</a>\<span style="font-size: 1em;"> is the
-software used to build and install software on, and create modules for,
-\<span style="font-size: 1em;">The aim of this page is to introduce
-users to working with EasyBuild and to utilizing it to create
-**Prerequisites:** \<a href="Login" target="\_blank">access\</a> to the
-Taurus system and basic knowledge about Linux, \<a href="SystemTaurus"
-target="\_blank" title="SystemTaurus">Taurus\</a> and the \<a
-href="RuntimeEnvironment" target="\_blank"
-title="RuntimeEnvironment">modules system \</a>on Taurus.
-\<span style="font-size: 1em;">EasyBuild uses a configuration file
-called recipe or "EasyConfig", which contains all the information about
-how to obtain and build the software:\</span>
+Sometimes the [modules](modules.md) installed in the cluster are not enough for your purposes and
+you need some other software or a different version of a software.
+For most commonly used software, chances are high that there is already a *recipe* that EasyBuild
+provides, which you can use. But what is EasyBuild?
+[EasyBuild](https://easybuild.io/) is the software used to build and install
+software on ZIH systems.
+The aim of this page is to introduce users to working with EasyBuild and to utilizing it to create
+## Prerequisites
+1. [Shell access](../access/ssh_login.md) to ZIH systems
+1. basic knowledge about:
+   - [the ZIH system](../jobs_and_resources/hardware_overview.md)
+   - [the module system](modules.md) on ZIH systems
+EasyBuild uses a configuration file called recipe or "EasyConfig", which contains all the
+information about how to obtain and build the software:
 -   Name
 -   Version
 -   Toolchain (think: Compiler + some more)
 -   Download URL
--   Buildsystem (e.g. configure && make or cmake && make)
+-   Buildsystem (e.g. `configure && make` or `cmake && make`)
 -   Config parameters
 -   Tests to ensure a successful build
-The "Buildsystem" part is implemented in so-called "EasyBlocks" and
-contains the common workflow. Sometimes those are specialized to
-encapsulate behaviour specific to multiple/all versions of the software.
-\<span style="font-size: 1em;">Everything is written in Python, which
-gives authors a great deal of flexibility.\</span>
+The build system part is implemented in so-called "EasyBlocks" and contains the common workflow.
+Sometimes, those are specialized to encapsulate behaviour specific to multiple/all versions of the
+software. Everything is written in Python, which gives authors a great deal of flexibility.
 ## Set up a custom module environment and build your own modules
-Installation of the new software (or version) does not require any
-specific credentials.
+Installation of the new software (or version) does not require any specific credentials.
-\<br />Prerequisites: 1 An existing EasyConfig 1 a place to put your
-modules. \<span style="font-size: 1em;">Step by step guide:\</span>
+### Prerequisites
-1\. Create a \<a href="WorkSpaces" target="\_blank">workspace\</a> where
-you'll install your modules. You need a place where your modules will be
-placed. This needs to be done only once :
+1. An existing EasyConfig
+1. a place to put your modules.
-    ws_allocate -F scratch EasyBuild 50                 #
+### Step by step guide
-2\. Allocate nodes. You can do this with interactive jobs (see the
-example below) and/or put commands in a batch file and source it. The
-latter is recommended for non-interactive jobs, using the command sbatch
-in place of srun. For the sake of illustration, we use an interactive
-job as an example. The node parameters depend, to some extent, on the
-architecture you want to use. ML nodes for the Power9 and others for the
-x86. We will use Haswell nodes.
+**Step 1:** Create a [workspace](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md#allocate-a-workspace) where you
+install your modules. You need a place where your modules are placed. This needs to be done only
-    srun -p haswell -N 1 -c 4 --time=08:00:00 --pty /bin/bash
+marie@login$ ws_allocate -F scratch EasyBuild 50
+marie@login$ ws_list | grep 'directory.*EasyBuild'
+     workspace directory  : /scratch/ws/1/marie-EasyBuild
-\*Using EasyBuild on the login nodes is not allowed\*
+**Step 2:** Allocate nodes. You can do this with interactive jobs (see the example below) and/or
+put commands in a batch file and source it. The latter is recommended for non-interactive jobs,
+using the command `sbatch` instead of `srun`. For the sake of illustration, we use an
+interactive job as an example. Depending on the partitions that you want the module to be usable on
+later, you need to select nodes with the same architecture. Thus, use nodes from partition ml for
+building, if you want to use the module on nodes of that partition. In this example, we assume
+that we want to use the module on nodes with x86 architecture und thus, Haswell nodes will be used.
-3\. Load EasyBuild module.
+marie@login$ srun --partition=haswell --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --time=08:00:00 --pty /bin/bash -l
-    module load EasyBuild
+!!! warning
-\<br />4. Specify Workspace. The rest of the guide is based on it.
-Please create an environment variable called \`WORKSPACE\` with the
-location of your Workspace:
+    Using EasyBuild on the login nodes is not allowed.
-    WORKSPACE=<location_of_your_workspace>         # For example: WORKSPACE=/scratch/ws/anpo879a-EasyBuild
+**Step 3:** Specify the workspace. The rest of the guide is based on it. Please create an
+environment variable called `WORKSPACE` with the path to your workspace:
-5\. Load the correct modenv according to your current or target
-architecture: \`ml modenv/scs5\` for x86 (default) or \`modenv/ml\` for
-Power9 (ml partition). Load EasyBuild module
+marie@compute$ export WORKSPACE=/scratch/ws/1/marie-EasyBuild    #see output of ws_list above
-    ml modenv/scs5
-    module load EasyBuild
+**Step 4:** Load the correct module environment  `modenv` according to your current or target
-6\. Set up your environment:
+=== "x86 (default, e. g. partition haswell)"
+    ```console
+    marie@compute$ module load modenv/scs5
+    ```
+=== "Power9 (partition ml)"
+    ```console
+    marie@ml$ module load modenv/ml
+    ```
-    export EASYBUILD_ALLOW_LOADED_MODULES=EasyBuild,modenv/scs5
-    export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH="/tmp/${USER}-EasyBuild${SLURM_JOB_ID:-}"
-    export EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH="${WORKSPACE}/easybuild-$(basename $(readlink -f /sw/installed))"
-    module use "${EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH_MODULES}/all"
-    export LMOD_IGNORE_CACHE=1
+**Step 5:** Load module `EasyBuild`
-7\. \<span style="font-size: 13px;">Now search for an existing
-EasyConfig: \</span>
+marie@compute$ module load EasyBuild
-    eb --search TensorFlow
+**Step 6:** Set up your environment:
-\<span style="font-size: 13px;">8. Build the EasyConfig and its
+marie@compute$ export EASYBUILD_ALLOW_LOADED_MODULES=EasyBuild,modenv/scs5
+marie@compute$ export EASYBUILD_DETECT_LOADED_MODULES=unload
+marie@compute$ export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH="/tmp/${USER}-EasyBuild${SLURM_JOB_ID:-}"
+marie@compute$ export EASYBUILD_SOURCEPATH="${WORKSPACE}/sources"
+marie@compute$ export EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH="${WORKSPACE}/easybuild-$(basename $(readlink -f /sw/installed))"
+marie@compute$ module use "${EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH_MODULES}/all"
+marie@compute$ export LMOD_IGNORE_CACHE=1
-    eb TensorFlow-1.8.0-fosscuda-2018a-Python-3.6.4.eb -r
+**Step 7:** Now search for an existing EasyConfig:
-\<span style="font-size: 13px;">After this is done (may take A LONG
-time), you can load it just like any other module.\</span>
+marie@compute$ eb --search TensorFlow
-9\. To use your custom build modules you only need to rerun step 4, 5, 6
-and execute the usual:
+**Step 8:** Build the EasyConfig and its dependencies (option `-r`)
-    module load <name_of_your_module>            # For example module load TensorFlow-1.8.0-fosscuda-2018a-Python-3.6.4
+marie@compute$ eb TensorFlow-1.8.0-fosscuda-2018a-Python-3.6.4.eb -r
-The key is the \`module use\` command which brings your modules into
-scope so \`module load\` can find them and the LMOD_IGNORE_CACHE line
-which makes LMod pick up the custom modules instead of searching the
+This may take a long time. After this is done, you can load it just like any other module.
+**Step 9:** To use your custom build modules you only need to rerun steps 3, 4, 5, 6 and execute
+the usual:
+marie@compute$ module load TensorFlow-1.8.0-fosscuda-2018a-Python-3.6.4  #replace with the name of your module
+The key is the `module use` command, which brings your modules into scope, so `module load` can find
+them. The `LMOD_IGNORE_CACHE` line makes `LMod` pick up the custom modules instead of searching the
 system cache.
 ## Troubleshooting
-When building your EasyConfig fails, you can first check the log
-mentioned and scroll to the bottom to see what went wrong.
+When building your EasyConfig fails, you can first check the log mentioned and scroll to the bottom
+to see what went wrong.
+It might also be helpful to inspect the build environment EasyBuild uses. For that you can run:
+marie@compute$ eb myEC.eb --dump-env-script`
+This command creates a sourceable `.env`-file with `module load` and `export` commands that show
+what EasyBuild does before running, e.g., the configuration step.
-It might also be helpful to inspect the build environment EB uses. For
-that you can run \`eb myEC.eb --dump-env-script\` which creates a
-sourceable .env file with \`module load\` and \`export\` commands that
-show what EB does before running, e.g., the configure step.
+It might also be helpful to use
-It might also be helpful to use '\<span style="font-size: 1em;">export
+marie@compute$ export LMOD_IGNORE_CACHE=0
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
index 4efbb60c85f44b6cb8d80c33cfb251c7a52003a3..8867e2df2618e2b1a7fea1f19069f9cfca995f2e 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ nav:
       - PAPI Library: software/papi.md
       - Pika: software/pika.md
       - Perf Tools: software/perf_tools.md
-      - Score-P: software/scorep.md
       - Vampir: software/vampir.md
   - Data Life Cycle Management:
     - Overview: data_lifecycle/overview.md
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/util/grep-forbidden-patterns.sh b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/util/grep-forbidden-patterns.sh
index e4786c07e52177ba9a19bf7e5b571ac0d9057fb6..38e9015599922fdcec93fecebb9fd638cfa576d8 100755
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/util/grep-forbidden-patterns.sh
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/util/grep-forbidden-patterns.sh
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ s	\<SLURM\>
 i	file \+system	HDFS
 Use \"ZIH systems\" or \"ZIH system\" instead of \"Taurus\". \"taurus\" is only allowed when used in ssh commands and other very specific situations.
+doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/contrib/content_rules.md	doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/phase2_migration.md
 i	\<taurus\>	taurus\.hrsk	/taurus	/TAURUS	ssh	^[0-9]\+:Host taurus$
 \"HRSKII\" should be avoided, use \"ZIH system\" instead.
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ i	hpc[ -]\+da\>
 i	attachurl
 Replace \"todo\" with real content.
 i	\<todo\>	<!--.*todo.*-->
-Replace \"Coming soon\" with real content.
+Replace variations of \"Coming soon\" with real content.
-i	\<coming soon\>
+i	\(\<coming soon\>\|This .* under construction\|posted here\)
 Avoid spaces at end of lines.
 i	[[:space:]]$
 When referencing partitions, put keyword \"partition\" in front of partition name, e. g. \"partition ml\", not \"ml partition\".