This file describes changes in recent versions of Slurm. It primarily documents those changes that are of interest to users and administrators. * Changes in Slurm 23.02.0pre1 ============================== -- Make scontrol reconfigure and sending a SIGHUP to the slurmctld behave the same. If you were using SIGHUP as a 'lighter' scontrol reconfigure to rotate logs please update your scripts to use SIGUSR2 instead. -- Add Account and QOS name type specifications for sprio output formatting. -- openapi/[db]v0.0.36 - plugins have been removed. -- openapi/[db]v0.0.37 - tagged as deprecated. -- openapi/[db]v0.0.39 - forked plugin openapi/[db]v0.0.38. -- Add SRUN_{ERROR,INPUT,OUTPUT} input environment variables for --error, --input and --output options respectively. -- Add MaxCPUsPerSocket to partition configuration, similar to MaxCPUsPerNode. -- openapi/v0.0.39 - change nice request field from string to integer. -- sacctmgr - no longer force updates to the AdminComment, Comment, or SystemComment to lower-case. -- openapi/dbv0.0.39 - more graceful handling of POSTs when expected field lists are missing or unparsable. -- burst_buffer/lua - pass the job's UID and GID to slurm_bb_pre_run, slurm_bb_data_in, slurm_bb_post_run, and slurm_bb_data_out in burst_buffer.lua. -- openapi/v0.0.39 - add new field default_memory_per_node for partitions. -- Change cloud nodes to show by default. PrivateData=cloud is no longer needed. -- Add -F/--future option to sinfo to display future nodes. -- openapi/dbv0.0.39 - resolve job user from uid when user is not provided. -- sacct/sinfo/squeue - use openapi/[db]v0.0.39 for --json and --yaml modes. -- sdiag - Add --json and --yaml arguments. -- Cgroupv2 plugin will not show "Controller is not enabled" error when started from cmd. -- sreport - Count planned (FKA reserved) time for jobs running in IGNORE_JOBS reservations. Previously was lumped into IDLE time. -- job_container/tmpfs - support running with an arbitrary list of private mount points (/tmp and /dev/shm are nolonger required, but are the default). -- sacct - Rename 'Reserved' field to 'Planned' to match sreport and the nomenclature of the 'Planned' node. -- oci.conf: Add %U as OCI pattern replacement to numeric user id. -- cli_filter/lua, jobcomp/lua, job_submit/lua - expose all Slurm error codes. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - expose features field. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - post non-NULL but empty string fields. -- Make advanced reservation flag MAINT not replace nodes, similar to STATIC_ALLOC -- NVML - Add usage gathering for Nvidia gpus. -- node_features plugins - invalid users specified for AllowUserBoot will now result in fatal() rather than just an error. -- job_container/tmpfs - Set more environment variables in InitScript. -- Make all cgroup directories created by Slurm owned by root. -- sbatch - add parsing of #PBS -d and #PBS -w. -- Avoid network receive error on heavily loaded machines where the network operation can be restarted. -- Deprecate AllowedKmemSpace, ConstrainKmemSpace, MaxKmemPercent, and MinKmemSpace. -- accounting_storage/mysql - change purge/archive to calculate record ages based on end time, rather than start or submission times. -- Add strigger --draining and -R/--resume options. -- Allow updating SLURM_NTASKS environment variable (from scontrol update job). -- Limit het job license requests to the leader job only. -- Change --oversubscribe and --exclusive to be mutually exclusive for job submission. Job submission commands will now fatal if both are set. Previously, these options would override each other, with the last one in the job submission command taking effect. -- job_submit/lua - add support for log_user() from slurm_job_modify(). -- openapi/v0.0.39 - add submission of job->prefer value. -- Fix tasks binding to GPUs when using --ntasks-per-gpu and GPUs have different core/socket affinity. -- Add support for padding StdOut/StdErr/StdIn format specifiers to scontrol show job. -- Fix sacctmgr qos filter to properly select assocs by qos inheritance rules. -- Prevent slurmctld from starting with invalid jobcomp plugin. -- Fix `sinfo -i` and interactive `scontrol> show node` replies for nodes going from powering down to powered down state. -- auth/jwt - support Azure (among other) JWKS files by preferring x5c field over locally reconstructing an RSA256 key file. -- auth/jwt - add optional AuthAltParameters field "userclaimfield=" to allow overriding "sun" claim to site specific field. -- scontrol - Requested TRES and allocated TRES will now always be printed when showing jobs, instead of one TRES output that was either the requested or allocated. -- Improve scheduling performance for dynamic nodes and nodes with features by consolidating like config records. -- Expose argc and entire argv to job_submit and cli_filter plugins for jobs submitted via salloc/srun or sbatch <script> (not via --wrap). -- Job command/script name is now packed with no arguments, thus clients displaying job information will only show the command/script name. -- Make acct_gather_energy plugins handle slurmd reconfiguration and support restart for gpu and xcc implementations. -- Fix --slurmd-debug to treat its argument as log level (as documented) instead of previous approach with it being an offset to configured log level. -- srun --slurmd-debug option is now only allowed for root and SlurmUser -- Change 'scontrol requeue' behavior for scron jobs to use cronspec to determine the next start time. -- serializer/url-encoded - interpet query keys without a value (flags) to be true instead of NULL. -- Add --autocomplete= option to all client commands. -- Allow for concurrent processing of job_submit_g_submit() and job_submit_g_modify() calls. -- Allow jobs to queue even if the user is not in AllowGroups when EnforcePartLimits=no is set. This ensures consistency for all the Partition access controls, and matches the documented behavior for EnforcePartLimits. -- Fix srun tasks binding/allocation when using --ntasks-per-core option. Now, --ntasks-per-core=1 implies --cpu-bind=cores and --ntasks-per-core>1 implies --cpu-bind=threads. -- salloc/sbatch/srun check and abort if ntasks-per-core > threads-per-core. -- burst_buffer/lua - fix building heterogeneous job scripts where the directive is not the default "BB_LUA". -- If a node is in a reservation add the reservation name to it for scontrol/sinfo/sview. -- common/cgroup - improve possible TOCTOU situation when reading cgroup files. -- slurmctld will fatal() when reconfiguring the job_submit plugin fails. -- Add ResumeAfter=<secs> option to "scontrol update nodename=". -- slurmrestd - switch to returning UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT when parsing succeeds but an error about the actual contents causes a request to fail. -- slurmrestd - queries that result in empty contents will now be treated as SUCCESS. While the query worked, nothing was returned, which allows callers to determine how to then proceed. -- Add PowerDownOnIdle partition option. -- Make it so the [Allow|Deny]Accounts parameter for a partition is hierarchical. -- Add the ability for a add (+=) or remove (-=) nodes from a reservation -- Fix several problems when creating/editing partitions in sview. -- Enhanced burst_buffer.lua - pass UID and GID to most hooks; pass a table containing detailed job information to many hooks. See etc/burst_buffer.lua.example for a complete list of changes. -- Add a new "nodes=" argument to scontrol setdebug to allow the debug level on the slurmd processes to be temporarily altered. -- Add InfluxDBTimeout parameter to acct_gather.conf. -- job_container/tmpfs - add support for expanding %h and %n in BasePath. -- Prevent job submission/update with afterok/afternotok dependency set to an unknown jobid. -- Change to a new FAIL_SIGNAL job state reason (instead of FAIL_LAUNCH) for jobs that have raised a signal on setup. -- Add "[jobid.stepid]" prefix from slurmstepd and "slurmscriptd" prefix from slurmcriptd to Syslog logging. Previously was only happening when logging to a file. -- Make it so scrontab prints client-side the job_submit() err_msg (which can be set i.e. by using the log_user() function for the lua plugin). -- Remove ability for reservation to have STATIC_ALLOC or MAINT flags and REPLACE[_DOWN] flags simultaneously. -- Accept only one reoccurring flag when creating/updating any reservation. -- Remove ability to update a reservation to have a reoccurring flag if it is a floating reservation. -- squeue - removed unused '%s' and 'SelectJobInfo' formats. -- Add purge and archive functionality for job environment and job batch script records. -- srun - return an error if step suffers a node failure. -- squeue - align print format for exit and derived codes with that of other components (<exit_status>:<signal_number>). -- Add new SlurmctldParameters=validate_nodeaddr_threads=<number> option to allow concurrent hostname resolution at slurmctld startup. -- Have 'scontrol show hostlist -' read from stdin. -- Extend support for Include files to all "configless" client commands. -- Make node weight usable for powered down and rebooting nodes. -- node_features plugins - node_features_p_reboot_weight() function removed. -- Removed 'launch' plugin. -- Add "Extra" field to job to store extra information other than a comment. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.7 ========================== -- Fix slurmctlds in a federation not recovering a lost connection until a slurmctld restart or a federation update. -- Fix incorrectly rejecting jobs that request GRES on multiple sockets and --gres-flags=enforce-binding. -- Fix job core selection with --gres-flags=enforce-binding: this fixes cases where enforce-binding was not respected. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - set assoc_id resolution failure as a debug log instead of an error log. -- Fix issues when running in FrontEnd mode. -- Fix srun and salloc I/O code to set keepaliveinterval/keepalivetime on connections. -- Fix overwrite race of cont_id in cgroup/v2 when using task/cgroup with proctrack/cray_aries. -- Fix node remaining allocated after a reconfig with a completing job that has an EpilogSlurmctld instance still running. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - fix a cast to a wrong type -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct issues where modifying association fields were ignored. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct issue where 16 bit integers were not able to be unset. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct issue where 16 & 32 bit integers were not able to be unset. -- Fix 'scontrol show hostlist' to read off a pipe correctly. -- Fix 'scontrol reconfigure' with configless enabled to send updated configs to 21.08 nodes correctly. (22.05 nodes are unaffected.) * Changes in Slurm 22.05.6 ========================== -- Fix a partition's DisableRootJobs=no from preventing root jobs from working. -- Fix the number of allocated cpus for an auto-adjustment case in which the job requests --ntasks-per-node and --mem (per-node) but the limit is MaxMemPerCPU. -- Fix POWER_DOWN_FORCE request leaving node in completing state. -- Do not count magnetic reservation queue records towards backfill limits. -- Clarify error message when --send-libs=yes or BcastParameters=send_libs fails to identify shared library files, and avoid creating an empty "<filename>_libs" directory on the target filesystem. -- Fix missing CoreSpec on dynamic nodes upon slurmctld restart. -- Fix node state reporting when using specialized cores. -- Fix number of CPUs allocated if --cpus-per-gpu used. -- Add flag ignore_prefer_validation to not validate --prefer on a job. -- Fix salloc/sbatch SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE output environment variable when the number of tasks is not requested. -- Permit using wildcard magic cookies with X11 forwarding. -- cgroup/v2 - Add check for swap when running OOM check after task termination. -- Fix deadlock caused by race condition when disabling power save with a reconfigure. -- Fix memory leak in the dbd when container is sent to the database. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct dbv0.0.38_tres_info. -- Fix node SuspendTime, SuspendTimeout, ResumeTimeout being updated after altering partition node lists with scontrol. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix data_t memory leak after serialization. -- Fix issue where '*' wasn't accepted in gpu/cpu bind. -- Fix SLURM_GPUS_ON_NODE for shared GPU gres (MPS, shards). -- Add SLURM_SHARDS_ON_NODE environment variable for shards. -- Fix srun error with overcommit. -- Fix bug in core selection for the default cyclic distribution of tasks across sockets, that resulted in random task launch failures. -- Fix core selection for steps requesting multiple tasks per core when allocation contains more cores than required for step. -- gpu/nvml - Fix MIG minor number generation when GPU minor number (/dev/nvidia[minor_number]) and index (as seen in nvidia-smi) do not match. -- Fix accrue time underflow errors after slurmctld reconfig or restart. -- Surpress errant errors from prolog_complete about being unable to locate "node:(null)". -- Fix issue where shards were selected from multiple gpus and failed to allocate. -- Fix step cpu count calculation when using --ntasks-per-gpu=. -- Fix overflow problems when validating array index parameters in slurmctld and prevent a potential condition causing slurmctld to crash. -- Remove dependency on json-c in slurmctld when running with power saving. Only the new "SLURM_RESUME_FILE" support relies on this, and it will be disabled if json-c support is unavailable instead. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.5 ========================== -- Fix node becoming IDLE while in an invalid registration state. -- When a job is completing avoid potential dereference. -- Avoid setting preempt_time for a job erroneously. -- Fix situation where we don't requeue correctly when a job is finishing. -- job_container/tmpfs - Avoid leaking namespace file descriptor. -- common/slurm_opt - fix memory leak in client commands or slurmrestd when the --chdir option is set after option reset. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - gracefully handle unknown associations assigned to jobs. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - query all associations to avoid errors while dumping jobs. -- Load hash plugin at slurmstepd launch time to prevent issues loading the plugin at step completion if the Slurm installation is upgraded. -- Fix gcc 12.2.1 compile errors. -- Fix future magnetic reservations preventing heterogeneous jobs from starting. -- Prevent incorrect error message from being generated for operator/admins using the 'scontrol top' command. -- slurmrestd - correct issue where larger requests could result in a single byte getting removed from inside of the POST request. -- Fix regression in task count calculation for --ntasks-per-gpu with multiple nodes. -- Update nvml plugin to match the unique id format for MIG devices in new Nvidia drivers. -- Fix segfault on backup slurmdbd if no QoS is present in DB. -- Fix clang 11 compile errors. -- Fix task distribution calculations across sockets with --distribution=cyclic. -- Fix task distribution calculations with --ntasks-per-gpu specified without an explicit --ntasks value. -- Fix job arrays not showing correct features. -- Fix job having wrong features used when using preferred features. -- Fix task/cray_aries error finishing an interactive step, avoiding correct cleanup. -- Correctly set max_nodes when --ntasks=1. -- Fix configure script on FreeBSD. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.4 ========================== -- Fix return code from salloc when the job is revoked prior to executing user command. -- Fix minor memory leak when dealing with gres with multiple files. -- Fix printing for no_consume gres in scontrol show job. -- sinfo - Fix truncation of very large values when outputting memory. -- Fix multi-node step launch failure when nodes in the controller aren't in natural order. This can happen with inconsistent node naming (such as node15 and node052) or with dynamic nodes which can register in any order. -- job_container/tmpfs - Prevent reading the plugin config multiple times per step. -- Fix wrong attempt of gres binding for gres w/out cores defined. -- Fix build to work with '--without-shared-libslurm' configure flag. -- Fix power_save mode when repeatedly configuring too fast. -- Fix sacct -I option. -- Prevent jobs from being scheduled on future nodes. -- Fix memory leak in slurmd happening on reconfigure when CPUSpecList used. -- Fix sacctmgr show event [min|max]cpus. -- Fix regression in 22.05.0rc1 where a prolog or epilog that redirected stdout to a file could get erroneously killed, resulting in job launch failure (for the prolog) and the node being drained. -- cgroup/v1 - Make a static variable to remove potential redundant checking for if the system has swap or not. -- cgroup/v1 - Add check for swap when running OOM check after task termination. -- job_submit/lua - add --prefer support -- cgroup/v1 - fix issue where sibling steps could incorrectly be accounted as OOM when step memory limit was the same as the job allocation. Detect OOM events via memory.oom_control oom_kill when exposed by the kernel instead of subscribing notifications with eventfd. -- Fix accounting of oom_kill events in cgroup/v2 and task/cgroup. -- Fix segfault when slurmd reports less than configured gres with links after a slurmctld restart. -- Fix TRES counts after node is deleted using scontrol. -- sched/backfill - properly handle multi-reservation HetJobs. -- sched/backfill - don't try to start HetJobs after system state change. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add submission of job->prefer value. -- slurmdbd - become SlurmUser at the same point in logic as slurmctld to match plugins initialization behavior. This avoids a fatal error when starting slurmdbd as root and root cannot start the auth or accounting_storage plugins (for example, if root cannot read the jwt key). -- Fix memory leak when attempting to update a job's features with invalid features. -- Fix occasional slurmctld crash or hang in backfill due to invalid pointers. -- Fix segfault on Cray machines if cgroup cpuset is used in cgroup/v1. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.3 ========================== -- job_container/tmpfs - cleanup containers even when the .ns file isn't mounted anymore. -- Ignore the bf_licenses option if using sched/builtin. -- Do not clear the job's requested QOS (qos_id) when ineligible due to QOS. -- Emit error and add fail-safe when job's qos_id changes unexpectedly. -- Fix timeout value in log. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - fix setting of DefaultTime when dumping a partition. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct parsing association QOS field. -- Fix LaunchParameters=mpir_use_nodeaddr. -- Fix various edge cases where accrue limits could be exceeded or cause underflow error messages. -- Fix issue where a job requesting --ntasks and --nodes could be wrongly rejected when spanning heterogeneous nodes. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - detect when partition PreemptMode is disabled -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add QOS flag to handle partition PreemptMode=within -- Add total_cpus and total_nodes values to the partition list in the job_submit/lua plugin. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - reject and error on invalid flag values in well defined flag fields. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct QOS preempt_mode flag requests being silently ignored. -- accounting_storage/mysql - allow QOS preempt_mode flag updates when GANG mode is requested. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct QOS flag modifications request being silently ignored. -- sacct/sinfo/squeue - use openapi/[db]v0.0.38 for --json and --yaml modes. -- Improve error messages when using configless and fetching the config fails. -- Fix segfault when reboot_from_controller is configured and scontrol reboot is used. -- Fix regression which prevented a cons_tres gpu job to be submitted to a cons_tres cluster from a non-con_tres cluster. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct association QOS list parsing for updates. -- Fix rollup incorrectly divying up unused reservation time between associations. -- slurmrestd - add SLURMRESTD_SECURITY=disable_unshare_files environment variable. -- Update rsmi detection to handle new default library location. -- Fix header inclusion from slurmstepd manager code leading to multiple definition errors when linking --without-shared-libslurm. -- slurm.spec - explicitly disable Link Time Optimization (LTO) to avoid linking errors on systems where LTO-related RPM macros are enabled by default and the binutils version has a bug. -- Fix issue in the api/step_io message writing logic leading to incorrect behavior in API consuming clients like srun or sattach, including a segfault when freeing IO buffers holding traffic from the tasks to the client. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - avoid job queries getting rejected when cluster is not provided by client. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - accept job state filter as verbose names instead of only numeric state ids. -- Fix regression in 22.05.0rc1: if slurmd shuts down while a prolog is running, the job is cancelled and the node is drained. -- Wait up to PrologEpilogTimeout before shutting down slurmd to allow prolog and epilog scripts to complete or timeout. Previously, slurmd waited 120 seconds before timing out and killing prolog and epilog scripts. -- GPU - Fix checking frequencies to check them all and not skip the last one. -- GPU - Fix logic to set frequencies properly when handling multiple GPUs. -- cgroup/v2 - Fix typo in error message. -- cgroup/v2 - More robust pattern search for events. -- Fix slurm_spank_job_[prolog|epilog] failures being masked if a Prolog or Epilog script is defined (regression in 22.05.0rc1). -- When a job requested nodes and can't immediately start, only report to the user (squeue/scontrol et al) if nodes are down in the requested list. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Fix qos list/preempt not being parsed correctly. -- Fix dynamic nodes registrations mapping previously assigned nodes. -- Remove unnecessarily limit on count of 'shared' gres. -- Fix shared gres on CLOUD nodes not properly initializing. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.2 ========================== -- Fix a segfault in slurmctld when requesting gres in job arrays. -- Prevent jobs from launching on newly powered up nodes that register with invalid config. -- Fix a segfault when there's no memory.swap.current interface in cgroup/v2. -- Fix memleak in cgroup/v2. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.1 ========================== -- Flush the list of Include config files on SIGHUP. -- Fix and update Slurm completion script. -- jobacct_gather/cgroup - Add VMem support both for cgroup v1 and v2. -- Allow subset of node state transitions when node is in INVAL state. -- Remove INVAL state from cloud node after being powered down. -- When showing reason UID in scontrol show node, use the authenticated UID instead of the login UID. -- Fix calculation of reservation's NodeCnt when using dynamic nodes. -- Add SBATCH_{ERROR,INPUT,OUTPUT} input environment variables for --error, --input and --output options respectively. -- Prevent oversubscription of licenses by the backfill scheduler when not using the new "bf_licenses" option. -- Jobs with multiple nodes in a heterogeneous cluster now have access to all the memory on each node by using --mem=0. Previously the memory limit was set by the node with the least amount of memory. -- Don't limit the size of TaskProlog output (previously TaskProlog output was limited to 4094 characters per line, which limited the size of exported environment variables or logging to the task). -- Fix usage of possibly uninitialized buffer in proctrack/cgroup. -- Fix memleak in proctrack/cgroup proctrack_p_wait. -- Fix cloud/remote het srun jobs. -- Fix a segfault that may happen on gpu configured as no_consume. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.0 ========================== -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add group name to job info -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add container field to job description. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add container to job submission. -- openapi/[db]v0.0.38 - add container field to job description. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - fix bug where QOS update set various limits to 0. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - properly initialize wckey record. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - properly initialize cluster record. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - gracefully update existing QOSs. -- Fix x11 forwarding with job_container/tmpfs and without home_xauthority. -- Fix reconfig of dynamic nodes with gres. -- Fix corner case issues when removing assocs/qos' while jobs are completing and a reconfigure happens. -- Add SlurmdParameters=numa_node_as_socket to use the numa node as a socket. -- Avoid creating and referencing NULL script/env hash entries when not storing the job script or job environment. -- slurmd - If a het component job fails to launch due to a node prolog or other failure, properly handle the whole het job. -- Fix possible race condition while handling forwarded messages. -- Add new SchedulerParameters option "bf_licenses" to track licenses as within the backfill scheduler. -- Fix resuming nodes not part of an allocation. -- Minor memory leak fixes. -- Use accept4() and pipe2() to ensure new file descriptors are always set with close-on-exec flag. -- slurmctld - allow users to request tokens for themselves by name. -- srun - adjust output of "--mpi=list". -- Fix "--gpu-bind=single:" having wrong env variables. -- Sync missing pieces in slurmctld SIGHUP handler with respect to REQUEST_RECONFIGURE RPC handler. -- Fixed the behavior of the --states=all option in squeue to actually show all of the states. -- job_container - Don't constrain a job using --no-allocate. -- Fix slurmctld segfault when a step requests a gres without a file. -- Fix slurmctld segfault when cleaning up an overlapping step. -- Dynamic node fixes and updates. -- Added error logging when a node goes into an invalid state so that the user can still see the reason even if the user set a custom reason beforehand. -- Remove redundant message when libdbus is found during configure. -- Fix pmix to honor SrunPortRange. -- Fix issue with ntasks_per_socket and ntasks_per_core with --exclusive -- openapi/v0.0.38 - change job parsing error message to reflect reality. -- Avoid segfault/assert when --thread-spec used with config_overrides -- Don't send SIGTERM to prematurely in run_command. -- Add logging to inform where networking errors are occurring on slurmd end. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Enforce GET /association/ to dump only a single association. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Enforce DELETE /association/ to delete only a single association. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add parameters to filter to GET /associations/. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add DELETE /associations using parameters to set filters. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Fix plural form of delete association response schema. * Changes in Slurm 22.05.0rc1 ============================= -- gres/gpu - Avoid stripping GRES type field during normalization if any other GRES have a defined type field. -- burst_buffer/datawarp - free bb_job after stage-out or teardown are done. -- acct_gather_energy_rsmi has been renamed acct_gather_energy_gpu. -- Remove support for (non-functional) --cpu-bind=boards. -- accounting_storage/mysql - ensure new non-HetJobs have het_job_offset NO_VAL in the database and fix the same field when retrieving older bad records. -- PreemptMode now works as a condition for qos in sacctmgr. -- scancel - add "--me" option. -- gres/gpu - Fix configured/system-detected GRES match for some combinations for which the sorting affected the expected selection result. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Fork existing openapi/v0.0.37 plugin. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Fork existing openapi/dbv0.0.37 plugin. -- openapi/v0.0.35 - Plugin has been removed. -- scrontab - Don't accept extra letters after a '@' repeating pattern. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add missing method POST for /associations/. -- Make DefMemPerCPU/MaxMemPerCPU and DefMemPerNode/MaxMemPerNode precedence at the global level the same as in partition level, and print an error if both of a pair are set. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Allow strings for JobIds instead of only numerical JobIds for GET, DELETE, and POST job methods. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - enable job priority field for job submissions and updates. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - request node states query includes MIXED state instead of only allocated. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Correct tree position of dbv0.0.38_job_step. -- Enforce all Slurm plugin requirements for plugins specified with absolute path. -- Added --prefer option at job submission to allow for 'soft' constraints. -- Remove support for PMIx 1.x -- slurmrestd - Unlink unix sockets before binding to avoid errors where previous run of slurmrestd did not properly cleanup the sockets. -- Add extra 'EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/$service' setting to service files. -- slurmctld/agent - spawn more agent threads in a single _agent_retry(). -- openapi/v0.0.38 - change job response types to more specific types than generic string. -- srun - refuse to run on malformed SPANK environment variable. -- Allow jobs to pack onto nodes already rebooting with the desired features. -- Reset job start time after nodes are rebooted. -- Node features (if any) are passed to RebootProgram if run from slurmctld. -- Fix sending multiple features to RebootProgram. -- If a task/srun prolog fails don't allow the step to continue running. -- Fail srun when using invalid --cpu-bind options. -- cgroup/v1 - Set swappiness at job level instead of at root level. -- Fix issues where a step's GRES request could never be satisfied but the step remained pending forever instead of being rejected. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Remove errant extra space after JOB_CPUS_SET flag. -- slurmrestd - refuse to run with gid 0, or under SlurmUser's gid. -- Storing batch scripts and env vars are now in indexed tables using substantially less disk space. Those storing scripts in 21.08 will all be moved and indexed automatically. -- Run MailProg through slurmscriptd instead of directly fork+exec()'ing from slurmctld. -- Add acct_gather_interconnect/sysfs plugin. -- Fix gpus spanning more resources than needed when usng --cpus-per-gpu. -- burst_buffer plugins - err_msg added to bb_p_job_validate(). -- burst_buffer plugins - Send user specific error message if permission denied due to AllowUsers or DenyUsers in burst_buffer.conf. -- Fatal if the mutually-exclusive JobAcctGatherParams options of UsePss and NoShared are both defined. -- Future and Cloud nodes are treated as "Planned Down" in usage reports. -- Add "condflags=open" to sacctmgr show events to return open/currently down events. -- Skip --mem-per-gpu impact on GRES availability when CR_MEMORY not set. -- Add reservation start time as a new schedulers sorting factor for magnetic or multi-reservation job queue records. -- Improve Dynamic Future node startup to load in config with mapped nodename. -- Add new shard plugin for sharing gpus but not with mps. -- acct_gather_energy/xcc - add support for Lenovo SD650 V2. -- Remove cgroup_allowed_devices_file.conf support. -- sacct -f flag implies -c flag. -- Node state flags (DRAIN, FAILED, POWERING UP, etc.) will be cleared now if node state is updated to FUTURE. -- Clear GRES environment variables for jobs or steps that request --gres=none. -- slurmctld - Avoid requiring environment to be set when container job is specified. -- Move the KeepAliveTime option into CommunicationParameters. -- slurm.spec - stop explicitly packaging pkgconfig directory to avoid a conflict with the pkgconfig package. -- Fix sacctmgr load dump printing incorrect default QOS when no value is set. -- Fix very early logging in the controller when daemonized -- Fix possibility of primary group going missing when running jobs submitted after a user has switched primary groups (eg: with sg). -- Make it so srun no longer inherits SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK. It now will only inherit SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK. -- Make HetJob signaling requests using the HetJobId+HetJobOffset format behave the same as with direct JobId requests with regards to job state and whole_hetjob considerations. -- scancel - avoid issuing a RPC for each HetJob non-leader components hit by using filters (not using jobids) when a RPC is issued for their leader. -- Make slurmctld call the JobCompPlugin set location operation on SIGUSR2. As a relevant consequence, the filetxt plugin reopens the file for potential logrotation. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - added fields bf_table_size and bf_table_size_mean to diag query. -- Handle scontrol setdebug[flags] and scontrol reconfigure in slurmscriptd. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add /licenses endpoint. -- slurmrestd - only compile JWT authentication plugin if libjwt is present. -- Remove connect_timeout and timeout options from JobCompParams as there's no longer a connectivity check happening in the jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin when setting the location off of JobCompLoc. -- Add %n for NodeName substitution in SlurmdSpoolDir in nss_slurm.conf. -- job_container/tmpfs - add basic environment variables to InitScript. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - split security entries in openapi.json. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Add schema for Slurm meta in responses. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add schema for Slurm meta in responses. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Correct field "errno" to "error_number" in schema for errors. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add failure response contents in openapi.json. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add failure response contents in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add requestBody for /users/ in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add requestBody for /accounts/ in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add missing response field "removed_associations" in openapi.json -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Correct type from object to array for user assocations list in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add missing field for tres minutes per qos in qos list in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add missing field for name in qos list in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Correct tres field in qos list in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Correct het job details types in jobs in openapi.json -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Correct task type for job steps in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Sync fields for errors to source in openapi.json. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add missing field for adding clusters in clusters list in openapi.json. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - correct parameter styles from "simple" to "form". -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - correct parameter styles from "simple" to "form". -- openapi - add flags to slurm_openapi_p_get_specification(). -- openapi/v0.0.38 - use new operationId generation to ensure uniqueness. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - use new operationId generation to ensure uniqueness. -- slurmstepd - avoid possible race condition while updating step return code during job startup. -- slurmstepd - report and log I/O setup failure using corresponding error code during job start. -- Do not run the job if PrologSlurmctld times out. -- Fix SPANK plugin calls slurm_spank_job_prolog and slurm_spank_job_epilog not properly respecting PrologEpilogTimeout. -- Add support for 'scontrol delete <ENTITY> <ID>' format alongside the already expected 'scontrol delete <ENTITY>=<ID>'. -- Fix task/cgroup plugin which was not adding stepd to memory cgroup. -- preempt/qos - add support for WITHIN mode to allow for preemption between jobs within the same qos. -- Fix sattach for interactive step. -- Fix srun -Z when using nss_slurm. -- Avoid memory leak in srun -Z. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - disable automatic lookup of all HetJob components on specific job lookups. -- Add support for hourly reoccurring reservations. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Fix misspelling of job parameter time_minimum. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Fix misspelling of job parameter cpu_binding_hint. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - Fix misspelling of job parameter mcs_label -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Fix issue where association's QOS list consisted of IDs instead of names. -- Allow nodes to be dynamically added and removed from the system. -- srun --overlap now allows the step to share all resources (CPUs, memory, and GRES), where previously --overlap only allowed the step to share CPUs with other steps. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - new format for how core and socket allocations are dumped for jobs. -- openapi/v0.0.38 - add RPC call statistics to diag endpoint. -- openapi/[db]v0.0.36 - plugins have been marked as deprecated. -- sacct - allocations made by srun will now always display the allocation and step(s). Previously, the allocation and step were combined when possible. -- Steps now allocate gres according to topo data. -- Add validation of numbers provided to --gpu-bind=map_gpu and --gpu-bind=mask_gpu=. -- Fatal error if CgroupReleaseAgentDir is configured in cgroup.conf. The option has long been obsolete. -- cons_tres - change definition of the "least loaded node" (LLN) to the node with the greatest ratio of available cpus to total cpus. -- Fatal if more than one burst buffer plugin is configured. -- Added keepaliveinterval and keepaliveprobes options to CommunicationParameters. -- Correctly failover to backup slurmdbd if the primary slurmdbd node crashes. -- Add support to ship Include configuration files with configless. -- Fix issues with track_script cleanup. -- Add new max_token_lifespan limit to AuthAltParameters. -- sacctmgr - allow Admins to update AdminComment and SystemComment fields. -- slurmd - Cache node features at startup and scontrol reconfig. It avoids executing node_features/helpers scripts in the middle of a job. This clould potentially affect job performance. -- Pass and use alias_list through credential instead of environment variable. -- Add ability to get host addresses from nss_slurm. -- Enable reverse fanout for cloud+alias_list jobs. -- Disallow slurm.conf node configurations with NodeName=ALL. -- Add support to delete/update nodes by specifying nodesets or the 'ALL' keyword alongside the delete/update node message nodelist expression (i.e. 'scontrol delete/update NodeName=ALL' or 'scontrol delete/update NodeName=ns1,nodes[1-3]'). -- Add support for PMIx v4 -- Add support for PMIx v5 -- Correctly load potentially NULL values from slurmdbd archive files. -- Add slurmdbd.conf option AllowNoDefAcct to remove requirement for users to have a default account. -- Fix issues related to users with very large uids. -- common/openapi - fix bug populating methods for parameter-less endpoint. -- slurmrestd/operations - fix memory leak when resolving bad path. -- sacctmgr - improve performance of query generation for archive load. -- sattach - allow connecting to interactive steps with JOBID.interactive -- Fix for --gpus-per-task parsing when using --cpus-per-gpu and multiple gpu types in the same request. -- rest_auth/local - always log when new slurmdbd connection fails. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - gracefully update existing associations. -- Improve auto-detection of pmix -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Add missing method POST for /qos/. -- scrontab - On errors, print 1-index line numbers instead of 0-indexing them. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Correct OpenAPI specification for diag request. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - reject requests with incorrect TRES specification. -- sacctmgr - reject requests with incorrect TRES specification. -- Correct issue where conversion to/from JSON/YAML may have resulted in empty strings being replaced with strings containing "null" instead. -- Attempt to requeue jobs terminated by slurm.conf changes (node vanish, node socket/core change, etc). Processes may still be running on excised nodes. Admin should take precautions when removing nodes that have jobs on running on them. -- Fix race with task/cgroup memory and jobacctgather/cgroup, the first was removing the pid from the task_X cgroup directory. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - set default account org and desc to be account name. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - Allow strings for JobId instead of only numerical JobId for GET job methods. -- Add switch/hpe_slingshot plugin. -- cloud_reg_addrs - use hostname from slurmd rather than from munge credential for NodeHostName. -- Store assoc usage in parent assoc when deleted to preserve account fairshare. -- CVE-2022-29500 - Prevent credential abuse. -- CVE-2022-29501 - Prevent abuse of REQUEST_FORWARD_DATA. -- CVE-2022-29502 - Correctly validate io keys. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - set with_deleted to false by default for /user[s]. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add with_deleted input parameter to GET /user[s]. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add deleted flag to /user[s] output. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - set with_deleted to false by default for GET /qos. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add with_deleted input to GET /qos. -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - set with_deleted to false by default for GET /account[s] -- openapi/dbv0.0.38 - add with_deleted input to GET /account[s]. -- Include k12 hash of the RPC message body in the auth/munge tokens to provide for additional communication resiliency. -- Allow job steps to continue to launch during OverTimeLimit. -- slurmctld - avoid crash when attempting to load job without a script. -- Fix exclusive jobs breaking MaxCPUsPerNode limit -- Error if ConstrainSwapSpace is set and system doesn't have the kernel with CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP set. This will avoid bad configurations. -- Add SlurmdParameters=numa_node_as_socket. -- Fix incorrect node allocation when using multiple counts with --constraint and --ntasks-per-node. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.9 ========================== -- Fix cross-endian communication. -- Fix slurmd segfault when seeing authentication issues alongside a failed message forward. -- Fix resuming nodes not part of an allocation. -- Fix "--gpu-bind=single:" having wrong env variables. -- Fix logic estimating when a job can start based on ANY_NODES / LICENSE_ONLY reservations that could lead to an infinite loop in backfill. -- Fix a segfault that may happen on gpu configured as no_consume. -- Fix regression which prevented a cons_tres gpu job to be submitted to a cons_tres cluster from a non-con_tres cluster. -- select/linear - fix regression introduced in 21.08.6 which prevented step requests with --threads-per-core or --hint=nomultithread from being created. -- Fix gcc 12.2.1 compile errors. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.8-2 ============================ -- Fix communication forwarding when running with a mix of patch and unpatched slurmd processes. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.8 ========================== -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - fix slurmrestd fatal() when deleting an association. -- Allow scontrol update <job> Gres=... to not require "gres:". -- Fix inconsistent reboot message appending behavior. -- Fix incorrect reason_time and reason_uid on reboot message. -- Fix "scontrol reboot" clearing node reason on ResumeTimeout. -- Fix ResumeTimeout error message missing when node already has reason set. -- Avoid "running with local config" error when conf server is provided by DNS. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - resolve job user name when not sent by slurmctld. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Correct OpenAPI specification for diag request. -- Ignore power_down request when node is already powering down. -- CVE-2022-29500 - Prevent credential abuse. -- CVE-2022-29501 - Prevent abuse of REQUEST_FORWARD_DATA. -- CVE-2022-29502 - Correctly validate io keys. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.7 ========================== -- openapi/v0.0.37 - correct calculation for bf_queue_len_mean in /diag. -- Optimize sending down nodes in maintenance mode to the database when removing reservations. -- Avoid shrinking a reservation when overlapping with downed nodes. -- Fix 'planned time' in rollups for jobs that were still pending when the rollup happened. -- Prevent new elements from a job array from causing rerollups. -- Only check TRES limits against current usage for TRES requested by the job. -- Do not allocate shared gres (MPS) in whole-node allocations -- Fix minor memory leak when dealing with configless setups. -- Constrain slurmstepd to job/step cgroup like in previous versions of Slurm. -- Fix warnings on 32-bit compilers related to printf() formats. -- Fix memory leak when freeing kill_job_msg_t. -- Fix memory leak when using data_t. -- Fix reconfigure issues after disabling/reenabling the GANG PreemptMode. -- Fix race condition where a cgroup was being deleted while another step was creating it. -- Set the slurmd port correctly if multi-slurmd -- openapi/v0.0.37 - Fix misspelling of account_gather_frequency in spec. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - Fix misspelling of cluster_constraint in spec. -- Fix FAIL mail not being sent if a job was cancelled due to preemption. -- slurmrestd - move debug logs for HTTP handling to be gated by debugflag NETWORK to avoid unnecessary logging of communication contents. -- Fix issue with bad memory access when shrinking running steps. -- Fix various issues with internal job accounting with GRES when jobs are shrunk. -- Fix ipmi polling on slurmd reconfig or restart. -- Fix srun crash when reserved ports are being used and het step fails to launch. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - fix DELETE execution path on /user/{user_name}. -- slurmctld - Properly requeue all components of a het job if PrologSlurmctld fails. -- rlimits - remove final calls to limit nofiles to 4096 but to instead use the max possible nofiles in slurmd and slurmdbd. -- Fix slurmctld memory leak after a reconfigure with configless. -- Fix slurmd memory leak when fetching configless files. -- Allow the DBD agent to load large messages (up to MAX_BUF_SIZE) from state. -- Fix minor memory leak with cleaning up the extern step. -- Fix potential deadlock during slurmctld restart when there is a completing job. -- slurmstepd - reduce user requested soft rlimits when they are above max hard rlimits to avoid rlimit request being completely ignored and processes using default limits. -- Fix memory leaks when job/step specifies a container. -- Fix Slurm user commands displaying available features as active features when no features were active. -- Don't power down nodes that are rebooting. -- Clear pending node reboot on power down request. -- Ignore node registrations while node is powering down. -- Don't reboot any node that is power<ing|ed> down. -- Don't allow a node to reboot if it's marked for power down. -- Fix issuing reboot and downing when rebooting a powering up node. -- Clear DRAIN on node after failing to resume before ResumeTimeout. -- Prevent repeating power down if node fails to resume before ResumeTimeout. -- Fix federated cloud node communication with srun and cloud_dns. -- Fix jobs being scheduled on nodes marked to be powered_down when idle. -- Fix problem where a privileged user could not view array tasks specified by <array_job_id>_<task_id> when PrivateData had the jobs value set. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.6 ========================== -- Handle typed shared GRES better in accounting. -- Fix plugin_name definitions in a number of plugins to improve logging. -- Close sbcast file transfers when job is cancelled. -- job_submit/lua - allow mail_type and mail_user fields to be modified. -- scrontab - fix handling of --gpus and --ntasks-per-gpu options. -- sched/backfill - fix job_queue_rec_t memory leak. -- Fix magnetic reservation logic in both main and backfill schedulers. -- job_container/tmpfs - fix memory leak when using InitScript. -- slurmrestd / openapi - fix memory leaks. -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to job array resv_list double free. -- Fix multi-reservation job testing logic. -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to insufficient job reservation parse validation. -- Fix main and backfill schedulers handling for already rejected job array. -- sched/backfill - restore resv_ptr after yielding locks. -- acct_gather_energy/xcc - appropriately close and destroy the IPMI context. -- Protect slurmstepd from making multiple calls to the cleanup logic. -- Prevent slurmstepd segfault at cleanup time in mpi_fini(). -- Fix slurmctld sometimes hanging if shutdown while PrologSlurmctld or EpilogSlurmctld were running and PrologEpilogTimeout is set in slurm.conf. -- Fix affinity of the batch step if batch host is different than the first node in the allocation. -- slurmdbd - fix segfault after multiple failover/failback operations. -- Fix jobcomp filetxt job selection condition. -- Fix -f flag of sacct not being used. -- Select cores for job steps according to the socket distribution. Previously, sockets were always filled before selecting cores from the next socket. -- Keep node in Future state if epilog completes while in Future state. -- Fix erroneous --constraint behavior by preventing multiple sets of brackets. -- Make ResetAccrueTime update the job's accrue_time to now. -- Fix sattach initialization with configless mode. -- Revert packing limit checks affecting pmi2. -- sacct - fixed assertion failure when using -c option and a federation display -- Fix issue that allowed steps to overallocate the job's memory. -- Fix the sanity check mode of AutoDetect so that it actually works. -- Fix deallocated nodes that didn't actually launch a job from waiting for Epilogslurmctld to complete before clearing completing node's state. -- Job should be in a completing state if EpilogSlurmctld when being requeued. -- Fix job not being requeued properly if all node epilog's completed before EpilogSlurmctld finished. -- Keep job completing until EpilogSlurmctld is completed even when "downing" a node. -- Fix handling reboot with multiple job features. -- Fix nodes getting powered down when creating new partitions. -- Fix bad bit_realloc which potentially could lead to bad memory access. -- slurmctld - remove limit on the number of open files. -- Fix bug where job_state file of size above 2GB wasn't saved without any error message. -- Fix various issues with no_consume gres. -- Fix regression in 21.08.0rc1 where job steps failed to launch on systems that reserved a CPU in a cgroup outside of Slurm (for example, on systems with WekaIO). -- Fix OverTimeLimit not being reset on scontrol reconfigure when it is removed from slurm.conf. -- serializer/yaml - use dynamic buffer to allow creation of YAML outputs larger than 1MiB. -- Fix minor memory leak affecting openapi users at process termination. -- Fix batch jobs not resolving the username when nss_slurm is enabled. -- slurmrestd - Avoid slurmrestd ignoring invalid HTTP method if the response serialized without error. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Correct conditional that caused the diag output to give an internal server error status on success. -- Make --mem-bind=sort work with task_affinity -- Fix sacctmgr to set MaxJobsAccruePer{User|Account} and MinPrioThres in sacctmgr add qos, modify already worked correctly. -- job_container/tmpfs - avoid printing extraneous error messages in Prolog and Epilog, and when the job completes. -- Fix step CPU memory allocation with --threads-per-core without --exact. -- Remove implicit --exact when --threads-per-core or --hint=nomultithread is used. -- Do not allow a step to request more threads per core than the allocation did. -- Remove implicit --exact when --cpus-per-task is used. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.5 ========================== -- Fix issue where typeless GRES node updates were not immediately reflected. -- Fix setting the default scrontab job working directory so that it's the home of the different user (-u <user>) and not that of root or SlurmUser editor. -- Fix stepd not respecting SlurmdSyslogDebug. -- Fix concurrency issue with squeue. -- Fix job start time not being reset after launch when job is packed onto already booting node. -- Fix updating SLURM_NODE_ALIASES for jobs packed onto powering up nodes. -- Cray - Fix issues with starting hetjobs. -- auth/jwks - Print fatal() message when jwks is configured but file could not be opened. -- If sacctmgr has an association with an unknown qos as the default qos print 'UNKN-###' instead of leaving a blank name. -- Correctly determine task count when giving --cpus-per-gpu, --gpus and --ntasks-per-node without task count. -- slurmctld - Fix places where the global last_job_update was not being set to the time of update when a job's reason and description were updated. -- slurmctld - Fix case where a job submitted with more than one partition would not have its reason updated while waiting to start. -- Fix memory leak in node feature rebooting. -- Fix time limit permanetly set to 1 minute by backfill for job array tasks higher than the first with QOS NoReserve flag and PreemptMode configured. -- Fix sacct -N to show jobs that started in the current second -- Fix issue on running steps where both SLURM_NTASKS_PER_TRES and SLURM_NTASKS_PER_GPU are set. -- Handle oversubscription request correctly when also requesting --ntasks-per-tres. -- Correctly detect when a step requests bad gres inside an allocation. -- slurmstepd - Correct possible deadlock when UnkillableStepTimeout triggers. -- srun - use maximum number of open files while handling job I/O. -- Fix writing to Xauthority files on root_squash NFS exports, which was preventing X11 forwarding from completing setup. -- Fix regression in 21.08.0rc1 that broke --gres=none. -- Fix srun --cpus-per-task and --threads-per-core not implicitly setting --exact. It was meant to work this way in 21.08. -- Fix regression in 21.08.0 that broke dynamic future nodes. -- Fix dynamic future nodes remembering active state on restart. -- Fix powered down nodes getting stuck in COMPLETING+POWERED_DOWN when job is cancelled before nodes are powering up. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.4 ========================== -- Fix potential deadlock when using PMI v1. -- Fix tight loop sending DBD_SEND_MULT_JOB_START when the slurmctld has an issue talking correctly to the DBD. -- Fix memory leak in step creation. -- Fix potential deadlock when shutting down slurmctld. -- Fix regression in 21.08 where multi-node steps that requested MemPerCPU were not counted against the job's memory allocation on some nodes. -- Fix issue with select/cons_tres and the partition limit MaxCpusPerNode where the limit was enforced for one less CPU than the configured value. -- jobacct_gather/common - compare Pss to Rss after scaling Pss to Rss units. -- Fix SLURM_NODE_ALIASES in RPC Prolog for batch jobs. -- Fix regression in 21.08 where slurmd and slurmstepd were not constrained with CpuSpecList or CoreSpecCount. -- Fix cloud jobs running without powering up nodes after a reconfig/restart. -- CVE-2021-43337 - Fix security issue with new AccountingStoreFlags=job_script and job_env options where users could request scripts and environments they should not have been permitted to access. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.3 ========================== -- Return error to sacctmgr when running 'sacctmgr archive load' and the load fails due to an invalid or corrupted file. -- slurmctld/gres_ctld - fix deallocation of typed GRES without device. -- scrontab - fix capturing the cronspec request in the job script. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Add missing method POST for /associations/. -- If ALTER TABLE was already run, continue with database upgrade. -- slurmstepd - Gracefully handle RunTimeQuery returning no output. -- srun - automatically handle issues with races to listen() on an ephemeral socket, and suppress otherwise needless error messages. -- Schedule sooner after Epilog completion with SchedulerParameters=defer. -- Improve performance for AccountingStoreFlags=job_env. -- Expose missing SLURMD_NODENAME and SLURM_NODEID to TaskEpilog environment. -- Bring up to date with changes to commands. -- Fix issue where burst buffer stage-in could only start for one job in a job array per scheduling cycle instead of bb_array_stage_cnt jobs per scheduling cycle. -- Fix checking if the dependency is the same job for array jobs. -- Fix checking for circular dependencies with job arrays. -- Restore dependent job pointers on slurmctld startup to avoid race. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - Allow strings for JobIds instead of only numerical JobIds for GET, DELETE, and POST job methods. -- openapi/dbv0.0.36 - Gracefully handle missing associations. -- openapi/dbv0.0.36 - Avoid restricting job association lookups to only default associations. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Gracefully handle missing associations. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Avoid restricting job association lookups to only default associations. -- Fix error in GPU frequency validation logic. -- Fix regression in 21.08.1 that broke federated jobs. -- Correctly handle requested GRES when used in job arrays. -- Fix error in pmix logic dealing with the incorrect size of buffer. -- Fix handling of no_consume GRES, add it to allocated job allocated TRES. -- Fix issue with typed GRES without Files= (bitmap). -- Fix job_submit/lua support for 'gres' which is now stored as a 'tres' when requesting jobs so needs a 'gres' prefix. -- Fix regression where MPS would not deallocate from the node properly. -- Fix --gpu-bind=verbose to work correctly. -- Do not deny --constraint with special operators "[]()|*" when no changeable features are requested, but continue to deny --constraint with special operators when changeable features are requested. -- openapi/v0.0.{35,36,37} - prevent merging the slurmrestd environment alongside a new job submission. -- openapi/dbv0.0.36 - Correct tree position of dbv0.0.36_job_step. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Correct tree position of dbv0.0.37_job_step. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - enable job priority field for job submissions and updates. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - request node states query includes MIXED state instead of only allocated. -- mpi/pmix - avoid job hanging until the time limit on PMIx agent failures. -- Correct inverted logic where reduced version matching applied to non-SPANK plugins where it should have only applied to SPANK plugins. -- Fix issues where prologs would run in serial without PrologFlags=serial. -- Make sure a job coming in is initially considered for magnetic reservations. -- PMIx v1.1.4 and below are no longer supported. -- Add comment to service files about disabling logging through journald. -- Add SLURM_NODE_ALIASES env to RPC Prolog (PrologFlags=alloc) environment. -- Limit max_script_size to 512 MB. -- Fix shutdown of slurmdbd plugin to correctly notice when the agent thread finishes. -- slurmdbd - fix issue with larger batch script files being sent to SlurmDBD with AccountingStoreFlags=job_script that can lead to accounting data loss as the resulting RPC generated can exceed internal limits and won't be sent, preventing further communication with SlurmDBD. This issue is indicated by "error: Invalid msg_size" in your log files. -- Fix compile issue with --without-shared-libslurm. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.2 ========================== -- slurmctld - fix how the max number of cores on a node in a partition are calculated when the partition contains multi-socket nodes. This in turn corrects certain jobs node count estimations displayed client-side. -- job_submit/cray_aries - fix "craynetwork" GRES specification after changes introduced in 21.08.0rc1 that made TRES always have a type prefix. -- Ignore nonsensical check in the slurmd for [Pro|Epi]logSlurmctld. -- Fix writing to stderr/syslog when systemd runs slurmctld in the foreground. -- Fix locking around log level setting routines. -- Fix issue with updating job started with node range. -- Fix issue with nodes not clearing state in the database when the slurmctld is started with clean-start. -- Fix hetjob components > 1 timing out due to InactiveLimit. -- Fix sprio printing -nan for normalized association priority if PriorityWeightAssoc was not defined. -- Disallow FirstJobId=0. -- Preserve job start info in the database for a requeued job that hadn't registered the first time in the database yet. -- Only send one message on prolog failure from the slurmd. -- Remove support for TaskAffinity=yes in cgroup.conf. -- accounting_storage/mysql - fix issue where querying jobs via sacct --whole-hetjob=yes or slurmrestd (which automatically includes this flag) could in some cases return more records than expected. -- Fix issue for preemption of job array task that makes afterok dependency fail. Additionally, send emails when requeueing happens due to preemption. -- Fix sending requeue mail type. -- Properly resize a job's GRES bitmaps and counts when resizing the job. -- Fix node being able to transition to CLOUD state from non-cloud state. -- Fix regression introduced in 21.08.0rc1 which broke a step's ability to inherit GRES from the job when the step didn't request GRES but the job did. -- Fix errors in logic when picking nodes based on bracketed anded constraints. This also enforces the requirement to have a count when using such constraints. -- Handle job resize better in the database. -- Exclude currently running, resized jobs from the runaway jobs list. -- Make it possible to shrink a job more than once. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.1 ========================== -- Fix potential memory leak if a problem happens while allocating GRES for a job. -- If an overallocation of GRES happens terminate the creation of a job. -- AutoDetect=nvml: Fatal if no devices found in MIG mode. -- slurm.spec - fix querying for PMIx and UCX version. -- Print federation and cluster sacctmgr error messages to stderr. -- Fix off by one error in --gpu-bind=mask_gpu. -- Fix statement condition in http_parser autoconf macro. -- Fix statement condition in netloc autoconf macro. -- Add --gpu-bind=none to disable gpu binding when using --gpus-per-task. -- Handle the burst buffer state "alloc-revoke" which previously would not display in the job correctly. -- Fix issue in the slurmstepd SPANK prolog/epilog handler where configuration values were used before being initialized. -- Restore a step's ability to utilize all of an allocations memory if --mem=0. -- Fix --cpu-bind=verbose garbage taskid. -- Fix cgroup task affinity issues from garbage taskid info. -- Make gres_job_state_validate() client logging behavior as before 44466a4641. -- Fix steps with --hint overriding an allocation with --threads-per-core. -- Require requesting a GPU if --mem-per-gpu is requested. -- Return error early if a job is requesting --ntasks-per-gpu and no gpus or task count. -- Properly clear out pending step if unavailable to run with available resources. -- Kill all processes spawned by burst_buffer.lua including decendents. -- openapi/v0.0.{35,36,37} - Avoid setting default values of min_cpus, job name, cwd, mail_type, and contiguous on job update. -- openapi/v0.0.{35,36,37} - Clear user hold on job update if hold=false. -- Prevent CRON_JOB flag from being cleared when loading job state. -- sacctmgr - Fix deleting WCKeys when not specifying a cluster. -- Fix getting memory for a step when the first node in the step isn't the first node in the allocation. -- Make SelectTypeParameters=CR_Core_Memory default for cons_tres and cons_res. -- Correctly handle mutex unlocks in the gres code if failures happen. -- Give better error message if -m plane is given with no size. -- Fix --distribution=arbitrary for salloc. -- Fix jobcomp/script regression introduced in 21.08.0rc1 0c75b9ac9d. -- Only send the batch node in the step_hostlist in the job credential. -- When setting affinity for the batch step don't assume the batch host is node 0. -- In task/affinity better checking for node existence when laying out affinity. -- slurmrestd - fix job submission with auth/jwt. -- Fix 'scontrol setdebug' not respecting slurm.conf logging configurations. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.0 ========================== -- Restored --gpu-bind=single:<ntasks> to check core affinity like --gpu-bind=closest does. This removal of this behavior only was in rc2. -- slurmd - Fix assert failure on initialization due to bad node name. -- Fix error codes in cgroup/v1. -- Don't destroy the memory step outside fini, which leads to a double destroy causing an error message. -- Add support for lua 5.4. -- Force cgroup.clone_children to 0 in slurm cgroup directories. This caused issues in task cpuset plugin in systems with it enabled by default. -- Clear GRES HAS_TYPE flag when removing type name. -- Environment flags in gres.conf now override flags set by AutoDetect. -- Environment flags in gres.conf now apply to subsequent gres.conf lines where Environment flags are not set. -- Set missing job_uid and job_gid members when preparing a kill_job_msg_t in abort_job_on_node(), abort_job_on_nodes() and kill_job_on_node(). -- Fix swappiness not being set in cgroups. -- Fix coordinators for new subaccounts. -- Fix coordinators when adding existing users with PrivateData=users. -- slurmctld - do not attempt to relinquish control to self. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - Honor kill_on_invalid_dependency as job parameter. -- Check max_gres when doing step allocation, fix for regression in rc2. -- SPANK plugins are now required to match the current Slurm version, and must be recompiled for each new Slurm release. -- node_features/helpers - add ExecTime configuration option. -- srun - Fix force termination with -X. -- On slurmctld restart set node typed GRES counts correctly. -- Fix places where a step wasn't allocated in the slurmctld but wasn't ever removed from the job. -- Fix step allocation memory when using --threads-per-core. -- Fix step allocations to consume all threads on a core when using threads-per-core. -- Add check to validate cpu request on a step if --threads-per-core is given and it is less than what the core on the node has in the allocation. -- Fix issue where a step could request more gres than the job had and the step would hang forever. This bug was only introduced in 21.08.0rc2. -- Only print \r\n for logging messages on stderr when --pty has been explicitly requested. -- Relax check on SPANK plugins to only require Slurm major + minor versions to match. -- job_container/tmpfs - delegate handling of /dev/shm to the extern step so new step launches will be attached correctly even after the slurmd process has been restarted. -- Limit the wait time in proctrack_g_wait() to UnkillableStepTimeout instead of a hardcoded value of 256 seconds, and limit the delay between tests to a maximum of 32 seconds. -- fatal() on start if using job_container/tmpfs without PrologFlags=Contian. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.0rc2 ============================= -- Load bf_when_last_cycle from job state only if protocol version >= 21.08. -- Docs - remove man3 section entirely. -- Enable OCI container execution support as a technical preview. -- Set step memory when using MemPerGPU or DefMemPerGPU. Previously a step's memory was not set even when it requested --mem-per-gpu and at least one GPU. -- Add cli_filter.lua support in configless mode. -- Remove some of the MAX macro usages with return codes. -- Check that the step requests at least as many gres as nodes. -- sacct - Add --json and --yaml arguments. -- squeue - Add --json and --yaml arguments. -- sinfo - Add --json and --yaml arguments. -- Make job's SLURM_JOB_GPUS print global GPU IDs instead of MIG unique_ids. -- Fix miscounting of GPU envs in prolog/epilog if MultipleFiles was used. -- Support MIGs in prolog/epilog's CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES & co. -- Add SLURM_JOB_GPUS back into Prolog; add it to Epilog. -- Fix issue where the original executable, not the bcast'd version, was executed with 'srun --bcast'. -- Fix memory leaks when cleaning up config_response_msg_t. -- sacct - print '-' header correctly for fields over 53-characters wide. -- openapi/dbv0.0.37 - replace "REST" with "Slurm OpenAPI" for plugin_name. -- openapi/v0.0.37 - replace "REST" with "Slurm OpenAPI" for plugin_name. -- configless - fix segfault on 'scontrol reconfigure'. -- Fix bad reference to step_ptr->job_ptr after step_ptr is freed. -- Fix bad reference to config_for_clients when shutting down slurmctld. -- Fix memory leak on gres_list_alloc when freeing steps. -- Fix memory leak on kill_job_msg_t->work_dir when freeing struct. -- Fix memory leak on slurmdb_step_rec_t->submit_line when freeing struct. -- Fix memory leak in the slurmdbd when requesting wckeys from all clusters. -- Use FREE_NULL_LIST instead of list_destroy. -- Fix bad pointer reference after bad unpack of jobacctinfo_t. -- If we made are running an interactive session we need to force track_steps. -- Disable OPOST flag when using --pty to avoid issues with Emac. -- Fix issue where extra bonus core was allocated in some situations. -- Avoid putting gres with count of 0 on a TRES req/alloc. -- Fix determining if a reservation is used or not. -- Fix memory in requested TRES when --mem-per-gpu is used. -- Changed ReqMem field in sacct to match memory from ReqTRES. -- Changed --gpu-bind=single:<ntasks> to no longer check core affinity like --gpu-bind=closest does. This consequently affects --ntasks-per-gpu. * Changes in Slurm 21.08.0rc1 ============================= -- slurmrestd - add v0.0.37 OpenAPI plugin. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - rename standard_in -> standard_input. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - rename standard_out -> standard_output. -- slurmdbd - Improve log messages of more time than possible on rollups. -- Changed the --format handling for negative field widths (left justified) to apply to the column headers as well as the printed fields. -- Add LimitFactor to the QOS. A float that is factored into an associations [Grp|Max]TRES limits. For example, if the LimitFactor is 2, then an association with a GrpTRES of 30 CPUs, would be allowed to allocate 60 CPUs when running under this QOS. -- slurmrestd - Pass SLURM_NO_CHANGE_IN_DATA to client as 403 (Not Modified). -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - Add update_time field to Jobs query to allow clients to only get jobs list based on change timestamp. -- Reset job eligible time when job is manually held. -- Add DEBUG_FLAG_JAG to improve logging related to job account gathering. -- Convert logging in account_gather/common to DEBUG_FLAG_JAG. -- Add more logging for jag_common_poll_data() when prec_extra() called. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - add API to fetch reservation(s) info. -- Catch more errors in task/cgroup initalization and cleanup to avoid allowing jobs to start when cgroups failure to configure correctly. -- Fix cgroup ns detection when using containers (e.g. LXC or Docker). -- Reset job's next_step_id counter to 0 after being requeued. -- Make scontrol exit with non-zero status after failing to delete a partition or reservation. -- Make NtasksPerTRES optional in slurm_sprint_job_info(). -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - Add update_time field to nodes query to allow clients to only get nodes list based on change timestamp. -- common/parse_config - catch and propagate return codes when handling a match on a key-value pattern. This implies error codes detected in the handlers are now not ignored and users of _handle_keyvalue_match() can fatal(). -- common/hostlist - fix hostlist_delete_nth() xassert() upper bound check. -- API change: Removed slurm_kill_job_msg and modified the function signature for slurm_kill_job2. slurm_kill_job2 should be used instead of slurm_kill_job_msg. -- Fix non-zero exit code for scontrol ping when all controllers are down. -- Enforce a valid configuration for AccountingStorageEnforce in slurm.conf. If the configuration is invalid, then an error message will be printed and the command or daemon (including slurmctld) will not run. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - Add update_time field to partitions/reservations query to allow clients to only get the entities list when something changed. -- slurmdbd.service - add "After" relationship to all common names for MariaDB to reduce startup delays. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - Correct displaying node states that are UNKNOWN. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.37 - Add flags to node states. -- Fix first job on fresh cluster not being assigned JobId=1 (or FirstJobId). -- squeue - make it so --nodelist is sensitive to --clusters. -- squeue - do --nodelist node validation in the same order as listing. -- Removed AccountingStoreJobComment option. Please update your config to use AccountingStoreFlags=job_comment instead. -- AccountingStoreFlags=job_script allows you to store the job's batch script. -- AccountingStoreFlags=job_env allows you to store the job's env vars. -- Add sacct -o SubmitLine to get the submit line of a job/step. -- Removed DefaultStorage{Host,Loc,Pass,Port,Type,User} options. -- Fix NtasksPerTRES delimiter from : to = in scontrol show job output. -- Removed CacheGroups, CheckpointType, JobCheckpointDir, MemLimitEnforce, SchedulerPort, SchedulerRootFilter options. -- Make job accounting queries use consistent timeframes with and w/o jobs. -- --cpus-per-task and --threads-per-core now imply --exact. This fixes issues where steps would be allocated the wrong number of CPUs. -- configure: the --with option handling has been made consistent across the various optional libraries. Specifying --with-foo=/path/to/foo will only check that directory for the applicable library (rather than, in some cases, falling back to the default directories), and will always error the build if the library is not found (instead of a mix of error messages and non- fatal warning messages). -- configure: replace --with-rmsi_dir option with proper handling for --with-rsmi=dir. -- Pass additional job environment variables to MailProg. -- Add SLURM_JOB_WORK_DIR to Prolog, Epilog. -- Removed sched/hold plugin. -- Fix srun overwriting SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR and SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST when within an existing allocation. -- step_ctx code has been removed from the api. -- cli_filter/lua, jobcomp/lua, job_submit/lua now load their scripts from the same directory as the slurm.conf file (and thus now will respect changes to the SLURM_CONF environment variable). -- SPANK - call slurm_spank_init if defined without slurm_spank_slurmd_exit in slurmd context. -- job_container/tmpfs - Remove need for .active file to allow salloc without an interactive step to work. -- Add new 'PLANNED' state to a node to represent when the backfill scheduler has it planned to be used in the future instead of showing as 'IDLE'. -- slurmd - Delay background node registration on every failure up to 128s on startup. -- slurmctld - Always notify slurmd that node registration was accepted to avoid slurmd needless attempting to re-register if there is configuration issue. -- Put node into "INVAL" state upon registering with an invalid node configuration. Node must register with a valid configuration to continue. -- Make --cpu-bind=threads default for --threads-per-core -- cli and env can override. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - Use data_t to serialize data. The plugin now has the JSON-C library as a prerequisite. -- scrontab - create the temporary file under the TMPDIR environment variable (if set), otherwise continue to use TmpFS as configured in slurm.conf. -- Add LastBusyTime to "scontrol show nodes" and slurmrestd nodes output, which represents the time the node last had jobs on it. -- slurmd - allow multiple comma-separated controllers to be specified in configless mode with --conf-server -- sacctmgr - changed column headings to "ParentID" and "ParentName" instead of "Par ID" and "Par Name" respectively. -- Perl API - make sure man pages are installed under the --prefix given to configure. -- Manually powering down of nodes with scontrol now ignores SuspendExc<Nodes|Parts>. -- SALLOC_THREADS_PER_CORE and SBATCH_THREADS_PER_CORE have been added as input environment variables for salloc and sbatch, respectively. They do the same thing as --threads-per-core. -- Distinguish queued reboot requests (REBOOT) from issued reboots (REBOOT^). -- Set the maximum number of open files per process to 4096 to avoid performance issues when closing the entire range with closeall(). -- auth/jwt - add support for RS256 tokens. -- Relax reservation purge due to any invalid uid after creation time. -- Reject srun that requests both --exclusive and --overlap. -- service files - change dependency to network-online rather than just network to ensure DNS and other services are available. -- RSMI: Fix incorrect PCI BDF bits. -- plugins/cli_filter - Convert to using data_t to serialize JSON. -- Fix testing array job after regaining locks in backfill. -- Don't display node's comment with "scontrol show nodes" unless set. -- Add "Extra" field to node to store extra information other than a comment. -- scrontab - Use /tmp instead of TmpFS if TMPDIR is not set. -- Add ResumeTimeout, SuspendTimeout and SuspendTime to Partitions. -- sreport - change to sorting TopUsage by the --tres option. -- slurmrestd - do not run allow operation as SlurmUser/root by default. -- Allow map_cpu and mask_cpu for non-whole node allocation. -- TaskPluginParam=verbose is now treated as a default. Previously it would be applied regardless of the job specifying a --cpu-bind. -- Add "node_reg_mem_percent" SlurmctldParameter to define percentage of memory nodes are allowed to register with. -- Show correct number of SocketsPerBoard in slurmd -C with hwloc2. -- Alter sreport's cluster utilization report column name from 'Reserved' to 'Planned' to match the nomenclature of the 'Planned' node. -- Add StateComplete format option to sinfo to show base_state+flags. -- "scontrol show node" now shows State as base_state+flags instead of shortened state with flags appended. eg. IDLE# -> IDLE+POWERING_UP. Also "POWER" state flag string is "POWERED_DOWN". -- slurmd/req - add missing job_env_t's het_job_id initialization off the request in _rpc_{abort,terminate}_job(). This caused problems for Native Cray builds when joining a CNCU job_container plugin with Epilog configured. -- Fix joining a CNCU job_container on a Native Cray build before executing the UnkillableStepProgram for a HetJob step. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.35 - Plugin has been tagged as deprecated. -- srun - Job steps requiring more cores than available to be rejected unless '--overlap' is specificed. -- Add bf_node_space_size to SchedulerParameters. -- Add scontrol update node state=POWER_DOWN_FORCE and POWER_DOWN_ASAP as new ways to power off and reset especially CLOUD nodes. -- Define and separate node power state transitions. Previously a powering down node was in both states, POWERING_OFF and POWERED_OFF. These are now separated. -- Create a new process called slurmscriptd which runs PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld. This avoids fork() calls from slurmctld, and can avoid performance issues if the slurmctld has a large memory footprint. -- Added new Script option to DebugFlags for debugging slurmscriptd. -- scrontab - add ability to update crontab from a file or standard input. -- scrontab - add ability to set and expand variables. -- Pass JSON of job to node mappings to ResumeProgram. -- If running steps in an allocation with CR_PACK_NODE or -mpack the srun will only attempt to allocate as much as needed from the allocation instead of always trying to allocate every node in the allocation. -- Jobs that request the whole node now check to see if any gres are allocated. -- Rename SbcastParameters to BcastParameters. -- Make srun sensitive to BcastParameters. -- RSMI: Add gres_links_create_empty() and preserve RSMI enumeration order. -- GPUs: Use index instead of dev_num for CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES -- Don't run epilog on nodes if job never launched. -- QOS accrue limits only apply to the job QOS, not partition QOS. -- Add --gpu-bind=per_task:<gpus_per_task> option, --gpus-per-task will now set this option by default. -- Treat any return code from SPANK plugin that is not SLURM_SUCCESS to be an error or rejection. -- Print the statistics for extern step adopted processes in sstat. -- Fix SLURM_NODE_ALIASES to work for ipv6 node addrs. -- Add support for automatically detecting and broadcasting executable shared object dependencies for sbcast and srun --bcast. -- Delay steps when memory already used instead of rejecting step request. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.10 =========================== -- Fix cross-endian communication. -- Fix slurmd segfault when seeing authentication issues alongside a failed message forward. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.9 ========================== -- burst_buffer - add missing common directory to the Makefile SUBDIRS. -- sacct - fix truncation when printing jobidraw field. -- GRES - Fix loading state of jobs using --gpus to request gpus. -- Fix minor logic error in health check node state output -- Fix GCC 11.1 compiler warnings. -- Delay steps when memory already used instead of rejecting step request. -- Fix memory leak in the slurmdbd when requesting wckeys from all clusters. -- Fix determining if a reservation is used or not. -- openapi/v0.0.35 - Honor kill_on_invalid_dependency as job parameter. -- openapi/v0.0.36 - Honor kill_on_invalid_dependency as job parameter. -- Fix various issues dealing with updates on magnetic reservations that could lead to abort slurmctld. -- openapi/v0.0.36 - Avoid setting default values of min_cpus, job name, cwd, mail_type, and contiguous on job update. -- openapi/v0.0.36 - Clear user hold on job update if hold=false. -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to a bit_test() call with a MAINT+ANY_NODES reservation NULL node_bitmap. -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to a bit_copy() call with a REPLACE+ANY_NODES reservation NULL node_bitmap. -- Fix error in GPU frequency validation logic. -- Fix error in pmix logic dealing with the incorrect size of buffer. -- PMIx v1.1.4 and below are no longer supported. -- Fix shutdown of slurmdbd plugin to correctly notice when the agent thread finishes. -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to job array --batch features double free. -- CVE-2022-29500 - Prevent credential abuse. -- CVE-2022-29501 - Prevent abuse of REQUEST_FORWARD_DATA. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.8 ========================== -- slurmctld - fix erroneous "StepId=CORRUPT" messages in error logs. -- Correct the error given when auth plugin fails to pack a credential. -- Fix unused-variable compiler warning on FreeBSD in fd_resolve_path(). -- acct_gather_filesystem/lustre - only emit collection error once per step. -- srun - leave SLURM_DIST_UNKNOWN as default for --interactive. -- Add GRES environment variables (e.g., CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES) into the interactive step, the same as is done for the batch step. -- Fix various potential deadlocks when altering objects in the database dealing with every cluster in the database. -- slurmrestd - handle slurmdbd connection failures without segfaulting. -- slurmrestd - fix segfault for searches in slurmdb/v0.0.36/jobs. -- slurmrestd - remove (non-functioning) users query parameter for slurmdb/v0.0.36/jobs from openapi.json -- slurmrestd - fix segfault in slurmrestd db/jobs with numeric queries -- slurmrestd - add argv handling for job/submit endpoint. -- srun - fix broken node step allocation in a heterogeneous allocation. -- Fail step creation if -n is not multiple of --ntasks-per-gpu. -- job_container/tmpfs - Fix slowdown on teardown. -- Fix problem with SlurmctldProlog where requeued jobs would never launch. -- job_container/tmpfs - Fix issue when restarting slurmd where the namespace mount points could disappear. -- sacct - avoid truncating JobId at 34 characters. -- scancel - fix segfault when --wckey filtering option is used. -- select/cons_tres - Fix memory leak. -- Prevent file descriptor leak in job_container/tmpfs on slurmd restart. -- slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Fix values dumped in job state/current and job step state. -- slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Correct description for previous state property. -- perlapi/libslurmdb - expose tres_req_str to job hash. -- scrontab - close and reopen temporary crontab file to deal with editors that do not change the original file, but instead write out then rename a new file. -- sstat - fix linking so that it will work when --without-shared-libslurm was used to build Slurm. -- Clear allocated cpus for running steps in a job before handling requested nodes on new step. -- Don't reject a step if not enough nodes are available. Instead, defer the step until enough nodes are available to satisfy the request. -- Don't reject a step if it requests at least one specific node that is already allocated to another step. Instead, defer the step until the requested node(s) become available. -- slurmrestd - add description for slurmdb/job endpoint. -- Better handling of --mem=0. -- Ignore DefCpuPerGpu when --cpus-per-task given. -- sacct - fix segfault when printing StepId (or when using --long). * Changes in Slurm 20.11.7 ========================== -- slurmd - handle configless failures gracefully instead of hanging indefinitely. -- select/cons_tres - fix Dragonfly topology not selecting nodes in the same leaf switch when it should as well as requests with --switches option. -- Fix issue where certain step requests wouldn't run if the first node in the job allocation was full and there were idle resources on other nodes in the job allocation. -- Fix deadlock issue with <Prolog|Epilog>Slurmctld. -- torque/qstat - fix printf error message in output. -- When adding associations or wckeys avoid checking multiple times a user or cluster name. -- Fix wrong jobacctgather information on a step on multiple nodes due to timeouts sending its the information gathered on its node. -- Fix missing xstrdup which could result in slurmctld segfault on array jobs. -- Fix security issue in PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld by always prepending SPANK_ to all user-set environment variables. CVE-2021-31215. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.6 ========================== -- Fix sacct assert with the --qos option. -- Use pkg-config --atleast-version instead of --modversion for systemd. -- common/fd - fix getsockopt() call in fd_get_socket_error(). -- Properly handle the return from fd_get_socket_error() in _conn_readable(). -- cons_res - Fix issue where running jobs were not taken into consideration when creating a reservation. -- Avoid a deadlock between job_list for_each and assoc QOS_LOCK. -- Fix TRESRunMins usage for partition qos on restart/reconfig. -- Fix printing of number of tasks on a completed job that didn't request tasks. -- Fix updating GrpTRESRunMins when decrementing job time is bigger than it. -- Make it so we handle multithreaded allocations correctly when doing --exclusive or --core-spec allocations. -- Fix incorrect round-up division in _pick_step_cores -- Use appropriate math to adjust cpu counts when --ntasks-per-core=1. -- cons_tres - Fix consideration of power downed nodes. -- cons_tres - Fix DefCpuPerGPU, increase cpus-per-task to match with gpus-per-task * cpus-per-gpu. -- Fix under-cpu memory auto-adjustment when MaxMemPerCPU is set. -- Make it possible to override CR_CORE_DEFAULT_DIST_BLOCK. -- Perl API - fix retrieving/storing of slurm_step_id_t in job_step_info_t. -- Recover state of burst buffers when slurmctld is restarted to avoid skipping burst buffer stages. -- Fix race condition in burst buffer plugin which caused a burst buffer in stage-in to not get state saved if slurmctld stopped. -- auth/jwt - print an error if jwt_file= has not been set in slurmdbd. -- Fix RESV_DEL_HOLD not being a valid state when using squeue --states. -- Add missing squeue selectable states in valid states error message. -- Fix scheduling last array task multiple times on error, causing segfault. -- Fix issue where a step could be allocated more memory than the job when dealing with --mem-per-cpu and --threads-per-core. -- Fix removing qos from assoc with -= can lead to assoc with no qos -- auth/jwt - fix segfault on invalid credential in slurmdbd due to missing validate_slurm_user() function in context. -- Fix single Port= not being applied to range of nodes in slurm.conf -- Fix Jobs not requesting a tres are not starting because of that tres limit. -- acct_gather_energy/rapl - fix AveWatts calculation. -- job_container/tmpfs - Fix issues with cleanup and slurmd restarting on running jobs. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.5 ========================== -- Fix main scheduler bug where bf_hetjob_prio truncates SchedulerParameters. -- Fix sacct not displaying UserCPU, SystemCPU and TotalCPU for large times. -- scrontab - fix to return the correct index for a bad #SCRON option. -- scrontab - fix memory leak when invalid option found in #SCRON line. -- Add errno for when a user requests multiple partitions and they are using partition based associations. -- Fix issue where a job could run in a wrong partition when using EnforcePartLimits=any and partition based associations. -- Remove possible deadlock when adding associations/wckeys in multiple threads. -- When using PrologFlags=alloc make sure the correct Slurm version is set in the credential. -- When sending a job a warning signal make sure we always send SIGCONT beforehand. -- Fix issue where a batch job would continue running if a prolog failed on a node that wasn't the batch host and requeuing was disabled. -- Fix issue where sometimes salloc/srun wouldn't get a message about a prolog failure in the job's stdout. -- Requeue or kill job on a prolog failure when PrologFlags is not set. -- Fix race condition causing node reboots to get requeued before ResumeTimeout expires. -- Preserve node boot_req_time on reconfigure. -- Preserve node power_save_req_time on reconfigure. -- Fix node reboots being queued and issued multiple times and preventing the reboot to time out. -- Fix debug message related to GrpTRESRunMin (AssocGrpCPURunMinutesLimit). -- Fix run_command to exit correctly if track_script kills the calling thread. -- Only requeue a job when the PrologSlurmctld returns nonzero. -- When a job is signaled with SIGKILL make sure we flush all prologs/setup scripts. -- Handle burst buffer scripts if the job is canceled while stage_in is happening. -- When shutting down the slurmctld make note to ignore error message when we have to kill a prolog/setup script we are tracking. -- scrontab - add support for the --open-mode option. -- acct_gather_profile/influxdb - avoid segfault on plugin shutdown if setup has not completed successfully. -- Reduce delay in starting salloc allocations when running with prologs. -- Fix issue passing open fd's with [send|recv]msg. -- Alter AllocNodes check to work if the allocating node's domain doesn't match the slurmctld's. This restores the pre-20.11 behavior. -- Fix slurmctld segfault if jobs from a prior version had the now-removed INVALID_DEPEND state flag set and were allowed to run in 20.11. -- Add job_container/tmpfs plugin to give a method to provide a private /tmp per job. -- Set the correct core affinity when using AutoDetect. -- Start relying on the conf again in xcpuinfo_mac_to_abs(). -- Fix global_last_rollup assignment on job resizing. -- slurmrestd - hand over connection context on _on_message_complete(). -- slurmrestd - mark "environment" as required for job submissions in schema. -- slurmrestd - Disable credential reuse on the same TCP connection. Pipelined HTTP connections will have to provide authentication with every request. -- Avoid data conversion error on NULL strings in data_get_string_converted(). -- Handle situation where slurmctld is too slow processing REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT and it gets resent from the slurmstepd. -- Fix sacct crashing with the --qos option * Changes in Slurm 20.11.4 ========================== -- Fix node selection for advanced reservations with features. -- mpi/pmix: Handle pipe failure better when using ucx. -- mpi/pmix: include PMIX_NODEID for each process entry. -- Fix job getting rejected after being requeued on same node that died. -- job_submit/lua - add "network" field. -- Fix situations when a reoccuring reservation could erroneously skip a period. -- Ensure that a reservations [pro|epi]log are ran on reoccuring reservations. -- Fix threads-per-core memory allocation issue when using CR_CPU_MEMORY. -- Fix scheduling issue with --gpus. -- Fix gpu allocations that request --cpus-per-task. -- mpi/pmix: fixed print messages for all PMIXP_* macros -- Add mapping for XCPU to --signal option. -- Fix regression in 20.11 that prevented a full pass of the main scheduler from ever executing. -- Work around a glibc bug in which "0" is incorrectly printed as "nan" which will result in corrupted association state on restart. -- Fix regression in 20.11 which made slurmd incorrectly attempt to find the parent slurmd address when not applicable and send incorrect reverse-tree info to the slurmstepd. -- Fix cgroup ns detection when using containers (e.g. LXC or Docker). -- scrontab - change temporary file handling to work with emacs. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.3 ========================== -- Fix segfault when parsing bad "#SBATCH hetjob" directive. -- Allow countless gpu:<type> node GRES specifications in slurm.conf. -- PMIx - Don't set UCX_MEM_MMAP_RELOC for older version of UCX (pre 1.5). -- Don't green-light any GPU validation when core conversion fails. -- Allow updates to a reservation in the database that starts in the future. -- Better check/handling of primary key collision in reservation table. -- Improve reported error and logging in _build_node_list(). -- Fix uninitialized variable in _rpc_file_bcast() which could lead to an incorrect error return from sbcast / srun --bcast. -- mpi/cray_shasta - fix use-after-free on error in _multi_prog_parse(). -- Cray - Handle setting correct prefix for cpuset cgroup with respects to expected_usage_in_bytes. This fixes Cray's OOM killer. -- mpi/pmix: Fix PMIx_Abort support. -- Don't reject jobs allocating more cores than tasks with MaxMemPerCPU. -- Fix false error message complaining about oversubscribe in cons_tres. -- scrontab - fix parsing of empty lines. -- Fix regression causing spank_process_option errors to be ignored. -- Avoid making multiple interactive steps. -- Fix corner case issues where step creation should fail. -- Fix job rejection when --gres is less than --gpus. -- Fix regression causing spank prolog/epilog not to be called unless the spank plugin was loaded in slurmd context. -- Fix regression preventing SLURM_HINT=nomultithread from being used to set defaults for salloc->srun, sbatch->srun sequence. -- Reject job credential if non-superuser sets the LAUNCH_NO_ALLOC flag. -- Make it so srun --no-allocate works again. -- jobacct_gather/linux - Don't count memory on tasks that have already finished. -- Fix 19.05/20.02 batch steps talking with a 20.11 slurmctld. -- jobacct_gather/common - Do not process jobacct's with same taskid when calling prec_extra. -- Cleanup all tracked jobacct tasks when extern step child process finishes. -- slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Correct structure of dbv0.0.36_tres_list. -- Fix regression causing task/affinity and task/cgroup to be out of sync when configured ThreadsPerCore is different than the physical threads per core. -- Fix situation when --gpus is given but not max nodes (-N1-1) in a job allocation. -- Interactive step - ignore cpu bind and mem bind options, and do not set the associated environment variables which lead to unexpected behavior from srun commands launched within the interactive step. -- Handle exit code from pipe when using UCX with PMIx. -- Partially revert changes made in 20.11.0 to srun step behavior. This change required steps to explicitly request resources, otherwise the minimal set of resources required would be assigned. This broke OpenMPI's 'mpiexec' alongside other use cases. This reverts the behavior such that all resources on a node are assigned to the job step by default. -- srun - add a new --exact option, and deprecate the --whole option (which has been restored as the default behavior). * Changes in Slurm 20.11.2 ========================== -- Fix older versions of sacct not working with 20.11. -- Fix slurmctld crash when using a pre-20.11 srun in a job allocation. -- Correct logic problem in _validate_user_access. -- Fix libpmi to initialize Slurm configuration correctly. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.1 ========================== -- Fix spelling of "overcomited" to "overcomitted" in sreport's cluster utilization report. -- Silence debug message about shutting down backup controllers if none are configured. -- Don't create interactive srun until PrologSlurmctld is done. -- Fix fd symlink path resolution. -- Fix slurmctld segfault on subnode reservation restore after node configuration change. -- Fix resource allocation response message environment allocation size. -- Ensure that details->env_sup is NULL terminated. -- select/cray_aries - Correctly remove jobs/steps from blades using NPC. -- cons_tres - Avoid max_node_gres when entire node is allocated with --ntasks-per-gpu. -- Allow NULL arg to data_get_type(). -- In sreport have usage for a reservation contain all jobs that ran in the reservation instead of just the ones that ran in the time specified. This matches the report for the reservation is not truncated for a time period. -- Fix issue with sending wrong batch step id to a < 20.11 slurmd. -- Add a job's alloc_node to lua for job modification and completion. -- Fix regression getting a slurmdbd connection through the perl API. -- Stop the extern step terminate monitor right after proctrack_g_wait(). -- Fix removing the normalized priority of assocs. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Use correct name for partition field: "min nodes per job" -> "min_nodes_per_job". -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Add node comment field. -- Fix regression marking cloud nodes as "unexpectedly rebooted" after multiple boots. -- Fix slurmctld segfault in _slurm_rpc_job_step_create(). -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Filter node states against NODE_STATE_BASE to avoid the extended states all being reported as "invalid". -- Fix race that can prevent the prolog for a requeued job from running. -- cli_filter - add "type" to readily distinguish between the CLI command in use. -- smail - reduce sleep before seff to 5 seconds. -- Ensure SPANK prolog and epilog run without an explicit PlugStackConfig. -- Disable MySQL automatic reconnection. -- Fix allowing "b" after memory unit suffixes. -- Fix slurmctld segfault with reservations without licenses. -- Due to internal restructuring ahead of the 20.11 release, applications calling libslurm MUST call slurm_init(NULL) before any API calls. Otherwise the API call is likely to fail due to libslurm's internal configuration not being available. -- slurm.spec - allow custom paths for PMIx and UCX install locations. -- Use rpath if enabled when testing for Mellanox's UCX libraries. -- slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Change user query for associations to optional. -- slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Change account query for associations to optional. -- mpi/pmix - change the error handler error message to be more useful. -- Add missing connection in acct_storage_p_{clear_stats, reconfig, shutdown}. -- Perl API - fix issue when running in configless mode. -- nss_slurm - avoid deadlock when stray sockets are found. -- Display correct value for ScronParameters in 'scontrol show config'. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.0 ========================== -- x11 forwarding: fix race on setup that prevented X11 forwarding from working within the new Interactive Step. -- Fix various Coverity issues. -- cons_tres - Fix DefCpuPerGPU -- Make it so you can have a job with multiple partitions and multiple reservations. -- Fix primary controller assert when shutting down backup controllers. -- Enforce invalid argument combinations with --ntasks-per-gpu -- slurmrestd/auth_local - Verify username on slurm_rest_auth_p_apply() -- Fix requeue of job on node failure. -- Prevent a job from requesting too much memory if it requests MEM_PER_CPUS and --threads-per-core < the number of threads on a core. -- slurmrestd - Avoid sending close header after body in _operations_router_reject(). -- slurmrestd - Set new job environment for SLURM_JOB_NAME, SLURM_OPEN_MODE, SLURM_JOB_DEPENDENCY, SLURM_PROFILE, SLURM_ACCTG_FREQ, SLURM_NETWORK and SLURM_CPU_FREQ_REQ to match sbatch. -- slurmrestd - Avoid defaulting open_mode to append for job submission. -- Fix "scontrol takeover [backup]" hangs when specifying a backup > 1. -- salloc now waits for PrologSlurmctld to finish before entering the shell. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.0rc2 ============================== -- MySQL - Remove potential race condition when sending updates to a cluster and commit_delay used. -- Fixed regression in rc1 where sinfo et al would not show a node in a resv state. -- select/linear will now allocate up to nodes RealMemory when configured with SelectTypeParameters=CR_Memory and --mem=0 specified. Previous behavior was no memory accouted and no memory limits implied to job. -- Remove unneeded lock check from running the slurmctld prolog for a job. -- Fix duplicate key error on clean starts after slurmctld is killed. -- Avoid double free of step_record_t in the slurmctld when node is removed from config. -- Zero out step_record_t's magic when freed. -- Fix sacctmgr clearing QosLevel when trailing comma is used. -- slurmrestd - fix a fatal() error when connecting over IPv6. -- slurmrestd - add API to interface with slurmdbd. -- mpi/cray_shasta - fix PMI port parsing for non-contiguous port ranges. -- squeue and sinfo -O no longer repeat the last suffix specified. -- cons_tres - fix regression regarding gpus with --cpus-per-task. -- Avoid non-async-signal-safe functions calls in X11 fowarding which can lead to the extern step terminating unexpectedly. -- Don't send job completion email for revoked federation jobs. -- Fix device or resource busy errors on cgroup cleanup on older kernels. -- Avoid binding to IPv6 wildcard address in slurmd if IPv6 is not explicitly enabled. -- Make ntasks_per_gres work with cpus_per_task. -- Various alterations in reference to ntasks_per_tres. -- slurmrestd - multiple changes to make Slurm's OpenAPI spec compatible with -- nss_slurm - avoid loading slurm.conf to avoid issues on configless systems, or systems with config files loaded on shared storage. -- scrontab - add cli_filter hooks. -- job_submit/lua - expose a "cron_job" flag to identify jobs submitted through scrontab. -- PMIx - fix potential buffer overflows from use of unpackmem(). CVE-2020-27745. -- X11 forwarding - fix potential leak of the magic cookie when sent as an argument to the xauth command. CVE-2020-27746. * Changes in Slurm 20.11.0rc1 ============================== -- Fix corner case issue with interrupted resource allocation requests. -- Pack all gres information in the slurmd to send to the stepd to help reduce calls in the stepd to read gres.conf. -- The example systemd unit files have been changed to the "simple" type of operation, and the daemon will now run in the foreground within systemd instead of daemonizing itself. -- Add --gpu-bind=mask_gpu reusability functionality if tasks > elements. -- Add separate unversion library to use with -- Configurations including CR_Socket and AllowSpecResourcesUsage=NO will now fatal if there are no allocatable sockets due to core specialization. -- Make sacct get UID from database instead of from the username and a system call. Add --use-local-uid option to sacct to use old behavior. -- Limit number of jobs updated by as_mysql_flush_jobs_on_cluster() to avoid boot loop failures in slurmdbd. -- Add Autodetect option to NodeName line in gres.conf to override the global Autodetect option. -- Add NetworkRaw debugflag. -- Make REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG handler fail if PrologFlags includes Contain and the credential has already expired when setting the memory limits. -- Reject jobs that request more nodes than provided in job credential if PrologFlags includes Contain. -- Slurmdbd is now set to fatal if slurmdbd.conf file isn't owned by SlurmUser or it's mode is not set to 0600. -- libsrun/opt - use slurm_option_reset() when ignoring ntasks_per_node. -- Removed "regression" script from testsuite. Please use -- Avoid communication issues if TreeWidth greatly exceeds the node count for a job. -- accounting_storage/filetxt has been removed as an option. -- Update and validate reservations after loading from state save. -- Update and validate reservations after setting node to down, drain or updating node state. -- Change reservation selection order to attempt to reserve unreserved nodes first, followed by reserved nodes under OVERLAP|MAINT reservations, and finally all nodes in the partition for MAINT reservations. -- Add [Accounting]StorageParameters slurm[dbd].conf parameter. -- Improve detection and logging of incompatible options involving the REPLACE[_DOWN] flags when creating/updating reservations. -- Export SLURMD_NODENAME envvar to HealthCheckProgram. -- SlurmctldParameters=user_resv_delete which allows any user able to run in a reservation to delete it. -- Set default unit when parsing #BSUB -M to KB to match LSF documentation. -- slurmrestd - fatal() when accept() returns an unexpected result. -- slurmrestd - Parse multiple OpenAPI specifications for path resolution. -- slurmrestd - Add v0.0.36 OpenAPI plugin. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Add error schema. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - return array of nodes instead of dictionary. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - return array of partitions instead of dictionary -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - return -1 (integer) instead of INFINITE (as a string) -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - return array of pings instead of dictionary -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Simplify possible signals for canceling jobs. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Simplify exclusive for jobs submissions. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Simplify nodes for jobs submissions. -- slurmrestd/v0.0.36 - Use "/slurm/v0.0.36/" as server instead of "/" to simply naming for clients. -- Add 'scontrol update res=name skip' to skip the current/next reoccurring reservation. -- Add ability for reservations to be accessed by Linux Groups. -- Let users submit to multiple reservations as they can partitions. -- Report a wider range of error codes for sbcast when opening a file. -- Rename acct_gather_energy/cray_aries to acct_gather_energy/pm_counters. -- Removed gres_alloc and gres_req from job_record_t.Tres should be used instead. -- The JobCompLoc URL endpoint when the JobCompType=jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin is enabled is now fully configurable and the plugin no longer appends a hardcoded "/slurm/jobcomp" index and type suffix to it. -- Add check to the reservation create/update logic to prevent an inconsistent state without nodes and with no ANY_NODES flag with either Licenses, BurstBuffer and/or Watts. -- slurmrestd - allow the host to be optional when specifying the address to listen on. -- slurmrestd - Log numerical service name when referencing host port pairs. -- slurmrestd - Log host port information in RFC3986 format. -- sview - Remove (long-broken) batch job submission option. -- Dynamic Future Nodes - slurmds started with -F[<feature>] will be associated with a nodename in Slurm that matches the same hardware configuration. -- SlurmctldParameters=cloud_reg_addrsa - Cloud nodes automatically get NodeAddr and NodeHostname set from slurmd registration. -- SlurmctldParameters=power_save[_min]_interval - Configure how often the power save module looks to do work. -- Add CLOUD state to sinfo --state filter list. -- Add ability for sinfo state filtering to require all listed states. -- Add the "Reserved" license count to 'scontrol show licenses'. -- Don't display MailUser/MailType in scontrol show jobs if mail won't be sent. -- Throw an error and ignore CpuSpecList if it cannot be translated to bitmap of number of CPUs size. -- Validate at submission that --hint is mutully exclusive with --cpu-bind, --ntasks-per-core, --threads-per-core or -B. -- Make --exclusive the default with srun as a step adding --overlap to reverse behavior. -- Add --whole option to srun to allocate all resources on a node in an allocation. -- Allow --threads-per-core to influence task layout/binding. -- Remove support for "default_gbytes" option from SchedulerParameters. -- gres.conf - Add new MultipleFiles configuration entry to allow a single GRES to manage multiple device files simultaneously. -- Fix scontrol write config to output OverSubscribe intead of Shared. -- job_submit/lua - print/access oversubscribe variable with "oversubscribe". -- Remove SallocDefaultCommand option. -- Add support for an "Interactive Step", designed to be used with salloc to launch a terminal on an allocated compute node automatically. -- Add time specification: "now-<x>" (i.e. subtract from the present) -- Add IPv6 support. Must be explicitly enabled with EnableIPv6 in CommunicationParameters. -- Add LaunchParameters=mpir_use_nodeaddr configuration option. -- Allow use of a target directory with "srun --bcast", and change the default filename to include the node name as well. -- Set -fno-omit-frame-pointer compiler flag. -- Add --mail-type=INVALID_DEPEND option to salloc, sbatch, and srun. -- Fix passing names with commas to the slurmdbd. -- squeue - put sorted start times of "N/A" or 0 at the end of the list. -- Add correspond_after_task_cnt to SchedulerParameters -- Fix node's not being considered unresponsive/down for ResumeTimeout after reboot or power_up. -- Change "scontrol reboot ASAP" to use next_state=resume logic. -- Exclude HetJobs from GANG scheduling operations. -- Add scrontab as a new command. -- Enable -lnodes=#:gpus=# in #PBS/qsub -l nodes syntax. -- Add admin-settable "Comment" field to each Node. -- Fix show runaway and/on hidden partitions for >= Operator. -- Add --ntasks-per-gpu option. -- Add --gpu-bind=single option. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.8 ========================== * Changes in Slurm 20.02.7 ========================== -- cons_tres - Fix DefCpuPerGPU -- select/cray_aries - Correctly remove jobs/steps from blades using NPC. -- Fix false positive oom-kill events on extern step termination when jobacct_gather/cgroup configured. -- Ensure SPANK prolog and epilog run without an explicit PlugStackConfig. -- Fix missing xstrdup which could result in slurmctld segfault on array jobs. -- Fix security issue in PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld by always prepending SPANK_ to all user-set environment variables. CVE-2021-31215. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.6 ========================== -- Fix sbcast --fanout option. -- Tighten up keyword matching for --dependency. -- Fix "squeue -S P" not sorting by partition name. -- Fix segfault in slurmctld if group resolution fails during job credential creation. -- sacctmgr - Honor PreserveCaseUser when creating users with load command. -- Avoid attempting to schedule jobs on magnetic reservations when they aren't allowed. -- Always make sure we clear the magnetic flag from a job. -- In backfill avoid NULL pointer dereference. -- Fix Segfault at end of slurmctld if you have a magnetic reservation and you shutdown the slurmctld. -- Silence security warning when a Slurm is trying a job for a magnetic reservation. -- Have sacct exit correctly when a user/group id isn't valid. -- Remove extra \n from invalid user/group id error message. -- Detect when extern steps trigger OOM events and mark extern step correctly. -- pam_slurm_adopt - permit root access to the node before reading the config file, which will give root a chance to fix the config if missing or broken. -- Reset DefMemPerCPU, MaxMemPerCPU, and TaskPluginParam (among other minor flags) on reconfigure. -- Fix incorrect memory handling of mail_user when updating mail_type=none. -- Handle mail_user and mail_type independently. -- Fix thread-safety issue with assoc_mgr_get_admin_level(). -- Ignore step features if equal to job features -- Fix slurmstepd segfault caused by incorrect strtok() usage. -- CRAY - Remove unneeded ATP spank plugin from ansible playbook. -- Fix core selection for exclusive step on nodes where CPUs == Cores. -- Fix topology aware scheduling reservations. -- Fix loading cpus_per_task on a job from state file. -- When a partition has no nodes fix estimate of max cpus possible on a job trying to run there. -- In cons_tres fix sorting functions to handle node/topo weight correctly. -- Fix regression in 20.02.5 where you couldn't request contraints with a simple & and a count. -- Limit the number of threads for servicing emails. -- Avoid possible double init race condition in assoc_mgr_lock(). -- Add missing locks in slurm_cred_handle_reissue(). -- Add missing locks in slurm_cred_revoked(). -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to tight reconfigure RPC requests by serializing the RPC handler processing logic. -- Use _exit() instead exit() after fork(). -- Perl API - fix hang reading config in configless environments. -- slurmrestd - request detailed node information to populate GRES fields. -- slurmrestd - request detailed job information to populate GRES fields. -- Fix job license update bug on array tasks or hetjob components. -- Fix job partition update bug on array tasks or hetjob components. -- Fix slurmctld segfault on _pick_best_nodes() when processing a job request with XOR'd constraints and no nodeset has the feature. -- Fix job requests rejected with incorrect NODE_CONFIG_UNAVAIL when nodes are actually only busy due to an overlapping MAINT reservation. -- Fix sacctmgr allowing the deletion of a user's default account. -- Fix srun and other Slurm commands running within a "configless" salloc terminal. -- MySQL - Correctly handle QOS deletion from assocation tables. -- Fix update of First_Cores flag in a reservation. -- Fix parsing of update reservation flags. -- Fix --switches for cons_tres. -- Retry connection on ETIMEDOUT in slurm_send_addr_recv_msgs. -- Fix wait for RPC_PROLOG_LAUNCH notification 2*MessageTimeout. -- Have slurm_send_addr_recv_msgs conn_timeout to match rpc_wait in slurmd. -- pam_slurm_adopt - operate correctly even if ConstrainRAMSpace is not enabled on the node by falling back to the cpuset, devices, or freezer subsystem instead. -- slurmrestd - use memmove() instead of memcpy() in string manipulation to avoid bugs related to overlapping memory regions. -- slurmrestd - avoid xassert() failure on duplicated headers in request. -- Remove stale 'ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance' message from pending jobs after a maintenance reservation ended. -- MySQL - Stop steps from printing when outside time range. -- Fixed kmem limit calculation to use MaxKmemPercent correctly. -- Fix initialization of cpuset.mems/cpus on uid cgroup subdir. -- MySQL - Remove potential race condition when sending updates to a cluster and commit_delay used. -- Avoid double free of step_record_t in the slurmctld when node is removed from config. -- cons_tres - fix regression regarding gpus with --cpus-per-task. -- Don't send job completion email for revoked federation jobs. -- PMIx - fix potential buffer overflows from use of unpackmem(). CVE-2020-27745. -- X11 forwarding - fix potential leak of the magic cookie when sent as an argument to the xauth command. CVE-2020-27746. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.5 ========================== -- Fix leak of TRESRunMins when job time is changed with --time-min -- pam_slurm - explicitly initialize slurm config to support configless mode. -- scontrol - Fix exit code when creating/updating reservations with wrong Flags. -- When a GRES has a no_consume flag, report 0 for allocated. -- Fix cgroup cleanup by jobacct_gather/cgroup. -- When creating reservations/jobs don't allow counts on a feature unless using an XOR. -- Improve number of boards discovery -- Fix updating a reservation NodeCnt on a zero-count reservation. -- slurmrestd - provide an explicit error messages when PSK auth fails. -- cons_tres - fix job requesting single gres per-node getting two or more nodes with less CPUs than requested per-task. -- cons_tres - fix calculation of cores when using gres and cpus-per-task. -- cons_tres - fix job not getting access to socket without GPU or with less than --gpus-per-socket when not enough cpus available on required socket and not using --gres-flags=enforce binding. -- Fix HDF5 type version build error. -- Fix creation of CoreCnt only reservations when the first node isn't available. -- Fix wrong DBD Agent queue size in sdiag when using accounting_storage/none. -- Improve job constraints XOR option logic. -- Fix preemption of hetjobs when needed nodes not in leader component. -- Fix wrong bit_or() messing potential preemptor jobs node bitmap, causing bad node deallocations and even allocation of nodes from other partitions. -- Fix double-deallocation of preempted non-leader hetjob components. -- slurmdbd - prevent truncation of the step nodelists over 4095. -- Fix nodes remaining in drain state state after rebooting with ASAP option. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.4 ========================== -- srun - suppress job step creation warning message when waiting on PrologSlurmctld. -- slurmrestd - fix incorrect return values in data_list_for_each() functions. -- mpi/pmix - fix issue where HetJobs could fail to launch. -- slurmrestd - set content-type header in responses. -- Fix cons_res GRES overallocation for --gres-flags=disable-binding. -- Fix cons_res incorrectly filtering cores with respect to GRES locality for --gres-flags=disable-binding requests. -- Fix regression where a dependency on multiple jobs in a single array using underscores would only add the first job. -- slurmrestd - fix corrupted output due to incorrect use of memcpy(). -- slurmrestd - address a number of minor Coverity warnings. -- Handle retry failure when slurmstepd is communicating with srun correctly. -- Fix jobacct_gather possibly duplicate stats when _is_a_lwp error shows up. -- Fix tasks binding to GRES which are closest to the allocated CPUs. -- Fix AMD GPU ROCM 3.5 support. -- Fix handling of job arrays in sacct when querying specific steps. -- slurmrestd - avoid fallback to local socket authentication if JWT authentication is ill-formed. -- slurmrestd - restrict ability of requests to use different authentication plugins. -- slurmrestd - unlink named unix sockets before closing. -- slurmrestd - fix invalid formatting in openapi.json. -- Fix batch jobs stuck in CF state on FrontEnd mode. -- Add a separate explicit error message when rejecting changes to active node features. -- cons_common/job_test - fix slurmctld SIGABRT due to double-free. -- Fix updating reservations to set the duration correctly if updating the start time. -- Fix update reservation to promiscuous mode. -- Fix override of job tasks count to max when ntasks-per-node present. -- Fix min CPUs per node not being at least CPUs per task requested. -- Fix CPUs allocated to match CPUs requested when requesting GRES and threads per core equal to one. -- Fix NodeName config parsing with Boards and without CPUs. -- Ensure SLURM_JOB_USER and SLURM_JOB_UID are set in SrunProlog/Epilog. -- Fix error messages for certain invalid salloc/sbatch/srun options. -- pmi2 - clean up sockets at step termination. -- Fix 'scontrol hold' to work with 'JobName'. -- sbatch - handle --uid/--gid in #SBATCH directives properly. -- Fix race condition in job termination on slurmd. -- Print specific error messages if trying to run use certain priority/multifactor factors that cannot work without SlurmDBD. -- Avoid partial GRES allocation when --gpus-per-job is not satisfied. -- Cray - Avoid referencing a variable outside of it's correct scope when dealing with creating steps within a het job. -- slurmrestd - correctly handle larger addresses from accept(). -- Avoid freeing wrong pointer with SlurmctldParameters=max_dbd_msg_action with another option after that. -- Restore MCS label when suspended job is resumed. -- Fix insufficient lock levels. -- slurmrestd - use errno from job submission. -- Fix "user" filter for sacctmgr show transactions. -- Fix preemption logic. -- Fix no_consume GRES for exclusive (whole node) requests. -- Fix regression in 20.02 that caused an infinite loop in slurmctld when requesting --distribution=plane for the job. -- Fix parsing of the --distribution option. -- Add CONF READ_LOCK to _handle_fed_send_job_sync. -- prep/script - always call slurmctld PrEp callback in _run_script(). -- Fix node estimation for jobs that use GPUs or --cpus-per-task. -- Fix jobcomp, job_submit and cli_filter Lua implementation plugins causing slurmctld and/or job submission CLI tools segfaults due to bad return handling when the respective Lua script failed to load. -- Fix propagation of gpu options through hetjob components. -- Add SLURM_CLUSTERS environment variable to scancel. -- Fix packing/unpacking of "unlinked" jobs. -- Connect slurmstepd's stderr to srun for steps launched with --pty. -- Handle MPS correctly when doing exclusive allocations. -- slurmrestd - fix compiling against libhttpparser in a non-default path. -- slurmrestd - avoid compilation issues with libhttpparser < 2.6. -- Fix compile issues when compiling slurmrestd without --enable-debug. -- Reset idle time on a reservation that is getting purged. -- Fix reoccurring reservations that have Purge_comp= to keep correct duration if they are purged. -- scontrol - changed the "PROMISCUOUS" flag to "MAGNETIC" -- Early return from epilog_set_env in case of no_consume. -- Fix cons_common/job_test start time discovery logic to prevent skewed results between "will run test" executions. -- Ensure TRESRunMins limits are maintained during "scontrol reconfigure". -- Improve error message when host lookup fails. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.3 ========================== -- Factor in ntasks-per-core=1 with cons_tres. -- Fix formatting in error message in cons_tres. -- Fix calling stat on a NULL variable. -- Fix minor memory leak when using reservations with flags=first_cores. -- Fix gpu bind issue when CPUs=Cores and ThreadsPerCore > 1 on a node. -- Fix --mem-per-gpu for heterogenous --gres requests. -- Fix slurmctld load order in load_all_part_state(). -- Fix race condition not finding jobacct gather task cgroup entry. -- Suppress error message when selecting nodes on disjoint topologies. -- Improve performance of _pack_default_job_details() with large number of job arguments. -- Fix archive loading previous to 17.11 jobs per-node req_mem. -- Fix regresion validating that --gpus-per-socket requires --sockets-per-node for steps. Should only validate allocation requests. -- error() instead of fatal() when parsing an invalid hostlist. -- nss_slurm - fix potential deadlock in slurmstepd on overloaded systems. -- cons_tres - fix --gres-flags=enforce-binding and related --cpus-per-gres. -- cons_tres - Allocate lowest numbered cores when filtering cores with gres. -- Fix getting system counts for named GRES/TRES. -- MySQL - Fix for handing typed GRES for association rollups. -- Fix step allocations when tasks_per_core > 1. -- Fix allocating more GRES than requested when asking for multiple GRES types. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.2 ========================== -- Fix slurmctld segfault when checking no_consume GRES node allocation counts. -- Fix resetting of cloud_dns on a reconfigure. -- squeue - change output for dependency column to use "(null)" instead of "" for no dependncies as documented in the man page, and used by other columns. -- Clear node_cnt_wag after job update. -- Fix regression where AccountingStoreJobComment was not defaulting to 'yes'. -- Send registration message immediately after a node is resumed. -- Cray - Fix hetjobs when using only a single component in the step launch. -- Cray - Fix hetjobs launched without component 0. -- Cray - Quiet cookies missing message which is expected on for hetjobs. -- Fix handling of -m/--distribution options for across socket/2nd level by task/affinity plugin. -- Fix grp_node_bitmap error when slurmctld started before slurmdbd. -- Fix scheduling issue when there are not enough nodes available to run a job resulting in possible job starvation. -- Make it so mpi/cray_shasta appears in srun --mpi=list -- Don't requeue jobs that have been explicitly canceled. -- Fix error message for a regular user trying to update licenses on a running job. -- Fix backup slurmctld handling for logrotation via SIGUSR2. -- Fix reservation feature specification when looking for inactive features after active features fails. -- Prevent misleading error messages for reservation creation. -- Print message in scontrol when a request fails for not having enough nodes. -- Fix duplicate output in sacct with multiple resv events. -- auth/jwt - return correct gid for a given user. This was incorrectly assuming the users's primary group name matched their username. -- slurmrestd - permit non-SlurmUser/root job submission. -- Use host IP if hostname unknown for job submission for allocating node. -- Fix issue with primary_slurmdbd_resumed_operation trigger not happening on slurmctld restart. -- Fix race in acct_gather_interconnect/ofed on step termination. -- Fix typo of SlurmctldProlog -> PrologSlurmctld in error message. -- slurm.spec - add SuSE-specific dependencies for optional slurmrestd package. -- Fix FreeBSD build issues. -- Fixed sbatch not processing --ignore-pbs in batch script. -- Don't clear the qos_id of an invalid QOS. -- Allow a job that was once FAIL_[QOS|ACCOUNT] to be eligible again if the qos|account limitation is remedied. -- Fix core reservations using the FLEX flag to allow use of resources outside of the reservation allocation. -- Fix MPS without File with 1 GPU, and without GPUs. -- Add FreeBSD support to proctrack/pgid plugin. -- Fix remote dependency testing for meta job in job array. -- Fix preemption when dealing with a job array. -- Don't send remote non-pending singleton dependencies on federation update. -- slurmrestd - fix crash on empty query. -- Fix race condition which could lead to invalid references in backfill. -- Fix edge case in _remove_job_hash(). -- Fix exit code when using --cluster/-M client options. -- Fix compilation issues in GCC10. -- Fix invalid references when federated job is revoked while in backfill loop. -- Fix distributing job steps across idle nodes within a job. -- Fix detected floating reservation overlapping. -- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres request resulting in slurmctld hang. -- Send the current (not the previous) reason for a pending job to client commands like squeue/scontrol. -- Fix incorrect lock levels for select_g_reconfigure(). -- Handle hidden nodes correctly in slurmrestd. -- Allow sacctmgr to use MaxSubmitP[U|A] as format options. -- Fix segfault when trying to delete a corrupted association. -- Fix setting ntasks-per-core when using --multithread. -- Only override job wait reason to priority if Reason=None or Reason=Resources. -- Perl API / seff - fix missing symbol issue with accounting_storage/slurmdbd. -- slurm.spec - add --with cray_shasta option. -- Downgrade "Node config differ.." error message if config_overrides enabled. -- Add client error when using --gpus-per-socket without --sockets-per-node. -- Fix nvml/rsmi debug statements making it to stderr. -- NodeSets - fix slurmctld segfault in newer glibc if any nodes have no defined features. -- ConfigLess - write out plugstack config to correct config file name in the config cache. -- priority/multifactor - gracefully handle NULL list of associations or array of siblings when calculating FairTree fairshare. -- Fix cons_tres --exclusive=user to allocate only requested number of CPUs. -- Add MySQL deadlock detection and automatic retry mechanism. -- Reject repeating floating reservations as they aren't supported. -- Fix testing of reservation flags that may be NO_VAL64. -- Fix _verify_node_state memory requested as --mem-per-gpu DefMemPerGPU. -- Fix DependencyNeverSatisfied not set as the job's state reason if kill_invalid_depend or --kill-on-invalid-dep are used. -- pam_slurm_adopt - explicitly call slurm_conf_init(). -- configless - fix plugstack.conf handling for client commands. -- Set SLURM_JOB_USER and SLURM_JOB_UID in task_epilog correctly. -- slurmrestd - authenticate job submissions by SlurmUser properly. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.1 ========================== -- Improve job state reason for jobs hitting partition_job_depth. -- Speed up testing of singleton dependencies. -- Fix negative loop bound in cons_tres. -- srun - capture the MPI plugin return code from mpi_hook_client_fini() and use as final return code for step failure. -- Fix segfault in cli_filter/lua. -- Fix --gpu-bind=map_gpu reusability if tasks > elements. -- Make sure config_flags on a gres are sent to the slurmctld on node registration. -- Prolog/Epilog - Fix missing GPU information. -- Fix segfault when using config parser for expanded lines. -- Fix bit overlap test function. -- Don't accrue time if job begin time is in the future. -- Remove accrue time when updating a job start/eligible time to the future. -- Fix regression in 20.02.0 that broke --depend=expand. -- Reset begin time on job release if it's not in the future. -- Fix for recovering burst buffers when using high-availability. -- Fix invalid read due to freeing an incorrectly allocated env array. -- Update slurmctld -i message to warn about losing data. -- Fix scontrol cancel_reboot so it clears the DRAIN flag and node reason for a pending ASAP reboot. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.0 ========================== -- Fix minor memory leak in slurmd on reconfig. -- Fix invalid ptr reference when rolling up data in the database. -- Change to require python3 for RHEL8 support, and match -- slurm.spec - override "hardening" linker flags to ensure RHEL8 builds in a usable manner. -- Fix type mismatches in the perl API. -- Prevent use of uninitialized slurmctld_diag_stats. -- Fixed various Coverity issues. -- Only show warning about root-less topology in daemons. -- Fix accounting of jobs in IGNORE_JOBS reservations. -- Fix issue with batch steps state not loading correctly when upgrading from 19.05. -- Deprecate max_depend_depth in SchedulerParameters and move it to DependencyParameters. -- Silence erroneous error on slurmctld upgrade when loading federation state. -- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres request resulting in slurmctld hang. -- Improve handling of --gpus-per-task to make sure appropriate number of GPUs is assigned to job. -- Fix seg fault on cons_res when requesting --spread-job. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.0rc1 ============================= -- sbatch - fix segfault when no newline at the end of a burst buffer file. -- Change scancel to only check job's base state when matching -t options. -- Save job dependency list in state files. -- cons_tres - allow jobs to be run on systems with root-less topologies. -- Restore pre-20.02pre1 PrologSlurmctld synchonization behavior to avoid various race conditions, and ensure proper batch job launch. -- Add new slurmrestd command/daemon which implements the Slurm REST API. * Changes in Slurm 20.02.0pre1 ============================== -- Avoid possible race when 2 conf files are read at the same exact time. -- Add last and mean backfill table size to sdiag output. -- Add support for additional job submit environment variables: SALLOC_MEM_PER_CPU, SALLOC_MEM_PER_NODE, SBATCH_MEM_PER_CPU and SBATCH_MEM_PER_NODE. -- Add 'Agent thread count' stat to sdiag. -- Add sdiag -M, --clusters option. -- NodeName configurations with CPUs != Sockets*Cores or Sockets*Cores*Threads will be rejected with fatal. -- Add scontrol write config <filename> option. -- Increase maximum number of hostlist ranges from 64k to 256k. -- Don't acquire unneeded locks in slurmctld _run_prolog thread. -- Fix sinfo/squeue sort by nodename/nodeaddr/hostname. -- Optimize getting wckey and associations usage. -- Keep SLURM_MPI_TYPE variable in srun when not set to 'none'. -- Remove slurm.spec-legacy packaging file. -- pam_slurm_adopt - with action_unknown=newest configured, pick a user job even when failing to get cgroup mtime. -- Fix "srun --export=" parsing to handle nested commas. -- Add default "reboot requested" reason to nodes when rebooting with scontrol. -- Duplicate PartitionName entries in slurm.conf will now fatal() instead of printing an error message and ignoring the successive records. -- Remove the smap command. -- Change exclusive behavior of a node to include all GRES on a node as well as the cpus. -- Append ": reboot issued" to node reason when reboot is issued from controller. Previously only happened when nextstate was specified. -- Add default jobname of "no-shell" for salloc --no-shell. -- Save reservation state when automatically shrinking nodes. -- Add slurm.conf option MaxDBDMsgs to control how many messages will be stored in the slurmctld before throwing them away when the slurmdbd is down. -- Change default SLURM_PMIX_TMPDIR to include user id to avoid potential conflicts on development systems running multiple Slurm instances. -- Return a newly added ESLURM_DEFER error and set a job state reason to FAIL_DEFER for immediate alloc requests if defer in SchedulerParameters. -- Make slurmctld fatal if unable to load a script or a job environment when building the launch job message. -- Removed the checkpoint plugin interface and all associated API calls. -- Add job_get_grace_time() functions to preempt plugins and refactor slurm_job_check_grace() to use them. -- Remove --disable-iso8601 configure option. -- Display StepId=<jobid>.batch instead of StepId=<jobid>.4294967294 in output of "scontrol show step". (slurm_sprint_job_step_info()) -- Make it so you can have a grace time when preempting by requeue. -- Translate MpiDefault=openmpi to functionally-equivalent MpiDefault=none, and remove the mpi/openmpi plugin. -- burst_buffer/datawarp - add a set of % symbols that will be replaced by job details. E.g., %d will be filled in with the WorkDir for the job. -- Fix sacctmgr show events to support node list ranges. -- Add SchedulerParameters option bf_one_resv_per_job to disallow adding more than one backfill reservation per job. -- Allow sacctmgr to filter node events by states that are flags. -- Allow sacctmgr to filter node events by REBOOT state/flag. -- Add ability to set MailType and MailUser of job with scontrol. -- slurm_init_job_desc_msg() initializes mail_type as uint16_t. This allows mail_type to be set to NONE with scontrol. -- Add new slurm_spank_log() function to print messages back to the user from within a SPANK plugin. (This can be done with slurm_error() instead, but that will always prepend "error: " to every message which may lead to confusion.) -- Enforce specification of partition and ALL nodes with PART_NODES flag. -- Add 'promiscuous' flag to a reservation. -- Implement the idea of PURGE_COMP=timespec. -- SPANK - removed never-implemented slurm_spank_slurmd_init() interface. This hook has always been accessible through slurm_spank_init() in the S_CTX_SLURMD context instead. -- sbcast - add new BcastAddr option to NodeName lines to allow sbcast traffic to flow over an alternate network path. -- Add auth/jwt plugin. -- Add new 'scontrol token' subcommand. -- PMIx - improve performance of proc map generation. -- For a heterogeneous job to be considered for preemption all components must be eligible for preemption. -- Added JobCompParams to slurm.conf. -- Add configuration parameter DependencyParameters to slurm.conf. -- Deprecate kill_invalid_depend in SchedulerParameters and move it to new DependencyParameters. -- Enable job dependencies for any job on any cluster in the same federation. -- Stricter escaping of strings sent to Elasticsearch. -- Allow clusters to be added automatically to db at startup of ctld. -- Add AccountingStorageExternalHost slurm.conf parameter. -- Add support for srun -M<cluster> --jobid=# for existing remote allocations. -- Remove LicensesUsed from 'scontrol show config'. -- sbatch - adjusted backoff times for "--wait" option to reduce load on slurmctld. This results in a steady-state delay of 32s between queries, instead of the prior 10s delay. -- Add SchedulerParameters option bf_running_job_reserve to add backfill reservations for jobs running on whole nodes -- salloc/sbatch/srun - error on invalid --profile option strings. -- Remove max_job_bf option and replace with bf_max_job_test. -- Disable sbatch, salloc, srun --reboot for non-admins. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - added connect_timeout and timeout options to JobCompParams. -- SPANK - added support for S_JOB_GID in the job script context with spank_get_item(). -- Prolog/Epilog - add SLURM_JOB_GID environment variable. -- Add gpu/rsmi plugin to support AMD GPUs -- Make it so you can "stack" the energy plugins -- Add energy accounting plugin for AMD GPU * Changes in Slurm 19.05.9 ========================== * Changes in Slurm 19.05.8 ========================== -- sbatch - handle --uid/--gid in #SBATCH directives properly. -- Fix HDF5 type version build error. -- PMIx - fix potential buffer overflows from use of unpackmem(). CVE-2020-27745. -- X11 forwarding - fix potential leak of the magic cookie when sent as an argument to the xauth command. CVE-2020-27746. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.7 ========================== -- Fix handling of -m/--distribution options for across socket/2nd level by task/affinity plugin. -- Fix grp_node_bitmap error when slurmctld started before slurmdbd. -- Fix compilation issues in GCC10. -- Fix distributing job steps across idle nodes within a job. -- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres request resulting in slurmctld hang. -- priority/multifactor - gracefully handle NULL list of associations or array of siblings when calculating FairTree fairshare. -- Fix cons_tres --exclusive=user to allocate only requested number of CPUs. -- Add MySQL deadlock detection and automatic retry mechanism. -- Fix _verify_node_state memory requested as --mem-per-gpu DefMemPerGPU. -- Factor in ntasks-per-core=1 with cons_tres. -- Fix formatting in error message in cons_tres. -- Fix gpu bind issue when CPUs=Cores and ThreadsPerCore > 1 on a node. -- Fix --mem-per-gpu for heterogenous --gres requests. -- Fix slurmctld load order in load_all_part_state(). -- Fix getting system counts for named GRES/TRES. -- MySQL - Fix for handing typed GRES for association rollups. -- Fix step allocations when tasks_per_core > 1. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.6 ========================== -- Fix OverMemoryKill. -- Fix memory leak in scontrol show config. -- Remove PART_NODES reservation flag after ignoring it at creation. -- Fix deprecation of MemLimitEnforce parameter. -- X11 forwarding - alter Xauthority regex to work when "FamilyWild" cookies are present in the "xauth list" output. -- Fix memory leak when utilizing core reservations. -- Fix issue where adding WCKeys and then using them right away didn't always work. -- Add cosmetic batch step to correct component in a hetjob. -- Fix to make scontrol write config create a usable config without editing. -- Fix memory leak when pinging backup controller. -- Fix issue with 'scontrol update' not enforcing all QoS / Association limits. -- Fix to properly schedule certain jobs with cons_tres plugin. -- Fix FIRST_CORES for reservations when using cons_tres. -- Fix sbcast -C argument parsing. -- Replace/deprecate max_job_bf with bf_max_job_test and print error message. -- sched/backfill - fix options parsing when bf_hetjob_prio enabled. -- Fix for --gpu-bind when no gpus requested. -- Fix sshare -l crash with large values. -- Fix printing NULL job and step pointers. -- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres request resulting in slurmctld hang. -- Improve handling of --gpus-per-task to make sure appropriate number of GPUs is assigned to job. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.5 ========================== -- Fix both socket-[un]constrained GRES issues that would lead to incorrect GRES allocations and GRES underflow errors at deallocation time. -- Reject unrunnable jobs submitted to reservations. -- Fix misleading error returned for immediate allocation requests when defer in SchedulerParameters by decoupling defer from too fragmented logic. -- Fix printf format string error on FreeBSD. -- Fix parsing of delay_boot in controller when additional arguments follow it. -- Fix --ntasks-per-node in cons_tres. -- Fix array tasks getting same reject reason. -- Ignore DOWN/DRAIN partitions in reduce_completing_frag logic. -- Fix alloc_node validation when updating a job. -- Fix for requesting specific nodes when using cons_tres topology. -- Ensure x11 is setup before launching a job step. -- Fix incorrect SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME env var in batch step. -- Perl API - Fix undefined symbol for slurmdbd_pack_fini_msg. -- Install slurmdbd.conf.example with 0600 permissions to encourage secure use. CVE-2019-19727. -- srun - do not continue with job launch if --uid fails. CVE-2019-19728. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.4 ========================== -- Don't allow empty string as a reservation name; generate a name if empty string is provided. -- Fix salloc segfault when using --no-shell option. -- Fix divide by zero when normalizing partition priorities. -- Restore ability to set JobPriorityFactor to 0 on a partition. -- Fix multi-partition non-normalized job priorities. -- Adjust precedence between --mem-per-cpu and --mem-per-node to enforce them as mutually exclusive. Specifying either on the command line will now explicitly override any value inherited through the environment. -- Always print node's version, if it exists, in scontrol show nodes. -- sbatch - ensure SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE is exported when --ntasks-per-node is set. -- slurmctld - fix memory leak when using DebugFlags=Reservation. -- Reset --mem and --mem-per-cpu options correctly when using --mem-per-gpu. -- Use correct function signature for step_set_env() in gres plugin interface. -- Restore pre-19.05 hostname handling behavior for AllocNodes by always truncating to just the host portion and dropping any domain name portion returned by gethostbyaddr(). -- Fix abort initializing a configuration without acct_gather.conf. -- Fix GRES binding and CLOUD nodes GRES setup regressions. -- Make sview work with glib2 v2.62. -- Fix slurmctld abort when in developer mode and submitting to multiple partitions with a bad QOS and not enforcing QOS. -- Enforce PART_NODES if only PartitionName is specified. -- Fix slurmd -G functionality. -- Fix build on 32-bit systems. -- Remove duplicate log entry on update job. -- sched/backfill - fix the estimated sched_nodes for multi-part jobs. -- slurm.spec - fix pmix_version global context macro. -- Fix cons_tres topology logic incorrectly evaluating insufficient resoruces. -- Fix job "--switches=count@time" option handling in cons_tres topology. -- scontrol - allow changes to the WorkDir for pending jobs. -- Enable coordinators to delete users if they only belong to accounts that the coordinator is over. -- Fix regression on update from older versions with DefMemPerCPU. -- Fix issues with --gpu-bind while using cgroups. -- Suspend nodes after being down for SuspendTime. -- Fix rebooting nodes from skipping nextstate states on boot. -- Fix regression in reservation creation logic from 19.05.3 which would incorrectly deny certain valid reservations from being created. -- slurmdbd - process sacct/sacctmgr job queries from older clients correctly. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.3-2 ============================ -- Fix missing include for Cray Aries systems. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.3 ========================== -- Fix missing check from conversion of cray -> cray_aries. -- Improve job state reason string when required nodes are not available by not including those that don't belong to the job partition. -- Set a more appropriate ESLURM_RESERVATION_MAINT job state reason for jobs requesting feature(s) and required nodes are in a maintenance reservation. -- Fix logic to better handle maintenance reservations. -- Add spank options to cache in remote callback. -- Enforce the use of spank_option_getopt(). -- Fix select plugins' will run test under-allocating nodes usage for completing jobs. -- Nodes in COMPLETING state treated as being currently available for job will-run test. -- Cray - fix contribs slurm.conf.j2 with updated cray_aries plugin names. -- job_submit/lua - fix problem where nil was expected for min_mem_per_cpu. -- Fix extra, unaccounted TRESRunMins usage created by heterogeneous jobs when running with the priority/multifactor plugin. -- Detach threads once they are done to avoid having to join them in track scripts code. -- Handle situation where a slurmctld tries to communicate with slurmdbd more than once at the same time. -- Fix XOR/XAND features like cpu&fastio&[knl|westmere] to be resolved correctly. -- Don't update [min|max]_exit_code on job array task requeue. -- Don't assume the first node of a job is the batch host when testing if the job's allocated nodes are booted/ready. -- Make --batch=<feature> requests wait for all nodes to be booted so that it can choose the batch host after the nodes have been booted -- possibly with different features. -- Fix talking to batch host on it's protocol version when using --batch. -- gres/mic plugin - add missing fini() function to clean up plugin state. -- Move _validate_node_choice() before prolog/epilog check. -- Look forward one week while create new reservation. -- Set mising resv_desc.flags before call _select_nodes(). -- Use correct start_time for TIME_FLOAT reservation in _job_overlap(). -- Properly enforce a job's mem-per-cpu option when allocate the node exclusively to that job. -- sched/backfill - clear estimated sched_nodes as done for start_time. -- Have safe_[read|write] handle EAGAIN and EINTR. -- Fix checking for flag with logical AND. -- Correct "extern" definition of variable if compiling with __APPLE__. -- Deprecate FastSchedule. FastSchedule will be removed in 20.02. The FastSchedule=2 functionality (used for testing and development) has been retained as the new SlurmdParameters=config_overrides option. -- Fix preemption issue when picking nodes for a feature job request. -- Fix race condition preventing held array job from getting a db_index. -- Fix select/cons_tres gres code infinite loop leaving slurmctld unresponsive. -- Remove redefinition of global variable in gres.c -- Fix issue where GPU devices are denied access when MPS is enabled. -- Fix uninitialized errors when compiling with CFLAGS="--coverage". -- Fix scancel --full for proctrack/cgroups. -- Fix sdiag backfill last and mean queue length stats. -- Do not remove batch host when resizing/shrinking a batch job. -- nss_slurm - fix file descriptor leaks. -- Fix preemption for jobs using complex feature requests (e.g. -C "[rack1*2&rack2*4]"). -- Fix memory leaks in preemption when jobs request multiple features. -- Allow Operator users to show/fix runaways. -- Disallow coordinators to show/fix runaways. -- mpi/pmi2 - increase array len to avoid buffer size exceeded error. -- Preserve rebooting node's nextstate when updating state with scontrol. -- Fully merge slurm.conf and gres.conf before node_config_load(). -- Remove FastSchedule dependence from gres.conf's AutoDetect=nvml. -- Forbid mix of typed and untyped GRES of same name in slurm.conf. -- cons_tres: Prevent creating a job without CPUs. -- Prevent underflow when filtering cores with gres. -- proctrack/cray_aries: use current pid instead of thread if we're in a fork. -- Fix missing check for prolog launch credential creation failure that can lead to segfaults. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.2 ========================== -- Wrap END_TIMER{,2,3} macro definition in "do {} while (0)" block. -- Allow account coordinators to add users who don't already have an association with any account. -- If only allowing particular alloc nodes in a partition, deny any request coming from an alloc node of NULL. -- Prevent partial-load of plugins which can leave certain interfaces in an inconsistent state. -- Remove stray __USE_GNU macro definitions from source. -- Fix loading fed state by backup on subsequent takeovers. -- Add missing job read lock when loading fed job state. -- Add missing fed_job_info jobs if fed state is lost. -- Do not build cgroup plugins on FreeBSD or NetBSD, and use proctrack/pgid by default instead. -- Do not build switch/cray_aries plugin on FreeBSD, NetBSD, or macOS. -- Fix build on FreeBSD. -- Fix race condition in route/topology plugin. -- In munge decode set the alloc_node field to the text representation of an IP address if the reverse lookup fails. -- Fix infinite loop in slurmstepd handling for nss_slurm REQUEST_GETGR RPC. -- Fix slurmstepd early assertion fail which prevented batch job launch or tasks launch on non-Linux systems. -- Fix regression with SLURM_STEP_GPUS env var being renamed SLURM_STEP_GRES. -- Fix pmix v3 linking if no rpath is allowed on build. -- Fix sacctmgr error handling when removing associations and users. -- Allow sacctmgr to add users to WCKeys without having TrackWCKey set in the slurm.conf. -- Allow sacctmgr to delete WCKeys from users. -- Change GRES type set by gpu/gpu_nvml plugin to be more specific - based on device name instead of brand name. -- cli_filter - fix logic error with option lookup functions. -- Fix bad testing of NodeFeatures debug flag in contribs/cray. -- Cleanup track_script code to avoid race conditions and invalid memory access. -- Fix jobs being killed after being requeued by preemption. -- Make register nodes verify correctly when using cons_tres. -- Fix srun --mem-per-cpu being ignored. -- Fix segfault in _update_job() under certain conditions. -- job_submit/lua - restore slurm.FAILURE as a synonym for slurm.ERROR. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.1-2 ============================ -- Fix mistake in QOS time limit calculations for UsageFactor != 0 with any combination of flags set. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.1 ========================== -- accounting_storage/mysql - fix incorrect function names in error messages. -- accounting_storage/slurmdbd - trigger an fsync() on the dbd.messages state file to ensure it is committed to disk properly. -- Avoid JobHeldUser state reason from being updated at allocation time. -- Fix dump/load of rejected heterogeneous jobs. -- For heterogeneous jobs, do not count the each component against the QOS or association job limit multiple times. -- Comment out documentation for the incomplete and currently unusable burst_buffer/generic plugin. -- Add new error ESLURM_INVALID_TIME_MIN_LIMIT to make note when a time_min limit is invalid based on timelimit. -- Correct slurmdb cluster record pack with NULL pointer input. -- Clearer error message for ESLURM_INVALID_TIME_MIN_LIMIT. -- Fix SchedulerParameter bf_min_prio_reserve error when not the last parameter -- When fixing runaway jobs, change to reroll from earliest submit time, and never reroll from Unix epoch. -- Display submit time when running sacctmgr show runawayjobs and add format option to display eligible time. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix minor race related to JobCompLoc setup. -- For HetJobs, ensure SLURM_PACK_JOB_ID is set regardless of whether PrologFlags=Alloc is enabled. -- Fix PriorityFlags regression with the mutation of FAIR_TREE to NO_FAIR_TREE. -- select/cons_res - fix debug flag SelectType handling in select_p_job_test. -- Fix sacctmgr archive dump commit confirmation. -- Prevent extra resources from being allocated when combining certain flags. -- Cray - fix template generator with update cray_aries plugin names. -- accounting_storage/slurmdbd - provide additional detail in several error messages. -- Backfill - If a job has a time_limit guess the end time of a job better if OverTimeLimit is Unlimited. -- Remove premature call to get system gpus before querying fake gpus that should override the real. -- Fix segfault in epilog_set_env() when gres_devices is NULL. -- Fix (un)supported states in sacct. -- Adjust build system to no longer use the AC_FUNC_MALLOC autoconf macro. -- srun - restore the --cpu_bind option to srun. -- Add UsageFactorSafe QOS flag to control applying UsageFactor at submission/scheduling time. -- Create missing reservations on DBD_MODIFY_RESV. -- Add error message when attempting to update association manager and object doesn't exist. -- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin on archive file loads by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2019-12838. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.0 ========================== -- Fix deprecated group by clause to use order by. -- NVML - Git rid of unneeded * when passing nvmlDevice_t to functions. -- NVML - Fix clang warning about unneeded variable initialization. -- NVML - remove unneeded {}. -- Add timers to new site_factor plugin APIs to warn of slow-running plugins, which can lead to issues with throughput and responsiveness. -- X11 forwarding - ignore screen value for local DISPLAY. -- Add missing locks protecting slurmctld_config.server_thread_count access. -- Fix jobs stuck from FedJobLock when requeueing in a federation -- Fix requeueing job in a federation of clusters with differing associations -- sacctmgr - free memory before exiting in 'sacctmgr show runaway'. -- Fix seff showing memory overflow when steps tres mem usage is 0. -- Fix memory leaks in 'sacctmgr show runawayjobs'. -- Fix potential deadlock in nss_slurm. -- Fix memory leaks due to incomplete slurmdb_cluster_cond_t destructor. -- Alter reservation flags column in slurmdbd to use uint64_t instead of uint16_t to ensure all current flags are saved correctly. Older releases unfortunately could not store details for newer flags (using bits 17-32) due to this field being silently truncated. -- Modify task layout with --overcommit option plus a heterogeneous job allocation so that a cyclic task distribution can start happening before all CPUs on all nodes are fully allocated. The number of tasks per node will be unchanged from the previous algorithm, but tasks will be distributed in a cyclic fashion first and then extra tasks placed on nodes with more CPUs. Previously all CPUs would be fully allocated in a cyclic fashion, then excess tasks distributed evenly across all allocated nodes. -- In select/cons_tres: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit option. -- In select/cons_res: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit and --nodelist options. -- Fix DefMemPer[CPU|Node] assignment on multi-partition job requests. -- Fix wrongly setting start_time to 0 for multi-part jobs. -- Upon archive file name collision, create new archive file instead of overwriting the old one to prevent lost records. -- Limit archive files to 50000 records per file so that archiving large databases will succeed. -- Remove stray newlines in SPANK plugin error messages. -- Fix archive loading events. -- In select/cons_res: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit and --nodelist options. -- Fix main scheduler from potentially not running through whole queue. -- Fix variable initiation to avoid slurmctld abort. -- In partition preemption, sort preemptor jobs only if they overlap a preemtable partition. -- cons_tres/dist_tasks - fix variable usage in cyclic distribution. -- cons_res/job_test - prevent a job from overallocating a node memory. -- cons_res/job_test - fix to consider a node's current allocated memory when testing a job's memory request. -- Fix issue where multi-node job steps on cloud nodes wouldn't finish cleaning up until the end of the job (rather than the end of the step). -- Fix packing pack_jobid in an sbcast. -- Fix GCC 9 compiler warnings. -- Add new job bit_flags of JOB_DEPENDENT. -- Make it so dependent jobs reset the AccrueTime and do not count against any AccrueTime limits. -- Fix sacctmgr --parsable2 output for reservations and tres. -- In multi-node systems make sure GRES are found on node when not bound to specific sockets. -- Fix gres-per-task logic for gres not bound to sockets. -- Fix issue when --gpus plus --cpus-per-gres was forcing socket binding unnecessarily. -- Change event table's state column to handle 32bits. -- Prevent slurmctld from potential segfault after job_start_data() called for completing job. -- Fix jobs getting on nodes with "scontrol reboot asap". -- Record node reboot events to database. -- Fix node reboot failure message getting to event table. -- Don't write "(null)" to event table when no event reason exists. -- Fix invalid memory read in cons_tres. -- Fix minor memory leak when clearing runaway jobs. -- Avoid flooding slurmctld and logging when prolog complete RPC errors occur. -- Fix slurmctld node_scheduler's feature_bitmap memory leak. -- Fatal when reading config if Alloc flag configured on FrontEnd mode. -- Modifications needed to run Federations with clusters running different select/switch plugins. -- Fix Clang errors for zero initializing struct with nested arrays. -- Fix minor memory leak in pmi2. -- MySQL - Fix minor memory leak when quering suspended jobs fails. -- Fix seff human readable memory string for values below a megabyte. -- Avoid slurmctld abort if GRES defined in gres.conf, but not in the node configuration of slurm.conf. -- Calculate task count for job with --gpus-per-task option, but no explicit task count. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.0rc1 ============================= -- Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable in Prolog and Epilog for jobs requesting gres/gpu. -- Remove '-U' argument - which was deprecated when '-A' was made the single character option before the Slurm 2.1 release - as an alternative to '--account' for salloc/sbatch/srun. -- Remove direct BLCR support and srun_cr. -- Make slurm_print_node_table only print a node's slurmd version if it is different to the one reported by slurm_load_ctl_conf. -- Call gres plugin environment setup even if gres not requested in job. -- Do not set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=NoDevFiles when no gres requested. -- If GRES configuration data is unavailable from gres.conf, then use the node's "Gres=" information slurm.conf. This will eliminate or minimize the gres.conf file in many situations. -- Fix checking IPMI XCC raw command response length. -- jobacct_gather/common - improve lightweight process identification. -- Cloud/PowerSave Improvements: - Better repsonsiveness to resuming and suspending. - Powering down nodes not eligible to be allocated until after SuspendTimeout. - Powering down nodes put in "Powering Down / %" state until after SuspendTimeout. -- Add idle_on_node_suspend SlurmctldParameter to make nodes idle regardless of state when suspended. -- Add PowerSave DebugFlag for Suspend/Resume debugging. -- Changed "scontrol reboot" to not default to ALL nodes. -- Changed "scontrol completing" to include two new fields - EndTime and CompletingTime. -- select/cons_tres - prevent job from overallocating a node memory. -- Refactor CLI option parsing for salloc/sbatch/srun into a central set of functions in src/common/slurm_opt.c. Note that this new option parsing can be stricter in a few specific situations - places that used to ignore invalid options and still submit/launch a job or job step may return an error() and refuse to proceed instead. -- Add preempt_send_user_signal SlurmctldParameter option to send user signal (e.g. --signal=<SIG_NUM>) at preemption if it hasn't already been sent. -- Add PreemptExemptTime parameter to slurm.conf and QOS to guarantee a minimum runtime before preemption. -- Set job's preempt time for non-grace time preemptions. -- Add sinfo format option to show used gres. -- Add reboot_from_controller SlurmctldParameter to allow RebootProgram to be run from the controller instead of the slurmds. -- Fix increasing of job size when extern steps exist. -- Reset GPU-related arguments to salloc/sbatch/srun for each separate heterogeneous job component. -- Do not set "(null)" for SLURM_JOB_CONSTRAINTS when no constraints are set in PrologSlurmctld/EpilogSlurmctld. -- Add SRUN_EXPORT_ENV as an input environment variable to srun. -- Return an error for invalid #SBATCH directives, and do not submit the job. -- Add S_JOB_ARRAY_ID and S_JOB_ARRAY_TASK_ID to spank_get_item(). -- Change container_{g,p}_add_pid() to container_{g,p}_join() and remove the 'pid_t pid' argument. -- Add new site_factor plugin type to permit sites to build plugins to set and modify the site priority factor value both initially on job submission, and periodically every PriorityCalcPeriod. -- Rename Cray plugins cray_aries in preperation for Cray/Shasta. -- Allow Het Jobs to work on a Cray. -- Add new cli_filter plugin type to permit sites to build plugins to log, modify, or reject CLI options within the salloc/sbatch/srun commands themselves. -- Allocate nodes that are booting. Previously, nodes that were being booted were off limits for allocation. This caused more nodes to be booted than needed in a cloud environment. -- pam_slurm_adopt - inject SLURM_JOB_ID environment variable into adopted processes. -- PMIx - use the Tree-based collective for empty fence operations. -- PMIx - replace use of the non-standard PMIX_VAL_SET macro with the standardized PMIX_VALUE_LOAD macro. -- slurm.spec - change --without cray option to set configure option of --enable-really-no-cray. -- slurm.spec - add new --with slurmsmwd option. -- pmi2: add mutex locking to all API calls to ensure thread-safety. -- Fix QOS usage factor to apply to TRES time limits and usage. -- Fix multi-cluster srun's with Select/Cray and other_cons_res. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.0pre3 ============================== -- Fix RPM packaging for accounting_storage/mysql. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.0pre2 ============================== -- Removed select/serial plugin. -- Remove 512-character line length limit in slurm_print_topo_record(). (Used by "scontrol show topology".) -- Removed crypto/openssl plugin. -- Tweak the sdiag gettimeofday() line format for greater clarity. -- Add support for SALLOC/SBATCH/SLURM_NO_KILL environment variables. Add salloc/sbatch/srun support for optional "--no-kill=off" option to disable the environment variables. -- Fix salloc and missing SLURM_NTASKS. -- Alter the backfill scheduler behavior to prevent it from scheduling lower priority jobs on resources that become available during the backfill scheduling cycle when bf_continue is enabled. This behavior was available as the bf_ignore_newly_avail_nodes option in 18.08.4+, but is now enabled by default. (The SchedulerParameters option of bf_ignore_newly_avail_nodes is also now removed, although harmless if still set.) -- Make LaunchParameters=send_gids the default introducing the reverse option "disable_send_gids to go back to the original behavior. -- Limit pam_slurm_adopt to run only in the sshd context by default, for security reasons. A new module option 'service=<name>' can be used to allow a different PAM applications to work. The option 'service=*' can be used to restore the old behavior of always performing the adopt logic regardless of the PAM application context. -- pam_slurm_adopt: Use uid to determine whether root is logging. -- Remove sbatch --x11 option. Slurm's internal X11 forwarding is now only supported from salloc, or an allocating srun command. -- Suppressed printing of job id in sbatch when quiet flag is set. -- Changed sreport 'SizesByAccount' and 'SizesByAccountAndWckey' default behavior and added new 'AcctAsParent' option. -- Add ave watts to api and sview. -- Added printf attribute to setenvf() and corrected related warnings. -- Kill running/pending job is allocated GRES and that GRES has a "File" configuration, and the GRES count changes. -- Add new DebugFlag=Accrue for accrue accounting debugging purposes. -- Change CryptoType option to CredType, and rename crypto/munge plugin to cred/munge. -- Add slurmd -G option to print GRES configuration and exit. This is useful for testing and debugging. -- Support GRES types that include numbers (e.g. "--gres=gpu:123g:2"). -- Remove MemLimitEnforce parameter and move functionality into JobAcctGatherParam=OverMemoryKill. -- sview - disable admin mode option (which would not work anyways) if the user is not an admin in SlurmDBD. -- Remove joules reporting from sview and scontrol. -- Change the default fair share algorithm to "fair tree". The new PriorityFlags option of NO_FAIR_TREE can be used to revert to "classic" fair share scheduling instead. -- libslurmdb has been merged into libslurm. -- Added -b as a short option for --begin and removed the -b option which was a left over artifact from the Moab compatibility work. -- Add ArrayTaskThrottle to "scontrol show job" output. -- Added SPRIO_FORMAT env variable to the sprio command. -- Add batch step at the beginning of a batch job so that squeue, sstat, and sacct will show the batch step. -- Deprecated 32-bit builds. -- Make -l and -o mutually exclusive in saccct, squeue, sinfo, and sprio -- Disable running job expansion by default. A new SchedulerParameter of permit_job_expansion has been added for sites that wish to re-enable it. -- Permit changing a job array's ArrayTaskThrottle value even if the job is terminated (for job requeue). -- Add scontrol requeue option of "Incomplete" which will requeue jobs only if they failed to complete with an exit code of zero. -- Modify GrpNodes limit to apply to unique nodes allocated (avoid double counting nodes allocated to multiple jobs in the same QOS or association). -- If a job submit does NOT include --cpus-per-task option, then report the value as "N/A" rather than always mapping the value to 1. -- X11 forwarding - use the raw value from gethostname() with xauth to avoid authentication issues when Slurm has internally stripped off the domain portion. -- Change how slurmd fills in the registration message version string from PACKAGE_VERSION to SLURM_VERSION_STRING, affecting how the version is displayed with sview, sinfo, scontrol and through the API. -- Remove script. Please use the autoreconf command instead. -- Disable a configuration of SelectTypeParameters=CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE with SelectType=select/cons_tres. This will be addressed later. -- job_submit/lua - expose more fields off the partition record. -- task/cgroup - prevent setting a memory.soft_limit_in_bytes higher than the memory.limit_in_bytes since the hard limit will take precedence anyway. -- If a GrpNodes limit is configurated in an association, partition QOS or job QOS then favor use of nodes already allocated to that entity. This will result in the configured node "Weight" being incremented by one for nodes which are not prefered. Consider adjusting configured node "Weight" values to achieve the desired node preferences. -- Add full node state debug2 output to slurmdbd node up/down update -- Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and CUDA_MPS_ACTIVE_THREAD_PERCENTAGE environment variables in Prolog and Epilog for jobs requesting gres/mps. -- Added thresholds for backfill parameters. -- Fix for backfill sleep overflow when large values are set. -- Execute Epilog on nodes reliquished from job (i.e. job resized). -- Rename burst_buffer/cray plugin to burst_buffer/datawarp. -- X11 Forwarding - reimplement using new internal network forwarding RPCs. -- Remove slurm_jobcomp_get_errno and slurm_jobcomp_strerror from jobcomp plugin API. -- Optimize backfill for checking max jobs per assoc, partition, user, etc. * Changes in Slurm 19.05.0pre1 ============================== -- Run epilog and clean up allocation when a job is resized to zero and its resources transferred to another job (--depend=expand). -- If GRES are associated with specific sockets, identify those sockets in the output of "scontrol show node". For example if all 4 GPUs on a node are all associated with socket zero, then "Gres=gpu:4(S:0)". If associated with sockets 0 and 1 then "Gres=gpu:4(S:0-1)". The information of which specific GPUs are associated with specific GPUs is not reported, but only available by parsing the gres.conf file. -- Add configuration parameter "GpuFreqDef" to control a job's default GPU frequency. -- Add job flags to the database. Currently used to determine which scheduler scheduled the job. -- Add constraints/features to the database. -- Add last reason job didn't run before resources/priority to the database. -- Make it so we set the alloc_node in a resource allocation based on the auth plugin instead of the rpc call. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.10 =========================== * Changes in Slurm 18.08.9 ========================== -- Wrap END_TIMER{,2,3} macro definition in "do {} while (0)" block. -- Make sview work with glib2 v2.62. -- Make Slurm compile on linux after sys/sysctl.h was deprecated. -- Install slurmdbd.conf.example with 0600 permissions to encourage secure use. CVE-2019-19727. -- srun - do not continue with job launch if --uid fails. CVE-2019-19728. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.8 ========================== -- Update "xauth list" to use the same 10000ms timeout as the other xauth commands. -- Fix issue in gres code to handle a gres cnt of 0. -- Don't purge jobs if backfill is running. -- Verify job is pending add/removing accrual time. -- Don't abort when the job doesn't have an association that was removed before the job was able to make it to the database. -- Set state_reason if select_nodes() fails job for QOS or Account. -- Avoid seg_fault on referencing association without a valid_qos bitmap. -- If Association/QOS is removed on a pending job set that job as ineligible. -- When changing a jobs account/qos always make sure you remove the old limits. -- Don't reset a FAIL_QOS or FAIL_ACCOUNT job reason until the qos or account changed. -- Restore "sreport -T ALL" functionality. -- Correctly typecast signals being sent through the api. -- Properly initialize structures throughout Slurm. -- Sync "numtask" squeue format option for jobs and steps to "numtasks". -- Fix sacct -PD to avoid CA before start jobs. -- Fix potential deadlock with backup slurmctld. -- Fixed issue with jobs not appearing in sacct after dependency satisfied. -- Fix showing non-eligible jobs when asking with -j and not -s. -- Fix issue with backfill scheduler scheduling tasks of an array when not the head job. -- accounting_storage/mysql - fix SIGABRT in the archive load logic. -- accounting_storage/mysql - fix memory leak in the archive load logic. -- Limit records per single SQL statement when loading archived data. -- Fix unnecessary reloading of job submit plugins. -- Allow job submit plugins to be turned on/off with a reconfigure. -- Fix segfault when loading/unloading Lua job submit plugin multiple times. -- Fix printing duplicate error messages of jobs rejected by job submit plugin. -- Fix printing of job submit plugin messages of het jobs without pack id. -- Fix memory leak in group_cache.c -- Fix jobs stuck from FedJobLock when requeueing in a federation -- Fix requeueing job in a federation of clusters with differing associations -- sacctmgr - free memory before exiting in 'sacctmgr show runaway'. -- Fix seff showing memory overflow when steps tres mem usage is 0. -- Upon archive file name collision, create new archive file instead of overwriting the old one to prevent lost records. -- Limit archive files to 50000 records per file so that archiving large databases will succeed. -- Remove stray newlines in SPANK plugin error messages. -- Fix archive loading events. -- In select/cons_res: Only allocate 1 CPU per node with the --overcommit and --nodelist options. -- Fix main scheduler from potentially not running through whole queue. -- cons_res/job_test - prevent a job from overallocating a node memory. -- cons_res/job_test - fix to consider a node's current allocated memory when testing a job's memory request. -- Fix issue where multi-node job steps on cloud nodes wouldn't finish cleaning up until the end of the job (rather than the end of the step). -- Fix issue with a 17.11 sbcast call to a 18.08 daemon. -- Add new job bit_flags of JOB_DEPENDENT. -- Make it so dependent jobs reset the AccrueTime and do not count against any AccrueTime limits. -- Fix sacctmgr --parsable2 output for reservations and tres. -- Prevent slurmctld from potential segfault after job_start_data() called for completing job. -- Fix jobs getting on nodes with "scontrol reboot asap". -- Record node reboot events to database. -- Fix node reboot failure message getting to event table. -- Don't write "(null)" to event table when no event reason exists. -- Fix minor memory leak when clearing runaway jobs. -- Avoid flooding slurmctld and logging when prolog complete RPC errors occur. -- Fix GCC 9 compiler warnings. -- Fix seff human readable memory string for values below a megabyte. -- Fix dump/load of rejected heterogeneous jobs. -- For heterogeneous jobs, do not count the each component against the QOS or association job limit multiple times. -- slurmdbd - avoid reservation flag column corruption with the use of newer flags, instead preserve the older flag fields that we can still fit in the smallint field, and discard the rest. -- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin on archive file loads by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2019-12838. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.7 ========================== -- Set debug statement to debug2 to avoid benign error messages. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_hetjob_immediate to attempt to start a heterogeneous job as soon as all of its components are determined able to do so. -- Fix underflow causing decay thread to exit. -- Fix main scheduler not considering hetjobs when building the job queue. -- Fix regression for sacct to display old jobs without a start time. -- Fix setting correct number of gres topology bits. -- Update hetjobs pending state reason when appropriate. -- Fix accounting_storage/filetxt's understanding of TRES. -- Set Accrue time when not enforcing limits. -- Fix srun segfault when requesting a hetjob with test_exec or bcast options. -- Hide multipart priorities log message behind Priority debug flag. -- sched/backfill - Make hetjobs sensitive to bf_max_job_start. -- Fix slurmctld segfault due to job's partition pointer NULL dereference. -- Fix issue with OR'ed job dependencies. -- Add new job's bit_flags of INVALID_DEPEND to prevent rebuilding a job's dependency string when it has at least one invalid and purged dependency. -- Promote federation unsynced siblings log message from debug to info. -- burst_buffer/cray - fix slurmctld SIGABRT due to illegal read/writes. -- burst_buffer/cray - fix memory leak due to unfreed job script content. -- node_features/knl_cray - fix script_argv use-after-free. -- burst_buffer/cray - fix script_argv use-after-free. -- Fix invalid reads of size 1 due to non null-terminated string reads. -- Add extra debug2 logs to identify why BadConstraints reason is set. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.6-2 ============================ -- Remove deadlock situation when logging and --enable-debug is used. -- Fix RPM packaging for accounting_storage/mysql. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.6 ========================== -- Added parsing of -H flag with scancel. -- Fix slurmsmwd build on 32-bit systems. -- acct_gather_filesystem/lustre - add support for Lustre 2.12 client. -- Fix per-partition TRES factors/priority -- Fix per-partition NICE priority -- Fix partition access check validation for multi-partition job submissions. -- Prevent segfault on empty response in 'scontrol show dwstat'. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin - Preserve node's active features if it has already booted when slurmctld daemon is reconfigured. -- Detect missing burst buffer script and reject job. -- GRES: Properly reset the topo_gres_cnt_alloc counter on slurmctld restart to prevent underflow. -- Avoid errors from packing when RPM is built with out mysql support. -- Remove deprecated -t option from slurmctld --help. -- acct_gather_filesystem/lustre - fix stats gathering. -- Enforce documented default usage start and end times when querying jobs from the database. -- Fix issues when querying running jobs from the database. -- Deny sacct request where start time is later than the end time requested. -- Fix sacct verbose about time and states queried. -- burst_buffer/cray - allow 'scancel --hurry <jobid>' to tear down a burst buffer that is currently staging data out. -- X11 forwarding - allow setup if the DISPLAY environment variable lacks a screen number. (Permit both "localhost:10.0" and "localhost:10".) -- docs - change HTML title to include the page title or man page name. -- X11 forwarding - fix an unnecessary error message when using the local_xauthority X11Parameters option. -- Add use_raw_hostname to X11Parameters. -- Fix smail so it passes job arrays to seff correctly. -- Don't check InactiveLimit for salloc --no-shell jobs. -- Add SALLOC_GRES and SBATCH_GRES as input to salloc/sbatch. -- Remove drain state when node doesn't reboot by ResumeTimeout. -- Fix considering "resuming" nodes in scheduling. -- Do not kill suspended jobs due to exceeding time limit. -- Add NoAddrCache CommunicationParameter. -- Don't ping powering up cloud nodes. -- Add cloud_dns SlurmctldParameter. -- Consider --sbindir configure option as the default path to find slurmstepd. -- Fix node state printing of DRAINED$ -- Fix spamming dbd of down/drained nodes in maintenance reservation. -- Avoid buffer overflow in time_str2secs. -- Calculate suspended time for suspended steps. -- Add null check for step_ptr->step_node_bitmap in _pick_step_nodes. -- Fix multi-cluster srun issue after 'scontrol reconfigure' was called. -- Fix accessing response_cluster_rec outside of write locks. -- Fix Lua user messages not showing up on rejected submissions. -- Fix printing multi-line error messages on rejected submissions. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.5-2 ============================ -- Fix Perl build for 32-bit systems. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.5 ========================== -- Backfill - If a job has a time_limit guess the end time of a job better if OverTimeLimit is Unlimited. -- Fix "sacctmgr show events event=cluster" -- Fix sacctmgr show runawayjobs from sibling cluster -- Avoid bit offset of -1 in call to bit_nclear(). -- Insure that "hbm" is a configured GresType on knl systems. -- Fix NodeFeaturesPlugins=node_features/knl_generic to allow other gres other than knl. -- cons_res: Prevent overflow on multiply. -- Better debug for bad values in gres.conf. -- Fix double accounting of energy at end of job. -- Read gres.conf for cloud nodes on slurmctld. -- Don't assume the first node of a job is the batch host when purging jobs from a node. -- Better debugging when a job doesn't have a job_resrcs ptr. -- Store ave watts in energy plugins. -- Add XCC plugin for reading Lenovo Power. -- Fix minor memory leak when scheduling rebootable nodes. -- Fix debug2 prefix for sched log. -- Fix printing correct SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT_PACK_GROUP_* in env for a Het Job. -- sbatch - search current working directory first for job script. -- Make it so held jobs reset the AccrueTime and do not count against any AccrueTime limits. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_hetjob_prio=[min|avg|max] to alter the job sorting algorithm for scheduling heterogeneous jobs. -- Fix initialization of assoc_mgr_locks and slurmctld_locks lock structures. -- Fix segfault with job arrays using X11 forwarding. -- Revert regression caused by e0ee1c7054 which caused negative values and values starting with a decimal to be invalid for PriorityWeightTRES and TRESBillingWeight. -- Fix possibility to update a job's reservation to none. -- Suppress connection errors to primary slurmdbd when backup dbd is active. -- Suppress connection errors to primary db when backup db kicks in -- Add missing fields for sacct --completion when using jobcomp/filetxt. -- Fix incorrect values set for UserCPU, SystemCPU, and TotalCPU sacct fields when JobAcctGatherType=jobacct_gather/cgroup. -- Fixed srun from double printing invalid option msg twice. -- Remove unused -b flag from getopt call in sbatch. -- Disable reporting of node TRES in sreport. -- Re-enabling features combined by OR within parenthesis for non-knl setups. -- Prevent sending duplicate requests to reboot a node before ResumeTimeout. -- Down nodes that don't reboot by ResumeTimeout. -- Update seff to reflect API change from rss_max to tres_usage_in_max. -- Add missing TRES constants from perl API. -- Fix issue where sacct would return incorrect array tasks when querying specific tasks. -- Add missing variables to slurmdb_stats_t in the perlapi. -- Fix nodes not getting reboot RPC when job requires reboot of nodes. -- Fix failing update the partition list of a job. -- Use slurm.conf gres ids instead of gres.conf names to get a gres type name. -- Add mitigation for a potential heap overflow on 32-bit systems in xmalloc. CVE-2019-6438. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.4 ========================== -- burst_buffer/cray - avoid launching a job that would be immediately cancelled due to a DataWarp failure. -- Fix message sent to user to display preempted instead of time limit when a job is preempted. -- Fix memory leak when a failure happens processing a nodes gres config. -- Improve error message when failures happen processing a nodes gres config. -- When building rpms ignore redundant standard rpaths and insecure relative rpaths, for RHEL based distros which use "check-rpaths" tool. -- Don't skip jobs in scontrol hold. -- Avoid locking the job_list when unneeded. -- Allow --cpu-bind=verbose to be used with SLURM_HINT environment variable. -- Make it so fixing runaway jobs will not alter the same job requeued when not runaway. -- Avoid checking state when searching for runaway jobs. -- Remove redundant check for end time of job when searching for runaway jobs. -- Make sure that we properly check for runawayjobs where another job might have the same id (for example, if a job was requeued) by also checking the submit time. -- Add scontrol update job ResetAccrueTime to clear a job's time previously accrued for priority. -- cons_res: Delay exiting cr_job_test until after cores/cpus are calculated and distributed. -- Fix bug where binary in cwd would trump binary in PATH with test_exec. -- Fix check to test printf("%s\n", NULL); to not require -Wno-format-truncation CFLAG. -- Fix JobAcctGatherParams=UsePss to report the correct usage. -- Fix minor memory leak in pmix plugin. -- Fix minor memory leak in slurmctld when reading configuration. -- Handle return codes correctly from pthread_* functions. -- Fix minor memory leak when a slurmd is unable to contact a slurmctld when trying to register. -- Fix sreport sizesbyaccount report when using Flatview and accounts. -- Fix incorrect shift when dealing with node weights and scheduling. -- libslurm/perl - Fix segfault caused by incorrect hv_to_slurm_ctl_conf. -- Add qos and assoc options to confirmation dialogs. -- Handle updating identical license or partition information correctly. -- Makes sure accounts and QOS' are all lower case to match documentation when read in from the slurm.conf file. -- Don't consider partitions without enough nodes in reservation, main scheduler. -- Set SLURM_NTASKS correctly if having to determine from other options. -- Removed GCP scripts from contribs. Now located at: -- Don't check existence of srun --prolog or --epilog executables when set to "none" and SLURM_TEST_EXEC is used. -- Add "P" suffix support to job and step tres specifications. -- When doing a reconfigure handle QOS' GrpJobsAccrue correctly. -- Remove unneeded extra parentheses from sh5util. -- Fix jobacct_gather/cgroup to work correctly when more than one task is started on a node. -- If requesting --ntasks-per-node with no tasks set tasks correctly. -- Accept modifiers for TRES originally added in 6f0342e0358. -- Don't remove reservation on slurmctld restart if nodes are removed from configuration. -- Fix bad xfree in task/cgroup. -- Fix removing counters if a job array isn't subject to limits and is canceled while pending. -- Make sure SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE is set correctly when env is overwritten by the command line. -- Clean up step on a failed node correctly. -- mpi/pmix: Fixed the logging of collective state. -- mpi/pmix: Make multi-slurmd work correctly when using ring communication. -- mpi/pmix: Fix double invocation of the PMIx lib fence callback. -- mpi/pmix: Remove unneeded libpmix callback drop in tree-based coll. -- Fix race condition in route/topology when the slurmctld is reconfigured. -- In route/topology validate the slurmctld doesn't try to initialize the node system. -- Fix issue when requesting invalid gres. -- Validate job_ptr in backfill before restoring preempt state. -- Fix issue when job's environment is minimal and only contains variables Slurm is going to replace internally. -- When handling runaway jobs remove all usage before rollup to remove any time that wasn't existent instead of just updating lines that have time with a lesser time. -- salloc - set SLURM_NTASKS_PER_CORE and SLURM_NTASKS_PER_SOCKET in the environment if the corresponding command line options are used. -- slurmd - fix handling of the -f flag to specify alternate config file locations. -- Fix scheduling logic to avoid using nodes that require a reboot for KNL node change when possible. -- Fix scheduling logic bug. There should have been a test for _not_ NODE_SET_REBOOT to continue. -- Fix a scheuling logic bug with respect to XOR operation support when there are down nodes. -- If there is a constraint construct of the form "[...&...]" then an error is generated if more than one of those specifications contains KNL NUMA or MCDRAM modes. -- Fix stepd segfault race if slurmctld hasn't registered with the launching slurmd yet delivering it's TRES list. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_ignore_newly_avail_nodes to avoid scheduling lower priority jobs on resources that become available during the backfill scheduling cycle when bf_continue is enabled. -- Decrement message_connections in stepd code on error path correctly. -- Decrease an error message to be debug. -- Fix missing suffixes in squeue. -- pam_slurm_adopt - send an error message to the user if no Slurm jobs can be located on the node. -- Run SlurmctldPrimaryOffProg when the primary slurmctld process shuts down. -- job_submit/lua: Add several slurmctld return codes. -- job_submit/lua: Add user/group info to jobs. -- Fix formatting issues when printing uint64_t. -- Bump RLIMIT_NOFILE for daemons in systemd services. -- Expand %x in job name in 'scontrol show job'. -- salloc/sbatch/srun - print warning if mutually exclusive options of --mem and --mem-per-cpu are both set. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.3 ========================== -- Fix regression in 18.08.1 that caused dbd messages to not be queued up when the dbd was down. -- Fix regression in 18.08.1 that can cause a slurmctld crash when splitting job array elements. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.2 ========================== -- Correctly initialize variable in env_array_user_default(). -- Remove race condition when signaling starting step. -- Fix issue where 17.11 job's using GRES in didn't initialize new 18.08 structures after unpack. -- Stop removing nodes once the minimum CPU or node count for the job is reached in the cons_res plugin. -- Process any changes to MinJobAge and SlurmdTimeout in the slurmctld when it is reconfigured to determine changes in its background timers. -- Use previous SlurmdTimeout in the slurmctld after a reconfigure to determine the time a node has been down. -- Fix multi-cluster srun between clusters with different SelectType plugins. -- Fix removing job licenses on reconfig/restart when configured license counts are 0. -- If a job requested multiple licenses and one license was removed then on a reconfigure/restart all of the licenses -- including the valid ones would be removed. -- Fix issue where job's license string wasn't updated after a restart when licenses were removed or added. -- Add allow_zero_lic to SchedulerParameters. -- Avoid scheduling tasks in excess of ArrayTaskThrottle when canceling tasks of an array. -- Fix jobs that request memory per node and task count that can't be scheduled right away. -- Avoid infinite loop with jobacct_gather/linux when pids wrap around /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max. -- Fix --parsable2 output for sacct and sstat commands to remove a stray trailing delimiter. -- When modifying a user's name in sacctmgr enforce PreserveCaseUser. -- When adding a coordinator or user that was once deleted enforce PreserveCaseUser. -- Correctly handle scenarios where a partitions MaxMemPerCPU is less than a jobs --mem-per-cpu and also -c is greater than 1. -- Set AccrueTime correctly when MaxJobsAccrue is disabled and BeginTime has not been established. -- Correctly account for job arrays for new {Max/Grp}JobsAccrue limits. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.1 ========================== -- Remove commented-out parts of man pages related to cons_tres work in 19.05, as these were showing up on the web version due to a syntax error. -- Prevent slurmctld performance issues in main background loop if multiple backup controllers are unavailable. -- Add missing user read association lock in burst_buffer/cray during init(). -- Fix incorrect spacing for PartitionName lines in 'scontrol write config'. -- Fix creation of step hwloc xml file for after cpuset cgroup has been created. -- Add userspace as a valid default governor. -- Add timers to group_cache_lookup so if going slow advise LaunchParameters=send_gids. -- Fix SLURM_STEP_GRES=none to work correctly. -- Fix potential memory leak when a failure happens unpacking a ctld_multi_msg. -- Fix potential double free when a faulure happens when unpacking a node_registration_status_msg. -- Fix sacctmgr show runaways. -- Removed non-POSIX append operator from configure script for non-bash support. -- Fix incorrect spacing for PartitionName lines in 'scontrol write config'. -- Fix sacct to not print huge reserve times when the job was never eligible. -- burst_buffer/cray - Add missing locks around assoc_mgr when timing out a burst buffer. -- burst_buffer/cray - Update burst buffers when an association or qos is removed from the system. -- Remove documentation for deprecated Cray/ALPS systems. Please switch to Native Cray mode instead. -- Completely copy features when copying the list in the slurmctld. -- PMIX - Fix issue with packing processes when using an arbitrary task distribution. -- Fix hostlists to be able to handle nodenames with '-' in them surrounded by integers. -- Added sort option to sprio output. -- Fix correct job CPU count allocated. -- Fix sacctmgr setting GrpJobs limit when setting GrpJobsAccrue limit. -- Change the defaults to MemLimitEnforce=no and NoOverMemoryKill (See RELEASE_NOTES). -- Prevent abort when using Cray node features plugin on non-knl. -- Add ability to reboot down nodes with scontrol reboot_nodes. -- Protect against sending to the slurmdbd if the connection has gone away. -- Fix invalid read when not using backup slurmctlds. -- Prevent acct coordinators from changing default acct on add user. -- Don't allow scontrol top do modify job priorities when priority == 1. -- slurmsmwd - change parsing code to handle systems with the svid or inst fields set in xtconsumer output. -- Fix infinite loop in slurmctld if GRES is specified without a count. -- sacct: Print error when unknown arguments are found. -- Fix checking missing return codes when unpacking structures. -- Fix slurm.spec-legacy including slurmsmwd -- More explicit error message when cgroup oom-kill events detected. -- When updating an association and are unable to find parent association initialize old fairshare association pointer correctly. -- Wrap slurm_cond_signal() calls with mutexes where needed. -- Fix correct timeout with resends in slurm_send_only_node_msg. -- Fix pam_slurm_adopt to honor action_adopt_failure. -- Have the slurmd recreate the hwloc xml file for the full system on restart. -- sdiag - correct the units for the gettimeofday() stat to microseconds. -- Set SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable in MailProg to the ClusterName. -- smail - use SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable. -- job_submit/lua - expose argc/argv options through lua interface. -- slurmdbd - prevent false-positive warning about innodb settings having been set too low if they're actually set over 2GB. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.0 ========================== -- Fix segfault on job arrays when starting controller without dbd up. -- Fix pmi2 to build with gcc 8.0+. -- Remove the development snapshot of select/cons_tres plugin. -- Fix slurmd -C to not print benign error from xcpuinfo. -- Fix potential double locks in the assoc_mgr. -- Fix sacct truncate flag behavior Truncated pending jobs will always return a start and end time set to the window end time, so elapsed time is 0. -- Fix extern step hanging forever when canceled right after creation. -- sdiag - add slurmctld agent count. -- Remove requirement to have cgroup_allowed_devices_file.conf in order to constrain devices. By default all devices are allowed and GRES, that are associated with a device file, that are not requested are restricted. -- Fix proper alignment of clauses when determining if more nodes are needed for an allocation. -- Fix race condition when canceling a federation job that just started running. -- Prevent extra resources from being allocated when combining certain flags. -- Fix problem in task/affinity plugin that can lead to slurmd fatal()'ing when using --hint=nomultithread. -- Fix left over socket file when step is ending and using pmi2 with %n or %h in the spool dir. -- Don't remove hwloc full system xml file when shutting down the slurmd. -- Fix segfault that could happen with a het job when it was canceled while starting. -- Fix scan-build false-positive warning about invalid memory access in the _ping_controller() function. -- Add control_inx value to trigger_info_msg_t to permit future work in the trigger management code to distinguish which of multiple backup controllers has changed state. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.0rc1 ============================== -- Add TimelimitRaw sacct output field to display timelimit numbers. -- Fix job array preemption during backfill scheduling. -- Fix scontrol -o show assoc output. -- Add support for sacct --whole-hetjob=[yes|no] option. -- Make salloc handle node requests the same as sbatch. -- Add shutdown_on_reboot SlurmdParameter to control whether the Slurmd will shutdown itself down or not when a reboot request is received. -- Add cancel_reboot scontrol option to cancel pending reboot of nodes. -- Make Users case insensitive in the database based on Parameters=PreserveCaseUser in the slurmdbd.conf. -- Improve scheduling when dealing with node_features that could have a boot delay. -- Fix issue if a step launch fails we don't get a bunch of '(null)' strings in the step record for usage. -- Changed the default AuthType for slurmdbd to auth/munge. -- Make it so doesn't link to$apiversion. -- Added '' to After directive of slurmd.service file. -- Fix filetxt plugin to handle it when you aren't running a jobacct_gather plugin. -- Remove drain on node when reboot nextstate used. -- Speed up pack of job's qos. -- Fix race condition when trying to update reservation in the database. -- For the PrologFlags slurm.conf option, make NoHold mutually exclusive with Contain and/or X11 options. -- Revise the handling of SlurmctldSyslogLevel and SlurmdSyslogLevel options in slurm.conf and DebugLevelSyslog in slurmdbd.conf. -- Gate reading the cgroup.conf file. -- Gate reading the acct_gather_* plugins. -- Add sacctmgr options to prevent/manage job queue stuffing: - GrpJobsAccrue=<max_jobs> Maximum number of pending jobs in aggregate able to accrue age priority for this association and all associations which are children of this association. To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1. - MaxJobsAccrue=<max_jobs> Maximum number of pending jobs able to accrue age priority at any given time for the given association. This is overridden if set directly on a user. Default is the cluster's limit. To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1. - MinPrioThreshold Minimum priority required to reserve resources when scheduling. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.0pre2 ============================== -- Remove support for "ChosLoc" configuration parameter. -- Configuration parameters "ControlMachine", "ControlAddr", "BackupController" and "BackupAddr" replaced by an ordered list of "SlurmctldHost" records with the optional address appended to the name enclosed in parenthesis. For example: "SlurmctldHost=head(". An arbitrary number of backup servers can be configured. -- When a pending job's state includes "UnavailableNodes" do not include the nodes in FUTURE state. -- Remove --immediate option from sbatch. -- Add infrastructure for per-job and per-step TRES parameters: tres-per-job, tres-per-node, tres-per-socket, tres-per-task, cpus-per-tres, mem-per-tres, tres-bind and tres-freq. These new parameters are not currently used, but have been added to the appropriate RPCs. -- Add DefCpuPerGpu and DefMemPerGpu to global and per-partition configuration parameters. Shown in scontrol/sview as "JobDefaults=...". NOTE: These options are for future use and currently have no effect. -- Fix for setting always the correct status on job update in mysql -- Add ValidateMode configuration parameter to knl_cray.conf for static MCDRAM/NUMA configurations. -- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2018-7033. -- Disable local PTY output processing when using 'srun --unbuffered'. This prevents the PTY subsystem from inserting extraneous \r characters into the output stream. -- Change the column name for the %U (User ID) field in squeue to 'UID'. -- CRAY - Add CheckGhalQuiesce to the CommunicationParameters. -- When a process is core dumping, avoid terminating other processes in that task group. This fixes a problem with writing out incomplete OpenMP core files. -- CPU frequency management enhancements: If scaling_available_frequencies file is not available, then derive values from scaling_min_freq and scaling_max_freq values. If cpuinfo_cur_freq file is not available then try to use scaling_cur_freq. -- Add pending jobs count to sdiag output. -- Fix update job function. There were some incosistencies on the behavior that caused time limits to be modified when swapping QOS, bad permissions check for a coordinator and AllowQOS and DenyQOS were not enforced on job update. -- Add configuration paramerers SlurmctldPrimaryOnProg and SlurmctldPrimaryOffProg, which define programs to execute when a slurmctld daemon becomes the primary server or goes from primary to backup mode. -- Add configuration paramerers SlurmctldAddr for use with virtual IP to manage backup slurmctld daemons. -- Explicitly shutdown the slurmd process when instructed to reboot. -- Add ability to create/update partition with TRESBillingWeights through scontrol. -- Calcuate TRES billing values at submission so that billing limits can be enforced at submission with QOS DenyOnLimit. -- Add node_features plugin function "node_features_p_reboot_weight()" to return the node weight to be used for a compute node that requires reboot for use (e.g. to change the NUMA mode of a KNL node). -- Add NodeRebootWeight parameter to knl.conf configuration file. -- Fix insecure handling of job requested gid field. CVE-2018-10995. -- Fix srun to return highest signal of any task. -- Completely remove "gres" field from step record. Use "tres_per_node", "tres_per_socket", etc. -- Add "Links" parameter to gres.conf configuration file. -- Force slurm_mktime() to set tm_isdst to -1 so anyone using the function doesn't forget to set it. -- burst_buffer.conf - Add SetExecHost flag to enable burst buffer access from the login node for interactive jobs. -- Append ", with requeued tasks" to job array "end" emails if any tasks in the array were requeued. This is a hint to use "sacct --duplicates" to see the whole picture of the array job. -- Add ResumeFailProgram slurm.conf option to specify a program that is called when a node fails to respond by ResumeTimeout. -- Add new job pending reason of "ReqNodeNotAvail, reserved for maintenance". -- Remove AdminComment += syntax from 'scontrol update job'. -- sched/backfill: Reset job time limit if needed for deadline scheduling. -- For heterogeneous job component with required nodes, explicitly exclude those nodes from all other job components. -- Add name of partition used to output of srun --test-only output (valuable for jobs submitted to multiple partitions). -- If MailProg is not configured and "/bin/mail" (the default) does not exist, but "/usr/bin/mail" does exist then use "/usr/bin/mail" as a default value. -- sdiag output now reports outgoing slurmctld message queue contents. -- Fix issue in performance when reading slurm conf having nodes with features. -- Make it so the slurmdbd's pid file gets created before initing the database. -- Improve escaping special characters on user commands when specifying paths. -- Fix directory names with special char '\' that are not handled correctly. -- Add salloc/sbatch/srun option of --gres-flags=disable-binding to disable filtering of CPUs with respect to generic resource locality. This option is currently required to use more CPUs than are bound to a GRES (i.e. if a GPU is bound to the CPUs on one socket, but resources on more than one socket are required to run the job). This option may permit a job to be allocated resources sooner than otherwise possible, but may result in lower job performance. -- SlurmDBD - Print warning if MySQL/MariaDB internal tuning is not at least half of the recommended values. -- Move libpmi from src/api to contribs/pmi. -- Add ability to specify a node reason when rebooting nodes with "scontrol reboot". -- Add nextstate option to "scontrol reboot" to dictate state of node after reboot. -- Consider "resuming" (nextstate=resume) nodes as available in backfill future scheduling and don't replace "resuming" nodes in reservations. -- Add the use of a xml file to help performance when using hwloc. * Changes in Slurm 18.08.0pre1 ============================== -- Add new burst buffer state of "teardown-fail" to indicate the burst buffer teardown operation is failing on specific buffers. This changes the numeric value of the BB_STATE_COMPLETE type. Any Slurm version 17.02 or 17.11 tool used to report burst buffer state information will report a state of "66" rather than "complete" for burst buffers which have been deleted, but still exist in the slurmctld daemon's tables (a very short-lived situation). -- Multiple backup slurmctld daemons can be configured: * Specify "BackupController#=<hostname> and "BackupAddr#=<address>" to identify up to 9 backup servers. * Output format of "scontrol ping" and the daemon status at the end of "scontrol status" is modified to report up status of the primary and all backup servers. * "scontrol takeover [#]" command can now identify the SlurmctldHost index number. Default value is "1" (the first backup configured SlurmctldHost). -- Enable jobs with zero node count for creation and/or deletion of persistent burst buffers. * The partition default MinNodes configuration parameter is now 0 (previously 1 node). * Zero size jobs disabled for job arrays and heterogeneous jobs, but supported for salloc, sbatch and srun commands. -- Add "scontrol show dwstat" command to display Cray burst buffer status. -- Add "GetSysStatus" option to burst_buffer.conf file. For burst_buffer/cray this would indicate the location of the "dwstat" command. -- Add node and partition configuration options of "CpuBind" to control default task binding. Modify the scontrol to report and modify these parameters. -- Add "NumaCpuBind" option to knl.conf file to automatically change a node's CpuBind parameter based upon changes to a node's NUMA mode. -- Add sbatch "--batch" option to identify features required on batch node. For example "sbatch --batch=haswell ...". -- Add "BatchFeatures" field to output of "scontrol show job". -- Add support for "--bb" option to sbatch command. -- Add new SystemComment field to job data structure and database. Currently used for Burst Buffer error logs. -- Expand reservation "flags" field from 32 to 64 bits. -- Add job state flag of "SIGNALING" to avoid race condition with multiple SIGSTOP/SIGCONT signals for the same job being active at the same time. -- Properly handle srun --will-run option when there are jobs in COMPLETING state. -- Properly report who is signaling a step. -- Don't combine updated reservation records in sreport's reservation report. -- node_features plugin - Add suport for XOR & XAND of job constraints (node feature specifications). -- Add support for parenthesis in a job's constraint specification to group like options together. For example --constraint="[(knl&snc4&flat)*4&haswell*1]" might be used to specify that four nodes with the features "knl", "snc4" and "flat" plus one node with the feature "haswell" are required. -- Improvements to how srun searches for the executible when using cwd. -- Now programs can be checked before execution if test_exec is set when using multi-prog option. -- Report NodeFeatures plugin configuration with scontrol and sview commands. -- Add acct_gather_profile/influxdb plugin. -- Add new job state of SO/STAGE_OUT indicating that burst buffer stage-out operation is in progress. -- Correct SLURM_NTASKS and SLURM_NPROCS environment variable for heterogeneous job step. Report values representing full allocation. -- Expand advanced reservation feature specification to support parenthesis and counts of nodes with specified features. Nodes with the feature currently active will be prefered. -- Defer job signaling until prolog is completed -- Have the primary slurmctld wait until the backup has completely shutdown before taking control. -- Fix issue where unpacking job state after TRES count changed could lead to invalid reads. -- Heterogeneous job steps allocations supported with * Open MPI (with Slurm's PMI2 and PMIx plugins) and * Intel MPI (with Slurm's PMI2 plugin) -- Remove redundant function arguments from task plugins: * Remove "job_id" field from task_p_slurmd_batch_request() function. * Remove "job_id" field from task_p_slurmd_launch_request() function. * Remove "job_id" field from task_p_slurmd_reserve_resources() function. -- Change function name from node_features_p_changible_feature() to node_features_p_changeable_feature in node_features plugin. -- Add Slurm configuration file check logic using "slurmctld -t" command. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.14 =========================== * Changes in Slurm 17.11.13-2 ============================= -- Fix Perl build for 32-bit systems. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.13 =========================== -- Add mitigation for a potential heap overflow on 32-bit systems in xmalloc. CVE-2019-6438. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.12 =========================== -- Fix regression in 17.11.10 that caused dbd messages to not be queued up when the dbd was down. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.11 =========================== -- Correctly initialize variable in env_array_user_default(). -- Correctly handle scenarios where a partitions MaxMemPerCPU is less than a jobs --mem-per-cpu and also -c is greater than 1. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.10 =========================== -- Move priority_sort_part_tier from slurmctld to libslurm to make it possible to run the regression tests 24.* without changing that code since it links directly to the priority plugin where that function isn't defined. -- Fix issue where job time limits can increase to max walltime when updating a job with scontrol. -- Fix invalid protocol_version manipulation on big endian platforms causing srun and sattach to fail. -- Fix for QOS, Reservation and Alias env variables in srun. -- mpi/pmi2 - Backport 6a702158b49c4 from 18.08 to avoid dangerous detached thread. -- When allowing heterogeneous steps make sure we copy all the options to avoid copying strings that may be overwritten. -- Print correctly when sh5util finds and empty file. -- Fix sh5util to not seg fault on exit. -- Fix sh5util to check correctly for H5free_memory. -- Adjust OOM monitoring function in task/cgroup to prevent problems in regression suite from leaked file descriptors. -- Fix issue with gres when defined with a type and no count (i.e. gres=gpu/tesla) it would get a count of 0. -- Allow sstat to talk to slurmd's that are new in protocol version. -- Permit database names over 33 characters in accounting_storage/mysql. -- Fix negative values when profiling. -- Fix srun segfault caused by invalid memory reads on the env. -- Fix segfault on job arrays when starting controller without dbd up. -- Fix pmi2 to build with gcc 8.0+. -- Fix proper alignment of clauses when determining if more nodes are needed for an allocation. -- Fix race condition when canceling a federation job that just started running. -- Prevent extra resources from being allocated when combining certain flags. -- Fix problem in task/affinity plugin that can lead to slurmd fatal()'ing when using --hint=nomultithread. -- Fix left over socket file when step is ending and using pmi2 with %n or %h in the spool dir. -- Fix incorrect spacing for PartitionName lines in 'scontrol write config'. -- Fix sacct to not print huge reserve times when the job was never eligible. -- burst_buffer/cray - Add missing locks around assoc_mgr when timing out a burst buffer. -- burst_buffer/cray - Update burst buffers when an association or qos is removed from the system. -- If failed over to a backup controller, ensure the agent thread is launched to handle deferred tasks. -- Fix correct job CPU count allocated. -- Protect against sending to the slurmdbd if the connection has gone away. -- Fix checking missing return codes when unpacking structures. -- Fix slurm.spec-legacy including slurmsmwd -- More explicit error message when cgroup oom-kill events detected. -- When updating an association and are unable to find parent association initialize old fairshare association pointer correctly. -- Wrap slurm_cond_signal() calls with mutexes where needed. -- Fix correct timeout with resends in slurm_send_only_node_msg. -- Fix pam_slurm_adopt to honor action_adopt_failure. -- job_submit/lua - expose argc/argv options through lua interface. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.9-2 ============================ -- Fix printing of node state "drain + reboot" (and other node state flags). -- Fix invalid read (segfault) when sorting multi-partition jobs. -- Move several new error() messages to debug() to keep them out of users' srun output. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.9 ========================== -- Fix segfault in slurmctld when a job's node bitmap is NULL during a scheduling cycle. Primarily caused by EnforcePartLimits=ALL. -- Remove erroneous unlock in acct_gather_energy/ipmi. -- Enable support for hwloc version 2.0.1. -- Fix 'srun -q' (--qos) option handling. -- Fix socket communication issue that can lead to lost task completition messages, which will cause a permanently stuck srun process. -- Handle creation of TMPDIR if environment variable is set or changed in a task prolog script. -- Avoid node layout fragmentation if running with a fixed CPU count but without Sockets and CoresPerSocket defined. -- burst_buffer/cray - Fix datawarp swap default pool overriding jobdw. -- Fix incorrect job priority assignment for multi-partition job with different PriorityTier settings on the partitions. -- Fix sinfo to print correct node state. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.8 ========================== -- Fix incomplete RESPONSE_[RESOURCE|JOB_PACK]_ALLOCATION building path. -- Do not allocate nodes that were marked down due to the node not responding by ResumeTimeout. -- task/cray plugin - search for "mems" cgroup information in the file "cpuset.mems" then fall back to the file "mems". -- Fix ipmi profile debug uninitialized variable. -- Improve detection of Lua package on older RHEL distributions. -- PMIx: fixed the direct connect inline msg sending. -- MYSQL: Fix issue not handling all fields when loading an archive dump. -- Allow a job_submit plugin to change the admin_comment field during job_submit_plugin_modify(). -- job_submit/lua - fix access into reservation table. -- MySQL - Prevent deadlock caused by archive logic locking reads. -- Don't enforce MaxQueryTimeRange when requesting specific jobs. -- Modify --test-only logic to properly support jobs submitted to more than one partition. -- Prevent slurmctld from abort when attempting to set non-existing qos as def_qos_id. -- Add new job dependency type of "afterburstbuffer". The pending job will be delayed until the first job completes execution and it's burst buffer stage-out is completed. -- Reorder proctrack/task plugin load in the slurmstepd to match that of slurmd and avoid race condition calling task before proctrack can introduce. -- Prevent reboot of a busy KNL node when requesting inactive features. -- Revert to previous behavior when requesting memory per cpu/node introduced in 17.11.7. -- Fix to reinitialize previously adjusted job members to their original value when validating the job memory in multi-partition requests. -- Fix _step_signal() from always returning SLURM_SUCCESS. -- Combine active and available node feature change logs on one line rather than one line per node for performance reasons. -- Prevent occasionally leaking freezer cgroups. -- Fix potential segfault when closing the mpi/pmi2 plugin. -- Fix issues with --exclusive=[user|mcs] to work correctly with preemption or when job requests a specific list of hosts. -- Make code compile with hdf5 1.10.2+ -- mpi/pmix: Fixed the collectives canceling. -- SlurmDBD: improve error message handling on archive load failure. -- Fix incorrect locking when deleting reservations. -- Fix incorrect locking when setting up the power save module. -- Fix setting format output length for squeue when showing array jobs. -- Add xstrstr function. -- Fix printing out of --hint options in sbatch, salloc --help. -- Prevent possible divide by zero in _validate_time_limit(). -- Add Delegate=yes to the slurmd.service file to prevent systemd from interfering with the jobs' cgroup hierarchies. -- Change the backlog argument to the listen() syscall within srun to 4096 to match elsewhere in the code, and avoid communication problems at scale. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.7 ========================== -- Fix for possible slurmctld daemon abort with NULL pointer. -- Fix different issues when requesting memory per cpu/node. -- PMIx - override default paths at configure time if --with-pmix is used. -- Have sprio display jobs before eligible time when PriorityFlags=ACCRUE_ALWAYS is set. -- Make sure locks are always in place when calling _post_qos_list(). -- Notify srun and ctld when unkillable stepd exits. -- Fix slurmstepd deadlock in stepd cleanup caused by race condition in the jobacct_gather fini() interfaces introduced in 17.11.6. -- Fix slurmstepd deadlock in PMIx startup. -- task/cgroup - fix invalid free() if the hwloc library does not return a string as expected. -- Fix insecure handling of job requested gid field. CVE-2018-10995. -- Add --without x11 option to rpmbuild in slurm.spec. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.6 ========================== -- CRAY - Add slurmsmwd to the contribs/cray dir. -- sview - fix crash when closing any search dialog. -- Fix initialization of variable in stepd when using native x11. -- Fix reading slurm_io_init_msg to handle partial messages. -- Fix scontrol create res segfault when wrong user/account parameters given. -- Fix documentation for sacct on parameter -X (--allocations) -- Change TRES Weights debug messages to debug3. -- FreeBSD - assorted fixes to restore build. -- Fix for not tracking environment variables from unrelated different jobs. -- PMIX - Added the direct connect authentication. When upgrading this may cause issues with jobs using pmix starting on mixed slurmstepd versions where some are less than 17.11.6. -- Prevent the backup slurmctld from losing the active/available node features list on takeover. -- Add documentation for fix IDLE*+POWER due to capmc stuck in Cray systems. -- Fix missing mutex unlock when prolog is failing on a node, leading to a hung slurmd. -- Fix locking around Cray CCM prolog/epilog. -- Add missing fed_mgr read locks. -- Fix issue incorrectly setting a job time_start to 0 while requeueing. -- smail - remove stray '-s' from mail subject line. -- srun - prevent segfault if ClusterName setting is unset but SLURM_WORKING_CLUSTER environment variable is defined. -- In configurator.html web pages change default configuration from task/none to task/affinity plugin and from select/linear plugin to select/cons_res plus CR_Core. -- Allow jobs to run beyond a FLEX reservation end time. -- Fix problem with wrongly set as Reservation job state_reason. -- Prevent bit_ffs() from returnig value out of bitmap range. -- Improve performance of 'squeue -u' when PrivateData=jobs is enabled. -- Make UnavailableNodes value in job reason be correct for each job. -- Fix 'squeue -o %s' on Cray systems. -- Fix incorrect error thrown when cancelling part of a job array. -- Fix error code and scheduling problem for --exclusive=[user|mcs]. -- Fix build when lz4 is in a non-standard location. -- Be able to force power_down of cloud node even if in power_save state. -- Allow cloud nodes to be recognized in Slurm when booted out of band. -- Fixes race condition in _pack_job_gres() when is called multiple times. -- Increase duration of "sleep" command used to keep extern step alive. -- Remove unsafe usage of pthread_cancel in slurmstepd that can lead to to deadlock in glibc. -- Fix total TRES Billing on partitions. -- Don't tear down a BB if a node fails and --no-kill or resize of a job happens. -- Remove unsafe usage of pthread_cancel in pmix plugin that can lead to to deadlock in glibc. -- Fix fatal in controller when loading completed trigger -- Ignore reservation overlap at submission time. -- GRES type model and QOS limits documentation added -- slurmd - fix ABRT on SIGINT after reconfigure with MemSpecLimit set. -- PMIx - move two error messages on retry to debug level, and only display the error after the retry count has been exceeded. -- Increase number of tries when sending responses to srun. -- Fix checkpointing requeued/completing jobs in a bad state which caused a segfault on restart. -- Fix srun on ppc64 platforms. -- Prevent slurmd from starting steps if the Prolog returns an error when using PrologFlags=alloc. -- priority/multifactor - prevent segfault running sprio if a partition has just been deleted and PriorityFlags=CALCULATE_RUNNING is turned on. -- job_submit/lua - add ESLURM_INVALID_TIME_LIMIT return code value. -- job_submit/lua - print an error if the script calls log.user in job_modify() instead of returning it to the next submitted job erroneously. -- select/linear - handle job resize correctly. -- select/cons_res - improve handling of --cores-per-socket requests. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.5 ========================== -- Fix cloud nodes getting stuck in DOWN+POWER_UP+NO_RESPOND state after not responding by ResumeTimeout. -- Add job's array_task_cnt and user_name along with partitions [max|def]_mem_per_[cpu|node], max_cpus_per_node, and max_share with the SHARED_FORCE definition to the job_submit/lua plugin. -- srun - fix for SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES env variable assignment. -- sacctmgr - fix runaway jobs identification. -- Fix for setting always the correct status on job update in mysql. -- Fix issue if running with an association manager cache (slurmdbd was down when slurmctld was started) you could loose QOS usage information. -- CRAY - Fix spec file to work correctly. -- Set scontrol exit code to 1 if attempting to update a node state to DRAIN or DOWN without specifying a reason. -- Fix race condition when running with an association manager cache (slurmdbd was down when slurmctld was started). -- Print out missing SLURM_PERSIST_INIT slurmdbd message type. -- Fix two build errors related to use of the O_CLOEXEC flag with older glibc. -- Add Google Cloud Platform integration scripts into contribs directory. -- Fix minor potential memory leak in backfill plugin. -- Add missing node flags (maint/power/etc) to node states. -- Fix issue where job time limits may end up at 1 minute when using the NoReserve flag on their QOS. -- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2018-7033. -- Soften messages about best_fit topology to debug2 to avoid alarm. -- Fix issue in sreport reservation utilization report to handle more allocated time than 100% (Flex reservations). -- When a job is requesting a Flex reservation prefer the reservation's nodes over any other nodes. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.4 ========================== -- Add fatal_abort() function to be able to get core dumps if we hit an "impossible" edge case. -- Link slurmd against all libraries that slurmstepd links to. -- Fix limits enforce order when they're set at partition and other levels. -- Add slurm_load_single_node() function to the Perl API. -- slurm.spec - change dependency for --with lua to use pkgconfig. -- Fix small memory leaks in node_features plugins on reconfigure. -- slurmdbd - only permit requests to update resources from operators or administrators. -- Fix handling of partial writes in io_init_msg_write_to_fd() which can lead to job step launch failure under higher cluster loads. -- MYSQL - Fix to handle quotes in a given work_dir of a job. -- sbcast - fix a race condition that leads to "Unspecified error". -- Log that support for the ChosLoc configuration parameter will end in Slurm version 18.08. -- Fix backfill performance issue where bf_min_prio_reserve was not respected. -- Fix MaxQueryTimeRange checks. -- Print MaxQueryTimeRange in "sacctmgr show config". -- Correctly check return codes when creating a step to check if needing to wait to retry or not. -- Fix issue where a job could be denied by Reason=MaxMemPerLimit when not requesting any tasks. -- In perl tools, fix for regexp that caused extra incorrectly shown results. -- Add some extra locks in fed_mgr to be extra safe. -- Minor memory leak fixes in the fed_mgr on slurmctld shutdown. -- Make sreport job reports also report duplicate jobs correctly. -- Fix issues restoring certain Partition configuration elements, especially when ReconfigFlags=KeepPartInfo is enabled. -- Don't add TRES whose value is NO_VAL64 when building string line. -- Fix removing array jobs from hash in slurmctld. -- Print out missing user messages from jobsubmit plugin when srun/salloc are waiting for an allocation. -- Handle --clusters=all as case insensitive. -- Only check requested clusters in federation when using --test-only submission option. -- In the federation, make it so you can cancel stranded sibling jobs. -- Silence an error from PSS memory stat collection process. -- Requeue jobs allocated to nodes requested to DRAIN or FAIL if nodes are POWER_SAVE or POWER_UP, preventing jobs to start on NHC-failed nodes. -- Make MAINT and OVERLAP resvervation flags order agnostic on overlap test. -- Preserve node features when slurmctld daemons reconfigured including active and available KNL features. -- Prevent creation of multiple io_timeout threads within srun, which can lead to fatal() messages when those unexpected and additional mutexes are destroyed when srun shuts down. -- burst_buffer/cray - Prevent use of "#DW create_persistent" and "#DW destroy_persistent" directives available in Cray CLE6.0UP06. This will be supported in Slurm version 18.08. Use "#BB" directives until then. -- Fix task/cgroup affinity to behave correctly. -- FreeBSD - fix build on systems built with WITHOUT_KERBEROS. -- Fix to restore pn_min_memory calculated result to correctly enforce MaxMemPerCPU setting on a partition when the job uses --mem. -- slurmdbd - prevent infinite loop if a QOS is set to preempt itself. -- Fix issue with log rotation for slurmstepd processes. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.3-2 ========================== -- Revert node_features changes in 17.11.3 that lead to various segfaults on slurmctld startup. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.3 ========================== -- Send SIG_UME correctly to a step. -- Sort sreport's reservation report by cluster, time_start, resv_name instead of cluster, resv_name, time_start. -- Avoid setting node in COMPLETING state indefinitely if the job initiating the node reboot is cancelled while the reboot in in progress. -- Scheduling fix for changing node features without any NodeFeatures plugins. -- Improve logic when summarizing job arrays mail notifications. -- Add scontrol -F/--future option to display nodes in FUTURE state. -- Fix REASONABLE_BUF_SIZE to actually be 3/4 of MAX_BUF_SIZE. -- When a job array is preempting make it so tasks in the array don't wait to preempt other possible jobs. -- Change free_buffer to FREE_NULL_BUFFER to prevent possible double free in slurmstepd. -- node_feature/knl_cray - Fix memory leaks that occur when slurmctld reconfigured. -- node_feature/knl_cray - Fix memory leak that can occur during normal operation. -- Fix srun environment variables for --prolog script. -- Fix job array dependency with "aftercorr" option and some task arrays in the first job fail. This fix lets all task array elements that can run proceed rather than stopping all subsequent task array elements. -- Fix potential deadlock in the slurmctld when using list_for_each. -- Fix for possible memory corruption in srun when running heterogeneous job steps. -- Fix job array dependency with "aftercorr" option and some task arrays in the first job fail. This fix lets all task array elements that can run proceed rather than stopping all subsequent task array elements. -- Fix output file containing "%t" (task ID) for heterogeneous job step to be based upon global task ID rather than task ID for that component of the heterogeneous job step. -- MYSQL - Fix potential abort when attempting to make an account a parent of itself. -- Fix potentially uninitialized variable in slurmctld. -- MYSQL - Fix issue for multi-dimensional machines when using sacct to find jobs that ran on specific nodes. -- Reject --acctg-freq at submit if invalid. -- Added info string on sh5util when deleting an empty file. -- Correct dragonfly topology support when job allocation specifies desired switch count. -- Fix minor memory leak on an sbcast error path. -- Fix issues when starting the backup slurmdbd. -- Revert uid check when requesting a jobid from a pid. -- task/cgroup - add support to detect OOM_KILL cgroup events. -- Fix whole node allocation cpu counts when --hint=nomultihtread. -- Allow execution of task prolog/epilog when uid has access rights by a secondary group id. -- Validate command existence on the srun *[pro|epi]log options if LaunchParameter test_exec is set. -- Fix potential memory leak if clean starting and the TRES didn't change from when last started. -- Fix for association MaxWall enforcement when none is given at submission. -- Add a job's allocated licenses to the [Pro|Epi]logSlurmctld. -- burst_buffer/cray: Attempts by job to create persistent burst buffer when one already exists owned by a different user will be logged and the job held. -- CRAY - Remove race in the core_spec where we add the slurmstepd to the job container where if the step was canceled would also cancel the stepd erroneously. -- Make sure the slurmstepd blocks signals like SIGTERM correctly. -- SPANK - When slurm_spank_init_post_opt() fails return error correctly. -- When revoking a sibling job in the federation we want to send a start message before purging the job record to get the uid of the revoked job. -- Make JobAcctGatherParams options case-insensitive. Previously, UsePss was the only correct capitialization; UsePSS or usepss were silently ignored. -- Prevent pthread_atfork handlers from being added unnecessarily after 'scontrol reconfigure', which can eventually lead to a crash if too many handlers have been registered. -- Better debug messages when MaxSubmitJobs is hit. -- Docs - update squeue man page to describe all possible job states. -- Prevent orphaned step_extern steps when a job is cancelled while the prolog is still running. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.2 ========================== -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - append Content-Type to the HTTP header. -- MYSQL - Fix potential abort of slurmdbd when job has no TRES. -- Add advanced reservation flag of "REPLACE_DOWN" to replace DOWN or DRAINED nodes. -- slurm.spec-legacy - add missing to slurm.files. -- Fix squeue job ID filtering for pending job array records. -- Fix potential deadlock in _run_prog() in power save code. -- MYSQL - Add dynamic_offset in the database to force range for auto increment ids for the tres_table. -- MYSQL - Fix fallout from MySQL auto increment bug, see RELEASE_NOTES, only affects current 17.11 users tracking licenses or GRES in the database. -- Refactor logging logic to avoid possible memory corruption on non-x86 architectures. -- Fix memory leak when getting jobs from the slurmdbd. -- Fix incorrect logic behind MemorySwappiness, and only set the value when specified in the configuration. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.1-2 ============================ -- MYSQL - Make index for pack_job_id * Changes in Slurm 17.11.1 ========================== -- Fix --with-shared-libslurm option to work correctly. -- Make it so only daemons log errors on configuration option duplicates. -- Fix for ConstrainDevices=yes to work correctly. -- Fix to purge old jobs using burst buffer if slurmctld daemon restarted after the job's burst buffer work was already completed. -- Make logging prefix for slurmstepd to happen as soon as possible. -- mpi/pmix: Fix the job registration for the PMIx v2.1. -- Fix uid check for signaling a step with anything but SIGKILL. -- Return ESLURM_TRANSITION_STATE_NO_UPDATE instead of EAGAIN when trying to signal a step that is still running a prolog. -- Update Cray slurm_playbook.yaml with latest recommended version. -- Only say a prolog is done running after the extern step is launched. -- Wait to start a batch step until the prolog and extern step are fully ran/launched. Only matters if running with PrologFlags=[contain|alloc]. -- Truncate a range for SlurmctldPort to FD_SETSIZE elements and throw an error, otherwise network traffic may be lost due to poll() not detecting traffic. -- Fix for srun --pack-group option that can reuse/corrupt memory. -- Fix handling ultra long hostlists in a hostfile. -- X11: fix xauth regex to handle '-' in hostnames again. -- Fix potential node reboot timeout problem for "scontrol reboot" command. -- Add ability for squeue to sort jobs by submit time. -- CRAY - Switch to standard pid files on Cray systems. -- Update jobcomp records on duplicate inserts. -- If unrecognized configuration file option found then print an appropriate fatal error message rather than relying upon random errno value. -- Initialize job_desc_msg_t's instead of just memset'ing them. -- Fix divide by zero when job requests no tasks and more memory than MaxMemPer{CPU|NODE}. -- Avoid changing Slurm internal errno on syslog() failures. -- BB - Only launch dependent jobs after the burst buffer is staged-out completely instead of right after the parent job finishes. -- node_features/knl_generic - If plugin can not fully load then do not spawn a background pthread (which will fail with invalid memory reference). -- Don't set the next jobid to give out to the highest jobid in the system on controller startup. Just use the checkpointed next use jobid. -- Docs - add Slurm/PMIx and OpenMPI build notes to the mpi_guide page. -- Add lustre_no_flush option to LaunchParameters for Native Cray systems. -- Fix rpmbuild issue with rpm 4.13+ / Fedora 25+. -- sacct - fix the display for the NNodes field when using the --units option. -- Prevent possible double-xfree on a buffer in stepd_completion. -- Fix for record job state on successful allocation but failed reply message. -- Fill in the user_name field for batch jobs if not sent by the slurmctld. (Which is the default behavior if LaunchParameters=send_gids is not enabled.). This prevents job launch problems for sites using UsePAM=1. -- Handle syncing federated jobs that ran on non-origin clusters and were cancelled while the origin cluster was down. -- Fix accessing variable outside of lock. -- slurm.spec: move libpmi to a separate package to solve a conflict with the version provided by PMIx. This will require a separate change to PMIx as well. -- X11 forwarding: change xauth handling to use hostname/unix:display format, rather than localhost:display. -- mpi/pmix - Fix warning if not compiling with debug. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.0 ========================== -- Fix documentation for MaxQueryTimeRange option in slurmdbd.conf. -- Avoid srun abort trying to run on heterogeneous job component that has ended. -- Add SLURM_PACK_JOB_ID,SLURM_PACK_JOB_OFFSET to PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld environment. -- Treat ":" in #SBATCH arguments as fatal error. The "#SBATCH packjob" syntax must be used instead. -- job_submit/lua plugin: expose pack_job fields to get. -- Prevent scheduling deadlock with multiple components of heterogeneous job in different partitions (i.e. one heterogeneous job component is higher priority in one partition and another component is lower priority in a different partition). -- Fix for heterogeneous job starvation bug. -- Fix some slurmctld memory leaks. -- Add SLURM_PACK_JOB_NODELIST to PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld environment. -- If PrologSlurmctld fails for pack job leader then requeue or kill all components of the job. -- Fix for mulitple --pack-group srun arguments given out of order. -- Update slurm.conf(5) man page with updated example logrotate script. -- Add SchedulerParameters=whole_pack configuration parameter. If set, then hold, release and cancel operations on any component of a heterogeneous job will be applied to all components -- Handle FQDNs in xauth cookies for x11 display forwarding properly. -- For heterogeneous job steps, the srun --open-mode option default value will be set to "append". -- Pack job scheduling list not being cleared between runs of the backfill scheduler resulted in various anomalies. -- Fix that backward compat for pmix version < 1.1.5. -- Fix use-after-free that can lead to slurmstepd segfaulting when setting ulimit values. -- Add heterogeneous job start data to sdiag output. -- X11 forwarding - handle systems with X11UseLocalhost=no set in sshd_config. -- Fix potential missing issue with missin symbols in gres plugins. -- Ignore querying clusters in federation that are down from status commands. -- Base federated jobs off of origin job and not the local cluster in API. -- Remove erroneous double '-' on rpath for libslurmfull. -- Remove version from libslurmfull and move it to $LIBDIR/slurm since the ABI could change from one version to the other. -- Fix unused wall time for reservations. -- Convert old reservation records to insert unused wall into the rows. -- slurm.spec: further restructing and improvements. -- Allow nodes state to be updated between FAIL and DRAIN. -- x11 forwarding: handle build with alternate location for libssh2. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.0rc3 ============================== -- Fix extern step to wait until launched before allowing job to start. -- Add missing locks around figuring out TRES when clean starting the slurmctld. -- Cray modulefile: avoid removing /usr/bin from path on module unload. -- Make reoccurring reservations show up in the database. -- Adjust related resources (cpus, tasks, gres, mem, etc.) when updating NumNodes with scontrol. -- Don't initialize MPI plugins for batch or extern steps.` -- slurm.spec - do not install a slurm.conf file under /etc/ -- X11 forwarding - fix keepalive message generation code. -- If heterogeneous job step is unable to acquire MPI reserved ports then avoid referencing NULL pointer. Retry assigning ports ONLY for non-heterogeneous job steps. -- If any acct_gather_*_init fails fatal instead of error and keep going. -- launch/slurm plugin - Avoid using global variable for heterogeneous job steps, which could corrupt memory. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.0rc2 ============================== -- Prevent slurmctld abort with NodeFeatures=knl_cray and non-KNL nodes lacking any configured features. -- The --cpu_bind and --mem_bind options have been renamed to --cpu-bind and --mem-bind for consistency with the rest of Slurm's options. Both old and new syntaxes are supported for now. -- Add slurmdb_connection_commit to the slurmdb api to commit when needed. -- Add the federation api's to the slurmdb.h file. -- Add job functions to the db_api. -- Fix sacct to always use the db_api instead of sometimes calling functions directly. -- Fix sacctmgr to always use the db_api instead of sometimes calling functions directly. -- Fix sreport to always use the db_api instead of sometimes calling functions directly. -- Make global uid to the db_api to minimize calls to getuid(). -- Add support for HWLOC version 2.0. -- Added more validation logic for updates to node features. -- Added node_features_p_node_update_valid() function to node_features plugin. -- If a job is held due to bad constraints and a node's features change then test the job again to see if can run with the new features. -- Added node_features_p_changible_feature() function to node_features plugin. -- Avoid rebooting a node if a job's requested feature is not under the control of the node_features plugin and is not currently active. -- node_features/knl_generic plugin: Do not clear a node's non-KNL features specified in slurm.conf. -- Added SchedulerParameters configuration option "disable_hetero_steps" to disable job steps that span multiple components of a heterogeneous job. Disabled by default except with mpi/none plugin. This limitation to be removed in Slurm version 18.08. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.0rc1 ============================== -- Added the following jobcomp/script environment variables: CLUSTER, DEPENDENCY, DERIVED_EC, EXITCODE, GROUPNAME, QOS, RESERVATION, USERNAME. The format of LIMIT (job time limit) has been modified to D-HH:MM:SS. -- Fix QOS usage factor applying to individual TRES run minute usage. -- Print numbers using exponential format if required to fit in allocated field width. The sacctmgr and sshare commands are impacted. -- Make it so a backup DBD doesn't attempt to create database tables and relies on the primary to do so. -- By default have Slurm dynamically link to instead of static linking. If static linking is desired configure with --without-shared-libslurm. -- Change --workdir in sbatch to be --chdir as in all other commands (salloc, srun). -- Add WorkDir to the job record in the database. -- Make the UsageFactor of a QOS work when a qos has the nodecay flag. -- Add MaxQueryTimeRange option to slurmdbd.conf to limit accounting query ranges when fetching job records. -- Add LaunchParameters=batch_step_set_cpu_freq to allow the setting of the cpu frequency on the batch step. -- CRAY - Fix statically linked applications to CRAY's PMI. -- Fix - Raise an error back to the user when trying to update currently unsupported core-based reservations. -- Do not print TmpDisk space as part of 'slurmd -C' line. -- Fix to test MaxMemPerCPU/Node partition limits when scheduling, previously only checked on submit. -- Work for heterogeneous job support (complete solution in v17.11): * Set SLURM_PROCID environment variable to reflect global task rank (needed by MPI). * Set SLURM_NTASKS environment variable to reflect global task count (needed by MPI). * In srun, if only some steps are allocated and one step allocation fails, then delete all allocated steps. * Get SPANK plungins working with heterogeneous jobs. The spank_init_post_opt() function is executed once per job component. * Modify sbcast command and srun's --bcast option to support heterogeneous jobs. * Set more environment variables for MPI: SLURM_GTIDS and SLURM_NODEID. * Prevent a heterogeneous job allocation from including the same nodes in multiple components (required by MPI jobs spanning components). * Modify step create logic so that call components of a heterogeneous job launched by a single srun command have the same step ID value. -- Modify output of "--mpi=list" to avoid duplicates for version numbers in mpi/pmix plugin names. -- Allow nodes to be rebooted while in a maintenance reservation. -- Show nodes as down even when nodes are in a maintenance reservation. -- Harden the slurmctld HA stack to mitigate certain split-brain issues. -- Work for heterogeneous job support (complete solution in v17.11): * Add burst buffer support. * Remove srun's --mpi-combine option (always combined). * Add SchedulerParameters configuration option "enable_hetero_steps" to enable job steps that span multiple components of a heterogeneous job. Disabled by default as most MPI implementations and Slurm configurations are not currently supported. Limitation to be removed in Slurm version 18.08. * Synchronize application launch across multiple components with debugger. * Modify slurm_kill_job_step() to cancel all components of a heterogeneous job step (used by MPI). * Set SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES environment variable as needed by MVAPICH. * Base time limit upon the time that the latest job component is available (after all nodes in all components booted and ready for use). -- Add cluster name to smail tool email header. -- Speedup arbitrary distribution algorithm. -- Modify "srun --mpi=list" output to match valid option input by removing the "mpi/" prefix on each line of output. -- Automatically set the reservation's partition for the job if not the cluster default. -- mpi/pmi2 plugin - vestigial pointer could be referenced at shutdown with invalid memory reference resulting. -- Fix to _is_gres_cnt_zero() return false for improper input string -- Cleanup all pthread_create calls and replace with new slurm_thread_create macro. -- Removed obsolete MPI plugins. Remaining options are openmpi, pmi2, pmix. -- Removed obsolete checkpoint/poe plugin. -- Process spank environment variable options before processing spank command line options. Spank plugins should be able to handle option callbacks being called multiple times. -- Add support for specialized cores with task/affinity plugin (previously only supported with task/cgroup plugin). -- Add "TaskPluginParam=SlurmdOffSpec" option that will prevent the Slurm compute node daemons (slurmd and slurmstepd) from executing on specialized cores. -- CRAY - Make native mode default, use --disable-native-cray to use ALPS instead of native Slurm. -- Add ability to prevent suspension of some count of nodes in a specified range using the SuspendExcNodes configuration parameter. -- Add SLURM_WCKEY to PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld environment. -- Return user response string in response to successful job allocation request not only on failure. Set in LUA using function 'slurm.user_msg("STRING")'. -- Add 'scontrol write batch_script <jobid>' command to retrieve the batch script for a given job. -- Remove option to display the batch script as part of 'scontrol show job'. -- On native Cray system the configured RebootProgram is executed on on the head node by the slurmctld daemon rather than by the slurmd daemons on the compute nodes. The "capmc_resume" program from "contribs/cray" can be used. -- Modify "scontrol top" command to accept a comma separated list of job IDs as an argument rather than a single job ID. -- Add MemorySwappiness value to cgroup.conf. -- Add new "billing" TRES which allows jobs to be limited based on the job's billable TRES calculated by the job's partition's TRESBillingWeights. -- sbatch - force line-buffered output so 'sbatch -W' returns the jobid over a piped output immediately. -- Regular user use of "scontrol top" command is now diabled. Use the configuration parameter "SchedulerParameters=enable_user_top" to enable that functionality. The configuration parameter "SchedulerParameters=disable_user_top" will be silently ignored. -- Add -TALL to sreport. -- Removed unused SlurmdPlugstack option and associated framework. -- Correct logic for line continuation in srun --multi-prog file. -- Add DBD Agent queue size to sdiag output. -- Add running job count to sdiag output. -- Print unix timestamps next to ASCII timestamps in sdiag output. -- In a job allocation spanning KNL and non-KNL nodes and requiring a reboot, do not attempt to set default NUMA or MCDRAM modes on non-KNL nodes. -- Change default to let pending jobs run outside of reservation after reservation is gone to put jobs in held state. Added NO_HOLD_JOBS_AFTER_END reservation flag to use old default. -- When creating a reservation, validate the CoreCnt specification matches the number of nodes listed. -- When creating a reservation, correct logic to ignoring job allocations on request. -- Deprecate BLCR plugin, and do not build by default. -- Change sreport report titles from "Use" to "Usage" * Changes in Slurm 17.11.0pre2 ============================== -- Initial work for heterogeneous job support (complete solution in v17.11): * Modified salloc, sbatch and srun commands to parse command line, job script and environment variables to recognize requests for heterogeneous jobs. Same commands also modified to set environment variables describing each component of the heterogeneous job. * Modified job allocate, batch job submit and job "will-run" requests to pass a list of job specifications and get a list of responses. * Modify slurmctld daemon to process a heterogeneous job request and create multiple job records as needed. * Added new fields to job record: pack_job_id, pack_job_offset and pack_job_set (set of job IDs). Added to slurmctld state save/restore logic and job information reported. * Display new job fields in "scontrol show job" output. * Modify squeue command to display heterogeneous job records using "#+#" format. The squeue --job=# output lists all components of a heterogeneous job. * Modify scancel logic to cancel all components of a heterogeneous job with a single request/RPC. * Configuration parameter DebugFlags value of "HeteroJobs" added. * Job requeue and suspend/resume modified to operate on all components of a heterogeneous job with a single request/RPC. * New web page added to describe heterogeneous jobs. * Descriptions of new API added to man pages. * Modified email notifications to only operate on the first job component. * Purge heterogeneous job records at the same time and not by individual components. * Modified logic for heterogeneous jobs submitted to multiple clusters ("--clusters=...") so the job will be routed to the cluster that is expected to start all components earliest. * Modified srun to create multiple job steps for heterogeneous job allocations. * Modified launch plugin to accept a pointer to job step options structure rather than work from a single/common data structure. -- Improve backfill scheduling algorithm with respect to starting jobs as soon as possible while avoiding advanced reservations. -- Add URG as an option to 'scancel --signal'. -- Check if the buffer returned from slurm_persist_msg_pack() isn't NULL. -- Modify all daemons to re-open log files on receipt of SIGUSR2 signal. This is much than using SIGHUP to re-read the configuration file and rebuild various tables. -- Add PrivateData=events configuration parameter -- Work for heterogeneous job support (complete solution in v17.11): * Add pointer to job option structure to job_step_create_allocation() function used by srun. * Parallelize task launch for heterogeneous job allocations (initial work). * Make packjobid, packjoboffset, and packjobidset fields available in squeue output. * Modify smap command to display heterogeneous job records using "#+#" format. * Add srun --pack-group and --mpi-combine options to control job step launch behaviour (not fully implemented). * Add pack job component ID to srun --label output (e.g. "P0 1:" for job component 0 and task 1). * jobcomp/elasticsearch: Add pack_job_id and pack_job_offset fields. * sview: Modified to display pack job information. * Major re-write of task state container logic to support for list of containers rather than one container per srun command. * Add some regression tests. * Add srun pack job environment variables when performing job allocation. -- Set Reason=dependency over Reason=JobArrayTaskLimit for pending jobs. -- Add slurm.conf configuration parameters SlurmctldSyslogDebug and SlurmdSyslogDebug to control which messages from the slurmctld and slurmd daemons get written to syslog. -- Add slurmdbd.conf configuration parameter DebugLevelSyslog to control which messages from the slurmdbd daemon get written to syslog. -- Fix handling of GroupUpdateForce option. -- Work for heterogeneous job support (complete solution in v17.11): * Add support to sched/backfill for concurrent allocation of all pack job components including support of --time-min option. * Defer initiation of a heterogeneous job until a components can be started at the same time, taking into consideration association and QOS limits for the job as a whole. * Perform limit check on heterogeneous job as a whole at submit time to reject jobs that will never be able to run. * Add pack_job_id and pack_job_offset to accounting database. * Modified sacct to accept pack job ID specification using "#+#" notation. * Modified sstat to accept pack job ID specification using "#+#" notation. -- Clear a job's "wait reason" value of BeginTime" after that time has passed. Previously a readon of "BeginTime" could be reported long after the job's requested begin time had passed. -- Split group_info in slurm_ctl_conf_t into group_force and group_time. -- Work for heterogeneous job support (complete solution in v17.11): * Fix I/O race condition on step termination for srun launching multiple pack job groups. * If prolog is running when attempting to signal a step, then return EAGAIN and retry rather than simply returning SLURM_ERROR and aborting. * Modify launch/slurm plugin to signal all components of a pack job rather than just the one (modify to use a list of step context records). * Add logic to support srun --mpi-combine option. * Set up debugger data structures. * Disable cancellation of individual component while the job is pending. * Modify scontrol job hold/release and update to operate with heterogeneous job id specification (e.g. "scontrol hold 123+4"). * If srun lacks application specification for some component, the next one specified will be used for earlier components. * Changes in Slurm 17.11.0pre1 ============================== -- Interpet all format options in output/error file to log prolog errors. Prior logic only supported "%j" (job ID) option. -- Add the configure option --with-shared-libslurm which will link to instead of libslurm.o thus reducing the footprint of all the binaries. -- In switch plugin, added plugin_id symbol to plugins and wrapped switch_jobinfo_t with dynamic_plugin_data_t in interface calls in order to pass switch information between clusters with different switch types. -- Switch naming of acct_gather_infiniband to acct_gather_interconnect -- Make it so you can "stack" the interconnect plugins. -- Add a last_sched_eval timestamp to record when a job was last evaluated by the main scheduler or backfill. -- Add scancel "--hurry" option to avoid staging out any burst buffer data. -- Simplify the sched plugin interface. -- Add new advanced reservation flags of "weekday" (repeat on each weekday; Monday through Friday) and "weekend" (repeat on each weekend day; Saturday and Sunday). -- Add new advanced reservation flag of "flex", which permits jobs requesting the reservation to begin prior to the reservation's start time and use resources inside or outside of the reservation. A typical use case is to prevent jobs not explicitly requesting the reservation from using those reserved resources rather than forcing jobs requesting the reservation to use those resources in the time frame reserved. -- Add NoDecay flag to QOS. -- Node "OS" field expanded from "sysname" to "sysname release version" (e.g. change from "Linux" to "Linux 4.8.0-28-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Sat Feb 8 09:15:00 UTC 2017"). -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - Add "job_name" and "wc_key" fields to stored information. -- jobcomp/filetxt - Add ArrayJobId, ArrayTaskId, ReservationName, Gres, Account, QOS, WcKey, Cluster, SubmitTime, EligibleTime, DerivedExitCode and ExitCode. -- scontrol modified to report core IDs for reservation containing individual cores. -- MYSQL - Get rid of table join during rollup which speeds up the process dramatically on large job/step tables. -- Add ability to define features on clusters for directing federated jobs to different clusters. -- Add new RPC to process multiple federation RPCs in a single communication. -- Modify slurm_load_jobs() function to load job information from all clusters in a federation. -- Add squeue --local and --sibling options to modify filtering of jobs on federated clusters. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_max_job_user_part to specifiy the maximum number of jobs per user for any single partition. This differs from bf_max_job_user in that a separate counter is applied to each partition rather than having a single counter per user applied to all partitions. -- Modify backfill logic so that bf_max_job_user, bf_max_job_part and bf_max_job_user_part options can all be used independently of each other. -- Add sprio -p/--partition option to filter jobs by partition name. -- Add partition name to job priority factor response message. -- Add sprio --local and --sibling options for use in federation of clusters. -- Add sprio "%c" format to print cluster name in federation mode. -- Modify sinfo logic to provided unified view of all nodes and partitions in a federation, add --local option to only report local state information even in a cluster, print cluster name with "%V" format option, and optionally sort by cluster name. -- If a task in a parallel job fails and it was launched with the --kill-on-bad-exit option then terminate the remaining tasks using the SIGCONT, SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals rather than just sending SIGKILL. -- Include submit_time when doing the sort for job scheduling. -- Modify sacct to report all jobs in federation by default. Also add --local option. -- Modify sacct to accept "--cluster all" option (in addition to the old "--cluster -1", which is still accepted). -- Modify sreport to report all jobs in federation by default. Also add --local option. -- sched/backfill: Improve assoc_limit_stop configuration parameter support. -- KNL features: Always keep active and available features in the same order: first site-specific features, next MCDRAM modes, last NUMA modes. -- Changed default ProctrackType to cgroup. -- Add "cluster_name" field to node_info_t and partition_info_t data structure. It is filled in only when the cluster is part of a federation and SHOW_FEDERATION flag used. -- Functions slurm_load_node() slurm_load_partitions() modified to show all nodes/partitions in a federation when the SHOW_FEDERATION flag is used. -- Add federated views to sview. -- Add --federation option to sacct, scontrol, sinfo, sprio, squeue, sreport to show a federated view. Will show local view by default. -- Add FederationParameters=fed_display slurm.conf option to configure status commands to display a federated view by default if the cluster is a member of a federation. -- Log the down nodes whenever slurmctld restarts. -- Report that "CPUs" plus "Boards" in node configuration invalid only if the CPUs value is not equal to the total thread count. -- Extend the output of the seff utility to also include the job's wall-clock time. -- Add bf_max_time to SchedulerParameters. -- Add bf_max_job_assoc to SchedulerParameters. -- Add new SchedulerParameters option bf_window_linear to control the rate at which the backfill test window expands. This can be used on a system with a modest number of running jobs (hundreds of jobs) to help prevent expected start times of pending jobs to get pushed forward in time. On systems with large numbers of running jobs, performance of the backfill scheduler will suffer and fewer jobs will be evaluated. -- Improve scheduling logic with respect to license use and node reboots. -- CRAY - Alter algorithm to come up with the SLURM_ID_HASH. -- Implement federated scheduling and federated status outputs. -- The '-q' option to srun has changed from being the short form of '--quit-on-interrupt' to '--qos'. -- Change sched_min_interval default from 0 to 2 microseconds. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.12 ========================== -- Fix segfault in slurmdbd hourly rollup when having a job outside a reservation, with no end_time set, from an assoc that's in a reservation. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.11 ========================== -- Fix insecure handling of user_name and gid fields. CVE-2018-10995. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.10 ========================== -- Fix updating of requested TRES memory. -- Cray modulefile: avoid removing /usr/bin from path on module unload. -- Fix issue when resetting the partition pointers on nodes. -- Show reason field in 'sinfo -R' when nodes is marked as failed. -- Fix potential of slurmstepd segfaulting when the extern step fails to start. -- Allow nodes state to be updated between FAIL and DRAIN. -- Avoid registering a job'd credential multiple times. -- Fix sbatch --wait to stop waiting after job is gone from memory. -- Fix memory leak of MailDomain configuration string when slurmctld daemon is reconfigured. -- Fix to properly remove extern steps from the starting_steps list. -- Fix Slurm to work correctly with HDF5 1.10+. -- Add support in salloc/srun --bb option for "access_mode" in addition to "access" for consistency with DW options. -- Fix potential deadlock in _run_prog() in power save code. -- MYSQL - Add dynamic_offset in the database to force range for auto increment ids for the tres_table. -- Avoid setting node in COMPLETING state indefinitely if the job initiating the node reboot is cancelled while the reboot in in progress. -- node_feature/knl_cray - Fix memory leaks that occur when slurmctld reconfigured. -- node_feature/knl_cray - Fix memory leak that can occur during normal operation. -- Fix job array dependency with "aftercorr" option and some task arrays in the first job fail. This fix lets all task array elements that can run proceed rather than stopping all subsequent task array elements. -- Fix whole node allocation cpu counts when --hint=nomultihtread. -- NRT - Fix issue when running on a HFI (p775) system with multiple protocols. -- Fix uninitialized variables when unpacking slurmdb_archive_cond_t. -- Fix security issue in accounting_storage/mysql plugin by always escaping strings within the slurmdbd. CVE-2018-7033. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.9 ========================== -- When resuming powered down nodes, mark DOWN nodes right after ResumeTimeout has been reached (previous logic would wait about one minute longer). -- Fix sreport not showing full column name for TRES Count. -- Fix slurmdb_reservations_get() giving wrong usage data when job's spanned reservation that was modified. -- Fix sreport reservation utilization report showing bad data. -- Show all TRES' on a reservation in sreport reservation utilization report by default. -- Fix sacctmgr show reservation handling "end" parameter. -- Work around issue with sysmacros.h and gcc7 / glibc 2.25. -- Fix layouts code to only allow setting a boolean. -- Fix sbatch --wait to keep waiting even if a message timeout occurs. -- CRAY - If configured with NodeFeatures=knl_cray and there are non-KNL nodes which include no features the slurmctld will abort without this patch when attemping strtok_r(NULL). -- Fix regression in 17.02.7 which would run the spank_task_privileged as part of the slurmstepd instead of it's child process. -- Fix security issue in Prolog and Epilog by always prepending SPANK_ to all user-set environment variables. CVE-2017-15566. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.8 ========================== -- Add 'slurmdbd:' to the accounting plugin to notify message is from dbd instead of local. -- mpi/mvapich - Buffer being only partially cleared. No failures observed. -- Fix for job --switch option on dragonfly network. -- In salloc with --uid option, drop supplementary groups before changing UID. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - strip any trailing slashes from JobCompLoc. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix memory leak when transferring generated buffer. -- Prevent slurmstepd ABRT when parsing gres.conf CPUs. -- Fix sbatch --signal to signal all MPI ranks in a step instead of just those on node 0. -- Check multiple partition limits when scheduling a job that were previously only checked on submit. -- Cray: Avoid running application/step Node Health Check on the external job step. -- Optimization enhancements for partition based job preemption. -- Address some build warnings from GCC 7.1, and one possible memory leak if /proc is inaccessible. -- If creating/altering a core based reservation with scontrol/sview on a remote cluster correctly determine the select type. -- Fix autoconf test for libcurl when clang is used. -- Fix default location for cgroup_allowed_devices_file.conf to use correct default path. -- Document NewName option to sacctmgr. -- Reject a second PMI2_Init call within a single step to prevent slurmstepd from hanging. -- Handle old 32bit values stored in the database for requested memory correctly in sacct. -- Fix memory leaks in the task/cgroup plugin when constraining devices. -- Make extremely verbose info messages debug2 messages in the task/cgroup plugin when constraining devices. -- Fix issue that would deny the stepd access to /dev/null where GRES has a 'type' but no file defined. -- Fix issue where the slurmstepd would fatal on job launch if you have no gres listed in your slurm.conf but some in gres.conf. -- Fix validating time spec to correctly validate various time formats. -- Make scontrol work correctly with job update timelimit [+|-]=. -- Reduce the visibily of a number of warnings in _part_access_check. -- Prevent segfault in sacctmgr if no association name is specified for an update command. -- burst_buffer/cray plugin modified to work with changes in Cray UP05 software release. -- Fix job reasons for jobs that are violating assoc MaxTRESPerNode limits. -- Fix segfault when unpacking a 16.05 slurm_cred in a 17.02 daemon. -- Fix setting TRES limits with case insensitive TRES names. -- Add alias for xstrncmp() -- slurm_xstrncmp(). -- Fix sorting of case insensitive strings when using xstrcasecmp(). -- Gracefully handle race condition when reading /proc as process exits. -- Avoid error on Cray duplicate setup of core specialization. -- Skip over undefined (hidden in Slurm) nodes in pbsnodes. -- Add empty hashes in perl api's slurm_load_node() for hidden nodes. -- CRAY - Add rpath logic to work for the alpscomm libs. -- Fixes for administrator extended TimeLimit (job reason & time limit reset). -- Fix gres selection on systems running select/linear. -- sview: Added window decorator for maximize,minimize,close buttons for all systems. -- squeue: interpret negative length format specifiers as a request to delimit values with spaces. -- Fix the torque pbsnodes wrapper script to parse a gres field with a type set correctly. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.7 ========================== -- Fix deadlock if requesting to create more than 10000 reservations. -- Fix potential memory leak when creating partition name. -- Execute the HealthCheckProgram once when the slurmd daemon starts rather than executing repeatedly until an exit code of 0 is returned. -- Set job/step start and end times to 0 when using --truncate and start > end. -- Make srun --pty option ignore EINTR allowing windows to resize. -- When resuming node only send one message to the slurmdbd. -- Modify srun --pty option to use configured SrunPortRange range. -- Fix issue with whole gres not being printed out with Slurm tools. -- Fix issue with multiple jobs from an array are prevented from starting. -- Fix for possible slurmctld abort with use of salloc/sbatch/srun --gres-flags=enforce-binding option. -- Fix race condition when using jobacct_gather/cgroup where the memory of the step wasn't always gathered correctly. -- Better debug when slurmdbd queue is filling up in the slurmctld. -- Fixed truncation on scontrol show config output. -- Serialize updates from from the dbd to the slurmctld. -- Fix memory leak in slurmctld when agent queue to the DBD has filled up. -- CRAY - Throttle step creation if trying to create too many steps at once. -- If failing after switch_g_job_init happened make sure switch_g_job_fini is called. -- Fix minor memory leak if launch fails in the slurmstepd. -- Fix issue where UnkillableStepProgram if step was in an ending state. -- Fix bug when tracking multiple simultaneous spawned ping cycles. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin now saves state of pending requests on slurmctld daemon shutdown so then can be recovered on restart. -- Fix issue when an alternate munge key when communicating on a persistent connection. -- Document inconsistent behavior of GroupUpdateForce option. -- Fix bug in selection of GRES bound to specific CPUs where the GRES count is 2 or more. Previous logic could allocate CPUs not available to the job. -- Increase buffer to handle long /proc/<pid>/stat output so that Slurm can read correct RSS value and take action on jobs using more memory than requested. -- Fix srun job jobs that can run immediately to run in the highest priority partion when multiple partitions are listed. scontrol show jobs can potentially show the partition list in priority order. -- Fix starting controller if StateSaveLocation path didn't exist. -- Fix inherited association 'max' TRES limits combining multiple limits in the tree. -- Sort TRES id's on limits when getting them from the database. -- Fix issue with pmi[2|x] when TreeWidth=1. -- Correct buffer size used in determining specialized cores to avoid possible truncation of core specification and not reserving the specified cores. -- Close race condition on Slurm structures when setting DebugFlags. -- Make it so the cray/switch plugin grabs new DebugFlags on a reconfigure. -- Fix incorrect lock levels when creating or updating a reservation. -- Fix overlapping reservation resize. -- Add logic to help support Dell KNL systems where syscfg is different than the normal Intel syscfg. -- CRAY - Fix BB to handle type= correctly, regression in 17.02.6. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.6 ========================== -- Fix configurator.easy.html to output the SelectTypeParameters line. -- If a job requests a specific memory requirement then gets something else from the slurmctld make sure the step allocation is made aware of it. -- Fix missing initialization in slurmd. -- Fix potential degradation when running HTC (> 100 jobs a sec) like workflows through the slurmd. -- Fix race condition which could leave a stepd hung on shutdown. -- CRAY - Add configuration for ATP to the ansible play script. -- Fix potential to corrupt DBD message. -- burst_buffer logic modified to support sizes in both SI and EIC size units (e.g. M/MiB for powers of 1024, MB for powers of 1000). * Changes in Slurm 17.02.5 ========================== -- Prevent segfault if a job was blocked from running by a QOS that is then deleted. -- Improve selection of jobs to preempt when there are multiple partitions with jobs subject to preemption. -- Only set kmem limit when ConstrainKmemSpace=yes is set in cgroup.conf. -- Fix bug in task/affinity that could result in slurmd fatal error. -- Increase number of jobs that are tracked in the slurmd as finishing at one time. -- Note when a job finishes in the slurmd to avoid a race when launching a batch job takes longer than it takes to finish. -- Improve slurmd startup on large systems (> 10000 nodes) -- Add LaunchParameters option of cray_net_exclusive to control whether all jobs on the cluster have exclusive access to their assigned nodes. -- Make sure srun inside an allocation gets --ntasks-per-[core|socket] set correctly. -- Only make the extern step at job creation. -- Fix for job step task layout with --cpus-per-task option. -- Fix --ntasks-per-core option/environment variable parsing to set the requested value, instead of always setting one (srun). -- Correct error message when ClusterName in configuration files does not match the name in the slurmctld daemon's state save file. -- Better checking when a job is finishing to avoid underflow on job's submitted to a QOS/association. -- Handle partition QOS submit limits correctly when a job is submitted to more than 1 partition or when the partition is changed with scontrol. -- Performance boost for when Slurm is dealing with credentials. -- Fix race condition which could leave a stepd hung on shutdown. -- Add lua support for opensuse. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.4 ========================== -- Do not attempt to schedule jobs after changing the power cap if there are already many active threads. -- Job expansion example in FAQ enhanced to demonstrate operation in heterogeneous environments. -- Prevent scontrol crash when operating on array and no-array jobs at once. -- knl_cray plugin: Log incomplete capmc output for a node. -- knl_cray plugin: Change capmc parsing of mcdram_pct from string to number. -- Remove log files from test20.12. -- When rebooting a node and using the PrologFlags=alloc make sure the prolog is ran after the reboot. -- node_features/knl_generic - If a node is rebooted for a pending job, but fails to enter the desired NUMA and/or MCDRAM mode then drain the node and requeue the job. -- node_features/knl_generic disable mode change unless RebootProgram configured. -- Add new burst_buffer function bb_g_job_revoke_alloc() to be executed if there was a failure after the initial resource allocation. Does not release previously allocated resources. -- Test if the node_bitmap on a job is NULL when testing if the job's nodes are ready. This will be NULL is a job was revoked while beginning. -- Fix incorrect lock levels when testing when job will run or updating a job. -- Add missing locks to job_submit/pbs plugin when updating a jobs dependencies. -- Add support for lua5.3 -- Add min_memory_per_node|cpu to the job_submit/lua plugin to deal with lua not being able to deal with pn_min_memory being a uint64_t. Scripts are urged to change to these new variables avoid issue. If not set the variables will be 'nil'. -- Calculate priority correctly when 'nice' is given. -- Fix minor typos in the documentation. -- node_features/knl_cray: Preserve non-KNL active features if slurmctld reconfigured while node boot in progress. -- node_features/knl_generic: Do not repeatedly log errors when trying to read KNL modes if not KNL system. -- Add missing QOS read lock to backfill scheduler. -- When doing a dlopen on liblua only attempt the version compiled against. -- Fix null-dereference in sreport cluster ulitization when configured with memory-leak-debug. -- Fix Partition info in 'scontrol show node'. Previously duplicate partition names, or Partitions the node did not belong to could be displayed. -- Fix it so the backup slurmdbd will take control correctly. -- Fix unsafe use of MAX() macro, which could result in problems cleaning up accounting plugins in slurmd, or repeat job cancellation attempts in scancel. -- Fix 'scontrol update reservation duration=unlimited' to set the duration to 365-days (as is done elsewhere), rather than 49710 days. -- Check if variable given to scontrol show job is a valid jobid. -- Fix WithSubAccounts option to not include WithDeleted unless requested. -- Prevent a job tested on multiple partitions from being marked WHOLE_NODE_USER. -- Prevent a race between completing jobs on a user-exclusive node from leaving the node owned. -- When scheduling take the nodes in completing jobs out of the mix to reduce fragmentation. SchedulerParameters=reduce_completing_frag -- For jobs submited to multiple partitions, report the job's earliest start time for any partition. -- Backfill partitions that use QOS Grp limits to "float" better. -- node_features/knl_cray: don't clear configured GRES from non-KNL node. -- sacctmgr - prevent segfault in command when a request is denied due to a insufficient priviledges. -- Add warning about libcurl-devel not being installed during configure. -- Streamline job purge by handling file deletion on a separate thread. -- Always set RLIMIT_CORE to the maximum permitted for slurmd, to ensure core files are created even on non-developer builds. -- Fix --ntasks-per-core option/environment variable parsing to set the requested value, instead of always setting one. -- If trying to cancel a step that hasn't started yet for some reason return a good return code. -- Fix issue with sacctmgr show where user='' * Changes in Slurm 17.02.3 ========================== -- Increase --cpu_bind and --mem_bind field length limits. -- Fix segfault when using AdminComment field with job arrays. -- Clear Dependency field when all dependencies are satisfied. -- Add --array-unique to squeue which will display one unique pending job array element per line. -- Reset backfill timers correctly without skipping over them in certain circumstances. -- When running the "scontrol top" command, make sure that all of the user's jobs have a priority that is lower than the selected job. Previous logic would permit other jobs with equal priority (no jobs with higher priority). -- Fix perl api so we always get an allocation when calling Slurm::new(). -- Fix issue with cleaning up cpuset and devices cgroups when multiple steps end at the same time. -- Document that PriorityFlags option of DEPTH_OBLIVIOUS precludes the use of FAIR_TREE. -- Fix issue if an invalid message came in a Slurm daemon/command may abort. -- Make it impossible to use CR_CPU* along with CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE. The options are mutually exclusive. -- ALPS - Fix scheduling when ALPS doesn't agree with Slurm on what nodes are free. -- When removing a partition make sure it isn't part of a reservation. -- Fix seg fault if loading attempting to load non-existent burstbuffer plugin. -- Fix to backfill scheduling with respect to QOS and association limits. Jobs submitted to multiple partitions are most likley to be effected. -- sched/backfill: Improve assoc_limit_stop configuration parameter support. -- CRAY - Add ansible play and README. -- sched/backfill: Fix bug related to advanced reservations and the need to reboot nodes to change KNL mode. -- Preempt plugins - fix check for 'preempt_youngest_first' option. -- Preempt plugins - fix incorrect casts in preempt_youngest_first mode. -- Preempt/job_prio - fix incorrect casts in sort function. -- Fix to make task/affinity work with ldoms where there are more than 64 cpus on the node. -- When using node_features/knl_generic make it so the slurmd doesn't segfault when shutting down. -- Fix potential double-xfree() when using job arrays that can lead to slurmctld crashing. -- Fix priority/multifactor priorities on a slurmctld restart if not using accounting_storage/[mysql|slurmdbd]. -- Fix NULL dereference reported by CLANG. -- Update proctrack documentation to strongly encourage use of proctrack/cgroup. -- Fix potential memory leak if job fails to begin after nodes have been selected for a job. -- Handle a job that made it out of the select plugin without a job_resrcs pointer. -- Fix potential race condition when persistent connections are being closed at shutdown. -- Fix incorrect locks levels when submitting a batch job or updating a job in general. -- CRAY - Move delay waiting for job cleanup to after we check once. -- MYSQL - Fix memory leak when loading archived jobs into the database. -- Fix potential race condition when starting the priority/multifactor plugin's decay thread. -- Sanity check to make sure we have started a job in acct_policy.c before we clear it as started. -- Allow reboot program to use arguments. -- Message Aggr - Remove race condition on slurmd shutdown with respects to destroying a mutex. -- Fix updating job priority on multiple partitions to be correct. -- Don't remove admin comment when updating a job. -- Return error when bad separator is given for scontrol update job licenses. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.2 ========================== -- Update hyperlink to LBNL Node Health Check program. -- burst_buffer/cray - Add support for line continuation. -- If a job is cancelled by the user while it's allocated nodes are being reconfigured (i.e. the capmc_resume program is rebooting nodes for the job) and the node reconfiguration fails (i.e. the reboot fails), then don't requeue the job but leave it in a cancelled state. -- capmc_resume (Cray resume node script) - Do not disable changing a node's active features if SyscfgPath is configured in the knl.conf file. -- Improve the srun documentation for the --resv-ports option. -- burst_buffer/cray - Fix parsing for discontinuous allocated nodes. A job allocation of "20,22" must be expressed as "20\n22". -- Fix rare segfault when shutting down slurmctld and still sending data to the database. -- Fix gres output of a job if it is updated while pending to be displayed correctly with Slurm tools. -- Fix pam_slurm_adopt. -- Fix missing unlock when job_list doesn't exist when starting priority/ multifactor. -- Fix segfault if slurmctld is shutting down and the slurmdbd plugin was in the middle of setting db_indexes. -- Add ESLURM_JOB_SETTING_DB_INX to errno to note when a job can't be updated because the dbd is setting a db_index. -- Fix possible double insertion into database when a job is updated at the moment the dbd is assigning a db_index. -- Fix memory error when updating a job's licenses. -- Fix seff to work correctly with non-standard perl installs. -- Export missing slurmdbd_defs_[init|fini] needed for to work. -- Fix sacct from returning way more than requested when querying against a job array task id. -- Fix double read lock of tres when updating gres or licenses on a job. -- Make sure locks are always in place when calling assoc_mgr_make_tres_str_from_array. -- Prevent slurmctld SEGV when creating reservation with duplicated name. -- Consider QOS flags Partition[Min|Max]Nodes when doing backfill. -- Fix slurmdbd_defs.c to not have half symbols go to and the other half go to -- Fix 'scontrol show jobs' to remove an errant newline when 'Switches' is printed. -- Better code for handling memory required by a task on a heterogeneous system. -- Fix regression in 17.02.0 with respects to GrpTresMins on a QOS or Association. -- Cleanup to make make dist work. -- Schedule interactive jobs quicker. -- Perl API - correct value of MEM_PER_CPU constant to correctly handle memory values. -- Fix 'flags' variable to be 32 bit from the old 16 bit value in the perl api. -- Export sched_nodes for a job in the perl api. -- Improve error output when updating a reservation that has already started. -- Fix --ntasks-per-node issue with srun so DenyOnLimit would work correctly. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin - Fix memory leak. -- Fix wrong cpu_per_task count issue on heterogeneous system when dealing with steps. -- Fix double free issue when removing usage from an association with sacctmgr. -- Fix issue with SPANK plugins attempting to set null values as environment variables, which leads to the command segfaulting on newer glibc versions. -- Fix race condition on slurmctld startup when plugins have not gone through init() ahead of the rpc_manager processing incoming messages. -- job_submit/lua - expose admin_comment field. -- Allow AdminComment field to be set by the job_submit plugin. -- Allow AdminComment field to be changed by any Administrator. -- Fix key words in jobcomp select. -- MYSQL - Streamline job flush sql when doing a clean start on the slurmctld. -- Fix potential infinite loop when talking to the DBD when shutting down the slurmctld. -- Fix MCS filter. -- Make it so pmix can be included in the plugin rpm without having to specify --with-pmix. -- MYSQL - Fix initial load when not using he DBD. -- Fix scontrol top to not make jobs priority 0 (held). -- Downgrade info message about exceeding partition time limit to a debug2. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.1-2 ============================ -- Replace clock_gettime with time(NULL) for very old systems without the call. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.1 ========================== -- Modify pam module to work when configured NodeName and NodeHostname differ. -- Update to sbatch/srun man pages to explain the "filename pattern" clearer -- Add %x to sbatch/srun filename pattern to represent the job name. -- job_submit/lua - Add job "bitflags" field. -- Update slurm.spec file to note obsolete RPMs. -- Fix deadlock scenario when dumping configuration in the slurmctld. -- Remove unneeded job lock when running assoc_mgr cache. This lock could cause potential deadlock when/if TRES changed in the database and the slurmctld wasn't made aware of the change. This would be very rare. -- Fix missing locks in gres logic to avoid potential memory race. -- If gres is NULL on a job don't try to process it when returning detailed information about a job to scontrol. -- Fix print of consumed energy in sstat when no energy is being collected. -- Print formatted tres string when creating/updating a reservation. -- Fix issues with QOS flags Partition[Min|Max]Nodes to work correctly. -- Prevent manipulation of the cpu frequency and governor for batch or extern steps. This addresses an issue where the batch step would inadvertently set the cpu frequency maximum to the minimum value supported on the node. -- Convert a slurmctd power management data structure from array to list in order to eliminate the possibility of zombie child suspend/resume processes. -- Burst_buffer/cray - Prevent slurmctld daemon abort if "paths" operation fails. Now job will be held. Update job update time when held. -- Fix issues with QOS flags Partition[Min|Max]Nodes to work correctly. -- Refactor slurmctld agent logic to eliminate some pthreads. -- Added "SyscfgTimeout" parameter to knl.conf configuration file. -- Fix for CPU binding for job steps run under a batch job. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.0 ========================== -- job_submit/lua - Make "immediate" parameter available. -- Fix srun I/O race condtion to eliminate a error message that might be generated if the application exits with outstanding stdin. -- Fix regression when purging/archiving jobs/events. -- Add new job state JOB_OOM indicating Out Of Memory condition as detected by task/cgroup plugin. -- If QOS has been added to the system go refigure out Deny/AllowQOS on partitions. -- Deny job with duplicate GRES requested. -- Fix loading super old assoc_mgr usage without segfaulting. -- CRAY systems: Restore TaskPlugins order of task/cray before task/cgroup. -- Task/cray: Treat missing "mems" cgroup with "debug" messages rather than "error" messages. The file may be missing at step termination due to a change in how cgroups are released at job/step end. -- Fix for job constraint specification with counts, --ntasks-per-node value, and no node count. -- Fix ordering of step task allocation to fill in a socket before going into another one. -- Fix configure to not require C++ -- job_submit/lua - Remove access to slurmctld internal reservation fields of job_pend_cnt and job_run_cnt. -- Prevent job_time_limit enforcement from blocking other internal operations if a large number of jobs need to be cancelled. -- Add 'preempt_youngest_order' option to preempt/partition_prio plugin. -- Fix controller being able to talk to a pre-released DBD. -- Added ability to override the invoking uid for "scontrol update job" by specifying "--uid=<uid>|-u <uid>". -- Changed file broadcast "offset" from 32 to 64 bits in order to support files over 2 GB. -- slurm.spec - do not install init scripts alongside systemd service files. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.0rc1 ============================== -- Add port info to 'sinfo' and 'scontrol show node'. -- Fix errant definition of USE_64BIT_BITSTR which can lead to core dumps. -- Move BatchScript to end of each job's information when using "scontrol -dd show job" to make it more readable. -- Add SchedulerParameters configuration parameter of "default_gbytes", which treats numeric only (no suffix) value for memory and tmp disk space as being in units of Gigabytes. Mostly for compatability with LSF. -- Fix race condtion in srun/sattach logic which would prevent srun from terminating. -- Bitstring operations are now 64bit instead of 32bit. -- Replace hweight() function in bitstring with faster version. -- scancel would treat a non-numeric argument as the name of jobs to be cancelled (a non-documented feature). Cancelling jobs by name now require the "--jobname=" command line argument. -- scancel modified to note that no jobs satisfy the filter options when the --verbose option is used along with one or more job filters (e.g. "--qos="). -- Change _pack_cred to use pack_bit_str_hex instead of pack_bit_fmt for better scalability and performance. -- Add BootTime configuration parameter to knl.conf file to optimize resource allocations with respect to required node reboots. -- Add node_features_p_boot_time() to node_features plugin to optimize scheduling with respect to node reboots. -- Avoid allocating resources to a job in the event that its run time plus boot time (if needed) extent into an advanced reservation. -- Burst_buffer/cray - Avoid stage-out operation if job never started. -- node_features/knl_cray - Add capability to detected Uncorrectable Memory Errors (UME) and if detected then log the event in all job and step stderr with a message of the form: error: *** STEP 1.2 ON tux1 UNCORRECTABLE MEMORY ERROR AT 2016-12-14T09:09:37 *** Similar logic added to node_features/knl_generic in version 17.02.0pre4. -- If job is allocated nodes which are powered down, then reset job start time when the nodes are ready and do not charge the job for power up time. -- Add the ability to purge transactions from the database. -- Add support for requeue'ing of federated jobs (BETA). -- Add support for interactive federated jobs (BETA). -- Add the ability to purge rolled up usage from the database. -- Properly set SLURM_JOB_GPUS environment variable for Prolog. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre4 ============================== -- Add support for per-partitiion OverTimeLimit configuration. -- Add --mem_bind option of "sort" to run zonesort on KNL nodes at step start. -- Add LaunchParameters=mem_sort option to configure running of zonesort by default at step startup. -- Add "FreeSpace" information for each pool to the "scontrol show burstbuffer" output. Required changes to the burst_buffer_info_t data structure. -- Add new node state flag of NODE_STATE_REBOOT for node reboots triggered by "scontrol reboot" commands. Previous logic re-used NODE_STATE_MAINT flag, which could lead to inconsistencies. Add "ASAP" option to "scontrol reboot" command that will drain a node in order to reboot it as soon as possible, then return it to service. -- Allow unit conversion routine to convert 1024M to 1G. -- switch/cray plugin - change legacy spool directory location. -- Add new PriorityFlags option of INCR_ONLY, which prevents a job's priority from being decremented. -- Make it so we don't purge job start messages until after we purge step messages. Hopefully this will reduce the number of messages lost when filling up memory when the database/DBD is down. -- Added SchedulingParameters option of "bf_job_part_count_reserve". Jobs below the specified threshold will not have resources reserved for them. -- If GRES are configured with file IDs, then "scontrol -d show node" will not only identify the count of currently allocated GRES, but their specific index numbers (e.g. "GresUsed=gpu:alpha:2(IDX:0,2),gpu:beta:0(IDX:N/A)"). Ditto for job information with "scontrol -d show job". -- Add new mcs/account plugin. -- Add "GresEnforceBind=Yes" to "scontrol show job" output if so configured. -- Add support for SALLOC_CONSTRAINT, SBATCH_CONSTRAINT and SLURM_CONSTRAINT environment variables to set default constraints for salloc, sbatch and srun commands respectively. -- Provide limited support for the MemSpecLimit configuration parameter without the task/cgroup plugin. -- node_features/knl_generic - Add capability to detected Uncorrectable Memory Errors (UME) and if detected then log the event in all job and step stderr with a message of the form: error: *** STEP 1.2 ON tux1 UNCORRECTABLE MEMORY ERROR AT 2016-12-14T09:09:37 *** -- Add SLURM_JOB_GID to TaskProlog environment. -- burst_buffer/cray - Remove leading zeros from node ID lists passed to dw_wlm_cli program. -- Add "Partitions" field to "scontrol show node" output. -- Remove sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 plugins and associated code. -- Remove SchedulerRootFilter option and slurm_get_root_filter() API call. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of spec_cores_first to select specialized cores from the lowest rather than highest number cores and sockets. -- Add PrologFlags option of Serial to disable concurrent launch of Prolog and Epilog scripts. -- Fix security issue caused by insecure file path handling triggered by the failure of a Prolog script. To exploit this a user needs to anticipate or cause the Prolog to fail for their job. CVE-2016-10030. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre3 ============================== -- Add srun host & PID to job step data structures. -- Avoid creating duplicate pending step records for the same srun command. -- Rewrite srun's logic for pending steps for better efficiency (fewer RPCs). -- Added new SchedulerParameters options step_retry_count and step_retry_time to control scheduling behaviour of job steps waiting for resources. -- Optimize resource allocation logic for --spread-job job option. -- Modify cpu_bind and mem_bind map and mask options to accept a repetition count to better support large task count. For example: "mask_mem:0x0f*2,0xf0*2" is equivalent to "mask_mem:0x0f,0x0f,0xf0,0xf0". -- Add support for --mem_bind=prefer option to prefer, but not restrict memory use to the identified NUMA node. -- Add mechanism to constrain kernel memory allocation using cgroups. New cgroup.conf parameters added: ConstrainKmemSpace, MaxKmemPercent, and MinKmemSpace. -- Correct invokation of man2html, which previously could cause FreeBSD builds to hang. -- MYSQL - Unconditionally remove 'ignore' clause from 'alter ignore'. -- Modify service files to not start Slurm daemons until after Munge has been started. NOTE: If you are not using Munge, but are using the "service" scripts to start Slurm daemons, then you will need to remove this check from the etc/slurm*service scripts. -- Do not process SALLOC_HINT, SBATCH_HINT or SLURM_HINT environment variables if any of the following salloc, sbatch or srun command line options are specified: -B, --cpu_bind, --hint, --ntasks-per-core, or --threads-per-core. -- burst_buffer/cray: Accept new jobs on backup slurmctld daemon without access to dw_wlm_cli command. No burst buffer actions will take place. -- Do not include SLURM_JOB_DERIVED_EC, SLURM_JOB_EXIT_CODE, or SLURM_JOB_EXIT_CODE in PrologSlurmctld environment (not available yet). -- Cray - set task plugin to fatal() if task/cgroup is not loaded after task/cray in the TaskPlugin settings. -- Remove separate slurm_blcr package. If Slurm is built with BLCR support, the files will now be part of the main Slurm packages. -- Replace sjstat, seff and sjobexit RPM packages with a single "contribs" package. -- Remove long since defunct slurmdb-direct scripts. -- Add SbcastParameters configuration option to control default file destination directory and compression algorithm. -- Add new SchedulerParameter (max_array_tasks) to limit the maximum number of tasks in a job array independently from the maximum task ID (MaxArraySize). -- Fix issue where number of nodes is not properly allocated when sbatch and salloc are requested with -n tasks < hosts from -w hostlist or from -N. -- Add infrastructure for submitting federated jobs. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre2 ============================== -- Add new RPC (REQUEST_EVENT_LOG) so that slurmd and slurmstepd can log events through the slurmctld daemon. -- Remove sbatch --bb option. That option was never supported. -- Automatically clean up task/cgroup cpuset and devices cgroups after steps are completed. -- Add federation read/write locks. -- Limit job purge run time to 1 second at a time. -- The database index for jobs is now 64 bits. If you happen to be close to 4 billion jobs in your database you will want to update your slurmctld at the same time as your slurmdbd to prevent roll over of this variable as it is 32 bit previous versions of Slurm. -- Optionally lock slurmstepd in memory for performance reasons and to avoid possible SIGBUS if the daemon is paged out at the time of a Slurm upgrade (changing plugins). Controlled via new LaunchParameters options of slurmstepd_memlock and slurmstepd_memlock_all. -- Add event trigger on burst buffer errors (see strigger man page, --burst_buffer option). -- Add job AdminComment field which can only be set by a Slurm administrator. -- Add salloc, sbatch and srun option of --delay-boot=<time>, which will temporarily delay booting nodes into the desired state for a job in the hope of using nodes already in the proper state which will be available at a later time. -- Add job burst_buffer_state and delay_boot fields to scontrol and squeue output. Also add ability to modify delay_boot from scontrol. -- Fix for node's available TRES array getting filled in with configured GRES model types. -- Log if job --bb option contains any unrecognized content. -- Display configured and allocated TRES for nodes in scontrol show nodes. -- Change all memory values (in MB) to uint64_t to accommodate > 2TB per node. -- Add MailDomain configuration parameter to qualify email addresses. -- Refactor the persistent connections within the federation code to use the same logic that was found in the slurmdbd. Now both functionalities share the same code. -- Remove BlueGene/L and BlueGene/P support. -- Add "flag" field to launch_tasks_request_msg. Remove the following fields (moved into flags): multi_prog, task_flags, user_managed_io, pty, buffered_stdio, and labelio. -- Add protocol version to slurmd startup communications for slurmstepd to permit changes in the protocol. * Changes in Slurm 17.02.0pre1 ============================== -- burst_buffer/cray - Add support for rounding up the size of a buffer reqeust if the DataWarp configuration "equalize_fragments" is used. -- Remove AIX support. -- Rename "in" to "input" in slurm_step_io_fds data structure defined in slurm.h. This is needed to avoid breaking Python with by using one of its keywords in a Slurm data structure. -- Remove eligible_time from jobcomp/elasticsearch. -- Enable the deletion of a QOS, even if no clusters have been added to the database. -- SlurmDBD - change all timestamps to bigint from int to solve Y2038 problem. -- Add salloc/sbatch/srun --spread-job option to distribute tasks over as many nodes as possible. This also treats the --ntasks-per-node option as a maximum value. -- Add ConstrainKmemSpace to cgroup.conf, defaulting to yes, to allow cgroup Kmem enforcement to be disabled while still using ConstrainRAMSpace. -- Add support for sbatch --bbf option to specify a burst buffer input file. -- Added burst buffer support for job arrays. Add new SchedulerParameters configuration parameter of bb_array_stage_cnt=# to indicate how many pending tasks of a job array should be made available for burst buffer resource allocation. -- Fix small memory leak when a job fails to load from state save. -- Fix invalid read when attempting to delete clusters from database with running jobs. -- Fix small memory leak when deleting clusters from database. -- Add SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT environment variable. Total number of tasks in a job array (e.g. "--array=2,4,8" will set SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT=3). -- Add new sacctmgr commands: "shutdown" (shutdown the server), "list stats" (get server statistics) "clear stats" (clear server statistics). -- Restructure job accounting query to use 'id_job in (1, 2, .. )' format instead of logically equivalent 'id_job = 1 || id_job = 2 || ..' . -- Added start_delay field to jobcomp/elasticsearch. -- In order to support federated jobs, the MaxJobID configuration parameter default value has been reduced from 2,147,418,112 to 67,043,328 and its maximum value is now 67,108,863. Upon upgrading, any pre-existing jobs that have a job ID above the new range will continue to run and new jobs will get job IDs in the new range. -- Added infrastructure for setting up federations in database and establishing connections between federation clusters. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.12 =========================== * Changes in Slurm 16.05.11 =========================== -- burst_buffer/cray - Add support for line continuation. -- If a job is cancelled by the user while it's allocated nodes are being reconfigured (i.e. the capmc_resume program is rebooting nodes for the job) and the node reconfiguration fails (i.e. the reboot fails), then don't requeue the job but leave it in a cancelled state. -- capmc_resume (Cray resume node script) - Do not disable changing a node's active features if SyscfgPath is configured in the knl.conf file. -- Fix memory error when updating a job's licenses. -- Fix double read lock of tres when updating gres or licenses on a job. -- Fix regression in 16.05.10 with respects to GrpTresMins on a QOS or Association. -- ALPS - Fix scheduling when ALPS doesn't agree with Slurm on what nodes are free. -- Fix seg fault if loading attempting to load non-existent burstbuffer plugin. -- Fix to backfill scheduling with respect to QOS and association limits. Jobs submitted to multiple partitions are most likley to be effected. -- Avoid erroneous errno set by the mariadb 10.2 api. -- Fix security issue in Prolog and Epilog by always prepending SPANK_ to all user-set environment variables. CVE-2017-15566. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.10-2 ============================= -- Replace clock_gettime with time(NULL) for very old systems without the call. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.10 =========================== -- Record job state as PREEMPTED instead of TIMEOUT when GraceTime is reached. -- task/cgroup - print warnings to stderr when --cpu_bind=verbose is enabled and the requested processor affinity cannot be set. -- power/cray - Disable power cap get and set operations on DOWN nodes. -- Jobs preempted with PreemptMode=REQUEUE were incorrectly recorded as REQUEUED in the accounting. -- PMIX - Use volatile specifier to avoid flag caching and lock the flag to make sure it is protected. -- PMIX/PMI2 - Make it possible to use %n or %h in a spool dir. -- burst_buffer/cray - Support default pool which is not the first pool reported by DataWarp and log in Slurm when pools that are added or removed from DataWarp. -- Insure job does not start running before PrologSlurmctld is complete and node is booted (all nodes for interactive job, at least first node for batch job without burst buffers). -- Fix minor memory leak in the slurmctld when removing a QOS. -- burst_buffer/cray - Do not execute "pre_run" operation until after all nodes are booted and ready for use. -- scontrol - return an error when attempting to use the +=/-+ syntax to update a field where this is not appropriate. -- Fix task/affinity to work correctly with --ntasks-per-socket. -- Honor --ntasks-per-node and --ntasks option when used with job constraints that contain node counts. -- Prevent deadlocked slurmstepd processes due to unsafe use of regcomp with older glibc versions. -- Fix squeue when SLURM_BITSTR_LEN=0 is set in the user environment. -- Fix comments in acct_policy.c to reflect actual variables instead of old ones. -- Fix correct variables when validating GrpTresMins on a QOS. -- Better debug output when a job is being held because of a GrpTRES[Run]Min limits. -- Fix correct state reason when job can't run 'safely' because of an association GrpWall limit. -- Squeue always loads new data if user_id option specified -- Fix for possible job ID parsing failure and abort. -- If node boot in progress when slurmctld daemon is restarted, then allow sufficient time for reboot to complete and not prematurely DOWN the node as "Not responding". -- For job resize, correct logic to build "resize" script with new values. Previously the scripts were based upon the original job size. -- Fix squeue to not limit the size of partition, burst_buffer, exec_host, or reason to 32 chars. -- Fix potential packing error when packing a NULL slurmdb_clus_res_rec_t. -- Fix potential packing errors when packing a NULL slurmdb_reservation_cond_t. -- Burst_buffer/cray - Prevent slurmctld daemon abort if "paths" operation fails. Now job will be held. Update job update time when held. -- Fix issues with QOS flags Partition[Min|Max]Nodes to work correctly. -- Increase number of ResumePrograms that can be managed without leaving zombie/orphan processes from 10 to 100. -- Refactor slurmctld agent logic to eliminate some pthreads. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.9 ========================== -- Fix parsing of SBCAST_COMPRESS environment variable in sbcast. -- Change some debug messages to errors in task/cgroup plugin. -- backfill scheduler: Stop trying to determine expected start time for a job after 2 seconds of wall time. This can happen if there are many running jobs and a pending job can not be started soon. -- Improve performance of cr_sort_part_rows() in cons_res plugin. -- CRAY - Fix dealock issue when updating accounting in the slurmctld and scheduling a Datawarp job. -- Correct the job state accounting information for jobs requeued due to burst buffer errors. -- burst_buffer/cray - Avoid "pre_run" operation if not using buffer (i.e. just creating or deleting a persistent burst buffer). -- Fix slurm.spec file support for BlueGene builds. -- Fix missing TRES read lock in acct_policy_job_runnable_pre_select() code. -- Fix debug2 message printing value using wrong array index in _qos_job_runnable_post_select(). -- Prevent job timeout on node power up. -- MYSQL - Fix minor memory leak when querying steps and the sql fails. -- Make it so sacctmgr accepts column headers like MaxTRESPU and not MaxTRESP. -- Only look at SLURM_STEP_KILLED_MSG_NODE_ID on startup, to avoid race condition later when looking at a steps env. -- Make backfill scheduler behave like regular scheduler in respect to 'assoc_limit_stop'. -- Allow a lower version client command to talk to a higher version contoller using the multi-cluster options (e.g. squeue -M<clsuter>). -- slurmctld/agent race condition fix: Prevent job launch while PrologSlurmctld daemon is running or node boot in progress. -- MYSQL - Fix a few other minor memory leaks when uncommon failures occur. -- burst_buffer/cray - Fix race condition that could cause multiple batch job launch requests resulting in drained nodes. -- Correct logic to purge old reservations. -- Fix DBD cache restore from previous versions. -- Fix to logic for getting expected start time of existing job ID with explicit begin time that is in the past. -- Clear job's reason of "BeginTime" in a more timely fashion and/or prevents them from being stuck in a PENDING state. -- Make sure acct policy limits imposed on a job are correct after requeue. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.8 ========================== -- Remove StoragePass from being printed out in the slurmdbd log at debug2 level. -- Defer PATH search for task program until launch in slurmstepd. -- Modify regression test1.89 to avoid leaving vestigial job. Also reduce logging to reduce likelyhood of Expect buffer overflow. -- Do not PATH search for mult-prog launches if LaunchParamters=test_exec is enabled. -- Fix for possible infinite loop in select/cons_res plugin when trying to satisfy a job's ntasks_per_core or socket specification. -- If job is held for bad constraints make it so once updated the job doesn't go into JobAdminHeld. -- sched/backfill - Fix logic to reserve resources for jobs that require a node reboot (i.e. to change KNL mode) in order to start. -- When unpacking a node or front_end record from state and the protocol version is lower than the min version, set it to the min. -- Remove redundant lookup for part_ptr when updating a reservation's nodes. -- Fix memory and file descriptor leaks in slurmd daemon's sbcast logic. -- Do not allocate specialized cores to jobs using the --exclusive option. -- Cancel interactive job if Prolog failure with "PrologFlags=contain" or "PrologFlags=alloc" configured. Send new error prolog failure message to the salloc or srun command as needed. -- Prevent possible out-of-bounds read in slurmstepd on an invalid #! line. -- Fix check for PluginDir within slurmctld to work with multiple directories. -- Cancel interactive jobs automatically on communication error to launching srun/salloc process. -- Fix security issue caused by insecure file path handling triggered by the failure of a Prolog script. To exploit this a user needs to anticipate or cause the Prolog to fail for their job. CVE-2016-10030. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.7 ========================== -- Fix issue in the priority/multifactor plugin where on a slurmctld restart, where more time is accounted for than should be allowed. -- cray/busrt_buffer - If total_space in a pool decreases, reset used_space rather than trying to account for buffer allocations in progress. -- cray/busrt_buffer - Fix for double counting of used_space at slurmctld startup. -- Fix regression in 16.05.6 where if you request multiple cpus per task (-c2) and request --ntasks-per-core=1 and only 1 task on the node the slurmd would abort on an infinite loop fatal. -- cray/busrt_buffer - Internally track both allocated and unusable space. The reported UsedSpace in a pool is now the allocated space (previously was unusable space). Base available space on whichever value leaves least free space. -- cray/burst_buffer - Preserve job ID and don't translate to job array ID. -- cray/burst_buffer - Update "instance" parsing to match updated dw_wlm_cli output. -- sched/backfill - Insure we don't try to start a job that was already started and requeued by the main scheduling logic. -- job_submit/lua - add access to the job features field in job_record. -- select/linear plugin modified to better support heterogeneous clusters when topology/none is also configured. -- Permit cancellation of jobs in configuring state. -- acct_gather_energy/rapl - prevent segfault in slurmd from race to gather data at slurmd startup. -- Integrate node_feature/knl_generic with "hbm" GRES information. -- Fix output routines to prevent rounding the TRES values for memory or BB. -- switch/cray plugin - fix use after free error. -- docs - elaborate on how way to clear TRES limits in sacctmgr. -- knl_cray plugin - Avoid abort from backup slurmctld at start time. -- cgroup plugins - fix two minor memory leaks. -- If a node is booting for some job, don't allocate additional jobs to the node until the boot completes. -- testsuite - fix job id output in test17.39. -- Modify backfill algorithm to improve performance with large numbers of running jobs. Group running jobs that end in a "similar" time frame using a time window that grows exponentially rather than linearly. After one second of wall time, simulate the termination of all remaining running jobs in order to respond in a reasonable time frame. -- Fix slurm_job_cpus_allocated_str_on_node_id() API call. -- sched/backfill plugin: Make malloc match data type (defined as uint32_t and allocated as int). -- srun - prevent segfault when terminating job step before step has launched. -- sacctmgr - prevent segfault when trying to reset usage for an invalid account name. -- Make the openssl crypto plugin compile with openssl >= 1.1. -- Fix SuspendExcNodes and SuspendExcParts on slurmctld reconfiguration. -- sbcast - prevent segfault in slurmd due to race condition between file transfers from separate jobs using zlib compression -- cray/burst_buffer - Increase time to synchronize operations between threads from 5 to 60 seconds ("setup" operation time observed over 17 seconds). -- node_features/knl_cray - Fix possible race condition when changing node state that could result in old KNL mode as an active features. -- Make sure if a job can't run because of resources we also check accounting limits after the node selection to make sure it doesn't violate those limits and if it does change the reason for waiting so we don't reserve resources on jobs violating accounting limits. -- NRT - Make it so a system running against IBM's PE will work with PE version 1.3. -- NRT - Make it so protocols pgas and test are allowed to be used. -- NRT - Make it so you can have more than 1 protocol listed in MP_MSG_API. -- cray/burst_buffer - If slurmctld daemon restarts with pending job and burst buffer having unknown file stage-in status, teardown the buffer, defer the job, and start stage-in over again. -- On state restore in the slurmctld don't overwrite the mem_spec_limit given from the slurm.conf when using FastSchedule=0. -- Recognize a KNL's proper NUMA count (rather than setting it to the value in slurm.conf) when using FastSchedule=0. -- Fix parsing in regression test1.92 for some prompts. -- sbcast - use slurmd's gid cache rather than a separate lookup. -- slurmd - return error if setgroups() call fails in _drop_privileges(). -- Remove error messages about gres counts changing when a job is resized on a slurmctld restart or reconfig, as they aren't really error messages. -- Fix possible memory corruption if a job is using GRES and changing size. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix printf format for a value on 32-bit builds. -- task/cgroup - Change error message if CPU binding can not take place to better identify the root cause of the problem. -- Fix issue where task/cgroup would not always honor --cpu_bind=threads. -- Fix race condition in with getgrouplist() in slurmd that can lead to user accounts being granted access to incorrect group memberships during job launch. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.6 ========================== -- Docs - the correct default value for GroupUpdateForce is 0. -- mpi/pmix - improve point to point communication performance. -- SlurmDB - include pending jobs in search during 'sacctmgr show runawayjobs'. -- Add client side out-of-range checks to --nice flag. -- Fix support for sbatch "-W" option, previously eeded to use "--wait". -- node_features/knl_cray plugin and capmc_suspend/resume programs modified to sleep and retry capmc operations if the Cray State Manager is down. Added CapmcRetries configuration parameter to knl_cray.conf. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Remove any KNL MCDRAM or NUMA features from node's configuration if capmc does NOT report the node as being KNL. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin: drain any node not reported by "capmc node_status" on startup or reconfig. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Substantially streamline and speed up logic to load current node state on reconfigure failure or unexpected node boot. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Add separate thread to interact with capmc in response to unexpected node reboots. -- node_features plugin - Add "mode" argument to node_features_p_node_xlate() function to fix some bugs updating a node's features using the node update RPC. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin: If the reconfiguration of nodes for an interactive job fails, kill the job (it can't be requeued like a batch job). -- Testsuite - Added srun/salloc/sbatch tests with --use-min-nodes option. -- Fix typo when an error occurs when discovering pmix version on configure. -- Fix configuring pmix support when you have your lib dir symlinked to lib64. -- Fix waiting reason if a job is waiting for a specific limit instead of always just AccountingPolicy. -- Correct SchedulerParameters=bf_busy_nodes logic with respect to the job's minimum node count. Previous logic would not decremement counter in some locations and reject valid job request for not reaching minimum node count. -- Fix FreeBSD-11 build by using llabs() function in place of abs(). -- Cray: The slurmd can manipulate the socket/core/thread values reported based upon the configuration. The logic failed to consider select/cray with SelectTypeParameters=other_cons_res as equivalent to select/cons_res. -- If a node's socket or core count are changed at registration time (e.g. a KNL node's NUMA mode is changed), change it's board count to match. -- Prevent possible divide by zero in select/cons_res if a node's board count is higher than it's socket count. -- Allow an advanced reservation to contain a license count of zero. -- Preserve non-KNL node features when updating the KNL node features for a multi-node job in which the non-KNL node features vary by node. -- task/affinity plugin: Honor a job's --ntasks-per-socket and --ntasks-per-core options in task binding. -- slurmd - do not print ClusterName when using 'slurmd -C'. -- Correct a bitmap test function (used only by the select/bluegene plugin). -- Do not propagate SLURM_UMASK environment variable to batch script. -- Added node_features/knl_generic plugin for KNL support on non-Cray systems. -- Cray: Prevent abort in backfill scheduling logic for requeued job that has been cancelled while NHC is running. -- Improve reported estimates of start and end times for pending jobs. -- pbsnodes: Show OS value as "unknown" for down nodes. -- BlueGene - correctly scale node counts when enforcing MaxNodes limit take 2. -- Fix "sbatch --hold" to set JobHeldUser correctly instead of JobHeldAdmin. -- Cray - print warning that task/cgroup is required, and must be after task/cray in the TaskPlugin settings. -- Document that node Weight takes precedence over load with LLN scheduling. -- Fix issue where gang scheduling could happen even with OverSubscribe=NO. -- Expose JOB_SHARED_* values to job_submit/lua plugin. -- Fix issue where number of nodes is not properly allocated when srun is requested with -n tasks < hosts from -w hostlist. -- Update srun documentation for -N, -w and -m arbitrary. -- Fix bug that was clearing MAINT mode on nodes scheduled for reboot (bug introduced in version 16.05.5 to address bug in overlapping reservations). -- Add logging of node reboot requests. -- Docs - remove recommendation for ReleaseAgent setting in cgroup.conf. -- Make sure a job cleans up completely if it has a node fail. Mostly an issue with gang scheduling. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.5 ========================== -- Fix accounting for jobs requeued after the previous job was finished. -- slurmstepd modified to pre-load all relevant plugins at startup to avoid the possibility of modified plugins later resulting in inconsistent API or data structures and a failure of slurmstepd. -- Export functions from parse_time.c in -- Export unit convert functions from slurm_protocol_api.c in -- Fix scancel to allow multiple steps from a job to be cancelled at once. -- Update and expand upgrade guide (in Quick Start Administrator web page). -- burst_buffer/cray: Requeue, but do not hold a job which fails the pre_run operation. -- Insure reported expected job start time is not in the past for pending jobs. -- Add support for PMIx v2. -- mpi/pmix: support for passing TMPDIR path through info key -- Cray: update script to correctly identify service nodes versus compute nodes. -- FreeBSD - fix build issue in knl_cray plugin. -- Corrections to gres.conf parsing logic. -- Make partition State independent of EnforcePartLimits value. -- Fix multipart srun submission with EnforcePartLimits=NO and job violating the partition limits. -- Fix problem updating job state_reason. -- pmix - Provide HWLOC topology in the job-data if Slurm was configured with hwloc. -- Cray - Fix issue restoring jobs when blade count increases due to hardware reconfiguration. -- burst_buffer/cray - Hold job after 3 failed pre-run operations. -- sched/backfill - Check that a user's QOS is allowed to use a partition before trying to schedule resources on that partition for the job. -- sacctmgr - Fix displaying nodenames when printing out events or reservations. -- Fix mpiexec wrapper to accept task count with more than one digit. -- Add mpiexec man page to the script. -- Add salloc_wait_nodes option to the SchedulerParameters parameter in the slurm.conf file controlling when the salloc command returns in relation to when nodes are ready for use (i.e. booted). -- Handle case when slurmctld daemon restart while compute node reboot in progress. Return node to service rather than setting DOWN. -- Preserve node "RESERVATION" state when one of multiple overlapping reservations ends. -- Restructure srun command locking for task_exit processing logic for improved parallelism. -- Modify srun task completion handling to only build the task/node string for logging purposes if it is needed. Modified for performance purposes. -- Docs - update salloc/sbatch/srun man pages to mention corresponding environment variables for --mem/--mem-per-cpu and allowed suffixes. -- Silence srun warning when overriding the job ntasks-per-node count with a lower task count for the step. -- Docs - assorted spelling fixes. -- node_features/knl_cray: Fix bug where MCDRAM state could be taken from capmc rather than cnselect. -- node_features/knl_cray: If a node is rebooted outside of Slurm's direction, update it's active features with current MCDRAM and NUMA mode information. -- Restore ability to manually power down nodes, broken in 15.08.12. -- Don't log error for job end_time being zero if node health check is still running. -- When powering up a node to change it's state (e.g. KNL NUMA or MCDRAM mode) then pass to the ResumeProgram the job ID assigned to the nodes in the SLURM_JOB_ID environment variable. -- Allow a node's PowerUp state flag to be cleared using update_node RPC. -- capmc_suspend/resume - If a request modify NUMA or MCDRAM state on a set of nodes or reboot a set of nodes fails then just requeue the job and abort the entire operation rather than trying to operate on individual nodes. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin: Increase default CapmcTimeout parameter from 10 to 60 seconds. -- Fix squeue filter by job license when a job has requested more than 1 license of a certain type. -- Fix bug in PMIX_Ring in the pmi2 plugin so that it supports singleton mode. It also updates the testpmixring.c test program so it can be used to check singleton runs. -- Automically clean up task/cgroup cpuset and devices cgroups after steps are completed. -- Testsuite - Fix test1.83 to handle gaps in node names properly. -- BlueGene - correctly scale node counts when enforcing MaxNodes limit. -- Make sure no attempt is made to schedule a requeued job until all steps are cleaned (Node Health Check completes for all steps on a Cray). -- KNL: Correct task affinity logic for some NUMA modes. -- Add salloc/sbatch/srun --priority option of "TOP" to set job priority to the highest possible value. This option is only available to Slurm operators and administrators. -- Add salloc/sbatch/srun option --use-min-nodes to prefer smaller node counts when a range of node counts is specified (e.g. "-N 2-4"). -- Validate salloc/sbatch --wait-all-nodes argument. -- Add "sbatch_wait_nodes" to SchedulerParameters to control default sbatch behaviour with respect to waiting for all allocated nodes to be ready for use. Job can override the configuration option using the --wait-all-nodes=# option. -- Prevent partition group access updates from resetting last_part_update when no changes have been made. Prevents backfill scheduler from restarting mid-cycle unnecessarily. -- Cray - add NHC_ABSOLUTELY_NO to never run NHC, even on certain edge cases that it would otherwise be run on with NHC_NO. -- Ignore GRES/QOS updates that maintain the same value as before. -- mpi/pmix - prepare temp directory for application. -- Fix display for the nice and priority values in sprio/scontrol/squeue. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.4 ========================== -- Fix potential deadlock if running with message aggregation. -- Streamline when schedule() is called when running with message aggregation on batch script completes. -- Fix incorrect casting when [un]packing derived_ec on slurmdb_job_rec_t. -- Document that persistent burst buffers can not be created or destroyed using the salloc or srun --bb options. -- Add support for setting the SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT, SLURM_JOB_QOS and SLURM_JOB_RESERVAION environment variables are set for the salloc command. Document the same environment variables for the salloc, sbatch and srun commands in their man pages. -- Fix issue where sacctmgr load cluster.cfg wouldn't load associations that had a partition in them. -- Don't return the extern step from sstat by default. -- In sstat print 'extern' instead of 4294967295 for the extern step. -- Make advanced reservations work properly with core specialization. -- Fix race condition in the account_gather plugin that could result in job stuck in COMPLETING state. -- Regression test fixes if SelectTypePlugin not managing memory and no node memory size set (defaults to 1 MB per node). -- Add missing partition write locks to _slurm_rpc_dump_nodes/node_single to prevent a race condition leading to inconsistent sinfo results. -- Fix task:CPU binding logic for some processors. This bug was introduced in version 16.05.1 to address KNL bunding problem. -- Fix two minor memory leaks in slurmctld. -- Improve partition-specific limit logging from slurmctld daemon. -- Fix incorrect access check when using MaxNodes setting on the partition. -- Fix issue with sacctmgr when specifying a list of clusters to query. -- Fix issue when calculating future StartTime for a job. -- Make EnforcePartLimit support logic work with any ordering of partitions in job submit request. -- Prevent restoration of wrong CPU governor and frequency when using multiple task plugins. -- Prevent slurmd abort if hwloc library fails to populate the "children" arrays (observed with hwloc version "dev-333-g85ea6e4"). -- burst_buffer/cray: Add "--groupid" to DataWarp "setup" command. -- Fix lustre profiling putting it in the Filesystem dataset instead of the Network dataset. -- Fix profiling documentation and code to match be consistent with Filesystem instead of Lustre. -- Correct the way watts is calculated in the rapl plugin when using a poll frequency other than AcctGatherNodeFreq. -- Don't about step launch if job reaches expected end time while node is configuring/booting (NOTE: The job end time will be adjusted after node becomes ready for use). -- Fix several print routines to respect a custom output delimiter when printing NO_VAL or INFINITE. -- Correct documented configurations where --ntasks-per-core and --ntasks-per-socket are supported. -- task/affinity plugin buffer allocated too small, can corrupt memory. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.3 ========================== -- Make it so the extern step uses a reverse tree when cleaning up. -- If extern step doesn't get added into the proctrack plugin make sure the sleep is killed. -- Fix areas the slurmctld can segfault if an extern step is in the system cleaning up on a restart. -- Prevent possible incorrect counting of GRES of a given type if a node has the multiple "types" of a given GRES "name", which could over-subscribe GRES of a given type. -- Add web links to Slurm Diamond Collectors (from Harvard University) and collectd (from EDF). -- Add job_submit plugin for the "reboot" field. -- Make some more Slurm constants (INFINITE, NO_VAL64, etc.) available to job_submit/lua plugins. -- Send in a -1 for a taskid into spank_task_post_fork for the extern_step. -- MYSQL - Sightly better logic if a job completion comes in with an end time of 0. -- task/cgroup plugin is configured with ConstrainRAMSpace=yes, then set soft memory limit to allocated memory limit (previously no soft limit was set). -- Document limitations in burst buffer use by the salloc command (possible access problems from a login node). -- Fix proctrack plugin to only add the pid of a process once (regression in 16.05.2). -- Fix for sstat to print correct info when requesting jobid.batch as part of a comma-separated list. -- CRAY - Fix issue if pid has already been added to another job container. -- CRAY - Fix add of extern step to AELD. -- burstbufer/cray: avoid batch submit error condition if waiting for stagein. -- CRAY - Fix for reporting steps lingering after they are already finished. -- Testsuite - fix test1.29 / 17.15 for limits with values above 32-bits. -- CRAY - Simplify when a NHC is called on a step that has unkillable processes. -- CRAY - If trying to kill a step and you have NHC_NO_STEPS set run NHC anyway to attempt to log the backtraces of the potential unkillable processes. -- Fix gang scheduling and license release logic if single node job killed on bad node. -- Make scontrol show steps show the extern step correctly. -- Do not scheduled powered down nodes in FAILED state. -- Do not start slurmctld power_save thread until partition information is read in order to prevent race condition that can result invalid pointer when trying to resolve configured SuspendExcParts. -- Add SLURM_PENDING_STEP id so it won't be confused with SLURM_EXTERN_CONT. -- Fix for core selection with job --gres-flags=enforce-binding option. Previous logic would in some cases allocate a job zero cores, resulting in slurmctld abort. -- Minimize preempted jobs for configurations with multiple jobs per node. -- Improve partition AllowGroups caching. Update the table of UIDs permitted to use a partition based upon it's AllowGroups configuration parameter as new valid UIDs are found rather than looking up that user's group information for every job they submit. If the user is now allowed to use the partition, then do not check that user's group access again for 5 seconds. -- Add routing queue information to Slurm FAQ web page. -- Do not select_g_step_finish() a SLURM_PENDING_STEP step, as nothing has been allocated for the step yet. -- Fixed race condition in PMIx Fence logic. -- Prevent slurmctld abort if job is killed or requeued while waiting for reboot of its allocated compute nodes. -- Treat invalid user ID in AllowUserBoot option of knl.conf file as error rather than fatal (log and do not exit). -- qsub - When doing the default output files for an array in qsub style make them using the master job ID instead of the normal job ID. -- Create the extern step while creating the job instead of waiting until the end of the job to do it. -- Always report a 0 exit code for the extern step instead of being canceled or failed based on the signal that would always be killing it. -- Fix to allow users to update QOS of pending jobs. -- CRAY - Fix minor memory leak in switch plugin. -- CRAY - Change to skip over disabled nodes. -- Fix eligible_time for elasticsearch as well as add queue_wait (difference between start of job and when it was eligible). * Changes in Slurm 16.05.2 ========================== -- CRAY - Fix issue where the proctrack plugin could hang if the container id wasn't able to be made. -- Move test for job wait reason value of BurstBufferResources and BurstBufferStageIn later in the scheduling logic. -- Document which srun options apply to only job, only step, or job and step allocations. -- Use more compatible function to get thread name (>= 2.6.11). -- Fix order of job then step id when noting cleaning flag being set. -- Make it so the extern step sends a message with accounting information back to the slurmctld. -- Make it so the extern step calls the select_g_step_start|finish functions. -- Don't print error when extern step is canceled because job is ending. -- Handle a few error codes when dealing with the extern step to make sure we have the pids added to the system correctly. -- Add support for job dependencies with job array expressions. Previous logic required listing each task of job array individually. -- Make sure tres_cnt is set before creating a slurmdb_assoc_usage_t. -- Prevent backfill scheduler from starting a second "singleton" job if another one started during a backfill sleep. -- Fix for invalid array pointer when creating advanced reservation when job allocations span heterogeneous nodes (differing core or socket counts). -- Fix hostlist_ranged_string_xmalloc_dims to correctly not put brackets on hostlists when brackets == 0. -- Make sure we don't get brackets when making a range of reserved ports for a step. -- Change fatal to an error if port ranges aren't correct when reading state for steps. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.1 ========================== -- Fix __cplusplus macro in spank.h to allow compilation with C++. -- Fix compile issue with older glibc < 2.12 -- Fix for starting batch step with mpi/pmix plugin. -- Fix for "scontrol -dd show job" with respect to displaying the specific CPUs allocated to a job on each node. Prior logic would only display the CPU information for the first node in the job allocation. -- Print correct return code on failure to update active node features through sview. -- Allow QOS timelimit to override partition timelimit when EnforcePartLimits is set to all/any. -- Make it so qsub will do a "basename" on a wrapped command for the output and error files. -- Fix issue where slurmd could core when running the ipmi energy plugin. -- Documentation - clean up typos. -- Add logic so that slurmstepd can be launched under valgrind. -- Increase buffer size to read /proc/*/stat files. -- Fix for tracking job resource allocation when slurmctld is reconfigured while Cray Node Health Check (NHC) is running. Previous logic would fail to record the job's allocation then perform release operation upon NHC completion, resulting in underflow error messages. -- Make "scontrol show daemons" work with long node names. -- CRAY - Collect energy using a uint64_t instead of uint32_t. -- Fix incorrect if statements when determining if the user has a default account or wckey. -- Prevent job stuck in configuring state if slurmctld daemon restarted while PrologSlurmctld is running. Also re-issue burst_buffer/pre-load operation as needed. -- Correct task affinity support for FreeBSD. -- Fix for task affinity on KNL in SNC2/Flat mode. -- Recalculate a job's memory allocation after node reboot if job requests all of a node's memory and FastSchedule=0 is configured. Intel KNL memory size can change on reboot with various MCDRAM modes. -- Fix small memory leak when printing HealthCheckNodeState. -- Eliminate memory leaks when AuthInfo is configured. -- Improve sdiag output description in man page. -- Cray/capmc_resume script modify a node's features (as needed) when the reinit (reboot) command is issued rather than wait for the nodes to change to the "on" state. -- Correctly print ranges when using step values in job arrays. -- Allow from file names / paths over 256 characters when launching steps, as well as spaces in the executable name. -- job_submit.license.lua example modified to send message back to user. -- Document job --mem=0 option means all memory on a node. -- Set SLURM_JOB_QOS environment variable to QOS name instead of description. -- knl_cray.conf file option of CnselectPath added. -- node_features/knl_cray plugin modified to get current node NUMA and MCDRAM modes using cnselect command rather than capmc command. -- liblua - add SLES12 paths to runtime search list. -- Fix qsub default output and error files for task arrays. -- Fix qsub to set job_name correctly when wrapping a script (-b y) -- Cray - set EnforcePartLimits=any in slurm.conf template. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.0 ========================== -- Update seff to fix warnings with ncpus, and list slurm-perlapi dependency in spec file. -- Fix testsuite to consistent use /usr/bin/env {bash,expect} construct. -- Cray - Ensure that step completion messages get to the database. -- Fix step cpus_per_task calculation for heterogeneous job allocation. -- Fix --with-json= configure option to use specified path. -- Add back thread_id to "thread_id" LogTimeFormat to distinguish between mutliple threads with the same name. Now displays thread name and id. -- Change how Slurm determines the NUMA count of a node. Ignore KNL NUMA that only include memory. -- Cray - Fix node list parsing in capmc_suspend/resume programs. -- Fix sbatch #BSUB parsing for -W and -M options. -- Fix GRES task layout bug that could cause slurmctld to abort. -- Fix to --gres-flags=enforce-binding logic when multiple sockets needed. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.0rc2 ============================= -- Cray node shutdown/reboot scripts, perform operations on all nodes in one capmc command. Only if that fails, issue the operations in parallel on individual nodes. Required for scalability. -- Cleanup two minor Coverity warnings. -- Make it so the tres units in a job's formatted string are converted like they are in a step. -- Correct partition's MaxCPUsPerNode enforcement when nodes are shared by multiple partitions. -- node_feature/knl_cray - Prevent slurmctld GRES errors for "hbm" references. -- Display thread name instead of thread id and remove process name in stderr logging for "thread_id" LogTimeFormat. -- Log IP address of bad incomming message to slurmctld. -- If a user requests tasks, nodes and ntasks-per-node and tasks-per-node/nodes != tasks print warning and ignore ntasks-per-node. -- Release CPU "owner" file locks. -- Fix for job step memory allocation: Reject invalid step at submit time rather than leaving it queued. -- Whenever possible, avoid allocating nodes that require a reboot. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.0rc1 ============================== -- Remove the SchedulerParameters option of "assoc_limit_continue", making it the default value. Add option of "assoc_limit_stop". If "assoc_limit_stop" is set and a job cannot start due to association limits, then do not attempt to initiate any lower priority jobs in that partition. Setting this can decrease system throughput and utlization, but avoid potentially starving larger jobs by preventing them from launching indefinitely. -- Update a node's socket and cores per socket counts as needed after a node boot to reflect configuration changes which can occur on KNL processors. Note that the node's total core count must not change, only the distribution of cores across varying socket counts (KNL NUMA nodes treated as sockets by Slurm). -- Rename partition configuration from "Shared" to "OverSubscribe". Rename salloc, sbatch, srun option from "--shared" to "--oversubscribe". The old options will continue to function. Output field names also changed in scontrol, sinfo, squeue and sview. -- Add SLURM_UMASK environment variable to user job. -- knl_conf: Added new configuration parameter of CapmcPollFreq. -- squeue: remove errant spaces in column formats for "squeue -o %all". -- Add ARRAY_TASKS mail option to send emails to each task in a job array. -- Change default compression library for sbcast to lz4. -- select/cray - Initiate step node health check at start of step termination rather than after application completely ends so that NHC can capture information about hung (non-killable) processes. -- Add --units=[KMGTP] option to sacct to display values in specific unit type. -- Modify sacct and sacctmgr to display TRES values in converted units. -- Modify sacctmgr to accept TRES values with [KMGTP] suffixes. -- Replace hash function with more modern SipHash functions. -- Add "--with-cray_dir" build/configure option. -- BB- Only send stage_out email when stage_out is set in script. -- Add r/w locking to file_bcast receive functions in slurmd. -- Add TopologyParam option of "TopoOptional" to optimize network topology only for jobs requesting it. -- Fix build on FreeBSD. -- Configuration parameter "CpuFreqDef" used to set default governor for job step not specifying --cpu-freq (previously the parameter was unused). -- Fix sshare -o<format> to correctly display new lengths. -- Update documentation to rename Shared option to OverSubscribe. -- Update documentation to rename partition Priority option to PriorityTier. -- Prevent changing of QOS on running jobs. -- Update accounting when changing QOS on pending jobs. -- Add support to ntasks_per_socket in task/affinity. -- Generate init.d and systemd service scripts in etc/ through Make rather than at configure time to ensure all variable substitutions happen. -- Use TaskPluginParam for default task binding if no user specified CPU binding. User --cpu_bind option takes precident over default. No longer any error if user --cpu_bind option does not match TaskPluginParam. -- Make sacct and sattach work with older slurmd versions. -- Fix protocol handling between 15.08 and 16.05 for 'scontrol show config'. -- Enable prefixes (e.g. info, debug, etc.) in slurmstepd debugging. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.0pre2 ============================== -- Split partition's "Priority" field into "PriorityTier" (used to order partitions for scheduling and preemption) plus "PriorityJobFactor" (used by priority/multifactor plugin in calculating job priority, which is used to order jobs within a partition for scheduling). -- Revert call to getaddrinfo, restoring gethostbyaddr (introduced in Slurm 16.05.0pre1) which was failing on some systems. -- knl_cray.conf - Added AllowMCDRAM, AllowNUMA and ALlowUserBoot configuration options. -- Add node_features_p_user_update() function to node_features plugin. -- Don't print Weight=1 lines in 'scontrol write config' (its the default). -- Remove PARAMS macro from slurm.h. -- Remove BEGIN_C_DECLS and END_C_DECLS macros. -- Check that PowerSave mode configured for node_features/knl_cray plugin. It is required to reconfigure and reboot nodes. -- Update documentation to reflect new cgroup default location change from /cgroup to /sys/fs/cgroup. -- If NodeHealthCheckProgram configured HealthCheckInterval is non-zero, then modify slurmd to run it before registering with slurmctld. -- Fix for tasks being packed onto cores when the requested --cpus-per-task is greater than the number of threads on a core and --ntasks-per-core is 1. -- Make it so jobs/steps track ':' named gres/tres, before hand gres/gpu:tesla would only track gres/gpu, now it will track both gres/gpu and gres/gpu:tesla as separate gres if configured like AccountingStorageTRES=gres/gpu,gres/gpu:tesla -- Added new job dependency type of "aftercorr" which will start a task of a job array after the corresponding task of another job array completes. -- Increase default MaxTasksPerNode configuration parameter from 128 to 512. -- Enable sbcast data compression logic (compress option previously ignored). -- Add --compress option to srun command for use with --bcast option. -- Add TCPTimeout option to slurm[dbd].conf. Decouples MessageTimeout from TCP connections. -- Don't call primary controller for every RPC when backup is in control. -- Add --gres-flags=enforce-binding option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands. If set, the only CPUs available to the job will be those bound to the selected GRES (i.e. the CPUs identifed in the gres.conf file will be strictly enforced rather than advisory). -- Change how a node's allocated CPU count is calculated to avoid double counting CPUs allocated to multiple jobs at the same time. -- Added SchedulingParameters option of "bf_min_prio_reserve". Jobs below the specified threshold will not have resources reserved for them. -- Added "sacctmgr show lostjobs" to report any orphaned jobs in the database. -- When a stepd is about to shutdown and send it's response to srun make the wait to return data only hit after 500 nodes and configurable based on the TcpTimeout value. -- Add functionality to reset the lft and rgt values of the association table with the slurmdbd. -- Add SchedulerParameter no_env_cache, if set no env cache will be use when launching a job, instead the job will fail and drain the node if the env isn't loaded normally. -- burst_buffer/cray - Plug small memory leak on DataWarp create_persistent buffer error. -- burst_buffer/cray - Do not purge a job record if it's stage-out operation fails. The description of the failure will be in the job's "Reason" field. -- burst_buffer/cray - Append information about errors to job's AdminComments field. -- DBD - When using LogTimeFormat=thread_id fill in the cluster name before printing anything for a connection. -- Have srun read in modern env var's instead of obsolete ones -- mpi/pmix: add the thresholds for the parameters of micro-benchmarks. * Changes in Slurm 16.05.0pre1 ============================== -- Add sbatch "--wait" option that waits for job completion before exiting. Exit code will match that of spawned job. -- Modify advanced reservation save/restore logic for core reservations to support configuration changes (changes in configured nodes or cores counts). -- Allow ControlMachine, BackupController, DbdHost and DbdBackupHost to be either short or long hostname. -- Job output and error files can now contain "%" character by specifying a file name with two consecutive "%" characters. For example, "sbatch -o "slurm.%%.%j" for job ID 123 will generate an output file named "slurm.%.123". -- Pass user name in Prolog RPC from controller to slurmd when using PrologFlags=Alloc. Allows SLURM_JOB_USER env variable to be set when using Native Slurm on a Cray. -- Add "NumTasks" to job information visible to Slurm commands. -- Add mail wrapper script "smail" that will include job statistics in email notification messages. -- Remove vestigial "SICP" job option (inter-cluster job option). Completely different logic will be forthcoming. -- Fix case where the primary and backup dbds would both be performing rollup. -- Add an ack reply from slurmd to slurmstepd when job setup is done and the job is ready to be executed. -- Removed support for authd. authd has not been developed and supported since several years. -- Introduce a new parameter requeue_setup_env_fail in SchedulerParameters. A job that fails to setup the environment will be requeued and the node drained. -- Add ValidateTimeout and OtherTimeout to "scontrol show burst" output. -- Increase default sbcast buffer size from 512KB to 8MB. -- Enable the hdf5 profiling of the batch step. -- Eliminate redundant environment and script files for job arrays. -- Stop searching sbatch scripts for #PBS directives after 100 lines of non-comments. Stop parsing #PBS or #SLURM directives after 1024 characters into a line. Required for decent perforamnce with huge scripts. -- Add debug flag for timing Cray portions of the code. -- Remove all *.la files from RPMs. -- Add Multi-Category Security (MCS) infrastructure to permit nodes to be bound to specific users or groups. -- Install the pmi2 unix sockets in slurmd spool directory instead of /tmp. -- Implement the getaddrinfo and getnameinfo instead of gethostbyaddr and gethostbyname. -- Finished PMIx implementation. -- Implemented the --without=package option for configure. -- Fix sshare to show each individual cluster with -M,--clusters option. -- Added --deadline option to salloc, sbatch and srun. Jobs which can not be completed by the user specified deadline will be terminated with a state of "Deadline" or "DL". -- Implemented and documented PMIX protocol which is used to bootstrap an MPI job. PMIX is an alternative to PMI and PMI2. -- Change default CgroupMountpoint (in cgroup.conf) from "/cgroup" to "/sys/fs/cgroup" to match current standard. -- Add #BSUB options to sbatch to read in from the batch script. -- HDF: Change group name of node from nodename to nodeid. -- The partition-specific SelectTypeParameters parameter can now be used to change the memory allocation tracking specification in the global SelectTypeParameters configuration parameter. Supported partition-specific values are CR_Core, CR_Core_Memory, CR_Socket and CR_Socket_Memory. If the global SelectTypeParameters value includes memory allocation management and the partition-specific value does not, then memory allocation management for that partition will NOT be supported (i.e. memory can be over-allocated). Likewise the global SelectTypeParameters might not include memory management while the partition-specific value does. -- Burst buffer/cray - Add support for multiple buffer pools including support for different resource granularity by pool. -- Burst buffer advanced reservation units treated as bytes (per documentation) rather than GB. -- Add an "scontrol top <jobid>" command to re-order the priorities of a user's pending jobs. May be disabled with the "disable_user_top" option in the SchedulerParameters configuration parameter. -- Modify sview to display negative job nice values. -- Increase job's nice value field from 16 to 32 bits. -- Remove deprecated job_submit/cnode plugin. -- Enhance slurm.conf option EnforcePartLimit to include options like "ANY" and "ALL". "Any" is equivalent to "Yes" and "All" will check all partitions a job is submitted to and if any partition limit is violated the job will be rejected even if it could possibly run on another partition. -- Add "features_act" field (currently active features) to the node information. Output of scontrol, sinfo, and sview changed accordingly. The field previously displayed as "Features" is now "AvailableFeatures" while the new field is displayed as "ActiveFeatures". -- Remove Sun Constellation, IBM Federation Switches (replaced by NRT switch plugin) and long-defunct Quadrics Elan support. -- Add -M<clusters> option to sreport. -- Rework group caching to work better in environments with enumeration disabled. Removed CacheGroups config directive, group membership lists are now always cached, controlled by GroupUpdateTime parameter. GroupUpdateForce parameter default value changed to 1. -- Add reservation flag of "purge_comp" which will purge an advanced reservation once it has no more active (pending, suspended or running) jobs. -- Add new configuration parameter "KNLPlugins" and plugin infrastructure. -- Add optional job "features" to node reboot RPC. -- Add slurmd "-b" option to report node rebooted at daemon start time. Used for testing purposes. -- contribs/cray: Add framework for powering nodes up and down. -- For job constraint, convert comma separator to "&". -- Add Max*PerAccount options for QOS. -- Protect slurm_mutex_* calls with abort() on failure. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.14 =========================== -- For job resize, correct logic to build "resize" script with new values. Previously the scripts were based upon the original job size. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.13 =========================== -- Fix issue where slurmd could core when running the ipmi energy plugin. -- Print correct return code on failure to update node features through sview. -- Documentation - cleanup typos. -- Add logic so that slurmstepd can be launched under valgrind. -- Increase buffer size to read /proc/*/stat files. -- MYSQL - Handle ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED better by failing when it occurs instead of continuously printing the message over and over as the problem will most likely not resolve itself. -- Add --disable-bluegene to configure. This will make it so Slurm can work on a BGAS node. -- Prevent job stuck in configuring state if slurmctld daemon restarted while PrologSlurmctld is running. -- Handle association correctly if using FAIR_TREE as well as shares=Parent -- Fix race condition when setting priority of a job and the association doesn't have a parent. -- MYSQL - Fix issue with adding a reservation if the name has single quotes in it. -- Correctly print ranges when using step values in job arrays. -- Fix for invalid array pointer when creating advanced reservation when job allocations span heterogeneous nodes (differing core or socket counts). -- Fix for sstat to print correct info when requesting jobid.batch as part of a comma-separated list. -- Cray - Fix issue restoring jobs when blade count increases due to hardware reconfiguration. -- Ignore warnings about depricated functions. This is primarily there for new glibc 2.24+ that depricates readdir_r. -- Fix security issue caused by insecure file path handling triggered by the failure of a Prolog script. To exploit this a user needs to anticipate or cause the Prolog to fail for their job. CVE-2016-10030. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.12 =========================== -- Do not attempt to power down a node which has never responded if the slurmctld daemon restarts without state. -- Fix for possible slurmstepd segfault on invalid user ID. -- MySQL - Fix for possible race condition when archiving multiple clusters at the same time. -- Fix compile for when you don't have hwloc. -- Fix issue where daemons would only listen on specific address given in slurm.conf instead of all. If looking for specific addresses use TopologyParam options No*InAddrAny. -- Cray - Better robustness when dealing with the aeld interface. -- job_submit.lua - add array_inx value for job arrays. -- Perlapi - Remove unneeded/undefined mutex. -- Fix issue when TopologyParam=NoInAddrAny is set the responses wouldn't make it to the slurmctld when using message aggregation. -- MySQL - Fix potential memory leak when rolling up data. -- Fix issue with clustername file when running on NFS with root_squash. -- Fix race condition with respects to cleaning up the profiling threads when in use. -- Fix issues when building on NetBSD. -- Fix jobcomp/elasticsearch build when libcurl is installed in a non-standard location. -- Fix MemSpecLimit to explicitly require TaskPlugin=task/cgroup and ConstrainRAMSpace set in cgroup.conf. -- MYSQL - Fix order of operations issue where if the database is locked up and the slurmctld doesn't wait long enough for the response it would give up leaving the connection open and create a situation where the next message sent could receive the response of the first one. -- Fix CFULL_BLOCK distribution type. -- Prevent sbatch from trying to enable debug messages when using job arrays. -- Prevent sbcast from enabling "--preserve" when specifying a jobid. -- Prevent wrong error message from spank plugin stack on GLOB_NOSPACE error. -- Fix proctrack/lua plugin to prevent possible deadlock. -- Prevent infinite loop in slurmstepd if execve fails. -- Prevent multiple responses to REQUEST_UPDATE_JOB_STEP message. -- Prevent possible deadlock in acct_gather_filesystem/lustre on error. -- Make it so --mail-type=NONE didn't throw an invalid error. -- If no default account is given for a user when creating (only a list of accounts) no default account is printed, previously NULL was printed. -- Fix for tracking a node's allocated CPUs with gang scheduling. -- Fix Hidden error during _rpc_forward_data call. -- Fix bug resulting from wrong order-of-operations in _connect_srun_cr(), and two others that cause incorrect debug messages. -- Fix backwards compatibility with sreport going to <= 14.11 coming from >= 15.08 for some reports. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.11 =========================== -- Fix for job "--contiguous" option that could cause job allocation/launch failure or slurmctld crash. -- Fix to setup logs for single-character program names correctly. -- Backfill scheduling performance enhancement with large number of running jobs. -- Reset job's prolog_running counter on slurmctld restart or reconfigure. -- burst_buffer/cray - Update job's prolog_running counter if pre_run fails. -- MYSQL - Make the error message more specific when removing a reservation and it doesn't meet basic requirements. -- burst_buffer/cray - Fix for script creating or deleting persistent buffer would fail "paths" operation and hold the job. -- power/cray - Prevent possible divide by zero. -- power/cray - Fix bug introduced in 15.08.10 preventin operation in many cases. -- Prevent deadlock for flow of data to the slurmdbd when sending reservation that wasn't set up correctly. -- burst_buffer/cray - Don't call Datawarp "paths" function if script includes only create or destroy of persistent burst buffer. Some versions of Datawarp software return an error for such scripts, causing the job to be held. -- Fix potential issue when adding and removing TRES which could result in the slurmdbd segfaulting. -- Add cast to memory limit calculation to prevent integer overflow for very large memory values. -- Bluegene - Fix issue with reservations resizing under the covers on a restart of the slurmctld. -- Avoid error message of "Requested cpu_bind option requires entire node to be allocated; disabling affinity" being generated in some cases where task/affinity and task/cgroup plugins used together. -- Fix version issue when packing GRES information between 2 different versions of Slurm. -- Fix for srun hanging with OpenMPI and PMIx -- Better initialization of node_ptr when dealing with protocol_version. -- Fix incorrect type when initializing header of a message. -- MYSQL - Fix incorrect usage of limit and union. -- MYSQL - Remove 'ignore' from alter ignore when updating a table. -- Documentation - update prolog_epilog page to reflect current behavior if the Prolog fails. -- Documentation - clarify behavior of 'srun --export=NONE' in man page. -- Fix potential gres underflow on restart of slurmctld. -- Fix sacctmgr to remove a user who has no associations. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.10 =========================== -- Fix issue where if a slurmdbd rollup lasted longer than 1 hour the rollup would effectively never run again. -- Make error message in the pmi2 code to debug as the issue can be expected and retries are done making the error message a little misleading. -- Power/cray: Don't specify NID list to Cray APIs. If any of those nodes are not in a ready state, the API returned an error for ALL nodes rather than valid data for nodes in ready state. -- Fix potential divide by zero when tree_width=1. -- checkpoint/blcr plugin: Fix memory leak. -- If using PrologFlags=contain: Don't launch the extern step if a job is cancelled while launching. -- Remove duplicates from AccountingStorageTRES -- Fix backfill scheduler race condition that could cause invalid pointer in select/cons_res plugin. Bug introduced in 15.08.9. -- Avoid double calculation on partition QOS if the job is using the same QOS. -- Do not change a job's time limit when updating unrelated field in a job. -- Fix situation on a heterogeneous memory cluster where the order of constraints mattered in a job. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.9 ========================== -- BurstBuffer/cray - Defer job cancellation or time limit while "pre-run" operation in progress to avoid inconsistent state due to multiple calls to job termination functions. -- Fix issue with resizing jobs and limits not be kept track of correctly. -- BGQ - Remove redeclaration of job_read_lock. -- BGQ - Tighter locks around structures when nodes/cables change state. -- Make it possible to change CPUsPerTask with scontrol. -- Make it so scontrol update part qos= will take away a partition QOS from a partition. -- Fix issue where SocketsPerBoard didn't translate to Sockets when CPUS= was also given. -- Add note to slurm.conf man page about setting "--cpu_bind=no" as part of SallocDefaultCommand if a TaskPlugin is in use. -- Set correct reason when a QOS' MaxTresMins is violated. -- Insure that a job is completely launched before trying to suspend it. -- Remove historical presentations and design notes. Only distribute maintained doc/html and doc/man directories. -- Remove duplicate xmalloc() in task/cgroup plugin. -- Backfill scheduler to validate correct job partition for job submitted to multiple partitions. -- Force close on exec on first 256 file descriptors when launching a slurmstepd to close potential open ones. -- Step GRES value changed from type "int" to "int64_t" to support larger values. -- Fix getting reservations to database when database is down. -- Fix issue with sbcast not doing a correct fanout. -- Fix issue where steps weren't always getting the gres/tres involved. -- Fixed double read lock on getting job's gres/tres. -- Fix display for RoutePlugin parameter to display the correct value. -- Fix route/topology plugin to prevent segfault in sbcast when in use. -- Fix Cray script to use nid as nid, not nic. -- Fix Cray NHC spawning on job requeue. Previous logic would leave nodes allocated to a requeued job as non-usable on job termination. -- burst_buffer/cray plugin: Prevent a requeued job from being restarted while file stage-out is still in progress. Previous logic could restart the job and not perform a new stage-in. -- Fix job array formatting to allow return [0-100:2] display for arrays with step functions rather than [0,2,4,6,8,...] . -- FreeBSD - replace Linux-specific set_oom_adj to avoid errors in slurmd log. -- Add option for TopologyParam=NoInAddrAnyCtld to make the slurmctld listen on only one port like TopologyParam=NoInAddrAny does for everything else. -- Fix burst buffer plugin to prevent corruption of the CPU TRES data when bb is not set as an AccountingStorageTRES type. -- Surpress error messages in acct_gather_energy/ipmi plugin after repeated failures. -- Change burst buffer use completion email message from "SLURM Job_id=1360353 Name=tmp Staged Out, StageOut time 00:01:47" to "SLURM Job_id=1360353 Name=tmp StageOut/Teardown time 00:01:47" -- Generate burst buffer use completion email immediately afer teardown completes rather than at job purge time (likely minutes later). -- Fix issue when adding a new TRES to AccountingStorageTRES for the first time. -- Update gang scheduling tables when job manually suspended or resumed. Prior logic could mess up job suspend/resume sequencing. -- Update gang scheduling data structures when job changes in size. -- Associations - prevent hash table corruption if uid initially unset for a user, which can cause slurmctld to crash if that user is deleted. -- Avoid possibly aborting srun on SIGSTOP while creating the job step due to threading bug. -- Fix deadlock issue with burst_buffer/cray when a newly created burst buffer is found. -- burst_buffer/cray: Set environment variables just before starting job rather than at job submission time to reflect persistent buffers created or modified while the job is pending. -- Fix check of per-user qos limits on the initial run by a user. -- Fix gang scheduling resource selection bug which could prevent multiple jobs from being allocated the same resources. Bug was introduced in 15.08.6. -- Don't print the Rgt value of an association from the cache as it isn't kept up to date. -- burst_buffer/cray - If the pre-run operation fails then don't issue duplicate job cancel/requeue unless the job is still in run state. Prevents jobs hung in COMPLETING state. -- task/cgroup - Fix bug in task binding to CPUs. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.8 ========================== -- Backfill scheduling properly synchronized with Cray Node Health Check. Prior logic could result in highest priority job getting improperly postponed. -- Make it so daemons also support TopologyParam=NoInAddrAny. -- If scancel is operating on large number of jobs and RPC responses from slurmctld daemon are slow then introduce a delay in sending the cancel job requests from scancel in order to reduce load on slurmctld. -- Remove redundant logic when updating a job's task count. -- MySQL - Fix querying jobs with reservations when the id's have rolled. -- Perl - Fix use of uninitialized variable in slurm_job_step_get_pids. -- Launch batch job requsting --reboot after the boot completes. -- Move debug messages like "not the right user" from association manager to debug3 when trying to find the correct association. -- Fix incorrect logic when querying assoc_mgr information. -- Move debug messages to debug3 notifying a gres_bit_alloc was NULL for gres types without a file. -- Sanity Check Patch to setup variables for RAPL if in a race for it. -- GRES - Fix minor typecast issues. -- burst_buffer/cray - Increase size of intermediate variable used to store buffer byte size read from DW instance from 32 to 64-bits to avoid overflow and reporting invalid buffer sizes. -- Allow an existing reservation with running jobs to be modified without Flags=IGNORE_JOBS. -- srun - don't attempt to execve() a directory with a name matching the requested command -- Do not automatically relocate an advanced reservation for individual cores that spans multiple nodes when nodes in that reservation go down (e.g. a 1 core reservation on node "tux1" will be moved if node "tux1" goes down, but a reservation containing 2 cores on node "tux1" and 3 cores on "tux2" will not be moved node "tux1" goes down). Advanced reservations for whole nodes will be moved by default for down nodes. -- Avoid possible double free of memory (and likely abort) for slurmctld in background mode. -- contribs/cray/csm/ - avoid including repurposed compute nodes in configs. -- Support AuthInfo in slurmdbd.conf that is different from the value in slurm.conf. -- Fix build on FreeBSD 10. -- Fix hdf5 build on ppc64 by using correct fprintf formatting for types. -- Fix cosmetic printing of NO_VALs in scontrol show assoc_mgr. -- Fix perl api for newer perl versions. -- Fix for jobs requesting cpus-per-task (eg. -c3) that exceed the number of cpus on a core. -- Remove unneeded perl files from the .spec file. -- Flesh out filters for scontrol show assoc_mgr. -- Add function to remove assoc_mgr_info_request_t members without freeing structure. -- Fix build on some non-glibc systems by updating includes. -- Add new PowerParameters options of get_timeout and set_timeout. The default set_timeout was increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds. Also re-read current power caps periodically or after any failed "set" operation. -- Fix slurmdbd segfault when listing users with blank user condition. -- Save the ClusterName to a file in SaveStateLocation, and use that to verify the state directory belongs to the given cluster at startup to avoid corruption from multiple clusters attempting to share a state directory. -- MYSQL - Fix issue when rerolling monthly data to work off correct time period. This would only hit you if you rerolled a 15.08 prior to this commit. -- If FastSchedule=0 is used make sure TRES are set up correctly in accounting. -- Fix sreport's truncation of columns with large TRES and not using a parsing option. -- Make sure count of boards are restored when slurmctld has option -R. -- When determine if a job can fit into a TRES time limit after resources have been selected set the time limit appropriately if the job didn't request one. -- Fix inadequate locks when updating a partition's TRES. -- Add new assoc_limit_continue flag to SchedulerParameters. -- Avoid race in acct_gather_energy_cray if energy requested before available. -- MYSQL - Avoid having multiple default accounts when a user is added to a new account and making it a default all at once. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.7 ========================== -- sched/backfill: If a job can not be started within the configured backfill_window, set it's start time to 0 (unknown) rather than the end of the backfill_window. -- Remove the 1024-character limit on lines in batch scripts. -- burst_buffer/cray: Round up swap size by configured granularity. -- select/cray: Log repeated aeld reconnects. -- task/affinity: Disable core-level task binding if more CPUs required than available cores. -- Preemption/gang scheduling: If a job is suspended at slurmctld restart or reconfiguration time, then leave it suspended rather than resume+suspend. -- Don't use lower weight nodes for job allocation when topology/tree used. -- BGQ - If a cable goes into error state remove the under lying block on a dynamic system and mark the block in error on a static/overlap system. -- BGQ - Fix regression in 9cc4ae8add7f where blocks would be deleted on static/overlap systems when some hardware issue happens when restarting the slurmctld. -- Log if CLOUD node configured without a resume/suspend program or suspend time. -- MYSQL - Better locking around g_qos_count which was previously unprotected. -- Correct size of buffer used for jobid2str to avoid truncation. -- Fix allocation/distribution of tasks across multiple nodes when --hint=nomultithread is requested. -- If a reservation's nodes value is "all" then track the current nodes in the system, even if those nodes change. -- Fix formatting if using "tree" option with sreport. -- Make it so sreport prints out a line for non-existent TRES instead of error message. -- Set job's reason to "Priority" when higher priority job in that partition (or reservation) can not start rather than leaving the reason set to "Resources". -- Fix memory corruption when a new non-generic TRES is added to the DBD for the first time. The corruption is only noticed at shutdown. -- burst_buffer/cray - Improve tracking of allocated resources to handle race condition when reading state while buffer allocation is in progress. -- If a job is submitted only with -c option and numcpus is updated before the job starts update the cpus_per_task appropriately. -- Update salloc/sbatch/srun documentation to mention time granularity. -- Fixed memory leak when freeing assoc_mgr_info_msg_t. -- Prevent possible use of empty reservation core bitmap, causing abort. -- Remove unneeded pack32's from qos_rec when qos_rec is NULL. -- Make sacctmgr print MaxJobsPerUser when adding/altering a QOS. -- Correct dependency formatting to print array task ids if set. -- Update sacctmgr help with current QOS options. -- Update slurmstepd to initialize authentication before task launch. -- burst_cray/cray: Eliminate need for dedicated nodes. -- If no MsgAggregationParams is set don't set the internal string to anything. The slurmd will process things correctly after the fact. -- Fix output from api when printing job step not found. -- Don't allow user specified reservation names to disrupt the normal reservation sequeuece numbering scheme. -- Fix scontrol to be able to accept TRES as an option when creating a reservation. -- contrib/torque/ - return exit code of zero even with no records printed for 'qstat -u'. -- When a reservation is created or updated, compress user provided node names using hostlist functions (e.g. translate user input of "Nodes=tux1,tux2" into "Nodes=tux[1-2]"). -- Change output routines for scontrol show partition/reservation to handle unexpectedly large strings. -- Add more partition fields to "scontrol write config" output file. -- Backfill scheduling fix: If a job can't be started due to a "group" resource limit, rather than reserve resources for it when the next job ends, don't reserve any resources for it. -- Avoid slurmstepd abort if malloc fails during accounting gather operation. -- Fix nodes from being overallocated when allocation straddles multiple nodes. -- Fix memory leak in slurmctld job array logic. -- Prevent decrementing of TRESRunMins when AccountingStorageEnforce=limits is not set. -- Fix backfill scheduling bug which could postpone the scheduling of jobs due to avoidance of nodes in COMPLETING state. -- Properly account for memory, CPUs and GRES when slurmctld is reconfigured while there is a suspended job. Previous logic would add the CPUs, but not memory or GPUs. This would result in underflow/overflow errors in select cons_res plugin. -- Strip flags from a job state in qstat wrapper before evaluating. -- Add missing job states from the qstat wrapper. -- Cleanup output routines to reduce number of fixed-sized buffer function calls and allow for unexpectedly large strings. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.6 ========================== -- In slurmctld log file, log duplicate job ID found by slurmd. Previously was being logged as prolog/epilog failure. -- If a job is requeued while in the process of being launch, remove it's job ID from slurmd's record of active jobs in order to avoid generating a duplicate job ID error when launched for the second time (which would drain the node). -- Cleanup messages when handling job script and environment variables in older directory structure formats. -- Prevent triggering gang scheduling within a partition if configured with PreemptType=partition_prio and PreemptMode=suspend,gang. -- Decrease parallelism in job cancel request to prevent denial of service when cancelling huge numbers of jobs. -- If all ephemeral ports are in use, try using other port numbers. -- Revert way lib lua is handled when doing a dlopen, fixing a regression in 15.08.5. -- Set the debug level of the rmdir message in xcgroup_delete() to debug2. -- Fix the qstat wrapper when user is removed from the system but still has running jobs. -- Log the request to terminate a job at info level if DebugFlags includes the Steps keyword. -- Fix potential memory corruption in _slurm_rpc_epilog_complete as well as _slurm_rpc_complete_job_allocation. -- Fix cosmetic display of AccountingStorageEnforce option "nosteps" when in use. -- If a job can never be started due to unsatisfied job dependencies, report the full original job dependency specification rather than the dependencies remaining to be satisfied (typically NULL). -- Refactor logic to synchronize active batch jobs and their script/environment files, reducing overhead dramatically for large numbers of active jobs. -- Avoid hard-link/copy of script/environment files for job arrays. Use the master job record file for all tasks of the job array. NOTE: Job arrays submitted to Slurm version 15.08.6 or later will fail if the slurmctld daemon is downgraded to an earlier version of Slurm. -- Move slurmctld mail handler to separate thread for improved performance. -- Fix containment of adopted processes from pam_slurm_adopt. -- If a pending job array has multiple reasons for being in a pending state, then print all reasons in a comma separated list. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.5 ========================== -- Prevent "scontrol update job" from updating jobs that have already finished. -- Show requested TRES in "squeue -O tres" when job is pending. -- Backfill scheduler: Test association and QOS node limits before reserving resources for pending job. -- burst_buffer/cray: If teardown operations fails, sleep and retry. -- Clean up the external pids when using the PrologFlags=Contain feature and the job finishes. -- burst_buffer/cray: Support file staging when job lacks job-specific buffer (i.e. only persistent burst buffers). -- Added srun option of --bcast to copy executable file to compute nodes. -- Fix for advanced reservation of burst buffer space. -- BurstBuffer/cray: Add logic to terminate dw_wlm_cli child processes at shutdown. -- If job can't be launch or requeued, then terminate it. -- BurstBuffer/cray: Enable clearing of burst buffer string on completed job as a means of recovering from a failure mode. -- Fix wrong memory free when parsing SrunPortRange=0-0 configuration. -- BurstBuffer/cray: Fix job record purging if cancelled from pending state. -- BGQ - Handle database throw correctly when syncing users on blocks. -- MySQL - Make sure we don't have a NULL string returned when not requesting any specific association. -- sched/backfill: If max_rpc_cnt is configured and the backlog of RPCs has not cleared after yielding locks, then continue to sleep. -- Preserve the job dependency description displayed in 'scontrol show job' even if the dependee jobs was terminated and cleaned causing the dependent to never run because of DependencyNeverSatisfied. -- Correct job task count calculation if only node count and ntasks-per-node options supplied. -- Make sure the association manager converts any string to be lower case as all the associations from the database will be lower case. -- Sanity check for xcgroup_delete() to verify incoming parameter is valid. -- Fix formatting for sacct with variables that switched from uint32_t to uint64_t. -- Fix a typo in sacct man page. -- Set up extern step to track any children of an ssh if it leaves anything else behind. -- Prevent slurmdbd divide by zero if no associations defined at rollup time. -- Multifactor - Add sanity check to make sure pending jobs are handled correctly when PriorityFlags=CALCULATE_RUNNING is set. -- Add slurmdb_find_tres_count_in_string() to slurm db perl api. -- Make lua dlopen() conditional on version found at build. -- sched/backfill - Delay backfill scheduler for completing jobs only if CompleteWait configuration parameter is set (make code match documentation). -- Release a job's allocated licenses only after epilog runs on all nodes rather than at start of termination process. -- Cray job NHC delayed until after burst buffer released and epilog completes on all allocated nodes. -- Fix abort of srun if using PrologFlags=NoHold -- Let devices step_extern cgroup inherit attributes of job cgroup. -- Add new hook to Task plugin to be able to put adopted processes in the step_extern cgroups. -- Fix AllowUsers documentation in burst_buffer.conf man page. Usernames are comma separated, not colon delimited. -- Fix issue with time limit not being set correctly from a QOS when a job requests no time limit. -- Various CLANG fixes. -- In both sched/basic and backfill: If a job can not be started due to some account/qos limit, then don't start other jobs which could delay jobs. The old logic would skip the job and start other jobs, which could delay the higher priority job. -- select/cray: Prevent NHC from running more than once per job or step. -- Fix fields not properly printed when adding an account through sacctmgr. -- Update LBNL Node Health Check (NHC) link on FAQ. -- Fix multifactor plugin to prevent slurmctld from getting segmentation fault should the tres_alloc_cnt be NULL. -- sbatch/salloc - Move nodelist logic before the time min_nodes is used so we can set it correctly before tasks are set. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.4 ========================== -- Fix typo for the "devices" cgroup subsystem in pam_slurm_adopt.c -- Fix TRES_MAX flag to work correctly. -- Improve the systemd startup files. -- Added burst_buffer.conf flag parameter of "TeardownFailure" which will teardown and remove a burst buffer after failed stage-in or stage-out. By default, the buffer will be preserved for analysis and manual teardown. -- Prevent a core dump in srun if the signal handler runs during the job allocation causing the step context to be NULL. -- Don't fail job if multiple prolog operations in progress at slurmctld restart time. -- Burst_buffer/cray: Fix to purge terminated jobs with burst buffer errors. -- Burst_buffer/cray: Don't stall scheduling of other jobs while a stage-in is in progress. -- Make it possible to query 'extern' step with sstat. -- Make 'extern' step show up in the database. -- MYSQL - Quote assoc table name in mysql query. -- Make SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MIN, SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAX, and SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_STEP environment variables available to PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld. -- Fix slurmctld bug in which a pending job array could be canceled by a user different from the owner or the administrator. -- Support taking node out of FUTURE state with "scontrol reconfig" command. -- Sched/backfill: Fix to properly enforce SchedulerParameters of bf_max_job_array_resv. -- Enable operator to reset sdiag data. -- jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin: Add array_job_id and array_task_id fields. -- Remove duplicate #define IS_NODE_POWER_UP. -- Added SchedulerParameters option of max_script_size. -- Add REQUEST_ADD_EXTERN_PID option to add pid to the slurmstepd's extern step. -- Add unique identifiers to anchor tags in HTML generated from the man pages. -- Add with_freeipmi option to spec file. -- Minor elasticsearch code improvements * Changes in Slurm 15.08.3 ========================== -- Correct Slurm's RPM build if Munge is not installed. -- Job array termination status email ExitCode based upon highest exit code from any task in the job array rather than the last task. Also change the state from "Ended" or "Failed" to "Mixed" where appropriate. -- Squeue recombines pending job array records only if their name and partition are identical. -- Fix some minor leaks in the job info and step info API. -- Export missing QOS id when filling in association with the association manager. -- Fix invalid reference if a lua job_submit plugin references a default qos when a user doesn't exist in the database. -- Use association enforcement in the lua plugin. -- Fix a few spots missing defines of accounting_enforce or acct_db_conn in the plugins. -- Show requested TRES in scontrol show jobs when job is pending. -- Improve sched/backfill support for job features, especially XOR construct. -- Correct scheduling logic for job features option with XOR construct that could delay a job's initiation. -- Remove unneeded frees when creating a tres string. -- Send a tres_alloc_str for the batch step -- Fix incorrect check for slurmdb_find_tres_count_in_string in various places, it needed to check for INFINITE64 instead of zero. -- Don't allow scontrol to create partitions with the name "DEFAULT". -- burst_buffer/cray: Change error from "invalid request" to "permssion denied" if a non-authorized user tries to create/destroy a persistent buffer. -- PrologFlags work: Setting a flag of "Contain" implicitly sets the "Alloc" flag. Fix code path which could prevent execution of the Prolog when the "Alloc" or "Contain" flag were set. -- Fix for acct_gather_energy/cray|ibmaem to work with missed enum. -- MYSQL - When inserting a job and begin_time is 0 do not set it to submit_time. 0 means the job isn't eligible yet so we need to treat it so. -- MYSQL - Don't display ineligible jobs when querying for a window of time. -- Fix creation of advanced reservation of cores on nodes which are DOWN. -- Return permission denied if regular user tries to release job held by an administrator. -- MYSQL - Fix rollups for multiple jobs running by the same association in an hour counting multiple times. -- Burstbuffer/Cray plugin - Fix for persistent burst buffer use. Don't call paths if no #DW options. -- Modifications to pam_slurm_adopt to work correctly for the "extern" step. -- Alphabetize debugflags when printing them out. -- Fix systemd's slurmd service from killing slurmstepds on shutdown. -- Fixed counter of not indexed jobs, error_cnt post-increment changed to pre-increment. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.2 ========================== -- Fix for tracking node state when jobs that have been allocated exclusive access to nodes (i.e. entire nodes) and later relinquish some nodes. Nodes would previously appear partly allocated and prevent use by other jobs. -- Correct some cgroup paths ("step_batch" vs. "step_4294967294", "step_exter" vs. "step_extern", and "step_extern" vs. "step_4294967295"). -- Fix advanced reservation core selection logic with network topology. -- MYSQL - Remove restriction to have to be at least an operator to query TRES values. -- For pending jobs have sacct print 0 for nnodes instead of the bogus 2. -- Fix for tracking node state when jobs that have been allocated exclusive access to nodes (i.e. entire nodes) and later relinquish some nodes. Nodes would previously appear partly allocated and prevent use by other jobs. -- Fix updating job in db after extending job's timelimit past partition's timelimit. -- Fix srun -I<timeout> from flooding the controller with step create requests. -- Requeue/hold batch job launch request if job already running (possible if node went to DOWN state, but jobs remained active). -- If a job's CPUs/task ratio is increased due to configured MaxMemPerCPU, then increase it's allocated CPU count in order to enforce CPU limits. -- Don't mark powered down node as not responding. This could be triggered by race condition of the node suspend and ping logic, preventing use of the node. -- Don't requeue RPC going out from slurmctld to DOWN nodes (can generate repeating communication errors). -- Propagate sbatch "--dist=plane=#" option to srun. -- Add acct_gather_energy/ibmaem plugin for systems with IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager. -- Fix spec file to look for mariadb or mysql devel packages for build requirements. -- MySQL - Improve the code with asking for jobs in a suspended state. -- Fix slurcmtld allowing root to see job steps using squeues -s. -- Do not send burst buffer stage out email unless the job uses burst buffers. -- Fix sacct to not return all jobs if the -j option is given with a trailing ','. -- Permit job_submit plugin to set a job's priority. -- Fix occasional srun segfault. -- Fix issue with sacct, printing 0_0 for array's that had finished in the database but the start record hadn't made it yet. -- sacctmgr - Don't allow default account associations to be removed from a user. -- Fix sacct -j, (nothing but a comma) to not return all jobs. -- Fixed slurmctld not sending cold-start messages correctly to the database when a cold-start (-c) happens to the slurmctld. -- Fix case where if the backup slurmdbd has existing connections when it gives up control that the it would be killed. -- Fix task/cgroup affinity to work correctly with multi-socket single-threaded cores. A regression caused only 1 socket to be used on this kind of node instead of all that were available. -- MYSQL - Fix minor issue after an index was added to the database it would previously take 2 restarts of the slurmdbd to make it stick correctly. -- Add hv_to_qos_cond() and qos_rec_to_hv() functions to the Perl interface. -- Add new burst_buffer.conf parameters: ValidateTimeout and OtherTimeout. See man page for details. -- Fix burst_buffer/cray support for interactive allocations >4GB. -- Correct backfill scheduling logic for job with INFINITE time limit. -- Fix issue on a scontrol reconfig all available GRES/TRES would be zeroed out. -- Set SLURM_HINT environment variable when --hint is used with sbatch or salloc. -- Add scancel -f/--full option to signal all steps including batch script and all of its child processes. -- Fix salloc -I to accept an argument. -- Avoid reporting more allocated CPUs than exist on a node. This can be triggered by resuming a previosly suspended job, resulting in oversubscription of CPUs. -- Fix the pty window manager in slurmstepd not to retry IO operation with srun if it read EOF from the connection with it. -- sbatch --ntasks option to take precedence over --ntasks-per-node plus node count, as documented. Set SLURM_NTASKS/SLURM_NPROCS environment variables accordingly. -- MYSQL - Make sure suspended time is only subtracted from the CPU TRES as it is the only TRES that can be given to another job while suspended. -- Clarify how TRESBillingWeights operates on memory and burst buffers. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.1 ========================== -- Fix test21.30 and 21.34 to check grpwall better. -- Add time to the partition QOS the job is running on instead of just the job QOS. -- Print usage for GrpJobs, GrpSubmitJobs and GrpWall even if there is no limit. -- If AccountingEnforce=safe is set make sure a job can finish before going over the limit with grpwall on a QOS or association. -- burst_buffer/cray - Major updates based upon recent Cray changes. -- Improve clean up logic of pmi2 plugin. -- Improve job state reason string when required nodes not available. -- Fix missing else when packing an update partition message -- Fix srun from inheriting the SLURM_CPU_BIND and SLURM_MEM_BIND environment variables when running in an existing srun (e.g. an srun within an salloc). -- Fix missing else when packing an update partition message. -- Use more flexible mechnanism to find json installation. -- Make sure safe_limits was initialized before processing limits in the slurmctld. -- Fix for burst_buffer/cray to parse type option correctly. -- Fix memory error and version number in the nonstop plugin and reservation code. -- When requesting GRES in a step check for correct variable for the count. -- Fix issue with GRES in steps so that if you have multiple exclusive steps and you use all the GRES up instead of reporting the configuration isn't available you hold the requesting step until the GRES is available. -- MYSQL - Change debug to print out with DebugFlags=DB_Step instead of debug4 -- Simplify code when user is selecting a job/step/array id and removed anomaly when only asking for 1 (task_id was never set to INFINITE). -- MYSQL - If user is requesting various task_ids only return requested steps. -- Fix issue when tres cnt for energy is 0 for total reported. -- Resolved scalability issues of power adaptive scheduling with layouts. -- Burst_buffer/cray bug - Fix teardown race condition that can result in infinite loop. -- Add support for --mail-type=NONE option. -- Job "--reboot" option automatically, set's exclusive node mode. -- Fix memory leak when using PrologFlags=Alloc. -- Fix truncation of job reason in squeue. -- If a node is in DOWN or DRAIN state, leave it unavailable for allocation when powered down. -- Update the slurm.conf man page documenting better nohold_on_prolog_fail variable. -- Don't trucate task ID information in "squeue --array/-r" or "sview". -- Fix a bug which caused scontrol to core dump when releasing or holding a job by name. -- Fix unit conversion bug in slurmd which caused wrong memory calculation for cgroups. -- Fix issue with GRES in steps so that if you have multiple exclusive steps and you use all the GRES up instead of reporting the configuration isn't available you hold the requesting step until the GRES is available. -- Fix slurmdbd backup to use DbdAddr when contacting the primary. -- Fix error in MPI documentation. -- Fix to handle arrays with respect to number of jobs submitted. Previously only 1 job was accounted (against MaxSubmitJob) for when an array was submitted. -- Correct counting for job array limits, job count limit underflow possible when master cancellation of master job record. -- Combine 2 _valid_uid_gid functions into a single function to avoid diversion. -- Pending job array records will be combined into single line by default, even if started and requeued or modified. -- Fix sacct --format=nnodes to print out correct information for pending jobs. -- Make is so 'scontrol update job 1234 qos='' will set the qos back to the default qos for the association. -- Add [Alloc|Req]Nodes to sacct to be more like cpus. -- Fix sacct documentation about [Alloc|Req]TRES -- Put node count in TRES string for steps. -- Fix issue with wrong protocol version when using the srun --no-allocate option. -- Fix TRES counts on GRES on a clean start of the slurmctld. -- Add ability to change a job array's maximum running task count: "scontrol update jobid=# arraytaskthrottle=#" * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0 ========================== -- Fix issue with frontend systems (outside ALPs or BlueGene) where srun wouldn't get the correct protocol version to launch a step. -- Fix for message aggregation return rpcs where none of the messages are intended for the head of the tree. -- Fix segfault in sreport when there was no response from the dbd. -- ALPS - Fix compile to not link against -ljob and -lexpat with every lib or binary. -- Fix testing for CR_Memory when CR_Memory and CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE are used with select/linear. -- When restarting or reconfiging the slurmctld, if job is completing handle accounting correctly to avoid meaningless errors about overflow. -- Add AccountingStorageTRES to scontrol show config -- MySQL - Fix minor memory leak if a connection ever goes away whist using it. -- ALPS - Make it so srun --hint=nomultithread works correctly. -- Make MaxTRESPerUser work in sacctmgr. -- Fix handling of requeued jobs with steps that are still finishing. -- Cleaner copy for PriorityWeightTRES, it also fixes a core dump when trying to free it otherwise. -- Add environment variables SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAX, SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MIN, SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_STEP for job arrays. -- Fix srun to use the NoInAddrAny TopologyParam option. -- Change QOS flag name from PartitionQOS to OverPartQOS to be a better description. -- Fix rpmbuild issue on Centos7. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0rc1 ============================== -- Added power_cpufreq layout. -- Make complete_batch_script RPC work with message aggregation. -- Do not count slurmctld threads waiting in a "throttle" lock against the daemon's thread limit as they are not contending for resources. -- Modify slurmctld outgoing RPC logic to support more parallel tasks (up to 85 RPCs and 256 pthreads; the old logic supported up to 21 RPCs and 256 threads). This change can dramatically improve performance for RPCs operating on small node counts. -- Increase total backfill scheduler run time in stats_info_response_msg data structure from 32 to 64 bits in order to prevent overflow. -- Add NoInAddrAny option to TopologyParam in the slurm.conf which allows to bind to the interface of return of gethostname instead of any address on the node which avoid RSIP issues in Cray systems. This is most likely useful in other systems as well. -- Fix memory leak in Slurm::load_jobs perl api call. -- Added --noconvert option to sacct, sstat, squeue and sinfo which allows values to be displayed in their original unit types (e.g. 2048M won't be converted to 2G). -- Fix spelling of node_rescrs to node_resrcs in Perl API. -- Fix node state race condition, UNKNOWN->IDLE without configuration info. -- Cray: Disable LDAP references from slurmstepd on job launch due for improved scalability. -- Remove srun "read header error" due to application termination race condition. -- Optimize sacct queries with additional db indexes. -- Add SLURM_TOPO_LEN env variable for scontrol show topology. -- Add free_mem to node information. -- Fix abort of batch launch if prolog is running, wait for prolog instead. -- Fix case where job would get the wrong cpu count when using --ntasks-per-core and --cpus-per-task together. -- Add TRESBillingWeights to partitions in slurm.conf which allows taking into consideration any TRES Type when calculating the usage of a job. -- Add PriorityWeightTRES slurm.conf option to be able to configure priority factors for TRES types. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre6 ============================== -- Add scontrol options to view and modify layouts tables. -- Add MsgAggregationParams which controls a reverse tree to the slurmctld which can be used to aggregate messages to the slurmctld into a single message to reduce communication to the slurmctld. Currently only epilog complete messages and node registration messages use this logic. -- Add sacct and squeue options to print trackable resources. -- Add sacctmgr option to display trackable resources. -- If an salloc or srun command is executed on a "front-end" configuration, that job will be assigned a slurmd shepherd daemon on the same host as used to execute the command when possible rather than an slurmd daemon on an arbitrary front-end node. -- Add srun --accel-bind option to control how tasks are bound to GPUs and NIC Generic RESources (GRES). -- gres/nic plugin modified to set OMPI_MCA_btl_openib_if_include environment variable based upon allocated devices (usable with OpenMPI and Melanox). -- Make it so info options for srun/salloc/sbatch print with just 1 -v instead of 4. -- Add "no_backup_scheduling" SchedulerParameter to prevent jobs from being scheduled when the backup takes over. Jobs can be submitted, modified and cancelled while the backup is in control. -- Enable native Slurm backup controller to reside on an external Cray node when the "no_backup_scheduling" SchedulerParameter is used. -- Removed TICKET_BASED fairshare. Consider using the FAIR_TREE algorithm. -- Disable advanced reservation "REPLACE" option on IBM Bluegene systems. -- Add support for control distribution of tasks across cores (in addition to existing support for nodes and sockets, (e.g. "block", "cyclic" or "fcyclic" task distribution at 3 levels in the hardware rather than 2). -- Create db index on <cluster>_assoc_table.acct. Deleting accounts that didn't have jobs in the job table could take a long time. -- The performance of Profiling with HDF5 is improved. In addition, internal structures are changed to make it easier to add new profile types, particularly energy sensors. sh5util will continue to work with either format. -- Add partition information to sshare output if the --partition option is specified on the sshare command line. -- Add sreport -T/--tres option to identify Trackable RESources (TRES) to report. -- Display job in sacct when single step's cpus are different from the job allocation. -- Add association usage information to "scontrol show cache" command output. -- MPI/MVAPICH plugin now requires Munge for authentication. -- job_submit/lua: Add default_qos fields. Add job record qos. Add partition record allow_qos and qos_char fields. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre5 ============================== -- Add jobcomp/elasticsearch plugin. Libcurl is required for build. Configure the server as follows: "JobCompLoc=http://YOUR_ELASTICSEARCH_SERVER:9200". -- Scancel logic large re-written to better support job arrays. -- Added a slurm.conf parameter PrologEpilogTimeout to control how long prolog/epilog can run. -- Added TRES (Trackable resources) to track Mem, GRES, license, etc utilization. -- Add re-entrant versions of glibc time functions (e.g. localtime) to Slurm in order to eliminate rare deadlock of slurmstepd fork and exec calls. -- Constrain kernel memory (if available) in cgroups. -- Add PrologFlags option of "Contain" to create a proctrack container at job resource allocation time. -- Disable the OOM Killer in slurmd and slurmstepd's memory cgroup when using MemSpecLimit. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre4 ============================== -- Burst_buffer/cray - Convert logic to use new commands/API names (e.g. "dws_setup" rather than "bbs_setup"). -- Remove the MinJobAge size limitation. It can now exceed 65533 as it is represented using an unsigned integer. -- Verify that all plugin version numbers are identical to the component attempting to load them. Without this verification, the plugin can reference Slurm functions in the caller which differ (e.g. the underlying function's arguments could have changed between Slurm versions). NOTE: All plugins (except SPANK) must be built against the identical version of Slurm in order to be used by any Slurm command or daemon. This should eliminate some very difficult to diagnose problems due to use of old plugins. -- Increase the MAX_PACK_MEM_LEN define to avoid PMI2 failure when fencing with large amount of ranks (to 1GB). -- Requests by normal user to reset a job priority (even to lower it) will result in an error saying to change the job's nice value instead. -- SPANK naming changes: For environment variables set using the spank_job_control_setenv() function, the values were available in the slurm_spank_job_prolog() and slurm_spank_job_epilog() functions using getenv where the name was given a prefix of "SPANK_". That prefix has been removed for consistency with the environment variables available in the Prolog and Epilog scripts. -- Major additions to the layouts framework code. -- Add "TopologyParam" configuration parameter. Optional value of "dragonfly" is supported. -- Optimize resource allocation for systems with dragonfly networks. -- Add "--thread-spec" option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands. This is the count of threads reserved for system use per node. -- job_submit/lua: Enable reading and writing job environment variables. For example: if (job_desc.environment.LANGUAGE == "en_US") then ... -- Added two new APIs slurm_job_cpus_allocated_str_on_node_id() and slurm_job_cpus_allocated_str_on_node() to print the CPUs id allocated to a job. -- Specialized memory (a node's MemSpecLimit configuration parameter) is not available for allocation to jobs. -- Modify scontrol update job to allow jobid specification without the = sign. 'scontrol update job=123 ...' and 'scontrol update job 123 ...' are both valid syntax. -- Archive a month at a time when there are lots of records to archive. -- Introduce new sbatch option '--kill-on-invalid-dep=yes|no' which allows users to specify which behavior they want if a job dependency is not satisfied. -- Add Slurmdb::qos_get() interface to perl api. -- If a job fails to start set the requeue reason to be: job requeued in held state. -- Implemented a new MPI key,value PMIX_RING() exchange algorithm as an alternative to PMI2. -- Remove possible deadlocks in the slurmctld when the slurmdbd is busy archiving/purging. -- Add DB_ARCHIVE debug flag for filtering out debug messages in the slurmdbd when the slurmdbd is archiving/purging. -- Fix some power_save mode issues: Parsing of SuspendTime in slurm.conf was bad, powered down nodes would get set non-responding if there was an in-flight message, and permit nodes to be powered down from any state. -- Initialize variables in consumable resource plugin to prevent core dump. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre3 ============================== -- CRAY - addition of acct_gather_energy/cray plugin. -- Add job credential to "Run Prolog" RPC used with a configuration of PrologFlags=alloc. This allows the Prolog to be passed identification of GPUs allocated to the job. -- Add SLURM_JOB_CONSTAINTS to environment variables available to the Prolog. -- Added "--mail=stage_out" option to job submission commands to notify user when burst buffer state out is complete. -- Require a "Reason" when using scontrol to set a node state to DOWN. -- Mail notifications on job BEGIN, END and FAIL now apply to a job array as a whole rather than generating individual email messages for each task in the job array. -- task/affinity - Fix memory binding to NUMA with cpusets. -- Display job's estimated NodeCount based off of partition's configured resources rather than the whole system's. -- Add AuthInfo option of "cred_expire=#" to specify the lifetime of a job step credential. The default value was changed from 1200 to 120 seconds. -- Set the delay time for job requeue to the job credential lifetime (120 seconds by default). This insures that prolog runs on every node when a job is requeued. (This change will slow down launch of re-queued jobs). -- Add AuthInfo option of "cred_expire=#" to specify the lifetime of a job step credential. -- Remove srun --max-launch-time option. The option has not been functional since Slurm version 2.0. -- Add sockets and cores to TaskPluginParams' autobind option. -- Added LaunchParameters configuration parameter. Have srun command test locally for the executable file if LaunchParameters=test_exec or the environment variable SLURM_TEST_EXEC is set. Without this an invalid command will generate one error message per task launched. -- Fix the slurm /etc/init.d script to return 0 upon stopping the daemons and return 1 in case of failure. -- Add the ability for a compute node to be allocated to multiple jobs, but restricted to a single user. Added "--exclusive=user" option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands. Added "owner" field to node record, visible using the scontrol and sview commands. Added new partition configuration parameter "ExclusiveUser=yes|no". * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre2 ============================== -- Add the environment variables SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT, SLURM_JOB_QOS and SLURM_JOB_RESERVATION in the batch/srun jobs. -- Add sview burst buffer display. -- Properly enforce partition Shared=YES option. Previously oversubscribing resources required gang scheduling to be configured. -- Enable per-partition gang scheduling resource resolution (e.g. the partition can have SelectTypeParameters=CR_CORE, while the global value is CR_SOCKET). -- Make it so a newer version of a slurmstepd can talk to an older srun. allocation. Nodes could have been added while waiting for an allocation. -- Expanded --cpu-freq parameters to include min-max:governor specifications. --cpu-freq now supported on salloc and sbatch. -- Add support for optimized job allocations with respect to SGI Hypercube topology. NOTE: Only supported with select/linear plugin. NOTE: The program contribs/sgi/netloc_to_topology can be used to build Slurm's topology.conf file. -- Remove 64k validation of incoming RPC nodelist size. Validated at 64MB when unpacking. -- In slurmstepd() add the user primary group if it is not part of the groups sent from the client. -- Added BurstBuffer field to advanced reservations. -- For advanced reservation, replace flag "License_only" with flag "Any_Nodes". It can be used to indicate the an advanced reservation resources (licenses and/or burst buffers) can be used with any compute nodes. -- Allow users to specify the srun --resv-ports as 0 in which case no ports will be reserved. The default behaviour is to allocate one port per task. -- Interpret a partition configuration of "Nodes=ALL" in slurm.conf as including all nodes defined in the cluster. -- Added new configuration parameters PowerParameters and PowerPlugin. -- Added power management plugin infrastructure. -- If job already exceeded one of its QOS/Accounting limits do not return error if user modifies QOS unrelated job settings. -- Added DebugFlags value of "Power". -- When caching user ids of AllowGroups use both getgrnam_r() and getgrent_r() then remove eventual duplicate entries. -- Remove rpm dependency between slurm-pam and slurm-devel. -- Remove support for the XCPU (cluster management) package. -- Add Slurmdb::jobs_get() interface to perl api. -- Performance improvement when sending data from srun to stepds when processing fencing. -- Add the feature to specify arbitrary field separator when running sacct -p or sacct -P. The command line option is --separator. -- Introduce slurm.conf parameter to use Proportional Set Size (PSS) instead of RSS to determinate the memory footprint of a job. Add an slurm.conf option not to kill jobs that is over memory limit. -- Add job submission command options: --sicp (available for inter-cluster dependencies) and --power (specify power management options) to salloc, sbatch, and srun commands. -- Add DebugFlags option of SICP (inter-cluster option logging). -- In order to support inter-cluster job dependencies, the MaxJobID configuration parameter default value has been reduced from 4,294,901,760 to 2,147,418,112 and it's maximum value is now 2,147,463,647. ANY JOBS WITH A JOB ID ABOVE 2,147,463,647 WILL BE PURGED WHEN SLURM IS UPGRADED FROM AN OLDER VERSION! -- Add QOS name to the output of a partition in squeue/scontrol/sview/smap. * Changes in Slurm 15.08.0pre1 ============================== -- Add sbcast support for file transfer to resources allocated to a job step rather than a job allocation. -- Change structures with association in them to assoc to save space. -- Add support for job dependencies jointed with OR operator (e.g. "--depend=afterok:123?afternotok:124"). -- Add "--bb" (burst buffer specification) option to salloc, sbatch, and srun. -- Added configuration parameters BurstBufferParameters and BurstBufferType. -- Added burst_buffer plugin infrastructure (needs many more functions). -- Make it so when the fanout logic comes across a node that is down we abandon the tree to avoid worst case scenarios when the entire branch is down and we have to try each serially. -- Add better error reporting of invalid partitions at submission time. -- Move will-run test for multiple clusters from the sbatch code into the API so that it can be used with DRMAA. -- If a non-exclusive allocation requests --hint=nomultithread on a CR_CORE/SOCKET system lay out tasks correctly. -- Avoid including unused CPUs in a job's allocation when cores or sockets are allocated. -- Added new job state of STOPPED indicating processes have been stopped with a SIGSTOP (using scancel or sview), but retain its allocated CPUs. Job state returns to RUNNING when SIGCONT is sent (also using scancel or sview). -- Added EioTimeout parameter to slurm.conf. It is the number of seconds srun waits for slurmstepd to close the TCP/IP connection used to relay data between the user application and srun when the user application terminates. -- Remove slurmctld/dynalloc plugin as the work was never completed, so it is not worth the effort of continued support at this time. -- Remove DynAllocPort configuration parameter. -- Add advance reservation flag of "replace" that causes allocated resources to be replaced with idle resources. This maintains a pool of available resources that maintains a constant size (to the extent possible). -- Added SchedulerParameters option of "bf_busy_nodes". When selecting resources for pending jobs to reserve for future execution (i.e. the job can not be started immediately), then preferentially select nodes that are in use. This will tend to leave currently idle resources available for backfilling longer running jobs, but may result in allocations having less than optimal network topology. This option is currently only supported by the select/cons_res plugin. -- Permit "SuspendTime=NONE" as slurm.conf value rather than only a numeric value to match "scontrol show config" output. -- Add the 'scontrol show cache' command which displays the associations in slurmctld. -- Test more frequently for node boot completion before starting a job. Provides better responsiveness. -- Fix PMI2 singleton initialization. -- Permit PreemptType=qos and PreemptMode=suspend,gang to be used together. A high-priority QOS job will now oversubscribe resources and gang schedule, but only if there are insufficient resources for the job to be started without preemption. NOTE: That with PreemptType=qos, the partition's Shared=FORCE:# configuration option will permit one job more per resource to be run than than specified, but only if started by preemption. -- Remove the CR_ALLOCATE_FULL_SOCKET configuration option. It is now the default. -- Fix a race condition in PMI2 when fencing counters can be out of sync. -- Increase the MAX_PACK_MEM_LEN define to avoid PMI2 failure when fencing with large amount of ranks. -- Add QOS option to a partition. This will allow a partition to have all the limits a QOS has. If a limit is set in both QOS the partition QOS will override the job's QOS unless the job's QOS has the OverPartQOS flag set. -- The task_dist_states variable has been split into "flags" and "base" components. Added SLURM_DIST_PACK_NODES and SLURM_DIST_NO_PACK_NODES values to give user greater control over task distribution. The srun --dist options has been modified to accept a "Pack" and "NoPack" option. These options can be used to override the CR_PACK_NODE configuration option. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.12 =========================== -- Correct dependency formatting to print array task ids if set. -- Fix for configuration of "AuthType=munge" and "AuthInfo=socket=..." with alternate munge socket path. -- BGQ - Remove redeclaration of job_read_lock. -- BGQ - Tighter locks around structures when nodes/cables change state. -- Fix job array formatting to allow return [0-100:2] display for arrays with step functions rather than [0,2,4,6,8,...] . -- Associations - prevent hash table corruption if uid initially unset for a user, which can cause slurmctld to crash if that user is deleted. -- Add cast to memory limit calculation to prevent integer overflow for very large memory values. -- Fix test cases to have proper int return signature. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.11 =========================== -- Fix systemd's slurmd service from killing slurmstepds on shutdown. -- Fix the qstat wrapper when user is removed from the system but still has running jobs. -- Log the request to terminate a job at info level if DebugFlags includes the Steps keyword. -- Fix potential memory corruption in _slurm_rpc_epilog_complete as well as _slurm_rpc_complete_job_allocation. -- Fix incorrectly sized buffer used by jobid2str which will cause buffer overflow in slurmctld. (Bug 2295.) * Changes in Slurm 14.11.10 =========================== -- Fix truncation of job reason in squeue. -- If a node is in DOWN or DRAIN state, leave it unavailable for allocation when powered down. -- Update the slurm.conf man page documenting better nohold_on_prolog_fail variable. -- Don't trucate task ID information in "squeue --array/-r" or "sview". -- Fix a bug which caused scontrol to core dump when releasing or holding a job by name. -- Fix unit conversion bug in slurmd which caused wrong memory calculation for cgroups. -- Fix issue with GRES in steps so that if you have multiple exclusive steps and you use all the GRES up instead of reporting the configuration isn't available you hold the requesting step until the GRES is available. -- Fix slurmdbd backup to use DbdAddr when contacting the primary. -- Fix error in MPI documentation. -- Fix to handle arrays with respect to number of jobs submitted. Previously only 1 job was accounted (against MaxSubmitJob) for when an array was submitted. -- Correct counting for job array limits, job count limit underflow possible when master cancellation of master job record. -- For pending jobs have sacct print 0 for nnodes instead of the bogus 2. -- Fix for tracking node state when jobs that have been allocated exclusive access to nodes (i.e. entire nodes) and later relinquish some nodes. Nodes would previously appear partly allocated and prevent use by other jobs. -- Fix updating job in db after extending job's timelimit past partition's timelimit. -- Fix srun -I<timeout> from flooding the controller with step create requests. -- Requeue/hold batch job launch request if job already running (possible if node went to DOWN state, but jobs remained active). -- If a job's CPUs/task ratio is increased due to configured MaxMemPerCPU, then increase it's allocated CPU count in order to enforce CPU limits. -- Don't mark powered down node as not responding. This could be triggered by race condition of the node suspend and ping logic. -- Don't requeue RPC going out from slurmctld to DOWN nodes (can generate repeating communication errors). -- Propagate sbatch "--dist=plane=#" option to srun. -- Fix sacct to not return all jobs if the -j option is given with a trailing ','. -- Permit job_submit plugin to set a job's priority. -- Fix occasional srun segfault. -- Fix issue with sacct, printing 0_0 for array's that had finished in the database but the start record hadn't made it yet. -- Fix sacct -j, (nothing but a comma) to not return all jobs. -- Prevent slurmstepd from core dumping if /proc/<pid>/stat has unexpected format. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.9 ========================== -- Correct "sdiag" backfill cycle time calculation if it yields locks. A microsecond value was being treated as a second value resulting in an overflow in the calcuation. -- Fix segfault when updating timelimit on jobarray task. -- Fix to job array update logic that can result in a task ID of 4294967294. -- Fix of job array update, previous logic could fail to update some tasks of a job array for some fields. -- CRAY - Fix seg fault if a blade is replaced and slurmctld is restarted. -- Fix plane distribution to allocate in blocks rather than cyclically. -- squeue - Remove newline from job array ID value printed. -- squeue - Enable filtering for job state SPECIAL_EXIT. -- Prevent job array task ID being inappropriately set to NO_VAL. -- MYSQL - Make it so you don't have to restart the slurmctld to gain the correct limit when a parent account is root and you remove a subaccount's limit which exists on the parent account. -- MYSQL - Close chance of setting the wrong limit on an association when removing a limit from an association on multiple clusters at the same time. -- MYSQL - Fix minor memory leak when modifying an association but no change was made. -- srun command line of either --mem or --mem-per-cpu will override both the SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU and SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE environment variables. -- Prevent slurmctld abort on update of advanced reservation that contains no nodes. -- ALPS - Revert commit 2c95e2d22 which also removes commit 2e2de6a4 allowing cray with the SubAllocate option to work as it did with 2.5. -- Properly parse CPU frequency data on POWER systems. -- Correct sacct.a man pages describing -i option. -- Capture salloc/srun information in sdiag statistics. -- Fix bug in node selection with topology optimization. -- Don't set distribution when srun requests 0 memory. -- Read in correct number of nodes from SLURM_HOSTFILE when specifying nodes and --distribution=arbitrary. -- Fix segfault in Bluegene setups where RebootQOSList is defined in bluegene.conf and accounting is not setup. -- MYSQL - Update mod_time when updating a start job record or adding one. -- MYSQL - Fix issue where if an association id ever changes on at least a portion of a job array is pending after it's initial start in the database it could create another row for the remain array instead of using the already existing row. -- Fix scheduling anomaly with job arrays submitted to multiple partitions, jobs could be started out of priority order. -- If a host has suspened jobs do not reboot it. Reboot only hosts with no jobs in any state. -- ALPS - Fix issue when using --exclusive flag on srun to do the correct thing (-F exclusive) instead of -F share. -- Fix various memory leaks in the Perl API. -- Fix a bug in the controller which display jobs in CF state as RUNNING. -- Preserve advanced _core_ reservation when nodes added/removed/resized on slurmctld restart. Rebuild core_bitmap as needed. -- Fix for non-standard Munge port location for srun/pmi use. -- Fix gang scheduling/preemption issue that could cancel job at startup. -- Fix a bug in squeue which prevented squeue -tPD to print array jobs. -- Sort job arrays in job queue according to array_task_id when priorities are equal. -- Fix segfault in sreport when there was no response from the dbd. -- ALPS - Fix compile to not link against -ljob and -lexpat with every lib or binary. -- Fix testing for CR_Memory when CR_Memory and CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE are used with select/linear. -- MySQL - Fix minor memory leak if a connection ever goes away whist using it. -- ALPS - Make it so srun --hint=nomultithread works correctly. -- Prevent job array task ID from being reported as NO_VAL if last task in the array gets requeued. -- Fix some potential deadlock issues when state files don't exist in the association manager. -- Correct RebootProgram logic when executed outside of a maintenance reservation. -- Requeue job if possible when slurmstepd aborts. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.8 ========================== -- Eliminate need for user to set user_id on job_update calls. -- Correct list of unavailable nodes reported in a job's "reason" field when that job can not start. -- Map job --mem-per-cpu=0 to --mem=0. -- Fix squeue -o %m and %d unit conversion to Megabytes. -- Fix issue with incorrect time calculation in the priority plugin when a job runs past it's time limit. -- Prevent users from setting job's partition to an invalid partition. -- Fix sreport core dump when requesting 'job SizesByAccount grouping=individual'. -- select/linear: Correct count of CPUs allocated to job on system with hyperthreads. -- Fix race condition where last array task might not get updated in the db. -- CRAY - Remove libpmi from rpm install -- Fix squeue -o %X output to correctly handle NO_VAL and suffix. -- When deleting a job from the system set the job_id to 0 to avoid memory corruption if thread uses the pointer basing validity off the id. -- Fix issue where sbatch would set ntasks-per-node to 0 making any srun afterward cause a divide by zero error. -- switch/cray: Refine logic to set PMI_CRAY_NO_SMP_ENV environment variable. -- When sacctmgr loads archives with version less than 14.11 set the array task id to NO_VAL, so sacct can display the job ids correctly. -- When using memory cgroup if a task uses more memory than requested the failures are logged into memory.failcnt count file by cgroup and the user is notified by slurmstepd about it. -- Fix scheduling inconsistency with GRES bound to specific CPUs. -- If user belongs to a group which has split entries in /etc/group search for its username in all groups. -- Do not consider nodes explicitly powered up as DOWN with reason of "Node unexpected rebooted". -- Use correct slurmd spooldir when creating cpu-frequency locks. -- Note that TICKET_BASED fairshare will be deprecated in the future. Consider using the FAIR_TREE algorithm instead. -- Set job's reason to BadConstaints when job can't run on any node. -- Prevent abort on update of reservation with no nodes (licenses only). -- Prevent slurmctld from dumping core if job_resrcs is missing in the job data structure. -- Fix squeue to print array task ids according to man page when SLURM_BITSTR_LEN is defined in the environment. -- In squeue, sort jobs based on array job ID if available. -- Fix the calculation of job energy by not including the NO_VAL values. -- Advanced reservation fixes: enable update of bluegene reservation, avoid abort on multi-core reservations. -- Set the totalview_stepid to the value of the job step instead of NO_VAL. -- Fix slurmdbd core dump if the daemon does not have connection with the database. -- Display error message when attempting to modify priority of a held job. -- Backfill scheduler: The configured backfill_interval value (default 30 seconds) is now interpretted as a maximum run time for the backfill scheduler. Once reached, the scheduler will build a new job queue and start over, even if not all jobs have been tested. -- Backfill scheduler now considers OverTimeLimit and KillWait configuration parameters to estimate when running jobs will exit. -- Correct task layout with CR_Pack_Node option and more than 1 CPU per task. -- Fix the scontrol man page describing the release argument. -- When job QOS is modified, do so before attempting to change partition in order to validate the partition's Allow/DenyQOS parameter. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.7 ========================== -- Initialize some variables used with the srun --no-alloc option that may cause random failures. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of sched_min_interval that controls the minimum time interval between any job scheduling action. The default value is zero (disabled). -- Change default SchedulerParameters=max_sched_time from 4 seconds to 2. -- Refactor scancel so that all pending jobs are cancelled before starting cancellation of running jobs. Otherwise they happen in parallel and the pending jobs can be scheduled on resources as the running jobs are being cancelled. -- ALPS - Add new cray.conf variable NoAPIDSignalOnKill. When set to yes this will make it so the slurmctld will not signal the apid's in a batch job. Instead it relies on the rpc coming from the slurmctld to kill the job to end things correctly. -- ALPS - Have the slurmstepd running a batch job wait for an ALPS release before ending the job. -- Initialize variables in consumable resource plugin to prevent core dump. -- Fix scancel bug which could return an error on attempt to signal a job step. -- In slurmctld communication agent, make the thread timeout be the configured value of MessageTimeout rather than 30 seconds. -- sshare -U/--Users only flag was used uninitialized. -- Cray systems, add "plugstack.conf.template" sample SPANK configuration file. -- BLUEGENE - Set DB2NOEXITLIST when starting the slurmctld daemon to avoid random crashing in db2 when the slurmctld is exiting. -- Make full node reservations display correctly the core count instead of cpu count. -- Preserve original errno on execve() failure in task plugin. -- Add SLURM_JOB_NAME env variable to an salloc's environment. -- Overwrite SLURM_JOB_NAME in an srun when it gets an allocation. -- Make sure each job has a wckey if that is something that is tracked. -- Make sure old step data is cleared when job is requeued. -- Load libtinfo as needed when building ncurses tools. -- Fix small memory leak in backup controller. -- Fix segfault when backup controller takes control for second time. -- Cray - Fix backup controller running native Slurm. -- Provide prototypes for init_setproctitle()/fini_setproctitle on NetBSD. -- Add configuration test to find out the full path to su command. -- preempt/job_prio plugin: Fix for possible infinite loop when identifying preemptable jobs. -- preempt/job_prio plugin: Implement the concept of Warm-up Time here. Use the QoS GraceTime as the amount of time to wait before preempting. Basically, skip preemption if your time is not up. -- Make srun wait KillWait time when a task is cancelled. -- switch/cray: Revert logic added to 14.11.6 that set "PMI_CRAY_NO_SMP_ENV=1" if CR_PACK_NODES is configured. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.6 ========================== -- If SchedulerParameters value of bf_min_age_reserve is configured, then a newly submitted job can start immediately even if there is a higher priority non-runnable job which has been waiting for less time than bf_min_age_reserve. -- qsub wrapper modified to export "all" with -V option -- RequeueExit and RequeueExitHold configuration parameters modified to accept numeric ranges. For example "RequeueExit=1,2,3,4" and "RequeueExit=1-4" are equivalent. -- Correct the job array specification parser to accept brackets in job array expression (e.g. "123_[4,7-9]"). -- Fix for misleading job submit failure errors sent to users. Previous error could indicate why specific nodes could not be used (e.g. too small memory) when other nodes could be used, but were not for another reason. -- Fix squeue --array to display correctly the array elements when the % separator is specified at the array submission time. -- Fix priority from not being calculated correctly due to memory issues. -- Fix a transient pending reason 'JobId=job_id has invalid QOS'. -- A non-administrator change to job priority will not be persistent except for holding the job. User's wanting to change a job priority on a persistent basis should reset it's "nice" value. -- Print buffer sizes as unsigned values when failed to pack messages. -- Fix race condition where sprio would print factors without weights applied. -- Document the sacct option JobIDRaw which for arrays prints the jobid instead of the arrayTaskId. -- Allow users to modify MinCPUsNode, MinMemoryNode and MinTmpDiskNode of their own jobs. -- Increase the jobid print field in SQUEUE_FORMAT in -- Enable compiling without optimizations and with debugging symbols by default. Disable this by configuring with --disable-debug. -- job_submit/lua plugin: Add mail_type and mail_user fields. -- Correct output message from sshare. -- Use standard statvfs(2) syscall if available, in preference to non-standard statfs. -- Add a new option -U/--Users to sshare to display only users information, parent and ancestors are not printed. -- Purge 50000 records at a time so that locks can released periodically. -- Fix potentially uninitialized variables -- ALPS - Fix issue where a frontend node could become unresponsive and never added back into the system. -- Gate epilog complete messages as done with other messages -- If we have more than a certain number of agents (50) wait longer when gating rpcs. -- FrontEnd - ping non-responding or down nodes. -- switch/cray: If CR_PACK_NODES is configured, then set the environment variable "PMI_CRAY_NO_SMP_ENV=1" -- Fix invalid memory reference in SlurmDBD when putting a node up. -- Allow opening of plugstack.conf even when a symlink. -- Fix scontrol reboot so that rebooted nodes will not be set down with reason 'Node xyz unexpectedly rebooted' but will be correctly put back to service. -- CRAY - Throttle the post NHC operations as to not hog the job write lock if many steps/jobs finish at once. -- Disable changes to GRES count while jobs are running on the node. -- CRAY - Fix issue with scontrol reconfig. -- slurmd: Remove wrong reporting of "Error reading step ... memory limit". The logic was treating success as an error. -- Eliminate "Node ping apparently hung" error messages. -- Fix average CPU frequency calculation. -- When allocating resources with resolution of sockets, charge the job for all CPUs on allocated sockets rather than just the CPUs on used cores. -- Prevent slurmdbd error if cluster added or removed while rollup in progress. Removing a cluster can cause slurmdbd to abort. Adding a cluster can cause the slurmdbd rollup to hang. -- sview - When right clicking on a tab make sure we don't display the page list, but only the column list. -- FRONTEND - If doing a clean start make sure the nodes are brought up in the database. -- MySQL - Fix issue when using the TrackSlurmctldDown and nodes are down at the same time, don't double bill the down time. -- MySQL - Various memory leak fixes. -- sreport - Fix Energy displays -- Fix node manager logic to keep unexpectedly rebooted node in state NODE_STATE_DOWN even if already down when rebooted. -- Fix for array jobs submitted to multiple partitions not starting. -- CRAY - Enable ALPs mpp compatibility code in sbatch for native Slurm. -- ALPS - Move basil_inventory to less confusing function. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of "sched_max_job_start=" to limit the number of jobs that can be started in any single execution of the main scheduling logic. -- Fixed compiler warnings generated by gcc version >= 4.6. -- sbatch to stop parsing script for "#SBATCH" directives after first command, which matches the documentation. -- Overwrite the SLURM_JOB_NAME in sbatch if already exist in the environment and use the one specified on the command line --job-name. -- Remove xmalloc_nz from unpack functions. If the unpack ever failed the free afterwards would not have zeroed out memory on the variables that didn't get unpacked. -- Improve database interaction from controller. -- Fix for data shift when loading job archives. -- ALPS - Added new SchedulerParameters=inventory_interval to specify how often an inventory request is handled. -- ALPS - Don't run a release on a reservation on the slurmctld for a batch job. This is already handled on the stepd when the script finishes. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.5 ========================== -- Correct the squeue command taking into account that a node can have NULL name if it is not in DNS but still in slurm.conf. -- Fix slurmdbd regression which would cause a segfault when a node is set down with no reason. -- BGQ - Fix issue with job arrays not being handled correctly in the runjob_mux plugin. -- Print FAIR_TREE, if configured, in "scontrol show config" output for PriorityFlags. -- Add SLURM_JOB_GPUS environment variable to those available in the Prolog. -- Load lua-5.2 library if using lua5.2 for lua job submit plugin. -- GRES logic: Prevent bad node_offset due to not preserving no_consume flag. -- Fix wrong variables used in the wrapper functions needed for systems that don't support strong_alias -- Fix code for apple computers SOL_TCP is not defined -- Cray/BASIL - Check for mysql credentials in /root/.my.cnf. -- Fix sprio showing wrong priority for job arrays until priority is recalculated. -- Account to batch step all CPUs that are allocated to a job not just one since the batch step has access to all CPUs like other steps. -- Fix job getting EligibleTime set before meeting dependency requirements. -- Correct the initialization of QOS MinCPUs per job limit. -- Set the debug level of information messages in cgroup plugin to debug2. -- For job running under a debugger, if the exec of the task fails, then cancel its I/O and abort immediately rather than waiting 60 seconds for I/O timeout. -- Fix associations not getting default qos set until after a restart. -- Set the value of total_cpus not to be zero before invoking acct_policy_job_runnable_post_select. -- MySQL - When requesting cluster resources, only return resources for the cluster(s) requested. -- Add TaskPluginParam=autobind=threads option to set a default binding in the case that "auto binding" doesn't find a match. -- Introduce a new SchedulerParameters variable nohold_on_prolog_fail. If configured don't requeue jobs on hold is a Prolog fails. -- Make it so sched_params isn't read over and over when an epilog complete message comes in -- Fix squeue -L <licenses> not filtering out jobs with licenses. -- Changed the implementation of xcpuinfo_abs_to_mac() be identical _abs_to_mac() to fix CPUs allocation using cpuset cgroup. -- Improve the explanation of the unbuffered feature in the srun man page. -- Make taskplugin=cgroup work for core spec. needed to have task/cgroup before. -- Fix reports not using the month usage table. -- BGQ - Sanity check given for translating small blocks into slurm bg_records. -- Fix bug preventing the requeue/hold or requeue/special_exit of job from the completing state. -- Cray - Fix for launching batch step within an existing job allocation. -- Cray - Add ALPS_APP_ID_ENV environment variable. -- Increase maximum MaxArraySize configuration parameter value from 1,000,001 to 4,000,001. -- Added new SchedulerParameters value of bf_min_age_reserve. The backfill scheduler will not reserve resources for pending jobs until they have been pending for at least the specified number of seconds. This can be valuable if jobs lack time limits or all time limits have the same value. -- Fix support for --mem=0 (all memory of a node) with select/cons_res plugin. -- Fix bug that can permit someone to kill job array belonging to another user. -- Don't set the default partition on a license only reservation. -- Show a NodeCnt=0, instead of NO_VAL, in "scontrol show res" for a license only reservation. -- BGQ - When using static small blocks make sure when clearing the job the block is set up to it's original state. -- Start job allocation using lowest numbered sockets for block task distribution for consistency with cyclic distribution. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.4 ========================== -- Make sure assoc_mgr locks are initialized correctly. -- Correct check of enforcement when filling in an association. -- Make sacctmgr print out classification correctly for clusters. -- Add array_task_str to the perlapi job info. -- Fix for slurmctld abort with GRES types configured and no CPU binding. -- Fix for GRES scheduling where count > 1 per topology type (or GRES types). -- Make CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE work correctly with task/affinity. -- job_submit/pbs - Fix possible deadlock. -- job_submit/lua - Add "alloc_node" to job information available. -- Fix memory leak in mysql accounting when usage rollup happens. -- If users specify ALL together with other variables using the --export sbatch/srun command line option, propagate the users' environ to the execution side. -- Fix job array scheduling anomaly that can stop scheduling of valid tasks. -- Fix perl api tests for libslurmdb to work correctly. -- Remove some misleading logs related to non-consumable GRES. -- Allow --ignore-pbs to take effect when read as an #SBATCH argument. -- Fix Slurmdb::clusters_get() in perl api from not returning information. -- Fix TaskPluginParam=Cpusets from logging error message about not being able to remove cpuset dir which was already removed by the release_agent. -- Fix sorting by time left in squeue. -- Fix the file name substitution for job stderr when %A, %a %j and %u are specified. -- Remove minor warning when compiling slurmstepd. -- Fix database resources so they can add new clusters to them after they have initially been added. -- Use the slurm_getpwuid_r wrapper of getpwuid_r to handle possible interrupts. -- Correct the scontrol man page and command listing which node states can be set by the command. -- Stop sacct from printing non-existent stat information for Front End systems. -- Correct srun and acct_gather.conf man pages, mention Filesystem instead of Lustre. -- When a job using multiple partition starts send to slurmdbd only the partition in which the job runs. -- ALPS - Fix depth for MemoryAllocation in BASIL with CLE 5.2.3. -- Fix assoc_mgr hash to deal with users that don't have a uid yet when making reservations. -- When a job uses multiple partition set the environment variable SLURM_JOB_PARTITION to be the one in which the job started. -- Print spurious message about the absence of cgroup.conf at log level debug2 instead of info. -- Enable CUDA v7.0+ use with a Slurm configuration of TaskPlugin=task/cgroup ConstrainDevices=yes (in cgroup.conf). With that configuration CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES will start at 0 rather than the device number. -- Fix job array logic that can cause slurmctld to abort. -- Report job "shared" field properly in scontrol, squeue, and sview. -- If a job is requeued because of RequeueExit or RequeueExitHold sent event REQUEUED to slurmdbd. -- Fix build if hwloc is in non-standard location. -- Fix slurmctld job recovery logic which could cause the last task in a job array to be lost. -- Fix slurmctld initialization problem which could cause requeue of the last task in a job array to fail if executed prior to the slurmctld loading the maximum size of a job array into a variable in the job_mgr.c module. -- Fix fatal in controller when deleting a user association of a user which had been previously removed from the system. -- MySQL - If a node state and reason are the same on a node state change don't insert a new row in the event table. -- Fix issue with "sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser" when using PrivateData=users. -- Fix perlapi tests for libslurm perl module. -- MySQL - Fix potential issue when PrivateData=Usage and a normal user runs certain sreport reports. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.3 ========================== -- Prevent vestigial job record when canceling a pending job array record. -- Fixed squeue core dump. -- Fix job array hash table bug, could result in slurmctld infinite loop or invalid memory reference. -- In srun honor ntasks_per_node before looking at cpu count when the user doesn't request a number of tasks. -- Fix ghost job when submitting job after all jobids are exhausted. -- MySQL - Enhanced coordinator security checks. -- Fix for task/affinity if an admin configures a node for having threads but then sets CPUs to only represent the number of cores on the node. -- Make it so previous versions of salloc/srun work with newer versions of Slurm daemons. -- Avoid delay on commit for PMI rank 0 to improve performance with some MPI implementations. -- auth/munge - Correct logic to read old format AccountingStoragePass. -- Reset node "RESERVED" state as appropriate when deleting a maintenance reservation. -- Prevent a job manually suspended from being resumed by gang scheduler once free resources are available. -- Prevent invalid job array task ID value if a task is started using gang scheduling. -- Fixes for clean build on FreeBSD. -- Fix documentation bugs in slurm.conf.5. DenyAccount should be DenyAccounts. -- For backward compatibility with older versions of OMPI not compiled with --with-pmi restore the SLURM_STEP_RESV_PORTS in the job environment. -- Update the html documentation describing the integration with openmpi. -- Fix sacct when searching by nodelist. -- Fix cosmetic info statements when dealing with a job array task instead of a normal job. -- Fix segfault with job arrays. -- Correct the sbatch pbs parser to process -j. -- BGQ - Put print statement under a DebugFlag. This was just an oversight. -- BLUEGENE - Remove check that would erroneously remove the CONFIGURING flag from a job while the job is waiting for a block to boot. -- Fix segfault in slurmstepd when job exceeded memory limit. -- Fix race condition that could start a job that is dependent upon a job array before all tasks of that job array complete. -- PMI2 race condition fix. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.2 ========================== -- Fix Centos5 compile errors. -- Fix issue with association hash not getting the correct index which could result in seg fault. -- Fix salloc/sbatch -B segfault. -- Avoid huge malloc if GRES configured with "Type" and huge "Count". -- Fix jobs from starting in overlapping reservations that won't finish before a "maint" reservation begins. -- When node gets drained while in state mixed display its status as draining in sinfo output. -- Allow priority/multifactor to work with sched/wiki(2) if all priorities have no weight. This allows for association and QOS decay limits to work. -- Fix "squeue --start" to override SQUEUE_FORMAT env variable. -- Fix scancel to be able to cancel multiple jobs that are space delimited. -- Log Cray MPI job calling exit() without mpi_fini(), but do not treat it as a fatal error. This partially reverts logic added in version 14.03.9. -- sview - Fix displaying of suspended steps elapsed times. -- Increase number of messages that get cached before throwing them away when the DBD is down. -- Fix jobs from starting in overlapping reservations that won't finish before a "maint" reservation begins. -- Restore GRES functionality with select/linear plugin. It was broken in version 14.03.10. -- Fix bug with GRES having multiple types that can cause slurmctld abort. -- Fix squeue issue with not recognizing "localhost" in --nodelist option. -- Make sure the bitstrings for a partitions Allow/DenyQOS are up to date when running from cache. -- Add smap support for job arrays and larger job ID values. -- Fix possible race condition when attempting to use QOS on a system running accounting_storage/filetxt. -- Fix issue with accounting_storage/filetxt and job arrays not being printed correctly. -- In proctrack/linuxproc and proctrack/pgid, check the result of strtol() for error condition rather than errno, which might have a vestigial error code. -- Improve information recording for jobs deferred due to advanced reservation. -- Exports eio_new_initial_obj to the plugins and initialize kvs_seq on mpi/pmi2 setup to support launching. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.1 ========================== -- Get libs correct when doing the xtree/xhash make check. -- Update xhash/tree make check to work correctly with current code. -- Remove the reference 'experimental' for the jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin. -- Add QOS manipulation examples to the qos.html documentation page. -- If 'squeue -w node_name' specifies an unknown host name print an error message and return 1. -- Fix race condition in job_submit plugin logic that could cause slurmctld to deadlock. -- Job wait reason of "ReqNodeNotAvail" expanded to identify unavailable nodes (e.g. "ReqNodeNotAvail(Unavailable:tux[3-6])"). * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0 ========================== -- ALPS - Fix issue with core_spec warning. -- Allow multiple partitions to be specified in sinfo -p. -- Install the service files in /usr/lib/systemd/system. -- MYSQL - Add id_array_job and id_resv keys to $CLUSTER_job_table. THIS COULD TAKE A WHILE TO CREATE THE KEYS SO BE PATIENT. -- CRAY - Resize bitmaps on a restart and find we have more blades than before. -- Add new eio API function for removing unused connections. -- ALPS - Fix issue where batch allocations weren't correctly confirmed or released. -- Define DEFAULT_MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE based on MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE from slurm.h as per documentation. -- Update the FAQ about relocating slurmctld. -- In the memory cgroup enable memory.use_hierarchy in the cgroup root. -- Export eio.c functions for use by MPI/PMI2. -- Add SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME to job environment. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0rc3 ============================= -- Allow envs to override autotools binaries in -- Added system services files. -- If the jobs pends with DependencyNeverSatisfied keep it pending even after the job which it was depending upon was cleaned. -- Let operators (in addition to user root and SlurmUser) see job script for other user's jobs. -- Perl API modified to return node state of MIXED rather than ALLOCATED if only some CPUs allocated. -- Double Munge connect retry timeout from 1 to 2 seconds. -- sview - Remove unneeded code that was resolved globally in commit 98e24b0dedc. -- Collect and report the accounting of the batch step and its children. -- Add configure checks for faccessat and eaccess, and make use of one of them if available. -- Make configure --enable-developer also set --enable-debug -- Introduce a SchedulerParameters variable kill_invalid_depend, if set then jobs pending with invalid dependency are going to be terminated. -- Move spank_user_task() call in slurmstepd after the task_g_pre_launch() so that the task affinity information is available to spank. -- Make /etc/init.d/slurm script return value 3 when the daemon is not running. This is required by Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1 * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0rc2 ============================= -- Logs for jobs which are explicitly requeued will say so rather than saying that a node in their allocation failed. -- Updated the documentation about the remote licenses served by the Slurm database. -- Insure that slurm_spank_exit() is only called once from srun. -- Change the signature of net_set_low_water() to use 4 bytes instead of 8. -- Export working_cluster_rec in as well as move some function definitions needed for drmaa. -- If using cons_res or serial cause a fatal in the plugin instead of causing the SelectTypeParameters to magically set to CR_CPU. -- Enhance task/affinity auto binding to consider tasks * cpus-per-task. -- Fix regression the priority/multifactor which would cause memory corruption. Issue is only in rc1. -- Add PrivateData value of "cloud". If set, powered down nodes in the cloud will be visible. -- Sched/backfill - Eliminate clearing start_time of running jobs. -- Fix various backwards compatibility issues. -- If failed to launch a batch job, requeue it in hold. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0rc1 ============================= -- When using cgroup name the batch step as step_batch instead of batch_4294967294 -- Changed LEVEL_BASED priority to be "Fair_Tree" -- Port to NetBSD. -- BGQ - Add cnode based reservations. -- Alongside totalview_jobid implement totalview_stepid available to sattach. -- Add ability to include other files in slurm.conf based upon the ClusterName. -- Update strlcpy to latest upstream version. -- Add reservation information in the sacct and sreport output. -- Add job priority calculation check for overflow and fix memory leak. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of pack_serial_at_end to put serial jobs at the end of the available nodes rather than using a best fit algorithm. -- Allow regular users to view default sinfo output when privatedata=reservations is set. -- PrivateData=reservation modified to permit users to view the reservations which they have access to (rather then preventing them from seeing ANY reservation). -- job_submit/lua: Fix job_desc set field logic * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre5 ============================== -- Fix sbatch --export=ALL, it was treated by srun as a request to explicitly export only the environment variable named "ALL". -- Improve scheduling of jobs in reservations that overlap other reservations. -- Modify sgather to make global file systems easier to configure. -- Added sacctmgr reconfig to reread the slurmdbd.conf in the slurmdbd. -- Modify scontrol job operations to accept comma delimited list of job IDs. Applies to job update, hold, release, suspend, resume, requeue, and requeuehold operations. -- Refactor job_submit/lua interface. LUA FUNCTIONS NEED TO CHANGE! The lua script no longer needs to explicitly load meta-tables, but information is available directly using names slurm.reservations,, slurm.log_info, etc. Also, the job_submit.lua script is reloaded when updated without restarting the slurmctld daemon. -- Allow users to specify --resv_ports to have value 0. -- Cray MPMD (Multiple-Program Multiple-Data) support completed. -- Added ability for "scontrol update" to references jobs by JobName (and filtered optionally by UserID). -- Add support for an advanced reservation start time that remains constant relative to the current time. This can be used to prevent the starting of longer running jobs on select nodes for maintenance purpose. See the reservation flag "TIME_FLOAT" for more information. -- Enlarge the jobid field to 18 characters in squeue output. -- Added "scontrol write config" option to save a copy of the current configuration in a file containing a time stamp. -- Eliminate native Cray specific port management. Native Cray systems must now use the MpiParams configuration parameter to specify ports to be used for commmunications. When upgrading Native Cray systems from version 14.03, all running jobs should be killed and the switch_cray_state file (in SaveStateLocation of the nodes where the slurmctld daemon runs) must be explicitly deleted. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre4 ============================== -- Added job array data structure and removed 64k array size restriction. -- Added SchedulerParameters options of bf_max_job_array_resv to control how many tasks of a job array should have resources reserved for them. -- Added more validity checking of incoming job submit requests. -- Added srun --export option to set/export specific environment variables. -- Scontrol modified to print separate error messages for job arrays with different exit codes on the different tasks of the job array. Applies to job suspend and resume operations. -- Fix race condition in CPU frequency set with job preemption. -- Always call select plugin on step termination, even if the job is also complete. -- Srun executable names beginning with "." will be resolved based upon the working directory and path on the compute node rather than the submit node. -- Add node state string suffix of "$" to identify nodes in maintenance reservation or scheduled for reboot. This applies to scontrol, sinfo, and sview commands. -- Enable scontrol to clear a nodes's scheduled reboot by setting its state to "RESUME". -- As per sbatch and srun documentation when the --signal option is used signal only the steps and unless, in the case, of a batch job B is specified in which case signal only the batch script. -- Modify AuthInfo configuration parameter to accept credential lifetime option. -- Modify crypto/munge plugin to use socket and timeout specified in AuthInfo. -- If we have a state for a step on completion put that in the database instead of guessing off the exit_code. -- Added squeue -P/--priority option that can be used to display pending jobs in the same order as used by the Slurm scheduler even if jobs are submitted to multiple partitions (job is reported once per usable partition). -- Improve the pending reason description for various QOS limits. For each QOS limit that causes a job to be pending print its specific reason. For example if job pends because of GrpCpus the squeue command will print QOSGrpCpuLimit as pending reason. -- sched/backfill - Set expected start time of job submitted to multiple partitions to the earliest start time on any of the partitions. -- Introduce a MAX_BATCH_REQUEUE define that indicates how many times a job can be requeued upon prolog failure. When the number is reached the job is put on hold with reason JobHoldMaxRequeue. -- Add sbatch job array option to limit the number of simultaneously running tasks from a job array (e.g. "--array=0-15%4"). -- Implemented a new QOS limit MinCPUs. Users running under a QOS must request a minimum number of CPUs which is at least MinCPUs otherwise their job will pend. -- Introduced a new pending reason WAIT_QOS_MIN_CPUS to reflect the new QOS limit. -- Job array dependency based upon state is now dependent upon the state of the array as a whole (e.g. afterok requires ALL tasks to complete sucessfully, afternotok is true if ANY tasks does not complete successfully, and after requires all tasks to at least be started). -- The srun -u/--unbuffered options set the stdout of the task launched by srun to be line buffered. -- The srun options -/--label and -u/--unbuffered can be specified together. This limitation has been removed. -- Provide sacct display of gres accounting information per job. -- Change the node status size from uin16_t to uint32_t. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre3 ============================== -- Move xcpuinfo.[c|h] to the slurmd since it isn't needed anywhere else and will avoid the need for all the daemons to link to libhwloc. -- Add memory test to job_submit/partition plugin. -- Added new internal Slurm functions xmalloc_nz() and xrealloc_nz(), which do not initialize the allocated memory to zero for improved performance. -- Modify hostlist function to dynamically allocate buffer space for improved performance. -- In the job_submit plugin: Remove all slurmctld locks prior to job_submit() being called for improved performance. If any slurmctld data structures are read or modified, add locks directly in the plugin. -- Added PriorityFlag LEVEL_BASED described in doc/html/level_based.shtml -- If Fairshare=parent is set on an account, that account's children will be effectively reparented for fairshare calculations to the first parent of their parent that is not Fairshare=parent. Limits remain the same, only it's fairshare value is affected. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre2 ============================== -- Added AllowSpecResourcesUsage configuration parameter in slurm.conf. This allows jobs to use specialized resources on nodes allocated to them if the job designates --core-spec=0. -- Add new SchedulerParameters option of build_queue_timeout to throttle how much time can be consumed building the job queue for scheduling. -- Added HealthCheckNodeState option of "cycle" to cycle through the compute nodes over the course of HealthCheckInterval rather than running all at the same time. -- Add job "reboot" option for Linux clusters. This invokes the configured RebootProgram to reboot nodes allocated to a job before it begins execution. -- Added squeue -O/--Format option that makes all job and step fields available for printing. -- Improve database slurmctld entry speed dramatically. -- Add "CPUs" count to output of "scontrol show step". -- Add support for lua5.2 -- scancel -b signals only the batch step neither any other step nor any children of the shell script. -- MySQL - enforce NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION -- Added CpuFreqDef configuration parameter in slurm.conf to specify the default CPU frequency and governor to be set at job end. -- Added support for job email triggers: TIME_LIMIT, TIME_LIMIT_90 (reached 90% of time limit), TIME_LIMIT_80 (reached 80% of time limit), and TIME_LIMIT_50 (reached 50% of time limit). Applies to salloc, sbatch and srun commands. -- In slurm.conf add the parameter SrunPortRange=min-max. If this is configured then srun will use its dynamic ports only from the configured range. -- Make debug_flags 64 bit to handle more flags. * Changes in Slurm 14.11.0pre1 ============================== -- Modify etc/cgroup.release_common.example to set specify full path to the scontrol command. Also find cgroup mount point by reading cgroup.conf file. -- Improve qsub wrapper support for passing environment variables. -- Modify sdiag to report Slurm RPC traffic by user, type, count and time consumed. -- In select plugins, stop triggering extra logging based upon the debug flag CPU_Bind and use SelectType instead. -- Added SchedulerParameters options of bf_yield_interval and bf_yield_sleep to control how frequently and for how long the backfill scheduler will relinquish its locks. -- To support larger numbers of jobs when the StateSaveDirectory is on a file system that supports a limited number of files in a directory, add a subdirectory called "hash.#" based upon the last digit of the job ID. -- More gracefully handle missing batch script file. Just kill the job and do not drain the compute node. -- Add support for allocation of GRES by model type for heterogeneous systems (e.g. request a Kepler GPU, a Tesla GPU, or a GPU of any type). -- Record and enable display of nodes anticipated to be used for pending jobs. -- Modify squeue --start option to print the nodes expected to be used for pending job (in addition to expected start time, etc.). -- Add association hash to the assoc_mgr. -- Better logic to handle resized jobs when the DBD is down. -- Introduce MemLimitEnforce yes|no in slurm.conf. If set no Slurm will not terminate jobs if they exceed requested memory. -- Add support for non-consumable generic resources for resources that are limited, but can be shared between jobs. -- Introduce 5 new Slurm errors in slurm_errno.h related to job to better report error conditions. -- Modify scontrol to print error message for each array task when updating the entire array. -- Added gres_drain and gres_used fields to node_info_t. -- Added PriorityParameters configuration parameter in slurm.conf. -- Introduce automatic job requeue policy based on exit value. See RequeueExit and RequeueExitHold descriptions in slurm.conf man page. -- Modify slurmd to cache launched job IDs for more responsive job suspend and gang scheduling. -- Permit jobs steps full control over cpu_bind options if specialized cores are included in the job allocation. -- Added ChosLoc configuration parameter to specifiy the pathname of the Chroot OS tool. -- Sent SIGCONT/SIGTERM when a job is selected for preemption with GraceTime configured rather than waiting for GraceTime to be reached before notifying the job. -- Do not resume a job with specialized cores on a node running another job with specialized cores (only one can run at a time). -- Add specialized core count to job suspend/resume calls. -- task/affinity and task/cgroup - Correct specialized core task binding with user supplied invalid CPU mask or map. -- Add srun --cpu-freq options to set the CPU governor (OnDemand, Performance, PowerSave or UserSpace). -- Add support for a job step's CPU governor and/or frequency to be reset on suspend/resume (or gang scheduling). The default for an idle CPU will now be "ondemand" rather than "userspace" with the lowest frequency (to recover from hard slurmd failures and support gang scheduling). -- Added PriorityFlags option of Calulate_Running to continue recalculating the priority of running jobs. -- Replace round-robin front-end node selection with least-loaded algorithm. -- CRAY - Improve support of XC30 systems when running natively. -- Add new node configuration parameters CoreSpecCount, CPUSpecList and MemSpecLimit which support the reservation of resources for system use with Linux cgroup. -- Add child_forked() function to the slurm_acct_gather_profile plugin to close open files, leaving application with no extra open file descriptors. -- Cray/ALPS system - Enable backup controller to run outside of the Cray to accept new job submissions and most other operations on the pending jobs. -- Have sacct print job and task array id's for job arrays. -- Smooth out fanout logic -- If <sys/prctl.h> is present name major threads in slurmctld, for example backfill thread: slurmctld_bckfl, the rpc manager: slurmctld_rpcmg etc. The name can be seen for example using top -H. -- sview - Better job_array support. -- Provide more precise error message when job allocation can not be satisfied (e.g. memory, disk, cpu count, etc. rather than just "node configuration not available"). -- Create a new DebugFlags named TraceJobs in slurm.conf to print detailed information about jobs in slurmctld. The information include job ids, state and node count. -- When a job dependency can never be satisfied do not cancel the job but keep pending with reason WAIT_DEP_INVALID (DependencyNeverSatisfied). * Changes in Slurm 14.03.12 =========================== -- Make it so previous versions of salloc/srun work with newer versions of Slurm daemons. -- PMI2 race condition fix. -- Avoid delay on commit for PMI rank 0 to improve performance with some MPI implementations. -- Correct the sbatch pbs parser to process -j. -- Squeue modified to not merge tasks of a job array if their wait reasons differ. -- Use the slurm_getpwuid_r wrapper of getpwuid_r to handle possible interrupts. -- Allow --ignore-pbs to take effect when read as an #SBATCH argument. -- Do not launch step if job killed while the prolog was running. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.11 =========================== -- ALPS - Fix depth for Memory items in BASIL with CLE 5.2 (changed starting in 5.2.3). -- ALPS - Fix issue when tracking memory on a PerNode basis instead of PerCPU. -- Modify assoc_mgr_fill_in_qos() to allow for a flag to know if the QOS read lock was locked outside of the function or not. -- Give even better estimates on pending node count if no node count is requested. -- Fix jobcomp/mysql plugin for MariaDB 10+/Mysql 5.6+ to work with reserved work "partition". -- If requested (scontrol reboot node_name) reboot a node even if it has an maintenance reservation that is not active yet. -- Fix issue where exclusive allocations wouldn't lay tasks out correctly with CR_PACK_NODES. -- Do not requeue a batch job from slurmd daemon if it is killed while in the process of being launched (a race condition introduced in v14.03.9). -- Do not let srun overwrite SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES if already in an allocation. -- Prevent a job's end_time from being too small after a basil reservation error. -- Fix sbatch --ntasks-per-core option from setting invalid SLURM_NTASKS_PER_CORE environment value. -- Prevent scancel abort when no job satisfies filter options. -- ALPS - Fix --ntasks-per-core option on multiple nodes. -- Double max string that Slurm can pack from 16MB to 32MB to support larger MPI2 configurations. -- Fix Centos5 compile issues. -- Log Cray MPI job calling exit() without mpi_fini(), but do not treat it as a fatal error. This partially reverts logic added in version 14.03.9. -- sview - Fix displaying of suspended steps elapsed times. -- Increase number of messages that get cached before throwing them away when the DBD is down. -- Fix jobs from starting in overlapping reservations that won't finish before a "maint" reservation begins. -- Fix "squeue --start" to override SQUEUE_FORMAT env variable. -- Restore GRES functionality with select/linear plugin. It was broken in version 14.03.10. -- Fix possible race condition when attempting to use QOS on a system running accounting_storage/filetxt. -- Sanity check for Correct QOS on startup. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.10 =========================== -- Fix a few sacctmgr error messages. -- Treat non-zero SlurmSchedLogLevel without SlurmSchedLogFile as a fatal error. -- Correct sched_config.html documentation SchedulingParameters should be SchedulerParameters. -- When using gres and cgroup ConstrainDevices set correct access permission for the batch step. -- Fix minor memory leak in jobcomp/mysql on slurmctld reconfig. -- Fix bug that prevented preservation of a job's GRES bitmap on slurmctld restart or reconfigure (bug was introduced in 14.03.5 "Clear record of a job's gres when requeued" and only applies when GRES mapped to specific files). -- BGQ: Fix race condition when job fails due to hardware failure and is requeued. Previous code could result in slurmctld abort with NULL pointer. -- Prevent negative job array index, which could cause slurmctld to crash. -- Fix issue with squeue/scontrol showing correct node_cnt when only tasks are specified. -- Check the status of the database connection before using it. -- ALPS - If an allocation requests -n set the BASIL -N option to the amount of tasks / number of node. -- ALPS - Don't set the env var APRUN_DEFAULT_MEMORY, it is not needed anymore. -- Fix potential buffer overflow. -- Give better estimates on pending node count if no node count is requested. -- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where requeuing jobs could cause an assert. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.9 ========================== -- If slurmd fails to stat(2) the configuration print the string describing the error code. -- Fix for mixing core base reservations with whole node based reservations to avoid overlapping erroneously. -- BLUEGENE - Remove references to Base Partition. -- sview - If compiled on a non-bluegene system then used to view a BGQ fix to allow sview to display blocks correctly. -- Fix bug in update reservation. When modifying the reservation the end time was set incorrectly. -- The start time of a reservation that is in ACTIVE state cannot be modified. -- Update the cgroup documentation about release agent for devices. -- MYSQL - fix for setting up preempt list on a QOS for multiple QOS. -- Correct a minor error in the scancel.1 man page related to the --signal option. -- Enhance the scancel.1 man page to document the sequence of signals sent -- Fix slurmstepd core dump if the cgroup hierarchy is not completed when terminating the job. -- Fix hostlist_shift to be able to give correct node names on names with a different number of dimensions than the cluster. -- BLUEGENE - Fix invalid pointer in corner case in the plugin. -- Make sure on a reconfigure the select information for a node is preserved. -- Correct logic to support job GRES specification over 31 bits (problem in logic converting int to uint32_t). -- Remove logic that was creating GRES bitmap for node when not needed (only needed when GRES mapped to specific files). -- BLUEGENE - Fix sinfo -tr before it would only print idle nodes correctly. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for licenses_only reservation on bluegene systems. -- sview - Verify pointer before using strchr. -- -M option on tools talking to a Cray from a non-Cray fixed. -- CRAY - Fix rpmbuild issue for missing file slurm.conf.template. -- Fix race condition when dealing with removing many associations at different times when reservations are using the associations that are being deleted. -- When a node's state is set to power_down/power_up, then execute SuspendProgram/ResumeProgram even if previously executed for that node. -- Fix logic determining when job configuration (i.e. running node power up logic) is complete. -- Setting the state of a node in powered down state node to "resume" will no longer cause it to reboot, but only clear the "drain" state flag. -- Fix srun documentation to remove SLURM_NODELIST being equivalent as the -w option (since it isn't). -- Fix issue with --hint=nomultithread and allocations with steps running arbitrary layouts (test1.59). -- PrivateData=reservation modified to permit users to view the reservations which they have access to (rather then preventing them from seeing ANY reservation). Backport from 14.11 commit 77c2bd25c. -- Fix PrivateData=reservation when using associations to give privileges to a reservation. -- Better checking to see if select plugin is linear or not. -- Add support for time specification of "fika" (3 PM). -- Standardize qstat wrapper more. -- Provide better estimate of minimum node count for pending jobs using more job parameters. -- ALPS - Add SubAllocate to cray.conf file for those who like the way <=2.5 did the ALPS reservation. -- Safer check to avoid invalid reads when shutting down the slurmctld with lots of jobs. -- Fix minor memory leak in the backfill scheduler when shutting down. -- Add ArchiveResvs to the output of sacctmgr show config and init the variable on slurmdbd startup. -- SLURMDBD - Only set the archive flag if purging the object (i.e ArchiveJobs PurgeJobs). This is only a cosmetic change. -- Fix for job step memory allocation logic if step requests GRES and memory is not allocations are not managed. -- Fix sinfo to display mixed nodes as allocated in '%F' output. -- Sview - Fix cpu and node counts for partitions. -- Ignore NO_VAL in SLURMDB_PURGE_* macros. -- ALPS - Don't drain nodes if epilog fails. It leaves them in drain state with no way to get them out. -- Fix issue with task/affinity oversubscribing cpus erroneously when using --ntasks-per-node. -- MYSQL - Fix load of archive files. -- Treat Cray MPI job calling exit() without mpi_fini() as fatal error for that specific task and let srun handle all timeout logic. -- Fix small memory leak in jobcomp/mysql. -- Correct tracking of licenses for suspended jobs on slurmctld reconfigure or restart. -- If failed to launch a batch job requeue it in hold. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.8 ========================== -- Fix minor memory leak when Job doesn't have nodes on it (Meaning the job has finished) -- Fix sinfo/sview to be able to query against nodes in reserved and other states. -- Make sbatch/salloc read in (SLURM|(SBATCH|SALLOC))_HINT in order to handle sruns in the script that will use it. -- srun properly interprets a leading "." in the executable name based upon the working directory of the compute node rather than the submit host. -- Fix Lustre misspellings in hdf5 guide -- Fix wrong reference in slurm.conf man page to what --profile option should be used for AcctGatherFilesystemType. -- Update HDF5 document to point out the SlurmdUser is who creates the ProfileHDF5Dir directory as well as all it's sub-directories and files. -- CRAY NATIVE - Remove error message for srun's ran inside an salloc that had --network= specified. -- Defer job step initiation of required GRES are in use by other steps rather than immediately returning an error. -- Deprecate --cpu_bind from sbatch and salloc. These never worked correctly and only caused confusion since the cpu_bind options mostly refer to a step we opted to only allow srun to set them in future versions. -- Modify sgather to work if Nodename and NodeHostname differ. -- Changed use of JobContainerPlugin where it should be JobContainerType. -- Fix for possible error if job has GRES, but the step explicitly requests a GRES count of zero. -- Make "srun --gres=none ..." work when executed without a job allocation. -- Change the global eio_shutdown_time to a field in eio handle. -- Advanced reservation fixes for heterogeneous systems, especially when reserving cores. -- If --hint=nomultithread is used in a job allocation make sure any srun's ran inside the allocation can read the environment correctly. -- If batchdir can't be made set errno correctly so the slurmctld is notified correctly. -- Remove repeated batch complete if batch directory isn't able to be made since the slurmd will send the same message. -- sacctmgr fix default format for list transactions. -- BLUEGENE - Fix backfill issue with backfilling jobs on blocks already reserved for higher priority jobs. -- When creating job arrays the job specification files for each elements are hard links to the first element specification files. If the controller fails to make the links the files are copied instead. -- Fix error handling for job array create failure due to inability to copy job files (script and environment). -- Added patch in the contribs directory for integrating make version 4.0 with Slurm and renamed the previous patch "make-3.81.slurm.patch". -- Don't wait for an update message from the DBD to finish before sending rc message back. In slow systems with many associations this could speed responsiveness in sacctmgr after adding associations. -- Eliminate race condition in enforcement of MaxJobCount limit for job arrays. -- Fix anomaly allocating cores for GRES with specific device/CPU mapping. -- cons_res - When requesting exclusive access make sure we set the number of cpus in the job_resources_t structure so as nodes finish the correct cpu count is displayed in the user tools. -- If the job_submit plugin calls take longer than 1 second to run, print a warning. -- Make sure transfer_s_p_options transfers all the portions of the s_p_options_t struct. -- Correct the srun man page, the SLURM_CPU_BIND_VERBOSE, SLURM_CPU_BIND_TYPE SLURM_CPU_BIND_LIST environment variable are set only when task/affinity plugin is configured. -- sacct - Initialize variables correctly to avoid incorrect structure reference. -- Performance adjustment to avoid calling a function multiple times when it only needs to be called once. -- Give more correct waiting reason if job is waiting on association/QOS MaxNode limit. -- DB - When sending lft updates to the slurmctld only send non-deleted lfts. -- BLUEGENE - Fix documentation on how to build a reservation less than a midplane. -- If Slurmctld fails to read the job environment consider it an error and abort the job. -- Add the name of the node a job is running on to the message printed by slurmstepd when terminating a job. -- Remove unsupported options from sacctmgr help and the dump function. -- Update sacctmgr man page removing reference to obsolete parameter MaxProcSecondsPerJob. -- Added more validity checking of incoming job submit requests. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.7 ========================== -- Correct typos in man pages. -- Add note to MaxNodesPerUser and multiple jobs running on the same node counting as multiple nodes. -- PerlAPI - fix renamed call from slurm_api_set_conf_file to slurm_conf_reinit. -- Fix gres race condition that could result in job deallocation error message. -- Correct NumCPUs count for jobs with --exclusive option. -- When creating reservation with CoreCnt, check that Slurm uses SelectType=select/cons_res, otherwise don't send the request to slurmctld and return an error. -- Save the state of scheduled node reboots so they will not be lost should the slurmctld restart. -- In select/cons_res plugin - Insure the node count does not exceed the task count. -- switch/nrt - Do not explicitly unload windows for a job on termination, only unload its table (which automatically unloads its windows). -- When HealthCheckNodeState is configured as IDLE don't run the HealthCheckProgram for nodes in any other states than IDLE. -- Remove all slurmctld locks prior to job_submit() being called in plugins. If any slurmctld data structures are read or modified, add locks directly in the plugin. -- Minor sanity check to verify the string sent in isn't NULL when using bit_unfmt. -- CRAY NATIVE - Fix issue on heavy systems to only run the NHC once per job/step completion. -- Remove unneeded step cleanup for pending steps. -- Fix issue where if a batch job was manually requeued the batch step information wasn't stored in accounting. -- When job is release from a requeue hold state clean up its previous exit code. -- Correct the srun man page about how the output from the user application is sent to srun. -- Increase the timeout of the main thread while waiting for the i/o thread. Allow up to 180 seconds for the i/o thread to complete. -- When using sacct -c to read the job completion data compute the correct job elapsed time. -- Perl package: Define some missing node states. -- When using AccountingStorageType=accounting_storage/mysql zero out the database index for the array elements avoiding duplicate database values. -- Reword the explanation of cputime and cputimeraw in the sacct man page. -- JobCompType allows "jobcomp/mysql" as valid name but the code used "job_comp/mysql" setting an incorrect default database. -- Try to load only when necessary. -- When nodes scheduled for reboot, set state to DOWN rather than FUTURE so they are still visible to sinfo. State set to IDLE after reboot completes. -- Apply BatchStartTimeout configuration to task launch and avoid aborting srun commands due to long running Prolog scripts. -- Fix minor memory leaks when freeing node_info_t structure. -- Fix various memory leaks in sview -- If a batch script is requeued and running steps get correct exit code/signal previous it was always -2. -- If step exitcode hasn't been set display with sacct the -2 instead of acting like it is a signal and exitcode. -- Send calculated step_rc for batch step instead of raw status as done for normal steps. -- If a job times out, set the exit code in accounting to 1 instead of the signal 1. -- Update the acct_gather.conf.5 man page removing the reference to InfinibandOFEDFrequency. -- Fix gang scheduling for jobs submitted to multiple partitions. -- Enable srun to submit job to multiple partitions. -- Update slurm.conf man page. When Epilog or Prolog fail the node state is set ro DRAIN. -- Start a job in the highest priority partition possible, even if it requires preempting other jobs and delaying initiation, rather than using a lower priority partition. Previous logic would preempt lower priority jobs, but then might start the job in a lower priority partition and not use the resources released by the preempted jobs. -- Fix SelectTypeParameters=CR_PACK_NODES for srun making both job and step resource allocation. -- BGQ - Make it possible to pack multiple tasks on a core when not using the entire cnode. -- MYSQL - if unable to connect to mysqld close connection that was inited. -- DBD - when connecting make sure we wait MessageTimeout + 5 since the timeout when talking to the Database is the same timeout so a race condition could occur in the requesting client when receiving the response if the database is unresponsive. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.6 ========================== -- Added examples to demonstrate the use of the sacct -T option to the man page. -- Fix for regression in 14.03.5 with sacctmgr load when Parent has "'" around it. -- Update comments in sacctmgr dump header. -- Fix for possible abort on change in GRES configuration. -- CRAY - fix modules file, (backport from 14.11 commit 78fe86192b. -- Fix race condition which could result in requeue if batch job exit and node registration occur at the same time. -- switch/nrt - Unload job tables (in addition to windows) in user space mode. -- Differentiate between two identical debug messages about purging vestigial job scripts. -- If the socket used by slurmstepd to communicate with slurmd exist when slurmstepd attempts to create it, for example left over from a previous requeue or crash, delete it and recreate it. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.5 ========================== -- If a srun runs in an exclusive allocation and doesn't use the entire allocation and CR_PACK_NODES is set layout tasks appropriately. -- Correct Shared field in job state information seen by scontrol, sview, etc. -- Print Slurm error string in scontrol update job and reset the Slurm errno before each call to the API. -- Fix task/cgroup to handle -mblock:fcyclic correctly -- Fix for core-based advanced reservations where the distribution of cores across nodes is not even. -- Fix issue where association maxnodes wouldn't be evaluated correctly if a QOS had a GrpNodes set. -- GRES fix with multiple files defined per line in gres.conf. -- When a job is requeued make sure accounting marks it as such. -- Print the state of requeued job as REQUEUED. -- Fix if a job's partition was taken away from it don't allow a requeue. -- Make sure we lock on the conf when sending slurmd's conf to the slurmstepd. -- Fix issue with sacctmgr 'load' not able to gracefully handle bad formatted file. -- sched/backfill: Correct job start time estimate with advanced reservations. -- Error message added when in proctrack/cgroup the step freezer path isn't able to be destroyed for debug. -- Added extra index's into the database for better performance when deleting users. -- Fix issue with wckeys when tracking wckeys, but not enforcing them, you could get multiple '*' wckeys. -- Fix bug which could report to squeue the wrong partition for a running job that is submitted to multiple partitions. -- Report correct CPU count allocated to job when allocated whole node even if not using all CPUs. -- If job's constraints cannot be satisfied put it in pending state with reason BadConstraints and don't remove it. -- sched/backfill - If job started with infinite time limit, set its end_time one year in the future. -- Clear record of a job's gres when requeued. -- Clear QOS GrpUsedCPUs when resetting raw usage if QOS is not using any cpus. -- Remove log message left over from debugging. -- When using CR_PACK_NODES fix make --ntasks-per-node work correctly. -- Report correct partition associated with a step if the job is submitted to multiple partitions. -- Fix to allow removing of preemption from a QOS -- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds. -- Make srun obey POSIX convention and increase the exit code by 128 when the process terminated by a signal. -- Sanity check for acct_gather_energy/rapl -- If the proctrack plugins fail to destroy the job container print an error message and avoid to loop forever, give up after 120 seconds. -- If the sbatch command specifies the option --signal=B:signum sent the signal to the batch script only. -- If we cancel a task and we have no other exit code send the signal and exit code. -- Added note about InnoDB storage engine being used with MySQL. -- Set the job exit code when the job is signaled and set the log level to debug2() when processing an already completed job. -- Reset diagnostics time stamp when "sdiag --reset" is called. -- squeue and scontrol to report a job's "shared" value based upon partition options rather than reporting "unknown" if job submission does not use --exclusive or --shared option. -- task/cgroup - Fix cpuset binding for batch script. -- sched/backfill - Fix anomaly that could result in jobs being scheduled out of order. -- Expand pseudo-terminal size data structure field sizes from 8 to 16 bits. -- Set the job exit code when the job is signaled and set the log level to debug2() when processing an already completed job. -- Distinguish between two identical error messages. -- If using accounting_storage/mysql directly without a DBD fix issue with start of requeued jobs. -- If a job fails because of batch node failure and the job is requeued and an epilog complete message comes from that node do not process the batch step information since the job has already been requeued because the epilog script running isn't guaranteed in this situation. -- Change message to note a NO_VAL for return code could of come from node failure as well as interactive user. -- Modify test4.5 to only look at one partition instead of all of them. -- Fix sh5util -u to accept username different from the user that runs the command. -- Corrections to man pages:salloc.1 sbatch.1 srun.1 nonstop.conf.5 slurm.conf.5. -- Restore srun --pty resize ability. -- Have sacctmgr dump cluster handle situations where users or such have special characters in their names like ':' -- Add more debugging for information should the job ran on wrong node and should there be problems accessing the state files. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.4 ========================== -- Fix issue where not enforcing QOS but a partition either allows or denies them. -- CRAY - Make switch/cray default when running on a Cray natively. -- CRAY - Make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively. -- Disable job time limit change if it's preemption is in progress. -- Correct logic to properly enforce job preemption GraceTime. -- Fix sinfo -R to print each down/drained node once, rather than once per partition. -- If a job has non-responding node, retry job step create rather than returning with DOWN node error. -- Support SLURM_CONF path which does not have "slurm.conf" as the file name. -- CRAY - make job_container/cncu default when running on a Cray natively -- Fix issue where batch cpuset wasn't looked at correctly in jobacct_gather/cgroup. -- Correct squeue's job node and CPU counts for requeued jobs. -- Correct SelectTypeParameters=CR_LLN with job selecition of specific nodes. -- Only if ALL of their partitions are hidden will a job be hidden by default. -- Run EpilogSlurmctld for a job is killed during slurmctld reconfiguration. -- Close window with srun if waiting for an allocation and while printing something you also get a signal which would produce deadlock. -- Add SelectTypeParameters option of CR_PACK_NODES to pack a job's tasks tightly on its allocated nodes rather than distributing them evenly across the allocated nodes. -- cpus-per-task support: Try to pack all CPUs of each tasks onto one socket. Previous logic could spread the tasks CPUs across multiple sockets. -- Add new distribution method fcyclic so when a task is using multiple cpus it can bind cyclically across sockets. -- task/affinity - When using --hint=nomultithread only bind to the first thread in a core. -- Make cgroup task layout (block | cyclic) method mirror that of task/affinity. -- If TaskProlog sets SLURM_PROLOG_CPU_MASK reset affinity for that task based on the mask given. -- Keep supporting 'srun -N x --pty bash' for historical reasons. -- If EnforcePartLimits=Yes and QOS job is using can override limits, allow it. -- Fix issues if partition allows or denies account's or QOS' and either are not set. -- If a job requests a partition and it doesn't allow a QOS or account the job is requesting pend unless EnforcePartLimits=Yes. Before it would always kill the job at submit. -- Fix format output of scontrol command when printing node state. -- Improve the clean up of cgroup hierarchy when using the jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin. -- Added SchedulerParameters value of Ignore_NUMA. -- Fix issues with code when using automake 1.14.1 -- select/cons_res plugin: Fix memory leak related to job preemption. -- After reconfig rebuild the job node counters only for jobs that have not finished yet, otherwise if requeued the job may enter an invalid COMPLETING state. -- Do not purge the script and environment files for completed jobs on slurmctld reconfiguration or restart (they might be later requeued). -- scontrol now accepts the option job=xxx or jobid=xxx for the requeue, requeuehold and release operations. -- task/cgroup - fix to bind batch job in the proper CPUs. -- Added strigger option of -N, --noheader to not print the header when displaying a list of triggers. -- Modify strigger to accept arguments to the program to execute when an event trigger occurs. -- Attempt to create duplicate event trigger now generates ESLURM_TRIGGER_DUP ("Duplicate event trigger"). -- Treat special characters like %A, %s etc. literally in the file names when specified escaped e.g. sbatch -o /home/zebra\\%s will not expand %s as the stepid of the running job. -- CRAYALPS - Add better support for CLE 5.2 when running Slurm over ALPS. -- Test time when job_state file was written to detect multiple primary slurmctld daemons (e.g. both backup and primary are functioning as primary and there is a split brain problem). -- Fix scontrol to accept update jobid=# numtasks=# -- If the backup slurmctld assumes primary status, then do NOT purge any job state files (batch script and environment files) and do not re-use them. This may indicate that multiple primary slurmctld daemons are active (e.g. both backup and primary are functioning as primary and there is a split brain problem). -- Set correct error code when requeuing a completing/pending job -- When checking for if dependency of type afterany, afterok and afternotok don't clear the dependency if the job is completing. -- Cleanup the JOB_COMPLETING flag and eventually requeue the job when the last epilog completes, either slurmd epilog or slurmctld epilog, whichever comes last. -- When attempting to requeue a job distinguish the case in which the job is JOB_COMPLETING or already pending. -- When reconfiguring the controller don't restart the slurmctld epilog if it is already running. -- Email messages for job array events print now use the job ID using the format "#_# (#)" rather than just the internal job ID. -- Set the number of free licenses to be 0 if the global license count decreases and total is less than in use. -- Add DebugFlag of BackfillMap. Previously a DebugFlag value of Backfill logged information about what it was doing plus a map of expected resouce use in the future. Now that very verbose resource use map is only logged with a DebugFlag value of BackfillMap -- Fix slurmstepd core dump. -- Modify the description of -E and -S option of sacct command as point in time 'before' or 'after' the database records are returned. -- Correct support for partition with Shared=YES configuration. -- If job requests --exclusive then do not use nodes which have any cores in an advanced reservation. Also prevents case where nodes can be shared by other jobs. -- For "scontrol --details show job" report the correct CPU_IDs when thre are multiple threads per core (we are translating a core bitmap to CPU IDs). -- If DebugFlags=Protocol is configured in slurm.conf print details of the connection, ip address and port accepted by the controller. -- Fix minor memory leak when reading in incomplete node data checkpoint file. -- Enlarge the width specifier when printing partition SHARE to display larger sharing values. -- sinfo locks added to prevent possibly duplicate record printing for resources in multiple partitions. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.3-2 ============================ -- BGQ - Fix issue with uninitialized variable. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.3 ========================== -- Correction to default batch output file name. In version 14.03.2 was using "slurm_<jobid>_4294967294.out" due to error in job array logic. -- In slurm.spec file, replace "Requires cray-MySQL-devel-enterprise" with "Requires mysql-devel". * Changes in Slurm 14.03.2 ========================== -- Fix race condition if PrologFlags=Alloc,NoHold is used. -- Cray - Make NPC only limit running other NPC jobs on shared blades instead of limited non NPC jobs. -- Fix for sbatch #PBS -m (mail) option parsing. -- Fix job dependency bug. Jobs dependent upon multiple other jobs may start prematurely. -- Set "Reason" field for all elements of a job array on short-circuited scheduling for job arrays. -- Allow -D option of salloc/srun/sbatch to specify relative path. -- Added SchedulerParameter of batch_sched_delay to permit many batch jobs to be submitted between each scheduling attempt to reduce overhead of scheduling logic. -- Added job reason of "SchedTimeout" if the scheduler was not able to reach the job to attempt scheduling it. -- Add job's exit state and exit code to email message. -- scontrol hold/release accepts job name option (in addition to job ID). -- Handle when trying to cancel a step that hasn't started yet better. -- Handle Max/GrpCPU limits better -- Add --priority option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands. -- Honor partition priorities over job priorities. -- Fix sacct -c when using jobcomp/filetxt to read newer variables -- Fix segfault of sacct -c if spaces are in the variables. -- Release held job only with "scontrol release <jobid>" and not by resetting the job's priority. This is needed to support job arrays better. -- Correct squeue command not to merge jobs with state pending and completing together. -- Fix issue where user is requesting --acctg-freq=0 and no memory limits. -- Fix issue with GrpCPURunMins if a job's timelimit is altered while the job is running. -- Temporary fix for handling our typemap for the perl api with newer perl. -- Fix allowgroup on bad group seg fault with the controller. -- Handle node ranges better when dealing with accounting max node limits. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.1-2 ========================== -- Update configure to set correct version without having to run * Changes in Slurm 14.03.1 ========================== -- Add support for job std_in, std_out and std_err fields in Perl API. -- Add "Scheduling Configuration Guide" web page. -- BGQ - fix check for jobinfo when it is NULL -- Do not check cleaning on "pending" steps. -- task/cgroup plugin - Fix for building on older hwloc (v1.0.2). -- In the PMI implementation by default don't check for duplicate keys. Set the SLURM_PMI_KVS_DUP_KEYS if you want the code to check for duplicate keys. -- Add job submission time to squeue. -- Permit user root to propagate resource limits higher than the hard limit slurmd has on that compute node has (i.e. raise both current and maximum limits). -- Fix issue with license used count when doing an scontrol reconfig. -- Fix the PMI iterator to not report duplicated keys. -- Fix issue with sinfo when -o is used without the %P option. -- Rather than immediately invoking an execution of the scheduling logic on every event type that can enable the execution of a new job, queue its execution. This permits faster execution of some operations, such as modifying large counts of jobs, by executing the scheduling logic less frequently, but still in a timely fashion. -- If the environment variable is greater than MAX_ENV_STRLEN don't set it in the job env otherwise the exec() fails. -- Optimize scontrol hold/release logic for job arrays. -- Modify srun to report an exit code of zero rather than nine if some tasks exit with a return code of zero and others are killed with SIGKILL. Only an exit code of zero did this. -- Fix a typo in scontrol man page. -- Avoid slurmctld crash getting job info if detail_ptr is NULL. -- Fix sacctmgr add user where both defaultaccount and accounts are specified. -- Added SchedulerParameters option of max_sched_time to limit how long the main scheduling loop can execute for. -- Added SchedulerParameters option of sched_interval to control how frequently the main scheduling loop will execute. -- Move start time of main scheduling loop timeout after locks are aquired. -- Add squeue job format option of "%y" to print a job's nice value. -- Update scontrol update jobID logic to operate on entire job arrays. -- Fix PrologFlags=Alloc to run the prolog on each of the nodes in the allocation instead of just the first. -- Fix race condition if a step is starting while the slurmd is being restarted. -- Make sure a job's prolog has ran before starting a step. -- BGQ - Fix invalid memory read when using DefaultConnType in the bluegene.conf -- Make sure we send node state to the DBD on clean start of controller. -- Fix some sinfo and squeue sorting anomalies due to differences in data types. -- Only send message back to slurmctld when PrologFlags=Alloc is used on a Cray/ALPS system, otherwise use the slurmd to wait on the prolog to gate the start of the step. -- Remove need to check PrologFlags=Alloc in slurmd since we can tell if prolog has ran yet or not. -- Fix squeue to use a correct macro to check job state. -- BGQ - Fix incorrect logic issues if MaxBlockInError=0 in the bluegene.conf. -- priority/basic - Insure job priorities continue to decrease when jobs are submitted with the --nice option. -- Make the PrologFlag=Alloc work on batch scripts -- Make PrologFlag=NoHold (automatically sets PrologFlag=Alloc) not hold in salloc/srun, instead wait in the slurmd when a step hits a node and the prolog is still running. -- Added --cpu-freq=highm1 (high minus one) option. -- Expand StdIn/Out/Err string length output by "scontrol show job" from 128 to 1024 bytes. -- squeue %F format will now print the job ID for non-array jobs. -- Use quicksort for all priority based job sorting, which improves performance significantly with large job counts. -- If a job has already been released from a held state ignore successive release requests. -- Fix srun/salloc/sbatch man pages for the --no-kill option. -- Add squeue -L/--licenses option to filter jobs by license names. -- Handle abort job on node on front end systems without core dumping. -- Fix dependency support for job arrays. -- When updating jobs verify the update request is not identical to the current settings. -- When sorting jobs and priorities are equal sort by job_id. -- Do not overwrite existing reason for node being down or drained. -- Requeue batch job if Munge is down and credential can not be created. -- Make _slurm_init_msg_engine() tolerate bug in bind() returning a busy ephemeral port. -- Don't block scheduling of entire job array if it could run in multiple partitions. -- Introduce a new debug flag Protocol to print protocol requests received together with the remote IP address and port. -- CRAY - Set up the network even when only using 1 node. -- CRAY - Greatly reduce the number of error messages produced from the task plugin and provide more information in the message. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0 ========================== -- job_submit/lua: Fix invalid memory reference if script returns error message for user. -- Add logic to sleep and retry if slurm.conf can't be read. -- Reset a node's CpuLoad value at least once each SlurmdTimeout seconds. -- Scheduler enhancements for reservations: When a job needs to run in reservation, but can not due to busy resources, then do not block all jobs in that partition from being scheduled, but only the jobs in that reservation. -- Export "SLURM*" environment variables from sbatch even if --export=NONE. -- When recovering node state if the Slurm version is 2.6 or 2.5 set the protocol version to be SLURM_2_5_PROTOCOL_VERSION which is the minimum supported version. -- Update the scancel man page documenting the -s option. -- Update sacctmgr man page documenting how to modify account's QOS. -- Fix for sjstat which currently does not print >1TB memory values correctly. -- Change xmalloc()/xfree() to malloc()/free() in hostlist.c for better performance. -- Update squeue.1 man page describing the SPECIAL_EXIT state. -- Added scontrol option of errnumstr to return error message given a slurm error number. -- If srun invoked with the --multi-prog option, but no task count, then use the task count provided in the MPMD configuration file. -- Prevent sview abort on some systems when adding or removing columns to the display for nodes, jobs, partitions, etc. -- Add job array hash table for improved performance. -- Make AccountingStorageEnforce=all not include nojobs or nosteps. -- Added sacctmgr mod qos set RawUsage=0. -- Modify hostlist functions to accept more than two numeric ranges (e.g. "row[1-3]rack[0-8]slot[0-63]") * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0rc1 ============================== -- Fixed typos in srun_cr man page. -- Run job scheduling logic immediately when nodes enter service. -- Added sbatch '--parsable' option to output only the job id number and the cluster name separated by a semicolon. Errors will still be displayed. -- Added failure management "slurmctld/nonstop" plugin. -- Prevent jobs being killed when a checkpoint plugin is enabled or disabled. -- Update the documentation about SLURM_PMI_KVS_NO_DUP_KEYS environment variable. -- select/cons_res bug fix for range of node counts with --cpus-per-task option (e.g. "srun -N2-3 -c2 hostname" would allocate 2 CPUs on the first node and 0 CPUs on the second node). -- Change reservation flags field from 16 to 32-bits. -- Add reservation flag value of "FIRST_CORES". -- Added the idea of Resources to the database. Framework for handling license servers outside of Slurm. -- When starting the slurmctld only send past job/node state information to accounting if running for the first time (should speed up startup dramatically on systems with lots of nodes or lots of jobs). -- Compile and run on FreeBSD 8.4. -- Make job array expressions more flexible to accept multiple step counts in the expression (e.g. "--array=1-10:2,50-60:5,123"). -- switch/cray - add state save/restore logic tracking allocated ports. -- SchedulerParameters - Replace max_job_bf with bf_max_job_start (both will work for now). -- Add SchedulerParameters options of preempt_reorder_count and preempt_strict_order. -- Make memory types in acct_gather uint64_t to handle systems with more than 4TB of memory on them. -- BGQ - --export=NONE option for srun to make it so only the SLURM_JOB_ID and SLURM_STEP_ID env vars are set. -- Munge plugins - Add sleep between retries if can't connect to socket. -- Added DebugFlags value of "License". -- Added --enable-developer which will give you -Werror when compiling. -- Fix for job request with GRES count of zero. -- Fix a potential memory leak in hostlist. -- Job array dependency logic: Cache results for major performance improvement. -- Modify squeue to support filter on job states Special_Exit and Resizing. -- Defer purging job record until after EpilogSlurmctld completes. -- Add -j option for jobid to sbcast. -- Fix handling RPCs from a 14.03 slurmctld to a 2.6 slurmd * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0pre6 ============================== -- Modify slurmstepd to log messages according to the LogTimeFormat parameter in slurm.conf. -- Insure that overlapping reservations do not oversubscribe available licenses. -- Added core specialization logic to select/cons_res plugin. -- Added whole_node field to job_resources structure and enable gang scheduling for jobs with core specialization. -- When using FastSchedule = 1 the nodes with less than configured resources are not longer set DOWN, they are set to DRAIN instead. -- Modified 'sacctmgr show associations' command to show GrpCPURunMins by default. -- Replace the hostlist_push() function with a more efficient hostlist_push_host(). -- Modify the reading of lustre file system statistics to print more information when debug and when io error occur. -- Add specialized core count field to job credential data. NOTE: This changes the communications protocol from other pre-releases of version 14.03. All programs must be cancelled and daemons upgraded from previous pre-releases of version 14.03. Upgrades from version 2.6 or earlier can take place without loss of jobs -- Add version number to node and front-end configuration information visible using the scontrol tool. -- Add idea of a RESERVED flag for node state so idle resources are marked not "idle" when in a reservation. -- Added core specialization plugin infrastructure. -- Added new job_submit/trottle plugin to control the rate at which a user can submit jobs. -- CRAY - added network performance counters option. -- Allow scontrol suspend/resume to accept jobid in the format jobid_taskid to suspend/resume array elements. -- In the slurmctld job record, split "shared" variable into "share_res" (share resource) and "whole_node" fields. -- Fix the format of SLURM_STEP_RESV_PORTS. It was generated incorrectly when using the hostlist_push_host function and input surrounded by []. -- Modify the srun --slurmd-debug option to accept debug string tags (quiet, fatal, error, info verbose) beside the numerical values. -- Fix the bug where --cpu_bind=map_cpu is interpreted as mask_cpu. -- Update the documentation egarding the state of cpu frequencies after a step using --cpu-freq completes. -- CRAY - Fix issue when a job is requeued and nhc is still running as it is being scheduled to run again. This would erase the previous job info that was still needed to clean up the nodes from the previous job run. (Bug 526). -- Set SLURM_JOB_PARTITION environment variable set for all job allocations. -- Set SLURM_JOB_PARTITION environment variable for Prolog program. -- Added SchedulerParameters option of partition_job_depth to limit scheduling logic depth by partition. -- Handle the case in which errno is not reset to 0 after calling getgrent_r(), which causes the controller to core dump. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0pre5 ============================== -- Added squeue format option of "%X" (core specialization count). -- Added core specialization web page (just a start for now). -- Added the SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID and SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID in epilog slurmctld environment. -- Fix bug in job step allocation failing due to memory limit. -- Modify the pbsnodes script to reflect its output on a TORQUE system. -- Add ability to clear a node's DRAIN flag using scontrol or sview by setting it's state to "UNDRAIN". The node's base state (e.g. "DOWN" or "IDLE") will not be changed. -- Modify the output of 'scontrol show partition' by displaying DefMemPerCPU=UNLIMITED and MaxMemPerCPU=UNLIMITED when these limits are configured as 0. -- mpirun-mic - Major re-write of the command wrapper for Xeon Phi use. -- Add new configuration parameter of AuthInfo to specify port used by authentication plugin. -- Fixed conditional RPM compiling. -- Corrected slurmstepd ident name when logging to syslog. -- Fixed sh5util loop when there are no node-step files. -- Add SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME to environment variables passed to PrologSlurmctld, Prolog, EpilogSlurmctld, and Epilog -- Add the idea of running a prolog right when an allocation happens instead of when running on the node for the first time. -- If user runs 'scontrol reconfig' but hostnames or the host count changes the slurmctld throws a fatal error. -- gres.conf - Add "NodeName" specification so that a single gres.conf file can be used for a heterogeneous cluster. -- Add flag to accounting RPC to indicate if job data is packed or not. -- After all srun tasks have terminated on a node close the stdout/stderr channel with the slurmstepd on that node. -- In case of i/o error with slurmstepd log an error message and abort the job. -- Add --test-only option to sbatch command to validate the script and options. The response includes expected start time and resources to be allocated. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0pre4 ============================== -- Remove the ThreadID documentation from slurm.conf. This functionality has been obsoleted by the LogTimeFormat. -- Sched plugins - rename global and plugin functions names for consistency with other plugin types. -- BGQ - Added RebootQOSList option to bluegene.conf to allow an implicate reboot of a block if only jobs in the list are running on it when cnodes go into a failure state. -- Correct task count of pending job steps. -- Improve limit enforcement for jobs, set RLIMIT_RSS, RLIMIT_AS and/or RLIMIT_DATA to enforce memory limit. -- Pending job steps will have step_id of INFINITE rather than NO_VAL and will be reported as "TBD" by scontrol and squeue commands. -- Add logic so PMI_Abort or PMI2_Abort can propagate an exit code. -- Added SlurmdPlugstack configuration parameter. -- Added PriorityFlag DEPTH_OBLIVIOUS to have the depth of an association not effect it's priorty. -- Multi-thread the sinfo command (one thread per partition). -- Added sgather tool to gather files from a job's compute nodes into a central location. -- Added configuration parameter FairShareDampeningFactor to offer a greater priority range based upon utilization. -- Change MaxArraySize and job's array_task_id from 16-bit to 32-bit field. Additional Slurm enhancements are be required to support larger job arrays. -- Added -S/--core-spec option to salloc, sbatch and srun commands to reserve specialized cores for system use. Modify scontrol and sview to get/set the new field. No enforcement exists yet for these new options. struct job_info / slurm_job_info_t: Added core_spec struct job_descriptorjob_desc_msg_t: Added core_spec * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0pre3 ============================== -- Do not set SLURM_NODEID environment variable on front-end systems. -- Convert bitmap functions to use int32_t instead of int in data structures and function arguments. This is to reliably enable use of bitmaps containing up to 4 billion elements. Several data structures containing index values were also changed from data type int to int32_t: - Struct job_info / slurm_job_info_t: Changed exc_node_inx, node_inx, and req_node_inx from type int to type int32_t - job_step_info_t: Changed node_inx from type int to type int32_t - Struct partition_info / partition_info_t: Changed node_inx from type int to type int32_t - block_job_info_t: Changed cnode_inx from type int to type int32_t - block_info_t: Changed ionode_inx and mp_inx from type int to type int32_t - Struct reserve_info / reserve_info_t: Changed node_inx from type int to type int32_t -- Modify qsub wrapper output to match torque command output, just print the job ID rather than "Submitted batch job #" -- Change Slurm error string for ESLURM_MISSING_TIME_LIMIT from "Missing time limit" to "Time limit specification required, but not provided" -- Change salloc job_allocate error message header from "Failed to allocate resources" to "Job submit/allocate failed" -- Modify slurmctld message retry logic to support Cray cold-standby SDB. * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0pre2 ============================== -- Added "JobAcctGatherParams" configuration parameter. Value of "NoShare" disables accounting for shared memory. -- Added fields to "scontrol show job" output: boards_per_node, sockets_per_board, ntasks_per_node, ntasks_per_board, ntasks_per_socket, ntasks_per_core, and nice. -- Add squeue output format options for job command and working directory (%o and %Z respectively). -- Add stdin/out/err to sview job output. -- Add new job_state of JOB_BOOT_FAIL for job terminations due to failure to boot it's allocated nodes or BlueGene block. -- CRAY - Add SelectTypeParameters NHC_NO_STEPS and NHC_NO which will disable the node health check script for steps and allocations respectfully. -- Reservation with CoreCnt: Avoid possible invalid memory reference. -- Add new error code for attempt to create a reservation with duplicate name. -- Validate that a hostlist file contains text (i.e. not a binary). -- switch/generic - propagate switch information from srun down to slurmd and slurmstepd. -- CRAY - Do not package Slurm's libpmi or libpmi2 libraries. The Cray version of those libraries must be used. -- Added a new option to the scontrol command to view licenses that are configured in use and avalable. 'scontrol show licenses'. -- MySQL - Made Slurm compatible with 5.6 * Changes in Slurm 14.03.0pre1 ============================== -- sview - improve scalability -- Add task pointer to the task_post_term() function in task plugins. The terminating task's PID is available in task->pid. -- Move select/cray to select/alps -- Defer sending SIGKILL signal to processes while core dump in progress. -- Added JobContainerPlugin configuration parameter and plugin infrastructure. -- Added partition configuration parameters AllowAccounts, AllowQOS, DenyAccounts and DenyQOS. -- The rpmbuild option for a cray system with ALPS has changed from %_with_cray to %_with_cray_alps. -- The log file timestamp format can now be selected at runtime via the LogTimeFormat configuration option. See the slurm.conf and slurmdbd.conf man pages for details. -- Added switch/generic plugin to a job's convey network topology. -- BLUEGENE - If block is in 'D' state or has more cnodes in error than MaxBlockInError set the job wait reason appropriately. -- API use: Generate an error return rather than fatal error and exit if the configuraiton file is absent or invalid. This will permit Slurm APIs to be more reliably used by other programs. -- Add support for load-based scheduling, allocate jobs to nodes with the largest number of available CPUs. Added SchedulingParameters paramter of "CR_LLN" and partition parameter of "LLN=yes|no". -- Added job_info() and step_info() functions to the gres plugins to extract plugin specific fields from the job's or step's GRES data structure. -- Added sbatch --signal option of "B:" to signal the batch shell rather than only the spawned job steps. -- Added sinfo and squeue format option of "%all" to print all fields available for the data type with a vertical bar separating each field. -- Add mechanism for job_submit plugin to generate error message for srun, salloc or sbatch to stderr. New argument added to job_submit function in the plugin. -- Add StdIn, StdOut, and StdErr paths to job information dumped with "scontrol show job". -- Permit Slurm administrator to submit a batch job as any user. -- Set a job's RLIMIT_AS limit based upon it's memory limit and VsizeFactor configuration value. -- Remove Postgres plugins -- Make jobacct_gather/cgroup work correctly and also make all jobacct_gather plugins more maintainable. -- Proctrack/pgid - Add support for proctrack_p_plugin_get_pids() function. -- Sched/backfill - Change default max_job_bf parameter from 50 to 100. -- Added -I|--item-extract option to sh5util to extract data item from series. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.10 ========================= -- Switch/nrt - On switch resource allocation failure, free partial allocation. -- Switch/nrt - Properly track usage of CAU and RDMA resources with multiple tasks per compute node. -- Fix issue where user is requesting --acctg-freq=0 and no memory limits. -- BGQ - Temp fix issue where job could be left on job_list after it finished. -- BGQ - Fix issue where limits were checked on midplane counts instead of cnode counts. -- BGQ - Move code to only start job on a block after limits are checked. -- Handle node ranges better when dealing with accounting max node limits. -- Fix perlapi to compile correctly with perl 5.18 -- BGQ - Fix issue with uninitialized variable. -- Correct sinfo --sort fields to match documentation: E => Reason, H -> Reason Time (new), R -> Partition Name, u/U -> Reason user (new) -- If an invalid assoc_ptr comes in don't use the id to verify it. -- Sched/backfill modified to avoid using nodes in completing state. -- Correct support for job --profile=none option and related documentation. -- Properly enforce job --requeue and --norequeue options. -- If a job --mem-per-cpu limit exceeds the partition or system limit, then scale the job's memory limit and CPUs per task to satisfy the limit. -- Correct logic to support Power7 processor with 1 or 2 threads per core (CPU IDs are not consecutive). * Changes in Slurm 2.6.9 ======================== -- Fix sinfo to work correctly with draining/mixed nodes as well as filtering on Mixed state. -- Fix sacctmgr update user with no "where" condition. -- Fix logic bugs for SchedulerParameters option of max_rpc_cnt. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.8 ======================== -- Add support for Torque/PBS job array options and environment variables. -- CRAY/ALPS - Add support for CLE52 -- Fix issue where jobs still pending after a reservation would remain in waiting reason ReqNodeNotAvail. -- Update last_job_update when a job's state_reason was modified. -- Free job_ptr->state_desc where ever state_reason is set. -- Fixed sacct.1 and srun.1 manual pages which contains a hyphen where a minus sign for options was intended. -- sinfo - Make sure if partition name is long and the default the last char doesn't get chopped off. -- task/affinity - Protect against zero divide when simulating more hardware than you really have. -- NRT - Fix issue with 1 node jobs. It turns out the network does need to be setup for 1 node jobs. -- Fix recovery of job dependency on task of job array when slurmctld restarts. -- mysql - Fix invalid memory reference. -- Lock the /cgroup/freezer subsystem when creating files for tracking processes. -- Fix preempt/partition_prio to avoid preempting jobs in partitions with PreemptMode=OFF -- launch/poe - Implicitly set --network in job step create request as needed. -- Permit multiple batch job submissions to be made for each run of the scheduler logic if the job submissions occur at the nearly same time. -- Fix issue where associations weren't correct if backup takes control and new associations were added since it was started. -- Fix race condition is corner case with backup slurmctld. -- With the backup slurmctld make sure we reinit beginning values in the slurmdbd plugin. -- Fix sinfo to work correctly with draining/mixed nodes. -- MySQL - Fix it so a lock isn't held unnecessarily. -- Added new SchedulerParameters option of max_rpc_cnt when too many RPCs are active. -- BGQ - Fix deny_pass to work correctly. -- BGQ - Fix sub block steps using a block when the block has passthrough's in it. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.7 ======================== -- Properly enforce a job's cpus-per-task option when a job's allocation is constrained on some nodes by the mem-per-cpu option. -- Correct the slurm.conf man pages and checkpoint_blcr.html page describing that jobs must be drained from cluster before deploying any checkpoint plugin. Corrected in version 14.03. -- Fix issue where if using munge and munge wasn't running and a slurmd needed to forward a message, the slurmd would core dump. -- Update srun.1 man page documenting the PMI2 support. -- Fix slurmctld core dump when a jobs gets its QOS updated but there is not a corresponding association. -- If a job requires specific nodes and can not run due to those nodes being busy, the main scheduling loop will block those specific nodes rather than the entire queue/partition. -- Fix minor memory leak when updating a job's name. -- Fix minor memory leak when updating a reservation on a partition using "ALL" nodes. -- Fix minor memory leak when adding a reservation with a nodelist and core count. -- Update sacct man page description of job states. -- BGQ - Fix minor memory leak when selecting blocks that can't immediately be placed. -- Fixed minor memory leak in backfill scheduler. -- MYSQL - Fixed memory leak when querying clusters. -- MYSQL - Fix when updating QOS on an association. -- NRT - Fix to supply correct error messages to poe/pmd when a launch fails. -- Add SLURM_STEP_ID to Prolog environment. -- Add support for SchedulerParameters value of bf_max_job_start that limits the total number of jobs that can be started in a single iteration of the backfill scheduler. -- Don't print negative number when dealing with large memory sizes with sacct. -- Fix sinfo output so that host in state allocated and mixed will not be merged together. -- GRES: Avoid crash if GRES configurations is inconstent. -- Make S_SLURM_RESTART_COUNT item available to SPANK. -- Munge plugins - Add sleep between retries if can't connect to socket. -- Fix the database query to return all pending jobs in a given time interval. -- switch/nrt - Correct logic to get dynamic window count. -- Remove need to use job->ctx_params in the launch plugin, just to simplify code. -- NRT - Fix possible memory leak if using multiple adapters. -- NRT - Fix issue where there are more than NRT_MAXADAPTERS on a system. -- NRT - Increase Max number of adapters from 8 -> 9 -- NRT - Initialize missing variables when the PMD is starting a job. -- NRT - Fix issue where we are launching hosts out of numerical order, this would cause pmd's to hang. -- NRT - Change xmalloc's to malloc just to be safe. -- NRT - Sanity check to make sure a jobinfo is there before packing. -- Add missing options to the print of TaskPluginParam. -- Fix a couple of issues with scontrol reconfig and adding nodes to slurm.conf. Rebooting daemons after adding nodes to the slurm.conf is highly recommended. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.6 ======================== -- sched/backfill - Fix bug that could result in failing to reserve resources for high priority jobs. -- Correct job RunTime if requeued from suspended state. -- Reset job priority from zero (held) on manual resume from suspend state. -- If FastSchedule=0 then do not DOWN a node with low memory or disk size. -- Remove vestigial note. -- Update sshare.1 man page making it consistent with sacctmgr.1. -- Do not reset a job's priority when the slurmctld restarts if previously set to some specific value. -- sview - Fix regression where the Node tab wasn't able to add/remove columns. -- Fix slurmstepd lock when job terminates inside the infiniband network traffic accounting plugin. -- Correct the documentation to read filesystem instead of Lustre. Update the srun help. -- Fix the acct_gather_filesystem_lustre.c to compute the Lustre accounting data correctly accumulating differences between sampling intervals. Fix the data structure mismatch between acct_gather_filesystem_lustre.c and slurm_jobacct_gather.h which caused the hdf5 plugin to log incorrect data. -- Don't allow PMI_TIME to be zero which will cause floating exception. -- Fix purging of old reservation errors in database. -- MYSQL - If starting the plugin and the database isn't up attempt to connect in a loop instead of producing a fatal. -- BLUEGENE - If IONodesPerMP changes in bluegene.conf recalculate bitmaps based on ionode count correctly on slurmctld restart. -- Fix step allocation when some CPUs are not available due to memory limits. This happens when one step is active and using memory that blocks the scheduling of another step on a portion of the CPUs needed. The new step is now delayed rather than aborting with "Requested node configuration is not available". -- Make sure node limits get assessed if no node count was given in request. -- Removed obsolete slurm_terminate_job() API. -- Update documentation about QOS limits -- Retry task exit message from slurmstepd to srun on message timeout. -- Correction to logic reserving all nodes in a specified partition. -- Added support for selecting AMD GPU by setting GPU_DEVICE_ORDINAL env var. -- Properly enforce GrpSubmit limit for job arrays. -- CRAY - fix issue with using CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE -- CRAY - fix memory leak when using accelerators * Changes in Slurm 2.6.5 ======================== -- Correction to hostlist parsing bug introduced in v2.6.4 for hostlists with more than one numeric range in brackets (e.g. rack[0-3]_blade[0-63]"). -- Add notification if using proctrack/cgroup and task/cgroup when oom hits. -- Corrections to advanced reservation logic with overlapping jobs. -- job_submit/lua - add cpus_per_task field to those available. -- Add cpu_load to the node information available using the Perl API. -- Correct a job's GRES allocation data in accounting records for non-Cray systems. -- Substantial performance improvement for systems with Shared=YES or FORCE and large numbers of running jobs (replace bubble sort with quick sort). -- proctrack/cgroup - Add locking to prevent race condition where one job step is ending for a user or job at the same time another job stepsis starting and the user or job container is deleted from under the starting job step. -- Fixed sh5util loop when there are no node-step files. -- Fix race condition on batch job termination that could result in a job exit code of 0xfffffffe if the slurmd on node zero registers its active jobs at the same time that slurmstepd is recording the job's exit code. -- Correct logic returning remaining job dependencies in job information reported by scontrol and squeue. Eliminates vestigial descriptors with no job ID values (e.g. "afterany"). -- Improve performance of REQUEST_JOB_INFO_SINGLE RPC by removing unnecessary locks and use hash function to find the desired job. -- jobcomp/filetxt - Reopen the file when slurmctld daemon is reconfigured or gets SIGHUP. -- Remove notice of CVE with very old/deprecated versions of Slurm in news.html. -- Fix if hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type() returns zero core count (set to 1). -- Added ApbasilTimeout parameter to the cray.conf configuration file. -- Handle in the API if parts of the node structure are NULL. -- Fix srun hang when IO fails to start at launch. -- Fix for GRES bitmap not matching the GRES count resulting in abort (requires manual resetting of GRES count, changes to gres.conf file, and slurmd restarts). -- Modify sview to better support job arrays. -- Modify squeue to support longer job ID values (for many job array tasks). -- Fix race condition in authentication credential creation that could corrupt memory. (NOTE: This race condition has existed since 2003 and would be exceedingly rare.) -- HDF5 - Fix minor memory leak. -- Slurmstepd variable initialization - Without this patch, free() is called on a random memory location (i.e. whatever is on the stack), which can result in slurmstepd dying and a completed job not being purged in a timely fashion. -- Fix slurmstepd race condition when separate threads are reading and modifying the job's environment, which can result in the slurmstepd failing with an invalid memory reference. -- Fix erroneous error messages when running gang scheduling. -- Fix minor memory leak. -- scontrol modified to suspend, resume, hold, uhold, or release multiple jobs in a space separated list. -- Minor debug error when a connection goes away at the end of a job. -- Validate return code from calls to slurm_get_peer_addr -- BGQ - Fix issues with making sure all cnodes are accounted for when multiple steps cause multiple cnodes in one allocation to go into error at the same time. -- scontrol show job - Correct NumNodes value calculated based upon job specifications. -- BGQ - Fix issue if user runs multiple sub-block jobs inside a multiple midplane block that starts on a higher coordinate than it ends (i.e if a block has midplanes [0010,0013] 0013 is the start even though it is listed second in the hostlist). -- BGQ - Add midplane to the total_cnodes used in the runjob_mux plugin for better debug. -- Update AllocNodes paragraph in slurm.conf.5. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.4 ======================== -- Fixed sh5util to print its usage. -- Corrected commit f9a3c7e4e8ec. -- Honor ntasks-per-node option with exclusive node allocations. -- sched/backfill - Prevent invalid memory reference if bf_continue option is configured and slurm is reconfigured during one of the sleep cycles or if there are any changes to the partition configuration or if the normal scheduler runs and starts a job that the backfill scheduler is actively working on. -- Update man pages information about acct-freq and JobAcctGatherFrequency to reflect only the latest supported format. -- Minor document update to include note about PrivateData=Usage for the slurm.conf when using the DBD. -- Expand information reported with DebugFlags=backfill. -- Initiate jobs pending to run in a reservation as soon as the reservation becomes active. -- Purged expired reservation even if it has pending jobs. -- Corrections to calculation of a pending job's expected start time. -- Remove some vestigial logic treating job priority of 1 as a special case. -- Memory freeing up to avoid minor memory leaks at close of daemons -- Updated documentation to give correct units being displayed. -- Report AccountingStorageBackupHost with "scontrol show config". -- init scripts ignore quotes around Pid file name specifications. -- Fixed typo about command case in quickstart.html. -- task/cgroup - handle new cpuset files, similar to commit c4223940. -- Replace the tempname() function call with mkstemp(). -- Fix for --cpu_bind=map_cpu/mask_cpu/map_ldom/mask_ldom plus --mem_bind=map_mem/mask_mem options, broken in 2.6.2. -- Restore default behavior of allocating cores to jobs on a cyclic basis across the sockets unless SelectTypeParameters=CR_CORE_DEFAULT_DIST_BLOCK or user specifies other distribution options. -- Enforce JobRequeue configuration parameter on node failure. Previously always requeued the job. -- acct_gather_energy/ipmi - Add delay before retry on read error. -- select/cons_res with GRES and multiple threads per core, fix possible infinite loop. -- proctrack/cgroup - Add cgroup create retry logic in case one step is starting at the same time as another step is ending and the logic to create and delete cgroups overlaps. -- Improve setting of job wait "Reason" field. -- Correct sbatch documentation and job_submit/pbs plugin "%j" is job ID, not "%J" (which is job_id.step_id). -- Improvements to sinfo performance, especially for large numbers of partitions. -- SlurmdDebug - Permit changes to slurmd debug level with "scontrol reconfig" -- smap - Avoid invalid memory reference with hidden nodes. -- Fix sacctmgr modify qos set preempt+/-=. -- BLUEGENE - fix issue where node count wasn't set up correctly when srun preforms the allocation, regression in 2.6.3. -- Add support for dependencies of job array elements (e.g. "sbatch --depend=afterok:123_4 ...") or all elements of a job array (e.g. "sbatch --depend=afterok:123 ..."). -- Add support for new options in sbatch qsub wrapper: -W block=true (wait for job completion) Clear PBS_NODEFILE environment variable -- Fixed the MaxSubmitJobsPerUser limit in QOS which limited submissions a job too early. -- sched/wiki, sched/wiki2 - Fix to work with change logic introduced in version 2.6.3 preventing Maui/Moab from starting jobs. -- Updated the QOS limits documentation and man page. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.3 ======================== -- Add support for some new #PBS options in sbatch scripts and qsub wrapper: -l accelerator=true|false (GPU use) -l mpiprocs=# (processors per node) -l naccelerators=# (GPU count) -l select=# (node count) -l ncpus=# (task count) -v key=value (environment variable) -W depend=opts (job dependencies, including "on" and "before" options) -W umask=# (set job's umask) -- Added qalter and qrerun commands to torque package. -- Corrections to qstat logic: job CPU count and partition time format. -- Add job_submit/pbs plugin to translate PBS job dependency options to the extend possible (no support for PBS "before" options) and set some PBS environment variables. -- Add spank/pbs plugin to set a bunch of PBS environment variables. -- Backported sh5util from master to 2.6 as there are some important bugfixes and the new item extraction feature. -- select/cons_res - Correct MacCPUsPerNode partition constraint for CR_Socket. -- scontrol - for setdebugflags command, avoid parsing "-flagname" as an scontrol command line option. -- Fix issue with step accounting if a job is requeued. -- Close file descriptors on exec of prolog, epilog, etc. -- Fix issue when a user has held a job and then sets the begin time into the future. -- Scontrol - Enable changing a job's stdout file. -- Fix issues where memory or node count of a srun job is altered while the srun is pending. The step creation would use the old values and possibly hang srun since the step wouldn't be able to be created in the modified allocation. -- Add support for new SchedulerParameters value of "bf_max_job_part", the maximum depth the backfill scheduler should go in any single partition. -- acct_gather/infiniband plugin - Correct packets_in/out values. -- BLUEGENE - Don't ignore a conn-type request from the user. -- BGQ - Force a request on a Q for a MESH to be a TORUS in a dimension that can only be a TORUS (1). -- Change max message length from 100MB to 1GB before generating "Insane message length" error. -- sched/backfill - Prevent possible memory corruption due to use of bf_continue option and long running scheduling cycle (pending jobs could have been cancelled and purged). -- CRAY - fix AcceleratorAllocation depth correctly for basil 1.3 -- Created the environment variable SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES for srun jobs and updated the srun man page. -- BLUEGENE/CRAY - Don't set env variables that pertain to a node when Slurm isn't doing the launching. -- gres/gpu and gres/mic - Do not treat the existence of an empty gres.conf file as a fatal error. -- Fixed for if hours are specified as 0 the time days-0:min specification is not parsed correctly. -- switch/nrt - Fix for memory leak. -- Subtract the PMII_COMMANDLEN_SIZE in contribs/pmi2/pmi2_api.c to prevent certain implementation of snprintf() to segfault. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.2 ======================== -- Fix issue with reconfig and GrpCPURunMins -- Fix of wrong node/job state problem after reconfig -- Allow users who are coordinators update their own limits in the accounts they are coordinators over. -- BackupController - Make sure we have a connection to the DBD first thing to avoid it thinking we don't have a cluster name. -- Correct value of min_nodes returned by loading job information to consider the job's task count and maximum CPUs per node. -- If running jobacct_gather/none fix issue on unpacking step completion. -- Reservation with CoreCnt: Avoid possible invalid memory reference. -- sjstat - Add man page when generating rpms. -- Make sure GrpCPURunMins is added when creating a user, account or QOS with sacctmgr. -- Fix for invalid memory reference due to multiple free calls caused by job arrays submitted to multiple partitions. -- Enforce --ntasks-per-socket=1 job option when allocating by socket. -- Validate permissions of key directories at slurmctld startup. Report anything that is world writable. -- Improve GRES support for CPU topology. Previous logic would pick CPUs then reject jobs that can not match GRES to the allocated CPUs. New logic first filters out CPUs that can not use the GRES, next picks CPUs for the job, and finally picks the GRES that best match those CPUs. -- Switch/nrt - Prevent invalid memory reference when allocating single adapter per node of specific adapter type -- CRAY - Make Slurm work with CLE 5.1.1 -- Fix segfault if submitting to multiple partitions and holding the job. -- Use MAXPATHLEN instead of the hardcoded value 1024 for maximum file path lengths. -- If OverTimeLimit is defined do not declare failed those jobs that ended in the OverTimeLimit interval. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.1 ======================== -- slurmdbd - Allow job derived ec and comments to be modified by non-root users. -- Fix issue with job name being truncated to 24 chars when sending a mail message. -- Fix minor issues with spec file, missing files and including files erroneously on a bluegene system. -- sacct - fix --name and --partition options when using accounting_storage/filetxt. -- squeue - Remove extra whitespace of default printout. -- BGQ - added head ppcfloor as an include dir when building. -- BGQ - Better debug messages in runjob_mux plugin. -- PMI2 Updated the to build a versioned library. -- CRAY - Fix srun --mem_bind=local option with launch/aprun. -- PMI2 Corrected buffer size computation in the pmi2_api.c module. -- GRES accounting data wrong in database: gres_alloc, gres_req, and gres_used fields were empty if the job was not started immediately. -- Fix sbatch and srun task count logic when --ntasks-per-node specified, but no explicit task count. -- Corrected the hdf5 profile user guide and the acct_gather.conf documentation. -- IPMI - Fix Math bug getting new wattage. -- Corrected the AcctGatherProfileType documentation in slurm.conf -- Corrected the sh5util program to print the header in the csv file only once, set the debug messages at debug() level, make the argument check case insensitive and avoid printing duplicate \n. -- If cannot collect energy values send message to the controller to drain the node and log error slurmd log file. -- Handle complete removal of CPURunMins time at the end of the job instead of at multifactor poll. -- sview - Add missing debug_flag options. -- PGSQL - Notes about Postgres functionality being removed in the next version of Slurm. -- MYSQL - fix issue when rolling up usage and events happened when a cluster was down (slurmctld not running) during that time period. -- sched/wiki2 - Insure that Moab gets current CPU load information. -- Prevent infinite loop in parsing configuration if including file containing one blank line. -- Fix pack and unpack between 2.6 and 2.5. -- Fix job state recovery logic in which a job's accounting frequency was not set. This would result in a value of 65534 seconds being used (the equivalent of NO_VAL in uint16_t), which could result in the job being requeued or aborted. -- Validate a job's accounting frequency at submission time rather than waiting for it's initiation to possibly fail. -- Fix CPURunMins if a job is requeued from a failed launch. -- Fix in accounting_storage/filetxt to correct start times which sometimes could end up before the job started. -- Fix issue with potentially referencing past an array in parse_time() -- CRAY - fix issue with accelerators on a cray when parsing BASIL 1.3 XML. -- Fix issue with a 2.5 slurmstepd locking up when talking to a 2.6 slurmd. -- Add argument to priority plugin's priority_p_reconfig function to note when the association and QOS used_cpu_run_secs field has been reset. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.0 ======================== -- Fix it so bluegene and serial systems don't get warnings over new NODEDATA enum. -- When a job is aborted send a message for any tasks that have completed. -- Correction to memory per CPU calculation on system with threads and allocating cores or sockets. -- Requeue batch job if it's node reboots (used to abort the job). -- Enlarge maximum size of srun's hostlist file. -- IPMI - Fix first poll to get correct consumed_energy for a step. -- Correction to job state recovery logic that could result in assert failure. -- Record partial step accounting record if allocated nodes fail abnormally. -- Accounting - fix issue where PrivateData=jobs or users could potentially show information to users that had no associations on the system. -- Make PrivateData in slurmdbd.conf case insensitive. -- sacct/sstat - Add format option ConsumedEnergyRaw to print full energy values. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.0rc2 =========================== -- HDF5 - Fix issue with Ubuntu where HDF5 development headers are overwritten by the parallel versions thus making it so we need handle both cases. -- ACCT_GATHER - handle suspending correctly for polling threads. -- Make SLURM_DISTRIBUTION env var hold both types of distribution if specified. -- Remove hardcoded /usr/local from slurm.spec. -- Modify slurmctld locking to improve performance under heavy load with very large numbers of batch job submissions or job cancellations. -- sstat - Fix issue where if -j wasn't given allow last argument to be checked for as the job/step id. -- IPMI - fix adjustment on poll when using EnergyIPMICalcAdjustment. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.0rc1 =========================== -- Added helper script for launching symmetric and MIC-only MPI tasks within SLURM (in contribs/mic/mpirun-mic). -- Change maximum delay for state save from 2 secs to 5 secs. Make timeout configurable at build time by defining SAVE_MAX_WAIT. -- Modify slurmctld data structure locking to interleave read and write locks rather than always favor write locks over read locks. -- Added sacct format option of "ALL" to print all fields. -- Deprecate the SchedulerParameters value of "interval" use "bf_interval" instead as documented. -- Add acct_gather_profile/hdf5 to profile jobs with hdf5 -- Added MaxCPUsPerNode partition configuration parameter. This can be especially useful to schedule systems with GPUs. -- Permit "scontrol reboot_node" for nodes in MAINT reservation. -- Added "PriorityFlags" value of "SMALL_RELATIVE_TO_TIME". If set, the job's size component will be based upon not the job size alone, but the job's size divided by it's time limit. -- Added sbatch option "--ignore-pbs" to ignore "#PBS" options in the batch script. -- Rename slurm_step_ctx_params_t field from "mem_per_cpu" to "pn_min_memory". Job step now accepts memory specification in either per-cpu or per-node basis. -- Add ability to specify host repitition count in the srun hostfile (e.g. "host1*2" is equivalent to "host1,host1"). * Changes in Slurm 2.6.0pre3 ============================ -- Add milliseconds to default log message header (both RFC 5424 and ISO 8601 time formats). Disable milliseconds logging using the configure parameter "--disable-log-time-msec". Default time format changes to ISO 8601 (without time zone information). Specify "--enable-rfc5424time" to restore the time zone information. -- Add username (%u) to the filename pattern in the batch script. -- Added options for front end nodes of AllowGroups, AllowUsers, DenyGroups, and DenyUsers. -- Fix sched/backfill logic to initiate jobs with maximum time limit over the partition limit, but the minimum time limit permits it to start. -- gres/gpu - Fix for gres.conf file with multiple files on a single line using a slurm expression (e.g. "File=/dev/nvidia[0-1]"). -- Replaced ipmi.conf with generic acct_gather.conf file for all acct_gather plugins. For those doing development to use this follow the model set forth in the acct_gather_energy_ipmi plugin. -- Added more options to update a step's information -- Add DebugFlags=ThreadID which will print the thread id of the calling thread. -- CRAY - Allocate whole node (CPUs) in reservation despite what the user requests. We have found any srun/aprun afterwards will work on a subset of resources. * Changes in Slurm 2.6.0pre2 ============================ -- Do not purge inactive interactive jobs that lack a port to ping (added for MR+ operation). -- Advanced reservations with hostname and core counts now supports asymetric reservations (e.g. specific different core count for each node). -- Added slurmctld/dynalloc plugin for MapReduce+ support. -- Added "DynAllocPort" configuration parameter. -- Added partition paramter of SelectTypeParameters to override system-wide value. -- Added cr_type to partition_info data structure. -- Added allocated memory to node information available (within the existing select_nodeinfo field of the node_info_t data structure). Added Allocated Memory to node information displayed by sview and scontrol commands. -- Make sched/backfill the default scheduling plugin rather than sched/builtin (FIFO). -- Added support for a job having different priorities in different partitions. -- Added new SchedulerParameters configuration parameter of "bf_continue" which permits the backfill scheduler to continue considering jobs for backfill scheduling after yielding locks even if new jobs have been submitted. This can result in lower priority jobs from being backfill scheduled instead of newly arrived higher priority jobs, but will permit more queued jobs to be considered for backfill scheduling. -- Added support to purge reservation records from accounting. -- Cray - Add support for Basil 1.3 * Changes in SLURM 2.6.0pre1 ============================ -- Add "state" field to job step information reported by scontrol. -- Notify srun to retry step creation upon completion of other job steps rather than polling. This results in much faster throughput for job step execution with --exclusive option. -- Added "ResvEpilog" and "ResvProlog" configuration parameters to execute a program at the beginning and end of each reservation. -- Added "slurm_load_job_user" function. This is a variation of "slurm_load_jobs", but accepts a user ID argument, potentially resulting in substantial performance improvement for "squeue --user=ID" -- Added "slurm_load_node_single" function. This is a variation of "slurm_load_nodes", but accepts a node name argument, potentially resulting in substantial performance improvement for "sinfo --nodes=NAME". -- Added "HealthCheckNodeState" configuration parameter identify node states on which HealthCheckProgram should be executed. -- Remove sacct --dump --formatted-dump options which were deprecated in 2.5. -- Added support for job arrays (phase 1 of effort). See "man sbatch" option -a/--array for details. -- Add new AccountStorageEnforce options of 'nojobs' and 'nosteps' which will allow the use of accounting features like associations, qos and limits but not keep track of jobs or steps in accounting. -- Cray - Add new cray.conf parameter of "AlpsEngine" to specify the communication protocol to be used for ALPS/BASIL. -- select/cons_res plugin: Correction to CPU allocation count logic in for cores without hyperthreading. -- Added new SelectTypeParameter value of "CR_ALLOCATE_FULL_SOCKET". -- Added PriorityFlags value of "TICKET_BASED" and merged priority/multifactor2 plugin into priority/multifactor plugin. -- Add "KeepAliveTime" configuration parameter controlling how long sockets used for srun/slurmstepd communications are kept alive after disconnect. -- Added SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST to salloc, sbatch and srun job environment. -- Added SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID to environment of job array. -- Added squeue --array/-r option to optimize output for job arrays. -- Added "SlurmctldPlugstack" configuration parameter for generic stack of slurmctld daemon plugins. -- Removed contribs/arrayrun tool. Use native support for job arrays. -- Modify default installation locations for RPMs to match "make install": _prefix /usr/local _slurm_sysconfdir %{_prefix}/etc/slurm _mandir %{_prefix}/share/man _infodir %{_prefix}/share/info -- Add acct_gather_energy/ipmi which works off freeipmi for energy gathering * Changes in Slurm 2.5.8 ======================== -- Fix for slurmctld segfault on NULL front-end reason field. -- Avoid gres step allocation errors when a job shrinks in size due to either down nodes or explicit resizing. Generated slurmctld errors of this type: "step_test ... gres_bit_alloc is NULL" -- Fix bug that would leak memory and over-write the AllowGroups field if on "scontrol reconfig" when AllowNodes is manually changed using scontrol. -- Get html/man files to install in correct places with rpms. -- Remove --program-prefix from spec file since it appears to be added by default and appeared to break other things. -- Updated the automake min version in to be correct. -- Select/cons_res - Correct total CPU count allocated to a job with --exclusive and --cpus-per-task options -- switch/nrt - Don't allocate network resources unless job step has 2+ nodes. -- select/cons_res - Avoid extraneous "oversubscribe" error messages. -- Reorder get config logic to avoid deadlock. -- Enforce QOS MaxCPUsMin limit when job submission contains no user-specified time limit. -- EpilogSlurmctld pthread is passed required arguments rather than a pointer to the job record, which under some conditions could be purged and result in an invalid memory reference. * Changes in Slurm 2.5.7 ======================== -- Fix for linking to the select/cray plugin to not give warning about undefined variable. -- Add missing symbols to the xlator.h -- Avoid placing pending jobs in AdminHold state due to backfill scheduler interactions with advanced reservation. -- Accounting - make average by task not cpu. -- CRAY - Change logging of transient ALPS errors from error() to debug(). -- POE - Correct logic to support poe option "-euidevice sn_all" and "-euidevice sn_single". -- Accounting - Fix minor initialization error. -- POE - Correct logic to support srun network instances count with POE. -- POE - With the srun --launch-cmd option, report proper task count when the --cpus-per-task option is used without the --ntasks option. -- POE - Fix logic binding tasks to CPUs. -- sview - Fix race condition where new information could of slipped past the node tab and we didn't notice. -- Accounting - Fix an invalid memory read when slurmctld sends data about start job to slurmdbd. -- If a prolog or epilog failure occurs, drain the node rather than setting it down and killing all of its jobs. -- Priority/multifactor - Avoid underflow in half-life calculation. -- POE - pack missing variable to allow fanout (more than 32 nodes) -- Prevent clearing reason field for pending jobs. This bug was introduced in v2.5.5 (see "Reject job at submit time ..."). -- BGQ - Fix issue with preemption on sub-block jobs where a job would kill all preemptable jobs on the midplane instead of just the ones it needed to. -- switch/nrt - Validate dynamic window allocation size. -- BGQ - When --geo is requested do not impose the default conn_types. -- CRAY - Support CLE 4.2.0 -- RebootNode logic - Defers (rather than forgets) reboot request with job running on the node within a reservation. -- switch/nrt - Correct network_id use logic. Correct support for user sn_all and sn_single options. -- sched/backfill - Modify logic to reduce overhead under heavy load. -- Fix job step allocation with --exclusive and --hostlist option. -- Select/cons_res - Fix bug resulting in error of "cons_res: sync loop not progressing, holding job #" -- checkpoint/blcr - Reset max_nodes from zero to NO_VAL on job restart. -- launch/poe - Fix for hostlist file support with repeated host names. -- priority/multifactor2 - Prevent possible divide by zero. -- srun - Don't check for executable if --test-only flag is used. -- energy - On a single node only use the last task for gathering energy. Since we don't currently track energy usage per task (only per step). Otherwise we get double the energy. * Changes in Slurm 2.5.6 ======================== -- Gres fix for requeued jobs. -- Gres accounting - Fix regression in 2.5.5 for keeping track of gres requested and allocated. * Changes in Slurm 2.5.5 ======================== -- Fix for sacctmgr add qos to handle the 'flags' option. -- Export SLURM_ environment variables from sbatch, even if "--export" option does not explicitly list them. -- If node is in more than one partition, correct counting of allocated CPUs. -- If step requests more CPUs than possible in specified node count of job allocation then return ESLURM_TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_CPUS rather than ESLURM_NODES_BUSY and retrying. -- CRAY - Fix SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE to be set correctly. -- Accounting - more checks for strings with a possible `'` in it. -- sreport - Fix by adding planned down time to utilization reports. -- Do not report an error when sstat identifies job steps terminated during its execution, but log using debug type message. -- Select/cons_res - Permit node removed from job by going down to be returned to service and re-used by another job. -- Select/cons_res - Tighter packing of job allocations on sockets. -- SlurmDBD - fix to allow user root along with the slurm user to register a cluster. -- Select/cons_res - Fix for support of consecutive node option. -- Select/cray - Modify build to enable direct use of libslurm library. -- Bug fixes related to job step allocation logic. -- Cray - Disable enforcement of MaxTasksPerNode, which is not applicable with launch/aprun. -- Accounting - When rolling up data from past usage ignore "idle" time from a reservation when it has the "Ignore_Jobs" flag set. Since jobs could run outside of the reservation in it's nodes without this you could have double time. -- Accounting - Minor fix to avoid reuse of variable erroneously. -- Reject job at submit time if the node count is invalid. Previously such a job submitted to a DOWN partition would be queued. -- Purge vestigial job scripts when the slurmd cold starts or slurmstepd terminates abnormally. -- Add support for FreeBSD. -- Add sanity check for NULL cluster names trying to register. -- BGQ - Push action 'D' info to scontrol for admins. -- Reset a job's reason from PartitionDown when the partition is set up. -- BGQ - Handle issue where blocks would have a pending job on them and while it was free cnodes would go into software error and kill the job. -- BGQ - Fix issue where if for some reason we are freeing a block with a pending job on it we don't kill the job. -- BGQ - Fix race condition were a job could of been removed from a block without it still existing there. This is extremely rare. -- BGQ - Fix for when a step completes in Slurm before the runjob_mux notifies the slurmctld there were software errors on some nodes. -- BGQ - Fix issue on state recover if block states are not around and when reading in state from DB2 we find a block that can't be created. You can now do a clean start to rid the bad block. -- Modify slurmdbd to retransmit to slurmctld daemon if it is not responding. -- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where when doing backfill preemptable jobs were never looked at to determine eligibility of backfillable job. -- Cray/BlueGene - Disable srun --pty option unless LaunchType=launch/slurm. -- CRAY - Fix sanity check for systems with more than 32 cores per node. -- CRAY - Remove other objects from MySQL query that are available from the XML. -- BLUEGENE - Set the geometry of a job when a block is picked and the job isn't a sub-block job. -- Cray - avoid check of macro versions of CLE for version 5.0. -- CRAY - Fix memory issue with reading in the cray.conf file. -- CRAY - If hostlist is given with srun make sure the node count is the same as the hosts given. -- CRAY - If task count specified, but no tasks-per-node, then set the tasks per node in the BASIL reservation request. -- CRAY - fix issue with --mem option not giving correct amount of memory per cpu. -- CRAY - Fix if srun --mem is given outside an allocation to set the APRUN_DEFAULT_MEMORY env var for aprun. This scenario will not display the option when used with --launch-cmd. -- Change sview to use GMutex instead of GStaticMutex -- CRAY - set APRUN_DEFAULT_MEMROY instead of CRAY_AUTO_APRUN_OPTIONS -- sview - fix issue where if a partition was completely in one state the cpu count would be reflected correctly. -- BGQ - fix for handling half rack system in STATIC of OVERLAP mode to implicitly create full system block. -- CRAY - Dynamically create BASIL XML buffer to resize as needed. -- Fix checking if QOS limit MaxCPUMinsPJ is set along with DenyOnLimit to deny the job instead of holding it. -- Make sure on systems that use a different launcher than launch/slurm not to attempt to signal tasks on the frontend node. -- Cray - when a step is requested count other steps running on nodes in the allocation as taking up the entire node instead of just part of the node allocated. And always enforce exclusive on a step request. -- Cray - display correct nodelist, node/cpu count on steps. * Changes in Slurm 2.5.4 ======================== -- Fix bug in PrologSlurmctld use that would block job steps until node responds. -- CRAY - If a partition has MinNodes=0 and a batch job doesn't request nodes put the allocation to 1 instead of 0 which prevents the allocation to happen. -- Better debug when the database is down and using the --cluster option in the user commands. -- When asking for job states with sacct, default to 'now' instead of midnight of the current day. -- Fix for handling a test-only job or immediate job that fails while being built. -- Comment out all of the logic in the job_submit/defaults plugin. The logic is only an example and not meant for actual use. -- Eliminate configuration file 4096 character line limitation. -- More robust logic for tree message forward -- BGQ - When cnodes fail in a timeout fashion correctly look up parent midplane. -- Correct sinfo "%c" (node's CPU count) output value for Bluegene systems. -- Backfill - Responsive improvements for systems with large numbers of jobs (>5000) and using the SchedulerParameters option bf_max_job_user. -- slurmstepd: ensure that IO redirection openings from/to files correctly handle interruption -- BGQ - Able to handle when midplanes go into Hardware::SoftwareFailure -- GRES - Correct tracking of specific resources used after slurmctld restart. Counts would previously go negative as jobs terminate and decrement from a base value of zero. -- Fix for priority/multifactor2 plugin to not assert when configured with --enable-debug. -- Select/cons_res - If the job request specified --ntasks-per-socket and the allocation using is cores, then pack the tasks onto the sockets up to the specified value. -- BGQ - If a cnode goes into an 'error' state and the block containing the cnode does not have a job running on it do not resume the block. -- BGQ - Handle blocks that don't free themselves in a reasonable time better. -- BGQ - Fix for signaling steps when allocation ends before step. -- Fix for backfill scheduling logic with job preemption; starts more jobs. -- xcgroup - remove bugs with EINTR management in write calls -- jobacct_gather - fix total values to not always == the max values. -- Fix for handling node registration messages from older versions without energy data. -- BGQ - Allow user to request full dimensional mesh. -- sdiag command - Correction to jobs started value reported. -- Prevent slurmctld assert when invalid change to reservation with running jobs is made. -- BGQ - If signal is NODE_FAIL allow forward even if job is completing and timeout in the runjob_mux trying to send in this situation. -- BGQ - More robust checking for correct node, task, and ntasks-per-node options in srun, and push that logic to salloc and sbatch. -- GRES topology bug in core selection logic fixed. -- Fix to handle init.d script for querying status and not return 1 on success. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.3 ======================== -- Gres/gpu plugin - If no GPUs requested, set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=NoDevFiles. This bug was introduced in 2.5.2 for the case where a GPU count was configured, but without device files. -- task/affinity plugin - Fix bug in CPU masks for some processors. -- Modify sacct command to get format from SACCT_FORMAT environment variable. -- BGQ - Changed order of library inclusions and fixed incorrect declaration to compile correctly on newer compilers -- Fix for not building sview if glib exists on a system but not the gtk libs. -- BGQ - Fix for handling a job cleanup on a small block if the job has long since left the system. -- Fix race condition in job dependency logic which can result in invalid memory reference. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.2 ======================== -- Fix advanced reservation recovery logic when upgrading from version 2.4. -- BLUEGENE - fix for QOS/Association node limits. -- Add missing "safe" flag from print of AccountStorageEnforce option. -- Fix logic to optimize GRES topology with respect to allocated CPUs. -- Add job_submit/all_partitions plugin to set a job's default partition to ALL available partitions in the cluster. -- Modify switch/nrt logic to permit build without library. -- Handle srun task launch failure without duplicate error messages or abort. -- Fix bug in QoS limits enforcement when slurmctld restarts and user not yet added to the QOS list. -- Fix issue where sjstat and sjobexitmod was installed in 2 different RPMs. -- Fix for job request of multiple partitions in which some partitions lack nodes with required features. -- Permit a job to use a QOS they do not have access to if an administrator manually set the job's QOS (previously the job would be rejected). -- Make more variables available to job_submit/lua plugin: slurm.MEM_PER_CPU, slurm.NO_VAL, etc. -- Fix topology/tree logic when nodes defined in slurm.conf get re-ordered. -- In select/cons_res, correct logic to allocate whole sockets to jobs. Work by Magnus Jonsson, Umea University. -- In select/cons_res, correct logic when job removed from only some nodes. -- Avoid apparent kernel bug in 2.6.32 which apparently is solved in at least 3.5.0. This avoids a stack overflow when running jobs on more than 120k nodes. -- BLUEGENE - If we made a block that isn't runnable because of a overlapping block, destroy it correctly. -- Switch/nrt - Dynamically load from within the plugin as needed. This eliminates the need for on the head node. -- BLUEGENE - Fix in reservation logic that could cause abort. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.1 ======================== -- Correction to hostlist sorting for hostnames that contain two numeric components and the first numeric component has various sizes (e.g. "rack9blade1" should come before "rack10blade1") -- BGQ - Only poll on initialized blocks instead of calling getBlocks on each block independently. -- Fix of task/affinity plugin logic for Power7 processors having hyper- threading disabled (cpu mask has gaps). -- Fix of job priority ordering with sched/builtin and priority/multifactor. Patch from Chris Read. -- CRAY - Fix for setting up the aprun for a large job (+2000 nodes). -- Fix for race condition related to compute node boot resulting in node being set down with reason of "Node <name> unexpectedly rebooted" -- RAPL - Fix for handling errors when opening msr files. -- BGQ - Fix for salloc/sbatch to do the correct allocation when asking for -N1 -n#. -- BGQ - in emulation make it so we can pretend to run large jobs (>64k nodes) -- BLUEGENE - Correct method to update conn_type of a job. -- BLUEGENE - Fix issue with preemption when needing to preempt multiple jobs to make one job run. -- Fixed issue where if an srun dies inside of an allocation abnormally it would of also killed the allocation. -- FRONTEND - fixed issue where if a systems nodes weren't defined in the slurm.conf with NodeAddr's signals going to a step could be handled incorrectly. -- If sched/backfill starts a job with a QOS having NO_RESERVE and not job time limit, start it with the partition time limit (or one year if the partition has no time limit) rather than NO_VAL (140 year time limit); -- Alter hostlist logic to allocate large grid dynamically instead of on stack. -- Change RPC version checks to support version 2.5 slurmctld with version 2.4 slurmd daemons. -- Correct core reservation logic for use with select/serial plugin. -- Exit scontrol command on stdin EOF. -- Disable job --exclusive option with select/serial plugin. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.0 ======================== -- Add DenyOnLimit flag for QOS to deny jobs at submission time if they request resources that reach a 'Max' limit. -- Permit SlurmUser or operator to change QOS of non-pending jobs (e.g. running jobs). -- BGQ - move initial poll to beginning of realtime interaction, which will also cause it to run if the realtime server ever goes away. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.0-rc2 ============================ -- Modify sbcast logic to survive slurmd daemon restart while file a transmission is in progress. -- Add retry logic to munge encode/decode calls. This is needed if the munge deamon is under very heavy load (e.g. with 1000 slurmd daemons per compute node). -- Add launch and acct_gather_energy plugins to RPMs. -- Restore support for srun "--mpi=list" option. -- CRAY - Introduce step accounting for a Cray. -- Modify srun to abandon I/O 60 seconds after the last task ends. Otherwise an aborted slurmstepd can cause the srun process to hang indefinitely. -- ENERGY - RAPL - alter code to close open files (and only open them once where needed) -- If the PrologSlurmctld fails, then requeue the job an indefinite number of times instead of only one time. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.0-rc1 ============================ -- Added Prolog and Epilog Guide (web page). Based upon work by Jason Sollom, Cray Inc. and used by permission. -- Restore gang scheduling functionality. Preemptor was not being scheduled. Fix for bugzilla #3. -- Add "cpu_load" to node information. Populate CPULOAD in node information reported to Moab cluster manager. -- Preempt jobs only when insufficient idle resources exist to start job, regardless of the node weight. -- Added priority/multifactor2 plugin based upon ticket distribution system. Work by Janne Blomqvist, Aalto University. -- Add SLURM_NODELIST to environment variables available to Prolog and Epilog. -- Permit reservations to allow or deny access by account and/or user. -- Add ReconfigFlags value of KeepPartState. See "man slurm.conf" for details. -- Modify the task/cgroup plugin adding a task_pre_launch_priv function and move slurmstepd outside of the step's cgroup. Work by Matthieu Hautreux. -- Intel MIC processor support added using gres/mic plugin. BIG thanks to Olli-Pekka Lehto, CSC-IT Center for Science Ltd. -- Accounting - Change empty jobacctinfo structs to not actually be used instead of putting 0's into the database we put NO_VALS and have sacct figure out jobacct_gather wasn't used. -- Cray - Prevent calling basil_confirm more than once per job using a flag. -- Fix bug with topology/tree and job with min-max node count. Now try to get max node count rather than minimizing leaf switches used. -- Add AccountingStorageEnforce=safe option to provide method to avoid jobs launching that wouldn't be able to run to completion because of a GrpCPUMins limit. -- Add support for RFC 5424 timestamps in logfiles. Disable with configuration option of "--disable-rfc5424time". By Janne Blomqvist, Aalto University. -- CRAY - Replace with launch/aprun plugin to use srun to wrap the aprun process instead of a perl script. -- srun - Rename --runjob-opts to --launcher-opts to be used on systems other than BGQ. -- Added new DebugFlags - Energy for AcctGatherEnergy plugins. -- start deprecation of sacct --dump --fdump -- BGQ - added --verbose=OFF when srun --quiet is used -- Added acct_gather_energy/rapl plugin to record power consumption by job. Work by Yiannis Georgiou, Martin Perry, et. al., Bull * Changes in SLURM 2.5.0.pre3 ============================= -- Add Google search to all web pages. -- Add sinfo -T option to print reservation information. Work by Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Force slurmd exit after 2 minute wait, even if threads are hung. -- Change node_req field in struct job_resources from 8 to 32 bits so we can run more than 256 jobs per node. -- sched/backfill: Improve accuracy of expected job start with respect to reservations. -- sinfo partition field size will be set the length of the longest partition name by default. -- Make it so the parse_time will return a valid 0 if given epoch time and set errno == ESLURM_INVALID_TIME_VALUE on error instead. -- Correct srun --no-alloc logic when node count exceeds node list or task task count is not a multiple of the node count. Work by Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Completed integration with IBM Parallel Environment including POE and IBM's NRT switch library. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.0.pre2 ============================= -- When running with multiple slurmd daemons per node, enable specifying a range of ports on a single line of the node configuration in slurm.conf. -- Add reservation flag of Part_Nodes to allocate all nodes in a partition to a reservation and automatically change the reservation when nodes are added to or removed from the reservation. Based upon work by Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Add support for advanced reservation for specific cores rather than whole nodes. Current limiations: homogeneous cluster, nodes idle when reservation created, and no more than one reservation per node. Code is still under development. Work by Alejandro Lucero Palau, et. al, BSC. -- Add DebugFlag of Switch to log switch plugin details. -- Correct job node_cnt value in job completion plugin when job fails due to down node. Previously was too low by one. -- Add new srun option --cpu-freq to enable user control over the job's CPU frequency and thus it's power consumption. NOTE: cpu frequency is not currently preserved for jobs being suspended and later resumed. Work by Don Albert, Bull. -- Add node configuration information about "boards" and optimize task placement on minimum number of boards. Work by Rod Schultz, Bull. * Changes in SLURM 2.5.0.pre1 ============================= -- Add new output to "scontrol show configuration" of LicensesUsed. Output is "name:used/total" -- Changed jobacct_gather plugin infrastructure to be cleaner and easier to maintain. -- Change license option count separator from "*" to ":" for consistency with the gres option (e.g. "--licenses=foo:2 --gres=gpu:2"). The "*" will still be accepted, but is no longer documented. -- Permit more than 100 jobs to be scheduled per node (new limit is 250 jobs). -- Restructure of srun code to allow outside programs to utilize existing logic. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.6 ======================== -- Correct WillRun authentication logic when issued for non-job owner. -- BGQ - fix memory leak -- BGQ - Fix to check block for action 'D' if it also has nodes in error. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.5 ======================== -- Cray - On job kill requeust, send SIGCONT, SIGTERM, wait KillWait and send SIGKILL. Previously just sent SIGKILL to tasks. -- BGQ - Fix issue when running srun outside of an allocation and only specifying the number of tasks and not the number of nodes. -- BGQ - validate correct ntasks_per_node -- BGQ - when srun -Q is given make runjob be quiet -- Modify use of OOM (out of memory protection) for Linux 2.6.36 kernel or later. NOTE: If you were setting the environment variable SLURMSTEPD_OOM_ADJ=-17, it should be set to -1000 for Linux 2.6.36 kernel or later. -- BGQ - Fix job step timeout actually happen when done from within an allocation. -- Reset node MAINT state flag when a reservation's nodes or flags change. -- Accounting - Fix issue where QOS usage was being zeroed out on a slurmctld restart. -- BGQ - Add 64 tasks per node as a valid option for srun when used with overcommit. -- BLUEGENE - With Dynamic layout mode - Fix issue where if a larger block was already in error and isn't deallocating and underlying hardware goes bad one could get overlapping blocks in error making the code assert when a new job request comes in. -- BGQ - handle pending actions on a block better when trying to deallocate it. -- Accounting - Fixed issue where if nodenames have changed on a system and you query against that with -N and -E you will get all jobs during that time instead of only the ones running on -N. -- BGP - Fix for HTC mode -- Accounting - If a job start message fails to the SlurmDBD reset the db_inx so it gets sent again. This isn't a major problem since the start will happen when the job ends, but this does make things cleaner. -- If an salloc is waiting for an allocation to happen and is canceled by the user mark the state canceled instead of completed. -- Fix issue in accounting if a user puts a '\' in their job name. -- Accounting - Fix for if asking for users or accounts that were deleted with associations get the deleted associations as well. -- BGQ - Handle shared blocks that need to be removed and have jobs running on them. This should only happen in extreme conditions. -- Fix inconsistency for hostlists that have more than 1 range. -- BGQ - Add mutex around recovery for the Real Time server to avoid hitting DB2 so hard. -- BGQ - If an allocation exists on a block that has a 'D' action on it fail job on future step creation attempts. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.4 ======================== -- BGQ - minor fix to make build work in emulated mode. -- BGQ - Fix if large block goes into error and the next highest priority jobs are planning on using the block. Previously it would fail those jobs erroneously. -- BGQ - Fix issue when a cnode going to an error (not SoftwareError) state with a job running or trying to run on it. -- Execute slurm_spank_job_epilog when there is no system Epilog configured. -- Fix for srun --test-only to work correctly with timelimits -- BGQ - If a job goes away while still trying to free it up in the database, and the job is running on a small block make sure we free up the correct node count. -- BGQ - Logic added to make sure a job has finished on a block before it is purged from the system if its front-end node goes down. -- Modify strigger so that a filter option of "--user=0" is supported. -- Correct --mem-per-cpu logic for core or socket allocations with multiple threads per core. -- Fix for older < glibc 2.4 systems to use euidaccess() instead of eaccess(). -- BLUEGENE - Do not alter a pending job's node count when changing it's partition. -- BGQ - Add functionality to make it so we track the actions on a block. This is needed for when a free request is added to a block but there are jobs finishing up so we don't start new jobs on the block since they will fail on start. -- BGQ - Fixed InactiveLimit to work correctly to avoid scenarios where a user's pending allocation was started with srun and then for some reason the slurmctld was brought down and while it was down the srun was removed. -- Fixed InactiveLimit math to work correctly -- BGQ - Add logic to make it so blocks can't use a midplane with a nodeboard in error for passthrough. -- BGQ - Make it so if a nodeboard goes in error any block using that midplane for passthrough gets removed on a dynamic system. -- BGQ - Fix for printing realtime server debug correctly. -- BGQ - Cleaner handling of cnode failures when reported through the runjob interface instead of through the normal method. -- smap - spread node information across multiple lines for larger systems. -- Cray - Defer salloc until after PrologSlurmctld completes. -- Correction to slurmdbd communications failure handling logic, incorrect error codes returned in some cases. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.3 ======================== -- Accounting - Fix so complete 32 bit numbers can be put in for a priority. -- cgroups - fix if initial directory is non-existent SLURM creates it correctly. Before the errno wasn't being checked correctly -- BGQ - fixed srun when only requesting a task count and not a node count to operate the same way salloc or sbatch did and assign a task per cpu by default instead of task per node. -- Fix salloc --gid to work correctly. Reported by Brian Gilmer -- BGQ - fix smap to set the correct default MloaderImage -- BLUEGENE - updated documentation. -- Close the batch job's environment file when it contains no data to avoid leaking file descriptors. -- Fix sbcast's credential to last till the end of a job instead of the previous 20 minute time limit. The previous behavior would fail for large files 20 minutes into the transfer. -- Return ESLURM_NODES_BUSY rather than ESLURM_NODE_NOT_AVAIL error on job submit when required nodes are up, but completing a job or in exclusive job allocation. -- Add HWLOC_FLAGS so linking to libslurm works correctly -- BGQ - If using backfill and a shared block is running at least one job and a job comes through backfill and can fit on the block without ending jobs don't set an end_time for the running jobs since they don't need to end to start the job. -- Initialize bind_verbose when using task/cgroup. -- BGQ - Fix for handling backfill much better when sharing blocks. -- BGQ - Fix for making small blocks on first pass if not sharing blocks. -- BLUEGENE - Remove force of default conn_type instead of leaving NAV when none are requested. The Block allocator sets it up temporarily so this isn't needed. -- BLUEGENE - Fix deadlock issue when dealing with bad hardware if using static blocks. -- Fix to mysql plugin during rollup to only query suspended table when jobs reported some suspended time. -- Fix compile with glibc 2.16 (Kacper Kowalik) -- BGQ - fix for deadlock where a block has error on it and all jobs running on it are preemptable by scheduling job. -- proctrack/cgroup: Exclude internal threads from "scontrol list pids". Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Memory leak fixed for select/linear when preempting jobs. -- Fix if updating begin time of a job to update the eligible time in accounting as well. -- BGQ - make it so you can signal steps when signaling the job allocation. -- BGQ - Remove extra overhead if a large block has many cnode failures. -- Priority/Multifactor - Fix issue with age factor when a job is estimated to start in the future but is able to run now. -- CRAY - update to work with ALPS 5.1 -- BGQ - Handle issue of speed and mutexes when polling instead of using the realtime server. -- BGQ - Fix minor sorting issue with sview when sorting by midplanes. -- Accounting - Fix for handling per user max node/cpus limits on a QOS correctly for current job. -- Update documentation for -/+= when updating a reservation's users/accounts/flags -- Update pam module to work if using aliases on nodes instead of actual host names. -- Correction to task layout logic in select/cons_res for job with minimum and maximum node count. -- BGQ - Put final poll after realtime comes back into service to avoid having the realtime server go down over and over again while waiting for the poll to finish. -- task/cgroup/memory - ensure that ConstrainSwapSpace=no is correctly handled. Work by Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- CRAY - Fix for sacct -N option to work correctly -- CRAY - Update documentation to describe installation from rpm instead or previous piecemeal method. -- Fix sacct to work with QOS' that have previously been deleted. -- Added all available limits to the output of sacctmgr list qos * Changes in SLURM 2.4.2 ======================== -- BLUEGENE - Correct potential deadlock issue when hardware goes bad and there are jobs running on that hardware. -- If job is submitted to more than one partition, it's partition pointer can be set to an invalid value. This can result in the count of CPUs allocated on a node being bad, resulting in over- or under-allocation of its CPUs. Patch by Carles Fenoy, BSC. -- Fix bug in task layout with select/cons_res plugin and --ntasks-per-node option. Patch by Martin Perry, Bull. -- BLUEGENE - remove race condition where if a block is removed while waiting for a job to finish on it the number of unused cpus wasn't updated correctly. -- BGQ - make sure we have a valid block when creating or finishing a step allocation. -- BLUEGENE - If a large block (> 1 midplane) is in error and underlying hardware is marked bad remove the larger block and create a block over just the bad hardware making the other hardware available to run on. -- BLUEGENE - Handle job completion correctly if an admin removes a block where other blocks on an overlapping midplane are running jobs. -- BLUEGENE - correctly remove running jobs when freeing a block. -- BGQ - correct logic to place multiple (< 1 midplane) steps inside a multi midplane block allocation. -- BGQ - Make it possible for a multi midplane allocation to run on more than 1 midplane but not the entire allocation. -- BGL - Fix for syncing users on block from Tim Wickberg -- Fix initialization of protocol_version for some messages to make sure it is always set when sending or receiving a message. -- Reset backfilled job counter only when explicitly cleared using scontrol. Patch from Alejandro Lucero Palau, BSC. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for handling blocks when a larger block will not free and while it is attempting to free underlying hardware is marked in error making small blocks overlapping with the freeing block. This only applies to dynamic layout mode. -- Cray and BlueGene - Do not treat lack of usable front-end nodes when slurmctld deamon starts as a fatal error. Also preserve correct front-end node for jobs when there is more than one front-end node and the slurmctld daemon restarts. -- Correct parsing of srun/sbatch input/output/error file names so that only the name "none" is mapped to /dev/null and not any file name starting with "none" (e.g. "none.o"). -- BGQ - added version string to the load of the runjob_mux plugin to verify the current plugin has been loaded when using runjob_mux_refresh_config -- CGROUPS - Use system mount/umount function calls instead of doing fork exec of mount/umount from Janne Blomqvist. -- BLUEGENE - correct start time setup when no jobs are blocking the way from Mark Nelson -- Fixed sacct --state=S query to return information about suspended jobs current or in the past. -- FRONTEND - Made error warning more apparent if a frontend node isn't configured correctly. -- BGQ - update documentation about runjob_mux_refresh_config which works correctly as of IBM driver V1R1M1 efix 008. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.1 ======================== -- Fix bug for job state change from 2.3 -> 2.4 job state can now be preserved correctly when transitioning. This also applies for 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1, no state will be lost. (Thanks to Carles Fenoy) * Changes in SLURM 2.4.0 ======================== -- Cray - Improve support for zero compute note resource allocations. Partition used can now be configured with no nodes nodes. -- BGQ - make it so srun -i<taskid> works correctly. -- Fix parse_uint32/16 to complain if a non-digit is given. -- Add SUBMITHOST to job state passed to Moab vial sched/wiki2. Patch by Jon Bringhurst (LANL). -- BGQ - Fix issue when running with AllowSubBlockAllocations=Yes without compiling with --enable-debug -- Modify scontrol to require "-dd" option to report batch job's script. Patch from Don Albert, Bull. -- Modify SchedulerParamters option to match documentation: "bf_res=" changed to "bf_resolution=". Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull. -- Fix bug that clears job pending reason field. Patch fron Don Lipari, LLNL. -- In etc/init.d/slurm move check for scontrol after sourcing /etc/sysconfig/slurm. Patch from Andy Wettstein, University of Chicago. -- Fix in scheduling logic that can delay jobs with min/max node counts. -- BGQ - fix issue where if a step uses the entire allocation and then the next step in the allocation only uses part of the allocation it gets the correct cnodes. -- BGQ - Fix checking for IO on a block with new IBM driver V1R1M1 previous function didn't always work correctly. -- BGQ - Fix issue when a nodeboard goes down and you want to combine blocks to make a larger small block and are running with sub-blocks. -- BLUEGENE - Better logic for making small blocks around bad nodeboard/card. -- BGQ - When using an old IBM driver cnodes that go into error because of a job kill timeout aren't always reported to the system. This is now handled by the runjob_mux plugin. -- BGQ - Added information on how to setup the runjob_mux to run as SlurmUser. -- Improve memory consumption on step layouts with high task count. -- BGQ - quiter debug when the real time server comes back but there are still messages we find when we poll but haven't given it back to the real time yet. -- BGQ - fix for if a request comes in smaller than the smallest block and we must use a small block instead of a shared midplane block. -- Fix issues on large jobs (>64k tasks) to have the correct counter type when packing the step layout structure. -- BGQ - fix issue where if a user was asking for tasks and ntasks-per-node but not node count the node count is correctly figured out. -- Move logic to always use the 1st alphanumeric node as the batch host for batch jobs. -- BLUEGENE - fix race condition where if a nodeboard/card goes down at the same time a block is destroyed and that block just happens to be the smallest overlapping block over the bad hardware. -- Fix bug when querying accounting looking for a job node size. -- BLUEGENE - fix possible race condition if cleaning up a block and the removal of the job on the block failed. -- BLUEGENE - fix issue if a cable was in an error state make it so we can check if a block is still makable if the cable wasn't in error. -- Put nodes names in alphabetic order in node table. -- If preempted job should have a grace time and preempt mode is not cancel but job is going to be canceled because it is interactive or other reason it now receives the grace time. -- BGQ - Modified documents to explain new plugin_flags needed in in order for the runjob_mux to run correctly. -- BGQ - change linking from libslurm.o to to avoid warning. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.0.rc1 ============================= -- Improve task binding logic by making fuller use of HWLOC library, especially with respect to Opteron 6000 series processors. Work contributed by Komoto Masahiro. -- Add new configuration parameter PriorityFlags, based upon work by Carles Fenoy (Barcelona Supercomputer Center). -- Modify the step completion RPC between slurmd and slurmstepd in order to eliminate a possible deadlock. Based on work by Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Change the owner of slurmctld and slurmdbd log files to the appropriate user. Without this change the files will be created by and owned by the user starting the daemons (likely user root). -- Reorganize the slurmstepd logic in order to better support NFS and Kerberos credentials via the AUKS plugin. Work by Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Fix bug in allocating GRES that are associated with specific CPUs. In some cases the code allocated first available GRES to job instead of allocating GRES accessible to the specific CPUs allocated to the job. -- spank: Add callbacks in slurmd: slurm_spank_slurmd_{init,exit} and job epilog/prolog: slurm_spank_job_{prolog,epilog} -- spank: Add spank_option_getopt() function to api -- Change resolution of switch wait time from minutes to seconds. -- Added CrpCPUMins to the output of sshare -l for those using hard limit accounting. Work contributed by Mark Nelson. -- Added mpi/pmi2 plugin for complete support of pmi2 including acquiring additional resources for newly launched tasks. Contributed by Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- BGQ - fixed issue where if a user asked for a specific node count and more tasks than possible without overcommit the request would be allowed on more nodes than requested. -- Add support for new SchedulerParameters of bf_max_job_user, maximum number of jobs to attempt backfilling per user. Work by Bjørn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo. -- BLUEGENE - fixed issue where MaxNodes limit on a partition only limited larger than midplane jobs. -- Added cpu_run_min to the output of sshare --long. Work contributed by Mark Nelson. -- BGQ - allow regular users to resolve Rack-Midplane to AXYZ coords. -- Add sinfo output format option of "%R" for partition name without "*" appended for default partition. -- Cray - Add support for zero compute note resource allocation to run batch script on front-end node with no ALPS reservation. Useful for pre- or post- processing. -- Support for cyclic distribution of cpus in task/cgroup plugin from Martin Perry, Bull. -- GrpMEM limit for QOSes and associations added Patch from Bjørn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo. -- Various performance improvements for up to 500% higher throughput depending upon configuration. Work supported by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Extreme Scale Systems Center. -- Added jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin. It is not advised to use this in production as it isn't currently complete and doesn't provide an equivalent substitution for jobacct_gather/linux yet. Work by Martin Perry, Bull. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.0.pre4 ============================= -- Add logic to cache GPU file information (bitmap index mapping to device file number) in the slurmd daemon and transfer that information to the slurmstepd whenever a job step is initiated. This is needed to set the appropriate CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable value when the devices are not in strict numeric order (e.g. some GPUs are skipped). Based upon work by Nicolas Bigaouette. -- BGQ - Remove ability to make a sub-block with a geometry with one or more of it's dimensions of length 3. There is a limitation in the IBM I/O subsystem that is problematic with multiple sub-blocks with a dimension of length 3, so we will disallow them to be able to be created. This mean you if you ask the system for an allocation of 12 c-nodes you will be given 16. If this is ever fix in BGQ you can remove this patch. -- BLUEGENE - Better handling blocks that go into error state or deallocate while jobs are running on them. -- BGQ - fix for handling mix of steps running at same time some of which are full allocation jobs, and others that are smaller. -- BGQ - fix for core dump after running multiple sub-block jobs on static blocks. -- BGQ - fixed sync issue where if a job finishes in SLURM but not in mmcs for a long time after the SLURM job has been flushed from the system we don't have to worry about rebooting the block to sync the system. -- BGQ - In scontrol/sview node counts are now displayed with CnodeCount/CnodeErrCount so to point out there are cnodes in an error state on the block. Draining the block and having it reboot when all jobs are gone will clear up the cnodes in Software Failure. -- Change default SchedulerParameters max_switch_wait field value from 60 to 300 seconds. -- BGQ - catch errors from the kill option of the runjob client. -- BLUEGENE - make it so the epilog runs until slurmctld tells it the job is gone. Previously it had a timelimit which has proven to not be the right thing. -- FRONTEND - fix issue where if a compute node was in a down state and an admin updates the node to idle/resume the compute nodes will go instantly to idle instead of idle* which means no response. -- Fix regression in 2.4.0.pre3 where number of submitted jobs limit wasn't being honored for QOS. -- Cray - Enable logging of BASIL communications with environment variables. Set XML_LOG to enable logging. Set XML_LOG_LOC to specify path to log file or "SLURM" to write to SlurmctldLogFile or unset for "slurm_basil_xml.log". Patch from Steve Tronfinoff, CSCS. -- FRONTEND - if a front end unexpectedly reboots kill all jobs but don't mark front end node down. -- FRONTEND - don't down a front end node if you have an epilog error -- BLUEGENE - if a job has an epilog error don't down the midplane it was running on. -- BGQ - added new DebugFlag (NoRealTime) for only printing debug from state change while the realtime server is running. -- Fix multi-cluster mode with sview starting on a non-bluegene cluster going to a bluegene cluster. -- BLUEGENE - ability to show Rack Midplane name of midplanes in sview and scontrol. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.0.pre3 ============================= -- Let a job be submitted even if it exceeds a QOS limit. Job will be left in a pending state until the QOS limit or job parameters change. Patch by Phil Eckert, LLNL. -- Add sacct support for the option "--name". Work by Yuri D'Elia, Center for Biomedicine, EURAC Research, Italy. -- BGQ - handle preemption. -- Add an srun shepard process to cancel a job and/or step of the srun process is killed abnormally (e.g. SIGKILL). -- BGQ - handle deadlock issue when a nodeboard goes into an error state. -- BGQ - more thorough handling of blocks with multiple jobs running on them. -- Fix man2html process to compile in the build directory instead of the source dir. -- Behavior of srun --multi-prog modified so that any program arguments specified on the command line will be appended to the program arguments specified in the program configuration file. -- Add new command, sdiag, which reports a variety of job scheduling statistics. Based upon work by Alejandro Lucero Palau, BSC. -- BLUEGENE - Added DefaultConnType to the bluegene.conf file. This makes it so you can specify any connection type you would like (TORUS or MESH) as the default in dynamic mode. Previously it always defaulted to TORUS. -- Made squeue -n and -w options more consistent with salloc, sbatch, srun, and scancel. Patch by Don Lipari, LLNL. -- Have sacctmgr remove user records when no associations exist for that user. -- Several header file changes for clean build with NetBSD. Patches from Aleksej Saushev. -- Fix for possible deadlock in accounting logic: Avoid calling jobacct_gather_g_getinfo() until there is data to read from the socket. -- Fix race condition that could generate "job_cnt_comp underflow" errors on front-end architectures. -- BGQ - Fix issue where a system with missing cables could cause core dump. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.0.pre2 ============================= -- CRAY - Add support for GPU memory allocation using SLURM GRES (Generic RESource) support. Work by Steve Trofinoff, CSCS. -- Add support for job allocations with multiple job constraint counts. For example: salloc -C "[rack1*2&rack2*4]" ... will allocate the job 2 nodes from rack1 and 4 nodes from rack2. Support for only a single constraint name been added to job step support. -- BGQ - Remove old method for marking cnodes down. -- BGQ - Remove BGP images from view in sview. -- BGQ - print out failed cnodes in scontrol show nodes. -- BGQ - Add srun option of "--runjob-opts" to pass options to the runjob command. -- FRONTEND - handle step launch failure better. -- BGQ - Added a mutex to protect the now changing ba_system pointers. -- BGQ - added new functionality for sub-block allocations - no preemption for this yet though. -- Add --name option to squeue to filter output by job name. Patch from Yuri D'Elia. -- BGQ - Added linking to runjob client libary which gives support to totalview to use srun instead of runjob. -- Add numeric range checks to scontrol update options. Patch from Phil Eckert, LLNL. -- Add ReconfigFlags configuration option to control actions of "scontrol reconfig". Patch from Don Albert, Bull. -- BGQ - handle reboots with multiple jobs running on a block. -- BGQ - Add message handler thread to forward signals to runjob process. * Changes in SLURM 2.4.0.pre1 ============================= -- BGQ - use the ba_geo_tables to figure out the blocks instead of the old algorithm. The improves timing in the worst cases and simplifies the code greatly. -- BLUEGENE - Change to output tools labels from BP to Midplane (i.e. BP List -> MidplaneList). -- BLUEGENE - read MPs and BPs from the bluegene.conf -- Modify srun's SIGINT handling logic timer (two SIGINTs within one second) to be based microsecond rather than second timer. -- Modify advance reservation to accept multiple specific block sizes rather than a single node count. -- Permit administrator to change a job's QOS to any value without validating the job's owner has permission to use that QOS. Based upon patch by Phil Eckert (LLNL). -- Add trigger flag for a permanent trigger. The trigger will NOT be purged after an event occurs, but only when explicitly deleted. -- Interpret a reservation with Nodes=ALL and a Partition specification as reserving all nodes within the specified partition rather than all nodes on the system. Based upon patch by Phil Eckert (LLNL). -- Add the ability to reboot all compute nodes after they become idle. The RebootProgram configuration parameter must be set and an authorized user must execute the command "scontrol reboot_nodes". Patch from Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Modify slurmdbd.conf parsing to accept DebugLevel strings (quiet, fatal, info, etc.) in addition to numeric values. The parsing of slurm.conf was modified in the same fashion for SlurmctldDebug and SlurmdDebug values. The output of sview and "scontrol show config" was also modified to report those values as strings rather than numeric values. -- Changed default value of StateSaveLocation configuration parameter from /tmp to /var/spool. -- Prevent associations from being deleted if it has any jobs in running, pending or suspended state. Previous code prevented this only for running jobs. -- If a job can not run due to QOS or association limits, then do not cancel the job, but leave it pending in a system held state (priority = 1). The job will run when its limits or the QOS/association limits change. Based upon a patch by Phil Ekcert (LLNL). -- BGQ - Added logic to keep track of cnodes in an error state inside of a booted block. -- Added the ability to update a node's NodeAddr and NodeHostName with scontrol. Also enable setting a node's state to "future" using scontrol. -- Add a node state flag of CLOUD and save/restore NodeAddr and NodeHostName information for nodes with a flag of CLOUD. -- Cray: Add support for job reservations with node IDs that are not in numeric order. Fix for Bugzilla #5. -- BGQ - Fix issue with smap -R -- Fix association limit support for jobs queued for multiple partitions. -- BLUEGENE - fix issue for sub-midplane systems to create a full system block correctly. -- BLUEGENE - Added option to the bluegene.conf to tell you are running on a sub midplane system. -- Added the UserID of the user issuing the RPC to the job_submit/lua functions. -- Fixed issue where if a job ended with ESLURMD_UID_NOT_FOUND and ESLURMD_GID_NOT_FOUND where slurm would be a little over zealous in treating missing a GID or UID as a fatal error. -- If job time limit exceeds partition maximum, but job's minimum time limit does not, set job's time limit to partition maximum at allocation time. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.6 ======================== -- Fix DefMemPerCPU for partition definitions. -- Fix to create a reservation with licenses and no nodes. -- Fix issue with assoc_mgr if a bad state file is given and the database isn't up at the time the slurmctld starts, not running the priority/multifactor plugin, and then the database is started up later. -- Gres: If a gres has a count of one and an associated file then when doing a reconfiguration, the node's bitmap was not cleared resulting in an underflow upon job termination or removal from scheduling matrix by the backfill scheduler. -- Fix race condition in job dependency logic which can result in invalid memory reference. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.5 ======================== -- Improve support for overlapping advanced reservations. Patch from Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Modify Makefiles for support of Debian hardening flags. Patch from Simon Ruderich. -- CRAY: Fix support for configuration with SlurmdTimeout=0 (never mark node that is DOWN in ALPS as DOWN in SLURM). -- Fixed the setting of SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR for jobs submitted by Moab (BZ#1467). Patch by Don Lipari, LLNL. -- Correction to init.d/slurmdbd exit code for status option. Patch by Bill Brophy, Bull. -- When the optional max_time is not specified for --switches=count, the site max (SchedulerParameters=max_switch_wait=seconds) is used for the job. Based on patch from Rod Schultz. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res plugin when used with topology/tree and a node range count in job allocation request. -- Fixed script to correctly work for end records. -- Add support for new SchedulerParameters of max_depend_depth defining the maximum number of jobs to test for circular dependencies (i.e. job A waits for job B to start and job B waits for job A to start). Default value is 10 jobs. -- Fix potential race condition if MinJobAge is very low (i.e. 1) and using slurmdbd accounting and running large amounts of jobs (>50 sec). Job information could be corrupted before it had a chance to reach the DBD. -- Fix state restore of job limit set from admin value for min_cpus. -- Fix clearing of limit values if an admin removes the limit for max cpus and time limit where it was previously set by an admin. -- Fix issue where log message is more than 256 chars and then has a format. -- Fix sched/wiki2 to support job account name, gres, partition name, wckey, or working directory that contains "#" (a job record separator). Also fix for wckey or working directory that contains a double quote '\"'. -- CRAY - fix for handling memory requests from user for an allocation. -- Add support for switches parameter to the job_submit/lua plugin. Work by Par Andersson, NSC. -- Fix to job preemption logic to preempt multiple jobs at the same time. -- Fix minor issue where uid and gid were switched in sview for submitting batch jobs. -- Fix possible illegal memory reference in slurmctld for job step with relative option. Work by Matthieu Hautreux (CEA). -- Reset priority of system held jobs when dependency is satisfied. Work by Don Lipari, LLNL. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.4 ======================== -- Set DEFAULT flag in partition structure when slurmctld reads the configuration file. Patch from Rémi Palancher. -- Fix for possible deadlock in accounting logic: Avoid calling jobacct_gather_g_getinfo() until there is data to read from the socket. -- Fix typo in accounting when using reservations. Patch from Alejandro Lucero Palau. -- Fix to the multifactor priority plugin to calculate effective usage earlier to give a correct priority on the first decay cycle after a restart of the slurmctld. Patch from Martin Perry, Bull. -- Permit user root to run a job step for any job as any user. Patch from Didier Gazen, Laboratoire d'Aerologie. -- BLUEGENE - fix for not allowing jobs if all midplanes are drained and all blocks are in an error state. -- Avoid slurmctld abort due to bad pointer when setting an advanced reservation MAINT flag if it contains no nodes (only licenses). -- Fix bug when requeued batch job is scheduled to run on a different node zero, but attemts job launch on old node zero. -- Fix bug in step task distribution when nodes are not configured in numeric order. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Fix for srun allocating running within existing allocation with --exclude option and --nnodes count small enough to remove more nodes. Patch from Phil Eckert, LLNL. -- Work around to handle certain combinations of glibc/kernel (i.e. glibc-2.14/Linux-3.1) to correctly open the pty of the slurmstepd as the job user. Patch from Mark Grondona, LLNL. -- Modify linking to include "-ldl" only when needed. Patch from Aleksej Saushev. -- Fix smap regression to display nodes that are drained or down correctly. -- Several bug fixes and performance improvements with related to batch scripts containing very large numbers of arguments. Patches from Par Andersson, NSC. -- Fixed extremely hard to reproduce threading issue in assoc_mgr. -- Correct "scontrol show daemons" output if there is more than one ControlMachine configured. -- Add node read lock where needed in slurmctld/agent code. -- Added test for LUA library named "" in addition to "" as needed by Debian. Patch by Remi Palancher. -- Added partition default_time field to job_submit LUA plugin. Patch by Remi Palancher. -- Fix bug in cray/srun wrapper stdin/out/err file handling. -- In cray/srun wrapper, only include aprun "-q" option when srun "--quiet" option is used. -- BLUEGENE - fix issue where if a small block was in error it could hold up the queue when trying to place a larger than midplane job. -- CRAY - ignore all interactive nodes and jobs on interactive nodes. -- Add new job state reason of "FrontEndDown" which applies only to Cray and IBM BlueGene systems. -- Cray - Enable configure option of "--enable-salloc-background" to permit the srun and salloc commands to be executed in the background. This does NOT remove the ALPS limitation that only one job reservation can be created for each Linux session ID. -- Cray - For srun wrapper when creating a job allocation, set the default job name to the executable file's name. -- Add support for Cray ALPS 5.0.0 -- FRONTEND - if a front end unexpectedly reboots kill all jobs but don't mark front end node down. -- FRONTEND - don't down a front end node if you have an epilog error. -- Cray - fix for if a frontend slurmd was started after the slurmctld had already pinged it on startup the unresponding flag would be removed from the frontend node. -- Cray - Fix issue on smap not displaying grid correctly. -- Fixed minor memory leak in sview. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.3 ======================== -- Fix task/cgroup plugin error when used with GRES. Patch by Alexander Bersenev (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Russia). -- Permit pending job exceeding a partition limit to run if its QOS flag is modified to permit the partition limit to be exceeded. Patch from Bill Brophy, Bull. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed preemption issue. -- sacct search for jobs using filtering was ignoring wckey filter. -- Fixed issue with QOS preemption when adding new QOS. -- Fixed issue with comment field being used in a job finishing before it starts in accounting. -- Add slashes in front of derived exit code when modifying a job. -- Handle numeric suffix of "T" for terabyte units. Patch from John Thiltges, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. -- Prevent resetting a held job's priority when updating other job parameters. Patch from Alejandro Lucero Palau, BSC. -- Improve logic to import a user's environment. Needed with --get-user-env option used with Moab. Patch from Mark Grondona, LLNL. -- Fix bug in sview layout if node count less than configured grid_x_width. -- Modify PAM module to prefer to use SLURM library with same major release number that it was built with. -- Permit gres count configuration of zero. -- Fix race condition where sbcast command can result in deadlock of slurmd daemon. Patch by Don Albert, Bull. -- Fix bug in srun --multi-prog configuration file to avoid printing duplicate record error when "*" is used at the end of the file for the task ID. -- Let operators see reservation data even if "PrivateData=reservations" flag is set in slurm.conf. Patch from Don Albert, Bull. -- Added new sbatch option "--export-file" as needed for latest version of Moab. Patch from Phil Eckert, LLNL. -- Fix for sacct printing CPUTime(RAW) where the is greater than a 32 bit number. -- Fix bug in --switch option with topology resulting in bad switch count use. Patch from Alejandro Lucero Palau (Barcelona Supercomputer Center). -- Fix PrivateFlags bug when using Priority Multifactor plugin. If using sprio all jobs would be returned even if the flag was set. Patch from Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Fix for possible invalid memory reference in slurmctld in job dependency logic. Patch from Carles Fenoy (Barcelona Supercomputer Center). * Changes in SLURM 2.3.2 ======================== -- Add configure option of "--without-rpath" which builds SLURM tools without the rpath option, which will work if Munge and BlueGene libraries are in the default library search path and make system updates easier. -- Fixed issue where if a job ended with ESLURMD_UID_NOT_FOUND and ESLURMD_GID_NOT_FOUND where slurm would be a little over zealous in treating missing a GID or UID as a fatal error. -- Backfill scheduling - Add SchedulerParameters configuration parameter of "bf_res" to control the resolution in the backfill scheduler's data about when jobs begin and end. Default value is 60 seconds (used to be 1 second). -- Cray - Remove the "family" specification from the GPU reservation request. -- Updated set_oomadj.c, replacing deprecated oom_adj reference with oom_score_adj -- Fix resource allocation bug, generic resources allocation was ignoring the job's ntasks_per_node and cpus_per_task parameters. Patch from Carles Fenoy, BSC. -- Avoid orphan job step if slurmctld is down when a job step completes. -- Fix Lua link order, patch from Pär Andersson, NSC. -- Set SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK=1 when user specifies --cpus-per-task=1. -- Fix for fatal error managing GRES. Patch by Carles Fenoy, BSC. -- Fixed race condition when using the DBD in accounting where if a job wasn't started at the time the eligible message was sent but started before the db_index was returned information like start time would be lost. -- Fix issue in accounting where normalized shares could be updated incorrectly when getting fairshare from the parent. -- Fixed if not enforcing associations but want QOS support for a default qos on the cluster to fill that in correctly. -- Fix in select/cons_res for "fatal: cons_res: sync loop not progressing" with some configurations and job option combinations. -- BLUEGNE - Fixed issue with handling HTC modes and rebooting. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.1 ======================== -- Do not remove the backup slurmctld's pid file when it assumes control, only when it actually shuts down. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Avoid clearing a job's reason from JobHeldAdmin or JobHeldUser when it is otherwise updated using scontrol or sview commands. Patch based upon work by Phil Eckert (LLNL). -- BLUEGENE - Fix for if changing the defined blocks in the bluegene.conf and jobs happen to be running on blocks not in the new config. -- Many cosmetic modifications to eliminate warning message from GCC version 4.6 compiler. -- Fix for sview reservation tab when finding correct reservation. -- Fix for handling QOS limits per user on a reconfig of the slurmctld. -- Do not treat the absence of a gres.conf file as a fatal error on systems configured with GRES, but set GRES counts to zero. -- BLUEGENE - Update correctly the state in the reason of a block if an admin sets the state to error. -- BLUEGENE - handle reason of blocks in error more correctly between restarts of the slurmctld. -- BLUEGENE - Fix minor potential memory leak when setting block error reason. -- BLUEGENE - Fix if running in Static/Overlap mode and full system block is in an error state, won't deny jobs. -- Fix for accounting where your cluster isn't numbered in counting order (i.e. 1-9,0 instead of 0-9). The bug would cause 'sacct -N nodename' to not give correct results on these systems. -- Fix to GRES allocation logic when resources are associated with specific CPUs on a node. Patch from Steve Trofinoff, CSCS. -- Fix bugs in sched/backfill with respect to QOS reservation support and job time limits. Patch from Alejandro Lucero Palau (Barcelona Supercomputer Center). -- BGQ - fix to set up corner correctly for sub block jobs. -- Major re-write of the CPU Management User and Administrator Guide (web page) by Martin Perry, Bull. -- BLUEGENE - If removing blocks from system that once existed cleanup of old block happens correctly now. -- Prevent slurmctld crashing with configuration of MaxMemPerCPU=0. -- Prevent job hold by operator or account coordinator of his own job from being an Administrator Hold rather than User Hold by default. -- Cray - Fix for parsing to avoid adding spaces between option and argument (e.g. "-N2" parsed properly without changing to "-N 2"). -- Major updates to cgroup support by Mark Grondona (LLNL) and Matthieu Hautreux (CEA) and Sam Lang. Fixes timing problems with respect to the task_epilog. Allows cgroup mount point to be configurable. Added new configuration parameters MaxRAMPercent and MaxSwapPercent. Allow cgroup configuration parameters that are precentages to be floating point. -- Fixed issue where sview wasn't displaying correct nice value for jobs. -- Fixed issue where sview wasn't displaying correct min memory per node/cpu value for jobs. -- Disable some SelectTypeParameters for select/linear that aren't compatible. -- Move slurm_select_init to proper place to avoid loading multiple select plugins in the slurmd. -- BGQ - Include in the bluegene rpm. -- Report correct job "Reason" if needed nodes are DOWN, DRAINED, or NOT_RESPONDING, "Resources" rather than "PartitionNodeLimit". -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issues with running on a sub-midplane system. -- Added some missing calls to allow older versions of SLURM to talk to newer. -- BGQ - allow steps to be ran. -- Do not attempt to run HeathCheckProgram on powered down nodes. Patch from Ramiro Alba, Centre Tecnològic de Tranferència de Calor, Spain. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0-2 ========================== -- Fix for memory issue inside sview. -- Fix issue where if a job was pending and the slurmctld was restarted a variable wasn't initialized in the job structure making it so that job wouldn't run. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0 ======================== -- BLUEGENE - make sure we only set the jobinfo_select start_loc on a job when we are on a small block, not a regular one. -- BGQ - fix issue where not copying the correct amount of memory. -- BLUEGENE - fix clean start if jobs were running when the slurmctld was shutdown and then the system size changed. This would probably only happen if you were emulating a system. -- Fix sview for calling a cray system from a non-cray system to get the correct geometry of the system. -- BLUEGENE - fix to correctly import pervious version of block state file. -- BLUEGENE - handle loading better when doing a clean start with static blocks. -- Add sinfo format and sort option "%n" for NodeHostName and "%o" for NodeAddr. -- If a job is deferred due to partition limits, then re-test those limits after a partition is modified. Patch from Don Lipari. -- Fix bug which would crash slurmcld if job's owner (not root) tries to clear a job's licenses by setting value to "". -- Cosmetic fix for printing out debug info in the priority plugin. -- In sview when switching from a bluegene machine to a regular linux cluster and vice versa the node->base partition lists will be displayed if setup in your .slurm/sviewrc file. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for creating full system static block on a BGQ system. -- BLUEGENE - Fix deadlock issue if toggling between Dynamic and Static block allocation with jobs running on blocks that don't exist in the static setup. -- BLUEGENE - Modify code to only give HTC states to BGP systems and not allow them on Q systems. -- BLUEGENE - Make it possible for an admin to define multiple dimension conn_types in a block definition. -- BGQ - Alter tools to output multiple dimensional conn_type. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.rc2 ============================ -- With sched/wiki or sched/wiki2 (Maui or Moab scheduler), insure that a requeued job's priority is reset to zero. -- BLUEGENE - fix to run steps correctly in a BGL/P emulated system. -- Fixed issue where if there was a network issue between the slurmctld and the DBD where both remained up but were disconnected the slurmctld would get registered again with the DBD. -- Fixed issue where if the DBD connection from the ctld goes away because of a POLLERR the dbd_fail callback is called. -- BLUEGENE - Fix to smap command-line mode display. -- Change in GRES behavior for job steps: A job step's default generic resource allocation will be set to that of the job. If a job step's --gres value is set to "none" then none of the generic resources which have been allocated to the job will be allocated to the job step. -- Add srun environment value of SLURM_STEP_GRES to set default --gres value for a job step. -- Require SchedulerTimeSlice configuration parameter to be at least 5 seconds to avoid thrashing slurmd daemon. -- Cray - Fix to make nodes state in accounting consistent with state set by ALPS. -- Cray - A node DOWN to ALPS will be marked DOWN to SLURM only after reaching SlurmdTimeout. In the interim, the node state will be NO_RESPOND. This change makes behavior makes SLURM handling of the node DOWN state more consistent with ALPS. This change effects only Cray systems. -- Cray - Fix to work with 4.0.* instead of just 4.0.0 -- Cray - Modify srun/aprun wrapper to map --exclusive to -F exclusive and --share to -F share. Note this does not consider the partition's Shared configuration, so it is an imperfect mapping of options. -- BLUEGENE - Added notice in the print config to tell if you are emulated or not. -- BLUEGENE - Fix job step scalability issue with large task count. -- BGQ - Improved c-node selection when asked for a sub-block job that cannot fit into the available shape. -- BLUEGENE - Modify "scontrol show step" to show I/O nodes (BGL and BGP) or c-nodes (BGQ) allocated to each step. Change field name from "Nodes=" to "BP_List=". -- Code cleanup on step request to get the correct select_jobinfo. -- Memory leak fixed for rolling up accounting with down clusters. -- BGQ - fix issue where if first job step is the entire block and then the next parallel step is ran on a sub block, SLURM won't over subscribe cnodes. -- Treat duplicate switch name in topology.conf as fatal error. Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull -- Minor update to documentation describing the AllowGroups option for a partition in the slurm.conf. -- Fix problem with _job_create() when not using qos's. It makes _job_create() consistent with similar logic in select_nodes(). -- GrpCPURunMins in a QOS flushed out. -- Fix for squeue -t "CONFIGURING" to actually work. -- CRAY - Add cray.conf parameter of SyncTimeout, maximum time to defer job scheduling if SLURM node or job state are out of synchronization with ALPS. -- If salloc was run as interactive, with job control, reset the foreground process group of the terminal to the process group of the parent pid before exiting. Patch from Don Albert, Bull. -- BGQ - set up the corner of a sub block correctly based on a relative position in the block instead of absolute. -- BGQ - make sure the recently added select_jobinfo of a step launch request isn't sent to the slurmd where environment variables would be overwritten incorrectly. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.rc1 ============================ -- NOTE THERE HAVE BEEN NEW FIELDS ADDED TO THE JOB AND PARTITION STATE SAVE FILES AND RPCS. PENDING AND RUNNING JOBS WILL BE LOST WHEN UPGRADING FROM EARLIER VERSION 2.3 PRE-RELEASES AND RPCS WILL NOT WORK WITH EARLIER VERSIONS. -- select/cray: Add support for Accelerator information including model and memory options. -- Cray systems: Add support to suspend/resume salloc command to insure that aprun does not get initiated when the job is suspended. Processes suspended and resumed are determined by using process group ID and parent process ID, so some processes may be missed. Since salloc runs as a normal user, it's ability to identify processes associated with a job is limited. -- Cray systems: Modify smap and sview to display all nodes even if multiple nodes exist at each coordinate. -- Improve efficiency of select/linear plugin with topology/tree plugin configured, Patch by Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- For front-end architectures on which job steps are run (emulated Cray and BlueGene systems only), fix bug that would free memory still in use. -- Add squeue support to display a job's license information. Patch by Andy Roosen (University of Deleware). -- Add flag to the select APIs for job suspend/resume indicating if the action is for gang scheduling or an explicit job suspend/resume by the user. Only an explicit job suspend/resume will reset the job's priority and make resources exclusively held by the job available to other jobs. -- Fix possible invalid memory reference in sched/backfill. Patch by Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Add select_jobinfo to the task launch RPC. Based upon patch by Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Add DefMemPerCPU/Node and MaxMemPerCPU/Node to partition configuration. This improves flexibility when gang scheduling only specific partitions. -- Added new enums to print out when a job is held by a QOS instead of an association limit. -- Enhancements to sched/backfill performance with select/cons_res plugin. Patch from Bjørn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo. -- Correct job run time reported by smap for suspended jobs. -- Improve job preemption logic to avoid preempting more jobs than needed. -- Add contribs/arrayrun tool providing support for job arrays. Contributed by Bjørn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo. NOTE: Not currently packaged as RPM and manual file editing is required. -- When suspending a job, wait 2 seconds instead of 1 second between sending SIGTSTP and SIGSTOP. Some MPI implementation were not stopping within the 1 second delay. -- Add support for managing devices based upon Linux cgroup container. Based upon patch by Yiannis Georgiou, Bull. -- Fix memory buffering bug if a AllowGroups parameter of a partition has 100 or more users. Patch by Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Fix bug in generic resource tracking of gres associated with specific CPUs. Resources were being over-allocated. -- On systems with front-end nodes (IBM BlueGene and Cray) limit batch jobs to only one CPU of these shared resources. -- Set SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU or SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE environment variables for both interactive (salloc) and batch jobs if the job has a memory limit. For Cray systems also set CRAY_AUTO_APRUN_OPTIONS environment variable with the memory limit. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res task distribution logic when tasks-per-node=0. Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull. -- Restore node configuration information (CPUs, memory, etc.) for powered down when slurmctld daemon restarts rather than waiting for the node to be restored to service and getting the information from the node (NOTE: Only relevent if FastSchedule=0). -- For Cray systems with the srun2aprun wrapper, rebuild the srun man page identifying the srun optioins which are valid on that system. -- BlueGene: Permit users to specify a separate connection type for each dimension (e.g. "--conn-type=torus,mesh,torus"). -- Add the ability for a user to limit the number of leaf switches in a job's allocation using the --switch option of salloc, sbatch and srun. There is also a new SchedulerParameters value of max_switch_wait, which a SLURM administrator can used to set a maximum job delay and prevent a user job from blocking lower priority jobs for too long. Based on work by Rod Schultz, Bull. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre6 ============================= -- NOTE: THERE HAS BEEN A NEW FIELD ADDED TO THE CONFIGURATION RESPONSE RPC AS SHOWN BY "SCONTROL SHOW CONFIG". THIS FUNCTION WILL ONLY WORK WHEN THE SERVER AND CLIENT ARE BOTH RUNNING SLURM VERSION 2.3.0.pre6 -- Modify job expansion logic to support licenses, generic resources, and currently running job steps. -- Added an rpath if using the --with-munge option of configure. -- Add support for multiple sets of DEFAULT node, partition, and frontend specifications in slurm.conf so that default values can be changed multiple times as the configuration file is read. -- BLUEGENE - Improved logic to place small blocks in free space before freeing larger blocks. -- Add optional argument to srun's --kill-on-bad-exit so that user can set its value to zero and override a SLURM configuration parameter of KillOnBadExit. -- Fix bug in GraceTime support for preempted jobs that prevented proper operation when more than one job was being preempted. Based on patch from Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Fix for running sview from a non-bluegene cluster to a bluegene cluster. Regression from pre5. -- If job's TMPDIR environment is not set or is not usable, reset to "/tmp". Patch from Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Remove logic for defunct RPC: DBD_GET_JOBS. -- Propagate DebugFlag changes by scontrol to the plugins. -- Improve accuracy of REQUEST_JOB_WILL_RUN start time with respect to higher priority pending jobs. -- Add -R/--reservation option to squeue command as a job filter. -- Add scancel support for --clusters option. -- Note that scontrol and sprio can only support a single cluster at one time. -- Add support to salloc for a new environment variable SALLOC_KILL_CMD. -- Add scontrol ability to increment or decrement a job or step time limit. -- Add support for SLURM_TIME_FORMAT environment variable to control time stamp output format. Work by Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Fix error handling in mvapich plugin that could cause srun to enter an infinite loop under rare circumstances. -- Add support for multiple task plugins. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Addition of per-user node/cpu limits for QOS's. Patch from Aaron Knister, UMBC. -- Fix logic for multiple job resize operations. -- BLUEGENE - many fixes to make things work correctly on a L/P system. -- Fix bug in layout of job step with --nodelist option plus node count. Old code could allocate too few nodes. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre5 ============================= -- NOTE: THERE HAS BEEN A NEW FIELD ADDED TO THE JOB STATE FILE. UPGRADES FROM VERSION 2.3.0-PRE4 WILL RESULT IN LOST JOBS UNLESS THE "orig_dependency" FIELD IS REMOVED FROM JOB STATE SAVE/RESTORE LOGIC. ON CRAY SYSTEMS A NEW "confirm_cookie" FIELD WAS ADDED AND HAS THE SAME EFFECT OF DISABLING JOB STATE RESTORE. -- BLUEGENE - Improve speed of start up when removing blocks at the beginning. -- Correct init.d/slurm status to have non-zero exit code if ANY Slurm damon that should be running on the node is not running. Patch from Rod Schulz, Bull. -- Improve accuracy of response to "srun --test-only jobid=#". -- Fix bug in front-end configurations which reports job_cnt_comp underflow errors after slurmctld restarts. -- Eliminate "error from _trigger_slurmctld_event in backup.c" due to lack of event triggers. -- Fix logic in BackupController to properly recover front-end node state and avoid purging active jobs. -- Added man pages to html pages and the new cpu_management.html page. Submitted by Martin Perry / Rod Schultz, Bull. -- Job dependency information will only show the currently active dependencies rather than the original dependencies. From Dan Rusak, Bull. -- Add RPCs to get the SPANK environment variables from the slurmctld daemon. Patch from Andrej N. Gritsenko. -- Updated plugins/task/cgroup/task_cgroup_cpuset.c to support newer HWLOC_API_VERSION. -- Do not build select/bluegene plugin if C++ compiler is not installed. -- Add new configure option --with-srun2aprun to build an srun command which is a wrapper over Cray's aprun command and supports many srun options. Without this option, the srun command will advise the user to use the aprun command. -- Change container ID supported by proctrack plugin from 32-bit to 64-bit. -- Added contribs/cray/libalps_test_programs.tar.gz with tools to validate SLURM's logic used to support Cray systems. -- Create RPM for srun command that is a wrapper for the Cray/ALPS aprun command. Dependent upon .rpmmacros parameter of "%_with_srun2aprun". -- Add configuration parameter MaxStepCount to limit effect of bad batch scripts. -- Moving to github -- Fix for handling a 2.3 system talking to a 2.2 slurmctld. -- Add contribs/lua/job_submit.license.lua script. Update job_submit and Lua related documentation. -- Test if _make_batch_script() is called with a NULL script. -- Increase hostlist support from 24k to 64k nodes. -- Renamed the Accounting Storage database's "DerivedExitString" job field to "Comment". Provided backward compatible support for "DerivedExitString" in the sacctmgr tool. -- Added the ability to save the job's comment field to the Accounting Storage db (to the formerly named, "DerivedExitString" job field). This behavior is enabled by a new slurm.conf parameter: AccountingStoreJobComment. -- Test if _make_batch_script() is called with a NULL script. -- Increase hostlist support from 24k to 64k nodes. -- Fix srun to handle signals correctly when waiting for a step creation. -- Preserve the last job ID across slurmctld daemon restarts even if the job state file can not be fully recovered. -- Made the hostlist functions be able to arbitrarily handle any size dimension no matter what the size of the cluster is in dimensions. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre4 ============================= -- Add GraceTime to Partition and QOS data structures. Preempted jobs will be given this time interval before termination. Work by Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Add the ability for scontrol and sview to modify slurmctld DebugFlags values. -- Various Cray-specific patches: - Fix a bug in distinguishing XT from XE. - Avoids problems with empty nodenames on Cray. - Check whether ALPS is hanging on to nodes, which happens if ALPS has not yet cleaned up the node partition. - Stops select/cray from clobbering node_ptr->reason. - Perform 'safe' release of ALPS reservations using inventory and apkill. - Compile-time sanity check for the apbasil and apkill files. - Changes error handling in do_basil_release() (called by select_g_job_fini()). - Warn that salloc --no-shell option is not supported on Cray systems. -- Add a reservation flag of "License_Only". If set, then jobs using the reservation may use the licenses associated with it plus any compute nodes. Otherwise the job is limited to the compute nodes associated with the reservation. -- Change slurm.conf node configuration parameter from "Procs" to "CPUs". Both parameters will be supported for now. -- BLUEGENE - fix for when user requests only midplane names with no count at job submission time to process the node count correctly. -- Fix job step resource allocation problem when both node and tasks counts are specified. New logic selects nodes with larger CPU counts as needed. -- BGQ - make it so srun wraps runjob (still under construction, but works for most cases) -- Permit a job's QOS and Comment field to both change in a single RPC. This was previously disabled since Moab stored the QOS within the Comment field. -- Add support for jobs to expand in size. Submit additional batch job with the option "--dependency=expand:<jobid>". See web page "faq.html#job_size" for details. Restrictions to be removed in the future. -- Added --with-alps-emulation to configure, and also an optional cray.conf to setup alps location and database information. -- Modify PMI data types from 16-bits to 32-bits in order to support MPICH2 jobs with more than 65,536 tasks. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Set slurmd's soft process CPU limit equal to it's hard limit and notify the user if the limit is not infinite. -- Added proctrack/cgroup and task/cgroup plugins from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Fix slurmctld restart logic that could leave nodes in UNKNOWN state for a longer time than necessary after restart. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre3 ============================= -- BGQ - Appears to work correctly in emulation mode, no sub blocks just yet. -- Minor typos fixed -- Various bug fixes for Cray systems. -- Fix bug that when setting a compute node to idle state, it was failing to set the systems up_node_bitmap. -- BLUEGENE - code reorder -- BLUEGENE - Now only one select plugin for all Bluegene systems. -- Modify srun to set the SLURM_JOB_NAME environment variable when srun is used to create a new job allocation. Not set when srun is used to create a job step within an existing job allocation. -- Modify init.d/slurm script to start multiple slurmd daemons per compute node if so configured. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Change license data structure counters from uint16_t to uint32_t to support larger license counts. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre2 ============================= -- Log a job's requeue or cancellation due to preemption to that job's stderr: "*** JOB 65547 CANCELLED AT 2011-01-21T12:59:33 DUE TO PREEMPTION ***". -- Added new job termination state of JOB_PREEMPTED, "PR" or "PREEMPTED" to indicate job termination was due to preemption. -- Optimize advanced reservations resource selection for computer topology. The logic has been added to select/linear and select/cons_res, but will not be enabled until the other select plugins are modified. -- Remove checkpoint/xlch plugin. -- Disable deletion of partitions that have unfinished jobs (pending, running or suspended states). Patch from Martin Perry, BULL. -- In sview, disable the sorting of node records by name at startup for clusters over 1000 nodes. Users can enable this by selecting the "Name" tab. This change dramatically improves scalability of sview. -- Report error when trying to change a node's state from scontrol for Cray systems. -- Do not attempt to read the batch script for non-batch jobs. This patch eliminates some inappropriate error messages. -- Preserve NodeHostName when reordering nodes due to system topology. -- On Cray/ALPS systems do node inventory before scheduling jobs. -- Disable some salloc options on Cray systems. -- Disable scontrol's wait_job command on Cray systems. -- Disable srun command on native Cray/ALPS systems. -- Updated configure option "--enable-cray-emulation" (still under development) to emulate a cray XT/XE system, and auto-detect a real Cray XT/XE systems (removed no longer needed --enable-cray configure option). Building on native Cray systems requires the cray-MySQL-devel-enterprise rpm and expat XML parser library/headers. * Changes in SLURM 2.3.0.pre1 ============================= -- Added that when a slurmctld closes the connection to the database it's registered host and port are removed. -- Added flag to slurmdbd.conf TrackSlurmctldDown where if set will mark idle resources as down on a cluster when a slurmctld disconnects or is no longer reachable. -- Added support for more than one front-end node to run slurmd on architectures where the slurmd does not execute on the compute nodes (e.g. BlueGene). New configuration parameters FrontendNode and FrontendAddr added. See "man slurm.conf" for more information. -- With the scontrol show job command when using the --details option, show a batch job's script. -- Add ability to create reservations or partitions and submit batch jobs using sview. Also add the ability to delete reservations and partitions. -- Added new configuration parameter MaxJobId. Once reached, restart job ID values at FirstJobId. -- When restarting slurmctld with priority/basic, increment all job priorities so the highest job priority becomes TOP_PRIORITY. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.8 ======================== -- Prevent background salloc disconnecting terminal at termination. Patch by Don Albert, Bull. -- Fixed issue where preempt mode is skipped when creating a QOS. Patch by Bill Brophy, Bull. -- Fixed documention (html) for PriorityUsageResetPeriod to match that in the man pages. Patch by Nancy Kritkausky, Bull. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.7 ======================== -- Eliminate zombie process created if salloc exits with stopped child process. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- With default configuration on non-Cray systems, enable salloc to be spawned as a background process. Based upon work by Don Albert (Bull) and Gerrit Renker (CSCS). -- Fixed Regression from 2.2.4 in accounting where an inherited limit would not be set correctly in the added child association. -- Fixed issue with accounting when asking for jobs with a hostlist. -- Avoid clearing a node's Arch, OS, BootTime and SlurmdStartTime when "scontrol reconfig" is run. Patch from Martin Perry, Bull. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.6 ======================== -- Fix displaying of account coordinators with sacctmgr. Possiblity to show deleted accounts. Only a cosmetic issue, since the accounts are already deleted, and have no associations. -- Prevent opaque ncurses WINDOW struct on OS X 10.6. -- Fix issue with accounting when using PrivateData=jobs... users would not be able to view there own jobs unless they were admin or coordinators which is obviously wrong. -- Fix bug in node stat if slurmctld is restarted while nodes are in the process of being powered up. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko. -- Change maximum batch script size from 128k to 4M. -- Get slurmd -f option working. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko. -- Fix for linking problem on OSX. Patches from Jon Bringhurst (LANL) and Tyler Strickland. -- Reset a job's priority to zero (suspended) when Moab requeues the job. Patch from Par Andersson, NSC. -- When enforcing accounting, fix polling for unknown uids for users after the slurmctld started. Previously one would have to issue a reconfigure to the slurmctld to have it look for new uids. -- BLUEGENE - if a block goes into an error state. Fix issue where accounting wasn't updated correctly when the block was resumed. -- Synchronize power-save module better with scheduler. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Avoid SEGV in association logic with user=NULL. Patch from Andriy Grytsenko (Massive Solutions Limited). -- Fixed issue in accounting where it was possible for a new association/wckey to be set incorrectly as a default the new object was added after an original default object already existed. Before the slurmctld would need to be restarted to fix the issue. -- Updated the Normalized Usage section in priority_multifactor.shtml. -- Disable use of SQUEUE_FORMAT env var if squeue -l, -o, or -s option is used. Patch from Aaron Knister (UMBC). * Changes in SLURM 2.2.5 ======================== -- Correct init.d/slurm status to have non-zero exit code if ANY Slurm damon that should be running on the node is not running. Patch from Rod Schulz, Bull. -- Improve accuracy of response to "srun --test-only jobid=#". -- Correct logic to properly support --ntasks-per-node option in the select/cons_res plugin. Patch from Rod Schulz, Bull. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res with respect to generic resource (gres) scheduling which prevented some jobs from starting as soon as possible. -- Fix memory leak in select/cons_res when backfill scheduling generic resources (gres). -- Fix for when configuring a node with more resources than in real life and using task/affinity. -- Fix so slurmctld will pack correctly 2.1 step information. (Only needed if a 2.1 client is talking to a 2.2 slurmctld.) -- Set powered down node's state to IDLE+POWER after slurmctld restart instead of leaving in UNKNOWN+POWER. Patch from Andrej Gritsenko. -- Fix bug where is srun's executable is not on it's current search path, but can be found in the user's default search path. Modify slurmstepd to find the executable. Patch from Andrej Gritsenko. -- Make sview display correct cpu count for steps. -- BLUEGENE - when running in overlap mode make sure to check the connection type so you can create overlapping blocks on the exact same nodes with different connection types (i.e. one torus, one mesh). -- Fix memory leak if MPI ports are reserved (for OpenMPI) and srun's --resv-ports option is used. -- Fix some anomalies in select/cons_res task layout when using the --cpus-per-task option. Patch from Martin Perry, Bull. -- Improve backfill scheduling logic when job specifies --ntasks-per-node and --mem-per-cpu options on a heterogeneous cluster. Patch from Bjorn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo. -- Print warning message if srun specifies --cpus-per-task larger than used to create job allocation. -- Fix issue when changing a users name in accounting, if using wckeys would execute correctly, but bad memcopy would core the DBD. No information would be lost or corrupted, but you would need to restart the DBD. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.4 ======================== -- For batch jobs for which the Prolog fails, substitute the job ID for any "%j" in the job's output or error file specification. -- Add licenses field to the sview reservation information. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for handling extremely overloaded system on Dynamic system dealing with starting jobs on overlapping blocks. Previous fallout was job would be requeued. (happens very rarely) -- In accounting_storage/filetxt plugin, substitute spaces within job names, step names, and account names with an underscore to insure proper parsing. -- When building contribs/perlapi ignore both INSTALL_BASE and PERL_MM_OPT. Use PREFIX instead to avoid build errors from multiple installation specifications. -- Add job_submit/cnode plugin to support resource reservations of less than a full midplane on BlueGene computers. Treat cnodes as liceses which can be reserved and are consumed by jobs. This reservation mechanism for less than an entire midplane is still under development. -- Clear a job's "reason" field when a held job is released. -- When releasing a held job, calculate a new priority for it rather than just setting the priority to 1. -- Fix for sview started on a non-bluegene system to pick colors correctly when talking to a real bluegene system. -- Improve sched/backfill's expected start time calculation. -- Prevent abort of sacctmgr for dump command with invalid (or no) filename. -- Improve handling of job updates when using limits in accounting, and updating jobs as a non-admin user. -- Fix for "squeue --states=all" option. Bug would show no jobs. -- Schedule jobs with reservations before those without reservations. -- Fix squeue/scancel to query correctly against accounts of different case. -- Abort an srun command when it's associated job gets aborted due to a dependency that can not be satisfied. -- In jobcomp plugins, report start time of zeroif pending job is cancelled. Previously may report expected start time. -- Fixed sacctmgr man to state correct variables. -- Select nodes based upon their Weight when job allocation requests include a constraint field with a count (e.g. "srun --constraint=gpu*2 -N4 a.out"). -- Add support for user names that are entirely numeric and do not treat them as UID values. Patch from Dennis Leepow. -- Patch to un/pack double values properly if negative value. Patch from Dennis Leepow -- Do not reset a job's priority when requeued or suspended. -- Fix problemm that could let new jobs start on a node in DRAINED state. -- Fix cosmetic sacctmgr issue where if the user you are trying to add doesn't exist in the /etc/passwd file and the account you are trying to add them to doesn't exist it would print (null) instead of the bad account name. -- Fix associations/qos for when adding back a previously deleted object the object will be cleared of all old limits. -- BLUEGENE - Added back a lock when creating dynamic blocks to be more thread safe on larger systems with heavy load. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.3 ======================== -- Update srun, salloc, and sbatch man page description of --distribution option. Patches from Rod Schulz, Bull. -- Applied patch from Martin Perry to fix "Incorrect results for task/affinity block second distribution and cpus-per-task > 1" bug. -- Avoid setting a job's eligible time while held (priority == 0). -- Substantial performance improvement to backfill scheduling. Patch from Bjorn-Helge Mevik, University of Oslo. -- Make timeout for communications to the slurmctld be based upon the MessageTimeout configuration parameter rather than always 3 seconds. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Add new scontrol option of "show aliases" to report every NodeName that is associated with a given NodeHostName when running multiple slurmd daemons per compute node (typically used for testing purposes). Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Fix for handling job names with a "'" in the name within MySQL accounting. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Modify condition under which salloc execution delayed until moved to the foreground. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. Job control for interactive salloc sessions: only if ... a) input is from a terminal (stdin has valid termios attributes), b) controlling terminal exists (non-negative tpgid), c) salloc is not run in allocation-only (--no-shell) mode, d) salloc runs in its own process group (true in interactive shells that support job control), e) salloc has been configured at compile-time to support background execution and is not currently in the background process group. -- Abort salloc if no controlling terminal and --no-shell option is not used ("setsid salloc ..." is disabled). Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Fix to gang scheduling logic which could cause jobs to not be suspended or resumed when appropriate. -- Applied patch from Martin Perry to fix "Slurmd abort when using task affinity with plane distribution" bug. -- Applied patch from Yiannis Georgiou to fix "Problem with cpu binding to sockets option" behaviour. This change causes "--cpu_bind=sockets" to bind tasks only to the CPUs on each socket allocated to the job rather than all CPUs on each socket. -- Advance daily or weekly reservations immediately after termination to avoid having a job start that runs into the reservation when later advanced. -- Fix for enabling users to change there own default account, wckey, or QOS. -- BLUEGENE - If using OVERLAP mode fixed issue with multiple overlapping blocks in error mode. -- Fix for sacctmgr to display correctly default accounts. -- scancel -s SIGKILL will always sent the RPC to the slurmctld rather than the slurmd daemon(s). This insures that tasks in the process of getting spawned are killed. -- BLUEGENE - If using OVERLAP mode fixed issue with jobs getting denied at submit if the only option for their job was overlapping a block in error state. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.2 ======================== -- Correct logic to set correct job hold state (admin or user) when setting the job's priority using scontrol's "update jobid=..." rather than its "hold" or "holdu" commands. -- Modify squeue to report unset --mincores, --minthreads or --extra-node-info values as "*" rather than 65534. Patch from Rod Schulz, BULL. -- Report the StartTime of a job as "Unknown" rather than the year 2106 if its expected start time was too far in the future for the backfill scheduler to compute. -- Prevent a pending job reason field from inappropriately being set to "Priority". -- In sched/backfill with jobs having QOS_FLAG_NO_RESERVE set, then don't consider the job's time limit when attempting to backfill schedule. The job will just be preempted as needed at any time. -- Eliminated a bug in sbatch when no valid target clusters are specified. -- When explicitly sending a signal to a job with the scancel command and that job is in a pending state, then send the request directly to the slurmctld daemon and do not attempt to send the request to slurmd daemons, which are not running the job anyway. -- In slurmctld, properly set the up_node_bitmap when setting it's state to IDLE (in case the previous node state was DOWN). -- Fix smap to process block midplane names correctly when on a bluegene system. -- Fix smap to once again print out the Letter 'ID' for each line of a block/ partition view. -- Corrected the NOTES section of the scancel man page -- Fix for accounting_storage/mysql plugin to correctly query cluster based transactions. -- Fix issue when updating database for clusters that were previously deleted before upgrade to 2.2 database. -- BLUEGENE - Handle mesh torus check better in dynamic mode. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed race condition when freeing block, most likely only would happen in emulation. -- Fix for calculating used QOS limits correctly on a slurmctld reconfig. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for bad conn-type set when running small blocks in HTC mode. -- If salloc's --no-shell option is used, then do not attempt to preserve the terminal's state. -- Add new SLURM configure time parameter of --disable-salloc-background. If set, then salloc can only execute in the foreground. If started in the background, then a message will be printed and the job allocation halted until brought into the foreground. NOTE: THIS IS A CHANGE IN DEFAULT SALLOC BEHAVIOR FROM V2.2.1, BUT IS CONSISTENT WITH V2.1 AND EARLIER. -- Added the Multi-Cluster Operation web page. -- Removed remnant code for enforcing max sockets/cores/threads in the cons_res plugin (see last item in 2.1.0-pre5). This was responsible for a bug reported by Rod Schultz. -- BLUEGENE - Set correct env vars for HTC mode on a P system to get correct block. -- Correct RunTime reported by "scontrol show job" for pending jobs. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.1 ======================== -- Fix setting derived exit code correctly for jobs that happen to have the same jobid. -- Better checking for time overflow when rolling up in accounting. -- Add scancel --reservation option to cancel all jobs associated with a specific reservation. -- Treat reservation with no nodes like one that starts later (let jobs of any size get queued and do not block any pending jobs). -- Fix bug in gang scheduling logic that would temporarily resume to many jobs after a job completed. -- Change srun message about job step being deferred due to SlurmctldProlog running to be more clear and only print when --verbose option is used. -- Made it so you could remove the hold on jobs with sview by setting the priority to infinite. -- BLUEGENE - better checking small blocks in dynamic mode whether a full midplane job could run or not. -- Decrease the maximum sleep time between srun job step creation retry attempts from 60 seconds to 29 seconds. This should eliminate a possible synchronization problem with gang scheduling that could result in job step creation requests only occuring when a job is suspended. -- Fix to prevent changing a held job's state from HELD to DEPENDENCY until the job is released. Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull. -- Fixed sprio -M to reflect PriorityWeight values from remote cluster. -- Fix bug in sview when trying to update arbitrary field on more than one job. Formerly would display information about one job, but update next selected job. -- Made it so QOS with UsageFactor set to 0 would make it so jobs running under that QOS wouldn't add time to fairshare or association/qos limits. -- Fixed issue where QOS priority wasn't re-normalized until a slurmctld restart when a QOS priority was changed. -- Fix sprio to use calculated numbers from slurmctld instead of calulating it own numbers. -- BLUEGENE - fixed race condition with preemption where if the wind blows the right way the slurmctld could lock up when preempting jobs to run others. -- BLUEGENE - fixed epilog to wait until MMCS job is totally complete before finishing. -- BLUEGENE - more robust checking for states when freeing blocks. -- Added correct files to the slurm.spec file for correct perl api rpm creation. -- Added flag "NoReserve" to a QOS to make it so all jobs are created equal within a QOS. So if larger, higher priority jobs are unable to run they don't prevent smaller jobs from running even if running the smaller jobs delay the start of the larger, higher priority jobs. -- BLUEGENE - Check preemptees one by one to preempt lower priority jobs first instead of first fit. -- In select/cons_res, correct handling of the option SelectTypeParameters=CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE. -- Fix for checking QOS to override partition limits, previously if not using QOS some limits would be overlooked. -- Fix bug which would terminate a job step if any of the nodes allocated to it were removed from the job's allocation. Now only the tasks on those nodes are terminated. -- Fixed issue when using a storage_accounting plugin directly without the slurmDBD updates weren't always sent correctly to the slurmctld, appears to OS dependent, reported by Fredrik Tegenfeldt. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0 ======================== -- Change format of Duration field in "scontrol show reservation" output from an integer number of minutes to "[days-]hours:minutes:seconds". -- Add support for changing the reservation of pending or running jobs. -- On Cray systems only, salloc sends SIGKILL to spawned process group when job allocation is revoked. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Fix for sacctmgr to work correctly when modifying user associations where all the associations contain a partition. -- Minor mods to salloc signal handling logic: forwards more signals and releases allocation on real-time signals. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Add salloc logic to preserve tty attributes after abnormal exit. Patch from Mark Grondona, LLNL. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for issue in dynamic mode when trying to create a block overlapping a block with no job running on it but in configuring state. -- BLUEGENE - Speedup by skipping blocks that are deallocating for other jobs when starting overlapping jobs in dynamic mode. -- Fix for sacct --state to work correctly when not specifying a start time. -- Fix upgrade process in accounting from 2.1 for clusters named "cluster". -- Export more jobacct_common symbols needed for the slurm api on some systems. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc4 ============================ -- Correction in logic to spread out over time highly parallel messages to minimize lost messages. Effects slurmd epilog complete messages and PMI key-pair transmissions. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Fixed issue where if a system has unset messages to the dbd in 2.1 and upgrades to 2.2. Messages are now processed correctly now. -- Fixed issue where assoc_mgr cache wasn't always loaded correctly if the slurmdbd wasn't running when the slurmctld was started. -- Make sure on a pthread create in step launch that the error code is looked at. Improves fault-tolerance of slurmd. -- Fix setting up default acct/wckey when upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2. -- Fix issue with associations attached to a specific partition with no other association, and requesting a different partition. -- Added perlapi to the slurmdb to the slurm.spec. -- In sched/backfill, correct handling of CompleteWait parameter to avoid backfill scheduling while a job is completing. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Send message back to user when trying to launch job on computing lacking that user ID. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- BLUEGENE - Fix it so 1 midplane clusters will run small block jobs. -- Add Command and WorkDir to the output of "scontrol show job" for job allocations created using srun (not just sbatch). -- Fixed sacctmgr to not add blank defaultqos' when doing a cluster dump. -- Correct processing of memory and disk space specifications in the salloc, sbatch, and srun commands to work properly with a suffix of "MB", "GB", etc. and not only with a single letter (e.g. "M", "G", etc.). -- Prevent nodes with suspended jobs from being powered down by SLURM. -- Normalized the way pidfile are created by the slurm daemons. -- Fixed modifying the root association to no read in it's last value when clearing a limit being set. -- Revert some resent signal handling logic from salloc so that SIGHUP sent after the job allocation will properly release the allocation and cause salloc to exit. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for recreating a block in a ready state. -- Fix debug flags for incorrect logic when dealing with DEBUG_FLAG_WIKI. -- Report reservation's Nodes as a hostlist expression of all nodes rather than using "ALL". -- Fix reporting of nodes in BlueGene reservation (was reporting CPU count rather than cnode count in scontrol output for NodeCnt field). * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc3 ============================ -- Modify sacctmgr command to accept plural versions of options (e.g. "Users" in addition to "User"). Patch from Don Albert, BULL. -- BLUEGENE - make it so reset of boot counter happens only on state change and not when a new job comes along. -- Modify srun and salloc signal handling so they can be interrupted while waiting for an allocation. This was broken in version 2.2.0.rc2. -- Fix NULL pointer reference in sview. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Fix file descriptor leak in slurmstepd on spank_task_post_fork() failure. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Fix bug in preserving job state information when upgrading from SLURM version 2.1. Bug introduced in version 2.2.0-pre10. Patch from Par Andersson, NSC. -- Fix bug where if using the slurmdbd if a job wasn't able to start right away some accounting information may be lost. -- BLUEGENE - when a prolog failure happens the offending block is put in an error state. -- Changed the last column heading of the sshare output from "FS Usage" to "FairShare" and added more detail to the sshare man page. -- Fix bug in enforcement of reservation by account name. Used wrong index into an array. Patch from Gerrit Renker, CSCS. -- Modify job_submit/lua plugin to treat any non-zero return code from the job_submit and job_modify functions as an error and the user request should be aborted. -- Fix bug which would permit pending job to be started on completing node when job preemption is configured. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc2 ============================ -- Fix memory leak in job step allocation logic. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- If a preempted job was submitted with the --no-requeue option then cancel rather than requeue it. -- Fix for problems when adding a user for the first time to a new cluster with a 2.1 sacctmgr without specifying a default account. -- Resend TERMINATE_JOB message only to nodes that the job still has not terminated on. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Treat time limit specification of "0:300" as a request for 300 seconds (5 minutes) instead of one minute. -- Modify sched/backfill plugin logic to continue working its way down the queue of jobs rather than restarting at the top if there are no changes in job, node, or partition state between runs. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Improve scalability of select/cons_res logic. Patch from Matthieu Hautreux, CEA. -- Fix for possible deadlock in the slurmstepd when cancelling a job that is also writing a large amount of data to stderr. -- Fix in select/cons_res to eliminate "mem underflow" error when the slurmctld is reconfigured while a job is in completing state. -- Send a message to the a user's job when it's real or virual memory limit is exceeded. : -- Apply rlimits right before execing the users task so to lower the risk of the task exiting because the slurmstepd ran over a limit (log file size, etc.) -- Add scontrol command of "uhold <job_id>" so that an administrator can hold a job and let the job's owner release it. The scontrol command of "hold <job_id>" when executed by a SLURM administrator can only be released by a SLURM administrator and not the job owner. -- Change atoi to slurm_atoul in mysql plugin, needed for running on 32-bit systems in some cases. -- If a batch job is found to be missing from a node, make its termination state be NODE_FAIL rather than CANCELLED. -- Fatal error put back if running a bluegene or cray plugin from a controller not of that type. -- Make sure jobacct_gather plugin is not shutdown before messing with the proccess list. -- Modify signal handling in srun and salloc commands to avoid deadlock if the malloc function is interupted and called again. The malloc function is thread safe, but not reentrant, which is a problem when signal handling if the malloc function itself has a lock. Problem fixed by moving signal handling in those commands to a new pthread. -- In srun set job abort flag on completion to handle the case when a user cancels a job while the node is not responding but slurmctld has not yet the node down. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Streamline the PMI logic if no duplicate keys are included in the key-pairs managed. Substantially improves performance for large numbers of tasks. Adds support for SLURM_PMI_KVS_NO_DUP_KEYS environment variable. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Fix issues with sview dealing with older versions of sview and saving defaults. -- Remove references to --mincores, --minsockets, and --minthreads from the salloc, sbatch and srun man pages. These options are defunct, Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull. -- Made openssl not be required to build RPMs, it is not required anymore since munge is the default crypto plugin. -- sacctmgr now has smarts to figure out if a qos is a default qos when modifing a user/acct or removing a qos. -- For reservations on BlueGene systems, set and report c-node counts rather than midplane counts. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.rc1 ============================ -- Add show_flags parameter to the slurm_load_block_info() function. -- perlapi has been brought up to speed courtesy of Hongjia Coa. (make sure to run 'make clean' if building in a different dir than source) -- Fixed regression in pre12 in crypto/munge when running with --enable-multiple-slurmd which would cause the slurmd's to core. -- Fixed regression where cpu count wasn't figured out correctly for steps. -- Fixed issue when using old mysql that can't handle a '.' in the table name. -- Mysql plugin works correctly without the SlurmDBD -- Added ability to query batch step with sstat. Currently no accounting data is stored for the batch step, but the internals are inplace if we decide to do that in the future. -- Fixed some backwards compatibility issues with 2.2 talking to 2.1. -- Fixed regression where modifying associations didn't get sent to the slurmctld. -- Made sshare sort things the same way saccmgr list assoc does (alphabetically) -- Fixed issue with default accounts being set up correctly. -- Changed sortting in the slurmctld so sshare output is similar to that of sacctmgr list assoc. -- Modify reservation logic so that daily and weekly reservations maintain the same time when daylight savings time starts or ends in the interim. -- Edit to make reservations handle updates to associations. -- Added the derived exit code to the slurmctld job record and the derived exit code and string to the job record in the SLURM db. -- Added slurm-sjobexit RPM for SLURM job exit code management tools. -- Added ability to use sstat/sacct against the batch step. -- Added OnlyDefaults option to sacctmgr list associations. -- Modified the fairshare priority formula to F = 2**(-Ue/S) -- Modify the PMI functions key-pair exchange function to support a 32-bit counter for larger job sizes. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- In sched/builtin - Make the estimated job start time logic faster (borrowed new logic from sched/backfill and added pthread) and more accurate. -- In select/cons_res fix bug that could result in a job being allocated zero CPUs on some nodes. Patch from Hongjia Cao, NUDT. -- Fix bug in sched/backfill that could set expected start time of a job too far in the future. -- Added ability to enforce new limits given to associations/qos on pending jobs. -- Increase max message size for the slurmdbd from 1000000 to 16*1024*1024 -- Increase number of active threads in the slurmdbd from 50 to 100 -- Fixed small bug in src/common/slurmdb_defs.c reported by Bjorn-Helge Mevik -- Fixed sacctmgr's ability to query associations against qos again. -- Fixed sview show config on non-bluegene systems. -- Fixed bug in selecting jobs based on sacct -N option -- Fix bug that prevented job Epilog from running more than once on a node if a job was requeued and started no job steps. -- Fixed issue where node index wasn't stored correcting when using DBD. -- Enable srun's use of the --nodes option with --exclusive (previously the --nodes option was ignored). -- Added UsageThreshold and Flags to the QOS object. -- Patch to improve threadsafeness in the mysql plugins. -- Add support for fair-share scheduling to be based upon resource use at the level of bank accounts and ignore use of individual users. Patch by Par Andersson, National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre12 ============================== -- Log if Prolog or Epilog run for longer than MessageTimeout / 2. -- Log the RPC number associated with messages from slurmctld that timeout. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res logic when job allocation includes --overcommit and --ntasks-per-node options and the node has fewer CPUs than the count specified by --ntasks-per-node. -- Fix bug in gang scheduling and job preemption logic so that preempted jobs get resumed properly after a slurmctld hot-start. -- Fix bug in select/linear handling of gang scheduled jobs that could result in run_job_cnt underflow error message. -- Fix bug in gang scheduling logic to properly support partitions added using the scontrol command. -- Fix a segmentation fault in sview where the 'excluded_partitions' field was set to NULL, caused by the absence of ~/.slurm/sviewrc. -- Rewrote some calls to is_user_any_coord() in src/plugins/accounting_storage modules to make use of is_user_any_coord()'s return value. -- Add configure option of --with=dimensions=#. -- Modify srun ping logic so that srun would only be considered not responsive if three ping messages were not responded to. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT). -- Preserve a node's ReasonTime field after scontrol reconfig command. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT). -- Added the authority for users with AdminLevel's defined in the SLURM db (Operators and Admins) and account coordinators to invoke commands that affect jobs, reservations, nodes, etc. -- Fix for slurmd restart on completing node with no tasks to get the correct state, completing. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT). -- Prevent scontrol setting a node's Reason="". Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT). -- Add new functions hostlist_ranged_string_malloc, hostlist_ranged_string_xmalloc, hostlist_deranged_string_malloc, and hostlist_deranged_string_xmalloc which will allocate memory as needed. -- Make the slurm commands support both the --cluster and --clusters option. Previously, some commands support one of those options, but not the other. -- Fix bug when resizing a job that has steps running on some of those nodes. Avoid killing the job step on remaining nodes. Patch from Rod Schultz (BULL). Also fix bug related to tracking the CPUs allocated to job steps on each node after releasing some nodes from the job's allocation. -- Applied patch from Rod Schultz / Matthieu Hautreux to keep the Node-to-Host cache from becoming corrupted when a hostname cannot be resolved. -- Export more symbols in libslurm for job and node state information translation (numbers to strings). Patch from Hongia Cao, NUDT. -- Add logic to retry sending RESPONSE_LAUNCH_TASKS messages from slurmd to srun. Patch from Hongia Cao, NUDT. -- Modify bit_unfmt_hexmask() and bit_unfmt_binmask() functions to clear the bitmap input before setting the bits indicated in the input string. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of bf_window to control how far into the future that the backfill scheduler will look when considering jobs to start. The default value is one day. See "man slurm.conf" for details. -- Fix bug that can result in duplicate job termination records in accounting for job termination when slurmctld restarts or reconfigures. -- Modify plugin and library logic as needed to support use of the function slurm_job_step_stat() from user commands. -- Fix race condition in which PrologSlurmctld failure could cause slurmctld to abort. -- Fix bug preventing users in secondary user groups from being granted access to partitions configured with AllowGroups. -- Added support for a default account and wckey per cluster within accounting. -- Modified select/cons_res plugin so that if MaxMemPerCPU is configured and a job specifies it's memory requirement, then more CPUs than requested will automatically be allocated to a job to honor the MaxMemPerCPU parameter. -- Added the derived_ec (exit_code) member to job_info_t. exit_code captures the exit code of the job script (or salloc) while derived_ec contains the highest exit code of all the job steps. -- Added SLURM_JOB_EXIT_CODE and SLURM_JOB_DERIVED_EC variables to the EpilogSlurmctld environment -- More work done on the accounting_storage/pgsql plugin, still beta. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT). -- Major updates to sview from Dan Rusak (Bull), including: - Persistent option selections for each tab page - Clean up topology in grids - Leverage AllowGroups and Hidden options - Cascade full-info popups for ease of selection -- Add locks around the MySQL calls for proper operation if the non-thread safe version of the MySQL library is used. -- Remove libslurm.a, libpmi.a and libslurmdb.a from SLURM RPM. These static libraries are not generally usable. -- Fixed bug in sacctmgr when zeroing raw usage reported by Gerrit Renker. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre11 ============================== -- Permit a regular user to change the partition of a pending job. -- Major re-write of the job_submit/lua plugin to pass pointers to available partitions and use lua metatables to reference the job and partition fields. -- Add support for serveral new trigger types: SlurmDBD failure/restart, Database failure/restart, Slurmctld failure/restart. -- Add support for SLURM_CLUSTERS environment variable in the sbatch, sinfo, squeue commands. -- Modify the sinfo and squeue commands to report state of multiple clusters if the --clusters option is used. -- Added printf __attribute__ qualifiers to info, debug, ... to help prevent bad/incorrect parameters being sent to them. Original patch from Eygene Ryabinkin (Russian Research Centre). -- Fix bug in slurmctld job completion logic when nodes allocated to a completing job are re-booted. Patch from Hongjia Cao (NUDT). -- In slurmctld's node record data structure, rename "hilbert_integer" to "node_rank". -- Add topology/node_rank plugin to sort nodes based upon rank loaded from BASIL on Cray computers. -- Fix memory leak in the auth/munge and crypto/munge plugins in the case of some failure modes. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre10 ============================== -- Fix issue when EnforcePartLimits=yes in slurm.conf all jobs where no nodecnt was specified the job would be seen to have maxnodes=0 which would not allow jobs to run. -- Fix issue where if not suspending a job the gang scheduler does the correct kill procedure. -- Fixed some issues when dealing with jobs from a 2.1 system so they live after an upgrade. -- In srun, log if --cpu_bind options are specified, but not supported by the current system configuration. -- Various Patchs from Hongjia Cao dealing with bugs found in sacctmgr and the slurmdbd. -- Fix bug in changing the nodes allocated to a running job and some node names specified are invalid, avoid invalid memory reference. -- Fixed filename substitution of %h and %n based on patch from Ralph Bean -- Added better job sorting logic when preempting jobs with qos. -- Log the IP address and port number for some communication errors. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res when --cpus_per_task option is used, could oversubscribe resources. -- In srun, do not implicitly set the job's maximum node count based upon a required hostlist. -- Avoid running the HealthCheckProgram on non-responding nodes rather than DOWN nodes. -- Fix bug in handling of poll() functions on OS X (SLURM was ignoring POLLIN if POLLHUP flag was set at the same time). -- Pulled Cray logic out of common/node_select.c into it's own select/cray plugin cons_res is the default. To use linear add 'Linear' to SelectTypeParameters. -- Fixed bug where resizing jobs didn't correctly set used limits correctly. -- Change sched/backfill default time interval to 30 seconds and defer attempt to backfill schedule if slurmctld has more than 5 active RPCs. General improvements in logic scalability. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of default_sched_depth=# to control how many jobs on queue should be tested for attempted scheduling when a job completes or other routine events. Default value is 100 jobs. The full job queue is tested on a less frequent basis. This option can dramatically improve performance on systems with thousands of queued jobs. -- Gres/gpu now sets the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment to control which GPU devices should be used for each job or job step and CUDA version 3.1+ is used. NOTE: SLURM's generic resource support is still under development. -- Modify select/cons_res to pack jobs onto allocated nodes differently and minimize system fragmentation. For example on nodes with 8 CPUs each, a job needing 10 CPUs will now ideally be allocated 8 CPUs on one node and 2 CPUs on another node. Previously the job would have ideally been allocated 5 CPUs on each node, fragmenting the unused resources more. -- Modified the behavior of update_job() in job_mgr.c to return when the first error is encountered instead of continuing with more job updates. -- Removed all references to the following slurm.conf parameters, all of which have been removed or replaced since version 2.0 or earlier: HashBase, HeartbeatInterval, JobAcctFrequency, JobAcctLogFile (instead use AccountingStorageLoc), JobAcctType, KillTree, MaxMemPerTask, and MpichGmDirectSupport. -- Fix bug in slurmctld restart logic that improperly reported jobs had invalid features: "Job 65537 has invalid feature list: fat". -- BLUEGENE - Removed thread pool for destroying blocks. It turns out the memory leak we were concerned about for creating and destroying threads in a plugin doesn't exist anymore. This increases throughput dramatically, allowing multiple jobs to start at the same time. -- BLUEGENE - Removed thread pool for starting and stopping jobs. For similar reasons as noted above. -- BLUEGENE - Handle blocks that never deallocate. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre9 ============================= -- sbatch can now submit jobs to multiple clusters and run on the earliest available. -- Fix bug introduced in pre8 that prevented job dependencies and job triggers from working without the --enable-debug configure option. -- Replaced slurm_addr with slurm_addr_t -- Replaced slurm_fd with slurm_fd_t -- Skeleton code added for BlueGeneQ. -- Jobs can now be submitted to multiple partitions (job queues) and use the one permitting earliest start time. -- Change slurmdb_coord_table back to acct_coord_table to keep consistant with < 2.1. -- Introduced locking system similar to that in the slurmctld for the assoc_mgr. -- Added ability to change a users name in accounting. -- Restore squeue support for "%G" format (group id) accidentally removed in 2.2.0.pre7. -- Added preempt_mode option to QOS. -- Added a grouping=individual for sreport size reports. -- Added remove_qos logic to jobs running under a QOS that was removed. -- scancel now exits with a 1 if any job is non-existant when canceling. -- Better handling of select plugins that don't exist on various systems for cross cluster communication. Slurmctld, slurmd, and slurmstepd now only load the default select plugin as well. -- Better error handling when loading plugins. -- Prevent scontrol from aborting if getlogin() returns NULL. -- Prevent scontrol segfault when there are hidden nodes. -- Prevent srun segfault after task launch failure. -- Added job_submit/lua plugin. -- Fixed sinfo on a bluegene system to print correctly the output for: sinfo -e -o "%9P %6m %.4c %.22F %f" -- Add scontrol commands "hold" and "release" to simplify setting a job's priority to 0 or 1. Also tests that the job is in pending state. -- Increase maximum node list size (for incoming RPC) from 1024 bytes to 64k. -- In the backup slurmctld, purge triggers before recovering trigger state to avoid duplicate entries. -- Fix bug in sacct processing of --fields= option. -- Fix bug in checkpoint/blcr for jobs spanning multiple nodes introduced when changing some variable names in version 2.2.0.pre5. -- Removed the vestigal set_max_cluster_usage() function from the Priority Plugin API. -- Modify the output of "scontrol show job" for the field ReqS:C:T=. Fields not specified by the user will be reported as "*" instead of 65534. -- Added DefaultQOS option for an association. -- BLUEGENE - Added -B option to the slurmctld to clear created blocks from the system on start. -- BLUEGENE - Added option to scontrol & sview to recreate existing blocks. -- Fixed flags for returning messages to use the correct munge key when going cross-cluster. -- BLUEGENE - Added option to scontrol & sview to resume blocks in an error state instead of just freeing them. -- sview patched to allow multiple row selection of jobs, patch from Dan Rusak -- Lower default slurmctld server thread count from 1024 to 256. Some systems process threads on a last-in first-out basis and the high thread count was causing unexpectedly high delays for some RPCs. -- Added to sacctmgr the ability for admins to reset the raw usage of a user or account -- Improved the efficiency of a few lines in sacctmgr * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre8 ============================= -- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Backfill" for sched/backfill detailed logging. -- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Gang" for detailed logging of gang scheduling activities. -- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Priority" for detailed logging of priority multifactor activities. -- Add DebugFlags parameter of "Reservation" for detailed logging of advanced reservations. -- Add run time to mail message upon job termination and queue time for mail message upon job begin. -- Add email notification option for job requeue. -- Generate a fatal error if the srun --relative option is used when not within an existing job allocation. -- Modify the meaning of InactiveLimit slightly. It will now cancel the job allocation created using the salloc or srun command if those commands cease responding for the InactiveLimit regardless of any running job steps. This parameter will no longer effect jobs spawned using sbatch. -- Remove AccountingStoragePass and JobCompPass from configuration RPC and scontrol show config command output. The use of SlurmDBD is still strongly recommended as SLURM will have limited database functionality or protection otherwise. -- Add sbatch options of --export and SBATCH_EXPORT to control which environment variables (if any) get propagated to the spawned job. This is particularly important for jobs that are submitted on one cluster and run on a different cluster. -- Fix bug in select/linear when used with gang scheduling and there are preempted jobs at the time slurmctld restarts that can result in over- subscribing resources. -- Added keeping track of the qos a job is running with in accounting. -- Fix for handling correctly jobs that resize, and also reporting correct stats on a job after it finishes. -- Modify gang scheduler so with SelectTypeParameter=CR_CPUS and task affinity is enabled, keep track of the individual CPUs allocated to jobs rather than just the count of CPUs allocated (which could overcommit specific CPUs for running jobs). -- Modify select/linear plugin data structures to eliminate underflow errors for the exclusive_cnt and tot_job_cnt variables (previously happened when slurmctld reconfigured while the job was in completing state). -- Change slurmd's working directory (and location of core files) to match that of the slurmctld daemon: the same directory used for log files, SlurmdLogFile (if specified with an absolute pathname) otherwise the directory used to save state, SlurmdSpoolDir. -- Add sattach support for the --pty option. -- Modify slurmctld communications logic to accept incoming messages on more than one port for improved scalability. -- Add SchedulerParameters option of "defer" to avoid trying to schedule a job at submission time, but to attempt scheduling many jobs at once for improved performance under heavy load. -- Correct logic controlling slurmctld thread limit eliminating check of RLIMIT_STACK. -- Make slurmctld's trigger logic more robust in the event that job records get purged before their trigger can be processed (e.g. MinJobAge=1). -- Add support for users to hold/release their own jobs (submit the job with srun/sbatch --hold/-H option or use "scontrol update jobid=# priority=0" to hold and "scontrol update jobid=# priority=1" to release). -- Added ability for sacct to query jobs by qos and a range of timelimits. -- Added ability for sstat to query pids of steps running. -- Support time specification in UTS format with a prefix of "uts" (e.g. "sbatch --begin=uts458389988 my.script"). * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre7 ============================= -- Fixed issue with sacctmgr if querying against non-existent cluster it works the same way as 2.1. -- Added infrastructure to support allocation of generic node resources (gres). -Modified select/linear and select/cons_res plugins to allocate resources at the level of a job without oversubcription. -Get sched/backfill operating with gres allocations. -Get gres configuration changes (reconfiguration) working. -Have job steps allocate resources. -Modified job step credential to include the job's and step's gres allocation details. -Integrate with HWLOC library to identify GPUs and NICs configured on each node. -- SLURM commands (squeue, sinfo, etc...) can now go cross-cluster on like linux systems. Cross-cluster for bluegene to linux and such should work fine, even sview. -- Added the ability to configure PreemptMode on a per-partition basis. -- Change slurmctld's default thread limit count to 1024, but adjust that down as needed based upon the process's resource limits. -- Removed the non-functional "SystemCPU" and "TotalCPU" reporting fields from sstat and updated man page -- Correct location of apbasil command on Cray XT systems. -- Fixed bug in MinCPU and AveCPU calculations in sstat command -- Send message to srun when the Prolog takes too long (MessageTimeout) to complete. -- Change timeout for socket connect() to be half of configured MessageTimeout. -- Added high-throughput computing web page with configuration guidance. -- Use more srun sockets to process incoming PMI (MPICH2) connections for better scalability. -- Added DebugFlags for the select/bluegene plugin: DEBUG_FLAG_BG_PICK, DEBUG_FLAG_BG_WIRES, DEBUG_FLAG_BG_ALGO, and DEBUG_FLAG_BG_ALGO_DEEP. -- Remove vestigial job record field "kill_on_step_done" (internal to the slurmctld daemon only). -- For MPICH2 jobs: Clear PMI state between job steps. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre6 ============================= -- sview - added ability to see database configuration. -- sview - added ability to add/remove visible tabs. -- sview - change way grid highlighting takes place on selected objects. -- Added infrastructure to support allocation of generic node resources. -Added node configuration parameter of Gres=. -Added ability to view/modify a node's gres using scontrol, sinfo and sview. -Added salloc, sbatch and srun --gres option. -Added ability to view a job or job step's gres using scontrol, squeue and sview. -Added new configuration parameter GresPlugins to define plugins used to manage generic resources. -Added framework for gres plugins. -Added DebugFlags option of "gres" for detailed debugging of gres actions. -- Slurmd modified to log slow slurmstepd startup and note possible file system problem. -- sview - There is now a .slurm/sviewrc created when running sview. Defaults are put in there as to how sview looks when first launched. You can set these by Ctrl-S or Options->Set Default Settings. -- Add scontrol "wait_job <job_id>" option to wait for nodes to boot as needed. Useful for batch jobs (in Prolog, PrologSlurmctld or the script) if powering down idle nodes. -- Added salloc and sbatch option --wait-all-nodes. If set non-zero, job initiation will be delayed until all allocated nodes have booted. Salloc will log the delay with the messages "Waiting for nodes to boot" and "Nodes are ready for job". -- The Priority/mulitfactor plugin now takes into consideration size of job in cpus as well as size in nodes when looking at the job size factor. Previously only nodes were considered. -- When using the SlurmDBD messages waiting to be sent will be combined and sent in one message. -- Remove srun's --core option. Move the logic to an optional SPANK plugin (currently in the contribs directory, but plan to distribute through -- Patch for adding CR_CORE_DEFAULT_DIST_BLOCK as a select option to layout jobs using block layout across cores within each node instead of cyclic which was previously the default. -- Accounting - When removing associations if jobs are running, those jobs must be killed before proceeding. Before the jobs were killed automatically thus causing user confusion on what is most likely an admin's mistake. -- sview - color column keeps reference color when highlighting. -- Configuration parameter MaxJobCount changed from 16-bit to 32-bit field. The default MaxJobCount was changed from 5,000 to 10,000. -- SLURM commands (squeue, sinfo, etc...) can now go cross-cluster on like linux systems. Cross-cluster for bluegene to linux and such does not currently work. You can submit jobs with sbatch. Salloc and srun are not cross-cluster compatible, and given their nature to talk to actual compute nodes these will likely never be. -- salloc modified to forward SIGTERM to the spawned program. -- In sched/wiki2 (for Moab support) - Add GRES and WCKEY fields to MODIFYJOBS and GETJOBS commands. Add GRES field to GETNODES command. -- In struct job_descriptor and struct job_info: rename min_sockets to sockets_per_node, min_cores to cores_per_socket, and min_threads to threads_per_core (the values are not minimum, but represent the target values). -- Fixed bug in clearing a partition's DisableRootJobs value reported by Hongjia Cao. -- Purge (or ignore) terminated jobs in a more timely fashion based upon the MinJobAge configuration parameter. Small values for MinJobAge should improve responsiveness for high job throughput. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre5 ============================= -- Modify commands to accept time format with one or two digit hour value (e.g. 8:00 or 08:00 or 8:00:00 or 08:00:00). -- Modify time parsing logic to accept "minute", "hour", "day", and "week" in addition to the currently accepted "minutes", "hours", etc. -- Add slurmd option of "-C" to print actual hardware configuration and exit. -- Pass EnforcePartLimits configuration parameter from slurmctld for user commands to see the correct value instead of always "NO". -- Modify partition data structures to replace the default_part, disable_root_jobs, hidden and root_only fields with a single field called "flags" populated with the flags PART_FLAG_DEFAULT, PART_FLAG_NO_ROOT PART_FLAG_HIDDEN and/or PART_FLAG_ROOT_ONLY. This is a more flexible solution besides making for smaller data structures. -- Add node state flag of JOB_RESIZING. This will only exist when a job's accounting record is being written immediately before or after it changes size. This permits job accounting records to be written for a job at each size. -- Make calls to jobcomp and accounting_storage plugins before and after a job changes size (with the job state being JOB_RESIZING). All plugins write a record for the job at each size with intermediate job states being JOB_RESIZING. -- When changing a job size using scontrol, generate a script that can be executed by the user to reset SLURM environment variables. -- Modify select/linear and select/cons_res to use resources released by job resizing. -- Added to contribs foundation for Perl extension for slurmdb library. -- Add new configuration parameter JobSubmitPlugins which provides a mechanism to set default job parameters or perform other site-configurable actions at job submit time. -- Better postgres support for accounting, still beta. -- Speed up job start when using the slurmdbd. -- Forward step failure reason back to slurmd before in some cases it would just be SLURM_FAILURE returned. -- Changed squeue to fail when passed invalid -o <output_format> or -S <sort_list> specifications. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre4 ============================= -- Add support for a PropagatePrioProcess configuration parameter value of 2 to restrict spawned task nice values to that of the slurmd daemon plus 1. This insures that the slurmd daemon always have a higher scheduling priority than spawned tasks. -- Add support in slurmctld, slurmd and slurmdbd for option of "-n <value>" to reset the daemon's nice value. -- Fixed slurm_load_slurmd_status and slurm_pid2jobid to work correctly when multiple slurmds are in use. -- Altered srun to set max_nodes to min_nodes if not set when doing an allocation to mimic that which salloc and sbatch do. If running a step if the max isn't set it remains unset. -- Applied patch from David Egolf ( Added the ability to purge/archive accounting data on a day or hour basis, previously it was only available on a monthly basis. -- Add support for maximum node count in job step request. -- Fix bug in CPU count logic for job step allocation (used count of CPUS per node rather than CPUs allocated to the job). -- Add new configuration parameters GroupUpdateForce and GroupUpdateTime. See "man slurm.conf" for details about how these control when slurmctld updates its information of which users are in the groups allowed to use partitions. -- Added sacctmgr list events which will list events that have happened on clusters in accounting. -- Permit a running job to shrink in size using a command of "scontrol update JobId=# NumNodes=#" or "scontrol update JobId=# NodeList=<names>". Subsequent job steps must explicitly specify an appropriate node count to work properly. -- Added resize_time field to job record noting the time of the latest job size change (to be used for accounting purposes). -- sview/smap now hides hidden partitions and their jobs by default, with an option to display them. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre3 ============================= -- Refine support for TotalView partial attach. Add parameter to configure program of "--enable-partial-attach". -- In select/cons_res, the count of CPUs on required nodes was formerly ignored in enforcing the maximum CPU limit. Also enforce maximum CPU limit when the topology/tree plugin is configured (previously ignored). -- In select/cons_res, allocate cores for a job using a best-fit approach. -- In select/cons_res, for jobs that can run on a single node, use a best-fit packing approach. -- Add support for new partition states of DRAIN and INACTIVE and new partition option of "Alternate" (alternate partition to use for jobs submitted to partitions that are currently in a state of DRAIN or INACTIVE). -- Add group membership cache. This can substantially speed up slurmctld startup or reconfiguration if many partitions have AllowGroups configured. -- Added slurmdb api for accessing slurm DB information. -- In select/linear: Modify data structures for better performance and to avoid underflow error messages when slurmctld restarts while jobs are in completing state. -- Added hash for slurm.conf so when nodes check in to the controller it can verify the slurm.conf is the same as the one it is running. If not an error message is displayed. To silence this message add NO_CONF_HASH to DebugFlags in your slurm.conf. -- Added error code ESLURM_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY and prevent circular job dependencies (e.g. job 12 dependent upon job 11 AND job 11 is dependent upon job 12). -- Add BootTime and SlurmdStartTime to available node information. -- Fixed moab_2_slurmdb to work correctly under new database schema. -- Slurmd will drain a compute node when the SlurmdSpoolDir is full. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre2 ============================= -- Add support for spank_get_item() to get S_STEP_ALLOC_CORES and S_STEP_ALLOC_MEM. Support will remain for S_JOB_ALLOC_CORES and S_JOB_ALLOC_MEM. -- Kill individual job steps that exceed their memory limit rather than killing an entire job if one step exceeds its memory limit. -- Added configuration parameter VSizeFactor to enforce virtual memory limits for jobs and job steps as a percentage of their real memory allocation. -- Add scontrol ability to update job step's time limits. -- Add scontrol ability to update job's NumCPUs count. -- Add --time-min options to salloc, sbatch and srun. The scontrol command has been modified to display and modify the new field. sched/backfill plugin has been changed to alter time limits of jobs with the --time-min option if doing so permits earlier job initiation. -- Add support for TotalView symbol MPIR_partial_attach_ok with srun support to release processes which TotalView does not attach to. -- Add new option for SelectTypeParameters of CR_ONE_TASK_PER_CORE. This option will allocate one task per core by default. Without this option, by default one task will be allocated per thread on nodes with more than one ThreadsPerCore configured. -- Avoid accounting separately for a current pid corresponds to a Light Weight Process (Thread POSIX) appearing in the /proc directory. Only account for the original process (pid==tgid) to avoid accounting for memory use more than once. -- Add proctrack/cgroup plugin which uses Linux control groups (aka cgroup) to track processes on Linux systems having this feature enabled (kernel >= 2.6.24). -- Add logging of license transations including job_id. -- Add configuration parameters SlurmSchedLogFile and SlurmSchedLogLevel to support writing scheduling events to a separate log file. -- Added contribs/web_apps/chart_stats.cgi, a web app that invokes sreport to retrieve from the accounting storage db a user's request for job usage or machine utilization statistics and charts the results to a browser. -- Massive change to the schema in the storage_accounting/mysql plugin. When starting the slurmdbd the process of conversion may take a few minutes. You might also see some errors such as 'error: mysql_query failed: 1206 The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size'. If you get this, do not worry, it is because your setting of innodb_buffer_pool_size in your my.cnf file is not set or set too low. A decent value there should be 64M or higher depending on the system you are running on. See RELEASE_NOTES for more information. But setting this and then restarting the mysqld and slurmdbd will put things right. After this change we have noticed 50-75% increase in performance with sreport and sacct. -- Fix for MaxCPUs to honor partitions of 1 node that have more than the maxcpus for a job. -- Add support for "scontrol notify <message>" to work for batch jobs. * Changes in SLURM 2.2.0.pre1 ============================= -- Added RunTime field to scontrol show job report -- Added SLURM_VERSION_NUMBER and removed SLURM_API_VERSION from slurm/slurm.h. -- Added support to handle communication with SLURM 2.1 clusters. Job's should not be lost in the future when upgrading to higher versions of SLURM. -- Added withdeleted options for listing clusters, users, and accounts -- Remove PLPA task affinity functions due to that package being deprecated. -- Preserve current partition state information and node Feature and Weight information rather than use contents of slurm.conf file after slurmctld restart with -R option or SIGHUP. Replace information with contents of slurm.conf after slurmctld restart without -R or "scontrol reconfigure". See RELEASE_NOTES file fore more details. -- Modify SLURM's PMI library (for MPICH2) to properly execute an executable program stand-alone (single MPI task launched without srun). -- Made GrpCPUs and MaxCPUs limits work for select/cons_res. -- Moved all SQL dependant plugins into a seperate rpm slurm-sql. This should be needed only where a connection to a database is needed (i.e. where the slurmdbd is running) -- Add command line option "no_sys_info" to PAM module to supress system logging of "access granted for user ...", access denied and other errors will still be logged. -- sinfo -R now has the user and timestamp in separate fields from the reason. -- Much functionality has been added to account_storage/pgsql. The plugin is still in a very beta state. It is still highly advised to use the mysql plugin, but if you feel like living on the edge or just really like postgres over mysql for some reason here you go. (Work done primarily by Hongjia Cao, NUDT.) * Changes in SLURM 2.1.17 ========================= -- Correct format of --begin reported in salloc, sbatch and srun --help message. -- Correct logic for regular users to increase nice value of their own jobs. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.16 ========================= -- Fixed minor warnings from gcc-4.5 -- Fixed initialization of accounting_stroage_enforce in the slurmctld. -- Fixed bug where if GrpNodes was lowered while pending jobs existed and where above the limit the slurmctld would seg fault. -- Fixed minor memory leak when unpack error happens on an association_shares_object_t. -- Set Lft and Rgt correctly when adding association. Fix for regression caused in 2.1.15, cosmetic fix only. -- Replaced optarg which was undefined in some spots to make sure ENV vars are set up correctly. -- When removing an account from a cluster with sacctmgr you no longer get a list of previously deleted associations. -- Fix to make jobcomp/(pg/my)sql correctly work when the database name is different than the default. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.15 ========================= -- Fix bug in which backup slurmctld can purge job scripts (and kill batch jobs) when it assumes primary control, particularly when this happens multiple times in a short time interval. -- In sched/wiki and sched/wiki2 add IWD (Initial Working Directory) to the information reported about jobs. -- Fix bug in calculating a daily or weekly reservation start time when the reservation is updated. Patch from Per Lundqvist (National Supercomputer Centre, Linköping University, Sweden). -- Fix bug in how job step memory limits are calculated when the --relative option is used. -- Restore operation of srun -X option to forward SIGINT to spawned tasks without killing them. -- Fixed a bug in calculating the root account's raw usage reported by Par Andersson -- Fixed a bug in sshare displaying account hierarchy reported by Per Lundqvist. -- In select/linear plugin, when a node allocated to a running job is removed from a partition, only log the event once. Fixes problem reported by Per Lundqvist. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.14 ========================= -- Fixed coding mistakes in _slurm_rpc_resv_show() and job_alloc_info() found while reviewing the code. -- Fix select/cons_res logic to prevent allocating resources while jobs previously allocated resources on the node are still completing. -- Fixed typo in job_mgr.c dealing with qos instead of associations. -- Make sure associations and qos' are initiated when added. -- Fixed wrong initialization for wckeys in the association manager. -- Added wiki.conf configuration parameter of HidePartitionNodes. See "man wiki.conf" for more information. -- Add "JobAggregationTime=#" field SchedulerParameter configuration parameter output. -- Modify init.d/slurm and slurmdbd scripts to prevent the possible inadvertent inclusion of "." in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. To fail, the script would need to be executed by user root or SlurmUser without the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable set and there would have to be a maliciously altered library in the working directory. Thanks to Raphael Geissert for identifying the problem. This addresses security vulnerability CVE-2010-3380. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.13 ========================= -- Fix race condition which can set a node state to IDLE on slurmctld startup even if it has running jobs. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.12 ========================= -- Fixes for building on OS X 10.5. -- Fixed a few '-' without a '\' in front of them in the man pages. -- Fixed issues in client tools where a requeued job did get displayed correctly. -- Update typos in doc/html/accounting.shtml doc/html/resource_limits.shtml doc/man/man5/slurmdbd.conf.5 and doc/man/man5/slurm.conf.5 -- Fixed a bug in exitcode:signal display in sacct -- Fix bug when request comes in for consumable resources and the -c option is used in conjunction with -O -- Fixed squeue -o "%h" output formatting -- Change select/linear message "error: job xxx: best_fit topology failure" to debug type. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for sinfo -R to group all midplanes together in a single line for midplanes in an error state instead of 1 line for each midplane. -- Fix srun to work correctly with --uid when getting an allocation and creating a step, also fix salloc to assume identity at the correct time as well. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue with jobs being refused when running dynamic mode and every job on the system happens to be the same size. -- Removed bad #define _SLURMD_H from slurmd/get_mach_stat.h. Didn't appear to cause any problems being there, just incorrect syntax. -- Validate the job ID when salloc or srun receive an SRUN_JOB_COMPLETE RPC to avoid killing the wrong job if the original command exits and the port gets re-used by another command right away. -- Fix to node in correct state in accounting when updating it to drain from scontrol/sview. -- BLUEGENE - Removed incorrect unlocking on error cases when starting jobs. -- Improve logging of invalid sinfo and squeue print options. -- BLUEGENE - Added check to libsched_if to allow root to run even outside of SLURM. This is needed when running certain blocks outside of SLURM in HTC mode. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.11-2 =========================== -- BLUEGENE - make it so is named correctly on 'L' it is and on 'P' it is * Changes in SLURM 2.1.11 ========================= -- BLUEGENE - fix sinfo to not get duplicate entries when running command sinfo -e -o "%9P %6m %.4c %.22F %f" -- Fix bug that caused segv when deleting a partition with pending jobs. -- Better error message for when trying to modify an account's name with sacctmgr. -- Added back removal of #include "src/common/slurm_xlator.h" from select/cons_res. -- Fix incorrect logic in global_accounting in regression tests for setting QOS. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where removing a small block in dynamic mode, and other blocks also in that midplane needed to be removed and were in and error state. They all weren't removed correctly in accounting. -- Prevent scontrol segv with "scontrol show node <name>" command with nodes in a hidden partition. -- Fixed sizing of popup grids in sview. -- Fixed sacct when querying against a jobid the start time is not set. -- Fix configure to get correct version of pkg-config if both 32bit and 64bit libs are installed. -- Fix issue with sshare not sorting correctly the tree of associations. -- Update documentation for sreport. -- BLUEGENE - fix regression in 2.1.10 on assigning multiple jobs to one block. -- Minor memory leak fixed when killing job error happens. -- Fix sacctmgr list assoc when talking to a 2.2 slurmdbd. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.10 ========================= -- Fix memory leak in sched/builtin plugin. -- Fixed sbatch to work correctly when no nodes are specified, but --ntasks-per-node is. -- Make sure account and wckey for a job are lower case before inserting into accounting. -- Added note to squeue documentation about --jobs option displaying jobs even if they are on hidden partitions. -- Fix srun to work correctly with --uid when getting an allocation and creating a step. -- Fix for when removing a limit from a users association inside the fairshare tree the parents limit is now inherited automatically in the slurmctld. Previously the slurmctld would have to be restarted. This problem only exists when setting a users association limit to -1. -- Patch from Matthieu Hautreux (CEA) dealing with possible overflows that could come up with the select/cons_res plugin with uint32_t's being treated as uint16_t's. -- Correct logic for creating a reservation with a Duration=Infinite (used to set reservation end time in the past). -- Correct logic for creating a reservation that properly handles the OVERLAP and IGNORE_JOBS flags (flags were ignored under some conditions). -- Fixed a fair-share calculation bug in the priority/multifactor plugin. -- Make sure a user entry in the database that was previously deleted is restored clean when added back, i.e. remove admin privileges previously given. -- BLUEGENE - Future start time is set correctly when eligible time for a job is in the future, but the job can physically run earlier. -- Updated Documentation for sacctmgr for Wall and CPUMin options stating when the limit is reached running jobs will be killed. -- Fix deadlock issue in the slurmctld when lowering limits in accounting to lower than that of pending jobs. -- Fix bug in salloc, sbatch and srun that could under some conditions process the --threads-per-core, --cores-per-socket and --sockets-per-node options improperly. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res with memory management plus job preemption with job removal (e.g. requeue) which under some conditions failed to preempt jobs. -- Fix deadlock potential when using qos and associations in the slurmctld. -- Update documentation to state --ntasks-per-* is for a maximum value instead of an absolute. -- Get ReturnToService=2 working for front-end configurations (e.g. Cray or BlueGene). -- Do not make a non-responding node available for use after running "scontrol update nodename=<name> state=resume". Wait for node to respond before use. -- Added slurm_xlator.h to jobacct_gather plugins so they resolve symbols correctly when linking to the slurm api. -- You can now update a jobs QOS from scontrol. Previously you could only do this from sview. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed bug where if running in non-dynamic mode sometimes the start time returned for a job when using test-only would not be correct. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.9 ======================== -- In select/linear - Fix logic to prevent over-subscribing memory with shared nodes (Shared=YES or Shared=FORCE). -- Fix for handling -N and --ntasks-per-node without specifying -n with salloc and sbatch. -- Fix jobacct_gather/linux if not polling on tasks to give tasks time to start before doing initial gather. -- When changing priority with the multifactor plugin we make sure we update the last_job_update variable. -- Fixed sview for gtk < 2.10 to display correct debug level at first. -- Fixed sview to not select too fast when using a mouse right click. -- Fixed sacct to display correct timelimits for jobs from accounting. -- Fixed sacct when running as root by default query all users as documented. -- In proctrack/linuxproc, skip over files in /proc that are not really user processes (e.g. "/proc/bus"). -- Fix documentation bug for slurmdbd.conf -- Fix slurmctld to update qos preempt list without restart. -- Fix bug in select/cons_res that in some cases would prevent a preempting job from using of resources already allocated to a preemptable running job. -- Fix for sreport in interactive mode to honor parsable/2 options. -- Fixed minor bugs in sacct and sstat commands -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue if the slurmd becomes unresponsive and you have blocks in an error state accounting is correct when the slurmd comes back up. -- Corrected documentation for -n option in srun/salloc/sbatch -- BLUEGENE - when running a willrun test along with preemption the bluegene plugin now does the correct thing. -- Fix possible memory corruption issue which can cause slurmctld to abort. -- BLUEGENE - fixed small memory leak when setting up env. -- Fixed deadlock if using accounting and cluster changes size in the database. This can happen if you mistakenly have multiple primary slurmctld's running for a single cluster, which should rarely if ever happen. -- Fixed sacct -c option. -- Critical bug fix in sched/backfill plugin that caused memory corruption. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.8 ======================== -- Update BUILD_NOTES for AIX and bgp systems on how to get sview to build correctly. -- Update man page for scontrol when nodes are in the "MIXED" state. -- Better error messages for sacctmgr. -- Fix bug in allocation of CPUs with select/cons_res and --cpus-per-task option. -- Fix bug in dependency support for afterok and afternotok options to insure that the job's exit status gets checked for dependent jobs prior to puring completed job records. -- Fix bug in sched/backfill that could set an incorrect expected start time for a job. -- BLUEGENE - Fix for systems that have midplanes defined in the database that don't exist. -- Accounting, fixed bug where if removing an object a rollback wasn't possible. -- Fix possible scontrol stack corruption when listing jobs with very a long job or working directory name (over 511 characters). -- Insure that SPANK environment variables set by salloc or sbatch get propagated to the Prolog on all nodes by setting SLURM_SPANK_* environment variables for srun's use. -- In sched/wiki2 - Add support for the MODIFYJOB command to alter a job's comment field -- When a cluster first registers with the SlurmDBD only send nodes in an non-usable state. Before all nodes were sent. -- Alter sacct to be able to query jobs by association id. -- Edit documentation for scontrol stating ExitCode as something not alterable. -- Update documentation about ReturnToService and silently rebooting nodes. -- When combining --ntasks-per-node and --exclusive in an allocation request the correct thing, giving the allocation the entire node but only ntasks-per-node, happens. -- Fix accounting transaction logs when deleting associations to put the ids instead of the lfts which could change over time. -- Fix support for salloc, sbatch and srun's --hint option to avoid allocating a job more sockets per node or more cores per socket than desired. Also when --hint=compute_bound or --hint=memory_bound then avoid allocating more than one task per hyperthread (a change in behavior, but almost certainly a preferable mode of operation). * Changes in SLURM 2.1.7 ======================== -- Modify srun, salloc and sbatch parsing for the --signal option to accept either a signal name in addition to the previously supported signal numbers (e.g. "--signal=USR2@200"). -- BLUEGENE - Fixed sinfo --long --Node output for cpus on a single cnode. -- In sched/wiki2 - Fix another logic bug in support of Moab being able to identify preemptable jobs. -- In sched/wiki2 - For BlueGene systems only: Fix bug preventing Moab from being able to correctly change the node count of pending jobs. -- In select/cons_res - Fix bug preventing job preemption with a configuration of Shared=FORCE:1 and PreemptMode=GANG,SUSPEND. -- In the TaskProlog, add support for an "unset" option to clear environment variables for the user application. Also add support for embedded white- space in the environment variables exported to the user application (everything after the equal sign to the end of the line is included without alteration). -- Do not install /etc/init.d/slurm or /etc/init.d/slurmdbd on AIX systems. -- BLUEGENE - fixed check for small blocks if a node card of a midplane is in an error state other jobs can still run on the midplane on other nodecards. -- BLUEGENE - Check to make sure job killing is in the active job table in DB2 when killing the job. -- Correct logic to support ResvOverRun configuration parameter. -- Get --acctg-freq option working for srun and salloc commands. -- Fix sinfo display of drained nodes correctly with the summarize flag. -- Fix minor memory leaks in slurmd and slurmstepd. -- Better error messages for failed step launch. -- Modify srun to insure compatability of the --relative option with the node count requested. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.6-2 ========================== -- In sched/wiki2 - Fix logic in support of Moab being able to identify preemptable jobs. -- Applied fixes to a debug4 message in priority_multifactor.c sent in by Per Lundqvist -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where incorrect nodecards could be picked when looking at combining small blocks to make a larger small block. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.6 ======================== -- For newly submitted jobs, report expected start time in squeue --start as "N/A" rather than current time. -- Correct sched/backfill logic so that it runs in a more timely fashion. -- Fixed issue if running on accounting cache and priority/multifactor to initialize the root association when the database comes back up. -- Emulated BLUEGENE - fixed issue where blocks weren't always created correctly when loading from state. This does not apply to a real bluegene system, only emulated. -- Fixed bug when job is completing and its cpu_cnt would be calculated incorrectly, possibly resulting in an underflow being logged. -- Fixed bug where if there are pending jobs in a partition which was updated to have no nodes in it the slurmctld would dump core. -- Fixed smap and sview to display partitions with no nodes in them. -- Improve configure script's logic to detect LUA libraries. -- Fix bug that could cause slurmctld to abort if select/cons_res is used AND a job is submitted using the --no-kill option AND one of the job's nodes goes DOWN AND slurmctld restarts while that job is still running. -- In jobcomp plugins, job time limit was sometimes recorded improperly if not set by user (recorded huge number rather than partition's time limit). * Changes in SLURM 2.1.5 ======================== -- BLUEGENE - Fixed display of draining nodes for sinfo -R. -- Fixes to scontrol and sview when setting a job to an impossible start time. -- Added -h to srun for help. -- Fix for sacctmgr man page to remove erroneous 'with' statements. -- Fix for unpacking jobs with accounting statistics, previously it appears only steps were unpacked correctly, for the most case sacct would only display this information making this fix a very minor one. -- Changed scontrol and sview output for jobs with unknown end times from 'NONE' to 'Unknown'. -- Fixed mysql plugin to reset classification when adding a previously deleted cluster. -- Permit a batch script to reset umask and have that propagate to tasks spawed by subsequent srun. Previously the umask in effect when sbatch was executed was propagated to tasks spawed by srun. -- Modify slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node_id() and slurm_job_cpus_allocated_on_node() functions to not write explanation of failures to stderr. Only return -1 and set errno. -- Correction in configurator.html script. Prolog and Epilog were reversed. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed race condition where if a nodecard has an error on an un-booted block when a job comes to use it before the state checking thread notices it which could cause the slurmctld to lock up on a non-dynamic system. -- In select/cons_res with FastSchedule=0 and Procs=# defined for the node, but no specific socket/core/thread count configured, avoid fatal error if the number of cores on a node is less than the number of Procs configured. -- Added ability for the perlapi to utilize opaque data types returned from the C api. -- BLUEGENE - made the perlapi get correct values for cpus per node, Previously it would give the number of cpus per cnode instead of midplane. -- BLEUGENE - Fixed issue where if a block being selected for a job to use and during the process a hardware failure happens, previously the block would still be allowed to be used which would fail or requeue the job depending on the configuration. -- For SPANK job environment, avoid duplicate "SPANK_" prefix for environment set by sbatch jobs. -- Make squeue select jobs on hidden partitions when requesting more than one. -- Avoid automatically cancelling job steps when all of the tasks on some node have gracefully terminated. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.4 ======================== -- Fix for purge script in accounting to use correct options. -- If SelectType=select/linear and SelectTypeParameters=CR_Memory fix bug that would fail to release memory reserved for a job if "scontrol reconfigure" is executed while the job is in completing state. -- Fix bug in handling event trigger for job time limit while job is still in pending state. -- Fixed display of Ave/MaxCPU in sacct for jobs. Steps were printed correctly. -- When node current features differs from slurm.conf, log the node names using a hostlist expression rather than listing individual node names. -- Improve ability of srun to abort job step for some task launch failures. -- Fix mvapich plugin logic to release the created job allocation on initialization failure (previously the failures would cancel job step, but retain job allocation). -- Fix bug in srun for task count so large that it overflows int data type. -- Fix important bug in select/cons_res handling of ntasks-per-core parameter that was uncovered by a bug fixed in v2.1.3. Bug produced fatal error for slurmctld: "cons_res: cpus computation error". -- Fix bug in select/cons_res handling of partitions configured with Shared=YES. Prior logic failed to support running multiple jobs per node. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.3-2 ========================== -- Modified spec file to obsolete pam_slurm when installing the slurm-pam_slurm rpm. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.3-1 ========================== -- BLUEGENE - Fix issues on static/overlap systems where if a midplane was drained you would not be able to create new blocks on it. -- In sched/wiki2 (for Moab): Add excluded host list to job information using new keyword "EXCLUDE_HOSTLIST". -- Correct slurmd reporting of incorrect socket/core/thread counts. -- For sched/wiki2 (Moab): Do not extend a job's end time for suspend/resume or startup delay due to node boot time. A job's end time will always be its start time plus time limit. -- Added build-time option (to configure program) of --with-pam_dir to specify the directory into which PAM modules get installed, although it should pick the proper directory by default. "make install" and "rpmbuild" should now put the file in the proper directory. -- Modify PAM module to link against SLURM API shared library and use exported slurm_hostlist functions. -- Do not block new jobs with --immediate option while another job is in the process of being requeued (which can take a long time for some node failure modes). -- For topology/tree, log invalid hostnames in a single hostlist expression rather than one per line. -- A job step's default time limit will be UNLIMITED rather than partition's default time limit. The step will automatically be cancelled as part of the job termination logic when the job's time limit is reached. -- sacct - fixed bug when checking jobs against a reservation -- In select/cons_res, fix support for job allocation with --ntasks_per_node option. Previously could allocate too few CPUs on some nodes. -- Adjustment made to init message to the slurmdbd to allow backwards compatibility with future 2.2 release. YOU NEED TO UPGRADE SLURMDBD BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. -- Fix accounting when comment of down/drained node has double quotes in it. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.2 ======================== -- Added nodelist to sview for jobs on non-bluegene systems -- Correction in value of batch job environment variable SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE under some conditions. -- When a node silently fails which is already drained/down the reason for draining for the node is not changed. -- Srun will ignore SLURM_NNODES environment variable and use the count of currently allocated nodes if that count changes during the job's lifetime (e.g. job allocation uses the --no-kill option and a node goes DOWN, job step would previously always fail). -- Made it so sacctmgr can't add blank user or account. The MySQL plugin will also reject such requests. -- Revert version for compatibility with SLURM version 2.0 and earlier to avoid forcing applications using a specific version to rebuild unnecessarily (revert from to -- Restore support for a pending job's constraints (required node features) when slurmctld is restarted (internal structure needed to be rebuilt). -- Removed from the plugin rpm in the slurm.spec since it is also in the blcr rpm. -- Fixed issue in sview where you were unable to edit the count of jobs to share resources. -- BLUEGENE - Fixed issue where tasks on steps weren't being displayed correctly with scontrol and sview. -- BLUEGENE - fixed wiki2 plugin to report correct task count for pending jobs. -- BLUEGENE - Added /etc/ to point to the directory holding when building rpms. -- Adjust get_wckeys call in slurmdbd to allow operators to list wckeys. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.1 ======================== -- Fix for case sensitive databases when a slurmctld has a mixed case clustername to lower case the string to easy compares. -- Fix squeue if job is completing and failed to print remaining nodes instead of failed message. -- Fix sview core when searching for partitions by state. -- Fixed setting the start time when querying in sacct to the beginning of the day if not set previously. -- Defined slurm_free_reservation_info_msg and slurm_free_topo_info_msg in common/slurm_protocol_defs.h -- Avoid generating error when a job step includes a memory specification and memory is not configured as a consumable resource. -- Patch for small memory leak in src/common/plugstack.c -- Fix sview search on node state. -- Fix bug in which improperly formed job dependency specification can cause slurmctld to abort. -- Fixed issue where slurmctld wouldn't always get a message to send cluster information when registering for the first time with the slurmdbd. -- Add slurm_*_trigger.3 man pages for event trigger APIs. -- Fix bug in job preemption logic that would free allocated memory twice. -- Fix spelling issues (from Gennaro Oliva) -- Fix issue when changing parents of an account in accounting all children weren't always sent to their respected slurmctlds until a restart. -- Restore support for srun/salloc/sbatch option --hint=nomultithread to bind tasks to cores rather than threads (broken in slurm v2.1.0-pre5). -- Fix issue where a 2.0 sacct could not talk correctly to a 2.1 slurmdbd. -- BLUEGENE - Fix issue where no partitions have any nodes assigned them to alert user no blocks can be created. -- BLUEGENE - Fix smap to put BGP images when using -Dc on a Blue Gene/P system. -- Set SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR environment variable for srun and salloc commands to match behavior of sbatch command. -- Report WorkDir from "scontrol show job" command for jobs launched using salloc and srun. -- Update correctly the wckey when changing it on a pending job. -- Set wckeyid correctly in accounting when cancelling a pending job. -- BLUEGENE - critical fix where jobs would be killed incorrectly. -- BLUEGENE - fix for sview putting multiple ionodes on to nodelists when viewing the jobs tab. -- Remove SLURM_DIST_LLLP environment variable in favor of just SLURM_DISTRIBUTION. * Changes in SLURM 2.1.0 ======================== -- Improve sview layout of blocks in use. -- A user can now change the dimensions of the grid in sview. -- BLUEGENE - improved startup speed further for large numbers of defined blocks -- Fix to _get_job_min_nodes() in wiki2/get_jobs.c suggested by Michal Novotny -- BLUEGENE - fixed issues when updating a pending job when a node count was incorrect for the asked for connection type. -- BLUEGENE - fixed issue when combining blocks that are in ready states to make a larger block from those or make multiple smaller blocks by splitting the larger block. Previously this would only work with block in a free state. -- Fix bug in wiki(2) plugins where if HostFormat=2 and the task list is greater than 64 we don't truncate. Previously this would mess up Moab by sending a truncated task list when doing a get jobs. -- Added update slurmctld debug level to sview when in admin mode. -- Added logic to make sure if enforcing a memory limit when using the jobacct_gather plugin a user can no longer turn off the logic to enforce the limit. -- Replaced many calls to getpwuid() with reentrant uid_to_string() -- The slurmstepd will now refresh it's log file handle on a reconfig, previously if a log was rolled any output from the stepd was lost.