diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index f8c2f6f1cfb7dedc4a3269f05379cf7a578a9901..86db691a896f6dbf57d1c0524ac1c8ad2ee080d2 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
  -- Add core_bitmap_job to slurmctld's job step structure to identify
     which specific cores are allocated to the step.
  -- Add new configuration option OverTimeLimit to permit jobs to exceed 
-    their (soft) time limits by a configurable amount.
+    their (soft) time limit by a configurable amount. Backfill scheduling
+    will be based upon the soft time limit.
  -- Remove select_g_get_job_cores(). That data is now within the slurmctld's
     job structure.
index 3292ec95ac4c6bfe7899d7e6c8c0f95644d04b59..e0b714bf6f566519a1d8b0c82e1fefa9a2337102 100644
@@ -1,255 +1,45 @@
-27 June 2008
+6 October 2008
-SLURM state files in version 1.3 are different from those of version 1.2.
-After installing SLURM version 1.2, plan to restart without preserving 
-jobs or other state information. While SLURM version 1.2 is still running, 
+SLURM state files in version 1.4 are different from those of version 1.3.
+After installing SLURM version 1.4, plan to restart without preserving 
+jobs or other state information. While SLURM version 1.3 is still running, 
 cancel all pending and running jobs (e.g.
 "scancel --state=pending; scancel --state=running"). Then stop and restart 
 daemons with the "-c" option or use "/etc/init.d/slurm startclean".
 There are substantial changes in the slurm.conf configuration file. It 
 is recommended that you rebuild your configuration file using the tool
-doc/html/configurator.html that comes with the distribution. The node 
-information is unchanged and the partition information only changes for 
-the Shared and Priority parameters, so those portions of your old 
-slurml.conf file may be copied into the new file.
-Two areas of substantial change are accounting and job scheduling.
-Slurm is now able to save accounting information in a database, 
-either MySQL or PostGreSQL. We have written a new daemon, slurmdbd 
-(Slurm DataBase Daemon), to serve as a centralized data manager for 
-multiple Slurm clusters. A new tool sacctmgr is available to manage
-user accounting information through SlurmdDBD and a variety of 
-other tools are still under development to generate assorted 
-acccounting reports including graphics and a web interface. Slurm 
-now supports gang scheduling (time-slicing of parallel jobs for 
-improved responsiveness and system utilization). Many related 
-scheduling changes have also been made. 
-There are changes in SLURM's RPMs. "slurm-auth-munge" was changed to 
-"slurm-munge" since it now contains the authentication and cryptographic 
-signature plugins for Munge. The SLURM plugins have been moved out of 
-the main "slurm" RPM to a new RPM called "slurm-plugins". There is a 
-new RPM called "slurm-slurmdbd" (SLURM DataBase Daemon). Slurmdbd is 
-used to provide a secure SLURM database interface for accounting purposes 
-(more information about that below). The "slurm-slurmdbd" RPM requires 
-the "slurm-plugins" RPM, but none of the other SLURM RPMs. The main 
-"slurm" RPM also requires the "slurm-plugins" RPM.
-To archive accounting records in a database then database RPMs must be 
-installed where the SLURM RPMs are build and where the database is used. 
-You have a choise of database, either "mysql" plus "mysql-devel" or 
-"postgres" plus "postgres-devel" RPMs.
-Many enhancements have been made for better Slurm integration with 
-Moab and Maui schedulers. Moab version 5.2.3 or higher should be 
-used with SLURM version 1.3. In the Moab configuration file, moab.cfg,
-change the SUBMITCMD option from "srun --batch" to "sbatch" since the 
-"srun --batch" option is no longer valid (use of full pathnames to 
-the commands are recommended, e.g. "/usr/local/bin/sbatch").
-Major changes in Slurm version 1.3 are described below. Some changes
-made after the initial release of Slurm version 1.2 are also noted.
-Many less significant changes are not identified here. A complete list 
-of changes can be found in the NEWS file. Man pages should be consulted
-for more details about command and configuration parameter changes.
-* The srun options --allocate, --attach and --batch have been removed.
-  Use the new commands added in SLURM version 1.2 for this functionality:
-  salloc  - Create a job allocation (functions like "srun --allocate")
-  sattach - Attach to an existing job step (functions like "srun --attach")
-  sbatch  - Submit a batch job script (functions like "srun --batch")
-  These commands generally have the same options as the srun command.
-  See the individual man pages for more information. 
-* The slaunch command has been removed. Use the srun command instead.
-* The srun option --exclusive has been added for job steps to be 
-  allocated processors not already assigned to other job steps. This 
-  can be used to execute multiple job steps simultaneously within a 
-  job allocation and have SLURM perform resource management for the 
-  job steps much like it does for jobs. If dedicated resources are 
-  not immediately available, the job step will be executed later 
-  unless the --immediate option is also set.
-* Support is now provided for feature counts in job constraints. For 
-  example: srun --nodes=16 --constraint=graphics*4 ...
-* The srun option --pty has been added to start the job with a pseudo 
-  terminal attached to task zero (all other tasks have I/O discarded).
-* Job time limits can be specified using the following formats: min, 
-  min:sec, hour:min:sec, and days-hour:min:sec (formerly only supported 
-  minutes).
-* scontrol now shows job TimeLimit and partition MaxTime in the format of
-  [days-]hours:minutes:seconds or "UNLIMITED". The scontrol update options 
-  for times now accept minutes, minutes:seconds, hours:minutes:seconds, 
-  days-hours, days-hours:minutes, days-hours:minutes:seconds or "UNLIMITED".
-  This new format also applies to partition MaxTime in the slurm.conf file.
-* scontrol "notify" command added to send message to stdout of srun for 
-  specified job id. 
-* Support has been added for a much richer job dependency specification 
-  including testing of exit codes and multiple dependencies.
-* The srun options --checkpoint=<interval> and --checkpoint-path=<file_path>
-  have been added.
-* Event trigger support was added in Slurm v1.2.2. The command strigger
-  was added to manage the triggers.
-* Added a --task-mem option and removed --job-mem option from srun, salloc, 
-  and sbatch commands. Memory limits are applied on a per-task basis.
-* The sched/backfill plugin has been largely re-written. It now supports 
-  select/cons_res and all job options (required nodes, excluded nodes, 
-  contiguous, etc.).
-* Added a new partition parameter, Priority. A job's scheduling priority is 
-  based upon two factors. First the priority of its partition and second the 
-  job's priority. Since nodes can be configured in multiple partitions, this 
-  can be used to configure high priority partitions (queues).
-* The partition parameter Shared now has a job count. For example:
-  Shared=YES:4     (Up to 4 jobs may share each resource, user control)
-  Shared=FORCE:2   (Up to 2 jobs may share each resource, no user control)
-* Added new parameters DefMemPerTask and MaxMemPerTask to control the default
-  and maximum memory per task. Any task that exceeds the specified size will 
-  be terminated (enforcement requires job accounting to be enabled with a 
-  non-zero value for JoabAcctGatherFrequency).
-* The select linear plugin (allocating whole nodes to jobs) can treat memory 
-  as a consumable resource with SelectTypeParameter=CR_Memory configured.
-* A new scheduler type, gang, was added for gang scheduling (time-slicing of 
-  parallel jobs). Note: The Slurm gang scheduler is not compatible with the
-  LSF, Maui or Moab schedulers.
-* The new parameter, SchedulerTimeSlice, controls the length of gang scheduler 
-  time slices.
-* Added a new parameter, Licenses to support cluster-wide consumable 
-  resources. The --licenses option was also added to salloc, sbatch, 
-  and srun.
-* The Shared=exclusive option in conjunction with SelectType=select/cons_res
-  can be used to dedicate whole nodes to jobs in specific partitions while
-  allocating sockets, cores, or hyperthreads in other partitions.
-* Changes in the interface with the Moab and Maui scheduler have been 
-  extensive providing far better integration between the systems.
-  * Many more parameters are shared between the systems.
-  * A new wiki.conf parameter, ExcludePartitions, can be used to enable 
-    Slurm-based scheduling of jobs in specific partitions to achieve
-    better responsiveness while losing Moab or Maui policy controls.
-  * Another new wiki.conf parameter, HidePartitionJobs, can be used to 
-    to hide jobs in specific partitions from Moab or Maui as well. See
-    the wiki.conf man pages for details. 
-  * Moab relies upon Slurm to get a user's environment variables upon 
-    job submission. If this can not be accomplished within a few seconds 
-    (see the GetEnvTimeout parameter) then cache files can be used. Use
-    contribs/env_cache_builder.c to build these cache files.
-* The job accounting plugin has been split into two components: gathering
-  of data and storing the data. The JobAcctType parameter has been replaced by
-  JobAcctGatherType (AIX or Linux) and AccountingStorageType (MySQL, PostGreSQL,
-  filetext, and SlurmDBD). Storing the accounting information into a database
-  will provide you with greater flexibility in managing the data.
-* A new daemon SlurmDBD (Slurm DataBase Daemon) has been added. This can 
-  be used to securely manage the accounting data for several Slurm clusters
-  in a central location. Several new parameters have been added to support
-  SlurmDBD, all starting with SlurmDBD. Note that the SlurmDBD daemon is 
-  designed to use a Slurm JobAcctStorageType plugin to use MySQL now. 
-  It also uses existing Slurm authentication plugins.
-* A new command, sacctmgr, is available for managing user accounts in
-  SlurmDBD has been added. This information is required for use of SlurmDBD
-  to manage job accounting data. Information is maintained based upon 
-  an "association", which has four components: cluster name, Slurm partition, 
-  user name and bank account. This tool can also be used to maintain 
-  scheduling policy information that can be uploaded to Moab (various 
-  resource limits and fair-share values) See the sacctmgr man page and 
-  accounting web page for more information. Additional tools to generate 
-  accounting reports are currently under development and will be released 
-  soon.
-* A new command, sreport, is available for generating accounting reports.
-  While the sacct command can be used to generate information about 
-  individual jobs, sreport can combine this data to report utilization 
-  information by cluster, bank account, user, etc. 
-* Job completion records can now be written to a MySQL or PostGreSQL
-  database in addition to a test file as controlled using the JobCompType
-  parameter.
-* A new parameter, JobRequeue, to control default job behavior after a node 
-  failure (requeue or kill the job). The sbatch--requeue option can be used to
-  override the system default.
-* Added new parameters HealthCheckInterval and HealthCheckProgram to 
-  automatically test the health of compute nodes.
-* New parameters UnkillableStepProgram and UnkillableStepTimeout offer
-  better control when user processes can not be killed. For example
-  nodes can be automatically rebooted (added in Slurm v1.2.12)
-* A new parameter, JobFileAppend, controls how to proceed when a job's
-  output or error file already exist (truncate the file or append to it, 
-  added in slurm v1.2.13). Users can override this using the --open-mode
-  option when submitting a job.
-* A new parameter, EnforcePartLimits, was dded. If set then immediately 
-  reject a job that exceeds a partition's size and/or time limits rather
-  then queued for a later change in the partition's limits. NOTE: Not 
-  reported by "scontrol show config" to avoid changing RPCs. It will be 
-  reported in SLURM version 1.4.
-* Checkpoint plugins have been added for XLCH and OpenMPI.
-* A new parameter, PrivateData, can be used to prevent users from being 
-  able to view jobs or job steps belonging to other users.
-* A new parameter CryptoType to specify digital signature plugin to be used
-  Options are crypto/openssl (default) or crypto/munge (for a GPL license).
-* Several Slurm MPI plugins were added to support srun launch of MPI tasks
-  including mpich1_p4 (Slurm v1.2.10) and mpich-mx (Slurm v1.2.11). 
-* Cpuset logic was added to the task/affinity plugin in Slurm v1.2.3. 
-  Set TaskPluginParam=cpusets to enable.
-* Perl APIs and Torque wrappers for Torque/PBS to SLURM migration were 
-  added in Slurm v1.2.13 in the contribs directory. SLURM now works 
-  directly with Globus using the PBS GRAM.
-* Support was added for several additional PMI functions to be used by 
-  MPICH2 and MVAPICH2. Support for an PMI_TIME environment variable was
-  also added for user to control how PMI communications are spread out 
-  in time. Scalability up to 16k tasks has been achieved. 
-* New node state FAILING has been added along with event trigger for it.
-  This is similar to DRAINING, but is intended for fault prediction work.
-  A trigger was also added for nodes becoming DRAINED.
+doc/html/configurator.html that comes with the distribution.
+* Idle nodes can now be completely powered down when idle and automatically
+  restarted when their is work available. For more information see:
+  https://computing.llnl.gov/linux/slurm/power_save.html
+* SLURM has been modified to allocate specific cores to jobs and job steps in
+  order to effectively preempt or gang schedule jobs.
+* A new configuration parameter, PrologSlurmctld, can be used to support the 
+  booting of different operating systems for each job.
+CONFIGURATION FILE CHANGES (see "man slurm.conf" for details)
+* DefMemPerTask has been removed. Use DefMemPerCPU or DefMemPerNode instead.
+* Added new node state of "FUTURE". These node records are created in SLURM
+  tables for future use without a reboot of the SLURM daemons, but are not
+   reported by any SLURM commands or APIs.
+* Default AuthType is now "auth/munge" rather than auth/none.
+* Default CryptoType is now "crypto/munge". OpenSSL is no longer required by
+  SLURM in the default configuration.
+* CompleteTime has been added to control how long to wait for a job's 
+  completion before allocating already released resources to pending jobs.
+* OverTimeLimit added to permit jobs to exceed their (soft) time limit by a
+  configurable amount. Backfill scheduling will be based upon the soft time
+  limit.
+* PrologSlurmctld has been aded and can be used to boot nodes into a particular
+  state for each job.
+COMMAND CHANGES (see man pages for details)
+* --task-mem and --job-mem options have been removed from sall,c sbatch and
+  srun. Use --mem-per-cpu or --mem instead.
+* --ctrl-comm-ifhn-addr option has been removed from the srun comma.d
diff --git a/doc/html/news.shtml b/doc/html/news.shtml
index 432b09786f12fc67b5194ef2f0498399ae1e096c..9dacf3ecc9bcd80cdd5fdcfcd4216ff8c7f313ca 100644
--- a/doc/html/news.shtml
+++ b/doc/html/news.shtml
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 <li><a href="#11">SLURM Version 1.1, May 2006</a></li>
 <li><a href="#12">SLURM Version 1.2, February 2007</a></li>
 <li><a href="#13">SLURM Version 1.3, March 2008</a></li>
-<li><a href="#14">SLURM Version 1.4 and beyond</a></li>
+<li><a href="#14">SLURM Version 1.4, May 2009</a></li>
+<li><a href="#15">SLURM Version 1.5 and beyond</a></li>
 <h2><a name="11">Major Updates in SLURM Version 1.1</a></h2>
@@ -86,7 +87,19 @@ spawned tasks.</li>
 including testing of exit codes and multiple dependencies.</li>
-<h2><a name="14">Major Updates in SLURM Version 1.4 and beyond</a></h2>
+<h2><a name="14">Major Updates in SLURM Version 1.4</a></h2>
+<p>SLURM Version 1.4 is scheduled for relased in May 2009.
+Major enhancements include:
+<li>Idle nodes can now be completely powered down when idle and automatically
+restarted when their is work available.</li>
+<li>Specific cores are allocated to jobs and jobs steps in order to effective
+preempt or gang schedule jobs.</li>
+<li>A new configuration parameter, <i>PrologSlurmctld</i>, can be used to 
+support the booting of different operating systems for each job.</li>
+<h2><a name="15">Major Updates in SLURM Version 1.5 and beyond</a></h2>
 <p> Detailed plans for release dates and contents of future SLURM releases have 
 not been finalized. Anyone desiring to perform SLURM development should notify
 <a href="mailto:slurm-dev@lists.llnl.gov">slurm-dev@lists.llnl.gov</a>
@@ -97,6 +110,6 @@ to coordinate activies. Future development plans includes:
 and refresh.</li>
-<p style="text-align:center;">Last modified 11 March 2008</p>
+<p style="text-align:center;">Last modified 6 October 2008</p>
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