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+# Libraries
+The following libraries are available on our platforms:
+|           |                       |                 |            |
+|           | **Taurus**            | **Venus**       | **module** |
+| **Boost** | 1.49, 1.5\[4-9\], 160 | 1.49, 1.51,1.54 | boost      |
+| **MKL**   | 2013, 2015            | 2013            | mkl        |
+| **FFTW**  | 3.3.4                 |                 | fftw       |
+## The Boost Library
+Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries, ranging from multithread and MPI
+support to regular expression and numeric funtions. See at http://www.boost.org for detailed
+### Example
+program ExampleProgram
+external dgesv
+integer:: n, m, c, d, e, Z(2)                           !parameter definition
+double precision:: A(2,2), B(2)
+n=2; m=1; c=2; d=2;
+A(1,1) = 1.0; A(1,2) = 2.0;                           !parameter setting
+A(2,1) = 3.0; A(2,2) = 4.0;
+B(1) = 14.0; B(2) = 32.0;
+Call dgesv(n,m,A,c,Z,B,d,e);                        !call the subroutine
+write(*,*) "Solution ", B(1), " ", B(2)             !display on desktop
+end program ExampleProgram
+### Math Kernel Library (MKL)
+The Intel Math Kernel Library is a collection of basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS) and fast
+fourier transformations (FFT). It contains routines for:
+- Solvers such as linear algebra package (LAPACK) and BLAS
+- Eigenvector/eigenvalue solvers (BLAS, LAPACK)
+- PDEs, signal processing, seismic, solid-state physics (FFTs)
+- General scientific, financial - vector transcendental functions,
+  vector markup language (XML)
+More specifically it contains the following components:
+- BLAS:
+  - Level 1 BLAS: vector-vector operations, 48 functions
+  - Level 2 BLAS: matrix-vector operations, 66 functions
+  - Level 3 BLAS: matrix-matrix operations, 30 functions
+- LAPACK (linear algebra package), solvers and eigensolvers, hundreds
+  of routines, more than 1000 user callable routines
+- FFTs (fast Fourier transform): one and two dimensional, with and
+  without frequency ordering (bit reversal). There are wrapper
+  functions to provide an interface to use MKL instead of FFTW.
+- VML (vector math library), set of vectorized transcendental
+  functions
+- Parallel Sparse Direct Linear Solver (Pardiso)
+Please note: MKL comes in an OpenMP-parallel version. If you want to use it, make sure you know how
+to place your jobs. {{ In \[c't 18, 2010\], Andreas Stiller proposes the usage of
+`GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY` to allow the mapping of AMD cores. KMP_AFFINITY works only for Intel processors.
+#### Linking with the MKL
+For linker flag combinations, Intel provides the MKL Link Line Advisor
+(please make sure that JavaScript is enabled for this page).
+Can be compiled with MKL 11 like this
+ifort -I$MKL_INC -L$MKL_LIB -lmkl_core -lm -lmkl_gf_ilp64 -lmkl_lapack example.f90
+#### Linking with the MKL at VENUS
+icc -O1 -I/sw/global/compilers/intel/2013/mkl//include -lmpi -mkl -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_sgimpt_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core example.c
+## FFTW
+FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more
+dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data,
+i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST). Before using this library, please check out
+the functions of vendor specific libraries ACML and/or MKL.
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Software Development at HPC Systems
+This section provides you with the basic knowledge and tools to get you out of trouble. It will tell
+- How to compile your code
+- Using mathematical libraries
+- Find caveats and hidden errors in application codes
+- Handle debuggers
+- Follow system calls and interrupts
+- Understand the relationship between correct code and performance
+Some hints that are helpful:
+- Stick to standards wherever possible, e.g. use the **`-std`** flag
+  for GNU and Intel C/C++ compilers. Computers are short living
+  creatures, migrating between platforms can be painful. In addition,
+  running your code on different platforms greatly increases the
+  reliably. You will find many bugs on one platform that never will be
+  revealed on another.
+- Before and during performance tuning: Make sure that your code
+  delivers the correct results.
+Some questions you should ask yourself:
+- Given that a code is parallel, are the results independent from the
+  numbers of threads or processes?
+- Have you ever run your Fortran code with array bound and subroutine
+  argument checking (the **`-check all`** and **`-traceback`** flags
+  for the Intel compilers)?
+- Have you checked that your code is not causing floating point
+  exceptions?
+- Does your code work with a different link order of objects?
+- Have you made any assumptions regarding storage of data objects in
+  memory?
+- [Compilers](Compilers.md)
+- [Debugging Tools](Debugging Tools.md)
+  - [Debuggers](Debuggers.md) (GDB, Allinea DDT, Totalview)
+  - [Tools to detect MPI usage errors](MPIUsageErrorDetection.md) (MUST)
+- PerformanceTools.md: [Score-P](ScoreP.md), [Vampir](Vampir.md), [Papi Library](PapiLibrary.md)
+- [Libraries](Libraries.md)
+Intel Tools Seminar \[Oct. 2013\]
+- [TU-Dresden_Intel_Multithreading_Methodologies.pdf]**todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Intel_Multithreading_Methodologies.pdf:
+  Intel Multithreading Methodologies
+- [TU-Dresden_Advisor_XE.pdf] **todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Advisor_XE.pdf):
+  Intel Advisor XE - Threading prototyping tool for software
+  architects
+- [TU-Dresden_Inspector_XE.pdf] **todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Inspector_XE.pdf):
+  Inspector XE - Memory-, Thread-, Pointer-Checker, Debugger
+- [TU-Dresden_Intel_Composer_XE.pdf] **todo** %ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Intel_Composer_XE.pdf):
+  Intel Composer - Compilers, Libraries
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@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Vampir
+## Introduction
+Vampir is a graphical analysis framework that provides a large set of different chart
+representations of event based performance data generated through program instrumentation. These
+graphical displays, including state diagrams, statistics, and timelines, can be used by developers
+to obtain a better understanding of their parallel program inner working and to subsequently
+optimize it. Vampir allows to focus on appropriate levels of detail, which allows the detection and
+explanation of various performance bottlenecks such as load imbalances and communication
+deficiencies. [Follow this link for further
+A growing number of performance monitoring environments like [VampirTrace](../archive/VampirTrace.md),
+Score-P, TAU or KOJAK can produce trace files that are readable by Vampir. The tool supports trace
+files in Open Trace Format (OTF, OTF2) that is developed by ZIH and its partners and is especially
+designed for massively parallel programs.
+\<img alt="" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/vampir-framework.png" title="Vampir Framework" />
+## Starting Vampir
+Prior to using Vampir you need to set up the correct environment on one
+the HPC systems with:
+module load vampir
+For members of TU Dresden the Vampir tool is also available as
+for installation on your personal computer.
+Make sure, that compressed display forwarding (e.g.  `ssh -XC taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de`) is
+enabled. Start the GUI by typing
+on your command line or by double-clicking the Vampir icon on your personal computer.
+Please consult the
+[Vampir user manual](http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/zentrale_einrichtungen/zih/forschung/projekte/vampir/dateien/Vampir-User-Manual.pdf)
+for a tutorial on using the tool.
+## Using VampirServer
+VampirServer provides additional scalable analysis capabilities to the Vampir GUI mentioned above.
+To use VampirServer on the HPC resources of TU Dresden proceed as follows: start the Vampir GUI as
+described above and use the *Open Remote* dialog with the parameters indicated in the following
+figure to start and connect a VampirServer instance running on taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de. Make sure
+to fill in your personal ZIH login name.
+\<img alt="" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/vampir_open_remote_dialog.png"
+title="Vampir Open Remote Dialog" />
+Click on the Connect button and wait until the connection is established. Enter your password when
+requested. Depending on the available resources on the target system, this setup can take some time.
+Please be patient and take a look at available resources beforehand.
+## Advanced Usage
+### Manual Server Startup
+VampirServer is a parallel MPI program, which can also be started manually by typing:
+vampirserver start
+Above automatically allocates its resources via the respective batch system. Use
+vampirserver start mpi
+vampirserver start srun
+if you want to start vampirserver without batch allocation or inside an interactive allocation. The
+latter is needed whenever you manually take care of the resource allocation by yourself.
+After scheduling this job the server prints out the port number it is serving on, like `Listen port:
+Connecting to the most recently started server can be achieved by entering `auto-detect` as *Setup
+name* in the *Open Remote* dialog of Vampir.
+\<img alt=""
+title="Vampir Open Remote Dialog" />
+Please make sure you stop VampirServer after finishing your work with
+the front-end or with
+vampirserver stop
+vampirserver help 
+for further information. The [user manual of
+can be found at *installation directory* /doc/vampirserver-manual.pdf.
+which vampirserver
+to find the revision dependent *installation directory*.
+### Port Forwarding
+VampirServer listens to a given socket port. It is possible to forward
+this port (SSH tunnel) to a remote machine. This procedure is not
+recommended and not needed at ZIH. However, the following example shows
+the tunneling to a VampirServer on a compute node at Taurus. The same
+procedure works on Venus.
+Start VampirServer on Taurus and wait for its scheduling:
+vampirserver start
+and wait for scheduling
+Launching VampirServer...
+Submitting slurm 30 minutes job (this might take a while)...
+salloc: Granted job allocation 2753510
+VampirServer 8.1.0 (r8451)
+Licensed to ZIH, TU Dresden
+Running 4 analysis processes... (abort with vampirserver stop 594)
+VampirServer  listens on: taurusi1253:30055
+Open a second console on your local desktop and create an ssh tunnel to the compute node with:
+ssh -L 30000:taurusi1253:30055 taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de
+Now, the port 30000 on your desktop is connected to the VampirServer port 30055 at the compute node
+taurusi1253 of Taurus. Finally, start your local Vampir client and establish a remote connection to
+`localhost`, port 30000 as described in the manual.
+Remark: Please substitute the ports given in this example with appropriate numbers and available
+### Nightly builds (unstable)
+Expert users who subscribed to the development program can test new, unstable tool features. The
+corresponding Vampir and VampirServer software releases are provided as nightly builds. Unstable
+versions of VampirServer are also installed on the HPC systems. The most recent version can be
+launched/connected by entering `unstable` as *Setup name* in the *Open Remote* dialog of Vampir.
+\<img alt=""
+title="Connecting to unstable VampirServer" />
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--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
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@@ -50,14 +50,17 @@ nav:
     - VM tools: software/VMTools.md
     - Virtual Desktops: software/VirtualDesktops.md
     - Software Development and Tools:
+      - Overview: software/SoftwareDevelopment.md
       - GPU Programming: software/GPUProgramming.md
       - Compilers: software/Compilers.md
       - Debuggers: software/Debuggers.md
+      - Libraries: software/Libraries.md
       - MPI Error Detection: software/MPIUsageErrorDetection.md
       - Score-P: software/ScoreP.md
       - PAPI Library: software/PapiLibrary.md 
       - Perf Tools: software/PerfTools.md 
       - PIKA: software/pika.md
+      - Vampir: software/Vampir.md
   - Data Management:
     - Overview: data_management/DataManagement.md
     - Announcement of Quotas: data_management/AnnouncementOfQuotas.md
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-# Vampir
-1 [Introduction](#VampirIntro) 1 [Starting Vampir](#VampirUsage) 1
-[Using VampirServer](#VampirServerUsage) 1 [Advanced
-usage](#VampirAdvanced) 1 [Manual server
-startup](#VampirManualServerStartup) 1 [Port
-forwarding](#VampirPortForwarding) 1 [Nightly builds
-## Introduction
-Vampir is a graphical analysis framework that provides a large set of
-different chart representations of event based performance data
-generated through program instrumentation. These graphical displays,
-including state diagrams, statistics, and timelines, can be used by
-developers to obtain a better understanding of their parallel program
-inner working and to subsequently optimize it. Vampir allows to focus on
-appropriate levels of detail, which allows the detection and explanation
-of various performance bottlenecks such as load imbalances and
-communication deficiencies. [Follow this link for further
-A growing number of performance monitoring environments like
-[VampirTrace](Compendium.VampirTrace), Score-P, TAU or KOJAK can produce
-trace files that are readable by Vampir. The tool supports trace files
-in Open Trace Format (OTF, OTF2) that is developed by ZIH and its
-partners and is especially designed for massively parallel programs.
-\<img alt="" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/vampir-framework.png" title="Vampir
-Framework" />
-## Starting Vampir
-Prior to using Vampir you need to set up the correct environment on one
-the HPC systems with:
-    module load vampir
-For members of TU Dresden the Vampir tool is also available as
-for installation on your personal computer.
-Make sure, that compressed display forwarding (e.g.
-`ssh -XC taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de`) is enabled. Start the GUI by typing
-    vampir
-on your command line or by double-clicking the Vampir icon on your
-personal computer.
-Please consult the [Vampir user
-for a tutorial on using the tool.
-## Using VampirServer
-VampirServer provides additional scalable analysis capabilities to the
-Vampir GUI mentioned above. To use VampirServer on the HPC resources of
-TU Dresden proceed as follows: start the Vampir GUI as described above
-and use the *Open Remote* dialog with the parameters indicated in the
-following figure to start and connect a VampirServer instance running on
-taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de. Make sure to fill in your personal ZIH login
-\<img alt="" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/vampir_open_remote_dialog.png"
-title="Vampir Open Remote Dialog" />
-Click on the Connect button and wait until the connection is
-established. Enter your password when requested. Depending on the
-available resources on the target system, this setup can take some time.
-Please be patient and take a look at available resources beforehand.
-## Advanced Usage
-### Manual Server Startup
-VampirServer is a parallel MPI program, which can also be started
-manually by typing:
-    vampirserver start
-Above automatically allocates its resources via the respective batch
-system. Use
-    vampirserver start mpi
-    vampirserver start srun
-if you want to start vampirserver without batch allocation or inside an
-interactive allocation. The latter is needed whenever you manually take
-care of the resource allocation by yourself.
-After scheduling this job the server prints out the port number it is
-serving on, like `Listen port: 30088`.
-Connecting to the most recently started server can be achieved by
-entering `auto-detect` as *Setup name* in the *Open Remote* dialog of
-\<img alt=""
-title="Vampir Open Remote Dialog" />
-Please make sure you stop VampirServer after finishing your work with
-the front-end or with
-    vampirserver stop
-    vampirserver help 
-for further information. The [user manual of
-can be found at *installation directory* /doc/vampirserver-manual.pdf.
-    which vampirserver
-to find the revision dependent *installation directory*.
-### Port Forwarding
-VampirServer listens to a given socket port. It is possible to forward
-this port (SSH tunnel) to a remote machine. This procedure is not
-recommended and not needed at ZIH. However, the following example shows
-the tunneling to a VampirServer on a compute node at Taurus. The same
-procedure works on Venus.
-Start VampirServer on Taurus and wait for its scheduling:
-    vampirserver start
-and wait for scheduling
-    Launching VampirServer...
-    Submitting slurm 30 minutes job (this might take a while)...
-    salloc: Granted job allocation 2753510
-    VampirServer 8.1.0 (r8451)
-    Licensed to ZIH, TU Dresden
-    Running 4 analysis processes... (abort with vampirserver stop 594)
-    VampirServer  listens on: taurusi1253:30055
-Open a second console on your local desktop and create an ssh tunnel to
-the compute node with:
-    ssh -L 30000:taurusi1253:30055 taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de
-Now, the port 30000 on your desktop is connected to the VampirServer
-port 30055 at the compute node taurusi1253 of Taurus. Finally, start
-your local Vampir client and establish a remote connection to
-`localhost`, port 30000 as described in the manual.
-Remark: Please substitute the ports given in this example with
-appropriate numbers and available ports.
-### Nightly builds (unstable)
-Expert users who subscribed to the development program can test new,
-unstable tool features. The corresponding Vampir and VampirServer
-software releases are provided as nightly builds. Unstable versions of
-VampirServer are also installed on the HPC systems. The most recent
-version can be launched/connected by entering `unstable` as *Setup name*
-in the *Open Remote* dialog of Vampir.
-\<img alt=""
-title="Connecting to unstable VampirServer" />
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-# Libraries
-The following libraries are available on our platforms:
-|           |                       |                 |            |
-|           | **Taurus**            | **Venus**       | **module** |
-| **Boost** | 1.49, 1.5\[4-9\], 160 | 1.49, 1.51,1.54 | boost      |
-| **MKL**   | 2013, 2015            | 2013            | mkl        |
-| **FFTW**  | 3.3.4                 |                 | fftw       |
-## The Boost Library
-Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries, ranging
-from multithread and MPI support to regular expression and numeric
-funtions. See at <http://www.boost.org> for detailed documentation.
-### Example
-    program ExampleProgram
-    external dgesv
-    integer:: n, m, c, d, e, Z(2)                           !parameter definition
-    double precision:: A(2,2), B(2)
-    n=2; m=1; c=2; d=2;
-    A(1,1) = 1.0; A(1,2) = 2.0;                           !parameter setting
-    A(2,1) = 3.0; A(2,2) = 4.0;
-    B(1) = 14.0; B(2) = 32.0;
-    Call dgesv(n,m,A,c,Z,B,d,e);                        !call the subroutine
-    write(*,*) "Solution ", B(1), " ", B(2)             !display on desktop
-    end program ExampleProgram
-### Math Kernel Library (MKL)
-The Intel Math Kernel Library is a collection of basic linear algebra
-subroutines (BLAS) and fast fourier transformations (FFT). It contains
-routines for:
--   Solvers such as linear algebra package (LAPACK) and BLAS
--   Eigenvector/eigenvalue solvers (BLAS, LAPACK)
--   PDEs, signal processing, seismic, solid-state physics (FFTs)
--   General scientific, financial - vector transcendental functions,
-    vector markup language (XML)
-More specifically it contains the following components:
--   BLAS:
-    -   Level 1 BLAS: vector-vector operations, 48 functions
-    -   Level 2 BLAS: matrix-vector operations, 66 functions
-    -   Level 3 BLAS: matrix-matrix operations, 30 functions
--   LAPACK (linear algebra package), solvers and eigensolvers, hundreds
-    of routines, more than 1000 user callable routines
--   FFTs (fast Fourier transform): one and two dimensional, with and
-    without frequency ordering (bit reversal). There are wrapper
-    functions to provide an interface to use MKL instead of FFTW.
--   VML (vector math library), set of vectorized transcendental
-    functions
--   Parallel Sparse Direct Linear Solver (Pardiso)
-Please note: MKL comes in an OpenMP-parallel version. If you want to use
-it, make sure you know how to place your jobs. {{ In \[c't 18, 2010\],
-Andreas Stiller proposes the usage of `GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY` to allow the
-mapping of AMD cores. KMP_AFFINITY works only for Intel processors. }}
-#### Linking with the MKL
-For linker flag combinations, Intel provides the MKL Link Line Advisor
-(please make sure that JavaScript is enabled for this page).
-Can be compiled with MKL 11 like this
-    ifort -I$MKL_INC -L$MKL_LIB -lmkl_core -lm -lmkl_gf_ilp64 -lmkl_lapack example.f90
-#### Linking with the MKL at VENUS
-Please follow the infomation at website \<br />
-    icc -O1 -I/sw/global/compilers/intel/2013/mkl//include -lmpi -mkl -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_sgimpt_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core example.c
-## FFTW
-FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier
-transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and
-of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data, i.e. the
-discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST). Before using this library,
-please check out the functions of vendor specific libraries ACML and/or
diff --git a/twiki2md/root/WebHome/SoftwareDevelopment.md b/twiki2md/root/WebHome/SoftwareDevelopment.md
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-# Software Development at HPC systems
-This section should provide you with the basic knowledge and tools to
-get you out of trouble. It will tell you:
--   How to compile your code
--   Using mathematical libraries
--   Find caveats and hidden errors in application codes
--   Handle debuggers
--   Follow system calls and interrupts
--   Understand the relationship between correct code and performance
-Some hints that are helpful:
--   Stick to standards wherever possible, e.g. use the **`-std`** flag
-    for GNU and Intel C/C++ compilers. Computers are short living
-    creatures, migrating between platforms can be painful. In addition,
-    running your code on different platforms greatly increases the
-    reliably. You will find many bugs on one platform that never will be
-    revealed on another.
--   Before and during performance tuning: Make sure that your code
-    delivers the correct results.
-Some questions you should ask yourself:
--   Given that a code is parallel, are the results independent from the
-    numbers of threads or processes?
--   Have you ever run your Fortran code with array bound and subroutine
-    argument checking (the **`-check all`** and **`-traceback`** flags
-    for the Intel compilers)?
--   Have you checked that your code is not causing floating point
-    exceptions?
--   Does your code work with a different link order of objects?
--   Have you made any assumptions regarding storage of data objects in
-    memory?
--   [Compilers](Compilers)
--   [Debugging Tools](Debugging Tools)
-    -   [Debuggers](Debuggers) (GDB, Allinea DDT, Totalview)
-    -   [Tools to detect MPI usage errors](MPIUsageErrorDetection)
-        (MUST)
--   [Performance Tools](Performance Tools) (Score-P, Vampir, performance
-    counters, etc.)
--   [Libraries](Libraries)
--   [Miscellaneous](Miscellaneous)
-Intel Tools Seminar \[Oct. 2013\]
--   [TU-Dresden_Intel_Multithreading_Methodologies.pdf](%ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Intel_Multithreading_Methodologies.pdf):
-    Intel Multithreading Methodologies
--   [TU-Dresden_Advisor_XE.pdf](%ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Advisor_XE.pdf):
-    Intel Advisor XE - Threading prototyping tool for software
-    architects
--   [TU-Dresden_Inspector_XE.pdf](%ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Inspector_XE.pdf):
-    Inspector XE - Memory-, Thread-, Pointer-Checker, Debugger
--   [TU-Dresden_Intel_Composer_XE.pdf](%ATTACHURL%/TU-Dresden_Intel_Composer_XE.pdf):
-    Intel Composer - Compilers, Libraries