**Everything here is heavily WIP. Although an effort is made to meet academic standards I can not guarantee them at this stage! Until release everything here is but a draft! This is not a publication!**
In this Wiki progress and the way there shall be logged.
Currently, this project is planned to happen in the following stages:
1. Creating a list of requirements for the frameworks to meet
2. Compiling a list of frameworks to be considered
3. Deciding with which frameworks to continue
4. Implementation
## Requirements for frameworks
1. Support for active and proactive AAS
2. Implementing the release candidate for AAS v3
## Frameworks to be considered
1. [BaSyx](https://wiki.eclipse.org/BaSyx)
2. [PyI40AAS](https://git.rwth-aachen.de/acplt/pyi40aas/-/tree/improve/V30RC02)
3. [SAP i40-aas](https://github.com/SAP/i40-aas) |