diff --git a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/overview.md b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/overview.md
index 9582ab5ed1d7f28533aca3077563e82bfd1b5fa0..58e0b8f9e838192fc31b92ec1f23795c54dd9156 100644
--- a/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/overview.md
+++ b/doc.zih.tu-dresden.de/docs/jobs_and_resources/overview.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Introduction HPC Resources and Jobs
-ZIH operates high performance computing (HPC) systems with more than 100.000 cores, 1000 GPUs, and a
+ZIH operates high performance computing (HPC) systems with about 100.000 cores, 900 GPUs, and a
 flexible storage hierarchy with about 40 PB total capacity. The HPC system provides an optimal
 research environment especially in the area of data analytics, artificial intelligence methods and
 machine learning as well as for processing extremely large data sets. Moreover it is also a perfect
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ platform for highly scalable, data-intensive and compute-intensive applications
 capabilities for energy measurement and performance monitoring. Therefore provides ideal conditions
 to achieve the ambitious research goals of the users and the ZIH.
-The HPC system, redesigned in December 2023, consists of five homogeneous clusters with their own
+The HPC system consists of five clusters with their own
 [Slurm](slurm.md) instances and cluster specific
-login nodes. The clusters share one
-[filesystem](../data_lifecycle/file_systems.md) which enables users to easily switch between the
+login nodes. The clusters share a number of different
+[filesystems](../data_lifecycle/file_systems.md) which enable users to switch between the
 ## Selection of Suitable Hardware
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ The following questions may help to decide which cluster to use
 <!-- cluster_overview_table -->
 |Name|Description| DNS | Nodes | # Nodes | Cores per Node | Threads per Core | Memory per Node [in MB] | Memory per Core [in MB] | GPUs per Node
-|**Barnard**<br>_2023_| CPU|`n[node].barnard.hpc.tu-dresden.de` |n[1001-1630] | 630 |104| 2 |515,000 |2,475 | 0 |
+|**Capella**<br>_2024_| GPU|`c[node].barnard.hpc.tu-dresden.de` |c[1-144] | 144 |64| 1 |768,000 | | 0 |
+|**Barnard**<br>_2023_| CPU|`n[node].barnard.hpc.tu-dresden.de` |n[1001-1630] | 630 |104| 2 |515,000 |12,000 | 4 |
 |**Alpha**<br>_2021_| GPU |`i[node].alpha.hpc.tu-dresden.de`|taurusi[8001-8034] |  34 | 48 | 2 | 990,000 | 10,312|  8  |
 |**Romeo**<br>_2020_| CPU |`i[node].romeo.hpc.tu-dresden.de`|taurusi[7001-7192] | 192|128 | 2 | 505,000| 1,972 |  0  |
 |**Julia**<br>_2021_| single SMP system |`julia.hpc.tu-dresden.de`| julia | 1 | 896 | 1 | 48,390,000 | 54,006 | - |