# Global specifications for BlueGene system
# BlrtsImage:           BlrtsImage used for creation of all bgblocks.
# LinuxImage:           LinuxImage used for creation of all bgblocks.
# MloaderImage:         MloaderImage used for creation of all bgblocks.
# RamDiskImage:         RamDiskImage used for creation of all bgblocks.
# You may add extra images which a user can specify from the srun 
# command line (see man srun).  When adding these images you may also add 
# a Groups= at the end of the image path to specify which groups can 
# use the image.
# AltBlrtsImage:           Alternative BlrtsImage(s).
# AltLinuxImage:           Alternative LinuxImage(s).
# AltMloaderImage:         Alternative MloaderImage(s).
# AltRamDiskImage:         Alternative RamDiskImage(s).
# LayoutMode:           Mode in which slurm will create blocks:
#                       STATIC:  Use defined non-overlapping bgblocks
#                       OVERLAP: Use defined bgblocks, which may overlap
#                       DYNAMIC: Create bgblocks as needed for each job
# BasePartitionNodeCnt: Number of c-nodes per base partition.  
# NodeCardNodeCnt:      Number of c-nodes per node card.
# NumPsets:             The Numpsets used for creation of all bgblocks 
#                       equals this value multiplied by the number of 
#                       base partitions in the bgblock.
# BridgeAPILogFile : Pathname of file in which to write the Bridge
#                    API logs.
# BridgeAPIVerbose:  How verbose the Bridge API logs should be
#                    0: Log only error and warning messages
#                    1: Log level 0 and information messasges
#                    2: Log level 1 and basic debug messages
#                    3: Log level 2 and more debug message
#                    4: Log all messages
# DenyPassthrough:   Prevents use of passthrough ports in specific
#                    dimensions, X, Y, and/or Z, plus ALL
# NOTE: The bgl_serial value is set at configuration time using the 
#       "--with-bgl-serial=" option. Its default value is "BGL".
# These are the default images with are used if the user doesn't specify 
# which image they want

#Only group jette can use these images
AltBlrtsImage=/bgl/BlueLight/ppcfloor/bglsys/bin/rts_hw2.rts Groups=jette
AltLinuxImage=/bgl/BlueLight/ppcfloor/bglsys/bin/zImage2.elf Groups=jette
AltMloaderImage=/bgl/BlueLight/ppcfloor/bglsys/bin/mmcs-mloader2.rts Groups=jette
AltRamDiskImage=/bgl/BlueLight/ppcfloor/bglsys/bin/ramdisk2.elf Groups=jette

# Since no groups are specified here any user can use them

# Another option for images would be a "You can use anything you like image" *
# This allows the user to use any image entered with no security checking
AltBlrtsImage=* Groups=da,adamb
AltLinuxImage=* Groups=da,adamb
AltMloaderImage=* Groups=da,adamb
AltRamDiskImage=*  Groups=da,adamb

#Numpsets=8 #used for IO poor systems (Can't create 32 cnode blocks)
Numpsets=64 #used for IO rich systems



# Define the static/overlap partitions (bgblocks)
# Nodes: The base partitions (midplanes) in the bgblock using XYZ coordinates
# Type:  Connection type "MESH" or "TORUS" or "SMALL", default is "TORUS" 
#        Type SMALL will divide a midplane into multiple bgblock
#        based on options NodeCards (count of single node card bglblocks)
#        and Quarters (count of quarter midplane bglblocks) to determine 
#        type of small blocks.
# * Ordering is very important for laying out switch wires.  Please create
#   blocks with smap, and once done don't change the order of blocks created.
# * A bgblock is implicitly created containing all resources on the system
# * Bgblocks must not overlap in static mode (except for implicitly 
#   created bgblock). This will be the case when smap is used to create 
#   a configuration file.
# * All Nodes defined here must also be defined in the slurm.conf file
# * Define only the numeric coordinates of the bgblocks here. The prefix
#   will be based upon the NodeName defined in slurm.conf.
# LEAVE NEXT LINE AS A COMMENT, Full-system bgblock, implicitly created
# BPs=[000x333] Type=TORUS         # 4x4x4 = 64 midplanes
# smap bgblock layout here:
BPs=[000x133] Type=TORUS          # 2x4x4 = 32
BPs=[200x233] Type=TORUS          # 1x4x4 = 16
BPs=[300x313] Type=TORUS          # 1x2x4 =  8
BPs=[320x323] Type=TORUS          # 1x1x4 =  4
BPs=[330x331] Type=TORUS          # 1x1x2 =  2
BPs=[332x332] Type=TORUS          # 1x1x1 =  1
BPs=[333x333] Type=SMALL NodeCards=4 Quarters=3 # 1x1x1 = 4-32 c-node blocks 3-128 c-node blocks