# About this project
Please see [What am I looking at?](What-am-I-looking-at-here) for a good overview of this demo.
This project went through the following stages:
1. Creating a list of requirements for the frameworks to meet
2. Compiling a list of frameworks to be considered
3. Deciding with which frameworks to continue
4. Get to know a framework
5. Design a demonstration setup and use case
6. Implementation
7. Writeup
Steps 1 through 3 can be found in [deciding on a framework](initial considerations/Deciding-on-a-framework)
Step 4 happened in [BaSyx Adventures](initial considerations/BaSyx-Adventures)
For an overview and the top level design of the demo, see [What am I looking at here?](What-am-I-looking-at-here)
In-depth explanations of the implementation can be found in the `implementation` folder of this wiki.
1. [Deciding on which framework to use](initial considerations/Deciding-on-a-framework)
2. [Getting to know a framework](initial considerations/BaSyx-Adventures)
3. [Design a demonstration setup and use case](What-am-I-looking-at-here)
4. [Implementation](https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/vws-demo/vws-spielwiese)
5. Writeup (this wiki)
Step one and two is written as pretty much a diary, it's mostly there for possibly future reference and as part of the "Praktikumsprotokoll".
For an overview and the top level design of the demo, see [What am I looking at here?](What-am-I-looking-at-here). In-depth explanations of the implementations are linked there, too.
# Getting Started
In case you need to setup the demo first, please refer to the setup guides for the [Raspberry PIs](setup/Setting-up-a-Raspberry-Pi-for-the-demo) and the [ESP32 Microcontrollers](setup/Setting-up-an-ESP32), as well as to the [network structure](What-am-I-looking-at-here#network-structure) and the [wiring guide](setup/Wiring-of-the-demo).
A good starting point for getting familiar with development for BaSyx are the `SubmodelProviders`, in particular the [LightControllerSubmodelProvider](implementation/Light-Controller-walkthrough#lightcontrollersubmodelprovider).
In both the code file (it is heavily commented) as well as the walkthrough, there is plenty of information on how to add a Property, do calls to other methods, host a Submodel, create and upload an AAS as well as registering AAS and Submodel.
Please see [what am I looking at here?](What-am-I-looking-at-here) for a good overview of this Demo, in depth walkthroughs through the code are linked there, too.
A good starting point for getting familiar with development in BaSyx are the so called `SubmodelProviders`, in particular the [LightControllerSubmodelProvider](implementation/Light-Controller-walkthrough#lightcontrollersubmodelprovider).
In both the code file (it is heavily commented) as well as the [walkthrough](implementation/Light-Controller-walkthrough#lightcontrollersubmodelprovider) is plenty of information on how to create AAS and Submodels, add Properties, do calls to other methods, host a Submodel, create and upload an AAS as well as registering AAS and Submodel.
You can use the [`start_component.sh`](implementation/start_component.sh) script to start the individual parts of the demo manually.
I'll be part of this Group for a while. If you have any question, to which you couldn't find the answer in this wiki, the repo or by general searching, feel free to reach out to me (for example with an issue).
I'll be part of this Group for a while. If you have any question to which you couldn't find the answer in this wiki, the repo or by general searching, feel free to reach out to me (for example with an issue or by mail).
# Future Projects
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