diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/beegfs.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/beegfs.md
similarity index 100%
rename from doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/beegfs.md
rename to doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/beegfs.md
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/filesystems.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/filesystems.md
index 089e1fa75b10fea0f438bee8ab27925b926246ff..5f6bf4a5c1eb550f63b9b7ee775a157b9f073df8 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/filesystems.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/filesystems.md
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ set accordingly.
     system (end of 2023). Thus, please **do not use** `warm_archive` any longer and **migrate you
     data from** `warm_archive` to the new filesystems. We provide a quite comprehensive
     documentation on the
-    [data migration process to the new filesystems](../jobs_and_resources/barnard.md#data-migration-to-new-filesystems).
+    [data migration process to the new filesystems](migration_to_barnard.md#data-migration-to-new-filesystems).
     You should consider the new `walrus` storage as an substitue for jobs with moderately low
     bandwidth, low IOPS.
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/migration_to_barnard.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/migration_to_barnard.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..188fdb5fa5e09a94959fd99ad663a10eb3854818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/archive/migration_to_barnard.md
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+# CPU Cluster Barnard
+* [Prepare login to Barnard](#login-to-barnard)
+* [Data management and data transfer to new filesystems](#data-management-and-data-transfer)
+* [Update job scripts and workflow to new software](#software)
+* [Update job scripts and workflow w.r.t. Slurm](#slurm)
+!!! note
+    We highly recommand to first read the entire page carefully, and then execute the steps.
+The migration can only be successful as a joint effort of HPC team and users.
+We value your feedback. Please provide it directly via our ticket system. For better processing,
+please add "Barnard:" as a prefix to the subject of the [support ticket](../support/support.md).
+## Login to Barnard
+You use `login[1-4].barnard.hpc.tu-dresden.de` to access the system
+from campus (or VPN). In order to verify the SSH fingerprints of the login nodes, please refer to
+the page [Fingerprints](../access/key_fingerprints.md#barnard).
+All users have **new empty HOME** file systems, this means you have first to ...
+??? "... install your public SSH key on Barnard"
+    - Please create a new SSH keypair with ed25519 encryption, secured with
+        a passphrase. Please refer to this
+        [page for instructions](../access/ssh_login.md#before-your-first-connection).
+    - After login, add the public key to your `.ssh/authorized_keys` file on Barnard.
+## Data Management and Data Transfer
+### Filesystems on Barnard
+Our new HPC system Barnard also comes with **two new Lustre filesystems**, namely `/data/horse` and
+`/data/walrus`. Both have a capacity of 20 PB, but differ in performance and intended usage, see
+below. In order to support the data life cycle management, the well-known
+[workspace concept](#workspaces-on-barnard) is applied.
+* The `/project` filesystem is the same on Taurus and Barnard
+(mounted read-only on the compute nodes).
+* The new work filesystem is `/data/horse`.
+* The slower `/data/walrus` can be considered as a substitute for the old
+  `/warm_archive`- mounted **read-only** on the compute nodes.
+  It can be used to store e.g. results.
+### Workspaces on Barnard
+The filesystems `/data/horse` and `/data/walrus` can only be accessed via workspaces. Please refer
+to the [workspace page](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md), if you are not familiar with the
+workspace concept and the corresponding commands. You can find the settings for
+workspaces on these two filesystems in the
+[section Settings for Workspaces](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md#workspace-lifetimes).
+### Data Migration to New Filesystems
+Since all old filesystems of Taurus will be shutdown by the end of 2023, your data needs to be
+migrated to the new filesystems on Barnard. This migration comprises
+* your personal `/home` directory,
+* your workspaces on `/ssd`, `/beegfs` and `/scratch`.
+!!! note "It's your turn"
+    **You are responsible for the migration of your data**. With the shutdown of the old
+    filesystems, all data will be deleted.
+!!! note "Make a plan"
+    We highly recommand to **take some minutes for planing the transfer process**. Do not act with
+    precipitation.
+    Please **do not copy your entire data** from the old to the new filesystems, but consider this
+    opportunity for **cleaning up your data**. E.g., it might make sense to delete outdated scripts,
+    old log files, etc., and move other files, e.g., results, to the `/data/walrus` filesystem.
+!!! hint "Generic login"
+    In the following we will use the generic login `marie` and workspace `numbercrunch`
+    ([cf. content rules on generic names](../contrib/content_rules.md#data-privacy-and-generic-names)).
+    **Please make sure to replace it with your personal login.**
+We have four new [Datamover nodes](../data_transfer/datamover.md) that have mounted all filesystems
+of the old Taurus and new Barnard system. Do not use the Datamover from Taurus, i.e., all data
+transfer need to be invoked from Barnard! Thus, the very first step is to
+[login to Barnard](#login-to-barnard).
+The command `dtinfo` will provide you the mount points of the old filesystems
+marie@barnard$ dtinfo
+directory on datamover      mounting clusters   directory on cluster
+/data/old/home              Taurus              /home
+/data/old/lustre/scratch2   Taurus              /scratch
+/data/old/lustre/ssd        Taurus              /lustre/ssd
+In the following, we will provide instructions with comprehensive examples for the data transfer of
+your data to the new `/home` filesystem, as well as the working filesystems `/data/horse` and
+??? "Migration of Your Home Directory"
+    Your personal (old) home directory at Taurus will not be automatically transferred to the new
+    Barnard system. Please do not copy your entire home, but clean up your data. E.g., it might
+    make sense to delete outdated scripts, old log files, etc., and move other files to an archive
+    filesystem. Thus, please transfer only selected directories and files that you need on the new
+    system.
+    The steps are as follows:
+    1. Login to Barnard, i.e.,
+        ```
+        ssh login[1-4].barnard.tu-dresden.de
+        ```
+    1. The command `dtinfo` will provide you the mountpoint
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtinfo
+        [...]
+        directory on datamover      mounting clusters   directory on cluster
+        /data/old/home              Taurus              /home
+        [...]
+        ```
+    1. Use the `dtls` command to list your files on the old home directory
+         ```
+         marie@barnard$ dtls /data/old/home/marie
+         [...]
+         ```
+    1. Use the `dtcp` command to invoke a transfer job, e.g.,
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/home/marie/<useful data> /home/marie/
+        ```
+    **Note**, please adopt the source and target paths to your needs. All available options can be
+    queried via `dtinfo --help`.
+    !!! warning
+        Please be aware that there is **no synchronisation process** between your home directories
+        at Taurus and Barnard. Thus, after the very first transfer, they will become divergent.
+Please follow these instructions for transferring you data from `ssd`, `beegfs` and `scratch` to the
+new filesystems. The instructions and examples are divided by the target not the source filesystem.
+This migration task requires a preliminary step: You need to allocate workspaces on the
+target filesystems.
+??? Note "Preliminary Step: Allocate a workspace"
+    Both `/data/horse/` and `/data/walrus` can only be used with
+    [workspaces](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md). Before you invoke any data transer from the old
+    working filesystems to the new ones, you need to allocate a workspace first.
+    The command `ws_list --list` lists the available and the default filesystem for workspaces.
+    ```
+    marie@barnard$ ws_list --list
+    available filesystems:
+    horse (default)
+    walrus
+    ```
+    As you can see, `/data/horse` is the default workspace filesystem at Barnard. I.e., if you
+    want to allocate, extend or release a workspace on `/data/walrus`, you need to pass the
+    option `--filesystem=walrus` explicitly to the corresponding workspace commands. Please
+    refer to our [workspace documentation](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md), if you need refresh
+    your knowledge.
+    The most simple command to allocate a workspace is as follows
+    ```
+    marie@barnard$ ws_allocate numbercrunch 90
+    ```
+    Please refer to the table holding the settings
+    (cf. [subsection workspaces on Barnard](#workspaces-on-barnard)) for the max. duration and
+    `ws_allocate --help` for all available options.
+??? "Migration to work filesystem `/data/horse`"
+    === "Source: old `/scratch`"
+        We are synchronizing the old `/scratch` to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/` (**last: October
+        18**).
+        If you transfer data from the old `/scratch` to `/data/horse`, it is sufficient to use
+        `dtmv` instead of `dtcp` since this data has already been copied to a special directory on
+        the new `horse` filesystem. Thus, you just need to move it to the right place (the Lustre
+        metadata system will update the correspoding entries).
+        The workspaces within the subdirectories `ws/0` and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding
+        data transfer using `dtmv` looks like
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtmv /data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+        Please do **NOT** copy those data yourself. Instead check if it is already sychronized
+        to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch`.
+        In case you need to update this (Gigabytes, not Terabytes!) please run `dtrsync` like in
+        ```
+        marie@barnard$ dtrsync -a /data/old/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data>  /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+    === "Source: old `/ssd`"
+        The old `ssd` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/lustre/ssd` on the datamover nodes and the
+        workspaces are within the subdirectory `ws/`. A corresponding data transfer using `dtcp`
+        looks like
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/lustre/ssd/ws/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+    === "Source: old `/beegfs`"
+        The old `beegfs` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/beegfs` on the datamover nodes and the
+        workspaces are within the subdirectories `ws/0` and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding
+        data transfer using `dtcp` looks like
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/beegfs/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+??? "Migration to `/data/walrus`"
+    === "Source: old `/scratch`"
+        We are synchronizing the old `/scratch` to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/` (**last: October
+        18**). The old `scratch` filesystem has been already synchronized to
+        `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2` nodes and the workspaces are within the subdirectories `ws/0`
+        and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding data transfer using `dtcp` looks like
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+        Please do **NOT** copy those data yourself. Instead check if it is already sychronized
+        to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch`.
+        In case you need to update this (Gigabytes, not Terabytes!) please run `dtrsync` like in
+        ```
+        marie@barnard$ dtrsync -a /data/old/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data>  /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+    === "Source: old `/ssd`"
+        The old `ssd` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/lustre/ssd` on the datamover nodes and the
+        workspaces are within the subdirectory `ws/`. A corresponding data transfer using `dtcp`
+        looks like
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/lustre/ssd/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+    === "Source: old `/beegfs`"
+        The old `beegfs` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/beegfs` on the datamover nodes and the
+        workspaces are within the subdirectories `ws/0` and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding
+        data transfer using `dtcp` looks like
+        ```console
+        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/beegfs/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+        ```
+??? "Migration from `/warm_archive`"
+    We are synchronizing the old `/warm_archive` to `/data/walrus/warm_archive/`. Therefor, it can
+    be sufficient to use `dtmv` instead of `dtcp` (No data will be copied, but the Lustre system
+    will update the correspoding metadata entries). A corresponding data transfer using `dtmv` looks
+    like
+    ```console
+    marie@barnard$ dtmv /data/walrus/warm_archive/ws/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+    ```
+    Please do **NOT** copy those data yourself. Instead check if it is already sychronized
+    to `/data/walrus/warm_archive/ws`.
+    In case you need to update this (Gigabytes, not Terabytes!) please run `dtrsync` like in
+    ```
+    marie@barnard$ dtrsync -a /data/old/warm_archive/ws/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data>  /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
+    ```
+When the last compute system will have been migrated the old file systems will be
+set write-protected and we start a final synchronization (scratch+walrus).
+The target directories for synchronization `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws` and
+`/data/walrus/warm_archive/ws/` will not be deleted automatically in the meantime.
+## Software
+Barnard is running on Linux RHEL 8.7. All application software was re-built consequently using Git
+and CI/CD pipelines for handling the multitude of versions.
+We start with `release/23.10` which is based on software requests from user feedback of our
+HPC users. Most major software versions exist on all hardware platforms.
+Please use `module spider` to identify the software modules you need to load.
+## Slurm
+* We are running the most recent Slurm version.
+* You must not use the old partition names.
+* Not all things are tested.
+Note that most nodes on Barnard don't have a local disk and space in `/tmp` is **very** limited.
+If you need a local disk request this with the
+[Slurm feature](../jobs_and_resources/slurm.md#node-local-storage-in-jobs)
+`--constraint=local_disk` to `sbatch`, `salloc`, and `srun`.
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/working.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/working.md
index d5a11bdfa5b0bb8d2ac648506734af38e1f9a590..6c514c7737e7fe70e30e68c39a73942c2ed0706b 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/working.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/working.md
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ performance and permanence.
 | `Lustre`        | `/data/horse`     | 20 PB    | global             | Only accessible via [Workspaces](workspaces.md). **The(!)** working directory to meet almost all demands |
 | `Lustre`        | `/data/walrus`    | 20 PB    | global             | Only accessible via [Workspaces](workspaces.md). For moderately low bandwidth, low IOPS. Mounted read-only on compute nodes. |
 | `WEKAio`        | `/data/weasel`    | 1 PB     | global (w/o Power) | *Coming 2024!* For high IOPS                              |
-| `BeeGFS`        | `/beegfs/.global0` | 280 TB   | [Alpha](../jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md) and [Power9](../jobs_and_resources/power9.md) | Only accessible via [Workspaces](workspaces.md). Fastest available filesystem, only for large parallel applications running with millions of small I/O operations |
-| `BeeGFS`        | `/beegfs/.global1` | 232 TB   | [Alpha](../jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md) and [Power9](../jobs_and_resources/power9.md) | Only accessible via [Workspaces](workspaces.md). Fastest available filesystem, only for large parallel applications running with millions of small I/O operations |
 | `ext4`          | `/tmp`            | 95 GB    | node local         | Systems: tbd. Is cleaned up after the job automatically.  |
 ## Recommendations for Filesystem Usage
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/workspaces.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/workspaces.md
index da470eda5178c27776ab91f9f0d0aa5eee98a98e..9b2c13b48c485d327cd4817fdc301b293c98c70b 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/workspaces.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_lifecycle/workspaces.md
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ renewals are provided in the following table.
 | `horse`                                                     | 100            | 10         | 30       |
 | `walrus`                                                    | 100            | 10         | 60       |
-| `beegfs`                                                    | 30             | 2          | 30       |
 {: summary="Settings for Workspace Filesystems."}
 !!! note
@@ -64,9 +63,8 @@ provides information which filesystem is available on which cluster.
     marie@login.alpha$ ws_list -l
     available filesystems:
-    ssd
-    beegfs_global0
-    beegfs (default)
+    horse (default)
+    walrus
 === "Romeo"
@@ -74,7 +72,8 @@ provides information which filesystem is available on which cluster.
     marie@login.romeo$ ws_list -l
     available filesystems:
-    horse
+    horse (default)
+    walrus
 !!! note "Default filesystem"
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/datamover.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/datamover.md
index 71955aebc44f6f674a4270e69539c4903a562802..26388b51b16fdd6781eeff79a1051f7544d1be60 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/datamover.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/data_transfer/datamover.md
@@ -40,21 +40,6 @@ To identify the mount points of the different filesystems on the data transfer m
 ## Usage of Datamover
-<!--TODO: remove when released in May 2024-->
-??? "Data on outdated filesystems"
-    !!! example "Copying data from `/beegfs/.global0` to `/projects` filesystem."
-        ```console
-        marie@login$ dtcp -r /data/old/beegfs/.global0/ws/marie-workdata/results /projects/p_number_crunch/.
-        ```
-    !!! example "Archive data from `/beegfs/.global0` to `/archiv` filesystem."
-        ```console
-        marie@login$ dttar -czf /data/archiv/p_number_crunch/results.tgz /data/old/beegfs/global0/ws/marie-workdata/results
-        ```
 !!! example "Copy data from `/data/horse` to `/projects` filesystem."
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md
index 1c52090ab204005fe76de4ad6986e9fd4cdaf843..562ee88b8e1b506428de450f21cd7ed2a9b7d4da 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/alpha_centauri.md
@@ -5,17 +5,7 @@ The multi-GPU cluster `Alpha Centauri` has been installed for AI-related computa
 The hardware specification is documented on the page
 [HPC Resources](hardware_overview.md#alpha-centauri).
-## Becoming a Stand-Alone Cluster
-The former HPC system Taurus is partly switched-off and partly split up into separate clusters
-until the end of 2023. One such upcoming separate cluster is what you have known as partition
-`alpha` so far. With the end of the maintenance at November 30 2023, `Alpha Centauri` is now a
-stand-alone cluster with
-* homogeneous hardware resources incl. two login nodes `login[1-2].alpha.hpc.tu-dresden.de`,
-* and own [Slurm batch system](slurm.md).
-### Filesystems
+## Filesystems
 Your new `/home` directory (from `Barnard`) is also your `/home` on `Alpha Centauri`. Since 5th July
 2024, `Alpha Centauri` is fully integrated in the InfiniBand infrastructure of `Barnard`. With that,
@@ -69,9 +59,9 @@ marie@login.alpha$ module spider <module_name>
-    Not all modules can be loaded directly. Most modules are build with a certain compiler or toolchain
-    that need to be loaded beforehand.
-    Luckely, the module system can tell us, what we need to do for a specific module or software version
+    Not all modules can be loaded directly. Most modules are build with a certain compiler or
+    toolchain that need to be loaded beforehand. Luckely, the module system can tell us, what we
+    need to do for a specific module or software version
     marie@login.alpha$ module spider PyTorch/1.12.1-CUDA-11.7.0
@@ -97,6 +87,8 @@ marie@login.alpha$ module spider <module_name>
     Module GCC/11.3.0, OpenMPI/4.1.4, PyTorch/1.12.1-CUDA-11.7.0 and 64 dependencies loaded.
+    Now, you can verify with the following command that the pytorch module is available
     marie@login.alpha$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__); print(torch.cuda.is_available())"
@@ -115,13 +107,21 @@ additional Python packages and create an isolated runtime environment. We recomm
 ??? example "Example: Creating a virtual environment and installing `torchvision` package"
+    As first step, you should create a workspace
     marie@login.alpha$ srun --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --gres=gpu:1 --time=01:00:00 --pty bash -l
-    marie@alpha$ ws_allocate -n python_virtual_environment -d 1
+    marie@alpha$ ws_allocate --name python_virtual_environment --duration 1
     Info: creating workspace.
-    /beegfs/ws/1/marie-python_virtual_environment
+    /horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment
     remaining extensions  : 2
     remaining time in days: 1
+    ```
+    Now, you can load the desired modules and create a virtual environment within the allocated
+    workspace.
+    ```
     marie@alpha$ module load release/23.04 GCCcore/11.3.0 GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4 Python/3.10.4
     Module GCC/11.3.0, OpenMPI/4.1.4, Python/3.10.4 and 21 dependencies loaded.
     marie@alpha$ module load PyTorch/1.12.1-CUDA-11.7.0
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ additional Python packages and create an isolated runtime environment. We recomm
     marie@alpha$ pip list
-    marie@alpha$ virtualenv --system-site-packages /beegfs/ws/1/marie-python_virtual_environment/my-torch-env
+    marie@alpha$ virtualenv --system-site-packages /data/horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/my-torch-env
     created virtual environment CPython3.8.6.final.0-64 in 42960ms
-      creator CPython3Posix(dest=/beegfs/.global1/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/my-torch-env, clear=False, global=True)
+      creator CPython3Posix(dest=/horse/.global1/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/my-torch-env, clear=False, global=True)
       seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=~/.local/share/virtualenv)
         added seed packages: pip==21.1.3, setuptools==57.2.0, wheel==0.36.2
       activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator
-    marie@alpha$ source /beegfs/ws/1/marie-python_virtual_environment/my-torch-env/bin/activate
+    marie@alpha$ source /data/horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/my-torch-env/bin/activate
     (my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ pip install torchvision==0.13.1
     Installing collected packages: torchvision
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/barnard.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/barnard.md
index 95976c5f7f337f4f97ee97541bef4a8d91285598..c4fa64eb45a551bd98fb4f7d155f63df3d3e1686 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/barnard.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/barnard.md
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
     We highly recommand to first read the entire page carefully, and then execute the steps.
-The migration can only be successful as a joint effort of HPC team and users.
 We value your feedback. Please provide it directly via our ticket system. For better processing,
 please add "Barnard:" as a prefix to the subject of the [support ticket](../support/support.md).
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ You use `login[1-4].barnard.hpc.tu-dresden.de` to access the system
 from campus (or VPN). In order to verify the SSH fingerprints of the login nodes, please refer to
 the page [Fingerprints](../access/key_fingerprints.md#barnard).
-All users have **new empty HOME** file systems, this means you have first to ...
+All users have **new empty HOME** filesystems, this means you have first to ...
 ??? "... install your public SSH key on Barnard"
@@ -37,20 +36,12 @@ Our new HPC system Barnard also comes with **two new Lustre filesystems**, namel
 below. In order to support the data life cycle management, the well-known
 [workspace concept](#workspaces-on-barnard) is applied.
-* The `/project` filesystem is the same on Taurus and Barnard
-(mounted read-only on the compute nodes).
+* The `/project` filesystem is mounted read-only on the compute nodes.
 * The new work filesystem is `/data/horse`.
 * The slower `/data/walrus` can be considered as a substitute for the old
   `/warm_archive`- mounted **read-only** on the compute nodes.
   It can be used to store e.g. results.
-!!! Warning
-    All old filesystems, i.e., `ssd`, `beegfs`, and `scratch`, will be shutdown by the end of 2023.
-    To work with your data from Taurus you might have to move/copy them to the new storages.
-    Please, carefully read the following documentation and instructions.
 ### Workspaces on Barnard
 The filesystems `/data/horse` and `/data/walrus` can only be accessed via workspaces. Please refer
@@ -59,255 +50,6 @@ workspace concept and the corresponding commands. You can find the settings for
 workspaces on these two filesystems in the
 [section Settings for Workspaces](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md#workspace-lifetimes).
-### Data Migration to New Filesystems
-Since all old filesystems of Taurus will be shutdown by the end of 2023, your data needs to be
-migrated to the new filesystems on Barnard. This migration comprises
-* your personal `/home` directory,
-* your workspaces on `/ssd`, `/beegfs` and `/scratch`.
-!!! note "It's your turn"
-    **You are responsible for the migration of your data**. With the shutdown of the old
-    filesystems, all data will be deleted.
-!!! note "Make a plan"
-    We highly recommand to **take some minutes for planing the transfer process**. Do not act with
-    precipitation.
-    Please **do not copy your entire data** from the old to the new filesystems, but consider this
-    opportunity for **cleaning up your data**. E.g., it might make sense to delete outdated scripts,
-    old log files, etc., and move other files, e.g., results, to the `/data/walrus` filesystem.
-!!! hint "Generic login"
-    In the following we will use the generic login `marie` and workspace `numbercrunch`
-    ([cf. content rules on generic names](../contrib/content_rules.md#data-privacy-and-generic-names)).
-    **Please make sure to replace it with your personal login.**
-We have four new [datamover nodes](../data_transfer/datamover.md) that have mounted all storages
-of the old Taurus and new Barnard system. Do not use the datamovers from Taurus, i.e., all data
-transfer need to be invoked from Barnard! Thus, the very first step is to
-[login to Barnard](#login-to-barnard).
-The command `dtinfo` will provide you the mount points of the old filesystems
-marie@barnard$ dtinfo
-directory on datamover      mounting clusters   directory on cluster
-/data/old/home              Taurus              /home
-/data/old/lustre/scratch2   Taurus              /scratch
-/data/old/lustre/ssd        Taurus              /lustre/ssd
-In the following, we will provide instructions with comprehensive examples for the data transfer of
-your data to the new `/home` filesystem, as well as the working filesystems `/data/horse` and
-??? "Migration of Your Home Directory"
-    Your personal (old) home directory at Taurus will not be automatically transferred to the new
-    Barnard system. Please do not copy your entire home, but clean up your data. E.g., it might
-    make sense to delete outdated scripts, old log files, etc., and move other files to an archive
-    filesystem. Thus, please transfer only selected directories and files that you need on the new
-    system.
-    The steps are as follows:
-    1. Login to Barnard, i.e.,
-        ```
-        ssh login[1-4].barnard.tu-dresden.de
-        ```
-    1. The command `dtinfo` will provide you the mountpoint
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtinfo
-        [...]
-        directory on datamover      mounting clusters   directory on cluster
-        /data/old/home              Taurus              /home
-        [...]
-        ```
-    1. Use the `dtls` command to list your files on the old home directory
-         ```
-         marie@barnard$ dtls /data/old/home/marie
-         [...]
-         ```
-    1. Use the `dtcp` command to invoke a transfer job, e.g.,
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/home/marie/<useful data> /home/marie/
-        ```
-    **Note**, please adopt the source and target paths to your needs. All available options can be
-    queried via `dtinfo --help`.
-    !!! warning
-        Please be aware that there is **no synchronisation process** between your home directories
-        at Taurus and Barnard. Thus, after the very first transfer, they will become divergent.
-Please follow these instructions for transferring you data from `ssd`, `beegfs` and `scratch` to the
-new filesystems. The instructions and examples are divided by the target not the source filesystem.
-This migration task requires a preliminary step: You need to allocate workspaces on the
-target filesystems.
-??? Note "Preliminary Step: Allocate a workspace"
-    Both `/data/horse/` and `/data/walrus` can only be used with
-    [workspaces](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md). Before you invoke any data transer from the old
-    working filesystems to the new ones, you need to allocate a workspace first.
-    The command `ws_list --list` lists the available and the default filesystem for workspaces.
-    ```
-    marie@barnard$ ws_list --list
-    available filesystems:
-    horse (default)
-    walrus
-    ```
-    As you can see, `/data/horse` is the default workspace filesystem at Barnard. I.e., if you
-    want to allocate, extend or release a workspace on `/data/walrus`, you need to pass the
-    option `--filesystem=walrus` explicitly to the corresponding workspace commands. Please
-    refer to our [workspace documentation](../data_lifecycle/workspaces.md), if you need refresh
-    your knowledge.
-    The most simple command to allocate a workspace is as follows
-    ```
-    marie@barnard$ ws_allocate numbercrunch 90
-    ```
-    Please refer to the table holding the settings
-    (cf. [subsection workspaces on Barnard](#workspaces-on-barnard)) for the max. duration and
-    `ws_allocate --help` for all available options.
-??? "Migration to work filesystem `/data/horse`"
-    === "Source: old `/scratch`"
-        We are synchronizing the old `/scratch` to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/` (**last: October
-        18**).
-        If you transfer data from the old `/scratch` to `/data/horse`, it is sufficient to use
-        `dtmv` instead of `dtcp` since this data has already been copied to a special directory on
-        the new `horse` filesystem. Thus, you just need to move it to the right place (the Lustre
-        metadata system will update the correspoding entries).
-        The workspaces within the subdirectories `ws/0` and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding
-        data transfer using `dtmv` looks like
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtmv /data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-        Please do **NOT** copy those data yourself. Instead check if it is already sychronized
-        to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch`.
-        In case you need to update this (Gigabytes, not Terabytes!) please run `dtrsync` like in
-        ```
-        marie@barnard$ dtrsync -a /data/old/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data>  /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-    === "Source: old `/ssd`"
-        The old `ssd` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/lustre/ssd` on the datamover nodes and the
-        workspaces are within the subdirectory `ws/`. A corresponding data transfer using `dtcp`
-        looks like
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/lustre/ssd/ws/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-    === "Source: old `/beegfs`"
-        The old `beegfs` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/beegfs` on the datamover nodes and the
-        workspaces are within the subdirectories `ws/0` and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding
-        data transfer using `dtcp` looks like
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/beegfs/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/horse/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-??? "Migration to `/data/walrus`"
-    === "Source: old `/scratch`"
-        We are synchronizing the old `/scratch` to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/` (**last: October
-        18**). The old `scratch` filesystem has been already synchronized to
-        `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2` nodes and the workspaces are within the subdirectories `ws/0`
-        and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding data transfer using `dtcp` looks like
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-        Please do **NOT** copy those data yourself. Instead check if it is already sychronized
-        to `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch`.
-        In case you need to update this (Gigabytes, not Terabytes!) please run `dtrsync` like in
-        ```
-        marie@barnard$ dtrsync -a /data/old/lustre/scratch2/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data>  /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-    === "Source: old `/ssd`"
-        The old `ssd` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/lustre/ssd` on the datamover nodes and the
-        workspaces are within the subdirectory `ws/`. A corresponding data transfer using `dtcp`
-        looks like
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/lustre/ssd/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-    === "Source: old `/beegfs`"
-        The old `beegfs` filesystem is mounted at `/data/old/beegfs` on the datamover nodes and the
-        workspaces are within the subdirectories `ws/0` and `ws/1`, respectively. A corresponding
-        data transfer using `dtcp` looks like
-        ```console
-        marie@barnard$ dtcp --recursive /data/old/beegfs/ws/0/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-        ```
-??? "Migration from `/warm_archive`"
-    We are synchronizing the old `/warm_archive` to `/data/walrus/warm_archive/`. Therefor, it can
-    be sufficient to use `dtmv` instead of `dtcp` (No data will be copied, but the Lustre system
-    will update the correspoding metadata entries). A corresponding data transfer using `dtmv` looks
-    like
-    ```console
-    marie@barnard$ dtmv /data/walrus/warm_archive/ws/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data> /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-    ```
-    Please do **NOT** copy those data yourself. Instead check if it is already sychronized
-    to `/data/walrus/warm_archive/ws`.
-    In case you need to update this (Gigabytes, not Terabytes!) please run `dtrsync` like in
-    ```
-    marie@barnard$ dtrsync -a /data/old/warm_archive/ws/marie-numbercrunch/<useful data>  /data/walrus/ws/marie-numbercrunch/
-    ```
-When the last compute system will have been migrated the old file systems will be
-set write-protected and we start a final synchronization (scratch+walrus).
-The target directories for synchronization `/data/horse/lustre/scratch2/ws` and
-`/data/walrus/warm_archive/ws/` will not be deleted automatically in the meantime.
 ## Software
 Barnard is running on Linux RHEL 8.7. All application software was re-built consequently using Git
@@ -324,6 +66,8 @@ Please use `module spider` to identify the software modules you need to load.
 * You must not use the old partition names.
 * Not all things are tested.
+### Node-Local Storage
 Note that most nodes on Barnard don't have a local disk and space in `/tmp` is **very** limited.
 If you need a local disk request this with the
 [Slurm feature](slurm.md#node-local-storage-in-jobs)
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/julia.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/julia.md
index fee65e5638a56503f4ab489067585a6dec614285..e193e54aaad3da39147e379474ecd094486393b7 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/julia.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/julia.md
@@ -4,15 +4,6 @@ The HPE Superdome Flex is a large shared memory node. It is especially well suit
 intensive application scenarios, for example to process extremely large data sets completely in main
 memory or in very fast NVMe memory.
-## Becoming a Stand-Alone Cluster
-The former HPC system Taurus is partly switched-off and partly split up into separate clusters
-until the end of 2023. One such upcoming separate cluster is what you have known as partition
-`julia` so far. Since February 2024, `Julia` is now a stand-alone cluster with
-* homogenous hardware resources available at `julia.hpc.tu-dresden.de`,
-* and own Slurm batch system.
 ## Hardware Resources
 The hardware specification is documented on the page
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/slurm_examples.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/slurm_examples.md
index 7d2453a7197fae446ab390000d099645d348048f..66d06f557678db40abfad7a39cac328b62d12e71 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/slurm_examples.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/slurm_examples.md
@@ -36,10 +36,9 @@ For MPI-parallel jobs one typically allocates one core per task that has to be s
 !!! warning "MPI libraries"
     There are different MPI libraries on ZIH systems for the different micro architectures. Thus,
-    you have to compile the binaries specifically for the target architecture of the cluster of interest. Please
-    refer to the sections [building software](../software/building_software.md) and
-    [module environments](../software/modules.md#module-environments) for detailed
-    information.
+    you have to compile the binaries specifically for the target architecture of the cluster of
+    interest. Please refer to the sections [building software](../software/building_software.md) and
+    [module environments](../software/modules.md#module-environments) for detailed information.
 !!! example "Job file for MPI application"
@@ -57,8 +56,8 @@ For MPI-parallel jobs one typically allocates one core per task that has to be s
 ### Multiple Programs Running Simultaneously in a Job
 In this short example, our goal is to run four instances of a program concurrently in a **single**
-batch script. Of course, we could also start a batch script four times with `sbatch`, but this is not
-what we want to do here. However, you can also find an example about
+batch script. Of course, we could also start a batch script four times with `sbatch`, but this is
+not what we want to do here. However, you can also find an example about
 [how to run GPU programs simultaneously in a single job](#running-multiple-gpu-applications-simultaneously-in-a-batch-job)
@@ -169,7 +168,8 @@ srun: error: Unable to allocate resources: Job violates accounting/QOS policy (j
 ### Running Multiple GPU Applications Simultaneously in a Batch Job
 Our starting point is a (serial) program that needs a single GPU and four CPU cores to perform its
-task (e.g. TensorFlow). The following batch script shows how to run such a job on the cluster `Power9`.
+task (e.g. TensorFlow). The following batch script shows how to run such a job on the cluster
 !!! example
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=4 [...] some-gpu-application
 Now, our goal is to run four instances of this program concurrently in a single batch script. Of
-course we could also start the above script multiple times with `sbatch`, but this is not what we want
-to do here.
+course we could also start the above script multiple times with `sbatch`, but this is not what we
+want to do here.
 #### Solution
@@ -420,25 +420,3 @@ In the following we provide two examples for scripts that submit chain jobs.
     Job 3/3: jobfile_c.sh
     Dependency: after job 2963709
-## Array-Job with Afterok-Dependency and Datamover Usage
-In this example scenario, imagine you need to move data, before starting the main job.
-For this you may use a data transfer job and tell Slurm to start the main job immediately after
-data transfer job successfully finish.
-First you have to start your data transfer job, which for example transfers your input data from one
-workspace to another.
-marie@login$ export DATAMOVER_JOB=$(dtcp /scratch/ws/1/marie-source/input.txt /beegfs/ws/1/marie-target/. | awk '{print $4}')
-Now you can refer to the job id of the Datamover jobs from your work load jobs.
-marie@login$ srun --dependency afterok:${DATAMOVER_JOB} ls /beegfs/ws/1/marie-target
-srun: job 23872871 queued and waiting for resources
-srun: job 23872871 has been allocated resources
diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
index 9e7e34bbd99eaf528b0a2f5f574802d2d916f6d5..ce8a4f792a3fef68868f8077592d1c567c0bb48e 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/mkdocs.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ nav:
       - Permanent Filesystems: data_lifecycle/permanent.md
       - Working Filesystems: data_lifecycle/working.md
       - Lustre: data_lifecycle/lustre.md
-      - BeeGFS: data_lifecycle/beegfs.md
       - Intermediate Archive: data_lifecycle/intermediate_archive.md
     - Workspaces: data_lifecycle/workspaces.md
     - Long-Term Preservation of Research Data: data_lifecycle/longterm_preservation.md
@@ -124,6 +123,7 @@ nav:
     - Load Leveler: archive/load_leveler.md
     - Jobs without InfiniBand: archive/no_ib_jobs.md
     - Migration towards Phase 2: archive/phase2_migration.md
+    - Migration towards Barnard: archive/migration_to_barnard.md
     - Platform LSF: archive/platform_lsf.md
     - Jupyter Installation: archive/install_jupyter.md
     - Profile Jobs with Slurm: archive/slurm_profiling.md
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ nav:
       - Overview: archive/systems_switched_off.md
       - System Taurus: archive/system_taurus.md
       - Filesystems: archive/filesystems.md
+      - BeeGFS: archive/beegfs.md
       - Migration From Deimos to Atlas: archive/migrate_to_atlas.md
       - System Altix: archive/system_altix.md
       - System Atlas: archive/system_atlas.md